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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 416: buying lenses to cover Sharingan

That is not all the trust she got from third Hokage, head of the Uchiha clan, Mito and others would give her continuous chaos points in small quantities.

This will continue till that person that believes her words dies or her lies is exposed.

It is similar to the benefits that protagonists receive from the side and support characters.

Shizuka did not have any interest in using those chaos points for more power.

Instead her thoughts are different.

She opened the system store and bought few important things that she needed to her right now.

She bought few lenses that can be used to cover her eyes when she opens Sharingan and Byakugan.

She cannot buy the life fantasy world props from the real world unless she has entered this fantasy world even once.

During this time her improvement let her open the Byakugan.

Not every person in the Hyuga clan can use the Byakugan.

But she did not have proper study material to learn the proper way of using Byakugan.

It is not a problem.

She doesn’t want that to be exposed in emergency cases so she has to cover it up till she was absolutely dominant in this world.

As long as she completes the Mangekyō Sharingan she would be able to easily let the head of Hyuga clan into trance and gain their practice techniques.

For these small things she doesn’t want to use the villain points and buy them from the system.

She obtained 121 thousand chaos points over these last few years making some small choices.

But buying the lenses costed her very high too.

These lenses are 1 time use items that can only last few a limited amount of time.

The lenses that last for 1 day cost 100 chaos points.

Shizuka spent 1000 points to get some that are worth of 10 days.

She doesn’t have to wear them by herself.

As long as she selects the lenses would move and connect to her eyes automatically.

So there is no worry or lack of time.

Till then they would stay in the system space that she got.


During this time Shizuka visited the academy in the name of meeting Minato which is very normal as she helped Minato practice.

The talent of Minato is really high.

Even his comprehension is high.

If he became close to Kushina then it is possible to become as strong as he was in the original plot.

But Shizuka did not expect that he is not the only one to make a move here.

There are few lady players that pestered Minato from time to time and there are other male players that hit on Kushina from time to time.

But both Minato and Kushina are actually leaning towards Shizuka as their emotional support and crush.

Shizuka originally wanted to take a chance to show off in front of Kushina when someone bullied her for her red hair.

But Shizuka did not expect that other players including Hiashi would act in this matter.

It is like house flies buzzing over mangoes.

Kushina was really disturbed and she ran over to Shizuka directly and hid behind her.

Originally she would not back down from something like this and directly hit off these people.

But they are stronger than her and they are more interested in her touches.

Even if she hits them they would not leave her.

This made her irritated to the peak and wanted to escape.

Right then she saw Shizuka and she immediately took her as meat shield.

Well she got acquainted with Shizuka and Mito told her to take Shizuka’s help if needed.

So with her behind her back, Shizuka pulled her to her front and said.

“What is the problem Kushina, are there people pestering you?”

She asked looking straight into her eyes.

For a moment she was mesmerized looking at the charming face of Shizuka.

Shizuka also let her look at her for a while.

As for Minato he was long since dragged by few female ninja.

Well they are female players that are very interested in Minato.

Since Shizuka is a player and she seems to be from high level background based on her current status, they don’t want to cross her.

But Shizuka did not seem to care about them taking Minato, also Shizuka even pointed at the location where Minato is.

This led the change for Minato to be captured by the giggling girl’s group of players and they took him.

Can any man say no to the smiling face of a woman?

Well there are few people like that but not everyone is like that.

It is especially so for Minato.

So he went along with them without any choice.

On the other hand Shizuka made unreasonably sounding words calling all the men that are buzzing over Kushina as traitors that are pestering a girl of their own village.

Then she started to hit those people on the faces.

All of them are slaps with hand prints and Kushina became brave enough to move forward to hit the people as soon as Shizuka made the move.

After hitting them all that were suppressed by Shizuka she finally calmed down and happily jumped around pulling Shizuka’s hand and leaving.

She wanted to eat Ichiraku ramen that she tasted few days ago.

So Shizuka took her to eat.

She also made sure that both Himeko and Mikoto did not see her during this time with Kushina.

Well she would connect them slowly.

For now she took her to eat and then took her back.

The players that got hit wanted to retaliate but they were stopped by others.

That day when Shizuka returned to the Uchiha clan she was called to the clan hall where the clan head is waiting for her.

When Shizuka arrive the clan head actually greeted Shizuka with a bright face.

Shizuka knows what is happening.

Kushina is a very valuable asset for the hidden leaf village.

Chapter 417: 7 yin seals completed

Shizuka knows what is happening.

Kushina is a very valuable asset for the hidden leaf village.

Like Mito the wife of the first Hokage, Kushina will be made as jinchūriki.

This truth is knows by all the other clan heads as a fact.

So the person that becomes close to Kushina would be the most powerful person in the village and the clan behind that man would become a clan in prominence.

This is also one of the reasons why third Hokage married Kushina to Minato that is a commoner ninja.

Also this is the reason why he sent Minato to save Kushina when she was kidnapped instead of sending experienced Anbu ninja.

The funniest thing is that Minato is only around 12 years old at that time.

Shizuka even doubts on the ninja that actually kidnapped Kushina are from the hidden cloud village.

Or the source of information they got pointing to Kushina being the new jinchūriki that was made on the same year.

There are many serious doubts in this matter.

Do they really think that everyone is a fool that cannot see these small things so clearly?

Shizuka smiled happily as she was going to make a move at the right time to gain the things in the best possible way.

But for now, she would act as a close confident of Kushina.

This way she could get close to her.

After eating the spicy ramen her face became bright red and she really looked like a tomato and a red chili.

Her previous impression of Shizuka deepened.

Before she thought that Shizuka is a known person from granny Mito and sister Tsunade,

But now her impression of her changed and she thinks that Shizuka is much better than others in this village.

Right now she is having a better opinion on Shizuka but not to the level of love.

She just lost her clan and being over active is to cover her loneliness.

Shizuka talked to her out of this loneliness when being with her.

That is not the only thing Shizuka being an orphan also had a small portion of her affection towards Shizuka.

It is like Naruto looking at Sasuke that lost their family.

Well it is slightly opposite in this matter where Kushina lost her family and Shizuka was an orphan from the beginning.

She has a father but it is not a concerning thing as he would never admit Shizuka being his son.

With that many things would be solved without needing to have to think about this.


Her standing in the clan has reduced in the lower level clansmen because of few reasons.

That is she did not awaken the Sharingan even though she was close to 14 years old.

She was not on the side of fighting but like a coward standing on the medical side based on their clansmen thinking of the Uchiha clan.

On the other hand the top elders of the Uchiha clan are on good terms with Shizuka because she was the disciple of Tsunade as the top medical ninja.

Also they know that Shizuka is acting as double agent on the side of third Hokage for them.

So they know that Shizuka is very capable to get so close to third Hokage.

In the upper side the elders are good.

Shizuka did not get to meet Mikoto or Himeko during this time.

They should have matured and stepped into women hood during this time.

She is also developing well and her body shows the signs of excellent curves.

Many men would show shy expression because of her beauty.

She really wanted to meet Himeko and Mikoto but there are people that blocking her path whenever she tries to go to them.

Well they are not specifically following Shizuka and if she seriously tries something they would not be able to stop her.

But still Shizuka wanted to stay cautious in this important time.

There are tensions within the village and outside the village.

Her background is like a paper tiger in the current situation.

Even if Tsunade stand behind her, this did not mean anything.

She is not the legendary Sanin yet.

So Shizuka has to stay quiet for now.

Well she did not give up on meeting them.

She would change her appearance and go to them secretly and then replace them with a shadow clone.

Then they would go on a date in a different appearance.

13 years old ninja can manage something small like this.

Well Mikoto and Himeko started to take longer baths after they were separated from Shizuka.

No one would force them to come out of the bath quickly so things are much better.

Sometimes Shizuka would cook for them or take them around to have fun around the village.

Just like this another year passed and at the age of 10 Minato graduated from the academy.

Kushina did not graduate immediately but waited for few more months to graduate.

On the other hand Shizuka gained peak Kage level chakra along with mastery in important things.

She has mastered chakra control, spirit energy technique, Taijutsu, Genjutsu and many ninjutsu, sage techniques….

Well all these reached master level but not god level.

As for her Otsutsuki bloodline it did not activate directly.

It seems like it needs more time or a situation to activate it.

Also the number of yin seals on her body reached 7 after her recent improvement in chakra level.

Also she found that the maximum numbers of yin seals she can have are around 9.

She could not form more than that.

Also for 9 yin seals she has to have the peak of super Kage level chakra or sage level to gain enough chakra and control to form them.

Right now she still requires more time.

Based on the estimate she would reach sage level by the age of 15 definitely.

She felt that her body is rapidly improving in all round way over the year.

Chapter 418: Awakened Mangekyō Sharingan

Based on the estimate she would reach sage level by the age of 15 definitely.

She felt that her body is rapidly improving in all round way over the year.

Also she is becoming more and more beautiful.

Unfortunately the pervert patch is offline for the time being because of the rules of the world.

All the pleasure are all pent up and they would burst on the day she turns 18.

As long as she is strong enough she can do anything she wanted to do.

She is really interested in the ninja from the hidden cloud village.

To get what she wanted she has to improve her strength and power.

So she concentrated more towards mastery of other things with slow improvement of chakra.

Now she has already mastered and the new improved chakra and chakra control can be mastered in the future easily.

This is not all right around this time she was sent to missions outside along with Tsunade.

After her visit to the outside world and understanding of the things her Sharingan has evolved to Mangekyō Sharingan.

There are a few small triggers that almost let out the villain inside her mind during her travels.

One of those times she stepped into the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Fortunately she quickly covered it up and the powers she received are actually quite strange too.

One of it actually Izanagi and the other is something called Daikokuten.

Izanagi is not like the version that would be damaging the Sharingan permanently.

It can let Shizuka discard all the unfavorable things that happen within 12 minutes of time when activated.

1 minute is equal to 1 month of recharge time.

Upon better controlling she can use it in short bursts to create an evasion skill that is much better than the skill called body flickering used by Shisui.

But once used it would take an entire year to recharge again without damaging it.

Well there is a short cut.

She can spent a super Kage level chakra with the Senju and Otsutsuki bloodlines as support it can recover immediately.

If it was upgraded to eternal Mangekyō Sharingan that is the perfect Sharingan then half of super Kage level chakra is enough to restore it immediately.

The yin seal of Shizuka can store up to a quarter of super Kage level chakra in it right now.

She was optimistic that the amount would increase in the future.

With that she was sure that she can use the Izanagi for more than half an hour if necessary.

This is a great skill and she is going to slowly master it.

Currently she is waiting for Fugaku to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan so that she can complete her Sharingan to eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

For that she has to wait till the war starts before getting the things she wanted.

Then the other power of the second eye of the Sharingan is called Daikokuten.

It is related to stealing.

Based on her understanding the name is related to god of thief and fortune.

The power that Shizuka received is the power of stealing.

But there are restrictions of using this power.

She can steal the Sharingan abilities of other people using this Daikokuten.

But for stealing a single ability, she should spend super Kage level chakra.

Also during the stealing process the Sharingan that has the ability should not die.

Well human eyes can live for few hours after taking them out of the human eye sockets.

So this is not a problem.

The process of extraction is 20 minutes and during this time she must not be disturbed.

If she gains the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan then the requirements would be halved.

Shizuka knows what she has to do with this ability.

Unfortunately she could not get the Sharingan ability of Fugaku as the Sharingan loses their power the moment she steals their ability.

Well she can gain eternal Mangekyō Sharingan but the loss is still a loss.

But this loss cannot be recovered.

Other than the abilities of the Sharingan it could not extract the powers of others like ninjutsu or other things.


Also time for the death of Mito is also close.

Shizuka wanted to learn as much as she possible can from Mito and if possible she wanted to form close ties with 9 tails so that when it was sealed in Kushina she would support her easily.

Shizuka practiced the Susanoo when there is no one around and when she goes on a mission by herself.

Because of the high spirit energy and natural energy she can better sense everyone and everything in her surroundings.

This includes the white Zetsu that are monitoring the hidden leaf village and some even followed Tsunade.

They are her practice targets for Genjutsu.

Other than that she would not disturb them or alert them to know that she knows their existence.

This was easy for her.

During this year Kakashi is born.

Since Shizuka had good relationship with Sakumo, she was able to visit the baby Kakashi.

The mother of Kakashi died when she gave birth to him.

This made Sakumo sad and gloomy.

Shizuka consoled Sakumo.

Well technically Shizuka is 14 years old and the people mature faster in ninja world.

Well if she is over 18 years old she would even try to console him in the bed.

Technically Sakumo is a good man and he would never look for other women other than his wife.

After she was done talking to Sakumo, Shizuka returned to her clan.

Her standing was even dropped more under the eyes of normal Uchiha clansmen.

Well the higher expectations leads to greater disappointments.

Originally Shizuka is a girl and did not have much expectation on her.

But after she was favored by strong people, the people of the clan started to have more expectations.

In their thoughts Shizuka did not open Sharingan even at the age of 14 years old.

She should have already experienced many things but still did not open the Sharingan.

Chapter 419: perfecting the usage of Mangekyō Sharingan

In their thoughts Shizuka did not open Sharingan even at the age of 14 years old.

She should have already experienced many things but still did not open the Sharingan.

Also she became the disciple of a woman from Senju clan.

All these things acted on their stupid pride and make them look down on Shizuka.

Shizuka did not care about them and the higher level of Uchiha clan knows about her but did not speak about it as she was a spy.

They simply sacrificed her for the greater goal of preserving the clan.

They actually sacrificed her without even asking her or giving her any good thing in return.

Shizuka was naturally angry but she did not show about it right now.

In a year or so she will be able to gain complete control over her Mangekyō Sharingan and use it on.

Also she would gain eternal Mangekyō Sharingan soon.

She learned the forbidden Jutsu of Kurama clan from the scroll of forbidden seals that Mito got for her.

The combination of Kurama clan’s Genjutsu technique with her Mangekyō Sharingan, Shizuka will be able to send anyone into Genjutsu.

Even if other party has a Mangekyō Sharingan she can still send them into Genjutsu.

As long as the other party is in Genjutsu, Shizuka can use another forbidden technique of Yamanaka clan to peek into the mind of other person.

Then she can gain all the information that she wanted.

But she has to be patient and her spirit energy should be at least twice as big as she has right now.

For that she has to work harder to improve.

She was promoted to special Jonin rank and did many B rank missions during this time while still training.

For another year, Shizuka was immersed in hard training.

By the end she has reached the peak if super Kage level that even surpassed both Madara Uchiha and Senju Hashirama.

She is 15 years old and her Mangekyō Sharingan is also perfected.

It was years 52 and nearing its end.

The second ninja war started with the entire village becoming busy.

Kushina has graduated and she is a Genin right now.

Shizuka celebrated for her becoming a Genin with herself made dishes and ramen.

Also she took her to the Ichiraku ramen store and let her eat what she wanted.

During this two year Shizuka as promoted to Jonin rank by the third Hokage.

Also her trust towards Shizuka has increased to a high level because Shizuka did not open her Sharingan.

The pestering of Danzo over handing over Shizuka also reduced because Shizuka did not open her Sharingan.

Danzo did not have any interest in medical ninja.

Tsunade have not become famous yet.

During this time Tsunade and Dan came close to each other.

It is like platonic love between them.

Well Shizuka did not do anything.

She can only take down Tsunade once her heart is broken.

Before that she would not interfere.

Well she is not a hero to find justice instead she is a villain and obtains the people when they are completely down.

As for Mikoto, she has already opened the Sharingan and it was a three Tomoe Sharingan.

As for her ninja level she is at the top of Jonin level and was very close to Kage level.

Well even though she is at Kage level her strength, chakra and other things would not be a match to Shizuka when she was at the same level as she is.

The primary difference is that they have flaws in their improvement while Shizuka did not have any at all.

She practiced the things to the perfection without any flaws.

As for Himeko she did not appear much outside as she was learning the duties of a wife.

At the age of 16, Hiashi and Hizashi would have a duel for the leadership.

The winner would become the main bloodline while the looser would become the branch bloodline with the caged bird Mark on her forehead.

The winner of the two would master all the secret techniques of the Hyuga clan.

At the age of 18 the winner of the two would marry Himeko and become the young head of the clan.

This is how things would be.

Well Shizuka would not give them enough time to do all this.

Fugaku is already 20 years old and she is currently going to the battle field as it was necessary to gain some war experience.

The head of the Uchiha clan is still there at the Uchiha clan.

Shizuka came to meet her separately one day.

Shizuka invited her to a secret place under the Uchiha clan where they held secret meeting to report some things important.

Shizuka is really going to tell something important right now but it is not about the Uchiha clan but the plans of third Hokage during this war.

At the same time she would try to hypnotize him and get the information related to the main techniques of the Uchiha clan and also the information of Fugaku’s Sharingan.

That is she wanted to know if Fugaku has awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan or not.

This is not all Shizuka has already obtained another pair of Uchiha eyes that were stored in system space in stagnant time.

They would be use to replace the eyes of Ryo Uchiha.

If her father Ryo Uchiha has Mangekyō Sharingan then Shizuka wanted to get its power.

Shizuka already has 8 yin seals that have the chakra capacity of 4 peak super Kage level powerhouses.

When she met with Ryo Uchiha they are the only one in the underground meeting room.

There is no one here, Shizuka specifically searched around the area with her strong sense.

Currently she was much stronger than Ryo Uchiha that is only at Kage level.

While speaking Shizuka suddenly changed her eyes to Mangekyō Sharingan while blinking and cast a strong Genjutsu on Ryo Uchiha.

Immediately Ryo should react but she did not react at all.

Chapter 420: the cheap thoughts of her cheap father

While speaking Shizuka suddenly changed her eyes to Mangekyō Sharingan while blinking and cast a strong Genjutsu on Ryo Uchiha.

Immediately Ryo should react but she did not react at all.

The reason for this is Ryo did not have a Mangekyō Sharingan.

Because of this she was in the passive state all the time even with all the pressure from second and third Hokage.

Also the Genjutsu that Shizuka used is an amalgamation of Kurama clan Genjutsu technique and Uchiha clan Genjutsu technique with the support of Mangekyō Sharingan.

For Ryo Uchiha was very weak compared to Shizuka so she was directly fell into Genjutsu without even knowing.

In the Genjutsu, Ryo is still listening to the long explanation of Shizuka while Shizuka quickly moved to Ryo in reality and used the Yamanaka clan’s forbidden mind control and reading ninjutsu.

With that she immediately got the information she wanted without letting Ryo anything.

This was only possible with the vast amount of spirit energy that Shizuka possess right now.

If not the forbidden technique of Yamanaka clan would not have worked and might even cause strong problems to the mind of Ryo.

By reading the memories of Ryo,

The first thing Shizuka looked at it the image and appearance of her mother.

Second is about the thoughts of Ryo towards her.

Third is about the Mangekyō Sharingan of Fugaku.

Fourth is about the information related to the secret techniques of the Uchiha clan.


The first was easily obtained and she was able to see the appearance of her mother.

Even thought this is not a real world but a fantasy world, Shizuka was born to her biologically.

So she wanted to know how she looked like.

She would later sketch her image and keep it for the future.

Then she moved the second on the list.

That is the thoughts of Ryo on her as a daughter.

But the more she knows the more disgusted she became of Ryo.

She really wanted to kill this heartless man.

“Why am I thinking like some cheap protagonist?

I should be the villain.

Killing him would be very easy.

But I want him to suffer.

Suffer the hell and beg me for mercy.”

The reason for Shizuka’s anger is because Ryo was the reason for the death of her mother.

He also wanted to kill her when she was just an infant.

Fortunately she was saved on a whim.

Shizuka controlled her thoughts and moved on the next part of her list.

It is related the Mangekyō Sharingan of Fugaku or anyone in the clan.

Shizuka doesn’t want to leave any potential threat in her path so that she would not be sitting on a land mine later.

Clearing the enemies to the root will be the best way.

If she is in the dark while her enemies are in the light then she can easily do things without a problem.

At that time killing them is a waste as Shizuka can manipulate them slowly for her needs.

When looking through the memories Shizuka found that Ryo Uchiha was once close to opening the Mangekyō Sharingan.

But he was disturbed by some things at that time which was actually caused by third Hokage and Danzo.

At that time he lost his chance to ever upgrade his eyes to Mangekyō Sharingan.

For this very reason third Hokage or Danzo did not make things difficult for Ryo while he was the head of the Uchiha clan.

But after Fugaku was born, things would change to a different direction.

The fire of Ryo has cooled down making him reluctant to let the Uchiha clansmen to fight back giving him the title of peaceful head of the Uchiha clan.

On the other hand they were careful about Fugaku that might retaliate.

But they would have never thought that Fugaku is a spineless bitch that would not want to fight the village.

He instead became the licking dog of the village management and third Hokage.

After the extermination of the Senju clan he became more frightened.

So in the third ninja war when the Uchiha clan was asked to participate in such unfavorable place they can only accept.

The more Shizuka thought the angrier she became.

Her father actually wanted to sacrifice her to other people as a play thing to get benefits for his son.

Well she doesn’t care about them.

She is a bitch in heart so it is normal for her to be excited but the thoughts of her father made her feel disgusted.

Even though she is a bitch in her heart she is a dignified bitch instead of a cheap street whore.

She gets fucked by the people she wants to fuck and no one could stop her or command her.

But right now she has to improve slowly in the protection.

So she can only stay silent for the time being and burst out her power when the time is right.

On the other hand she found that Fugaku has recently awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan and its power is also great.

It has the power to create fake intimidation to the people that he is looking and the people that are looking at him.

Also the other power is to make the people fight against each other as if they are controlled by the enemy.

But what would happen is just the change of perception of the enemy ninja.

He uses fire escape to escape into the shadows and attack other people using his eyes.

“No wonder he was called the wicked eyed Uchiha”

Well these things are useless to Shizuka when compared to eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Fugaku has recently awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan and he did not master these powers.

When compared the power levels between Ryo Uchiha and Fugaku they are on the same level.

The balance tilted slightly towards Fugaku because of the newly awakened Mangekyō Sharingan.

Then Shizuka moved on to the fourth and final on the list.


Angel Diaz

Wonder when she will allow Hiruzen to fuck her whenever he wants.

Souryourer Fate

Hiruzen would not fuck her because his dick was lost to hos summoned beast Fourth raikage would play

Angel Diaz

Awesome. Imagining a scene where she convinces Mikoto & Kushina to join her with Jiraya.