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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 161: out of the water into the Rocky Mountains

Fortunately that monster is not in the awakened state instead it is sleeping.

Vicky immediately made a decision that they should leave this place immediately while the monster is still sleeping.

Vicky immediately prepared the other women to leave here quickly.

They immediately came out of the ark space with diving suits.

They did not turn on the lights.

Ginny would lead the way while Vicky would remove the anchors and take the raft into the ark space.

As for where this monster has come from is not a question that Vicky wanted to know the answer to.

His current target is to leave here with his women to a safe place.

They crossed over the cliff and followed the directions provided by Ginny.

Vicky followed behind them checking his surroundings.

They swam over without turning on the lights.

Well the brightness outside is good enough for them to look at the water surface.

Also the water is not too cold or not too hot.

It was just at the right temperature.

Fortunately no underwater creature is active during the day time.

They moved around under the lead of Ginny.

Vicky has already told her the image he has in mind for the shallow water surface that he was before in his past life.

Based on the explanation of Vicky, she found a shallow water area.

They are currently in a danger zone with many strong underwater creatures of various shapes.

So they have to be very careful and should not release too many waves, should not release any substance with organic matter.

They should not make too much sound as sound travel fast in water.

With that they moved as calmly as they possibly can and finally reached a place where they can directly come out of the water.

The height of the water level here only came till they knees.

Vicky looked around and felt that this is the place that he came in the past life.

But there is a problem here.

This place is also the passing by route for the people from the apocalypse land that comes here to explore the earth and the people from the earth to enter the apocalypse land.

They have to walk on this shallow water land for over 10 kilometers to finally reach a location with rocky mountain area.

After going there they have to go north for over 300 kilometers to reach the connecting location of the earth and the apocalypse land.

After coming to the shallow water area, Vicky immediately told the women to get back into ark space to change their outfit to adjust to the setting where they can walk easily in the shallow waters.

With that they started to move.

Once again Vicky was last guarding the rear while Ginny is at the start scouting the way forward.

Vicky has already told them the general direction so they can move forward without much problem.

They are strong people with strong physiques.

Even though they are walking in the shallow waters their speed did not decrease or they were exhausted.

They continued to move on at a faster pace.

After an hour of walking, they arrived at the rocky mountain area out of the water.

After coming her Vicky sighed of relief.

The terrain is uneven and it is very hard to climb and move around the rocky mountain area.

There is only one stable path as if the nature itself has arranged this path for the people to pass along.

But Vicky knows that this path is no good.

There are many dangers on the path including the land slides, rolling boulders and many poisonous insects hidden in this place.

The poisonous insects here evolved in a different way.

Their size did not increase instead their poison capabilities increased to the next level.

They are very dangerous.

Just a sting is enough to let a tier 3 powerhouse to die in a matter of seconds.

Poison can even threaten a tier 5 powerhouse with death.

For tier 6 powerhouse this would only cause problems like strong fever and paralysis of the body for a certain amount of time.

Most probably around 8 to 12 hours.

Vicky in his previous life witnessed the scene and knows all this from his experience.

His girls also understood about this matter.

Currently the shoes they are wearing are made of metal.

Yes they are iron boots with strong defensive capabilities.

Vicky specifically ordered them in all sizes adjustable just in case if he finds some beauties to be with him.

They are at tier 6 peak and they can easily walk around wearing these metal boots.

There is a hidden location which looks dangerous but not dangerous in these rocky black mountains.

There is also an opportunity in this place that Vicky wanted to get.

Soon they walked over for 5 hours and crossed over 30 kilometers which is not that big for a tier 6 powerhouse.

Then they looked at a relatively safe place to enter into the ark space.

They would not make a camp outside stupidly.

This would leave traces for the people to check and find that someone has come here before.

The vigilance of other people is dangerous and Vicky doesn’t want the enemies or friends to be vigilant.

If the enemies are vigilant then Vicky could not to kill them to live a better life.

If the friends of vigilant, then the normal life would be no different than hell, with someone that always doubts you for no reason.

Vicky fortunately did not have vigilant friend or women.

When they returned back to ark space they had a balanced diet.

Even thought they have tons of food with them and can grow more food and other things, they would not eat the food wildly.

They don’t want to become a fat pig that is the prey in the apocalypse land.

They wanted to be slim tigers that are ready to hunt the prey at any given moment.

Chapter 162: the underground cave formed from acid

They don’t want to become a fat pig that is the prey in the apocalypse land.

They wanted to be slim tigers that are ready to hunt the prey at any given moment.


Just like that they continued their journey for another 3 days and crossed over 150 kilometers.

The mountain terrain is very tricky to walk around.

There is no clear or proper part.

Even if there is a path there are many dangers along the way.

After travelling for so long they came to the location that Vicky was waiting for.

This is the cave he wanted to enter.

This cave is strange and gives of a feeling of horror.

Even though it was the area with mountains this cave looked like it was formed from the erosion of water over many years.

Vicky was sure that it was not done by water instead another material that is in liquid state.

Also Vicky was sure that this big underground cave is formed after the start of the apocalypse.

It was actually formed by pure poisonous acid and the creatures here also have high amounts of poison.

When they arrived here Vicky told the group of women to enter back into the ark space so that he could explain some things in more detail.

After entering into the space Vicky spoke.

“The place we are going into is extremely dangerous.

But the rewards we receive are proportionally high.

Even with the power of tier 6 peak stage this place is dangerous for us.

To first wear the full body protective suit.

Also put on the gas masks.

Ginny you should always vigilantly check the situation for any living creatures no matter how small they are.

Sakura, you should not use any fire ability.

Natasha you cannot use your lightning ability either.

This place has poisonous gas that is easily ignitable.

With a simple spark things would become disastrous……..”

Vicky continued to give out warnings.

Also he took a good number of light sticks from the warehouse.

After they put on their stab proof protective dress and other things, the group entered into the cave.

Vicky threw the light sticks to light the cave as much as he possible could.

He is will not retrieve these light sticks as they are one time use items.

At the entrance of the cave they saw many crawling scorpions and many poisonous insects.

Vicky directly stepped on them and walked inside.

These insects are very dangerous.

If he could, Vicky really wanted to burn this cave.

But burning the cave would cause too many problems and his purpose of coming here would also be gone directly.

So he can only endure and walk into the cave step by step.

The cave is slippery because of the acid washing around the cave with fumes of smog.

They still have the metal boots but Vicky sprayed a special pain that is acid resistant to them.

With that they can easily walk inside.

At least for the time being, there would not be any problem.

They crushed those insects as they walked inside step by step and Vicky dropped the light sticks along the way.

On the way they encountered big snakes that tried to bite them.

The poison that oozed out of their fangs even melted the rock a little.

But Vicky holding a sword directly cut off the head of the snakes with high accuracy and speed without letting them touch their clothes.

Even with the protective clothing accidents can happen at any time.

Vicky doesn’t want to take any risks as much as possible.

So he killed the disaster before it could hit them.

Soon they came to a flat place that has light naturally.

It was the light that is coming from the holes above the cave.

These holes are not big but they are not small either.

Also there is no other poisonous creature when they came to this opened place.

Under the light they actually a patch of green grass and a paradise like magical image.

A small island structure was there in a small lake.

Vicky did not let the girls to move forward or do anything but watched the surroundings carefully.

Every place like this in the apocalypse land has a boss level monster protecting it.

Naturally it was its home.

Vicky sensed around and Ginny also sensed around.

In this place there is only one creature that is very small hiding behind the pebbles right in front of them.

It is a red scorpion that is as big as a hand.

It was hiding in the shadows but it gave a dangerous feeling even for Vicky and the girls that reached the peak stage of tier 6.

That is truly correct.

This red scorpion might not look big in its appearance.

But it is actually a tier 6 monster insect.

Its power lies in its body and just a touch from it is enough to kill people.

Even if the metal boots painted with anti acidic properties touched it, it would directly corrode.

That is how acidic the scorpion is.

Also this scorpion has brains to think and act according to the situation.

What a joke.

Humans have always thought that they are the most intelligent species, but they are not even using 1 percent of their brain capabilities.

Human brain has 10^13 neurons.

Using 1 percent is 10^11 neurons.

The average neuron contains a resting voltage of approximately 70 milli volts or 0.07 volts.

This is quite small when compared to the 1.5 volts in an AA battery or the 115 volts in a wall socket.

From this 1 percent of human brain work should produce 7X 10^9 volts of electricity.

Then come back to the evolved have the thinking capabilities of a human.

This means that it has the brain that can think on the same level as an average human with its tiny brain.

Because of the unknown it already hid behind the rock and observing the invaders carefully.

Chapter 163: poisonous red scorpion

This means that it has the brain that can think on the same level as an average human with its tiny brain.

Because of the unknown it already hid behind the rock and observing the invaders carefully.

Its tail has around 1.5 inch long thin needle.

This is the most poisonous thing on its body.

Being stung by this needle even a 1 star power house would die if he is careless.

Well they can have a little time to detoxify but the future would become uncertain that is how dangerous this poison is.

This poison would directly damage the core and there would be very less future improvement unless that person tries to completely detoxify with special cleansing treasures.

If this needle sting can be refined properly then it would be the best weapon that can be used in the early stages of the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

But killing the red scorpion and preserving its needle is very hard.

Most of the metals would melt coming into contact with it.

It might only look like the size of a hand but the scorpion has explosive power and strong outer shell.

It would not break even if it was hit by a bullet.

The problem is not with the kinetic energy of the bullet but the contact of the bullet would directly melt the bulled in seconds.

Vicky has a way to kill this red scorpion.

He took out a diamond from the ark space.

This diamond is a special purpose one that is artificially made correcting its flaws.

Also its structure is like a small thorn.

No matter what, diamond is a naturally strong material that has resistance to many things.

This can be used in special cases like this one.

Many metals might not be able to harm the scorpion but there are two natural elements that formed in a specific way can still do the damage at these far outskirts of the apocalypse land.

If it was inside the apocalypse land then there are many powerful materials that can resist and kill the scorpion easily.

Diamond has a tetrahedral structure of carbon and silicon granules rarely form some tetrahedral pieces like diamond.

These are the two materials that are currently available to Vicky or any other person from earth that can damage this scorpion.

In the past life Vicky arrived here with the people from the Vegra the human city of the apocalypse land.

At that time they entered her with many men and naturally he was left outside.

Fortunately his sense of perception is strong and he could sense everything that happened inside the poisonous cave.

Also the situation inside the cave is not good.

So even if they noticed the perception of Vicky checking them they did not talk back about that.

At that time over 50 people came and many tier 3 people died while entering.

Even a tier 5 young master was poisoned because of the sting from this red scorpion and died here.

But the treasure here is very valuable.

Its value can let a person survive and resist the harshest conditions of the apocalypse land.

That is the reason for going on a death parade to get the herb in this poisonous cave at that time.

Vicky thought of that and the small diamond thorn flew into the air.

In the previous life they were unable to kill this scorpion.

At that time an accident happened and a stalagmite cone fell down straight on the scorpion along with the man that killed it.

It is really a coincidence that the big load of the stalagmite cone pointed edge fell straight on the eye of the scorpion which is as small of sesame seeds.

The diamond thorn moved at a very fast speed and with the help of Ginny positioning the direction and distracting the thoughts of the scorpion for a moment,

The diamond thorn pierced straight into its eye went all the way to its little brain.

It might seem easy but this need extreme precision and a person with the gift to distract the scorpion mentally.

Vicky fulfilled all the conditions at that time.

The scorpion did not die immediately.

But started to struggle and tried to back away.

At the same time other women of Vicky helped him and everything became a tug of war.

Vicky pushed the diamond thorn while the women closed off the directions through with the scorpion could escape.

Also they pushed the scorpion with their telekinesis that they are practicing with Vicky, to push it forward so that the diamond thorn pierced its brain.

This went on for half an hour.

Fortunately they are practicing for so long.

If anyone of them failed the scorpion would jump on them and used the sting to kill people.

So they have to be extremely careful.

The opportunity here is accompanied with equal amount of disaster.

One has to put their life on the line to get the opportunity.

If the scorpion stung any of the 7 people none of them have a way to save themselves.

No medicine or anything would work.

The only result is death.

This is the price that they have to pay to get the treasure here that is useful to them in the future.

After half an hour the scorpion finally stopped struggling.

But Vicky quickly remained.

“Don’t lose focus…”

Immediately he exerted more pressure with his mind and pushed the diamond thorn further into its mind.

The scorpion twitched and it started to struggle again.

Unfortunately Vicky used the opportunity it provided and tried to rotate the diamond thorn to pierce deeper.

This resulted in a surprise for the scorpion.

Its brain got pierced and it died after twitching for 10 minutes.

Ginny confirmed it with her mind and still Vicky is vigilant.

He did not let the girls take a step forward.

Instead he started to push his power to pierce the diamond thorn more and more.

Chapter 164: crystal green lotus

He did not let the girls take a step forward.

Instead he started to push his power to pierce the diamond thorn more and more.

Only after the diamond thorn went all the way inside its brain did he stopped and sighed.

He did not let his women touch anything.

They rested for a few moments and then Vicky started again.

It is the process of dissecting the scorpion to get the required materials.

Since the scorpion is dead not removing the materials would be easier.

But still cutting the scorpion shell is not that easy.

Vicky first targeted the joints and began with the tail of the scorpion.

After separating the tail with great difficulty it was placed on the side.

Then he pulled out the diamond thorn from eye of the scorpion and then used the strong mental force to pull out a small spar.

This is the spar of the red scorpion.

This spar has the rank of tier 6 and it was only as small as lizard’s egg.

It has a eerie green color and felt extremely poisonous

This cannot be used by normal people for improving their power as it is extremely poisonous.

There are only two types of people that can use this poisonous spar.

First is the person that got the awakening ability, or special physique or any special technique that can refine poison to become strong.

Second are the assassins or killers that would use this spar as a weapon to kill other people.

Vicky wanted to use this as a weapon along with the severed tail.

The poison in the severed tail would not last forever.

There is a need to use a source for it to work.

It was actually much easier to use in this situation.

This is because the poison spar is originally a source of poison for the sting through the main body.

So he can directly connect it to the tail nerve and poison vine of the red scorpion.

As soon as the spar came into contact with the tail base it immediately connected to the poison spar directly.

This was quick process and the tail is moving like it is alive.

But there is only once action it does that is to sting.

Vicky quickly placed that thing back in his ark space with stagnant time.

Even though it moves it did not have a life in it.

Also he made a special note so that no other things are kept close to it.

Even though it is in stagnant time, coming into contact with it would still erode the things when they are taken out.

This sting can be accessed by all of his wives as the entire ark is a shared space.

With that kept safely Vicky looked towards the place where the real objective is.

He did not leave the corpse of the scorpion.

It was also stored in the ark space along with the sting.

In the central area there is an acid lack which looked like a normal lake.

If one accidentally touch this place their flesh would be eroded in a matter of seconds only leaving bones.

In the center of this acid lack is a small island that looked like it has green grass.

Actually this grass is very acidic in nature.

If this grass swipes against a metal shield then the metal shield would have a deep scar of erosion.

It is not only acidic but also extremely poisonous.

But that is not the main thing.

At the center of this small island there is a small puddle with unknown depth that looked like an eye.

The puddle was crystal clear and looked like divine water.

But it was actually extremely viscous and very heavy.

Also the acidity and poisonous nature of this puddle is 100 times higher than the capabilities of the acid lack.

If something falls in it then it would directly disintegrate into nothingness.

Actually this little puddle is the reason for all the acidity and poison present in this cave.

The most important thing in the nature is

“There are always two opposing things close to each other in an extremely harsh place.”

At the center of this acid lack there is a lotus flower that looked like the center of the eye.

This lotus flower looked like it is made of pure crystal and it is completely green in color.

There is a glow that is coming from it giving a strong feeling.

This flower is not acidic or poisonous.

Also it actually has the ability to grant resistance to poison and strong acidity.

This ability grow along with the person as he or she improves is power in the future.

Vicky told his women to help him pulling out the lotus along with its root.

All of this was done through the mental energy without making a contact.

Even though lotus and its root are not poisonous, everything else is poisonous and acidic.

Also Vicky could not grow this herb in his ark space.

It needs a special environment that it is growing right now.

Vicky could not create this kind of environment in his ark space that is just only 1 star artifact.

If it was 6 star or 7 star artifacts then it would be able to maintain a specific environment that can grow this lotus.

Vicky would save ups the lotus seeds and the lotus root that can be used to plant this lotus again for the future.

For now he quickly took the lotus out of the small puddle with great mental force.

It might not look like it but the small amount of acidic poodle actually weighs as much as a mountain of high density materials put together in a single position.

He could not collect this acid right now but he did not care.

This acid can still be formed again with the conditions of the apocalypse land when he wanted to plant the lotus seeds.

Chapter 165: eating the lotus medicine

He could not collect this acid right now but he did not care.

This acid can still be formed again with the conditions of the apocalypse land when he wanted to plant the lotus seeds.

He kept the lotus in the ark space by the side carefully in the stagnant time.

Then they left this cave quickly and carefully.

He did not forget to drop a lotus seed back into the high concentration acid puddle.

One can take a natural treasure but he should not destroy it.

In the current situation it is absolutely impossible for anyone from the three cities right outside the connecting point of earth and apocalypse land to take this seed out.

So he was not worried by someone destroying this place.


They left this place and walked for another kilometer, well they changed those clothes to another wear for convenience.

Then they entered into the ark on the barren flat place.

After entering into the ark space Vicky went into the warehouse with stagnant time to bring out the eatable parts of the lotus that can grant them the resistance towards poison and acidity.

Vicky used his mental energy to open the lotus flower and cut the lotus petals.

He cut exactly 7 petals and then pulled out 7 seeds from the lotus pod.

From the lotus root the outer layer is removed and he took the white flesh inside and turned into mushy paste.

Then he wrapped a portion around a lotus seed and then wrapped it with the lotus petal.

All of this was done through the mental energy.

After making 7 of these things Vicky called for his wives to enjoy the good things.

They did not take it out of the stagnant time directly.

They can be eaten this way to gain the maximum benefits.

The stagnant time will not act on their bodies.

As soon as the thing came into contact with them it would lose the effect of the stagnant time.

They did not stay here and immediately left to the open planting area quickly.

Also all of them are currently naked without a shred of cloth on their body.

They prepared 7 big tubs with water for their use later.

The lotus flower should be eaten after adding the three things that is the petal, seed and finally the root flesh paste.

After it enters the body there would be severe pain in the body.

The degree of pain would be on the same level of degree of impurities present in the body.

The final result is that these impurities would be pushed out of the body.

But the impurities might not be as soft as the sweat.

But the route to push out the impurities is through sweat pores.

Vicky and girls has already drunk a good amount of water.

They are currently sitting inside a big metal tub to not to let those impurities taint the ark space.

Well even if it is tainted the impurities would be removed directly from the ark space.

But Vicky has other thoughts for these impurities.

They can be used as weapons at few instances in the future.

So he would collect it and make some stink bombs or magic restrictive bombs or poisonous bombs.

These impurities are extremely poisonous concentration of the human body.

This can be deadly to some other pure species.

The 7 people that sat around in a circle naked in a big tub started to tremble wildly.

This is the strong pain caused by pushing out the impurities.

Fortunately they drank more water and the viscosity of the impurities was reduced by a large margin with water.

If not the pain would be unimaginable high.

Vicky read some novels before where it is said that the protagonist simply bear the impurities that has the viscosity as thick as tar coming out of their sweat pores easily.

Also they felt refreshed about this matter.

Is it really that easy?

Only fools would think like that.

Anything related to body requires enough pain and effort to improve.

For things like mind and soul would be unimaginably higher in comparison.

After 30 minutes of persistence of the pain they 7 people fell unconscious.

But their bodies are still twitching and other bodily fluids came out of the body because of the pain.

It is not something to be disgusted about.

When a couple is formed they each have to bear with good and bad of each other for their life time.

So Vicky or the girls did not have any problem about this matter.

Even though it was disgusting they would not abandon others for the matters like that.

After 2 hours of losing consciousness they started to wake up one after the other.

As soon as they wake up they quickly went to take a bath to wash off all the filth.

They did not rush to help others because they have to wake up on their own.

If they did not wake up then their body is still under the process of purification.

Quickly the 7 people woke up and washed up.

Vicky then used his mental power to clean up all the tubs and the bathed water into a single big container and sealed it.

He would not waste the big tubs or excess water.

With his thoughts all the tubs were cleaned and placed on the side for drying.

The sealed container containing impurities and water would be placed under the sun where they face extreme heat in the future.

This way he can get the high concentration impurities and use them as a weapon.

After the arrangements are done they went back to the private bathrooms to take a quickly shower.

They put on the bathrobes and came to the emergency meeting for the future plans.

There is no smell of impurities in the area around they were before.

All of this was expelled by the ark space automatic system for keeping clean.

Chapter 166: changes after the removal of impurities

There is no smell of impurities in the area around they were before.

All of this was expelled by the ark space automatic system for keeping clean.

When they all sat on the chairs Vicky brought some tea and refreshments.

At the same time they looked at each other for the changes that occurred in their bodies and appearances.

Their skin became whiter but not the unhealthy pale instead the texture is superb.

Vicky on the other hand felt that his muscles and bones became strong.

Every one of them felt great changes.

It did not strengthen them but the removal of blockade formed by impurities is much better.

Their magic power is moving more freely and their body felt light after all the impurities are gone.

It is like the hindrance is removed.

They immediately went to the training room to check how well they are doing.

They felt that with the blockade removed their capabilities show that they are 30 percent more powerful.

The power is not increased instead the blocked power that they already had is now moving freely.

After checking the things they became excited again.

Vicky brought out his secret stash of tasty.

Any way no poison would harm their bodies.

Even if they ate something that contains poison it would be filtered out by their bodies like normal wastes and bodily fluids.

But there is a limit.

Only poisons that are below 1 star level would be filtered out.

They have to reach higher level to improve their poison immunity.

Naturally food from the streets and other places would possess some bad chemicals that would be bad for body.

It is also a kind of poison.

But one could not stop them from eating this kind of food.

Since it is a happy occasion they immediately began to share the food from various origins and countries.

After they are done eating it is time to play in the bed.

They did not expect that the power of Vicky has increased even further.

He completely conquered the beauties with his dick.

Both their pussies and ass holes were filled with his cum.

That day they did not consider about the issue about being pregnant.

They are on the safe date and they ate pills to stop pregnancy in advance.

Because of this they did not have any problem.

After that night of deep love they were exhausted and slept peacefully.

On the next day they ate the breakfast made by Vicky.

After they are the breakfast they continued their journey in a sneaky way.

From this place onwards they might meet with the people from the apocalypse land.

With the strong sense of Ginny they did not have to worry about not being able to notice the enemy before they noticed them.

Well all of them are dignified tier 7 powerhouses.

This is another good thing that happened.

After the sleep of the night they all broke through to tier 7.

It should because of all the unblocked energy flow that pushed the final step and let them enter into tier 7.

They can easily crush many powerhouses from the three cities right on the other side of the connecting point of the earth and apocalypse land.

Their walking speed increased and the distance they covered also increased by a large margin.

After 3 days they are already at the connecting point.

This place has yet to stabilize and it looked very strange.

The temperature at that place is very high here and there is constant rumbling sounds with volcanic eruptions.

The tectonic plates are still rubbing with screeching sounds.

The temperature is as high as extreme heat present in this place.

Vicky did not dare to move forward.

Even the space itself is distorting in some places.

Well two big landmasses are hitting each other.

The protective bubble that is around earth is visibly rippling from the strong impact.

When the two lands properly connected to each other this bubble would pop completely connecting to the atmosphere of the apocalypse land.

The suns in the sky are already burning and if the atmosphere is truly connected then the temperature would raise by many times.

But that would be only for few days.

Based on the memories he has the three cities in the apocalypse land would face an unprecedented extreme heat for the next 6 months.

It would reduce those cities that were prosperous to the city filled with beggars.

The loss of drinkable water has caused this situation.

People are reduced to drink the blood of the monsters just to survive.

But after 6 months there is a huge earthquake that caused many cracks in the earth and huge amount of water flooded the entire area forming a sea in just a matter of hours.

That lasted for a month and suddenly the water froze directly in less than 3 days.

Not just a small area but the entire sea turned into a frozen land.

This only lasted for a month and suddenly on that day the ice that became water and sink into the land vanishing as if there is never water present in this place.

When this was gone some ancient ruins appeared in the wasteland.

These are the wasteland where Nisha killed her licking dog Roy from earth.

Also this is the place that is related to the secrets of the ark.

Originally it was buried under the densely packed sand layers.

Because of the gushed water the sand washed off revealing these ruins.

This would happen after around 8 months from now.

Before that everything would be normal.

As for entering into those cities Vicky has his plans.

Also even with all these disasters those cities did not fall completely.

Instead they actually adapted to the disaster very quickly.

When it is extreme heat those people adopted to drinking the blood of the beast to survive.

When it flooded they used the floating wood to form rafts and connected them to form big rafts in groups.

Chapter 167: a protagonist has finally appeared

When it is extreme heat those people adopted to drinking the blood of the beast to survive.

When it flooded they used the floating wood to form rafts and connected them to form big rafts in groups.

When it froze they actually started to use those rafts as fire wood,

But they did not forget to leave enough wood to float when the frozen water returns to normal water.

Even when the water is rapidly sinking they used strong metallic anchors to make them stationary.

It is like they are very adaptive to the disasters.

Also during the huge flood they actually dive under the water to find treasures that gushed out of the cracks of ground.

It is truly strange and marvelous.

The side of the mechanical life forms and Cyborgs were even better.

They even use mini submarines that would change shapes with many gears and mechanisms.

It is like a future car turning into a boat and then it turned into air craft for them to move around.

Just like that they have many gadgets that they used to survive the disaster.

The Elven people are even greater.

They use plant seeds to plant strange plants that each has specific function.

During those disasters they can be said to be the most peaceful of the three cities here.

Strangely they are very adaptive to the environment with all kinds of seeds.

These seeds contain huge plants that are friendly to the environment of the disaster they will be facing.

But they biggest drawback is that the seeds are quickly used and producing them again is hard work.

So most of the times, they would use huge trees as their shelters during the all the disasters that did not have any relation to fire.

If it is a disaster related to fire then they would hide under the ground in the roots of the huge trees.

But this move would directly kill the tree as the roots are very important for a tree.

So unless necessary with a huge fire disaster they would not damage the huge trees.

During the normal times they would try their best to produce more seeds.


Right after Vicky and his girls entered in to the ark space the snow fields that are currently water fields has a new visitor.

It is a single person that has some heroic image of facial features.

He face is western with golden brown hair and white skin.

He looked quite handsome with a strong body that was perfectly cut out.

He can tempt many women with just his body.

He can earn a living with his face and body.

He was carefully walking in the shallow area with slow steps.

The ground is slippery.

He has a gas mask like thing on his face and he walked forward as if he knows the way forward.

In the water filled rocky areas with many pit holes at unexpected areas.

While walking he has a deep frown on his face.

“How could the world change after my rebirth?

How could the human city fall so quickly?

Also why does it fall because of the sudden extreme heat instead of beast tide?

Many of the natural treasures are missing too.

Is it caused by the butterfly effect?

Or have I been reborn in a different disaster world.”

This stupid man doesn’t know that the butterfly effect requires him to create small waves like butterfly.

He is a survivor and he has a system.

In layman terms he is a protagonist.

Originally he is just a college student with ordinary background.

Later he died because of the greed of the people.

Now he is reborn and got a system with space.

He wanted to find survive the apocalypse and live.

But one of the missions gave him clues to the apocalypse land.

Also he found some treasures in his past life are no longer available in this time.

It is like they all are gone into thin air.

He was confused about this matter.

Even though he got many opportunities and became a tier 5 powerhouse, he was unable to do anything more.

Also he was very frustrated because few special opportunities are gone along the way.

These opportunities are actually taken by Vicky and his girls.

While he is crossing over in this strange place he has encountered the monster inside the huge sink hole in the water.

It actually woke up because a small rock fell on it.

It was able to smell the sweat smell of the person that walking at the edge of the water body because of his wet socks.

Then the huge tentacles came out of the water trying to attack him.

But right then a giant eagle appeared in the sky that directly caught the tentacle in the air.

It dragged the beast out of the water and they started to fight.

During their fight one of the huge tentacles hit the person and he was sent flying all the way to the mountains on the side.

He fell into a place that was slightly hidden with water touching his body.

Later he woke up because of the cold water and found that the entire commotion was already resolved.

There is no more fighting of the giant octopus and the giant eagle.

Instead there is only after math of the battle with pieces of meat that is currently being devoured by some crows.

The entire area gave the impression about the cruelty of the world with the touch of apocalypse.

He felt his scalp numb and Goosebumps all over his body from both fear and excitement.

He did not immediately move from the spot.

Instead he checked his current body condition.

Fortunately the previous impact was actually cushioned by the things he placed in the back pack behind him.

Even then he felt that all of his joints are aching from pain from the strong impact before.

Fortunately it is not the claw……..

Chapter 168: the opportunity of the protagonist part-1

Even then he felt that all of his joints are aching from pain from the strong impact before.

Fortunately it is not the claw of the giant eagle but the soft tentacle of the giant octopus.

After recovering he moved on slowly towards the direction of the connecting point of the earth and the apocalypse land.

He did not seem to think of the major problem.

That is the connection point of earth and the apocalypse land is a chaotic place right now.

If Vicky was here to look at the situation he would have only uttered a single word “Idiot”

He doesn’t know why all the protagonists want to go to the chaotic areas like blind flies.

When the energy of the world injured them then they would take oaths and vows saying that they would take revenge on the nature itself.

Also another sad thing is that the nature would really help them back after the disaster they faced.

Well the current apocalypse land is perfect for this kind of masochistic protagonists that likes to be tortured.

Facing the disaster would give back opportunities.

But the problem is that they have the find the location of the opportunity to gain it.

For those huge amounts of luck is needed.

The protagonists are the best candidates for this kind of thing.

This man slowly walked all the way the location where huge movements of land are happening.

He did not stop instead walked forward to take a look.

When he went close there is another earthquake and a huge fissure of earth has opened up and he fell into that crack of the earth.

He rolled, slid and hit many rock walls.

Many times the rocks almost hit his balls and cracked them.

But he escaped by a small margin or hair’s breath.

Finally he got his idiotic head hit many times because of the rock walls and fell unconscious in a place filled with molten lava.

No one knows how long but he woke up and saw a black crystal floating around in the small island within the molten lava.

Like all protagonists he thoughts that it was something good and want to obtain it.

Like all the powerful people around tier 5 he has a little amount of telekinesis.

He tried to use it to get the crystal but he did not get it.

Right when he wanted to try again he was hit on the head by a stone at a precise spot and lost consciousness.

He was actually hit by Vicky.

Previously Vicky came out of the ark space every now and then to take a look outside just in case.

At that time he saw a man that looked like a movie hero walking like a lone wolf towards the chaotic location of meeting spot of earth and apocalypse land.

Right then Vicky immediately understood that this person is not simple and most probably a protagonist.

As soon as he under stood this he decided to take the chance.

So he called out his girls immediately.

They are at tier 7 so they can easily hide from the perception of the hero looking man.

Vicky immediately explained his thoughts to his girls.

Also he told them about his useless system.

Well he already told them and now he gave them another run down.

They immediately understood.

What would they give up on the chance to get something good?

So they decided to follow the hero looking man to get the benefits that can be obtained from him.

Ginny used her mind to keep the positioning of this man so that they would get the opportunity.

Soon they saw him bravely going to the edge of the cliff like area that is barely stable.

Also his walking is like that of a drunkard.

Right then a small scale earthquake happened and a fissure appeared right on the spot he was about to step on.

Immediately like an old lady that fell into the hole in cartoons, he fell straight into the fissure.

“Really, he is a protagonist… so idiotic…sigh…”x7

The 7 people that are watching the show has the same thoughts when looking at the incident.

They did not pity the fallen person or tried to save him.

It should lead them to the big opportunity that the protagonist would receive.

So instead of helping him they would try to follow him.

As soon as he fell Vicky said.

“Ginny keep track of him.

If he is going out of your range inform us immediately.

Nubia and Rose get ready to use the earth movements.

We will go underground.

Radha and Sakura, keep the fire and water magic energy mobilized just in case if we encounter sudden volcanic movements and molten lava.

Natasha, get ready to use the lightning discharge to blast off the things that come in our path to follow him.”

As he said that he himself mobilized the energy to trace the path right behind the fallen heroic man.

They came to the fissure and Ginny was able to keep the track of the directions that the man slid down.

At the same time she made a mental map of the underground.

Both Nubia and Rose use the earth and wind to form a secondary map of the pathway for them to trace down slowly.

They worked in a coordinated way.

Vicky used the strong telekinesis to move the 6 people to enter into the fissure following behind the man that slid down before.

They moved slowly but it is still considerable fast movement.

They also keep track of the direction they need to return back out of the underground area.

Staying there for long is dangerous.

Anything can happen there.

When they are half way through Ginny spoke.

“The man has stopped falling.

The man seems to have lost consciousness.

It seems to be a flat place with molten lava.

We have to be careful.”

She said.

Both Radha and Sakura are already ready.

Chapter 169: the opportunity of the protagonist part-2

She said.

Both Radha and Sakura are already ready.

Because of many obstacles on the way, it took them around 3 hours to reach the location where the heroic man fell.

When they arrived there the man has just woken up and looked towards the black crystal suspended in the air on the top of a small island in the molten lava river.

So they decided to hit his head with a rock and let him lose his consciousness again.

Then they would take this crystal.

Vicky examined the crystal and found that it might be time or space crystal.

The 7 people together tried to use the telekinesis to move the crystal towards them.

But the space surrounding the crystal is like a black hole.

No matter how much mind power they use they crystal did not move even a little.

Since it is not possible with telekinesis Vicky has to think of another solution.

When they looked above in the cave like structure there are many cone shaped rocks hanging above.

Even a little kid can identify how the protagonist would get this crystal.

Vicky used the telekinesis to drop off those huge stones down into the lava lake.

Strangely enough there are groves in the lava lake that perfectly fit those sharp rocks and let them stand.

Vicky told his women to wait and help him if he needed.

With that he took his steps towards the black floating crystal.

He is wearing special shoes so the heat he is feeling is very less.

He walked over to the other side to the small island that is already red from all the high temperature.

When Vicky touched the crystal, it lost it’s floating in the sky and fell into his hands.

He felt like he was holding a mountain he did not hesitate and immediately dropped this crystal into the ark space.

Right at that moment that he held the crystal the land under his feet cracked because of the heavy weight.

His women reacted quickly and pulled him out of that place using the telekinesis.

In the ark space there is a warning message for using a space crystal suddenly.

The ark space was set to upgrade and it would take 3 days.

During this time the ark is unavailable for them to use.

That is they could not enter inside but they can still take the things inside out.

With that done they immediately left this place.

Since the ark space is useless right now staying here without any protection is dangerous.

So they decided to leave here quickly and return back to the ground.

As for the protagonist, they did not bother to rescue him.

Everyone has their own opportunity and risks.

This is apocalypse land that is riddled with life and death situations.

Don’t think about others if you want to survive.

Quickly they left here and came to the ground.

Then they quickly moved towards the mountain nearby.

They made a man made cave on the other side of the mountain as their temporary base.

This place was hidden by two boulders to hide the entrance.

Then they started to live there.

For the next three days they have to stay here.

Vicky did not take out any electronic devices or other magic circuit that is magic formation devices.

They would not last and will be damaged because of the strong electromagnetic waves around this place.

Magic is also a form of energy and it would be damaged by some other forms of energy at higher destructive concentration of frequencies.

So it is normal.

Before leaving that underground place Vicky made a conservative estimate and found that the complete stabilization requires at least a month.

If they want to cross over they need to wait at least for half a month before crossing over to the apocalypse land.

For the next three days they can only stay here and have to be careful not to attract the attention of monsters.

For the stay Vicky brought out a small tent that can fit all 7 of them tightly inside.

It was hot outside so they are sweaty and sticky.

Because of that they are not wearing many clothes.

They are currently mostly naked and only put on light dress.

Well they are all a family so they don’t mind.

Also they can easily sense if someone or monster is coming towards here.

At that time they can immediately put on some dress.

With that everything is set.

Vicky did not mind they sticky body with sweat and started to hug them and play with them.

He did not forget to spray some things outside the cave so that the air that flows inside is not filled with strong viruses.

So their time is really good right now.

Well they did not do anything excessive.

Just some foreplay and normal play with the girls.

Other than eating, playing, exercising and sleeping there is nothing they did.

Well they cannot take out a tablet to watch some shows.

So they can only maintain their play through normal things.

There is another pass time that is to read some erotic books that are hard copy for them to get some special ideas to try on when they out of this place.

This was strange to think about but when the atmosphere is depressed they best thing they would think off is sex.

It is the natural instinct of the beings which is common for everyone.

So it is natural as they talked about some sexy hot stuff and play when they did not have anything to do.

While they are like that the protagonist woke up and found that the crystal is missing.

Even the surrounding place became dangerous.

With the help of his system’s emergency escape plan he actually took another route and entered into the apocalypse land by dumb luck.

If Vicky was here he would have protested that the protagonist was cheating and bullying them.

Chapter 170: going to the mechanical city Gnore

With the help of his system’s emergency escape plan he actually took another route and entered into the apocalypse land by dumb luck.

If Vicky was here he would have protested that the protagonist was cheating and bullying them.


Well time passed by and three days happened quickly.

They can now return back to the ark space.

After returning they felt like they have returned to their own home.

It is a natural reaction for all the people.

When you return to your home you would feel happy and peaceful.

That is why they call it “Home Sweet Home”

They continued to train and live their peaceful farming life in the ark space.

There is plenty of accumulated time for them to stay inside the ark space.

After two weeks they came out.

First Ginny and Vicky came out to scout the situation.

Then the other girls are out.

Vicky led the way while Ginny was searching with her accurate senses.

This time there is a chance to encounter people from the apocalypse land that wanted to come into the earth land to get more resources.

Also they would like to explore this new land that suddenly appeared.

Any way the earth really has many resources but getting them is also very hard.

There are many dangerous creatures on earth that are rapidly improving.

It is especially so for those massive locusts and ant colonies.

They made their way to the stable side of the border.

First Vicky told them to stop and he entered the ghost mode to quickly flicker through the area to make a safe route.

Then he came back to lead the way.

Ginny is still doing the forward search just in case for any possible encounters.

Fortunately they did not encounter anyone.

During their journey they came across few tents where people are present.

These places are people from the three cities that came over to check out the situation of the newly appeared land.

They are scouts left here so that the cities are informed when the space and time fluctuations between the new land and the apocalypse land stabilizes.

Vicky and the girls first went towards the Cyborg land that is the city with the mechanical life forms.

The city called Gnore.

They are full mechanical life forms and half mechanical life forms.

There are also dwarfs, human beasts and giants living in this city.

It looked more like a cyberpunk style city.

This city leans mostly towards the science.

This place is open for outsiders but they have to be careful because this place is riddled with crimes with stealing people and organs.

Entering this city and getting some identification is the easiest way of starting the things.

Vicky led the way for the girls to follow along.

The land of the apocalypse land is full of dried arid land that looked like a desert.

There is no sign of fertility on this land.

Occasionally there are sudden appearances of monster beasts like giant scorpions.

But they are not strong enough to cause any problems for Vicky and the girls.

They are all at tier 7 so it is not easy for these simple monsters to cause any damages to them.

Because of this land structure they need more water and travelling is hard.

They need to adapt to this kind of climate as most of the apocalypse land has this kind of climate.

They walked for a long while before they reached to an area where there are tall raising buildings.

Also there is a strong smell of oil and rust in the air.

Vicky stopped the girls here first and decided to enter into the city solo.

The girls know the reason for this and they accepted it.

If they are strong enough they would not fear but they are not strong and they are beautiful instead.

Even with the disguise they can easily be recognized by those people with strong technology and magic control.

So they have to make sure to protect themselves well before they can move freely around.

Vicky quickly moved forward while the girls entered the ark space.

When they are far away from each other the ark space would split into the pieces like before.

So even if they enter into their individual ark space they will not be able to contact each other or go into each other’s space.

This is the problematic thing.

The distance limit is actually 5 kilometers.

Vicky has already crossed 5 kilometers.

Vicky used the ghost skill to enter into the city and moved in the familiar city slowly.

He has lived here for a while.

He knows where to find the things and where to get the things.

He went straight to the black market to meet jerry.

In the previous life, jerry is his friend.

In this life jerry is a stranger.

Even though jerry is a person from the black market, he is a good person as far as Vicky knows.

Jerry is the perfect candidate that can get him some identities.

It would be easy with some identities on hand.

So he went straight towards the black market.

There is a bar here with a cyber punk style setting.

After entering Vicky went to the back room directly.

There is no one blocking the door.

But Vicky knows that there are number of hidden guns ready to shoot at him with just a single wrong move.

The guns are like a turret that can kill a person in Swiss cheese in a matter of seconds.

With many number of guns in this enclosed small space.

Unless that person possess strong physical or other kind of defensive skill with his power reaching tier 5 they would definitely die here.

Vicky came to the metal door and knocked on it three times.

Then said the password,

“Those legs are super long and that ass is super hot.”

Immediately the metal door has cogs rotating sound and the metal door slowly opened.


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