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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 166: revealing about monster cores

On the other hand there is a rich second generation bastard that is actually eying the beauties beside Mohini.

He did not care about Mohini and what she did to get to her rank.

Well Mohini don’t mind satisfying his fantasies if he asked politely.

But he was too rude.

So Mohini decided to take care of him first.

He thought that Mohini is just a bitch that used her body to get the current rank.

He came forward to put his hand on the shoulder of Mohini’s women to pull them to the side to speak with them intimately.

The girls did not act but Mohini acted with a smile.

No one knows from were two rusted kitchen knives appeared on her hands.

Mohini used them to pin the rich second generation right on the wooden board through the flesh of his hands.

There is a sound of pig being killed and the person with his two hands directly pinned to the wooden wall behind him.

That is not the end.

Mohini made some continuous punches at specified location of this lecherous man’s body that most of the body functions are stopped.

He is under infinite agony but he could not even utter a single world.

Mohini called two of her guards and said.

“This is the punishment for disrespecting the military personal.

Write this on the wall beside him with paint immediately and let him stay like this for a day.

No food or water is given to him during this time.

If someone came to rescue him then tell them to come and meet me in person.

You don’t have to fear anyone.

If there is anyone forcibly doing something, just kill them on the spot.

I am giving you permission to open fire at them.”

The surrounding people took a deep breath.

The entire thing is very fast and the way the hands are pinned and the old weak rusty knives pierced so much into flesh and wood has shocked the people.

Naturally the kitchen knives of this quality would break into pieces when it touches any strong object instead of piercing through hard things like it was made of butter.

This made them realize that the person in front of them not only have strategic wisdom but also strength to back herself up.

Well even with the strength this will not be possible.

The only reason why Mohini can do this is because she augmented the knives with the energy in her body.

There is another realization that is all the military personal behind Mohini were listening to her words more than the higher officials.

The reason for this is right after Mohini and her people appeared here she sent few more vehicles back to bring back the people coming by foot.

Mohini convinced the higher ups on her side saying that having more people is good and they have higher chance of survival and living in this apocalyptic situation.

Also there are more resources with the people that are coming by foot.

So just for the resources they can use more fuel.

These thoughts of Mohini helped the justice in the hearts of those soldiers.

The people coming by foot have many soldiers for protections.

Soldiers has stronger bond of brotherhood than the blood related brothers.

So they were moved by her words.

Her personal character being a bitch is different and it did not interfere with her personality to be kind.

Not only them even the soldiers in the main base were moved by Mohini’s words.

After the soldiers mixed in the deeds of Mohini were spread to them quickly and how they were saved.

It is like a fairy tale but there are so many people to prove that.

So the entire thing is real.

Mohini did not rest after coming to the head quarters.

He called the old minister and other to form an emergency meeting to discuss about something important.

It is about the monster cores.

When the news about the monster cores was informed to the higher ups they immediately became interested.

They understood that this monster cores can improve the awakened people.

Also there might be a chance to awaken the normal people.

This idea of Mohini immediately aroused the interest of those military personal that did not awaken after the mutation.

They immediately wanted to research this.

Outside the meeting hall there is a sudden clamor.

This annoyed the big leaders that are listening to Mohini’s interesting idea with the practical proofs on hand.

The one that came is the minister of a state.

Well there is no longer that state right now.

Also only this minister and his cronies escaped out of the state with supplies without caring for the citizens or the military personal.

So the reputation is already bad.

Now his son was publically humiliated outside.

Mohini’s two guards have already shot at the people that wanted to rescue the lecherous bastard.

That is not all but the other soldiers around also circled around the place and stood on the side of the two guards with their guns pointed at the cronies of the minister.

That lecherous bastard is actually the son of this minister.

So he came here to call out Mohini to deal with her.

In his anger he did not think about the consequences of disturbing the meeting of the big leaders of the country and military at the same time.

Well he was more on the side that he should be respected for ancestry and the supplies he contributed to the people here.

Also he always talks about the dark history and his contributions to cover the asses of many business people, officials and the people in power.

This is the thing that is letting him stay here for so long.

All his deeds were tolerated by his past contributions.

Well the dark side is common anywhere.

There is no light without dark and there are no saints in this world.

Chapter 167: listening devices inside the walls

Well the dark side is common anywhere.

There is no light without dark and there are no saints in this world.

But how many people can bear the one that knows their dark history for so long.

That is when this person just jumping around so much causing them so many problems.

With the disturbance that is caused by this minister is the last thing that completely angered the higher level people.

Well information provided by Mohini is thousand times more important than the annoyance of this third legged minister.

So they unanimously took a decision to take down this minister so that it would not cause any problems with Mohini and them.

The value of Mohini in the current times is more than that of the value of this minister.

Also this minister knows their embarrassing secrets and he is a liability.

Other than that the current electronic media is gone, so even of this minister has their secrets he could not do anything.

He can only spread this by the word of mouth.

As long as they moved away from here and destroy all the things of the old minister, it would be no different than cutting off big losses.

With that the decision was made and they sent people to clear off this minister and his men.

As for his son, he would be taken care of tomorrow after Mohini’s punishment is over.

With the decision made they called in a person to handle these things.

As soon as the man went out the commotion outside was completely calmed.

Mohini on the other hand smiled and continued to explain about her understanding of the spar.

When people asked her how she knows so much Mohini told them that her ability is similar to appraisal skill in the games.

This let her understand the things more clearly.

Well the people immediately believed her because Mohini was originally like that.

She is a think tank that can guess the unknown and solve the upcoming problems.

They also did some research and found that most people that awakened abilities are related to their personalities and other features.

Mohini was arranged to stay at the temporary shelter.

This place also has zombies but most people are buried under the collapsed buildings.

So the zombies did not come out.

Even if they came out the patrolling guards would kill them directly.

Because of this the wild life around here is much bigger.

There are many mutated beasts in the area.

But Mohini knows that the dead bodies under the rubble of those buildings would wake up as undead and attack people in about 2 months

Actually based the trajectory they should still be at Agra base for another month.

Then they should travel to the Delhi base.

But Mohini urged the plans to move forward quickly.

So they came to this place quickly.

They are not the only ones that arrived here.

There will be more coming from other directions too in the next few days.

The undead people attack is also a hard thing to solve because they cannot be killed through normal means.

Unless they were dismembered the hands, legs and head separately.

Only this way they can be killed but the good thing is that they cannot infect others.


After dealing with the things Mohini returned to her new temporary house.

Both Radha and Sakura are already here.

There is a female guard that helped them move here.

Also Mohini’s personal guards of two squads would take care of the situation.

This place is temporarily built with half cement and wood.

There are many dead trees in the surrounding areas any way.

Well Mohini doesn’t care as they live inside the small room most of the time.

Mohini did not immediately spoke to her girls instead she took out some equipment and checked around the house.

She was checking to see if there are any listening devices.

Mohini cannot believe the new people so easily.

After checking around she actually found 5 listening devices.

They are not outside inside they were inside the wall.

Mohini did not back away because of this and directly punched a hole in the wall to take out the listening devices.

That is not the end.

Since there is one end she can find the other end of the listening devices using the equipment she has on hand.

With that she came to another building.

Mohini is not alone and there are more soldiers that came along.

Mohini forcibly broke the building door and found that that room belongs to the big leader’s personal assistant.

Mohini did not give them time to explain as she dragged them and pinned them right on the side the lecherous bastard before.

This time the knife that pinned the personal assistant has the listening devices hanging to them.

Along with that all the monitoring equipment was confiscated by the soldiers directly.

This action made the higher ups embarrassed to talk to Mohini as they are in the wrong this time.

They wanted to know more about the weakness of Mohini.

But they did not expect that Mohini would find things so quickly.

All the recorded data was destroyed.

This is not all Mohini went to the old minister and general to tell them about this and even searched their homes to find the listening devices.

Mohini doesn’t have to speak about this matter as the old minister and general are enough to take care of the things for her.

This created the rift between the people.

But this also showed that Mohini is very cautious in nature.

This improved the opinion about Mohini in the hearts of many soldiers.

Mohini is capable and cautious.

This means that she has the highest chance of survival.

The people that really wanted to survive would incline towards Mohini more.

In the evening Mohini closed the broken wall holes with the materials she has on hand and rearranged the temporary house.

Chapter 168: mutated insects, rats, cockroaches

The people that really wanted to survive would incline towards Mohini more.

In the evening Mohini closed the broken wall holes with the materials she has on hand and rearranged the temporary house.

She also attached the mosquito mesh and blocked of the water ways in and out of the house.

This was done because the attack of the insects and rats would be starting soon.

These are his preparations for these things.

Then she took her women to do a scouting act and came back in the evening when the tension between the higher ups cooled down.

They compromised.

At the same time there are extra supplies of food, fuel, weapons and medicine for Mohini to collect as compensation.

Mohini did not shy away from taking the things.

She directly took them into her room with the help of some soldiers and then she took the things into the space.

She sorted the things to distribute between her women.

After she got the things she called for emergency meeting again.

Whenever Mohini calls for a meeting, especially when she came after scouting around the camp would give a sense of urgency to the people.

That is because Mohini would only call them if things are dangerous.

While scouting Mohini went to look for the area at he collapsed buildings and saw the rats that are around the size of a cats and dogs.

Also there are mosquitoes that are as big as rats originally should be.

The rats are feasting on the corpses buried in the rubble.

At the same time the mosquitoes are feasting on the blood of these rats that are killed when they fought for the food with each other.

Mohini told the people about the situation and soon they will be attacked by these creatures.

There are not only mosquitoes.

There are also cockroaches that are as big as hand gloves.

Looking at them Radha screamed in disgust and Sakura barely held back.

These things might have monster cores but they are group monsters.

Fighting them head on is no different than standing on the nest of bullet ants.

Remembering this Mohini felt fortunate that South America and North America sank instead of merging back.

This gave the humanity buffer time to adapt with the new powers to face the future attacks of the army of insects.

It is especially so for the attack of bullet ants.

When the place was sinking they actually mutated into flying ants and came to the other continents.

Because of the rapid changes in the tectonic plates there are many islands between the continents for them to travel.

As for food source the unfortunately fishes became the food source.

Few hundred flying bullet ants under the command of the ant queen can easily catch a fish that flew out to eat a flying bullet ant.

Because of these flying bullet ants attack along with few other big beast wave attacks the humanity’s hope city was breached.

The fortunate humans were able to escape to the north which is the connection point to the apocalypse land and escape from here.

Well it is no different than falling into fire from the frying pan, but there is no immediate danger there.

There they found other cities and rare ruins.


Well Mohini did not say about all this but the information she gave was enough to make their scalps tingly.

They immediately sent people to check and verify the situation.

It is not that they did not believe Mohini.

But they need accurate assessment right now.

Also the information is so frightening that they could not believe with their ears.

Some of them even went to take a look immediately to confirm this issue.

If things are like this then they have to either move away from here or to find counter measures to kill the rats.

There is no rat poison right now and there are no insecticides.

The production is gone.

Mohini suggested the use of power users.

They can only think of using the power users to use their power to kill as many insects as possible.

They wanted to use fire users to go there and shot the wave of fire to clean up the place.

But the current coldness around would actually debuff the power fire affinity users.

They can still use water and ice users to deal with the situation.

But even so they don’t know if it would work properly.

After through discussion they have decided to go with the idea of Mohini and assemble the awakened people that are good with fire, water, ice, earth and wind elements.

First the earth element users are told to cover the area of the camp with walls around of at least 2 meters.

It is a long process as they are just the starting stage of awakened people.

They cannot do big things right off the bat.

Every time they produced a high wall they would rest for a while and move to the next place.

With the effort of over 300 earth elemental affinity users they were able to construct a wall around the place that is of 2 meters height.

It took them 3 days to complete.

During this time two batches of people that started by foot from the Agra base has moved here with the help of vehicles half way through.

The number of people increased.

At the same time the supplies they brought also increased.

Those people and soldiers with them originally thought that they would be abandoned.

But they soldiers that went along with vehicles have reported that Mohini has sent the vehicles to save them, not the higher officials.

Even with the help Mohini provided, she would not trust that these people would be grateful to her when it comes to the situation of life and death.

Mohini target from start to the end is the soldiers rather than the civilians.

Saving those civilians would give popularity among them.

Chapter 169: Gluttonous ghost vine and flower

Mohini target from start to the end is the soldiers rather than the civilians.

Saving those civilians would give popularity among them and in turn gain the trust of the military.

This is the sketch that she is working on.

It worked really well.


On the other hand the power users with fire affinity stood in a curve straight line and started to blow fire into the abandoned base.

The wind users supported the fire users.

With their combination the fire intensity increased but the problem is the temperature is so low that all the fire they produced did not give any favorable results.

So the next thing is the water and ice element users.

Actually ice element users are very small but the environment was favorable to them.

The water element users helped move the ice cold water melted from the snow with the help of fire users and wind users.

This water is once again frozen to kill those insects.

Actually mosquitoes and other insects fly away the moment they sensed the danger.

But they are too big to make any big movements before freezing.

The ice experts and water experts worked well with the fire and wind experts to make freezing mist to flow on these creatures.

The process is long to cover the entire base.

But still they are making good progress.

On the other hand the survivors are also increasing.

Well not all groups that started by foot has made it.

But still the results are better than expected.


Right around that time another problem that is the diseases started to appear.

The awakened people are fine to some extent but all the other normal people showed signs of contacting diseases.

The reason for this is the drainage system of the new base which was hastily built.

The viruses and bacteria have improved quickly under the unique cold environment where the human immunity and digestive capabilities are low.

At the same time the food and clean water are also not available.

This directly caused the current predicament.

The death toll suddenly surged and the number of people died on both sides has just made the total number of survivors in this base constant.

That is even with the new survivors from Mohini’s group added the total number of survivors here fill the gap with death toll.

Finding the cause is not a problem but there is no cure right now because there is no medicine or good environment for people to recover.

Mohini did not suggest them to move now is because she has another unusual herb here that she wanted to collect.

In the ruins of the city there is a red fort and there is a well in the red fort.

It is said that there are some treasures present in this well from some old kings before the apocalypse.

Some say that this place is cursed and filled with ghosts.

But actually this red fort’s well has formed a special flower that bloomed out of a gemstone at the bottom of the well.

That is right there is indeed a treasure at the bottom of the well.

It is a secret compartment.

This treasure is gold, diamonds and jewels.

Among all these things one of green jewels that contained a strange seed actually absorbed all the gold and jewels and diamonds that also awakened during this time.

This finally formed into a strange plant vine.

There are flowers on this plant vine that doesn’t look like any normal flower.

This flower looked more like an illusion than a flower.

This will be feeling that people get when they looked at them.

In reality the plant vine would make this illusion to survive from predators.

These flowers are pale white in color without any real body just like a ghost illusion.

Also it glows with grayish green light.

Originally the person that found this flower felt that there is a ghost in the well and died of heart attack.

This caused panic and the attention of the people was pulled to this flower.

It should happen when the undead attack started and people in the base scattered in a month.

After that they came back to the base to form a group to face the undead.

One of the important military personal is the brother of the dead person that previously separated into the red fort.

So the search was carried out in the name saying that he doesn’t want his brother to become an undead.

The people in the military accepted it searched the red fort.

They found this flower at that time.

They named it the gluttonous ghost flower.

They tested the flower and plant vines and found that the plant vine can eat gold and other precious materials and jewels.

The people tried to eat the ghost flower and found that their effect is very good for awakened ones.

Their power would jump by leaps and bounds after eating this flower.

The normal people that did not awaken can also awaken by eating this flower.

That is not all this flower can give a strange ability that appeared in a single person.

That is the ghost ability to immaterialize the body of the person for a short amount of time.

Later the person that got this ability has become a great adventure in the four faced city.

But still he died under a sneak attack from the jealous group of people of the humanity’s hope city.

Mohini also has gold and jewels that have mutated during the awakening process.

Unfortunately she did not receive any extra ordinary things among them.

But she was not disappointed about that as she can use them here.

These precious materials can help her produce more gluttonous ghost flowers.

But there seems to be a limit to number of flowers that can be produced or there is a time limit to the vine’s survival.

Well Mohini did not know about the other details but she knows that only 3 people have eaten the flowers.

Chapter 170: removing the tail using RPG

But there seems to be a limit to number of flowers that can be produced or there is a time limit to the vine’s survival.

Well Mohini did not know about the other details but she knows that only 3 people have eaten the flowers.

One of them is the dead soldier’s brother that awakened the ghost ability.

The other two are subordinates of this man.

Later when others went to search for this plant vine they found out that the plant vine has completely withered.

No one knows what happened.

That is if the plant withered naturally or it was deliberately destroyed by the three people that got the flowers before.

Mohini is going to find the answer to this problem.

Also she has a different place to go right now.

That is the location where the satellite fell and it was not yet salvaged.

Based on the memories of the previous life the people would take care of the satellite soon.

They have discussed in the meeting few days ago.

Mohini is going to take a step ahead of them and extract the materials form the satellite.

That day Mohini went around with her girls on a scouting mission.

She did not take the two squads that usually act as her body guards.

Mohini knows that there might be an ambush if she goes out alone.

In the group there is always someone that wants to kill the people that are making good progress.

Also when doing some things the interests of some people would be touched.

Mohini wants to clean all these people during this time.

This is the best chance to do that.

Mohini has already made the preparations.

After coming out of the temporary base Mohini and her girls took the car given to them by the government.

While they are going out of the base they saw that few more people silently following at a distance.

Mohini noticed them.

But there are many groups that usually go out of the base for salvaging the things.

Everyone needs to eat and salvaging things would get food, water and other supplies for the base.


After going all the way to the satellite that actually fell close to the previous highway that is deserted and covered in snow right now,

Mohini immediately got to that place after a long time with a short journey.

The reason for the long time is because of the heavy snow that covered the road.

It would not let her pass through the heavy snow easily with normal means.

Fortunately there are not many beasts here.

Most of them are domestic model beasts.

This area near the urban city area, so, the surrounding area did not have forest area.

The animals in the zoo have died in the extreme temperature and the people hunted them for food before the extreme cold started.

So, most of the beasts in this area right now are dogs and other pets that are mutated.

Mohini can take care of them with the gun in her hand.

The beasts might have mutated but their instincts have not changed.

Also their fear of humans with sticks is still there.

It is just that these days they are too free pulling out their wild instincts.

Mohini told the girls to take guns to do some shooting practice.

They also became strong after exercising for a long time.

So they can shoot continuously.

Normal people would not be able to shoot with guns continuously because of the strong recoil from the guns.

With the sounds of gun shots that people that following them are having a good time tracking them startled.

Unfortunately they are going to their deaths following Mohini.

Mohini also planning to use the RPG she kept before.

She did not try them yet and she really wanted to try that.

Even in her previous life she did not try the RPG.

So when they reached the location near the satellite ruins they stopped and took the car away into the space.

At the same time they hid in the corner and took out RPG to arrange the thing for aiming and launching.

She doesn’t know if the other party had guns on them and she don’t want to take any risk.

So after shooting she would enter the space based on the situation.

It is the same for her girls too.

Also they are wearing bullet proof vest under the clothes right now.

After 5 minutes of waiting, over 4 cars arrived.

There are soldiers holding assault rifles.

Also there are some thugs mixed in.

These people are not originally soldiers that got into military through the front door.

They entered through back door to gain some support by some rich people.

As they arrived close within the range Mohini shot the first RPG.

It did not hit the target but the impact is enough to cause them to stop.

Mohini immediately took another loaded RPG launches from space and shot with the correction blasting the car that is closest.

Before the people could reach she took another loaded RPG launcher and shot the second car.

This was a hit but the people in the other cars started to shoot back.

Immediately Mohini and her women entered the space before entering the women threw grenades towards the cars that were shooting.

After entering into the space they waited for a little while and rested their anxious nerves.

Well this is a big battle with guns for Radha.

For Sakura she has already seen this kind of thing being an assassin.

Mohini on the other hand also participated in this kind of battle before but the scale is much higher.

So she has experience.

But at that time she can only get some guns to shoot but not RPG launchers and grenades.

Those people did not trust her enough to give those things to her.

But now she actually used the big guns and grenades making her much happier.


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