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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 131: catching the snake Nagini

Both of them are virgins still and has hot figure that can entire Jonathan.

Well if they accept it he really wanted to have a threesome but unfortunately women are stubborn in this matter.

Also they are not in the obsessive love state to accept everything Jonathan asks them to.

If it was pansy and Daphne then they would have gladly accepted it.

But they are not of age and they need to develop before they can play with Jonathan.

Well so he has to choose between Rita Skeeter and Penelope Clearwater.

Most probably it would be Rita Skeeter because Penelope went to Auror training.

Well there is another potential candidate that is Nymphadora Tonks.

But it would take time to pull her into his plans and make her fall in love with him.

Well he would think about that when the time comes.

For now there are other things to do.

First is to capture the snake Nagini from Voldemort.

Even though the snake is always with him, it did not mean that he can control the snake.

It is like the snake charmer.

He can speak to the snake and the snake has already lost its independent thinking.

Because of that he can control it with simple commands.

But when Jonathan takes action it would be even easier to directly capture the snake when Voldemort is still in weakened state.

Sebastian is keeping an eye on the movements of peter Pettigrew.

Peter Pettigrew finally found Voldemort in the forest and brought Voldemort back to the riddles house.

They are going to capture Bertha Jorkins from the ministry of magic to get some information.

Right at that time Jonathan and Sebastian appeared using the invisibility cloak.

Nagini was not made into a Horcrux yet.

So they suddenly appeared out of nowhere and observed the situation of Voldemort and Nagini.

Nagini came out of the house and is going around the house like it is patrolling.

Jonathan took out a prepared container that is like a cage with space function.

Sebastian used the magic to pull the snake into the cage in one simple move.

Before the snake could reply or gave out a warning they captured the snake.

Then they did not stay there instead they left here directly.

There is another person that would appear her later and it would be dangerous to stay here.

The person that appears here is not peter Pettigrew instead it was Barty crouch junior.

Jonathan doesn’t want to appear here and cause some commotion.

Hiding his presence is the best thing to do to safely gain all the benefits.


Right now Jonathan is already erased the bad name he gained through his father.

Even the Quidditch team manager and coach came forward to apologize to Jonathan and invited him to join the national Quidditch team candidate.

Well it is a reserved team candidate for the Puddlemere United reserved team.

There is another person that was given the same spot like Jonathan.

It was Oliver wood that acted as the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Even though the Gryffindor team lost in the finals because of the Jonathan’s trick, the way he carried himself has given him better chances.

Jonathan also did not have any negative thoughts on Oliver wood so Jonathan even helped him a little here.

In the future Jonathan can use Oliver wood to become branding for few of his Quidditch supplies shops.


Even the ministry of magic accepted.

Also they gave a small compensation to Sirius black for all that happened.

He is currently living with that small amount of money.

Well Jonathan did not interfere in this matter because this small amount of money is not that important to him.

His name and fame rose to a new level.

With no bad name things are much better.

Even his financial organization and employment organization for magical creatures and wizards is having a much better appreciation.

Also his name in solving complicated cases took a big turn and many people started to ask him if he can solve their problems.

Jonathan was more than happy to listen to their cases.

But he would only solve them if he knows the solution and gets enough compensation for solving the case.


His previous research on the magic cards came to a halt or temporary stop because of the lack of materials.

So he decided to start the new research on the blood curses.

For that his first step is to extract some of the blood of the snake Nagini and started to test few things with modern technology of that time and some of the magic tests.

As for the snake Nagini, it was given strong sedatives for it to sleep when he extract the things.

The first thing he observed is that it would recover very quickly even after a small piece of flesh is cut off from its body.

Jonathan did not have any sympathy or thoughts on a snake.

If it is a beautiful girl then he would think about a little with his dick and keep things straight to enjoy.

If not there is no need to think about this.

Any way at most he would lose Astoria that is after he played with her for a while.

If he was able to save her by removing the blood curse then that would be even better.


Even though the situation with Sirius black is cleared Harry is still living with Dursleys.

Sirius with the money he got as compensation has brought a house right across the Dursleys and decided to stay there protecting Harry.

Well he did not think about his son.

So Jonathan doesn’t have an obligation to think about his cheap bastard of a father.

For now Jonathan has to make sure that this information is not out in the open.

That is Jonathan and Sirius is living separately and they did not have any good impression with each other.

Chapter 132: meeting Florian Dominicus Greengrass

For now Jonathan has to make sure that this information is not out in the open.

That is Jonathan and Sirius is living separately and they did not have any good impression with each other.

For that Jonathan has started to do some charity and other things to cover up the matters.

His charity is to raise the orphans in both the wizarding world, magical creature’s side and even on the muggle side.

Actually from these orphans the good seedlings would be taken under his wing and put into work for his company in the future.

It is not like there is a person without any talent.

So they will all become his private army with each being is a specific field.

It would take 10 or 20 years but the result would be a super strong network of loyal people.

With that thought in mind Jonathan started to invest in this side too.

All the money came from his pocket and it was mentioned as the act of charity.

Rita Skeeter specifically covered this issue in the news paper.

Because of the good thing Jonathan is doing Dumbledore and other big people started to donate funds.

They can always come and check the flow of funds.

Jonathan did not have any intentions of misusing these funds.

All of them are for the orphans and his future army.

Even though many people would donate the person that would be close to these people is actually Jonathan.

Jonathan bought in some good permanent teachers that would teach the children basics in many things.

Everything was arranged perfectly.

He would visit them from time to time during this summer vacation.


On the other hand bertha Jorkins is dead as usual and what happened there is not known to Jonathan.

But he did not care about this matter much.

He has other plans and did not care about the life and deaths of every person.

But one thing is certain that is Nagini is not the Horcrux.

Also Jonathan’s experiments are showing some strange results.

The biggest thing in this blood curse is that the red blood cells of the snake Nagini have this black chain like rune markings.

Almost every single cell in her body has this marking.

But it is mostly on the blood related cells.

Jonathan actually found them using a micro scope with enchanted lenses made of special crystals.

With them he was able to make out the runes of the ring around the blood cell.

Jonathan noted it down and began to check but he was not that successful in this matter.

But since there is something like that he wanted to see if Astoria and Daphne also has something similar to this.

So he made a visit to Greengrass mansion and under the introduction of Daphne they met with her father.

He is a normal middle aged man with proper noble like built of body.

His hair is very similar to that of the hair of Daphne and he looked very friendly.

As for the mother of Daphne, she has already passed away.

But her appearance is similar to the Astoria from the portrait present in the room.

Well he is one of the neutral party members that did not take a side in the issue of pure blood and muggle blood struggles.

He did not like Jonathan because of the family history of the black family.

But since his daughter likes him and the recent incidents and news about Jonathan has eased his bad impression of the black family.

It is especially so towards Jonathan.

“It is nice to meet you sir, I am Jonathan from the black family.”

Jonathan introduced about him.

“Hello there I am Florian Dominicus Greengrass.

It is nice to meet you young man.”

Jonathan looked really handsome and he looked like 17 years old right now.

This made him feel differently of Jonathan and felt that the growth of Jonathan is abnormal.

But he did not say anything.

Since the introductions are over Jonathan need to speak about the matter that Jonathan came to his house for.

Also the appearance of Jonathan made him a little wary because the eyes of his daughters are literally twinkling.

Not just one but both the daughters appeared like that.

This made him have a strong pain in his heart as if Jonathan came here to steal his daughters away from him.

Well this is the natural feeling for all the fathers that has daughters.

So he became hostile towards Jonathan immediately.

The change in his expressions is so big and so fast that Jonathan literally wanted to laugh out loud.

But he held back so that there would not be any problems.

Then he came to the most important points.

“Mister Greengrass, I came here today to speak about something important.

My fried Daphne told me about the blood curse that is in your family right now.

I wanted to help her.

So I did a little research and got some special information.

You have to take a look at that.

I presume that there is a cure for the blood curse and it is possible but further experimentation is required.”

Jonathan said and gave a document to Florian Dominicus Greengrass.

The expression of Florian has change and it became completely serious.

Immediately took the document and took a look.

He saw the blood curse runes and all the details that Jonathan spoke about.

Immediately he understood that Jonathan really came through with a step forward than he actually has.

But what he did not understand is how Jonathan was able to see the blood rune inscription on those small blood cells.

Jonathan also did not explain about this matter and then said.

“I want to take the blood samples from them and study the runic structure of the curse.

Then I will think of a way to see if the runic curse will be broken using some antidote or magic or runic words or something else….”

Chapter 133: time turner is a double edged sword

“I want to take the blood samples from them and study the runic structure of the curse.

Then I will think of a way to see if the runic curse will be broken using some antidote or magic or runic words or something else.

Naturally blood curse is hard to cure because they could not see the runic structure.

But once the runic structure is scene then the counter runic structure can be formed.

Then use the same way as the blood curse appeared to cure the blood curse.”

As soon as Jonathan said this the expression of Florian changed to that of hope and also that of fear.

It is fear because this is an unknown venture and there might be a chance of death to his daughters.

Knowing his thoughts Jonathan spoke again.

“Mister Greengrass don’t have to worry.

I already had a test subject with me.

I will first see if I can cure her and then I will cure Daphne and Astoria.”

Florian immediately stood up and came to Jonathan and spoke while holding his hand.

“You really are a good person.

I can understand how much you like my daughters to go so far as to find cure for the blood curse.

If you can really cure my daughters then I will marry them to you as long as their heart desires you.


He made the promise in the spur off a moment but he could not take things back.

Also he can see that his daughters really love Jonathan and their love for him is clear in their eyes.

Jonathan smiled and thanked Florian for his words.

After saying some pleasantries Jonathan left here.

He is going to research more about this blood curse and solving method for it.

But it would take time.

Based on his estimate it would take him an entire year to solve all these problems.

But for now he would collect the blood samples from Daphne and Astoria.

Well when seeing a syringe the two girls instinctively shivered a little.

But Jonathan held them slowly and took the blood.

He did it so smoothly that they did not feel any pain at all.

Also Jonathan cast a vitality healing spell unique with his wand to make the small wound immediately heal.

He stored the blood samples into his expansion space pocket and left after few pleasantries.

After returning back he did not continue to research with Nagini.

He needs the help of an experienced person in this matter.

That should be Dumbledore or slughorn.

Well it is related to blood curse and curing something so they would definitely be interested and help Jonathan.

But before all this Jonathan wanted to make some legal patents on the things he invented like the magic microscope.

Also the method to discover the blood curses.

With the help of Dumbledore it would be easy.

So he quickly contacted Dumbledore.

With the help of Narcissa it was easy for Jonathan to go out as he pleases.

So no one stopped him.

He went to Dumbledore and explained about the things he discovered.

As for the test subject Jonathan kept silent and did not reveal the information.

Dumbledore also did not ask about this for now.

He was sure that Jonathan would not do some bad things.

With the name of Sirius cleared Dumbledore did not feel any negative feelings to Jonathan.

He also heard that Sirius and Jonathan have some discord.

But he did not dwell deep into the matters of father and son.

He has seen Sirius and felt that Sirius was too attacked to Harry than his own son.

Even thought it was strange it was the truth and they could not change anything.

So Dumbledore could only sigh about this matter.

But he was also a relative to Jonathan and he decided to support Jonathan to the best of his capabilities.

At least before he sacrificed himself for Harry based on his plan.

Well that plan did not come into motion yet.

When Dumbledore get the Marvolo Gaunt's ring and was cursed by that ring, he would start to prepare for his own demise.

He will include his sacrifice into the plan at that time.

Before that he is still thinking normally.


When he understood the plan of Jonathan and some basic concepts he was immediately hooked.

Just like the magic cards before the current knowledge on blood curses that Jonathan spoke is also unique.

Jonathan currently needs some forbidden books from Hogwarts.

These books are related to runes of various mythologies.

He can only get them through the help of Dumbledore.

These runes are different for different society of the world.

So there are more than 100 kinds of runes.

But when carefully studied they can all be turned into a single rune script.

It is just that over the years the people changed them and adapted them into their own languages.

So they might look different.

But deep down all of them are the same and the original symbol for all of them are the same.

Jonathan wanted to research the things deep into their origin level and then break them apart into the lowest level.

It is like breaking the molecule into atoms and then breaking the atoms into sub atomic particles.

The process might be long but he will be able to get close to the origin of magic.

For that he has to study hard and once again spend his time with the time turner.

Naturally he doesn’t mind using the time turner but it is a double edged sword.

The more he uses the more time he spends.

Within the same time span he has already spent more than 2 and half years more than hi pears.

That is how dangerous it is to use time turner more and more.

It can give him extra time but that extra time has a price that he has to pay to use it for his needs.

Chapter 134: invitation for the Quidditch finals match

That is how dangerous it is to use time turner more and more.

It can give him extra time but that extra time has a price that he has to pay to use it for his needs.

But what can he say other than using time turner he did not any other choice to get extra time.

Well that is how things are and he started to get to his work.

As for Voldemort that lost Nagini, he is not in a position to search for Nagini right now.

Jonathan has sealed her inside a special room that is covered with runes made by the house elves under the assistance of Sebastian.

So it is not possible for Voldemort to know her location or call her towards him.

In a way all kinds of triggers and tracking spells are useless in that room.

So she is essentially secured.

As for Nymphadora Tonks is currently staying with Jonathan.

She is closely monitoring him.

Jonathan is staying in the Grimmauld palace 12 as his father was not guilty.

Unfortunately the power to be the guardian of Jonathan even for his father is not possible.

Jonathan took the help from Dumbledore and changed few things.

So he is essentially free after he turned 15.

Also based on the last wish of his grandmother Jonathan would be staying in the Malfoy mansion under the guardian Lucius before he turned 18.

So, even Sirius black did not have the right to take control of Jonathan.

So now Jonathan is using the support of Narcissa to get the free to move permission.

As long as he massages her till she was satisfied she would do anything.

With that Jonathan is actually quite free.

The impression of Nymphadora Tonks towards Jonathan is also increasing day by day.

Well he is young and handsome giving out the other worldly vibe.

Also he is rich and capable of making money.

Finally he is trying to solve the blood curse.

With her conversation with Jonathan over their free time she found that Jonathan did not have any prejudice towards half bloods and muggles.

On the contrary Jonathan told her about the orphans he took under him and taking care of them in both wizarding world and the muggle world.

This made her look at Jonathan in a different view.

Also Jonathan did not have the arrogance that a pure blood family noble would have.

Jonathan saw that her affection towards Jonathan has reached 60 points and stopped there.

In order to improve it Jonathan has to do things that would impress her.

Also there are other feelings involved like there are other women around Jonathan.

That is not all Jonathan is also younger than her.

With few more reasons has made her think that she is not good to go with Jonathan.

Well Jonathan would slowly make his moves on her later.

For now has to focus on something important.

In a few days there is Quidditch world cup finals.

Jonathan was invited being a reserved member and also one the one that sponsored the match.

That is right Jonathan is one of the main sponsors for this match.

Jonathan took Nymphadora Tonks with him to the match location.

She is his body guard so she would follow him along.

When Jonathan arrived at the match location he already had his tent prepared.

The house elf Sebastian is already heard with everything ready.

As for dobby he is working somewhere else.

Jonathan went around socializing with other nobles.

For a villain these connections are very important to gain new opportunities.

Soon he visited the tent of the Greengrass family and met with Florian.

He was anxious about the blood curse and repeatedly asked Jonathan about the cure.

Jonathan first calmed him and then said.

“Mister Greengrass the cure is there and I will find it.

I have already asked professor Dumbledore for assistance in this matter.

It would take at most a year to get the cure for this blood curse.

I hope that you would not speak about this matter to anyone.

There are few people that don’t want answers to some things.

So you have to keep calm.

Please leave the lives of your daughters to me.

I will keep them safe.

Also a word of warning for you,

Make some emergency escape and counter measures for a possible attack.

I have reliable information that something might happen late in the night.

You better keep Daphne and Astoria safe.

Also if you would send them with me, we are going to meet with some other friends….”

After exchanging some pleasantries Jonathan left here with Daphne and Astoria.

Tonks that is following Jonathan could not hold back and asked.

“Are you sure that there is going to be an attack tonight.

If you are sure then I will inform my superior to take necessary precautions.”

Tonks was excited but Jonathan stopped her from doing something crazy and said.

“Calm down.

There is going to be an attack tonight.

But you should not inform your superiors as there are traitors in them.

If something happens we would be the ones dying.

Also the Aurors are not an organized force and their numbers are small.

So they are practically useless in this matter.

If every wizard here can act together then you can repel the terrorist force.

‘I don’t want to be a collateral damage in this incident.’

‘There is always someone to protect me.’

This would the mentality of many people.

Nobles would try to run away while the commoners would also run away.

The people that could not escape are the ones that are lazy or stupid.

Think about it, with all this combined where can you get the power to stop the attack tonight.

As for the matter, the information a fourth year Hogwarts student can get is not even known by the Aurors.

So how degraded their management and power currently is can be seen from this small detail….”

Chapter 135: socializing with wizard’s wives, daughters and sisters

“…As for the matter, the information a fourth year Hogwarts student can get is not even known by the Aurors.

So how degraded their management and power currently is can be seen from this small detail.

I really want to train my own personal army that can support me instead of relying on ministry of magic.

I do not mean to offend you,

But right now the Aurors are like loose sand that could not hold back the force of that flood like criminals.

So I could not place my trust in the ministry of magic….”

Jonathan said while looking at Nymphadora.

The expression of Nymphadora only changed to a frown but it did not show and sad expression.

Most probably she already understood what Jonathan meant by not leaking information.

She has faced with that situation before when she was still a trainee in the Aurors.

There are traitors inside and outside.

So not only Jonathan even she should not speak about some things outside casually.

She immediately quieted down about this matter.

She did not say anything and started to contemplate on the words that Jonathan spoke.

On the other hand Jonathan took Daphne and Astoria as he walked to Parkinson's tent,

He is going to pick up pansy here.

His conversation with the father of pansy is a pleasant one.

Originally he should be on the side of Malfoy family and death eaters.

But with the presence of Jonathan and the strong black family which is still neutral has changed the situation.

Everyone knows that Jonathan was not on the good side of Harry potter.

At the same time he is not on the good side of Voldemort.

Because of this they are confused on which side Jonathan would pick in the future.

But they are not worried because Jonathan seems to be able to do things that are hard to achieve through his planning.

Jonathan went around socializing with the nobles while greeting their daughters and wives.

He specifically noted down all the beautiful milfs and tender daughters of these nobles.

No matter what others might thing, he is a villain and he has the thoughts of possessing all the beauties for himself.

He don’t mind if they are the wives of other people.

Other than his official wives Jonathan don’t mind them fucking the wives of other men to have fun.

It is not like he lacks anything.

Only the sons and daughters of the official wives can be named after his family.

All the other can be raised by those nobles for Jonathan.

This time however Jonathan did not miss to meet the Weasley family.

With his name cleared things are much easier for Jonathan to meet them.

Also Jonathan really wanted to see the red haired milf molly and her daughter Ginny.

Now Sirius is not the traitor or the murderer so Arthur and molly spoke much more amiably towards Jonathan.

Well Jonathan did save Ginny before.

Jonathan spoke to them and then went to talk with Fred and George.

Molly and Ginny are still there while Arthur went to talk with his friend

“Fred, George, I really like your pranks and other things.

While I am thinking about the business I thought of why not let you brothers open a store with these tricky things to make the wizard world livelier.

Just this thought appeared in my mind when I want to think of this new venture.

If you like my idea then I would give you some start up funds.

We can become partners, what do you think?”

Fred and George were immediately overjoyed but molly was angry because she wanted them to go to the ministry of magic to get jobs just like their father.

But after seeing Jonathan she changed her thoughts.

Her husband works in ministry of magic but it did not give them any security or power.

Instead it was Jonathan that is doing business as the power and support to even make the ministry of magic bow down their heads.

Also the number of girls following Jonathan is also large and their quality is really good.

If she could she would send Ginny to join in the group and follow Jonathan.

Unfortunately for her, her daughter seems to have crush on some other stupid boys.

So molly took the initiative to speak to Jonathan and even give him some homemade cookies.

Jonathan smiled and spoke to her for a while.

As for Fred and George they wanted to talk about this to Harry to get some support and funds.

But Jonathan came to them with the same idea as them.

So they started think Jonathan as a person with the same thinking process and idea as them.

It is like meeting with kinder soul of the same kind.

So immediately they became excited.

As for Harry, Ron and Hermione they went out before Jonathan came here to see other tents.

So they did not cross each others during the visit of Jonathan.

Jonathan talked briefly to Fred and George before moving out and going around the other tents.

Jonathan only looked at the wizard families and their women.

He noted down everyone that caught his eye.

Well he is going to live for at least 200 years and he would make sure that his body is strong enough to handle women for a long time.

So he needs as many beauties he can possibly find to taste them all.

As for the muggle world, he would take steps into it slowly later when he completely stabilized after solving Voldemort.

After his trip around he did not encounter Harry’s group.

So naturally he did not see Hermione.

Well it doesn’t matter as he returned back to his tent after sending the girls back to their tents.

They wanted to have some fun.

Well it has been more than a month since Jonathan last kissed them.

Everything about Jonathan is mesmerizing so his kiss is also a great thing.