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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 431: Pakura was attacked

But Kushina is still alive making them think that the 9 tails is still alive.

Well Suzaku would not come forward to clear this matter.

Also he would not let them enter the hidden leaf village.

Their only choice is to surrender or die.

Suzaku did not care about the life and death of these people.

He only cares about what he would gain.

While this is happening Suzaku has prepared to move to the next work.

Based on his planning he has to solve the alliance of the land of the rain Hanzo and the hidden sand village.

After solving that he can transfer more people to the other side of the battle field to solve the situation.

Well he can directly take action and decimate the entire force of all the hidden countries.

But he doesn’t want to do that.

This would spoil the fun he is having.

Also he doesn’t want too much bloodshed.


Well things are moving in the correct direction.

Right now Nagato is recuperating and the Akatsuki is not in working situation.

So Sasori did not have a shelter in Akatsuki yet.

He will be wandering for the time being.

Also right now he is busy making the third Kazekage into a puppet in his secret cave.

Suzaku on the other hand switched with his clone to follow Pakura as she sets off to the land of stone.

Originally she should go to the land of cloud to negotiate in the original plot.

Then during her journey she would be attacked and killed.

The blame would fall on the land of stone.

But in the current plot very different.

She would go to the land of stone to negotiate while she would be attacked.

The blame would be pushed towards the ninja from the hidden leaf village or hidden cloud village by the land of stone and the land of the wind.

Also the people that are sitting in the ambush are from the land of stone and the land of wind that are under rasa.

Suzaku did not interfere instead he only monitored.

Only at the moments of death of Pakura would Suzaku appear to save her.

Also just saving her would not solve the situation.

She has to know the truth and resent the hidden sand village, resent its elders and resent rasa.

Only this way Suzaku can get the hold of her.

It was dark in the night and the sky is cloudy.

Pakura did not have any followers following her.

She is only a single person moving at a fast speed towards the land of stone.

While she is moving she vaguely felt that the surrounding placed did not seem quite right.

There is a problem but she could not stop and fight.

If there is a problem then her first thought is to escape.

She could not afford to fight here and foil the plan.

But she did not expect that right when she reached an open area a volley of kunai and other weapons fell from the sky straight on the top of her head.

Suzaku saw all this and was quite shocked.

The fall of the bunch of kunai has covered an entire area of a circle with 10 meters radius.

This was enough to completely cut off the path of escape for Pakura.

Also there is blasting paper buried outside the range of these 10 meters radius.

So if she moves forward she would be blasted.

Also the kunai did not make much sound when they are moving and finally hit her.

She was hit by many kunai and shuriken.

She fell on the ground with blood leaving her body.

At that time the people that attacked her slowly came over to check.

They are sure that they hit the target and the target is almost died.

So they are happily talking.

“Those people from the hidden sand village are stupid.

They actually planned to kill their promising candidate colluding with the external forces.

Their Kage candidate rasa is even more stupid.

He has accepted so many unreasonable conditions that he is like a dog to our Kage….”

Pakura heard all this and then suddenly felt that her body became light from the blood loss.

She is slowly dying with her consciousness leaving her body inch by inch.

“That damn rasa, he dragged the entire hidden sand village down.

Those hypocritical elders, they should be damned for using the lives of innocent for their benefits….”

She started to resent those people that caused the current situation to her.

Right at that time she suddenly felt like being enveloped by a strong chakra which is warm and soothing.

She knows what this chakra is.

It was the healing chakra.

She felt this when a medical ninja healed her before.

With the healing she was able to open her eyes and look around.

She was enveloped by the green light.

“Am I hallucinating?

Who would save me at this situation with so many ninja at ambush?

Something is definitely wrong here.

But I have to completely heal before I know what is happening.

Any way I will not be able to make a move right now.

I could not even move my finger.”

As she thought she could still hear the words of the people that attacked her.

After healing a little while she slowly opened her eyes to look.

She is still in her original place with a slight green light covering her body but the people that attacked her could not see this green light.

Then she heard a voice.

“I have saved you and gave you a breath of time to make a choice.

The people there are from the mixture of ninja from hidden stone village and the hidden sand village.

They came here under the negotiation of your competitor rasa to kill you during your journey for the negotiation.

With your death his position as the Kazekage will be completely firm directly….”

Chapter 432: make your choice Pakura

“…They came here under the negotiation of your competitor rasa to kill you during your journey for the negotiation.

With your death his position as the Kazekage will be completely firm directly.

What do you want to do now?

I can give you a chance to get your revenge but there is a price.

You can make your choice now.

If you chose the revenge then pay the price, I will heal you out of this death situation and help you in revenge.

But if you chose to let this go then I will let you pass on as you wished.

Now make your choice.”

Suzaku said with a magnetic tone.

From the start to the end Suzaku did not appear in front of her.

All she heard was a smooth and magnetic voice that felt like the whispers of the devil.

Pakura started to contemplate before making decision.

She wanted to know what the price is.

“Tell me what price I have to pay before you save me and help me take the revenge.”

Suzaku stopped for a moment and then spoke.

“You have to become my woman.

You have to be loyal to me and me alone.

In return I will help you heal and get your revenge.

Also you can control the entire land of wind as you like.

Those elders and other are bad but the people of the land of the wind are innocent.

You can become their queen and rule them by my side.

Do you accept these conditions?”

Pakura thought for a while.

She never really thought about this kind of thing.

Also she doubted if she was in some sort of Genjutsu or something.

The words of other party were clearly directed towards her falling into his arms.

She tried to mobilize her chakra and disrupt it to see if she was really in a Genjutsu.

But she found that nothing has changed.

While she is trying the voice Suzaku sounded again.

“I am not duping you with Genjutsu.

If I want I can directly take over the land of the wind.

But I like the slow process where innocent are not harmed.

It is just that you looked really beautiful and talented like a desert queen.

So I wanted to add you into my harem.

If you don’t want to then I will not force you.

For that matter I am not a good person and I would not do charity.

Even the innocent people are just to make up the numbers.

I cannot just rule an empty empire.

If I want to be the king, I need the servants to serve under me.

You can make your choice quickly.

My time is limited….”

At the end of the words Suzaku showed that his patience is running out.

This made Pakura anxious.

Well Pakura is literally at the edge of dying.

So she immediately made the decision to survive first and then think of other things later.

“Please save me, I will do as you say.”

It is as if knowing her thoughts Suzaku spoke.

“If you are not loyal to me and tried to do something funny back on me then I don’t mind sending you to the pure land directly.”

After saying that the green light on her body intensified and her wounds healed quickly.

At the same time the ninja that attacked her were sent into Genjutsu so that they think that Pakura is dead.

They started to leave here quickly.

Unfortunately for them one of Suzaku’s clones caught them directly and put them under his control.

Suzaku removed the kunai and shuriken that were stuck to the body of Pakura and healed her completely.

Pakura finally opened her eyes and was shocked to see Suzaku.

She knows who Suzaku is.

“I should have known that it was him when he wanted to make me a queen…”

She thought in her mind for a moment looking at Suzaku.

But she did not regret the decision to join Suzaku.

She liked the guts of the man in front of her that can announce and do something as dangerous as forming an empire and unifying the ninja world.

She came back to her senses and then made an oath to follow Suzaku from now on.

Suzaku gave her a change of dress looking at her current dress.

Well her dress was soaked with blood and torn at many places because of the piercing of the kunai and shuriken.

He could not let her change in the open so he made a wooden house for her to change.

He really wanted to go inside the wooden house and play happy couple with Pakura.

But he has to make her trust him first before acting.

Only that way, things would be more convincing and move in better direction.

Love and loyalty cannot be forced they should be born on their own.

So he did not do anything stupid.

After cleaning the blood and changing the clothes Pakura came out.

Right at that time Suzaku’s clones also brought back the people that attacked her.

Pakura came over to check their faces and the live evidence in front of her about the one that planned to kill her.

She started to tremble for a while from anger and sadness.

She actually recognized one of them that belong to the hidden sand village.

It is actually the subordinate of rasa her competitor for the seat of Kazekage.

This made her even sadder and she could not do anything.

She is from a normal background without the support of rich and the strong.

All she had is the talent and will to work hard over the years.

This has brought her all the way to the top, to even compete for the position of Kazekage.

But now she has become the victim of the underhanded tactics of the traitor rasa.

She was so angry that she wanted to kill rasa right now.

Also she was frightened because…..

Chapter 433: catching rasa red-handed on the play

But now she has become the victim of the underhanded tactics of the traitor rasa.

She was so angry that she wanted to kill rasa right now.

Also she was frightened because she would have really died if not for the help of Suzaku.

So she decided to follow him from now on.

She also understands the capabilities of Suzaku and she became curious of this man.

She wanted to see how he deals with the things and decided if she should be with him after her revenge or die after her resentment is settled.

After saving her and taking care of the people that came to kill Pakura, Suzaku took her straight to the hidden sand village.

Since his goal has achieved, that is to capture the attention of Pakura, Suzaku did not have to let the hidden sand village play.

If she did not choose Suzaku then he would simply decimate the hidden sand village and take over the land of the wind.

Since she chose Suzaku then Suzaku is going to take the land of the wind peacefully in order to show respect for her.

Well no matter what the choice is the hidden sand village will face a catastrophe.

One of Suzaku’s clones returned to the military post that is stationed at the edge of the land of the wind and went to crack down Hanzo.

Then the clone would return with the head of Hanzo to move the troops towards the land of the wind and hidden sand village to take over.

On the other hand the main body would go the hidden sand village along with Pakura to take over the hidden sand village.

Right at that moment a guard that belongs to rasa came over to report that Pakura is dead.

Suzaku previously let the information pass on about the death of Pakura.

This way all the actors would be in place to put on a good show.

Suzaku used the flying thunder god technique to directly take Pakura to the hidden sand village.

Then they went to the place where rasa has called on for an emergency meeting.

It is the meeting to convey the death of Pakura and this will make him the only candidate for the position of Kazekage.

With that he would take over the position directly.

Unfortunately for him there are two extra people in the meeting room hiding their breath and waiting for the show.

In the meeting room all the elders of the hidden sand village arrived in the middle of the night with many questions in their hearts.

Some of them thought that it was about the discovery of the location of third Kazekage.

Some thought that it was about the important war information.

There are a select few that knows that Pakura went out of the village for negotiations and thought that it was related to her.

Rasa that waited for the last member to come finally started when everyone has arrived.

“I have just received sad news about out famed ninja Pakura.

It is said that she was ambushed by the hidden leaf village on the way to the hidden stone village and was killed in the barrage of attacks.

As for the situation of the third Kazekage, I found that it should be done by those people from the hidden leaf village.

They should have lured the third Kazekage there through the means of offered peace and then captured him.

Think about it, even the hidden leaf village cannot fight off all the four hidden villages at the same time.

They should have used that trick.

As evidence we caught a traitor from the hidden leaf village that is lurking in the hidden sand village as a spy.


Well that is fake evidence that he created just for show with a spy from the hidden leaf village.

Pakura was grinding her teeth looking at the entire situation.

As soon as rasa spoke the surrounding people also spoke supporting him.

The people that supported Pakura before have nowhere to rely on and they can only be silent.

The people finally started to vote to see if they support rasa to become the next Kazekage.

Right then two shadows appeared behind rasa and the people facing rasa were shocked.

Rasa on the other hand did not notice any of that and was quite cheerful about him becoming the next Kazekage.

Unfortunately for him, he would never become a Kazekage because his life destiny was turned by Suzaku.

When Pakura appeared the eyes of the people that supported her immediately lit up.

But when they saw the person beside her they got a little scared.

This is because the person standing there was the person that is currently very famous.

This is the adopted son of the daimyo of the land of fire that has declared his conquest.

Also they did not notice the appearance of Suzaku or Pakura just now.

They can clearly tell that Pakura was brought here by Suzaku.

This means that there is a severe difference between them and Suzaku in the strength.

This immediately made them terrified.

Rasa finally noticed that the eyes of the people in front of him are not right.

He felt that something dangerous is right behind him.

So he immediately turned his head to look behind and jumped up from his chair.

But suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder without letting him jump out of the place.

Well his head still turned and looked at Pakura and Suzaku standing behind him.

He wanted to shout but his body was immobilized by fear.

The great fear of death that emitted from the eyes of rasa was actually his natural reaction given by the mortal instincts to survive.

This was caused by the strong pressure coming from Suzaku as a ruler.

The other elders and supporters were also stuck to their chairs because of the strong pressure of chakra from Suzaku that is released intentionally.

Chapter 434: took over the land of the wind

This was caused by the strong pressure coming from Suzaku as a ruler.

The other elders and supporters were also stuck to their chairs because of the strong pressure of chakra from Suzaku that is released intentionally.

It is like sitting in front of a tailed beast that is hundreds of times stronger than their former tailed beast one tail Shikaku.

They were unable to move right now.

Suzaku directly crushed the shoulder of rasa and then said to Pakura.

“I will let you deal with him, while I take care of these people.”

Suzaku handed over rasa to Pakura and Pakura spoke.

“You can take care of then things here.”

Then she looked at the people that supported her and said.

“Rasa here tried to kill me colluding with the hidden stone village and even offered many favorable offers to them after he becomes the Kazekage.

I was saved by Suzaku here and in return I promised to become his women.

So I will help him do things now.

The people that supported me have helped me all these years;

I have a suggestion for you.

Please chose to follow Suzaku and don’t offend him.

He is the man that can save a dying person like me and he is extremely powerful.

If you want peace to the land of the wind without much bloodshed and also for the better for the people of the land of the wind, I suggest you to surrender to Suzaku.”

After she said that under the painful screams of rasa she pulled rasa and left this room to give Suzaku enough space to speak.

After she left the room with rasa the room was silent and the people could not dare to breathe.

They also don’t want the war to happen.

They don’t want too many people to be killed.

There are their family members and friends among the ninja that would go for war.

They can sense that Suzaku is very strong and they might not be able to do anything to Suzaku even if they all combined their strength to attack him.

The people that supported Pakura has decided to follow Suzaku and choose peace and prosperity.

Suzaku spoke.

“I am going to give you two choices right now.

First is to follow me and choose peace.

Second is to fight me for a chance to win and the result would be naturally death.

I will give you 3 minutes to choose.

The people that chose the first option can stand on the side over there.

The people that chose the second option can fight me with your combined strength.

Also a friendly remainder,

Don’t think that you can escape from her.

The moment you tried anything funny is the moment you would die.

Presumably you don’t want to die while running away like a coward.

Choosing peace is not cowardice, but choosing bloodshed is the way of the coward and lunatic.”

After Suzaku spoke he gave them the time to make their choice.

Soon one by one the people moved to choosing peace.

But there are still few that wanted to fight Suzaku.

One of them is the puppet controller Chiyo.

Suzaku knows that she hates the hidden leaf village for the deaths of her son and daughter in law.

But Suzaku did not have any sympathy towards her.

She has poisoned and killed too many people and the deaths of her son and daughter in law are just little atonement for her sins.

There are few others that supported her right now and stood there wanting to attack Suzaku.

That made an eye contact with each other and immediately formed a plan to attack.

Chiyo did not wait for the time limit to complete and immediately launched the puppets covered with poison needles to attack Suzaku.

The poison on these puppets is actually a hybrid poison with the combination of poison from Hanzo and her own expertise.

Suzaku has already seen all the people that wanted to attack.

Among the puppets is actually a ninja that is acting from the shadows of the puppet.

Suzaku did not care and activated his Susanoo.

Immediately the pressure around his body increased by many times and a transparent bone structure started to appear around his body.

Immediately all the poison needles and attacks were stopped by the strong Susanoo.

Also Suzaku took a shot and appeared behind those people to make a strong hit on their backs.

This immediately made them lose balance and with the knock out Suzaku directly subdued them.

Well some of them with the intent to kill were directly killed by Suzaku and died on the spot with their throats slit.

Chiyo was really capable ninja when it comes to fighting.

Even with her throat slit she still tried her best to heal her wound while backing away into a corner to escape from here.

But in the end she still died with a kunai pierced in her heart from behind.

Her eyes widened in shocked as Suzaku is still in the front before and she doesn’t know who stabbed her.

When she turned around she saw the person and trembled.

It was actually her brother that was controlled by the Sharingan of Suzaku and killed his sister without a word.

Well in his thoughts he killed Suzaku but when the illusion is released, he realized that he killed his sister.

Unfortunately Suzaku appeared in front of them and directly beheaded his head.

With that the entire fight was over with 6 members died and the rest were injured.

All of this took less than 5 minutes and the remaining members that choose peace has given up hope.

They felt like they have seen Madara Uchiha in person fighting against them.

With the resistance solved Suzaku let the people from the hidden leaf village come over to occupy the hidden sand village and the land of the wind.

Suzaku appointed Pakura as a confident to deal with the matter of the land of the wind.

Chapter 435: next target hidden mist village

With the resistance solved Suzaku let the people from the hidden leaf village come over to occupy the hidden sand village and the land of the wind.

Suzaku appointed Pakura as a confident to deal with the matter of the land of the wind.

Also he ordered the ninja from the hidden leaf village to follow her instructions and not to cause any chaos.

Based on his estimate the take over time would be around a month form then.

So it is time to focus on the next target.

His next target is not the hidden stone village instead it was the hidden mist village.

These people are desperados in a sense and their blood mist training model is famous.

Also they can be said to be at their peak right now.

They have 7 ninja swords men and many clans with kekkei genkai.

Also they have the sealing techniques of Uzumaki clan that they destroyed before.

So they are currently balanced with the hidden stone village in power.

Dealing with them is very hard not because of their strength but because of nature of kill or die in the line of duty.

Because of this nature subduing them would not be as easy as subduing the hidden sand village.

Suzaku left a clone here to take care of the things and then went to the other side of the land of fire.

This is the coastal area with a long coastal line.

Suzaku looked at the surroundings and from the reports of his clone all the ninja from the hidden mist village are concentrating on the islands of the Uzumaki clan.

Since that place is covered with the mist the ninja can only launch long range attacks with the help of the Hyuga clan’s Byakugan.

Even then, the number of people they can be attacked are less after the first surprise attack.

So it has become a hard battle.

Also the ninja from the hidden mist village has made a sneak attack and captured some of the ninja from the hidden leaf village during the night.

They would use the water as the cover and attack the ninja that are patrolling the coastal area during the nights.

So things are not going well.

Suzaku’s clone did not act because they are going to do things in an order.

Suzaku’s clone left here after reporting and it went to look at the situation in the north where the hidden leaf village and hidden cloud village are facing each other.

Suzaku went to scout the situation and found that the Uzumaki islands were occupied by the 7 swordsmen of the hidden mist village.

They occupied the 7 positions and are guarding the area.

They are the reason for the strong continuous mist in the area too.

Also they are the one that are directing their ninja when there is attack on them.

Suzaku checked the situation in the hidden mist village.

They are not in panic and they arranged everything systematically.

The current Mizukage is Yagura and he is not a jinchūriki as Suzaku has eaten the three tails.

Mai Terumi is around the age of Kushina.

Now they are 17 years old and their youthful charm is hard to hide.

One is orange haired and the other is a red hair.

After checking the things Suzaku suddenly appeared in the Mizukage's office where Yagura is working with the heavy paper work.

“Hello little Kage, you seem to be working really hard as the third Mizukage…”

The sudden voice of Suzaku has shocked Yagura and he immediate became vigilant.

At the same time the guarding ninja that is the Anbu of the hidden mist village immediately came out surrounding Suzaku.

Also they are all shocked because of the sudden appearance of Suzaku without their notice.

Even Yagura was like that.

Also he doesn’t like others calling him short, the words of Suzaku made him angrier.

He did not think of the second thought and directly attacked Suzaku with his water style attack.

Unfortunately it did not do any damage to Suzaku.

Instead the attack was diverted to hit an Anbu ninja standing by the side of Suzaku.

Suzaku was standing there without any damage.

On the other hand Suzaku smiled mockingly at the third Mizukage Yagura.

This mocking smile lit up the anger of others present including Yagura.

To they attacked Suzaku from all directions at the same time.

Unfortunately for them, not a single attack from them hit Suzaku.

Suzaku directly created a Susanoo and blasted the office of the Mizukage.

With that all the ninja present immediately understood something is happening at the Mizukage's office.

But they did not have the capabilities to participate in the situation.

Immediately over 10 meters of height Susanoo appeared and the hands of the huge Susanoo.

It directly decimated the building of the huge Kage building into rubble.

The hands of Susanoo caught the Mizukage and directly pressed him straight on the ground and turned into meat paste.

With that their Kage directly died.

Then the dozen of Anbu ninja were directly burnt from the flames coming out of the mouth of Susanoo.

With that the entire fight is over.

With the death of their Kage the moral of these people is over.

Well some of them still wanted to fight Suzaku but no attack reached Suzaku through the Susanoo.

Suzaku only attacked them back and killed them directly.

The people that did not attack are still safe.

Then he spoke.

“I will wait here for you to bring your strongest people to fight me.

I am giving you two choices

Either merge into my empire or die fighting.”

Because of the big commotion the 7 ninja swords men were suddenly summoned back because of this incident.

These people are very good with water and they can travel back to the hidden mist village at their fastest speed within 2 hours.

The people of the hidden leaf village also got the information from their spies.


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