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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 61: punishment quest

It can be delayed by some time till the parents arrive.

When she talked about the things the representative of the land acquisition has immediately prepared the documents to transfer half of her father’s land to her.

This would give her right to sell the things.

She can take the complete thing but that would cause problems with the court.

After speaking with the representative thoroughly with close contact that is with his dick inside her pussy, they came to this conclusion.

This way they would not face any legal problems.

With that the papers are prepared.

As an extra measure of safety she prepared few more things.

First is she is going to let her step mother vent her anger on her and let it record in the CCTV camera of the hospital.

This would definitely happen in this kind of situation.

Coupled with her gang bang video that Sam took that night can let her easily file a case saying that they abused her for money.

With that she can get even more from this family that is not related to her.

To complete all of this and to solve the case and give compensation for her they have to pay money.

But they did not have much money.

So they have to sell their things at a low price to get all the money.

With that the representative of land acquisition comes into play.

When it comes into play she would get the money she wanted.

This way she can get an extra 30 thousand dollars.

This is a good deal.

She is a beauty now and she has her needs to wear high class dresses and other things.

The stay and fee in the university are also costly.

She could not make so much money in such a short amount of time.

Her family would not give her money as they are a bunch of scum bags.

So the best way to get the money is the way she is doing.

All the money she just earned would be gone down the smoke for her studies and the high class life she wanted.

Well she is a girl that likes various dresses and jewelry.

To get them all and to live a life she liked she needs money.

The money she makes though the adult sites is still very low and it would not be enough for all the expenses.

If there are some bullies then things would become messy.

So she is trying to get as much as she could possibly get.

While she is thinking the system gave her a notification.


Because of the unexpected circumstances, host would not be able to complete the task of going with her mother to get another gang bang with the men from the village.

Host was given a punishment quest.

Quest: punishment quest

Description: host has made her own decisions causing disturbance in the plot.

Punishment: the sensitivity of the host would be increased by 10 times for 12 hours of time.

(The punishment time starts at 6 PM in the evening and ends at 6 AM in the morning)

Host has to get at least 30 cocks in your holes and make them cum at least once on or in your body.

Punishment rewards: the improvement of all the skills during the punishment quest would be doubled.

A train ticket to New York City sharing the night in the train with a special person.

(The ticket will be on the date when host is free from all her plans)


Looking at the punishment quest Rita immediately became wet.

Well she doesn’t mind having a gang bang later.

Fortunately it did not start the sensitivity immediately.

If it did she doesn’t know if she could properly put on her act.

She got the papers from the representative and started to make her way to the hospital.

She is not wearing anything underneath her tube dress that covered her tits and ass in a single piece.

She is already horny from all the gazes she is receiving.

Well she pulled down the top part enough to reveal a part of her areola and most of her huge cleavage of D cup tits.

At the bottom she pulled up enough to show her pussy when she bends.

So she is fucking hot that any man that looked at her would have his dick up and dancing wanting to fuck her on the spot.

Unfortunately the society is morally upright.

At least that is what they say during the day.

So, none of them came to her to do anything.

She did not go straight to the hospital but went to the nearby store to get a coat.

All her things are back at home.

Well those are just old clothes that she used to wear.

None of them fit her now after all she just improved her body after coming to the village.

She has to get some new clothes.

This coat is for her to cover her body in front of her mother and father.

In the recording she should not appear to be like a sexy bitch.

If she did then her side would weaken in impact when they talk about being abused.

She bought a coat and went straight to the hospital.

Then she did not go to the place where Sam is being treated.

She went to the security room to ask for a favor.

Of course she showed her beautiful body and sucked their dicks before asking for the favor.

They are more than happy to do that.

All she asked is for them to get a copy of recording about her mother hitting her later.

Also she wanted them to turn off the CCTV camera at a corner washroom entering location when she calls her mother over.

She did explain to them that her mother is not her original mother but a step mother.

The double impact of her sucking and her story won their hearts.

Chapter 62: taking revenge on Martha and mike

She did explain to them that her mother is not her original mother but a step mother.

The double impact of her sucking and her story won their hearts.

With that they did not even want money from her for the job.

They only wanted to fill her mouth with their cum.

Well they did ask for her pussy but she said that she would be at the strip club in the town in the night and they can fuck her there.

She said that she is raising funds for her collage studies.

She has already checked the location of the strip club and planned on how to get 30 cocks in the night.

She made the preparations after she got the punishment quest.

After a little while her mother and father appeared.

They went straight into the hospital with Martha shouting at Rita all the way.

But there are other people here and so she controlled herself from slapping Rita.

When they got to the room Rita went to talk to the doctor to get the papers that mike needed to sign for the treatment.

She came back and said.

“Father you need to sign these documents for them to treat the injuries of the brother.”

As she said that the face of Martha flared up and she slapped Rita right on the face.

Then she got close to her and started to kick her with her thick legs.

Rita got the pleasure fighting skill and pain and pleasure conversion skill.

So all the pain she is receiving turned into pleasure.

At the same time she moved her hands to block most of the attacks with her hands.

But she did not say anything during the time and let Martha rant her words.

“You fucking bitch,

You did not take care of my son and caused this kind of injuries to him.

You should have resisted serving derrick so that he became angry and did this to my son.

One of the security guards was on the side recording the entire thing including the words of Martha in the phone.

There is also a CCTV recording.

After a moment the security guard quickly came over to stop Martha.

He doesn’t want to such a beauty get all bruised up.

With that the entire thing is over and Rita got the attention of the doctor that came out.

He told mike and Martha to sign the papers for them to start the treatment.

Because of anger or some other things they did not notice that one of the papers in a stamp paper that indicates that half of the wealth belongs to her.

With that solved Rita was patched up.

Well her left cheek is swollen a little from the slap.

The doctor cleaned her face but he was also aroused and fondled her.

She let him play with her right beside the unconscious Sam.

After that she left the hospital with the signed documents, the videos of both the gang bang, CCTV footage and the video that the security guard too just now.

The representative of land acquisition has already got a lawyer.

She talked to him through the phone and promised some good time tomorrow along with some money.

With that everything is settled.

She gave them the things and gave a written statement along with proofs.

With everything settled she fulfilled the promise to the lawyer on the spot.

The lawyer and the representative both fucked her with double penetration.

But they could not last long under her movements and squeezing.

Well these people call themselves as men but they are not that great.

They only lasted 5 minutes at most and the second time is even less.

When it comes to third time they are already sucked dry.

With that her problems here are settled with their promises.

Any way she already got her 54 thousand dollars first.

The remaining would be available soon.

There is still 2 hours before 6 PM.

It is time for her to get her revenge on her step mother.

She visited the security guards and told them to turn off the camera near the washroom corridor for repair or maintenance.

They accepted it with happy faces with 100 dollar bills in their hands.

This is the reward that she wanted to give before.

It is important and she has to make things clear with money.

She recorded this using the phone kept in her cleavage.

She covered her face with cotton sticker as if it was still swelled.

“Mother, the doctor called you to come over.”

Martha was still angry and followed while ranting.

Rita walked quickly and led her to the washroom directly.

In her anger and irritation Martha did not notice that she came to the washroom till she opened the door.

But then suddenly Rita pulled the hand of Martha.

Then she used her force to slap the face of Martha till her cheeks are swollen.

“You bitch do you thing that you can hit me as you wanted.

Have you ever looked at me like a daughter?

You gave everything to that pig of a son of yours and starved me for many days.

You even reduced my allowance when I was studying outside saying that you are saving money for your stupid son.

He is a sissy cock and did not study but you still want to save money for him.

You fucking bitch….”

Rita vented her anger on Martha with many attacks but no critical damage and then she took the phone of Martha and called her stupid father mike over.

Her step father needed to know the lesson as well.

She called her father to come to this bathroom.

When he came over she came out and said.

“Father come inside, mother has slipped and fallen.”

With that mike panicked and came into the bathroom quickly.

As soon as he came inside Rita hit him hard till he got his fill of beating with all the things she wanted to say.

Chapter 63: special strip tease dance show

With that mike panicked and came into the bathroom quickly.

As soon as he came inside Rita hit him hard till he got his fill of beating with all the things she wanted to say.

After she was done with them she returned to the security office to give them another blow job to completely cool them off.

Then she left this place and went on a little shopping.

She has to buy some slutty dresses with more fabric so that she can do a longer strip tease with them.

After buying the clothes it was already 5:30 PM.

She has to quickly reach the strip club.

Well it was only a 10 minute walk from the slutty clothes store.

She quickly made it there and went towards the manager’s office.

She is wearing her tube dress right now and the slutty dress is in the package.

The bouncer outside stopped her to check.

After fondling her tits and ass he went to inform the manager about her and then he let her in.

She needed to talk to the manager to enter into the special strip show where she can get fucked by those men and gain money for that.

There are two floors for this strip show.

One is where she would only strip and entertain the customers by shaking her naked body.

The other is where the customers can come to the stage and give her money to let them fuck her.

She is going to let them bang her pussy as they please because it has many profits for her.

After coming to the manager she gave her willingness to work in the underground strip tease show.

The manager wanted her to show him a sample.

She immediately did a strip dance along with the twerking dance to show off her curves as she removed her tube dress leaving her high heels.

He was stunned by her show and immediately hired her.

Well before the hiring process he wanted her to do a twerk dance on his dick.

Right at that moment it was 6 PM and the punishment quest started.

Her body became more sensitive.

She controlled her movements and moved to do the twerk dance with her big ass on the top of his dick with many movements of her ass.

Her pussy moved enough to insert the head of his dick inside and then pulled out.

Coupled with her moans he was very aroused.

After a little while his dick entered all the way inside her slit and he cummed inside in his arousal while holding on to her hips.

With that he was perfectly okay with her doing the special strip show.

“Mister Manager, I cannot work for long as I am going to take a train to New York City soon.

So can we talk about the share of the money I earned for the next few days?”

The manager that enjoyed the good fuck was really happy and made a contract with her for 20 percent cut of her earnings.

There is no way to hide the cash for a stripper that is being fucked.

So there would be bounces to maintain the order of those drunkards.

With that things would go smoothly.

That night she went down to the basement where there are many people already present looking at the strip tease of some hot girls.

But these girls are from the local villages.

They are not as beautiful as Rita.

So when she arrived on the stage she immediately took the attention of the many clients.

Quickly her customers formed a queue to fuck her.

“My good customers I have three holes you can choose which hole to fuck and form three lines instead of one.

Come and fuck them as you like.”

The bouncer that fondled her before is standing on the side to collect the payments from them.

She did a strip dance to make the dicks of these people stand and then she started to work on them with her holes completely filled.

The hands of the bouncer are filled with cash.

She actually made over 10 grand in a matter of few hours.

When it was mid night the number of people coming here reduced.

Well whoever wanted to come here has already come and there is no new one.

She sucked them all dry as quickly as he could with the techniques she learnt from her another life memories.

When they are all over the big bouncer took the lost shot at her with his big black dick all the way up inside her pussy.

She was bounced on the top of her pussy for a while before finally Cumming inside her pussy.

Then he took her to the manager.

There the manager took the 20 percent while she sucked his dick and then went to take a bath and wanted to leave.

But the bouncer that followed her all this time is also getting off the shift.

So he came over to her on his big bike and said.

“Hey beauty, you have so much cash on your hands.

It is best that you get an escort home.”

Rita looked at him and smiled lewdly and said.

“I don’t have a home to go.

I was kicked out by my wimpy father and step mother after I kicked the balls of my step brother that tried to fuck me with his shrimp.

So I am going to get a room at a lodge.

Since you have a room to go then we can spend the night at your room.

I don’t mind paying with my body for the protection of my body and money from a great bouncer like you.”

Rita said like a real bitch.

Well the bouncer was immediately hooked and he took her to his room.

Other than him there are three other bouncers here all of them are very big with 10 inches dicks and their balls are as big as oranges.

Chapter 64: rapid improvement in the skills

Well the bouncer was immediately hooked and he took her to his room.

Other than him there are two other bouncers here all of them are very big with 10 inches dicks and their balls are as big as oranges.

But Rita did not show any fear and said.

“It seem like I am going to have the secure night with two more big men.

It would be really nice and secure.”

She said earning a smile from all the big guys.

They are more than happy to fill up her holes completely till she was satisfied.

As for her money they did not touch it.

Even though they are not rich they are not beasts enough to steal money from a bitch.

Rita did not have any luggage other than her simple purse.

She kept the cash inside.

Well not everything only a thousand bucks.

The remaining went into her pussy.

After she took a comfortable bath she was naked all night while her clothes went to the washing machine.

Then the three big cocks took turns filling up her holes all night without any rest.

Well they fucked her for at least 6 hours before they fell asleep.

Any way they did not have anything to do in the morning.

Most of their work time is during the evening to midnight.

Rita got her holes filled to the brim with the cum.

They started off roughly and fucked her like a horny bitch.

But they did ask her if they should put any condoms.

Rita did not need any condoms as no one can get her pregnant unless she wanted to become pregnant.

This is one of the reasons why she was a hit in the strip club before.

Most girls would not let them fuck their pussies and even if they did they would not let them cum inside.

But Rita let them fuck her as they pleased and even let them cum inside her as much as they wanted.

So she was naturally popular.

In the morning well around at noon next day she received a call from the lawyer and the land acquisition representative.

They talked about her case and the compensation.

Since her parents are attacked they were decided to investigate.

But the final result is that they did not find anything.

Also it was mentioned that they hit each other and self abused to get some compensation from their poor daughter.

With the video clipping of Martha hitting Rita and all the other things the entire thing is solved with a swish.

Since it was solved her compensation and other things were also solved.

It would be monetary and the final value is around 35 thousand dollars.

This made Rita really happy and she went to give the lawyer and the representative some good time with double play.

They are also happy to play with a hot chick like her.

The compensation would come into her hands or account on the next day.

As for her previous half of the money was already credited into her account.

Well the taxes are removed and the money is credited.

The punishment quest is completed yesterday successfully thanks to the bouncers that kept her company for the remaining half of the day.

Now her pain and pleasure skill has increased to level 9 because of the big cocks that almost destroyed her pussy, ass and mouth.

Her pleasure fighting skill has improved to level 8 which is a little low because the cocks that fucked her for the first half are not rough enough.

But this gave her plenty of benefits.

She is strong now.

She felt that she knows some special techniques in his mind.

Those are all fighting techniques of various kinds.

Even though her arms and legs are not strong enough they became flexible and got some muscle memory of fighting in them.

Also her stats improved according to her fighting skill improvement.

All of this was good thing for her and she decided to have another night tonight to make some quick cash.

But the bad thing is that she would only receive half of experience today because the punishment quest is over.

She cannot just buy the multipliers from the system.

They are really costly.

She can only do her best to improve.

If she worked hard today she might reach level 10 or close to level 11 in her skills.

Well it is not a bad thing.

She got many sexual skills and all of them became bundled up into becoming the sex art.

This art is a mixture of all those sexual skills like blowjob, tits job, kissing, anal, pussy fuck……..

Seduction is a different skill that did not merge into this skill.

Similarly there are few skills that might seem like sexual skills but they did not merge into sex art.

The sex art is at level 7 which is improving very slowly because it has to improve many small skills.

Her dancing skill has small improvement with her effort reaching level 3.

That night she had another good time in the strip club.

But she was not welcomed by those other strippers.

She knows the reason and decides to talk to them.

Well they can meet each other at any time in the future.

Having a friend is much better than having an extra enemy.

With that she talked to those girls saying that she would leave here tomorrow or day after tomorrow after her work here is completed.

As for the work she told them about her family and some court case.

She doesn’t mind sharing with perfect proofs in place.

The other strippers understood her situation and let her do some extra good that day.

The income that Rita earned has increased and her cut is around 12 thousand dollars.

Well there are more perverts in this world than good people.

The thing is that these perverts are actually richer than good people that would suffer for greater good.

Chapter 65: improvements and big gains

Well there are more perverts in this world than good people.

The thing is that these perverts are actually richer than good people that would suffer in the name of greater good stupidly.

If hundred men pitched in 100 each to fuck her and cum inside her raw then she can easily make this amount of money.

After she was done in the mid night she went to stay with the bouncers.

She requested the big man that helped her to bring in more boys to party with her as she made some good progress.

Also it is her farewell party since she might be going away tomorrow night.

The moment she receives cash she would use the system to get the ticket to the train that is going to New York City.

She spent her money to buy some drinks and brought over people from some gym and other local big guns.

There are a total of 10 people.

Some of them are gym instructors, one is a tattoo maker and there is even an ex criminal and a gangster.

She got them their drinks and she got their drinks all night long again.

She felt like her pussy and ass hole would break with the size of their dicks.

She feared that her pussy and ass hole would be so stretched that she would not be able to fuck with normal dicks.

Well she did not like the small things any way.

But still she did not want to get all stretched up.

Fortunately the system told her that the enchanted body would return back to its original tightness as long she was not fucked for an hour.

So she was very happy about this matter.

She slept with dicks inside her pussy and ass hole while another dick insider her mouth all night long.

These three are the ones that fucked her last and the others are already sucked dry.

As she expected the improvement is not that big and it barely reached level 11 and stopped there.

But after crossing level 10 the entire thing is different.

She really got some good amount of fighting skills.

She might not be a perfect master but she is definitely not a veteran.

The unfortunate thing is that her stat points did not keep up with her fighting skill and she might not be able to show her full power.

But she doesn’t mind this small issue.

After going to the New York City she will start her daily exercise and do anything she possible can to improve her stats.

Well she can always rely on her lust points.

The number increased to around 2 thousand with all the things she did in the past two day.

But this is far from enough for her improvement.

1 skill point costs around 1000 lust points and 1 skill points can improve around 100 skill experience points.

Technically it is 1 experience for 10 lust points but it is a bulk set and it could not be improved like that.

Rita sighed when she woke up in the noon next day.

She already had few missed calls from the lawyer and the representative.

They should be trying to contact her about this matter.

She called them back.

“Hey, what is going in, you called me so many times.”

“It is nothing Rita the entire thing is complete and you got another 5 thousand dollars extra cash reaching to a total of 40 thousand as half of the assets and compensation.

We called you if the transfer is done.”

She immediately checked the transfer and it was really complete.

So she said.

“It was complete.

I want to thank you one last time before I depart from here.

So where can we meet?

Also you can bring your friends if you want.”

She said in her conference call.

This would be extra benefit to them gaining favors from their friends for letting them fuck her.

Her train is in the night around 8 PM.

She has plenty of time.

After saying these words she hung up with a meeting time.

She took a quick bath and said her good bye to all those big guys.

One of them gave her a contact in New York City, Brooklyn.

He is an African American and he belongs to a big gang.

Another good thing is that the university that she wanted to join is also in that place.

So she will be in the neighborhood.

As long as she played her cards right she will be able to get some good support there.

She thanked the person that gave her the contact with a quickly blow job and then left for the lunch party after cleaning her mouth.

When she arrived there are around 20 people at the party and the party was arranged with her money.

So this will be over quickly.

Well she spent only 2 thousand dollars here.

Any way she is earning good money and this was nothing.

After going to New York City she would think of a way to make more money.

But after entering the university she would act as a big tits village beauty that is completely innocent.

She was sure that almost no one would recognize her.

Even if they recognize her, she can just let them threaten her for sex.

It would be good rough play for them and a way to relax for her too.

She has already planned everything for the coming future.

As for the sudden changes she can do the changes as she moves on along with the flow.

The lunch party started quickly.

The amount of food is actually less while the quality wine is high.

She don’t mind and let them drink as they wanted.

She has to catch a train so she drank less.

Slowly she undressed piece by piece and danced for the people to watch.

It is a hot belly dance with her tits and ass jiggling.

Chapter 66: a virgin for every man

Slowly she undressed piece by piece and danced for the people to watch.

It is a hot belly dance with her tits and ass jiggling.

With their dicks standing up in attention the game of fuck started.

They are all a bunch of perverts.

Some of them even licked her ass hole and some poured wine on her pussy to drink calling it divine wine.

Well she went along with their fantasies as she liked the situation more.

She is a pervert too.

They immediately started to fuck her holes as if there is no tomorrow.

Well they fucked her like the criminals that did not get to have sex for years and are just released from jail.

That is how much of an attraction she is to them.

Tamara let them do as they please and enjoyed the pleasure.

While enjoying she did check her improvement of the skills.

She found that the overall improvement is really slow and occasionally an experience point is added while she was being gang banged.

She sighed but still the pleasure is good for her.

There are skills that are improving.

Someone actually bit her nipples hard and someone pulled her clit hard giving her occasional pain which later turned into strong pleasure.

But that occasional pain has let her have more skill experience points and more pleasure.

No matter how small the dick is as long it is inside her it would give her pleasure.

This time when they are fucking her pussy and ass hole at the same time an accident happened.

The cock that have to enter her ass hole slipped and went into the wrong hole down into her pussy along with another cock.

Well their cocks are not particularly big and the combination of those tow cocks is just as big as the big black cocks she had yesterday.

But the amazing sudden stretch of her pussy in two different directions because of the curved dicks she felt a strong pain and pleasure.

She really liked this.

“Don’t take it out,

Fuck me like that.

If you can another man join in to fuck my ass hole with double penetration at the same time too.

It was so fucking good…aha…Ahaa…Ahaaaa…I am Cumming….

Fuck yessss…..”

Her moans reverberated in the function hall arousing them more.

Also, because of this new way of fucking, her experience points increased by good number.

She was fucked till the evening and finally stopped when their balls could not keep up with their lust.


She washed off the cum as she recovered quickly and then said her send off to these people and left wearing her new dress.

All of her previous dresses are either torn or became dirty to the point that it could be of no use.

She has to set a different clothes style after entering the New York City to get an innocent look.

When she went to the railway station her account has over 100 thousand dollars in cash.

Her portable pussy space has 275 thousand cash and few gold biscuit pieces.

This amount of money can be spent very quickly in the hands of a girl if she wanted to appear beautiful or have to invest in something to have as a backup support.

If she bought a car or a house this money would vanish very fast.

The rent in New York City is really high and if there is a thing like throwing a party, this money would be spent like running water.

Well she is a miser and thinks that she has to earn enough money before the system leaves her.

She was sure that even with the system her beauty would not last forever.

Well this is a low level world and she cannot stay beautiful for every.

Age and time are something that this world could not cross over yet.

So she wanted to enjoy every moment of her life till she loses her system and later at an old age her beauty.

This way she can be said to have a fulfilling life in her thoughts.

She is not wearing slutty clothes now.

She put on a big T shirt that hid her tits and loose pants to cover her ass.

In the railway station she sat on the bench without much luggage.

Well she did not have anything on hand.

Everything that is deemed as important is inside her portable pussy space.

Other than that nothing was left on her hands other than her phone to check the things.

While she was waiting for the train she received a quest.


Quest: seduce the train mate.

Description: seduce the other person that travels with you in the same box in the train.

Make him spray inside your pussy.

Reward: virgin for every man body enchantment.


She immediately checked the body enchantment.


Name: a virgin for every man

Description: host can turn her pussy and ass hole into virgin pussy and ass hole.

That is they would bleed when penetrated as long as host things it is needed.


This enchant can be used once a day for free for either of ass hole or pussy.

Once used, they would be in virgin state till host was penetrated by someone losing the virginity again.

But if it has to be used a second time then host has to pay 1000 lust points.

If it is third time then host has to pay 10 thousand lust points.

Hint: beware of spending excessively.


The reward is really good.

But this made her think that the person she has to seduce might be hard as well.

So she has to be prepared for that.

But she did not change her clothes instead she thinks that her current dress style is perfect for the job.

Also the body enchantment is already given to her and she can directly use it right now.

If she was unable to seduce the man then this reward would be gone.

Chapter 67: seducing the virgin magician part-1

Also the body enchantment is already given to her and she can directly use it right now.

If she was unable to seduce the man then this reward would be gone.

She immediately used the free chance of the day to enchant her pussy.

She felt that a thin membrane is being formed in her pussy with slight itching and tingling sensation.

Soon the train arrived and she got on the train.

She has already eaten enough to be hungry in the night.

When she arrived at her seat a ticket collector appeared there to check her ticket.

The box only had two beds which is very comfortable.

Well this is a special train.

She got on her bed and arranged her clothes to the sleeping position.

She lowered her pants down just enough to show her ass and white panties.

Well only the waist band of the panties is visible as the remaining part of her panties were buried between her butt cheeks.

Soon the next stop arrived and a man got into her box.

But he did not touch her and she did not feel any gaze as well.

This felt strange.

It might be that this man is not an ass lover.

She thought and turned around as if she was turning around while sleeping.

Then she saw the man with the slit of her eyes carefully.

He is a muscular built man that is reading something in his phone while sitting on his bed.

But he did nothing more than that.

Rita knows that she has to take another step to get some good results.

She simply rolled over her bed and fell on the floor.



After falling on the floor she shouted with painful sound from falling.

She as if she just woke up looked while holding her back implying that it has sprained.

Then she turned to the big man and said.

“I am sorry mister,

Can you please help me up?

I seem to have sprained my back and the leg.”

The man already looked at her falling and moved forward to help her on to her bed.

Rita observed that this man trembled when he touched her waist and back when helping her.

“He seems to be a virgin.

He should be over 35 years old but he is still a virgin.

He should be a virgin magician being a virgin at his age.

No wonder I got the quest with that skill.

So it is like that.”

She immediately formulated a plan.

She moved her hands towards her small bag and took out a cream to rub on her back and thighs where it pains her.

Actually this cream is mint flavored arousal cream.

It is very similar to the balm that is applied in the places of sprain to cool the place with strong smell.

But it was mixed with substances that can arouse a person.

Usually when those strippers have to fuck some limp dicked idiots that wanted to see them orgasm they would use this cream to get orgasm.

Well those small dicks could not lead them to an orgasm.

There is one more thing.

It would not do anything to a person other than increasing the already existing desire.

Only if they willed it would work.

If not then it is no different than normal sprain healing cream.

She got one from the strippers from the strip club before.

She thought that it would be useful just in case something happens.

Right now she took out the cream from the small bag and tried to apply it on her back which is unsuccessful.

She then looked at the man pitifully but he was immersed in the phone again.

So she has to call.


The man looked at her pitiful eyes that looked like a cute puppy dog with her soft long hair.

The man’s heart string move and said.

“What do you need miss?”

“I am unable to reach my back,

Can you apply this cream for me?”

She asked innocently.

The man was moved and came forward.

He knelt down and took the cream.

Before he could apply she said.


Let me pull my shirt up.

It is better to remove the shirt so that I can properly point out where the pain is.”

As she said she pulled her shirt up and once again asked the help of the man to pull the shirt.

She actually unhooked her bra before removing her shirt and when he pulled the bra also gone away with the shirt.

Her big tits felt out attracting the attention of the man.

“What…where is my bra…”

Rita said as she covered her tits in a clumsy way which is not helping much.

Finally she located the bra in the shirt and said with her hands leaving her tits as if she found something like a detective.

“It seems like my bra unhooked when I am removing my shirt and went along with it.”

She is not covering her tits and the tits are visible to the man making a small bulge on his pants.

She doesn’t know how big his dick is but she has to get him to fuck her pussy.

As if she has forgotten that her bra is gone she pointed at her back at various spots for the man to rub the cream.

The man did not say anything and Rita knows that she has hooked the fish for now.

She has to reel it back into her pussy.

The man rubbed the cream on her back and move up to the edges of her tits.

Well she pointed to that location and he moved his hand to rub around.

But he made fleeting touches when rubbing near her tits.

With the cold cream and the other things her breathing became a little ragged but she controlled her arousal and said.

“Excuse me, can you rub the medicine around my thighs.

Also please help me pull down my pants.”

Chapter 68: seducing the virgin magician part-2

“Excuse me, can you rub the medicine around my thighs.

Also please help me pull down my pants.”

This time she moved her hand so that her pants went into the waist band of her pants and they both be removed a little.

But unexpected to her the man pulled both of them and also got a glance of long string of her love juices that is connected to her panties.

Her beautiful love symbol shaped ass along with her pussy came into his display fully.

His breathing became short and his hands are trembling.

Well it might be his thoughts or the cream acting on him.

No matter what the reason is he was aroused.

Rita saw a big bulge on his pants and spoke with happiness.

She then pointed at the connecting point of her butt cheeks and thighs right beside her pussy and said with her sexy voice that is like honey in the ears.

“This place,

Please rub it here.”

She pointed at her pussy as well.

The eyes of the man glittered and immediately moved his hands to rub her thighs first while occasionally touching the edges of her pussy lips.

Also his hands moved to her butt cheeks.

Finally he started to rub the hole in the crack between the butt cheeks.

Rita started to moan happily from all the pleasure she is receiving.

Her ass hole was rubbed with this cream creating a strong lustful and arousal from the cold sensation.

She really wanted something thick inside her ass hole right now.

But she did not revive her asshole virginity.

Well it doesn’t matter as her asshole is perfectly tight because of the system body enchantment.

The man behind her stopped rubbing her and Rita felt that something is going to change.

She was suddenly flipped revealing her face to the man without a dress.

His dick is big and throbbing.

He is smiling like a mad man.

Looking at him Rita still acted like an innocent girl and asked.

“Mister, why are you naked.

Also you seem to have pain with that part.

It actually stood up like that.

Let me help you.”

She slowly moved her warm hand to touch the cock and pulled it forward directing it towards her tits.

The man is full of lust.

Well he is a virgin.

So it is normal to be in this state at this age.

She pulled him close to her tits with the shaft buried between her tits while the head of the dick came to her mouth.

She used her tongue to touch the tip of his dick and then opened her mouth for a burst of cum into her mouth.

Well he is a virgin and all this small touch is needed for him to cum on her face.

She caught most of it in her mouth and she swallowed the cum.

“Mister your cream is really tasty.

Buy my lips over there seems to be itching quite a bit.

So please use your strong rod to help me there.”

With that the man became more lustful and moved down to her pussy.

He used his fingers to play with it a little and pinched her clit.

“Ahaaaa….be gentler that place is sensitive.

Also I am a virgin,

So please do it slowly.”

When she said that she is a virgin the man felt that he is having his wedding night or virgin night of his life.

Her pussy is already wet so he placed his dick in alignment towards her pussy and then tried to push is dick into her pussy slowly.

He was observing carefully to see if she really is a virgin.

He even put her white panties right under her pussy to see her blood.

She stayed a virgin because of two reasons.

First is he only wants to lose his virginity to another virgin woman.

Second is that he don’t know how to talk properly or advance in this matter as he would become more and more tense seeing a woman.

Because of that he did not speak all this time and only did what Rita asked him to do.

He finally pushed his cock inside her pussy under the moans of Rita.

Well she controlled her moans because she doesn’t want anyone to listen to it and come over to check on them.

The man saw the drops of blood that came out of her pussy when he pulled his dick out.

He became more excited after seeing the virgin blood of Rita.

Since he just came, his dick is still rock because of the virgin dick.

Also he would not cum so quickly again.

He started to move his dick inside her pussy.

Even though it is not that big of a dick compared to the big black cocks she had yesterday, it is comparatively bigger than the ones that fucked her in the afternoon party.

She was clearly enjoying this and the man moved forward and started to lick her nipples and then moved to kiss her on the lips.

It was good and she is enjoying it.

His hands moved to her tits while fondling them he pinched her nipples that are hard from the excitement.

While they are having fun their moans were heard by the people on the side.

But they did not go and cause any disturbance.

Instead one of them came to the side to check the situation through the window.

Unfortunately for him the curtains are closed along with the door.

He can open the door from the outside but it would cause disturbance and problems.

He was no courageous enough to do such a thing.

This person is none other than nick the cuckold that Rita wanted to capture along with his bully Rick.

His dick is only 2 inches in length normal and 3 inches where erected and the width is as thick as the pinky of a big black guy all the time.

Chapter 69: searching for a cheap house to rent

This person is none other than nick the cuckold that Rita wanted to capture along with his bully Rick.

His dick is only 2 inches in length normal and 3 inches where erected and the width is as thick as the pinky of a big black guy all the time.

It can impregnate a woman when the woman is in her weakest state right after being sick by miracle.

If not he could not even impregnate a woman.


Nick is a wimpy guy.

If he was strong he would have already opened the door and asked if he could join.

But he did not because of his embarrassment and wimpy nature.

So all he did was to return back to his bed and put his ear close to the wall of the box where Rita is being fucked.

While listening he started to jerk off his dicklet.


Rita on the other hand did not notice this.

If she noticed this she would be glad that he is a wimp.

After she was fucked for an hour the stranger finally stopped fucking her and rested back on his bed leaving Rita on her own.

Well that is what Rita thought as she fell asleep without any clothes and cum oozing out of her pussy along with her love juices.

The man actually got off the train half way and changed the mode of transport.

He did not believe that he would take the virginity of a woman.

So he became scared and decided to leave.

Also he took the image or Rita with the creampied cum coming out of her pussy just in case for protection.

He hoped that he would not meet her again.

Well he is an introverted person and did not life to get into difficult situations.

Because of this reason he tried to escape.

There are many people that look alike and he was sure that he would not be investigated.

He can always feign ignorance with his record being away from women.


Rita fell asleep because she was exhausted from all the excitement in the morning, in the afternoon and in the night.

Even though her body is enchanted her mind still needs rest after all that excitement.

When she woke up in the early morning, she noticed that the cum oozed out of her pussy has already dried up and she has to clean it later carefully.

Also she smelt very bad.

She went to the washroom of the train to clean herself.

Fortunately this is a high class coach and everything was perfectly clean in the washroom.

She quickly cleaned the dried cum.

Fortunately she did not have any pubic hair and everything is completely clean.

Actually she can grow out her pubic hair if she wanted with a single thought.

Her pussy has reached body enchantment level 10.

So things related to pussy can be changed based on her will easily.

She quickly cleaned her pussy and wiped her body with a wet towel that she carried with her in her small bag.

She also changed her clothes to another set of cheap quality clothes.

It is a set of trousers and a T shirt.

On the inside she is wearing a tit band to hold her tits and a normal white pantie.

After changing she returned back to her box that still had strong pheromones from sex.

She opened her box door for a little while so that the air would spread around.

She has already wiped the seat that she sat before and it was clean now.

She went to sleep again.

There is still time for her stop to get off.


She woke up because of the alarm from her phone and immediately took out a scarf from her small bag.

She put it around her face and got off the train quickly.

She is doing this because she doesn’t want to be recognized by anyone immediately.

She has many fans from this city in adult sites.

For now she doesn’t want to be recognized before settling down.

Her results for the university entrance exam are not out yet.

So she has to stay outside for a while.

This means she has to rent an apartment or shared room.

She doesn’t mind sharing a room with men.

Also she can crash in with the man called randy in Brooklyn that was introduced by someone that fucked her with the bouncers.

She wanted to get close to them first and the search for a room to stay later.

Well if they are okay with that she can stay with them and pay with her body.

She can just record the black and white live show for her adult site viewers.

Also they can do some gangbang and other things as well.

But still she likes to have her privacy.

So she still has to get a room.

They can simply come in, fuck her and go home.

That would be great.

After thinking of this she went out of the railways station and went to a housing agency based on the software.

Well before that she went to fresh up in low grade lodging.

When she came over she went to the reception and then a rental agency man appeared leading her to a different seat to tend to her needs.

She is a beauty and it easily made the rental agency man flushed looking at her appearance.

She looked like an innocent beauty at face with extremely hot figure making his dick stand up.

Also when leading her to his desk, he bared held back his urge to spank her ass.

“I want to rent a room near the Xxxx University and make it cheaper as much as possible.

I could not afford the costly one.”

She said with her pitiful face and innocent smile.

The man’s heart was immediately pulled.

Well her mouth has already reached 10 points and every word she speaks and her voice was like a string that is pulling his heart.

Chapter 70: renting a cheap apartment

The man’s heart was immediately pulled.

Well her mouth has already reached 10 points and every word she speaks and her voice was like a string that is pulling his heart.

That is not only his heart but the hearts of any man or woman that hears her voice would feel the same and want to hear her moan.

The rental agency man immediately checked the lists and found a cheap rental room.

It was near the university that she mentioned and the problem is that the neighborhood is not that good.

So that is the problem.

Well she did not care.

The more that fucked her, the better it would be for her.

She can stay in the dorms of the university but the problem is that she has to make note that the dormitories have rules.

She was prepared to become the bitch later but for now she has to put on the appearance of the innocent girl as much as possible.

There is one person that she wanted to get revenge on.

But it was also this girl that let her have this system.

So she is having conflicting emotions.

Ginny would be studying here along with Rick and nick.

Nick would be falling in love with Ginny and become a couple.

He is a moving money bag that is like a prospective stock.

Marrying him would let her become the wife of a millionaire.

But she could not trust Rick that is fickle minded person.

She was sure that after he was done taking over the company nick and fed up with Ginny’s beauty, he would simply dump her.

Unlike her other beauties might not last long under the test of getting fucked all the time.

If it is her, with the help of the enchanted system, her body would be fit, her tits and ass would be firm, her pussy and ass hole would be tight and heavenly.

With these good things and beautiful appearance she can easily stand on the top even if she reaches the age of 50.

The system has already told her that even if the system leaves her all the gains she made would be with her permanently for this life with a price.

That is as long as she paid the price she can stay beautiful for a long time.

If she purchased the beauty time for 60 years she would be beautiful till then and then her beauty would deteriorate in a few days.

Just like that she can do the purchases but the amount is not a low one.

It was really high.

For now she has to hoard good amount of lust points for the future.

Just like the ants that work hard for the winter days.

She would try and get into the life of nick but she would have affairs not only with Rick but also another big man called John from the basketball team.

This person has a strong background that is even better than Rick’s background.

Also this person is a billionaire.

As long as she can hook him up and pull him under her skirt she is the winner.

He is an African American and his father is an underground boss and also a strong business man.

As long as she can make Nick’s business entertaining to John and hook him up with her beauty everything would be set perfectly.

She was confident in her appearance and other things all she needs is the plan for all this.

She don’t mind if John had another women but what she wanted is to make him fall in love with her completely.

She was happy to be just a mistress for him instead of being an official wife.

She can be the official wife of nick and play the role of his secretary to help him seduce his opponents and other business partners so that things would move smoothly.

She only plans to give birth once and decide who to take after when the child is born.

With that she can leave her fortune to her child to live a happy life.

If it is a girl or a boy it doesn’t matter.

If it is a girl then she would make her look as beautiful as she possibly could.

If it is a boy then she would make him look like a hunk with best appearance that can attract any man instead of being a cuck like nick.

This is her plan.


While she is thinking they drove over to the huge apartment building.

It is not that good and the locks are not good either.

Anyone with a simple push can enter into the apartment and can do anything they wanted.

This is a cheaply build apartment.

Rita thought for a while and decided to rent this place for a month before she can settle down.

Also she found that there are many men that look like thugs in the apartment.

She was sure that if she lived here then she would definitely be fucked at every corner.

With her perfect voice she was able to make the rental agency man agree to this.

She would only stay here for a month.

After paying the fee which is around 120 dollars with agreement and rent for one month, which is actually outrageous for this kind of place.

She got the keys which are unnecessary for that kind of locking system.

There is a bed in the room and some broken furniture.

She sighed and decided to take a bath after buying some toiletries.

Fortunately her important things like phone are inside her portable pussy space.

She went around and bought the things she wanted quickly from the neighbor store.

They eyes are not that good.

Fortunately what she is wearing and buying are not costly to make them think that she is a cheap bitch new to this area.

But they could not help but spank her ass.




Should have her have 3 children, one slut girl, one cuck boy, and one hunk