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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 401: using others plan to get their girls

They are not far from the village and they can easily get the information in the Uchiha clan through normal channels.

She will definitely be targeted by Danzo and the roots.

Shizuka don’t know if the roots have female members as most of the people appeared are usually males in her information.

But she was sure that things were not that easy.

Danzo once wanted to take Kushina the 9 tails jinchūriki into the roots before.

Shizuka did not have any form of protection and she cannot depend on the stupid prideful people of the Uchiha clan.

So she has to find a big tree for protection till she safely grows.

This is one of the points that she understood from the simulation.

She did not fear fighting Danzo but when she can avoid it why bother fighting and wasting many precious opportunities during that time.

So she started to act directly.

On the other hand the player taking the role of Hiashi did not understand the situation.

It was him that planned this incident without even telling his brother.

He knows that he would definitely become the head of the clan.

But he wanted to win the heart of Himeko that is so beautiful and have some good impression in the minds of other people.

Every player in the ninja world wanted to break the rules and gain as many good women as possible.

As for taking them to the real world they will think about it later.

There is another good thing here.

Players usually leave when the mission is complete.

At that time when the subordinates leave with the player from the life fantasy world,

The system will rejuvenate their bodies of the subordinates to the situation where the body is most beautiful and powerful.

This is because some time in the life fantasy world player would return after their natural death.

At that time the subordinates can be too old for the real world.

So this special service is provided by the system.

But there is a restriction that is those players should not be killed by anyone.

If they are killed then they cannot take subordinates and has to bear the 10 percent penalty.


The incident arranged by Hiashi was actually taken by Shizuka and acted so righteously that she could not come out and act.

The eyes of Himeko twinkled looking at Shizuka.

She is 6 years old but the children in the ninja world mature fast psychologically.

Just like Kakashi.

It is especially so for the girls in the big clans, as they are not given will to choose the one they love.

Himeko also understand this.

But she cannot stop her admiration for Shizuka standing for her and slapped so many bullies.

That is not all she is still 6 years old and she would slip up some times.

She very kind hearted and shy, just like Hinata.

So her face immediately blushed looking at Shizuka while Hiashi was clenching his teeth.

But he cannot step in.

Being a player he knows that his plan is foiled.

At the same time he doubted that Shizuka is also a player.

Even though Shizuka is a girl the feeling she gave is very different.

But there is no definitive proof for this matter.

Since Shizuka was in the Uchiha clan it is either Shizuka is from a powerful clan or Shizuka is stupid enough to select Uchiha clan with doomsday level difficulty.

Because of this reason he became cautious.

If it is the first then Shizuka is very strong player that he could not fight against right now.

If it is the second then Shizuka would die because of her stupidity so he did not have to act.

With this kind of thinking he calmed down and looked at the situation.

The four bully kids that were slapped became ashamed being slapped in the face and being called traitors.

So they directly wanted to fight with Shizuka.

Boys of this age are actually quite stupid most of the time except for the exceptions like Kakashi.

Shizuka did not care as their strength is too low.

Shizuka only slapped on their face till they were swollen to subdue them.

Now they did not make move as the teachers are also here.

Since it was only slaps on the face instead of severely injuring the situation was under control of the teachers.

Being slapped like this on the face by a girl made them more ashamed.

Also the teachers are careful about this incident involved Hyuga clan as they know the future identity of Himeko Hyuga.

So they punished the children that tried to bully her and even called their parents to tell them about this.

Shizuka caringly asked Himeko if she is alright.

This made her blush just like Hinata and almost faint on the spot.

Hinata would act similarly when she is with girls or boys.

On the other hand Hiashi clenched his teeth and fists in anger.

Shizuka was actually holding the hands of Himeko, his future wife making him angry.

Even though Shizuka is a girl, he had a feeling that she can do more than the things he could do.

But before he made a move Shizuka smiled and let go.

After that she went to Mikoto and left.

Seeing that Shizuka is with Mikoto the thoughts of Hiashi changed.

He knows that Mikoto was the future wife arranged for Fugaku.

So instead of going to Shizuka and trouble him, he wanted to go to Fugaku and push the ball to his court.

This way he would not be a bad guy instead he would stand on the sidelines to watch the show.

The reason for this is the intimate behavior of Shizuka is far more than some boys and girls.

Unknown to him, his gaze was already noticed by Tian Meng and he told Shizuka.

Tian Meng is a part of Shizuka’s strength and it was a spiritual strength.

Chapter 402: third Hokage became interested

Unknown to him his gaze was already noticed by Tian Meng and he told Shizuka.

Tian Meng is a part of Shizuka’s strength and it was a spiritual strength.

He can still accompany Shizuka in the life fantasy world and his capabilities can still be used.

Unlike the restriction in the pirates of the Caribbean fantasy world, Tian Meng is not restricted at all.

Also with the improvement of Shizuka, Tian Meng released another portion of his power to help Shizuka.

Just like in the original world Tian Meng belongs to, he sealed a large part of the power so that Shizuka could bear him as the spirit beast.

Originally Tian Meng is a powerful chaos monster at mythical grade.

But it was severely restricted by the power of the system to make him as a tier 1 mythical grade chaos monster.

This happened before with the system support and few other reasons.

Now that Shizuka reached tier 2 it was also upgraded to tier 2 releasing its sealed power reaching tier 2 mythical grade chaos monster.

This is the different between taking the spirit of a chaos monster in the real world and the chaos monster from a fantasy world.

The benefits are huge.


After solving the situation Shizuka also returned back to her class and continued.

Shizuka did not cross the line at any given time.

This way she is dancing at the edge of the sword to gain the benefits.

People can become angry with her but they cannot do anything to her.

She is like a white villain that is taunting them from a safe zone.

What she does is irritating enough but it is not big enough to punish her.

So they can only grit their teeth and bubble their anger inside their hearts.

On the other hand Shizuka continued to improve her strength while keeping an eye out for the dead ninja every day.

She would not leave anything as long as it is useful to her.

Also after the yin seals, E rank techniques in the academy and the chakra control, she started to practice other techniques from her memories.

Well the incident was noticed by third Hokage and her words were relayed to third Hokage through the teachers.

Immediately after that third Hokage investigated Shizuka’s origins.

He found that Shizuka is just an orphan.

Well the clan head of the Uchiha clan did a good job in hiding the origin of Shizuka perfectly.

So nothing was found out about Shizuka.

On the other hand third Hokage was interested in genius like Shizuka because he did not have anyone from the Uchiha clan working for him right now.

He wanted to have someone from Uchiha clan to work for him.

He has prejudice that he got from his teacher second Hokage but he is a more practical person.

He is a cunning old fox that wanted to have extra strength than extra enemy.

At this time his thoughts did not reach the point of eliminating the Uchiha clan.

He was mainly thinking of eliminating the Senju clan that opposed him from taking the Hokage seat.

So he needs more power.

For power who would be better than Uchiha clan.

Conveniently he lacks a strong weapon under him right now.

Even though there is Sakumo Hatake under him in the Anbu,

He is too upright to do this kind of thing.

As for Danzo, he is a snake that is coveting the position of the Hokage all the time.

So trusting him is even hard.

Finally he has disciples but they each had their own problems.

He is even feeling threatened by Orochimaru during this time and feeling there are problems with his mentality.

So, third Hokage urgently need a strong weapon that works under him with great loyalty.

Under his investigation he found that Shizuka showed much talent in the ninja aptitude test but later she is slowly going down.

Third Hokage know the reason for this is lack of resources to improve.

A genius doesn’t mean that she can take out something out of nothing.

Even with the great talent one needs resources to improve.

Shizuka is an orphan so it is natural to lack resources.

Third Hokage felt that he found the perfect candidate.

Naive, righteous, friendly, emotional, lacking resources, a girl and an orphan,

All of these things combined would be Shizuka’s appearance right now.

This makes Shizuka the perfect candidate for manipulation.

So, third Hokage decided to test the waters around Shizuka.

He is a cunning old fox and would not jump straight into the plan.

He would investigate Shizuka more during this time and then make his approach.

A few days later he came to the ninja academy to speak about the will of fire nonsense.

Shizuka acted as if she was listening attentively.

On the other hand Hiashi is not paying much attention to this nonsense instead she was planning something different.

Shizuka also noticed that few other ordinary people and ninja seem to be close to Hiashi and came to speak to him during this time.

It felt more like master, subordinate relation rather than being friends.

Most probably the player that took the character of Hiashi is someone with background and he came along with subordinates.

Well Shizuka did not care about that.


During this time the academy started to teach the students on how to refine chakra.

Most people have already learnt it and they directly excelled.

This class is mainly for those ninja students from commoners.

During this time third Hokage came to lecture about will of fire frequently.

Also he started to ask the students about the will of fire.

One of the times he called on Shizuka to ask about her opinion of will of fire.

Shizuka answered is so well that third Hokage was extremely satisfied with the answer.

Other than that his investigation of Shizuka was also extremely good and a perfect candidate for his tool man.

Chapter 403: money, money, more money

Shizuka answered is so well that third Hokage was extremely satisfied with the answer.

Other than that his investigation of Shizuka was also extremely good and a perfect candidate for his tool man.

So he decided to get close to Shizuka.

Well the things investigated by the third Hokage were closely followed by the Uchiha people.

They can see the traces so they immediately understood that third Hokage is interested in Shizuka and wanted to pull her towards his side.

They all know that Shizuka showed a good talent before and they are thinking of pulling Shizuka into their faction in the Uchiha clan.

The head of the clan that is the father of Shizuka was also informed about this matter.

So he panicked a little.

But he calmed down.

He doesn’t mind sacrificing his illegitimate daughter to gain the peace from the village, he doesn’t mind.

Also he can make Shizuka as a double agent between the Uchiha clan and the third Hokage.

Well father and son things very similarly.

The thoughts of the head of Uchiha clan are very similar to his son Fugaku using Itachi as double agent.

But they don’t know that all their little calculations are under the control of Shizuka.

That day third Hokage called Shizuka after his will of fire speech.

Shizuka came into the office room of the head master following her class teacher.

Shizuka respectfully bowed to the third Hokage and greeted him.

Third Hokage immediate waved her hand and called Shizuka to come close to her just like a friendly neighborhood grandfather.

His acting is impeccable.

Shizuka did not show any flaws in her acting.

The admiration towards third Hokage is literally flowing from her eyes.

Third Hokage can see that Shizuka was his true admirer and happily nodded his head.

After that third Hokage started to ask Shizuka on how she is doing and her views on the will of fire.

Well this will of fire concept was originally formed by Madara Uchiha.

His meaning is to say that he would protect Hashirama Senju the lover of Madara Uchiha saying that the fire protects the leaf.

But third Hokage on the other hand changed it into brainwashing tactics to gain the control of the future generation of the hidden leaf village.

Thinking for a moment Shizuka answered third Hokage her point of view about the will of fire.

“One has to make sacrifices for the village when needed, for the village to let the greater number of people in the village survive the disaster…..”

With her answer and explanation third Hokage was really moved.

Well Shizuka also got this information through analysis.

There is another player that tried this route and she tried her best to summarize the best way to get into the good side of third Hokage.

Well he is one of the strongest people in the village and he was also very dangerous.

Getting into good side of this plot line character is very important as stepping on the bad side might cost the player her life.

Third Hokage nodded his head and gave Shizuka an envelope.

It contains cash and third Hokage said.

For him calling Shizuka here has to have a purpose right.

This is the excuse that he chose.

“This is the pension money for your dead parents.

You can come to the Hokage’s office every month to receive the pension.

The village is having some financial problems and the procedures and clearances took time.

So don’t blame the village but blame me for delaying the pension money for your parents for so long…”

Third Hokage started to speak with saddened expression and even shed few crocodile tears for Shizuka to see.

Well Shizuka did not stop her acting and even shed a few crocodile tears of her own and said.

“I understand grandpa…third Hokage…

You don’t have to blame yourself for this.

You are working so hard for this village.

I can understand that.

Thank you for your kind care……”

Shizuka spoke as if the third Hokage really worked hard.

Well she is doing all the paper work all the time.

Shizuka’s words really moved the heart of the third Hokage.

After that he let Shizuka go.

He would not make a move immediately.

He has to first observe how the Uchiha clan acts after knowing his approach towards Shizuka.

He is not stupid enough to think that the Uchiha clan did not notice his approach towards Shizuka.

Based on their stance he would move forward or backward.

This is what he did to Shisui and Itachi in the original story.

Shizuka also knows the situation and after taking the money she left back to the Uchiha clan.

When she returned an elder came to invite her saying that the head of the clan wanted to see her.

Well Shizuka expected this and immediately left here after placing the envelope on the desk.

Actually Shizuka was sure that someone from the clan would check her envelope of money to see if it is higher than what they are paying.

To win her over they would want to pay more than third Hokage.

Everyone knows that she is an orphan and because of the poverty and bad things she faced she would bend towards the side with maximum benefits.

In her current situation what she needed most is resources and money to buy them.

Well there is another thing as familial love.

But they cannot directly give it to her as there are no close relatives to Shizuka right now in the clan.

Also they cannot give her more resources directly which would cause disturbances in the clan later.

So they can only give her money and may be subsidies the resources from the clan shops in the name of her being genius.

The reason for checking the money in the envelope given by third Hokage is to give her more than that.

Shizuka is intelligent.

She actually stuffed all the money she has…….

Chapter 404: double game with third Hokage and Uchiha clan head

Shizuka is intelligent.

She actually stuffed all the money she has into this envelope making is double the amount that third Hokage gave her.

So after checking the money the clan people would give him more than that.

She is also growing and needs many things for being a ninja.

Also she is a woman and she needs more money to keep up with the things.

Before earning the money by herself she has to depend on the money from the clan.

Also it is her growth phase and requires many supplements and medicinal materials.

So having extra money is always good.

Shizuka arrived back at the hall where the clan head is present.

During this time someone silently sneaked into her dorm room and checked the money in the envelope.

Then he reported back to the clan head.

The clan head frown a little because of the amount of the money.

It is almost double the amount of money they prepared to give her.

They don’t want to invest so much for the improvement of a girl.

But still they have to do it right now as third Hokage is playing the tricks.

Well they directly increased the money.

Right now Uchiha clan is still rich and is in the middle of the hidden leaf village.

So they can afford the money.

Now it is the turn for her cheap father Uchiha Ryo the clan head of the Uchiha clan to start his acting.

Unfortunately he is not good enough in acting to shed the crocodile tears.

He only put on a sad expression and said.

“You have been wronged for a long time with that little amount of pension money from the clan.

Well it cannot be helped because of the suppression from the Senju clan and the third Hokage all the time.

We were even cheated off the position of the Hokage under their joint efforts.

Today I called you here to give you the full pension money of your d…dead parents so that you can get more resources and become an excellent ninja in the future.

When you become the strong ninja you should support the clan well from those cunning people that want to destroy our clan…….”

He talked all the nonsense that he wanted to speak and even vented out some of the frustration during this time because of the village management and other clans.

At the same time he got to the topic of third Hokage paying the pension.

“Did third Hokage pay you the pension for your parents?”

He asked looking at Shizuka.

Shizuka responded.

“Yes patriarch, I got it just now”

“He has delayed it for so long.

Any way he should pay you pension for all this time too.

You see he has not paid the pension of your parents for the past 5 years or the child care money for the first 2 years.

All of this has to be paid to you.

Unlike the clan that takes care of you with the money directly, the village would pay the money.

So you will get all that money too.

I will specifically apply for the money from the Hokage in your name later.

So don’t worry about that.

Take this scroll.

This contains the basic techniques of our clan that you should learn at your age.

After you learn these techniques, we will test you.

If you learnt them properly then we will give you the next set of the techniques.

Learn well and if you have any doubt come and meet with Fugaku my son.

He has already learnt these techniques and he can help you in this practice.

If you need anything, come to me and I will help you.

Our clan is like a family, so don’t fear or shy away from asking for help….”

After saying few more righteous and cozy words Shizuka was sent back to her dormitory.

Shizuka really got some good benefits right now.

For the 7 years with the same amount can become a good lump of money.

It can be comparable to the amount of the fortune that her fake parents left for her.

Other than that this scroll is also valuable.

The things she got from the Uchiha clan before are not complete at least not as complete as the Senju clan’s information.

The reason for this is it was easy to get the information from the dead Senju clan through various means.

As for the Uchiha clan everything that is important was destroyed by Itachi and other people before players could get anything.

So the amount of information that they got is pitifully low.

Shizuka returned back to the house.

After that she checked the scroll that contains the information about the fire style basic techniques.

All of them are basics and Shizuka has a copy of this already.

But the auxiliary information was present in the scroll that is not present in the information he has.

The information is about how to control the fire quality and quantity.

Also it is about the change in temperature and ferocity of the fire during the fire style techniques.

These things Shizuka did not have them.

She only has the technique of fire release.

She started to study the thing peacefully.


Another year passed by and this is year 45.

During this time Shizuka got all the money that the head of the Uchiha clan spoke off.

Third Hokage played the bloody price for giving the money.

All the money was directly deposited into the bank account and the pass book was given to Shizuka.

During that time third Hokage would speak to Shizuka from time to time and even gave her some special auxiliary technique scrolls on chakra control and other normal techniques.

Shizuka also went to speak with Fugaku.

Since it was told by his father, Fugaku did not have a choice but to help Shizuka in the practice.

He is unwilling but he cannot refuse if he wants to become the head of the clan.

Chapter 405: I want to be a medical ninja

Since it was told by his father, Fugaku did not have a choice but to help Shizuka in the practice.

He is unwilling but he cannot refuse if he wants to become the head of the clan.

Now many factions of the Uchiha clan are paying attention to Shizuka.

They want to see if she will be successfully able to become their agent on the third Hokage’s side.

If possible they are happy.

On the other hand third Hokage is also like that.

He is watching Shizuka to see if he would become the agent under him to watch the Uchiha clan’s moves.

During this time Shizuka did not stop from flirting…cough…cough… socializing with Mikoto or Himeko.

The flirting was big enough to put many boys to shame.

Both Fugaku and Hiashi are gnashing their teeth looking at the situation.

They cannot do anything because the situation has changed.

Too many people are paying attention on Shizuka right now.

It is not because she is a genius, but she has something to do with both the third Hokage and the Uchiha clan at the same time.

As for the internal matter they would not speak even if they know about this.

So things are too complicated for them to do anything.

Hiashi did try to fight with Shizuka in order to gain attention from Himeko.

That day when the fight started Himeko and many people are there watching.

The fight was approved by their teacher as it was settling grievances.

Any way he can intervene and stop something bad from happening.

Unfortunately Shizuka made the accidental move and her leg accidentally kicked the balls of Hiashi.

Actually all of Shizuka’s previous moves were countered by Hiashi because of the 360 degrees view of the Hyuga clan eyes.

Unfortunately sometimes even if you see the thing you cannot stop that thing from happening.

This is one such thing.

Originally Shizuka’s kick is meant for the face of Hiashi.

But Hiashi moved forward because of a move wanting to hit Shizuka with the gentle fist that he learnt recently.

This widened his legs and moved his hand like a sword move.

While kicking, Shizuka also dodged the hand that is coming to her heart area.

At that moment the unexpected happened.

The falling Shizuka kicked her leg so hard that her feet landed on the balls of Hiashi and he was lifted from the ground by 3 inches before falling down holding his crotch.

That is how powerful the kick is.

Well it can still heal but the pain and trauma would not go away that easily.

Hiashi was rolling in pain on the ground holding his crotch.

The people that are looking at the fight did not expect such a thing to happen.

The teachers immediately came to take Hiashi to the medics.

Everyone that saw this entire fight through that it was an accident.

They saw that Shizuka slipped while dodging the attack of Hiashi.

The attack of Hiashi was actually vicious because it was aimed at the heart of Shizuka.

All the teachers saw that.

Actually Shizuka let them become the witness of the current incident and chose this time to attack perfectly.

Fortunately for Hiashi, Tsunade is still in the village and did not have the blood phobia yet.

So he was healed but the incident is big and it has already spread throughout the village.

The people that got the news felt a sharp pain in their balls imagining the incident where Hiashi actually flew three inches up into the air before falling.

Also the news about the entire thing being an accident was also spread.

Even if the Hyuga clan people wanted to make a fuss they could not.

The reason is that Shizuka now has two bakers that are the third Hokage and the head of the Uchiha clan.

So she is not worried if something happens then the blame would fall on the Hyuga clan.

Also Shizuka has to be careful because she can enjoy the things as long as she is alive.

No one would come forward for a dead genius.

Most probably Shizuka would be followed by Anbu in the next few days when she is out of the clan and goes around for her protection.

In the clan she is already protected by the Uchiha people.

This is in response to the possible retaliation against the Hyuga clan.

Since the entire thing is an accident Hyuga clan could not even ask for compensation.

Tsunade that is treating Hiashi has a different thought of this matter.

She can clearly see that the attack was intentional and the damage is also very specific.

She even thought that the one that kicked Hiashi is good at human anatomy to the level of nerves and vines.

She can repair the damage but she could not be able to repair some specific parts inside the testicles.

Even though everything would be fine now, she was sure that in the future Hiashi might not be able to reproduce or even have a good time with woman.

The problem is not only the physical body but the psychological damage to the mind of Hiashi.

“His night life is finished.”

Tsunade can only pity him a little but she would not speak about this incident or after math.

She told her thoughts to the third Hokage, saying that it might be intentional.

But third Hokage did not believe that as there are many witnesses and Shizuka is still a kid to have so many thoughts.

He told her to leave this matter as it is and asked her to cover up.

But Tsunade wanted to meet with the kid that caused the entire incident.

On that day third Hokage called Shizuka to talk to him and during the talk Shizuka told third Hokage that she would become a medical ninja to save the lives of the other ninja during the war.

This way ninja would not die like her parents died in the battle field.


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