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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 421: meeting sage of 6 paths again part-2

“…You and your brother are the worst beings of this planet.

The reason why you and your bother cannot enter the pure land completely is because of all your sins.

You are the most useless and damned person I have ever seen….”

Suzaku continued to scold him without giving him any time think.

On the other hand Tian Meng that got all the power of the tailed beasts.

Actually if it was Suzaku alone he would not be able to control and combine the power of the tailed beasts.

But the presence of Tian Meng helped in this process.

Also the reason why sage of 6 paths appeared in front of Suzaku is because Suzaku has opened the Rinne Sharingan.

This happened after Tian Meng controlled and combined the power of all the tailed beasts into one stimulating the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan along with that.

This let the Rinnegan activate and combine with the Sharingan.

All the previous achievements are so quickly done is also with the help of Tian Meng.

He helped in the guidance but not the actual process.

The actual process is complicated and Suzaku could not complete it alone.

If he did it alone it would take 10 times more time than he spent right now.

On the other hand if he complete the process under the guidance of Tian men it became easy for him.

Also Tian Meng is the one that helped him with the absorption of natural chakra freely and enter the sage mode so easily.

There one other person that knows the presence of Tian Meng that is the immortal slug Katsuya.

They are both from the worm race, and their conversation is very good like brother and sister.

He told Kaguya on how to turn into the appearance of a human and some human projection capabilities that she can master.

The human appearance of Katsuya is really beautiful.

Even right now Tian Meng is helping Suzaku to keep the things under control with its vast spirit energy.


Coming back to the situation, after being scolded by Suzaku the mouth of sage of 6 paths is wide open without any sound or word coming out.

He was actually stunned by the words of Suzaku.

Well actually all of this is true and he could not deny it.

If there is a normal war then few thousand people would die or a little more would die.

But because of mass destructive things like chakra and ninjutsu, millions of people died over the past 1000 years.

Some of the villages and human civilizations are completely whipped out.

That is how much destruction that the Ninsu spread by sage of 6 paths has caused.

There is no doubt that he is the sinner of this world.

Suzaku just pointed it out.

Not only he is a sinner but he is also stupid that could not understand the situation.

If he is in his right mind he would not have sealed 10 tails and divide its energy into tailed beasts.

Instead he would train strong people to fortify the ninja world from the future invasion of the Otsutsuki clan.

With the scolding of Suzaku his face finally turned red from shame.

Well it actually turned red even though he is just a soul.

With the shame comes anger and he started to speak righteously.

“I know that you want to destroy the peace of the world.

That is what you killed and ate the tailed beasts causing imbalance in the world.

Not I will put you in your place…”

After saying these words he wanted to attack Suzaku with his spirit power.

Unfortunately it was not enough to do anything to Suzaku.

Under his influence Suzaku’s spirit is fine, his bloodline is not sealed and nothing happened to him.

Instead it was Suzaku that attacked back and sent this moronic sage of 6 paths to the illusionary land.

In the illusionary place there are many men with big muscles and body looking at sage of 6 paths with strange eyes.

Looking at their eyes the expression of sage of 6 paths is like a frightened rabbit the fell into a group of hungry dogs.

Suzaku on the other hand tried to use his spirit energy to see if he could devour the spirit of sage of 6 paths or his memory.

The information that sage of 6 paths has is very valuable.

Suzaku doesn’t have to search for that everywhere to get the information if he can read the memory of sage of 6 paths.

So Suzaku tried with the combination technique of both Yamanaka clan’s secret technique and Kato clan’s spirit technique.

With the help of both and the current situation of the sage of 6 paths Suzaku got much important information.

That is related the location of the important equipment of the Otsutsuki clan that should still be in the ninja world after the fall of Kaguya.

The location of the passage to the moon and the location of the castle where Kaguya once lived were found during the search

Other than that the information related to various techniques that he did not share with Suzaku before were also found by Suzaku.

This is not the only good thing, some of the weakness of the brother of sage of 6 paths Homura Otsutsuki was also found by Suzaku.

All of this was good gain for Suzaku for his future plan.

With the bonus received directly to his door Suzaku was really happy.

He now has two choices for him to choose from.

First is to start the war and take control of the entire ninja world before going to the moon and get the fake Otsutsuki Hyuga clan back to earth.

Second is to get the Otsutsuki Hyuga clan on the moon first and then go to war.

Whatever the case it might be the results are the same.

But going for the Otsutsuki clan on the moon first would create more mess.

Chapter 422: the war front distribution part-1

Whatever the case it might be the results are the same.

But going for the Otsutsuki clan on the moon first would create more mess.

With that thought Suzaku returned to the village.

There are a few important things that happened during his time away from the village.

Since he did not undo his shadow clone he did not know this information.

But it did not bother him.

On the other hand he was shocked by this information.

First of all Hizashi actually leaked the information that Hisashi is impotent.

This directly caused the fall of prestige of the previous clan head and Hisashi.

Hizashi that was sent to the branch family before has directly stepped into the power and became the new head of the clan with the support of the branch family.


Hisashi is a player but that did not make him something super.

He cannot use the system to heal any injuries as the injury from Suzaku is more psychological than physical.

So he could not change that and have to live with that for the rest of his life in this life fantasy world.

Even if he returns back to the real world Suzaku was sure that the person that took the appearance of Hiashi would not be able to mate properly.

As for other players, even though they have basic information of the world they don’t know how the things work in this world.

That is they don’t know the in and out of this world.

So they can only go with the flow and survive as long as they can to gain as may benefits as they possibly can.

Also they specifically decided to not to get into the path of Suzaku.

The players that followed Hiashi are mostly dead because they chose the wrong clans to join.

These clans had a high death rate and also have problems with Danzo and Orochimaru.

Danzo and Orochimaru are very much interested in bloodline limits.

So for their research to improve their strength they have taken the players that are easy to capture.

Players are arrogant with low sense of vigilance because the death in the life fantasy world is not real death.

But they don’t know that some things are far more painful than death.

Because of their arrogance and carelessness they paid the price of pain and suffering from the experiments of Danzo and Orochimaru.


Fugaku on the other hand was terrified knows that Suzaku might make him impotent too.

So he decided to get married.

Also they decided to take refuge with the old fox third Hokage.

They thought that third Hokage is strong and Suzaku did not do anything to him for this reason.

Well no one knows how their mind works.

In order to get close to third Hokage Fugaku has actually married a woman from the Sarutobi clan.

There is a rumor that Fugaku is also impotent just like Hisashi.

So the woman he married is not that good looking.

Other women even if they are from the Uchiha clan did not want to marry an impotent man.

He wanted to impregnate his new wife to prove that he is not impotent.

Unfortunately, even if he did that the name would not clear but another green hat would fall on his head.

This is because the humans are the most evil creatures.

Instead of going for the side of good they would tend to go towards the side of evil.

Just like that, instead of talking good and believing in good, they would tend to believe in evil and bad things.

So even if Fugaku impregnates his new wife, people would thing that he was cuckolded by his new wife.

He did not expect that and is still trying his best even though he did not like his wife very much.

Suzaku found many of these strange things this time this time.

After a month of hard practice his mind is in irritated state.

He needs some special recreation.

So he directly appeared beside his women and then an invisible barrier appeared around their home blocking the sounds of moans of those women from the surrounding people.

Suzaku played with his wives for a few hours before going out refreshed.

His clones prepared meals for himself and for his wives.

Suzaku left here to speak with Tsunade about the war council and the situation.

Suzaku’s clone has already informed about this to him.

Currently the hidden sand village and the salamander from the land of rain have formed an alliance.

The other three ninja villages have formed an alliance.

Now the other villages decided to make the land of grass their battle field once again.

This is the common place for the two alliances to directly attack the land of fire.

Well the land of the wind, the land of rain can directly access the land of grass or can directly enter through then land of rain.

This makes one war front.

As for the hidden stone village has directly connection through the land of grass.

This also comes in the previous war front.

Now the hidden cloud village can come from both water and land and the hidden mist village can come from the water.

This way there are 4 war fronts.

Suzaku has previously distributed the clans that would go to each war front.

The Sarutobi clan, part of the Uchiha clan under Ryo Uchiha, Utatane clan, Shimura clan, Mitokado clan under the leadership of third Hokage would go to the front facing the hidden cloud village.

Remaining Uchiha clan that supported Suzaku, the newly formed Hyuga clan, Inuzuka clan, Aburame clan will go to the front of the hidden mist village.

Hyuga, Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan are the eyes while Uchiha clan is the weapon.

Finally at the front with the hidden stone village, hidden sand village, land of the rain salamander would be faced by Yamanaka clan, Akimichi clan, and Nara clan along with many civilian ninja.

Chapter 423: the war front distribution part-2

Hyuga, Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan are the eyes while Uchiha clan is the weapon.

Finally at the front with the hidden stone village, hidden sand village, land of the rain salamander would be faced by Yamanaka clan, Akimichi clan, and Nara clan along with many civilian ninja.

Suzaku was marked as the main commander in chief that would move between the war fronts based on the necessity.

Well he is mostly around at the land of grass to support the two fronts with hidden rock village and the alliance of hidden sand village and the land of grass.

This is the hardest place to deal with.

Also the Tsuchikage is a cunning old man.

But he fears the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

This was the psychological shadow he has after facing Madara Uchiha.

That is one of the reasons why he wanted to attack hidden leaf village and kill the person that has became strong suddenly in the Uchiha clan.

As for Jiraiya and Orochimaru they will be at two different places.

Jiraiya would be stationed at the front of the hidden mist village.

Orochimaru will be placed behind third Hokage’s group to do three things.

First is to act as the last line of defense just in case of a mishap.

Second is to research on the dead clan people of the four clans.

Third is to act as a spy of Suzaku standing beside third Hokage.

That would be his role in this battle.

Jiraiya on the other hand would be facing the 7 swords men from the hidden mist village.

Third Hokage came out of the hospital in the last month.

The speed of recovery and the healing capabilities of the ninja world are top of the line.

Third Hokage has already recovered and is ready for battle.

This time however he did not bring his sons along instead he put them for treatment.

Third Hokage was sure that he would either die in the battle or become some things that are disgusted by the village.

He has to make sure that his children and wife are safe at the very least.

Well it might appear like Suzaku is a villain but third Hokage is only fearing his sins coming back to him to bite.

Suzaku did not care about it and his target is to eliminate all the things that could possibly cause problems for his plans.

Since the time he can stay in this world is not long.

That is he can only stay here till the end of the Kaguya incident.

After that he has to return back to the real world.

Even though it was life fantasy world he could not decided what the system wanted to do.

Other than that the life fantasy worlds that appear in early rings are like that.

They will not be full.

If it was at the later rings then the time spent in the fantasy world would be longer.

The longer time means hundreds and even thousands of years is possible.

But right now it is not possible for Suzaku.

What he wanted to do he has to complete it as quickly as possible.

Based on his estimate it would happen in 5 years of time.

Suzaku did not say anything and checked the war front details.

The war has already started.

Those two alliances tried their best to gain as much of information as they could get from the hidden leaf village.

Unfortunately even if they got the information they could not do anything.

At most in a week the war would start at all fronts.

The main army has already been sent and the supply chains are being formed.

Tsunade is taking care of this with the help of the Senju clan women as her trusted subordinates.

While returning back to the Uchiha clan Suzaku received a call from black Zetsu.

He wanted to talk about the cooperation.

Also they have to do it with Madara acting in the dark.

Well he is not only acting in the dark but he will be in the dark too.

That means he don’t know the original plan but only a part of the plan.

With that he could only do as the black Zetsu suggested.

If things go wrong Suzaku can always act forcibly to change things.

For that Suzaku has to first join the Akatsuki and then move towards their goal.

This is complicated and there is still the situation with Akatsuki.

Yahiko has to die before Suzaku joining the Akatsuki.

Nagato has to be darkened and become a crippled.

At the same time Konan has to lose her feelings and turn to the side of grief.

She loves Yahiko in the original plot.

But that should not be the case because of the hindrance of the clones of Suzaku making Yahiko into a fool in front of others with his ideals.

This is the world of Naruto but it was not dictated by others.

Suzaku has already taken the role behind the scenes and is playing his game to change the things that would follow his rhythm.

Only this way Suzaku can be in control of the entire thing.

This time there will not be Obito playing with the things.

Suzaku met with black Zetsu and talked about the information from both sides.

Black Zetsu talked with Madara with some lies and added Suzaku into their ranks.

Madara Uchiha wanted to meet with Suzaku and speak with him to confirm the things.

So, right now Suzaku has to go with black Zetsu to talk with Madara Uchiha.

“Suzaku, I did not tell Madara about our cooperation and only told him that you are angry with those people and miss your mother very much.

I told him that you wanted to revive your mother and live happily……”

Black Zetsu told Suzaku on how he introduced Suzaku to Madara Uchiha and few other things that Suzaku has to know.

This is so that they would not slip up with their stories.

Chapter 424: meeting Madara Uchiha

Black Zetsu told Suzaku on how he introduced Suzaku to Madara Uchiha and few other things that Suzaku has to know.

This is so that they would not slip up with their stories.


The black Zetsu took Suzaku towards the mountains graveyard where the hideout of Madara Uchiha is present.

After coming here there is no entrance to go to the underground hideout.

The only way to enter into the secret hideout is through black or white Zetsu or through an expert in earth style ground movement technique.

Well they have to know the exact location to do the ground movement.

Also the location is deep underground that even Hyuga clan people’s Byakugan cannot see so deep.

So it was practically impossible to find the exact location to visit Madara Uchiha.

The black Zetsu took Suzaku into the hide out where Madara is sitting on the throne with many tubes connected to his body.

He would have looked majestic if there are no tubes from the monster statue from behind him.

Suzaku looked at him for a while and only sighed shaking his head.

The once great Madara Uchiha has reduced to the current level.

Well Madara also looked at Suzaku and felt offended looking at the disappointed expression of Suzaku.

“Why did you shake your head?

Do you thing that I am old and could not do anything to you…”

Madara is originally a hot tempered man.

Suzaku laughed back and said.

“You were once a great person and a warrior.

But now you have changed and have to live with the help of the energy from the 10 tails.

Yes, you can still fight me.

But the results are unknown.

Don’t forget I also have the Rinnegan and I can control the statue behind you…”

Madara immediately stopped talking.

Actually Suzaku has something more advanced than a simple Rinnegan.

The Rinne- Sharingan has more power than a simple Rinnegan.

So Madara in front of Suzaku is far more inferior.

There are many other things that Madara did not know about Rinnegan and Rinne- Sharingan.

Suzaku got the information from the sage of 6 paths and successfully devoured his spirit energy.

Suzaku also got the sage of sage of 6 paths yin and yang seals completely under his control.

With the current power Suzaku don’t have to fear anyone from the Otsutsuki clan that comes to earth during the plot.

Well he doesn’t know the power of the people present on the Otsutsuki planet.

So things have to be tested with time to know the final result.

Neither Suzaku nor Madara backed down with their words it looked like a war of words.

Black Zetsu did not speak and stood on the side silently.

He wanted to know how far Suzaku would go and he wanted to know if it is right to go along with the plan of Suzaku.

“I am here to solve my problem of resurrecting my mother.

I don’t want to argue with you.

Also don’t think of me as a scapegoat.

I can think of things as much as your brain can think off.

There is going to be a war soon.

Try to collect all the materials and personal before the end of the war.

By that time the tailed beast would be born again for us to use.

This is the change of plan that I thought off.

If you have anything to say, say it now.”

Suzaku said without showing any care of fear towards Madara.

Madara wanted to clarify another thing.

He doubts why Suzaku killed the tailed beasts.

Also this has caused him quite a head ache over the years.

So he asked that question before answering to the plan of Suzaku.

“Why did you kill the tailed beasts?”

Suzaku smiled at the question of Madara and said.

“Well, you should have heard about the gold and silver brothers of the hidden cloud village right.

It is said that they were once swallowed by the 9 tails and survived for a week eating its flesh.

When they came out finally they showed the capabilities of the 9 tails jinchūriki.

I wanted to know if I can do the same.

So I killed those beasts and ate their flesh.

I have to say it was really delicious because of the richness of the chakra they possess.

Also it gave me a good gift after eating….”

Suzaku spoke and opened the 10 tails jinchūriki mode with a bright black and white chakra circling around his body creating a chakra cloak with a single tail.

This shocked both Madara and black Zetsu on the side.

They did not expect that there is someone that could do such a crazy thing.

Coupled with the Rinnegan and this jinchūriki mode, Suzaku can consider being the strongest person on the ninja world right now.

They subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

They don’t know that what Suzaku showed right now not even a tenth of his power.

It is only a small part of one of his powers.

But still it was enough to shock them.

With the answer and show from Suzaku they finally decided to talk things out.

What Suzaku wanted from Madara is the lost techniques and complete information on the techniques of the Sharingan.

These things were actually mostly destroyed by Madara before he left the Uchiha clan.

Suzaku can simply control Madara to get the information but that would spoil his future plans.

Also Madara is very strong willed and is hard to control.

Comparing the usage of Sharingan, Suzaku is still a kid in front of Madara.

But comparing the usage of Rinnegan, Madara is like a kid in front of Suzaku.

That is how things are right now.

Since Madara needs the support of Suzaku instead of his hindrance they came to a cooperative relationship.

Madara gave the information that Suzaku wanted.

Suzaku is not blind enough to believe in the information given by Madara.

He sent a clone to test the things carefully before settling down.

Chapter 425: never provoke the will of the world

Suzaku is not blind enough to believe in the information given by Madara.

He sent a clone to test the things carefully before settling down.

Suzaku has high comprehension.

So he will be able to sense the defects quickly with all the experience during this time.

While his clone is checking Suzaku and Madara started to discuss about the war.

Well they did not appear to be enemies as they acted few minutes ago.

Black Zetsu on the side thought differently.

“Humans are so fickle minded.

They changed their thoughts with small benefits in a matter of seconds.

No wonder they had so many wars even for the tiniest thing.

Well as long as it works in my favor, everything is fine.”

After their discussion Suzaku came out of this place with the help of black Zetsu.

Suzaku did not forget to leave a flying thunder god symbol in place to get here when needed.

With that Suzaku returned to his station in the land of grass battle field.

The father of Shikaku the current head of Nara clan is already ready with his strategy to fight against the two battle fronts at the same time.

Suzaku called all the Jonin level ninja and clan heads to participate in a tactical meeting to check the situation and their plans.

“Shikashi, give me a detailed report on the current logistics and war preparations.”

Suzaku called Shikashi that father of Shikaku Nara.

Because of the strong power and decisive actions Suzaku has already earned the allegiance of the Yamanaka clan, Akimichi clan and Nara clan.

So they joined up Suzaku to support him instead of third Hokage.

Breaking the connection between the Sarutobi clan and these three clans is like breaking the wings of a bird.

So Sarutobi clan is in a difficult position with all the morons in play right now on the other battle front.

Third Hokage is intelligent but controlling such a large group of imbeciles from 4 different clans is really a hard thing.

Even though there is Orochimaru on his side, he felt more like a devouring snake than his disciple.

That is right Orochimaru did not hide his thoughts and put them straight on his face.

It is like he is saying.

“Die quickly; I have many experiments to do on your bodies.”

Even third Hokage felt a sense of danger from Orochimaru.

But he is not in a position to deal with Orochimaru.

Right now he is at the battle front and he could not do anything to Orochimaru.

Confronting Orochimaru is no different reducing his own power in the war, reducing the chances of his winning and living would be reduced by a large margin.

Because of this he did not do anything to Orochimaru and bear with the threatening feeling of being stared by a snake right now.


On the side of the hidden mist village in the coastal area of the land of fire the people have made preparations for the battle with the mist ninja.

Everything is set and the Hyuga clan people are keeping watch during that time.

Since the Hyuga clan people did not have broken the rules of marriage outside of the clan and the caged bird seal they are more energetic.

The men and women stood with the men and women of other clans that they liked before.

Now they got the chance to be close and they are close with each other.

They felt that this war has made them come close and form a real bond.

They are really thankful to Suzaku.

Even though Suzaku is a villain he is not stupid.

The world has a will and his enemies are only other villains and protagonists.

If he tried to take control or do damage to the normal populace then the will of the world would give him a death order.

He doesn’t want that and he doesn’t want to fight against the will of the world.

The will of the world would not act directly but acts using a series of coincidences.

Just like getting blasted by a meteorite or getting struck by a thunder.

Just like getting pierced by a sharp object in the vitals accidentally.

Just like accidentally stepping into a trap right when escaping from a lethal attack from the enemy.

Suzaku doesn’t want that to happen and he was very fearful about this matter.

No matter how much power and vitality he has, an attack to its brain can still kill him.

He is strong but not invincible and immortal.

Even immortals would die when they provoked the will of the world.

Suzaku is not stupid enough to do such a thing.

Instead he was very careful to follow the will of the world and use the will of the world to attack his enemies.

They might subconsciously avoid provoking the will of the world but Suzaku would think of ways to make them provoke the will of the world.

The final result is the destruction of his enemies.

For this reason he keeps helping normal populace while getting what he wanted from the protagonists and villains

Helping the normal populace would give him the protection of the will of the world.

It is not just protagonist that can have the protection of the will of the world.

The best example for this is actually the third Hokage.

No matter what kind of atrocities that he did, he put on a good image of kind and responsible person in front of the people of the village.

So till the end he was able to live for a long time till old age before he died in a battle heroically.

But after Suzaku shattered that image he faced with two strong heart attacks and all the support he possessed from other people is gone step by step.

Now he was sent to face a strong enemy with a group of idiots that can potentially kill him just by doing nothing.


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