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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 421: eternal Mangekyō Sharingan awakened

The balance tilted slightly towards Fugaku because of the newly awakened Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then Shizuka moved on to the fourth and final on the list.

It is the information related to the secret techniques of the Uchiha clan.

The things she learnt are not many.

The techniques in circulation to the normal Uchiha ninja in the clan are not many.

The number of fire style ninjutsu they had is so great that the eyes of Shizuka are literally shining.

They have the same amount of research on fire, as the hidden cloud village in the element of lightning.

This is very valuable and it has the way of countering some of the special effects of Mangekyō Sharingan.

There is a way to break Susanoo that even the full force of the dust style could not break.

These things are of most valuable to fight against Uchiha clan.

These things are not written in scrolls directly instead these things are present in the stone tablet in the depths of the Uchiha clan shrine.

The information can only appear for the user to read if they opened the Mangekyō Sharingan or they are the clan head of the Uchiha clan.

These are the only ways for obtaining this information.

Usually the head of the clan would not allow anyone to this stone tablet because he knows that truth.

If Kagami Uchiha that might have opened the Mangekyō Sharingan saw this, he would have already told this to second Hokage.

Similarly Shisui and Itachi also did not see this stone tablet.

Because of this third Hokage and Danzo did not know about these secrets.


After reading through the information from the mind of Ryo Uchiha, Shizuka implanted a thought into the mind of her cheap father.

That is to use a sleeping medicine in the food that Fugaku eats tonight.

Shizuka doesn’t want to take risks in this matter.

She would first put Fugaku into deep sleep with the help of Ryo Uchiha and then she would sneak into Fugaku’s room tonight and replace his eyes.

Replacing eyes is very easy for Shizuka.

By the time it was morning Fugaku would not feel any difference with Shizuka’s healing.

Everything is planned.

After that Shizuka brought back Ryo to reality with her voice and words synchronizing with her in Genjutsu.

Fugaku only felt a small migraine headache for a moment which is fleeting.

He did not suspect anything about Shizuka.

Shizuka left this place quickly and returned to her house.

In a few days she is going to go out with Tsunade to see the war.

Tsunade is going to the land of rain.

She along with Jiraiya, Orochimaru would go to fight Hanzo of salamander and gain the title Sanin from him.

Shizuka was told to be prepared to go along with her to gain the real battle experience.

Shizuka wanted to complete his thing before going to the battle field.


Soon it was night time when everyone was sleeping and there are a few patrols around.

Shizuka was very fast and she learnt the flying thunder god technique that was not perfected.

This flying thunder god technique was created by the second Hokage.

He is an intelligent man but in terms of emotional intelligence he is an idiot.

May be for this very reason he did not have a wife or children.

Well Shizuka did not care about this.

She perfected it based on his knowledge in seals and the things she know about Minato’s model….

With that she got the advanced flying thunder god technique.

She already left a mark in the house of her cheap father.

So she directly appeared in the house in a hidden corner.

Then she immediately hid her presence, so that those patrolling ninja did not notice her.

She slowly sneaked into the room where Fugaku sleeps and made little sounds to check the situation.

Also she opened her Mangekyō Sharingan to see the chakra flow.

This way she would know if Fugaku is really sleeping or acting.

After confirming the safety she first sent in a clone that looked like Ryo Uchiha in presence and appearance.

Shizuka is not going to do the thing with her appearance.

Fugaku was put to sleep by the sleeping medicine that his father mixed in his food.

Fugaku did not suspect his father as his father was excited about him opening the Mangekyō Sharingan that he could not open.

So he treated Fugaku with more care.

The food given by his father was eaten by him without suspecting it.

When he slept soundly his room doors opened slowly as the shadow clone of Shizuka that was in the appearance of Ryo Uchiha appeared in the room.

First the clone made some small sounds to check if Fugaku is awake or sleeping.

After the second confirmation, Shizuka’s clone used the chakra to form small needles at the points of her fingers.

Then she used these chakra needles to press at specific locations on Fugaku’s body to numb the body of Fugaku completely.

With that Fugaku slowly dropped into suspended animation state.

Then Shizuka’s clone started the process of exchanging the eyes of Fugaku.

It was a smooth process with her experience as a medical ninja over the years training under Tsunade.

After removing the eyes she started to replace them with another Uchiha clansman’s eyes.

Then she healed the eyes and cleaned off the blood without leaving any trace.

Finally she removed the suspended animation state of Fugaku and then left this place to where Shizuka is hiding.

She handed over the exchanged eyes to Shizuka and then the clone vanished.

Shizuka returned to her house and then she got to work directly without wasting time.

She doesn’t have to replace her eyes instead both the eyes would merge with the help of the system.

For this process to happen Shizuka few over 10,000 points to work.

She felt like her eyes were poked out.

She held on without losing consciousness.

Chapter 422: changed situations

She felt like her eyes were poked out.

She held on without losing consciousness.

Finally the eyes in the medical solution vanished completely and her eyes turned into complete Mangekyō Sharingan.

Shizuka felt that her spirit energy directly doubled reaching new heights and has more regeneration capabilities for the spirit energy.

Right then the eyes in her hand turned into dust and vanished.

She completed her eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Immediately she received the corresponding achievement and some rewards from the fantasy system.

But she was not that happy as things are very different right now after 2 years of time spending outside most of the time.

After reading the memories of her cheap father in the morning she understood that she is missing out on some things.

First of all Mikoto treated her as a friend but not as a lover.

She is still giving priority to the clan and marries the person that is designated by the clan.

This is her plot line character setting that is very rigid to change under normal circumstances.

The situation with Himeko is also same.

Also Hiashi is trying his best to hinder between her and Himeko with the help of the clan elders and rules.

As for Kushina, during the time she was away with Tsunade on some missions, third Hokage has actually planned so many things to make Kushina fall for Minato.

The thoughts of Kushina towards Shizuka became fleeting over time and she was interested in Minato now.

Also if things go like this and Minato saves her later she would definitely fall in love with Minato again.

It seems like the world and the luck of the protagonist are acting strongly to correct the plot to the right direction.

If needed, Shizuka can directly change the plot to the direction he wanted.

But this way the gains would outweighs the losses.

So she doesn’t want to do that.

For a change she wanted to act like a villain to devour all these people.

Some time you have to change the way of thinking to make the best out of the situation.

Since there are many people that wanted to become a hero, she is going to change the rules to become a villain and a strong villain at that.

She will be the villain that no one that wants to be hero or a real hero would be able to win.

Even though she is a villain she wanted people to remember her as a hero.

The best villain is the person that gains everything and successfully frames the protagonist as villain in front of the heroine and other people.

Shizuka wanted to achieve that.

Only this way she could earn the maximum number of benefits for changing the plot with chaos points and others at the end.

She is currently farming the chaos points and other benefits.

For that, things have to be dragged on.

She is already reaching the absolute power situation.

So everything is under her control to change based on her wishes at any time.

The reason why she did not act is because the world would take drastic measures to suppress her if she confronted the protagonist right now.

On the other hand she has to corrode the luck and other things of the protagonist slowly over time to gain more achievements and more benefits.

Any way she will be living here till the end of her life.

So she is going to slowly turn the things to her advantage.

Also the other players could not achieve what she got even if they wanted to.

The starting points that they set are very different.

The very first difference has started on the day when Shizuka got the skills called extraction and simulation.

With that along with her innate skills insight and will, it is not impossible to reach new heights with lowest time and effort.

Because of this reason she can shine anywhere unless she directly provoked someone she should not have provoked.

That is she is a tier 2 person.

If she provoked a tier 4 or tier 5 or even a tier 3 person has a chance to kill her or worse.

That is how things are.

But in the fantasy world, especially in life fantasy worlds Shizuka don’t have to worry about anything.

Even if she kills someone here it is not like killing in reality so the other person would not die and put a trace on her.

With this assurance the life fantasy worlds are best places for Shizuka to let loose and play with her full strength.


She is going to go out in two days.

This two day she made the necessary preparations about all the things for her travel to the land of rain.

After the arrangements she went to speak with third Hokage.

Shizuka found that third Hokage did not trust her completely even if she showed that she did not open the Sharingan.

This was all in her calculations.

But the good thing is that Danzo is no longer interested in Shizuka.

Right now Shizuka is very good with medical ninjutsu which has reached close to the Tsunade’s level.

Tsunade is currently trying to combine the hundred healings techniques with the yin seal.

Shizuka knows yin seal but the 100 healings technique is still unknown to her.

She has to wait for a little while to let Tsunade perfect the technique and learn it.

Tsunade knows that Shizuka has sage techniques and she has many fighting skills related to Senju Hashirama.

But she doesn’t know that Shizuka opened the Sharingan and even the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Not only her, no one knows about this matter.

Well Mikoto might have known but she would not utter a word about it until she was married to someone that is on the other side of Shizuka or the clan was in trouble.

Shizuka moved on with Tsunade as they made their way to the battle field.

Chapter 423: meeting the Nagato, Yahiko and Konan

Well Mikoto might have known but she would not utter a word about it until she was married to someone that is on the other side of Shizuka or the clan was in trouble.

Shizuka moved on with Tsunade as they made their way to the battle field.

They are in the medical unit so they do not have to go directly to the battle field to fight.

Right now only the land of the rain started to retaliate against their land becoming the battle field for the second ninja world war.

Hanzo the leader of the land of the rain poisoned many people from different hidden villages.

Right now he wanted to hook up with other ninja villages to fight against the hidden leaf village to take in a good piece of land from the land of fire.

With that he wanted to establish as the sixth great ninja village that is from the land of rain.

Unfortunately for him, his ambitious dreams are only left to be dreams.

The other villages that originally supported him left him out as a cannon fodder.

It was the strategy of the old man Onoki the current Kage of the land of the stone.

Now the hidden leaf village has to clean up this mess as Hanzo still wanted to attack the hidden leaf village.

He is not the only one.

Other hidden villages are also ready for the moment to attack the hidden leaf village when its defenses are at the weakest.

So third Hokage sent his disciples Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru to end the battle with Hanzo of the land of rain,

As quickly as possible, so that they would not have to worry about the other fronts of the war with other ninja villages.

Shizuka followed Tsunade and Dan Kato is not in this group of people.

For this Orochimaru was designated as the lead of the team.

Orochimaru or Jiraiya did not have anyone disciples like Tsunade did.

So in this group of three there is an extra Shizuka following them.

Jiraiya hated Shizuka because she is close to Tsunade, she is from the Uchiha clan and finally Shizuka is close to many women at the same time.

This made Jiraiya feel inferior and this made him dislike Shizuka.

Shizuka did not care about him.

On the other than Orochimaru was also not interested in Shizuka.

Shizuka did not show any special capabilities instead she showed the liability of her own bloodline.

That is she was unable to awaken the Sharingan.

So Orochimaru was not at all interested in Shizuka.

Shizuka was actually safe in this matter.

During this time Shizuka showed them that she is practicing a new Jutsu that he developed.

Well it belongs to Minato.

Shizuka showed that she was the one that developed it and started to practice it in front of the trio.

It was actually Rasengan.

In just 3 days Shizuka completed the Rasengan and showed its destructive capabilities causing the three people to be shocked.

Tsunade with the help of Shizuka and excellent chakra control has mastered this technique quickly.

Jiraiya tried but he needs more time.

On the other hand Orochimaru was thinking of something different and this technique did not interest him much.

If he saw the technique with wind style Rasengan then he might be interested.

But it is not that so he did not show any interest.

While they are on the way Shizuka did not show any other new things and the plot moved on without any obstructions or changes.

During the war Shizuka played an active role as a medic but she did not do anything more than that.

At most she used the Rasengan to solve some crisis.

The trio got the name Sanin.

With that they started to return.

On the way of returning the group of trio and Shizuka met with the trio of Nagato’s group.

Looking at them Jiraiya immediately thought of The Prophesy that the old frog from the frog mountain has given him.

So he immediately got to know the trio of Nagato's group.

Well they came forward to introduce themselves.

With them started to talk and Jiraiya noticed the eyes of Nagato then the things have change.

Yahiko started talk nonsense about understanding each other and the ending of the war, harmonious world…

The more Jiraiya listened the more he thought that these three are the ones that the great frog immortal back in the frog mountain spoke about.

But when they still speaking Shizuka laughed out so loud that she almost sprayed the water she is drinking.

Yahiko felt that he was being mocked by the sudden laugh of Shizuka and asked why Shizuka laughed so much.

Shizuka looked at the trio and said.

“You are telling that understanding each other would stop the wars and everyone would live peacefully and harmoniously.

There are so many delusions in your thoughts that this can never be achieved.

It is a humanly impossible task with normal human nature.

If you say ninja are the problem for the war then there are wars even before the appearance of ninja and chakra.

It was also stopped by a powerful being called Kaguya also knows as rabbit goddess.

She stopped the wars for a long time.

But after she is gone the wars started again.

You looked over this lady.”

Shizuka pointed at Tsunade.

“She is my teacher called Tsunade.

Her grandfather is the first Hokage called Senju Hashirama.

He talked just like you and with his power he captured all the tailed beasts to stop the war in the entire ninja world stopping the warring era.

He even distributed all the tailed beasts to every other ninja village to create harmony as you said.

But he made one small miscalculation.

Human nature is a strange thing.

Some times when you like something and that did not belong to you, the thoughts of taking it forcibly from other people would appear in the minds of humans….”

Chapter 424: giving a piece of mind to Yahiko

“…Human nature is a strange thing.

Some times when you like something and that did not belong to you, the thoughts of taking it forcibly from other people would appear in the minds of humans.

This is the human nature.

Also there are some that would think that if they don’t have it then others cannot have it either.

So they would try their best to destroy the things in the hands of other people.

Humans are inherently evil by nature and their hearts can change at any time.

Where is the harmony and understanding you spoke off?

Also if someone really understood the other person, then they would most probably covet the treasures and things of the other person.

Instead of creating harmony the end result would be a deadly fight.

You are too naive to think of these things.

I will give you an example.

The person that gave you food is one of the three legendary Sanin that fought against Hanzo along with Orochimaru and my master Tsunade.

But even he hates me from the day we me.

I actually found the reasons for this.

First is that I am from the Uchiha clan that even they despise because I did not awaken the Sharingan.

Second is that I am close to Tsunade sensei that he likes.

So he simply hates me all this time.

I can really understand this because I am very sensitive to feeling since I am an orphan from the very start.

Unlike you people that lost your parents recently.

Do you understand?”

When Shizuka finished speaking, the faces of Jiraiya and Tsunade changed differently.

Tsunade became angry towards Jiraiya with her face darkened and her fists clenched.

Jiraiya on the other hand is embarrassed that his feelings were clearly seen by a kid.

He was actually ashamed that he could not hide his feelings properly in front of a kid.

Actually what Shizuka said is true and he showed this even when they are coming to fight with the land of rain.

Even Tsunade noticed this.

Right then Orochimaru spoke a sarcastic comment to make things worse.

“I did not think that Jiraiya would be so low.

I always thought that he is just a pervert.”

He not only showed his contempt towards Jiraiya instead he also spoke about Jiraiya’s secret that is Jiraiya is a pervert.

With that things became complicated with the trio of Nagato’s group.

Yahiko became silent as he doesn’t know how to refute.

Shizuka on the other hand walked towards Nagato and Konan and spoke to Nagato.

“You have the red hair and some features of the Uzumaki clan.

I am sorry that your parents died.

But I have a bad news and good news.

Which one do you want to hear?”

Tsunade also noticed this and knows what Shizuka wanted to say.

On the other hand Jiraiya are not in a position to think or speak as they are in a confused state.

While it is like that Konan spoke in place of Nagato to help him.

Nagato is more on the introverted side.

“Tell the bad news first.”

She said to Shizuka without any change in her expression from the start to finish.

Shizuka looked at her and said.

“The Uzumaki clan, he belongs to has been exterminated scattering most of the clan members of that clan by the hidden mist village.

Hidden leaf village did sent ninja to save but they only saved one person that is most useful to them.

It was the princess of the Uzumaki clan that is Kushina Uzumaki.


Shizuka gave out a gap and then spoke again

“The good news is that your friend is from the Uzumaki clan so he can come back to the village with us and join in.

The wife of the fits Hokage Mito Uzumaki is still in the hidden leaf village.

With her help he and his friends as war orphans can enter the hidden leaf village and live there.

It would be hard to survive out here but it would be harder to survive there.

But at least you will have a sense of belonging there.”

Shizuka said with a smile when saying the good news.

Nagato did not have any strange behavior because he did not know much about the Uzumaki clan or any feelings to his ancestry.

Konan understood what Shizuka said.

She clearly understood what it means hard.

Shizuka is a person that survived in the hidden leaf village as an orphan since birth unlike them that lost their parents recently.

Shizuka then looked at Konan and said.

“You should be the most understanding one.

The outside is not good for women and girls that have good appearance like you.

So at least for your sake they should want to come to the hidden leaf village as refugees.

This way, things would be much better.

At least, you will have some people you know.


After saying what she wanted to say Shizuka returned back to the side of Tsunade and sat there while eating her rations.

When she said that to Konan, she has good look at Shizuka did not show any deception in her eyes.

All she did is to give her the advice as a good person.

On the other hand Jiraiya wanted to regain his composure so he said.

So he immediately said to Shizuka.

“What did you say that only the person they needed was saved?

Do you doubt the hidden leaf village and third Hokage?”

Shizuka was actually waiting for the impulsive words of Jiraiya so that she would say what she wanted to say.

This was very important to break some things related to third Hokage.

Even if she did not do anything they would still leave third Hokage later.

But Shizuka wanted to do that early so that she would not have too much opposition when he started to show her power.

At that time she only wanted her confidents to be there to support her.

Chapter 425: Jiraiya you are really an idiot

But Shizuka wanted to do that early so that she would not have too much opposition when he started to show her power.

At that time she only wanted her confidents to be there to support her.

With that in mind she started to smile inside for the question of Jiraiya and then started to speak.

“Do you really wish to know the answer to those questions?

Are you telling me that you really don’t know what I just said?

Also it is related to the confidential matters of hidden leaf village.

Are you sure you want me to tell you.”

When Shizuka asked these questions Jiraiya that was embarrassed before stopped thinking with his mind.

He thought that Shizuka is insulting him at that moment.

So in a fit of rage he immediately said.

“I don’t know tell me what it is, you…?”

Shizuka smiled inside but did not show that on her face and said.

“Since you asked you should be responsible for this.

Do you know that the Uzumaki clan people are best for making jinchūriki?

The current jinchūriki of the 9 tails that is the wife of the first Hokage is at an old age.

They need a replacement for that.

So they took the opportunity to bring back someone with the purest bloodline from the Uzumaki clan along with their sealing technique.

The best candidate that can fit both the conditions is actually the princess of the Uzumaki clan.

That is princess Kushina.

Just think about it there are so many ninja in the hidden leaf village with strong powers.

Can’t they even save a bunch of kids and women from the Uzumaki?

Except for Kushina, not a single one was saved.

Even if a 3 man team was sent they can at least save 2 people.

It was funny when they say that they are protecting again other hidden villages attack.

The attack from big hidden villages cannot happen within few hours.

It takes days of preparation.

But saving few people from Uzumaki clan would only takes a day or two.

Even then there will be strong supporters as there are many strong men in the hidden leaf village.

Why did they only save one person instead of saving many?

Isn't it shameful to saw that the great hidden leaf village has only saved one person from their allies?

If other villages found out about this will they really willing to ally themselves to us in the future.

Think about it carefully and you will find the answer.

You should have already knows that the third Hokage is paying special interest towards her and did not let her go out even on a single mission after her graduation.

He would always give various reasons to stop her.

He is going to make her into the next jinchūriki”

Shizuka stopped speaking to Jiraiya for a moment and turned his head toward Nagato and said.

“You don’t have to worry; they would prefer to make a woman into jinchūriki than a man.

This is because controlling a woman is much easier than controlling a man.

As long as that woman falls in love with a man from the village, she would not leave the village.

If that man is an idiot, or I should call him patriot towards the village then the jinchūriki woman would be completely under the control of the village and Hokage.”

Then Shizuka looked towards Jiraiya and continued.

“Do you know that third Hokage even found that idiot that I just spoke off?”

When Shizuka said that Jiraiya looked straight at Shizuka along with Tsunade and Orochimaru thinking that idiot is Shizuka.

“It was not me; don’t look at me like that.

I am a woman, even though I like the company of other women and want to have a harem of women for myself,

Third Hokage did not give me that Chance.

I really liked Kushina as she was more charming and her thoughts would fit with me well.

Unfortunately it was Minato that did not know right from wrong.

During the time I was out on missions third Hokage created many hero saving beauty daily routines between Minato and Kushina.

It is as if they happened accidentally.

He used the Anbu to create these situations to get them close from the early age and they would marry when they are of the right age.

This is his plan.

I have already investigated this matter.

They did not take me seriously just like my clan members just because I did not open my Sharingan.

It is like I am a tool person to them….”

Jiraiya immediately interjected.

“Third Hokage helped you so much.

He even helped you to meet Tsunade for you to learn medical ninjutsu…..”


Shizuka laughed out loud so much that the people startled for a moment.

“He helped me.

You really are an idiot even though you are strong.

He did not help me but tried to use me as a tool person.

He wanted me to be an agent on the side of Uchiha clan to give him information.

Also when I told him that I wanted to become the medical ninja, he has other plans for me.

The reason why he took me to Tsunade sensei is because he wanted another medical ninja with all the capabilities of Tsunade sensei on his side.

He was fearful that one day Tsunade sensei finds out about the secret related to her brother’s death and turns against him.

That is not all he also holds grudge against the Senju clan for objecting him to become the third Hokage.

I am sure that the façade he put on would only last till Mito san stays alive.

Once she is no more, then the situation of the Senju clan would completely collapse.

He would definitely use one way or the other to cause severe or irreparable damage to the Senju clan.

I am sure that he would not even leave the children of the Senju clan.”

Chapter 426: do you dare to make a bet

“…He would definitely use one way or the other to cause severe or irreparable damage to the Senju clan.

I am sure that he would not even leave the children of the Senju clan.”

Jiraiya could not take it anymore and shouted.

“You are lying.

Third Hokage is not like that.

You all Uchiha clan people are the same.”


Shizuka laughed out loud again.

“You are telling me that Uchiha clansman is bad.

The let me ask you.

In the disciples of second Hokage there is an Uchiha clansman called Kagami.

When the second Hokage is dying Kagami stood there to buy time for the other four disciples namely, Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu and Homura to save second Hokage.

He died on the line but was second Hokage saved.

He died mysteriously and I even doubt if his body was properly brought back.

Now tell me.

If the third Hokage you speak of is so righteous he should have gone there to save second Hokage properly.

At least he should have saved his fellow disciple of second Hokage.

Or he should have stood in to protect the retreat of others.

Instead he is actually the first one to return back to the village when running.

Do you think that it was a noble behavior?

At least the evil Uchiha you spoke off stood there to help his fellow disciples with his life on the line.

Those are just ungrateful bastards.

This includes the second Hokage…”

Shizuka stopped for a moment and looked at Tsunade and said.

“I am sorry sensei, but this is the truth.”

Then Shizuka looked back at Jiraiya and continued.

“Do you know why the village police station is formed by the second Hokage?

You will say that it was so that the Uchiha people would help keep maintain peace.

It is bullshit.

When solving the internal problems there are always times when one of the parties would resent the Uchiha clan for their impartiality.

This will slowly tarnish the name of the Uchiha clan and isolate them from the common people of the hidden leaf village.

Even after killing his brother Madara Uchiha spared the life of the second Hokage Tobirama Senju just because Senju Hashirama asked him.

Such a person suddenly came to fight Senju Hashirama, don’t you think that there is fundamentally wrong.

Even after the incident Senju Hashirama did not show prejudice toward the Uchiha clan because he felt that something was wrong.

On the other hand right after his death, his brother Tobirama did not fulfill his brother’s promise of giving the Hokage seat to the Uchiha clan.

Instead of that he even established something like a police station in the name of Uchiha clan.

Can’t I call him ungrateful bastard?

As his disciple’s disciple with great stupidity you inherited their stupid prejudice.

As for the Uchiha clan there is no immediately danger but we are also in the target list of third Hokage and Danzo.

But there are others before us like the Senju clan.”

Shizuka said with a calm expression.

“No, you are lying.

There is no proof to what you said.

Third Hokage would not let something like that happen….”

Jiraiya started to rant and Shizuka wanted this to happen for his next move.

Right then she received a choice.


Choice 1: make a bet with Jiraiya and put a condition to keep him mouth shut.

Host will be rewarded with Rinnegan trigger point with 50 percent probability of awakening Rinnegan.

Choice 2: let the things move on as Jiraiya would report this to third Hokage.

Host would lose the support of third Hokage and host will be pestered with assassins and conspiracies against him.


Well Shizuka has already planned the things so she directly chose the first choice.

Then she said to Jiraiya.

“You don’t believe my words right.

Then do you dare to bet on what you believe in.”

Jiraiya immediately agreed in a fit of rage.

He has some similarities to Naruto.

Shizuka doesn’t know how he got them but there are similarities still.

Then Shizuka spoke again.

“The bet is simple,

I bet that if something happens to Mito san then the Senju clan would lose its standing and its name within 3 years of time.

The circumstances are very similar to someone provoking to participate in war or something similar to provoking their strength.

The person provoking them would do it through behind the scenes under the command of Danzo or third Hokage.

You simply deny me as your bet right.

If I win then you will support me unconditionally and if I lose, you can kill me if you can.

But there is one restriction,

You cannot speak about our conversation or about the bet to anyone till the bet time is fulfilled.

I promise that I would not speak about this with anyone in the name of my mother….

Now tell me do you dare.”

The eyes of Tsunade and Orochimaru have widened.

Even the trio of Nagato’s group widened their eyes.

Jiraiya was silent for a moment as he sobered up after thinking about the words Shizuka spoke.

He is stupid but not to the point of blindly jumping.

But the current situation is very complicated.

If he did not dare to show trust in his own words then he will not be qualified to become the teacher of the future peace bringer.

He looked at the group of Nagato for a moment and steeled his heart with his beliefs.

Shizuka has already calculated all of this.

This is a dead lock situation where Jiraiya cannot refuse.

With a sigh Jiraiya accepted this but the next words of Shizuka made a chill run down his back.

“I don’t want a simple acceptance.

Just like me make your promise but not on the people of the village.

I know you can lie easily with a promise on others.

I want you to promise on the toad elders Fukasaku and Shima of Mount Myōboku….”

Chapter 427:threatening Orochimaru

“…I know you can lie easily with a promise on others.

I want you to promise on the toad elders Fukasaku and Shima of Mount Myōboku.

They should be your teachers and you feel them as close as your parents.”

Shizuka said.

The complexion of Jiraiya changed because not many people know the names of the toad elders.

He immediately looked towards Tsunade and asked.

“Tsunade, did you teach her summoning Jutsu and signed the contract with immortal Katsuya.”

Tsunade subconsciously nodded as her mind was in turmoil because of the Shizuka’s words.

Orochimaru was amused and finally became a little interested in Shizuka.

With the nod from Tsunade, Jiraiya though that Shizuka got the information from the immortal slug Katsuya.

Then he took the oath right in front of them.

Shizuka smiled happily and by the time Jiraiya returns to the hidden leaf village everything would be upside down.

At that time he would not have a choice but to become the loyal follower of Shizuka even if he did not want to.

Shizuka knows that the Senju clan only lost her main bloodline and many strong men making them unable to maintain their current position.

In order to save them from being hunted Tsunade did not have a choice but to disband the clan completely let them merge into the common citizens of the village.

Even then there are many cases of missing children and women that are from the descendents of Senju clan.

This was done by Danzo and Orochimaru.

Third Hokage know about this but he did not intervene as he held grudge against the Senju clan.

With that the Senju clan would be over.

Shizuka doesn’t want Orochimaru to spoil her plan and cause the history to change.

Second ninja world war caused the severe destruction of Senju clan, while the third has severely destroyed Uchiha clan.

But Uchiha clan did not disband like Senju clan did.

Also they are easily identified because of the Sharingan.

So even if they disband there is no use.

Shizuka immediately chose the first option.

Then she looked at Orochimaru and said.

“Orochimaru san, I don’t want the current bet or information between me and Jiraiya san to be leaked to Danzo or third Hokage or anyone else.

If it was leaked then I would be forced to leak all the information related those experiments, missing people, secret labs within the village and outside too.

Hope you would not make me your enemy.”

Shizuka said with a smile as if she was talking friendly with Orochimaru.

The expression on the face of Orochimaru changed for a moment but he immediately controlled his expression.

Orochimaru smiled and accepted what Shizuka said.

But inside he thought that Shizuka was dangerous.

Not many people in the village know about his secret facilities and bases.

Also things related to his experiments too.

This made him cautious of Shizuka and he wanted to eliminate Shizuka if possible.

He wanted to find the opportunity when Tsunade is not with Shizuka to kill her.

While he is thinking Shizuka also has his preparations as he got some things specifically prepared for Orochimaru.

It was the soul servant Mark that would let Orochimaru become Shizuka’s servant.

Orochimaru is a mad scientist that really found a way to reanimate the dead people completely.

Also he invented many useful things well they are used for wrong things.

But as long as they are controlled properly he really completed many useful things.

Shizuka wanted this mad genius to be under her control.

For that she wanted use the soul servant mark

It is costly and Shizuka wanted to use this because Orochimaru is very useful in the real world because of his scientific brain and intelligence.

Also he can fight and he is very adaptable.

Finding a good woman or a man for him would solve the problems.

Most probably rock would match perfectly for Orochimaru.

Shizuka has some wild ideas in her head.

She doesn’t believe that she can convince Orochimaru to become loyal to her with her strength.

But with the soul servant seal Mark it would be easy.

Shizuka was really happy about this.

She will wait till Orochimaru attacks her and then put the soul servant Mark on him.

But before that there is another person that Shizuka has to take care off.

It was Tsunade.

She has the tendency to act first before thinking just like Naruto and Anko.

Shizuka doesn’t want that to happen.

For that she has to think of a way to stop her.

Well she did not have to try hard as the solution for this is already in her possession.

That is the use of Sharingan and Yamanaka clan technique to remove the part of the thought related to current bet.

She would remember that there is a bet between Shizuka and Jiraiya but she would not remember what that was.

She would subconsciously avoid that thought.

This way Shizuka don’t have worry something bad happening.

But he cannot do that immediately he has to take her away from here to do that.

Well Shizuka doesn’t have to worry about that either, as Tsunade immediately pulled Shizuka and dragged her away from this place.

Jiraiya went to the trio of Nagato’s group to convince to make them his disciples.

As for Orochimaru, he actually separated a clone to put on the appearances here and his main body followed Tsunade and Shizuka away from here.

Tsunade took Shizuka far away and Shizuka was actually paying attention to white Zetsu that is following them.

Shizuka used strong Genjutsu while they are moving to make the white Zetsu stop and make sure that other white Zetsu would not come close to them.

Finally they stopped after going for a little while when Tsunade though that there is no one nearby.

But Orochimaru came along and is hiding nearby right now.

Shizuka did not immediately do anything as she wanted Orochimaru to witness the entire scene before making a move.

Chapter 428: planting thoughts in Tsunade

But Orochimaru came along and is hiding nearby right now.

Shizuka did not immediately do anything as she wanted Orochimaru to witness the entire scene before making a move.

Shizuka is already wearing special lenses that would help her hide her Sharingan.

So even if Orochimaru found that Tsunade acted strange he would not be able to tell that Shizuka has awakened Sharingan.

After stopping Tsunade looked at Shizuka for some answers,

“Shizuka tell me the truth,

Did you hear something from third Hokage or Danzo about targeting my clan or something like that?”

Tsunade asked Shizuka with anxiousness written all over her face.

Shizuka looked at Tsunade and said.

“Sensei, all of these was my thoughts or future prediction of what is going to happen under the current circumstances.

The chance of this happening is very high.

Even if you go there and tried to convince, all it would change is to delay the destruction of the Senju clan.

You can try but it would be of no use.

The Senju clan people are on the same level of arrogance as that of Uchiha clan people.

Also they are even more blinded by their arrogance because their people became the first and second Hokage.

It was their blind arrogance that led to the death of your brother Nawaki.

They failed to notice the trap laid by the people they trusted.

You should have already investigated this matter right.

You at least have vague idea on who cause the incident and for what purpose right.

This is the very base of my prediction before………”

Shizuka spoke all of this at the same time used his Sharingan to plant few thoughts into the mind of Tsunade.

With the power of Mangekyō Sharingan and strong spirit power the thoughts planted would not be noticed by Tsunade during her life time.

These thought at not big.

It was a simple magnification of her fears that her people would not be convinced even if she warned them.

Similarly third Hokage and Danzo would not confess what they did to her brother before.

Also she did not have any proof of this matter pointing towards Danzo or third Hokage.

With Shizuka’s words and the implemented thought she slowly thought about this and became depressed.

But she would not give up.

She would definitely speak to her people to convince them.

But Shizuka warned her that there might be some people from the roots or Anbu that are loyal to third Hokage.

They can always warn third Hokage or Danzo in advance to cover up the things and postpone them for later.

Listening to Shizuka’s words she thought about this and wanted to speak to her father later.

Shizuka can easily tell her thoughts as her capabilities to plan and think are very simple.

Shizuka then planted a Mangekyō Sharingan command in her mind that would trigger when she sees her father.

This would activate so quickly that the people below super Kage level would not be able to notice or remember about this much.

The thoughts planted in the Mangekyō Sharingan are also simply like Tsunade’s father not trusting her and acting like the prideful person that Shizuka spoke off.

With that the first problem would be solved.

There is another command in her mind that is to not to let her go to Danzo or third Hokage about this issue fearing that they would hide the things and do something more darker.

Shizuka did all these through Mangekyō Sharingan at a fast speed that Tsunade could not react.

Even though she is a villain, she doesn’t want to get the women through mind control tactics.

She wanted her women to not to betray her for that she has to act a little strict but she want her women to love her instead of being with her with mind control nonsense.

Even though she is a bitch she doesn’t want to be stabbed by her own bitches in the back.


After talking to Shizuka Tsunade left back to their camping place while Shizuka said that she would return shortly after a little practice of her Jutsu.

Tsunade did not mind as Shizuka usually does this.

Also in her mind there are many things about how to convince her father or other people in the Senju clan.

She returned to the camp where Jiraiya was able to convince the trio of Nagato’s group to teach them.

Orochimaru’s close was here as his main body was where Shizuka is located right now.

He is like a snake that came to Shizuka and waited to attack his prey.

Shizuka has already noticed him but she did not act immediately because Shizuka needs to make a surprise attack to use the soul servant Mark.

Shizuka drawn this Mark on her hand with her blood and already started the initial preparations of the soul servant Mark.

Then she started to act like she was practicing hard.

After some time she looked exhausted.

Well Orochimaru knows that Shizuka is a Jonin level ninja right now.

That is her official information of Shizuka.

He has already checked with his senses during this time and found that Shizuka is really at Jonin level.

So after the continuous exercise that Shizuka just did she should be exhausted to some extent.

But he don’t know that compared to the chakra reserves Shizuka has she is not exhausted at all.

The entire Jonin level chakra is not even a hundredth of the chakra she possesses right now.

Right then Orochimaru used a special Jutsu to extend his head like a snake to bit at Shizuka and poison her with his sneak attack.

Even if Shizuka is faking she would not be able to recover from his poison so quickly and easily.

Within this time he can easily kill Shizuka.

This is his plan when he started his sneak attack.

Unfortunately he did not expect for Shizuka to suddenly turned around and put her hand with…

Chapter 429: Orochimaru became a servant

Within this time he can easily kill Shizuka.

This is his plan when he started his sneak attack.

Unfortunately he did not expect for Shizuka to suddenly turned around and put her hand with a blood symbol on it straight on the forehead of his head that went to bite him.

Shizuka immediately activated the soul servant Mark at the moment of contact.

At the same time the hand of Shizuka is like an iron clamp for Orochimaru to move forward or backward.

It was stuck and before he realized it he felt a strong burning sensation.

But it is not on his body or mind but on his spirit directly.

He immediately knows that something is completely wrong here.

He wanted to withdraw away from Shizuka.

But he was unable to do that as Shizuka held him tightly.

The process of application of soul servant Mark is slow.

Well not for ordinary people but for ninja it was slow.

Shizuka has to hold down Orochimaru till the seal is formed.

Shizuka did not fear that he would be attacked by Orochimaru during this time because Shizuka is very strong.

She is at super Kage level that would not let her be damaged by the likes of Orochimaru easily.

After few seconds the seal is formed and Shizuka let go off Orochimaru.

Orochimaru immediately wanted to run away but he was stopped because of the command that Shizuka gave him.


Orochimaru stopped in his tracks without any movement.

Even though he wanted to run his body is not moving.

“What did you do to me?”

Orochimaru asked while trying to check if there is anything wrong with his body, mind or soul.

Shizuka let him search for a little while.

Shizuka was a little exhausted because this requires around a massive amount chakra to complete the process along with the spirit energy.

She would not show her exhaustion in her appearance but she would recover before making a move.

She did not fear Orochimaru but it is always good to be cautious as one cannot expect from where the attack or death comes from.

Orochimaru finally found the location of the Mark straight on the forehead of his soul.

This Mark is the same as the one he saw in the hand of Shizuka that placed on his head.

He was immediately shocked and did not know what this is.

But based on his interaction with it just now he found that it was some sort of control Mark that can control his soul and from soul his entire body.

Even though he has independent thinking he did not have a choice but to follow the commands of the mark owner.

He tried to probe the mark with his spirit energy and chakra but the result is a big negative.

He could not do anything to it.

Shizuka that has just recovered used the wood style to create a rocker chair and sat in front of Orochimaru.

The eyes of Orochimaru widened because he saw Shizuka use in the wood style.

Shizuka smiled at him and gave another command.

“Stand in attention position like a good servant.”

Immediately Orochimaru came forward and stood in front of Shizuka.

He did not have a butler dress but he looked more like Sebastian in black butler series.

Shizuka was really moved by the appearance of Orochimaru she doesn’t know how he his thing would taste like.

Well not for eating but for the other thing.

Based on what she knows Orochimaru was virgin from the start to the end.

So Shizuka was even more interested.

But she is not at that age yet to play.

She has to let her body develop well to enjoy instead if rushing and damaging her core.

Shizuka smirked at Orochimaru and said.

“That is a good servant position.

I will think of a way to get you a butler dress that suits you very much.

As for your current condition,

Well I made a special seal Mark on your soul.

There are only two ways to remove it.

First is I should remove it through a special way.

Second it that your soul is shattered completely that would not even be able to enter the pure world.

So you are my servant for life without any other choice.

You have to bear that in mind from now on.

Also as a permanent command,

‘You are not allowed to harm me or my woman or my children in any way or instigate others to do the harm.’

Now the reason why I gave you a warning before is to bring you here to attack me.

You see, I really like your talent.

I wanted to a mad genius scientist like you to be my subordinate.

So you should follow my commands from now on.

Don’t worry; I would not interfere with your work or anything.

When I need something I would tell you in advance.

Now you can go back and act as nothing happened…..”

Shizuka gave him a few instructions and sent him back.

On the other hand Shizuka wanted to return back to the hidden leaf village.

She is wearing the eyes cover that would cover his Sharingan for a day.

She will go back to the village with a changed appearance and give few instructions to certain people.

They are the father of Tsunade, elders of the Senju clan, Minato….

This way future plot would follow the original path without causing him extra problems.

She used the flying thunder god technique to immediately return to the village and completed these small things.

She took caution about one thing that is to avoid detected by 9 tails.

Well even if detects her it would not tell Mito but still it is better safe than sorry later.

Shizuka completed her work and returned back to the camp in the land of rain.

She returned back to them in the evening.

No one suspected anything as she left a clone here to do the pretending.

Chapter 430: meeting Mito for the last time

She returned back to them in the evening.

No one suspected anything as she left a clone here to do the pretending.

Jiraiya decided to stay here to teach the trio of Nagato’s group,

Tsunade along with Orochimaru left here to return back to the hidden leaf village.

Tsunade was anxious so she urged them to move faster to return to the village.

She wanted to talk to her father and other elders about this matter.

Orochimaru acted as if nothing happened and does what he does as usual.

After returning back Tsunade did not go to third Hokage to report back the mission.

She left it to Orochimaru and left to the Senju clan.

Orochimaru looked at Shizuka and asked.

“Are you going to go after Tsunade?”

Shizuka looked at Orochimaru and asked.

“Did you have any thoughts on her?”

“Actually not on her, but the one that is following her called Dan Kato.

He has a special spiritual technique that I am quite interested in.

You don’t mind me playing with him for experiments right.”

He asked Shizuka like a good subordinate.

“I don’t mind, also I am glad if he goes on his way during the war later.”

Orochimaru widened his eyes for a moment and then thought about something.

As if he realized something he said to Shizuka.

“Don’t tell me that it was you that created the problem with Dan’s manhood.”

Shizuka did not answer but only smiled at Orochimaru.

The smile is gentle to everyone but to Orochimaru it was like the smile of the devil.

Only then Orochimaru understood how dangerous the seemingly gentle looking young woman in front of him is.

He felt a chill run down his spine and decided to not to do anything stupid and get on the bad side of Shizuka.

Even though he never used it, he still liked his dick.

He doesn’t want anything happen to it or any other part of his body.

He went to the Hokage’s office to report the matters about the battle at the land of rain with Hanzo.

Shizuka returned to the Uchiha clan.

As soon as she returned Shizuka was summoned to the clan meeting room where they questioned about the situation of the battle.

Even though they got the reports they still want to get the first hand information from Shizuka.

This way they would be more prepared if they have to retaliate against the third Hokage and his three disciples.

Shizuka can only laugh at them inside her mind.

Well Shizuka gave them a brief rundown and did not tell them some important things.

Right before this that is when they left Jiraiya before the white Zetsu that Shizuka let go has reported the entire incident to Madara Uchiha.

Madara was shocked by the insight and braveness of a person like Shizuka.

He wanted to investigate Shizuka.

Since Shizuka is from the Uchiha clan he wanted to see if he can use Shizuka in place of Obito.

But after understanding few things from the investigation of the white Zetsu he gave up the thought.

Instead he felt that Shizuka is a little threatening.

But the important thing is Shizuka is not strong based on his calculation and the investigated information.

Shizuka is only around at Jonin level.

Even if it was faked Shizuka is only at elite Jonin level.

So he immediately gave up on thinking about Shizuka.

Shizuka was directly added to the elimination list because Shizuka might not be strong but her words are strong.


Shizuka doesn’t know about this but she felt that the number of white Zetsu in the place has increased a lot.

Shizuka went to the Senju clan to meet with Tsunade but her goal is to meet Mito.

She will be dying soon and Shizuka wanted to meet her.

Well there is no other reason she just want to meet her so that she can tell Kushina that she was being cheated.

Shizuka has to make the right entrance for this to work and it should be when Kushina was captured by the hidden cloud village.

That is the best time to meet with her and change her heart.

Shizuka easily got through into the Senju clan.

Tsunade did not meet him as she was in the meeting with the elders and her father.

On the other hand Shizuka was told to wait.

But Shizuka has other plans.

She released a shadow clone and then used the flying thunder god technique to directly appear in front of Mito.

Shizuka disguised with a black cloak so that other people would not recognize her.

Mito can recognize her with the help of Kurama.

The reason why Shizuka has to sneak in is because Mito is dying and the security around her is more than it should be.

It was arranged by third Hokage.

They don’t want the 9 tails to suddenly erupt out and go on a rampage.

When Shizuka arrived few ninja suddenly came to stop her but Mito told them to back off as she recognized Shizuka.

But they are very keen on knowing the uninvited guest is and what his purpose is.

They could not identify the gender of the person.

So they assumed that it is a man under the cloak.

Unfortunately for them Shizuka set up a barrier immediately to completely cover her and Mito.

“How are you Mito san?”

Shizuka asked looking at her pale complexion.

Mito only smiled at this question as she knows her life is at the end.

Then she spoke.

“They are going to make that Uzumaki girl called Kushina into the next jinchūriki.

I know that you are far different from what you appear to be in front of me and Tsunade.

I know that you have malice toward third Hokage and other.

Tsunade came here to tell me about your bet with that perverted boy Jiraiya.

Your words are very well founded.

If what you said really happens and the Senju clan falls, then I want you to take care of Tsunade and Kushina….”


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