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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 151: consequences of changes

Other than that there are 6 beauties that are not haggard and looked like fairies to see playing around him every day.

Also two of these fairies are warming his bed without any fight and lived very harmoniously with him.

Even if there is no apocalypse the live of Vicky can be said to be the life of a successful person and a true winner of life.


With the sudden change of situation Vicky don’t have to do anything and the hope city should have already fallen into a complete passive state.

But there are two important points.

First many beast and insect type monsters should have affected severely during this time because of the sudden extreme heat.

But this also gave rise to the undead creatures around the world.

These creatures are different from the normal creatures.

There will be only few tens of undead in every thousands of undead.

But killing the undead is the hardest thing to do.

There is said to be a city of undead with high ranking undead at the top.

They feed on the souls and energy instead of flesh.

When those undead creatures attack they would leave the bodies of the targets intact and only devours the soul.

But they still have the body.

They would make their own undead army to improve their power.

Right now the entire earth has increased the population of the undead army.

At the same time the sudden increase in the temperature for 72 hours has speed up the formation and awakening of many deadly viruses.

They were even spread throughout the earth because of the difference in temperature.

Even the cave where Vicky and other are living is no exception.

But Vicky’s formations are effective and the air filter covered for them.

Vicky don’t have to worry that he would be poisoned later either.

This is because of the low temperature made the wind stagnant and virus fell on the ground and slowly reach the hibernation state.

Also it was buried by the snow fall in the past few days.

Even the water fall in the cave has frozen up because of the sudden changes.

Also Vicky did not use the water from the water fall right now because it is dangerous.

Well they have a huge amount of fresh water reserves that they collected and this water is poisonous right now.

Vicky can purify it but the efforts outweigh the costs.

So he gave up.

He used the water and ice he has previously taken along with the big lake inside the ark space as the huge water source for domestic water.

The drinking water is separately stored.


Right now the situation has stabilized and the magic in the area is completely taken by the formation of Vicky.

Because of this there is no other monster that came here to occupy the place.

Also the share that the surrounding monsters would usually use was completely gone.

With that the amount of magical energy has filled to the maximum.

Vicky calculated that in few months they would be able to reach tier 6.

For the next few months there would not be any major problems.

Also they cannot stay in this cave hideout for a long time.

When the current earth connects to the apocalypse land there would be a heavy earthquake that shakes the entire earth.

At that time this cave might collapse.

In the previous life this cave den of the lion is half collapsed when they came here on expedition.

There is still 2 years before the earth connects to the apocalypse land.

It takes them around 1 and half year to reach tier 6.

Then they can enter safely into the apocalypse land easily.

Their journey can take them at least 6 months.

Well they have to cross many dangerous places to enter into the apocalypse land.

If they have many members following them then it would have been easy for them.

But with only 7 people it is hard to move fast.

So they have to take their steps slowly reaching the apocalypse land.

Vicky has already planned for that.

If the disaster of the four faced city were to happen it should start in a year.

After 1 and half year the city of four faces should be collapsed.

But right now it is already on the verge of collapsing.

So Vicky did not have any thoughts.

He wanted to loot the city of the materials extraction for the ark.

But if he did that the remaining people in the city of four faces would die directly.

Also it would be risky to go there right now.

With this thought Vicky gave up this plan and continued with his practice to improve.

The magic pool was divided between them as usual and they practiced.

Well as they are living close with each other the feelings develop more and more.

It is especially so when they ate the food cooked by Vicky.

Just the food is enough to conquer their stomachs and hearts.

The first one to fall for Vicky is actually Ginny that wanted to manipulate Vicky.

She fell in love with Vicky because she thought about him too much.

At first she wanted to manipulate him and even thought of other things.

But later she slowly felt that Vicky is a unique person with a strange charm.

Well food cooked by Vicky played its role but that is not all.

The way Vicky treated them and there is no betrayal from him in any way.

She is good with the mind arts and can sense things more clearly than others.

Others might not know but she is observing Vicky very closely to see if he is plotting against her.

She did not find anything like that instead she became envious of Radha and Sakura that can be close to Vicky.

Also the way that Vicky treated them and the care he put into them has moved her.

Chapter 152: Vicky, I love you X4

She did not find anything like that instead she became envious of Radha and Sakura that can be close to Vicky.

Also the way that Vicky treated them and the care he put into them has moved her.

She desired to have Vicky to herself more.

But she can only share as there are other women ahead of her.

So she directly fell in love with Vicky.

Another thing is that she doesn’t know how to express her love to Vicky.

After thinking for a while she finally got a clue.

That is her competitor and companion is a step ahead of her.

The person is none other than Rose.

She is also in a similar situation of falling in love with Vicky and unable to express it to Vicky.

So she approached the ones that are already Vicky’s women to get an advice.

They are Radha and Sakura.

When she asked about this both Radha and Sakura did not act so vigilantly and they are actually, open minded about this.

Well it is apocalypse and they could not find a good man that can be comparable to Vicky even if they searched the entire earth with a flood light.

So they directly held on to Vicky.

Since Rose was bold Ginny did not want to be left behind so she went directly to the group of women to join in the conversation.

She cannot shy away if not she would become the fourth women.

While they are discussing about this something is happening in the different part of the cave.

Nubia and Natasha called Vicky over to talk about something and then without saying a word they started to attack Vicky at the same time.

“What are you attacking me?”

Vicky asked as he defended.

The two women spoke.

“We fell in love with you.

But we don’t want to be with a person that is weaker than us.

So we want to fight you first to clear the feeling.

If you cannot beat us then we will be on our own.

If you beat us then we will be your women just like Radha and Sakura.”

As they spoke they started to attack Vicky with more effort.

Vicky understood what is happening and he smiled happily as he defended.

Then he started to attack back quickly taking control of the battle.

Soon this battle attracted the attention of the other four that are discussing silently on the other side of the pond.

So they came over.

Before they came over Vicky hit the joints of the two girls.

It was really hard to fight with them.

Fortunately Vicky was much faster than both of them because his is of higher tier than them.

This offsets the impact of their experience and gave him an edge over these two.

So when he hit the joints they were immobilized on the stop.

Well Vicky did not use hard hand and damaged them.

Also he used a quick tapping technique to trap on specific points of the body to directly make them immobile.

This technique was learnt from the library of the ark space.

They are lying on the ground unable to move.

It would take a little while for them to recover automatically.

If they had help from other people then they would recover quickly.

But right now who will help them.

After they admitted defeat Vicky helped them relax.

On the other hand Radha and others arrived here just in time.

“Vicky, what happened?

Are you practicing or are you fighting.

Why are you fighting so hard…?”

Vicky helped Nubia and Natasha as he answered.

“They said that they liked me and wanted to test my strength.

Only if I defeated them, they would accept me as they husband.

So we have a little fight and this is the results.

Radha, Sakura now you have to more sisters.

Unfortunately our small house could not take in all four of them at the same time…”

While Vicky spoke while Radha and Sakura looked at each other.

Then they looked at Rose and Ginny that are blushing.

So they simply pushed Rose and Ginny towards Vicky to propose.

They looked at each other for a moment and then their competitive spirit increased so they shouted.

“Vicky, I love you…” X2

Immediately Vicky, Nubia and Natasha looked at Ginny and Rose at the same time with some shock.

Well the shock on the face of Vicky is not natural.

It is as if he was acting shocked.

This was not noticed by others as all the girls are in their own shock.

But one thing is certain here that is all the girls loved Vicky and their relations have finally finalized.

So Vicky now has 6 wives.

Well he has to take the first time of the remaining 4 girls to form an official bond.

But there is plenty of time for that.

Their usual time was spent on either exercise or watches some shows that they collected or read some stories or something else.

But now the new thing of being with their loved one is added to their schedule and everyone is happy about that.

Vicky is actually trying to get all 6 girls from the very start for a specific reason.

That is on the first day he got the ark space he received an extra message from his ancestor the crazy progenitor.

“My dear descendent, I know it was shocking but I calculated the time when all the other descendents would be women and you are the only man in our 7 people.

Our team is good and our team work is very good.

But there are still differences between us.

This caused us to lose an important battle with our opponent and have to flee from our original city.

I have thought about it long and hard over the years as we flee the edge of the apocalypse land.

Finally I have found the problem of our failure…”

Chapter 153: tier 4 culture attacks the four faces city

“…I have thought about it long and hard over the years as we flee the edge of the apocalypse land.

Finally I have found the problem of our failure.

We are a team in name only and each of us had a secret on our own.

Also we are all men and at the first thought of the disaster we will think of saving out loved ones instead of our team mates.

Just like that many rigid factions appeared and the balance between the team members was broken.

There are many fractures in the relationships between the men.

We did not rectify them at first but in the later stages they became bigger and bigger.

Finally when we faced the big enemies were have fallen.

We are severely beaten and barely escaped with our lives.

Even then our life span can barely let us live for a little while.

Most of our people have died during the fight.

We escaped to the edge of the apocalypse land.

Then we created a mini world of safe heavens with our remaining resources.

But I was sure that our little safe heaven would not last long.

We cannot stop the apocalypse land from taking effect on the small safe land we made.

We are already in dying situation.

So our only choice is to let our descendents continue our legacy.

I have told the other members of the team about this and wanted to train the later generations in a better way.

But all the other members refused me and even called me crazy.

So I can only use the final trump card of mine with the remaining of my life.

It is the calculation of destiny which is very hard and complicated.

The technique is recorded in a special book in the library.

You can get it when you are strong enough.

Using the destiny calculations I found you.

Also I found the way to break the game.

If all the descendents becomes a family then they would definitely help each other unlike us all men.

With that thought I became interested in your life.

At the same time I found that all the pure blood descendents of the other members of my team are all women.

So I came up with an idea and then used the time crystal.

I tweaked with the stabilizer of the earth and directly removed 100 years of its time.

Then I turned it into special energy to give a trail to show the future to the descendents to know about the coming apocalypse.

Any way the little heaven called earth would not last long.

So I speed up the process of returning of the earth.

Now you will have a premonition life of few years into the apocalypse and then return to the past.

All of this is just memories.

With those memories you will be able to face the future surviving in the apocalypse land.

Also I created a situation where all the descendents of other members of my team as women which can be conquered by you.

When you conquered them you would get a special gift from me.

Live the life to the fullest and have a fruitful life with the girls.

I hope that my dead friends would finally understand my intentions.”

This is the message that Vicky received when he got the ark space before.

Right now he has achieved that and immediately he received a voice from the system.

“Congratulations descendent.

You have achieved the best result.

As I notified you before you will gain a reward….”


Host has received the materials required for repairing the ark space completely.

Do you wish to repair it?”

This message appeared in the minds of all the people present at the same time shocking them.

They all thought that this was the gift from their ancestors for their unity.

Immediately they all accepted to repair the ark space completely.


Choice confirmed…

Repair of the ark space begins…

Estimated time 6 hours 36 minutes”

The time this time is not instant.

The people are immediately excited but they also felt distressed because the system told them that they could not access the ark space during the repairing process.

Fortunately they have already taken out the food and other materials for the afternoon.

They would take out the materials required for the next 6 hours.

This way they don’t have to worry about rechecking.

Any way they have each other to keep warm.

Food was already taken out by Vicky to prepare the lunch in the afternoon.

Since today is a good day with a great event happening he stared to prepare many dishes which are favorite for each girl.

Also Vicky did not forget to give them the reply in this happy moment.

He gave them a bear hug with a kiss to accept their proposal.

While they are enjoying the city of four faces is facing a catastrophe.

A tier 4 vulture appeared on the top of the city.

It was as big as an airplane with tens of meters of wing span.

Its feathers are as strong as iron sheets and as sharp as blades.

It started to pick off all the people that appeared on the top of the city.

It was resistant toward the zombie virus so it directly ate all the zombies without a care.

Behind it there a bog folk of vultures from tier 1 to tier 3 that continued to hunt down.

In the past few days because of the sudden extreme temperature and cool down their previous hunting ground is frozen.

So they tried to look for a different location that can become their hunting ground.

Fortunately for them they found the four faced city that has already lost the protection array and all the defenses are gone.

Also they are caged birds right now with nowhere else to go from here.

Even if they wanted to leave they have to cross many obstacles to leave this place.

Chapter 154: ARK has reached 1 star artifact level

Also they are caged birds right now with nowhere else to go from here.

Even if they wanted to leave they have to cross many obstacles to leave this place.

But it is literally not possible even for those people from ancient families.

So they are sitting ducks waiting for the death there.

Vicky and the girls are having barbeque that day in the celebration of forming a big family.

Also Vicky opened an old wine bottle in the mood of celebration.

With that as a start they got along quite well.

In the evening the system gave a sound saying that they all have completed the ark space upgrade.


Congratulations host,

The ark has perfectly stepped into a 1 star artifact.

The time that host can spend inside the ark have increased to 20 hours a day.

The time can be stacked.

There is a special room created in the ark which is called the little house.

This can be used as safe house in the real world.

That means it can be summoned into the real world.

This safe house will have the protection of 1 star artifact.

But summoning this would cost time equally from all the key holders.”

That means putting this thing out side for an hour is equal to 7 hours of time.

This is costly.

Instead they all can enter into the space and enter this little house to have fun.

This little house is actually the combination of all the bedrooms that they had before.

So, there is a king size bed that can fit all of them at the same time.

Looking at the new changes all the women blushed.

Well there is an exception like Natasha that did not feel much.

But still there is a sense of anticipation in her eyes.

It is evening and they decided to enter into the space and spend the night there.

Any way the amount of time they can accumulate has increased to 20 hours.

So they can simply stay inside to have fun and come out later.

One night is nothing.

After making the decision all of them entered into the ark space.

They were astounded to find that all of their 7 pieces of ark has merged into a single place.

It was actually a huge fortress.

In the fortress the 7 places are clearly there.

Right now they appeared in the bed room.

The bed looked so big and smooth that they immediately felt a little sleepy.

But knowing that there is a man among them made them tremble a little and looked at Vicky.

If Vicky wanted to they don’t mind giving their first time now.

But Vicky did not intend to do that and take things slowly.

On the other hand he wanted to explore the area.

In the bed room other than bed there is a good fire place and all the furniture is also in place.

Other than that there are many other things in the room.

The bathroom is very big and everything is separated for them to have a comfortable place.

The toilet is also separated into a different room.

Well there is not a single toilet and there are 7 booths without causing any problem to each other.

In the bathroom there is a washing area and also a huge bath tub that can fit all of them freely.

After looking at the entire thing they looked at the makeup room with a huge mirror and many wardrobes on the side.

Each wardrobe belongs to one key holder.

They also found a good thing.

That is they don’t have to clean or wash anything.

Everything would be cleaned and washed by the management system of the ark.

This made them happier.

Then they continued to explore.

There is a big special kitchen right by the side and it looked very good.

Many quality ingredients are directly placed here by the system.

It searched through the materials available from all the key holders and preserved them here.

There is also quality water here.

Vicky looked at it and checked.

Well he is the one that would do the cooking so naturally he is checking the kitchen.

The equipment here is all excellent.

Vicky checked with the system and found that as long as he stores food into the warehouse or plants bear good ingredients they would be transported here and preserved for them to use.

Once the ingredients are used then the next batch of quality ingredients would be brought here by the system.

Vicky can directly take them out to cook or can cook them here with the good equipment provided here.

After checking this place they went to look at the open place of the castle.

This open place is very large with many square kilometers of land.

There are many lakes small and big with some mountains of soil that was excavated to form a lake.

Well these were all created by Vicky, Radha and Sakura.

As for the others it was mostly plain land.

There is some plantation of herbs and vegetables.

There are some other plants that can be considered useful.

They did not need to do anything and the plantation would be done based on the instructions of Vicky and other girls.

There is a seed storage room and preservation room of the finished agricultural produces.

After checking the green place they moved on to check the library.

The other facilities are distributed around in the castle grounds.

First they went to the library.

There are many new books and maps about the information of the apocalypse land.

There are tips and solutions along with material identification and refining methods.

The most valuable are the fighting technique, alchemy, formations…..

They each checked the fighting techniques and weapon related techniques that they liked.

There are even weapon modifications that can suit the apocalypse land.

Vicky went to look at the machine drawings of bullets making machines and arrangements process.

Chapter 155: less than 1 million humans left on earth

There are even weapon modifications that can suit the apocalypse land.

Vicky went to look at the machine drawings of bullets making machines and arrangements process.

As long as there are enough raw materials they can make bullets automatically.

But the enchantments require other process.

Just like that they visited the other areas including the training area with many weapons and training manuals arranged for them.

The refining room is also good with equipment placed in order ready to use at any time.

The quality is really good.

After they simple tour they all calmed down and left the ark space to the cold cave hideout outside.

It was already evening but the excitement on their faces is hard to hide.

Vicky was also very happy.

Then they wished and summoned the small house outside.

It looked like a circular slice of a vegetable covered with strong metal from all sides.

There are not doors or windows.

The only way to enter is through the support of the key holders.

They went close and touched the metal surface and immediately the point of contact turned into a strange viscous liquid pulling the person inside.

Inside there is a huge like a house.

There is a big bed room that can fit 7 of them, a hall, a kitchen……..

It is like a temporary resort for them to have but the cost of maintaining it outside is also high just like the high end resort.

Also there are windows to monitor the outside world but from outside they could not see the windows.


It is evening and Vicky prepared the food quickly for them.

Today is special and they had another big meal like in the morning and the night has arrived.

Now the people decided to sleep inside the ark space on the comfortable bed for the day.

Well there is only one bed and the girls are not ready to play their first time yet.

Vicky doesn’t force them and let them chose when they want to give themselves to Vicky.

But they all slept hugging Vicky or the person by their side.

They did not have to sleep in one direction and they held on the various parts of Vicky as they slept.

Vicky is like their spiritually support and a treasure that is very rare in the apocalypse land.

When it was morning Vicky woke up felling a little heavy on his chest.

But the comfortable feeling all over his body made him unable to move.

His head is lying on the tits of Ginny.

Radha and Sakura are hugging his hands from the sides.

This means his hands are inside the cleavages and tightly wrapped by their tits.

On the top of his is Rose that is sleeping like a kitten.

With her petty figure and big tits Vicky felt the strong fluffy sensation on his chest making him smile.

But this is not the end.

His thighs were caught by Nubia and Natasha as they used then as pillows to sleep.

As for the cat of Nubia it was resting by the side of Nubia.

Because of this Vicky could not move even if he wanted to.

So he fell asleep again while waiting for the others to wake up.

After an hour the other woke up and they slowly got off Vicky with some embarrassed faces.

They seem to be at peace when they are sleeping just now.

So they slept soundly.


Vicky quickly freshened up and started to prepare breakfast for them.

After breakfast they started to practice with the new techniques they got from the upgraded library.


Quickly 1 year passed by and because of the good fortune and the blessing of the lady luck, they did not encounter any disaster during this time.

Also all of them have reached tier 6 peak and just a step away from reaching tier 7.

During this time they did not leave this cave area and only stayed here and train.

Vicky took the first times of all the girls and the nights are steamy during this time.

They collectively prepared a big bed and connected the king sized beds that they collected before forming a big bed for them.

They stacked up the time they could spend in the ark space just in case for them to have a safe way out.

If there is a sudden meteorite disaster, they can simply hide inside the ark space and come out later to escape.


As for the four faced city, it has long since became the city of the dead and the nest to the family of vulture.

But that is not the only thing.

The ancient families have moved away from here at the cost of many ordinary people and soldiers.

They went to a higher ground in this area to make a small new settlement.

The temperature is so low that they could not do anything right now.

They are in immediate threat with the beasts and monsters.

Fortunately all of them have reached at least tier 1 and can withstand a part of this extreme cold.

As for the supplies they hunted down those beasts and monsters to eat.

Their strongest person has reached tier 3 middle stage.

Also there is more than one person that reached the tier 3.

So they are safe and can bear with the extreme cold.

They became mountain people.

Also the current number of surviving humans on earth is less than a million combining all over the world.

Even this million is not a standard number but just lucky shots.

They are like the lamps at the end of the light and could go out at any time.

Vicky on the other hand is comfortable with all the women he can have.

Every beauty has a different temperament and he likes it more and more.

Since they have improved arks space they can go for children but they decided against it because this is not the right time for that.

Chapter 156: the appearance of a flying bullet ant

Every beauty has a different temperament and he likes it more and more.

Since they have improved arks space they can go for children but they decided against it because this is not the right time for that.

Well having children is good but their lives are still not stable yet.

Also Vicky found the books about how the apocalypse land is like.

It is said that there are few safe places in the apocalypse land.

These places are called the blessed lands or safe paradise.

These places will not be affected by the apocalypse.

This place is at the center of the apocalypse land.

Some big families that are at 9 star or 10 star level people at their helm have built strong cities at these safe places creating vast countries.

Based on the discovered number there are 108 spots in the entire apocalypse land that can be said as safe lands.

Currently only 49 spots are occupied by 7 huge 10 star countries with their huge cities.

As for the discovered locations some of them are actually occupied by the monsters that came out of the disasters.

Also some of them are so hidden that they are not discovered yet.

Or these places were occupied by lower level countries that are affiliated to those big countries.

These safe spots are safe from the natural disasters but they are also the hub for the attacks of monsters.

That is right there are tides of monsters of many kinds every day attacking the city relentlessly.

But the people of the city would not feel bad as the materials from these monsters are used for the living.

Food, medicine, weapons, artifacts…..

Everything is made from the materials of these monsters.

Because of this they are very much dependent on these monster tides.

Also they don’t know from where these monsters usually come from.

There are underground caves or huge tree burrows and there are even floating islands where these monsters usually span.

There are many rare materials in these spanning areas.

But in order to get them they have to enter into these spanning areas they have to use a team to get them.

There are guilds and missions.

These people that come out to do these missions are called adventurers or survivors.

But that is not the most important thing.

These monster spanning areas might suddenly take in a catastrophe and vanish out of thin air.

If the people are inside then they would most probably caught up in the catastrophe and die.

The natural disasters occur very frequently without any warning.

The technology of these cities is very advanced but divided into three types.

First is the side of the magic, second is the side of science and third is the hybrid.

It is common practice that hybrid is usually takes the most places of usage.

The pure magic was used by high level being like high elves, high humans, pure fairies……

But the pure science has no real side as it usually combines completely with the hybrid.

Well all of these things are at the central region and Vicky and other key holders did not even step into the outskirts wasteland yet.

They are millions of light years distance away from the center of the apocalypse land.

With the super artifacts they can travel at the speed of light.

Even without those super artifacts they can still travel at the speed of light.

Those people that can travel like that are super powerhouses.


Vicky thought that they are hiding for a long time and decided to take a look around to make sure that they are not heading towards the direction of death.

Vicky did not take his women but went out alone.

He went straight towards the city of hope and few mountain tops nearby.

While looking around and checking the things Vicky found that the human city of four faces has already fallen from the appearance of the vultures about the city walls.

Also the city his half submerged.

Vicky sighed for all the people that came along with his before.

But he was not stupid enough to think of other people during the apocalypse.

While he was checking things on few mountains he has actually encountered a flying bullet ant.

This shocked him.

If he saw a flying bullet ant then it is no different than seeing a swarm of them.

If one of the ants appears in this area then it means that many can come to this place.

This type of group insect type monster like ants, bees, they would not fear about other predators.

They are extremely dangerous.

The places they swarm are no different than the swarm of locust comes into contact with the fully grown spring field completely eaten by them.

This is an extremely dangerous thing.

Vicky’s formations would not work on them.

The flying ant is as big as a rat in earlier days.

There might be bigger ones.

The first thing Vicky decided to do is to leave here immediately and take his women towards the northern edge of this place.

Because of the extreme heat a year ago the swarm seems to have moved and developed faster.

They have to leave here as quickly as possible in order to avoid the disaster.

The formations that Vicky made did not have any capabilities towards this swarm like monsters.

Also they can easily sense the concentrated magic energy because of their natural instinct and rush to the hiding place of Vicky and the girls.

Vicky felt that he was being smiled by lady luck to discover the disaster before it happened.

Immediately Vicky informed his women about the situation about the flying bullet ants and they immediately got to work.

They packed the things quickly while Vicky disassembled the formations one by one.

The concentrated magic at the center was transferred to few spars by Vicky which is a special trick that only he knows because he invented it.

Chapter 157: escape from the bullet ant monsters

They packed the things quickly while Vicky disassembled the formations one by one.

The concentrated magic at the center was transferred to few spars by Vicky which is a special trick that only he knows because he invented it.

At least that is what he thought.

The concentration on the magic spar increased at a faster pace finally becoming a tier 7 magic spar and temporarily stopped there.

It is still in destabilized state and Vicky has to place it inside the stagnant time warehouse to contain it.

After packing their things and throwing them into the ark space the immediately went to the top of the mountain.

They are going to take a helicopter to leave here.

There are many monster beasts that can fly.

But Vicky was sure that he can take care of few monster beasts with their capabilities.

So they decided to fly in the helicopter.

There is another important issue that is they could not wait.

That is the attack of the ants.

So compared to the risk of the ants the risk of the flying monster beasts is very less.

Also most probably those monsters should also be running away from their current locations right now.

These monsters are not stupid and they have intelligence comparable to humans.

Well only high level monsters that are at least at tier 3 can have human intelligence.

But they are not in a situation to check.

When the helicopter rose into sky, Vicky and the girls saw a huge black wave like fog coming in their direction.

Ginny with her strong mind, Sakura, Nubia and Natasha with sniper scopes have checked out what this fog is.

They were shocked to find that this was a dense group of flying ants passing through their direction.

“Vicky, change the direction they are coming towards this way we should go north as quickly as possible.”

Ginny said anxiously.

Vicky immediately turned the direction and moved forward at the fastest speed that helicopter could move.

Behind them they head the sounds of some birds like vulture that move past them with frightening speed.

Not only that but many monsters including zombies left the area that the ants would pass by.

Ants are immune to the zombie virus and zombies could not do anything.

Even undead could not do anything to ants.

Ants would break their bones and eat them casually for a snake.

The lower tier monsters were caught by the ants while higher tier monster escaped with their life on the line.

Fortunately everyone is running and no one took the time to mess with each other.

So Vicky and the group have a safe journey to leave from being targeted by the bullet ant monsters.

But they could not be said to be safe because they don’t know if the bullet ant monsters would follow them.

Vicky used a special mix of herbs and materials around their current temporary base.

It was actually a barren land covered in snow.

It is completely flat with nothing as far as they eye could see.

This is a safe place and there is nothing here.

The magic energy would not gather here and this is actually a blind spot.

So the monsters would not come here for them.

The medicinal and material mix is the monster repellent that he learnt from the Elven friend that he met during his journey.

This monster mix can push away all the monsters around tier 5 or below.

But it would not work on insect type monsters like bullet ant monsters.

Still there will be deterring effect on the scouting ant monsters to keep them safe from the sudden attack.

Other than that this place would not receive any heavy earthquakes or land falls or fissures because they are at the strongest part of the tectonic plate.

So in a few months when the earth finally attaches itself back to the apocalypse land there will be severe earthquakes that would directly decimate all the remaining buildings on earth.

They are safe here but they could not do anything.

But there is one problem that they have to be careful about.

That is the moment they connected to the apocalypse land they would face a strong heat wave from the 9 suns in the sky that day.

So, all the surrounding snow would be melted into a huge water body without a land to stand.

Because of this they have to be vigilant at that time and take out a boat for their travel.

Flying is not possible that time because there will be heavy wind and strong EMP waves in the wind that would destroy the electronic equipments.

Because of all this they can only use a normal sail boat at that time.

Another good thing about this place is that there are no marine creatures under this snow that can suddenly come out and eat them like a Megalodon eating a boat.

All these things are good points of this place.

Vicky doesn’t know if someone would luckily survive and come all the way here from all the chaos behind.

But if someone like that comes here then Vicky would have to be cautious.

This is because no one in the apocalypse land is good and everyone has blood on their hands.

Because of this they have to be careful for the possible sneak attack from other survivors in this vast place where they could not hide.

There is another bad thing about this place that is they could not make fire in the open as it would melt the ice around.

So they have to use the magic heaters made of formations here and Vicky has spars on hand to use happily without any problem.

They quickly made a single big tent and settled down.

They did not take out the small house or wooden log here because this place would not firmly support the heavy thing and would easily sink in if the weight is concentrated.

Chapter 158: earth and apocalypse land meets part-1

They quickly made a single big tent and settled down.

They did not take out the small house or wooden log here because this place would not firmly support the heavy thing and would easily sink in if the weight is concentrated.

Also the color of the tent is black that can easily mix in with the surroundings.

It most probably appeared like a protruded rock with the arrangements they made to camouflage it.

During this time the only thing they did is to go into the tent and play most of the time other than eating.

Well the girls wanted that in this cold climate.

One can never always get the cold climate and have fun in the cold.

Also no matter who they are they would not be excited in the low temperature like Vicky and the girls in this kind of situation.

That is not all they also practiced every day over the control of magic power.

Vicky gave them some suggestions as he knows the advanced usage of their abilities from the apocalypse land.

This helped them.

Time passed by slowly and no one appeared during this time for months.

Only one time a flying flock of crows appeared in the sky.

They all had red eyes and looked extremely dangerous.

Vicky felt a chill looking at them.

These crows are also a dangerous species that would attack in groups.

Fortunately this is just a small flock of a hundred or so crows.

Vicky did not attack them and let them move away from here without being attracted to them.

Vicky made a detection prevention formation around the base camp.

So it is very easy to hide in the plain site.

The crows left this place quickly.

Vicky looked at the situation cautiously.

The problem with the flock of crows is that, even if a single crow escapes a huge amount of crows would come to attack.

It is like a relentless attack that would never stop hunting.

So killing the crows would have a strong adverse effect.

Also the crow meat is poisonous filled with all kinds of viruses.

Even if it was eaten by a tier 3 survivor then they would definitely fall for the viruses.

As for the spar inside the crows, they are also polluted to some extent.

Absorbing energy from these spars would usually have no big problems on the surface.

But they would leave hidden flaws that would break out when that person is promoting to the next tier.

That is the danger of these crows.

With the threat passed by Vicky sighed of relief.

In the apocalypse land anything can happen and one has to be careful not to fall into the disaster just because of a wrong judgment.

Vicky doesn’t want to make such mistake.

The time slowly passed by and the bond between the people deepened.

Well they are technically living together for so long and shared good and bad.

So they are really close.

Vicky was cooking with Rose clinging on to his back.

Natasha and Nubia are sparing while Radha, Sakura and Ginny are watching.

As for Sekhmet, it was following its master like always.

The entire environment is very harmonious.

Suddenly Ginny and Sekhmet felt the change in the temperature.

It was a minute change but they still felt the change.

“Vicky, we have a situation here.

The temperature is abnormal again, just like it was before.

Because Vicky was by the side of fire he did not feel the change immediately like Ginny and Sekhmet.

But still his response is immediate.

He told the girls to immediately pack up while he completes the cooking.

Staying here is dangerous as this place can immediately sink down into the ice cold water.

The snow right now is tens of meters high at their snow plain.

The snow below is hardened into solid ice like that in the Antarctica back then.

It would not melt easily unless the temperature increases over 100 degrees and stay there for a while.

But the problem is there are two big disasters that would happen soon.

First is the appearance of 9 suns in the sky that would raise the temperature quickly.

Second is the collusion of earth with the apocalypse land.

This would generate strong quakes and also high amounts of thermal energy.

Melting a solid ice cube takes longer than melting the broken ice cube.

So the strong broken ice under them would melt quickly.

With the melting it would also release strong viruses and mist.

This is the dangerous thing that Vicky fears.

Also if they fell into the melting ice caves that weighs tons and also extremely sharp edges like glass, they can directly die here.

So the girls quickly packed up the things while Vicky completed the cooking.

The gloomy sky outside became a little bright.

Not much only a little and the temperature that is at minus 60 degrees showing signs of increasing to minus 58 degrees.

Vicky was done cooking and packing.

After that he took out a boat and placed it on the snow and then removed the formation around them.

Sekhmet was asked to find a location that is better chance of footing.

Beasts can find the situation of the future changes more clearly than humans in the times of the disasters.

Sekhmet is the best candidate for this and it immediately moved around the empty snow plains.

Vicky followed it after taking the boat back into his ark space.

He originally thought of releasing the boat and they enter into the ark space from there.

This is to stay in a better place from all the gases filled with viruses

But he changed his mind because the boat might move away from this spot.

When they come out of the ark space they might fall into the water filled with viruses.

With everything packed Vicky and followed the group at his fastest speed.

Fortunately they are at the peak of tier 6 so they can move faster.

Chapter 159: earth and apocalypse land meets part-2

With everything packed Vicky and followed the group at his fastest speed.

Fortunately they are at the peak of tier 6 so they can move faster.

As they moved on for around 10 kilometers when they stopped as Sekhmet also stopped here scratching the ice surface.

Another good thing about Sekhmet is that it actually cleans its feet before entering into the base.

It also knows that there are many viruses in the current air that are even harmful to it.

So he goes through the examination of Nubia every now and then.

After it found the location of the rock it made four incisions on the snow plane.

Vicky checked the area and then started to bore a long hole to reach the land in the four places.

The land was found very quickly which is present only 3 meters below the snow.

After making the four holes Vicky took out a raft of 5x5 meters one from the ark space.

The raft was very sturdy but also made of light wood that is strongly tied together.

At the four corners of the raft Vicky connected to anchors and dropped them into those bored holes.

Then he lowered the raft to sit on the top of the ice.

This way the raft would not move.

The raft is used instead of a boat because it can be more stable even if it drifts off a little.

He made it specifically for the situations like this during the free time before the apocalypse.

The ice is not melting yet.

Vicky checked the temperature with a thermo meter.

It was around minus 58 degrees but still stable.

He has to check for few more days before the collision of the earth and the apocalypse land.

Well even before that the ice would be melting but not at the fast speed like a few months ago.

After the arrangements they made a tent on the top of the raft right at the center.

They will stay here for the next few days and enter into the ark space when the time is right.

During this time they would not leave this raft area.

Vicky brought out a special instrument that would measure the amount of pollution in the surrounding area.

It is not the pollution of gases,

Instead it is the pollution of viruses.

This is also an important thing.

They are at tier 6 and naturally they are many times more immune to this kind of viruses.

But if the dosage increases then there is always a chance of falling prey for them.

So being cautious is a good thing in the apocalypse land.

They would eat food in the ark space.

The ark space has the ability to isolate and remove the harmful substances to them.

This function appeared after the ark space upgraded to the 1 star artifact.

So they don’t have to worry about the contamination in the ark space.

But there is a limit to it too.

The virus of the level below the ark space can be purified, but not over the ark space.


20 days passed by and the temperature is minus 4 degrees.

The ice around is still there but the snow fall has stopped completely.

The sky is still foggy but there are bright light spots in the sky.

There are a total of 3 spots currently visible to the naked eye.

But upon closure observation one can spot two more in a distance.

Vicky thought for a while and decided to completely retreat into the ark space.

This way they would not face any strong disaster straight away.

The raft is tightly anchored with the anchors piercing the stone below.

Even if there an earth quake they would not shake off.

Vicky removed the tent and other things and took everything that needed to be taken back in to the ark space.

Based on the current estimate the collision of earth and the apocalypse land would happen in anywhere around a week to 10 days.

At that time the bubble around the earth would burst, completely integrating into the apocalypse.

That time would be chaotic and they would not be able to cross over into the apocalypse land from the connecting point.

But after the cool down there will be patrols that would be stationed at that place by the surrounding countries.

This would become more problematic to leave.

Vicky, Radha and Sakura that ate the ghost flower can easily escape through the surveillance.

But other girls would have a hard time.

Well it is not possible for others to stay in the ark space and a single person to carry them along.

So they have to find a different way to enter.

Well there is a way which is dangerous but still passable.

At the connection point at the time of chaos there would be a time of small gap.

With the tier 6 capability they would be able to move from the harsh environment quickly.

Vicky knows that the strongest of the big cities are just around 1 star level and they would not leave their city.

The people that come to explore from the high background are at tier 5 or tier 6.

Also they are very few in number because they are the heirs of the big families in ruling of the cities.

But the people that are kept to guard will be only at around tier 2 or tier 3.

With their power they would not even be able to notice Vicky and other even if they want to.

Also even if they notice Vicky and other they can still be killed or controlled with the powers that they possess.

After strategizing a plant they made the final decision and left to the ark space leaving the raft on the spot.

Inside the ark space they brain stormed many time formulating the best possible way to enter in the apocalypse land based on the words of Vicky.

Chapter 160: earth and apocalypse land meets part-3

After strategizing a plant they made the final decision and left to the ark space leaving the raft on the spot.

Inside the ark space they brain stormed many time formulating the best possible way to enter in the apocalypse land based on the words of Vicky.

That is not all they did.

Vicky placed the unstable tier 7 spar that he made into a special formation in the ark space training room.

Immediately in a limited space the tier 7 magic energy is filled.

The 7 of them went into the magic formation and started to absorb the magic energy.

This would be enough for them to improve to the next level reaching tier 7.

With the strength and capabilities of the tier 7 survivor they will be able to easily go around in the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

Quickly 10 days passed by.

During these 10 days many things happened in the real world.

The gloomy clouds in the sky were gone and bright sunlight flashed all over the earth.

Well earth is not spherical but flat right now.

So it is possible to flash the sun light all over the earth at the same time.

This caused the strong increase in the temperature and the final result is all the ice around the world melted.

The temperature has increased to 40 degrees above zero.

Well it is still a livable temperature instead of super high temperature.

But Vicky knows that in the apocalypse land some areas would have sudden high temperature because of the superimposing of heat waves from other suns.

The sky has three suns visibly and there are two more small suns in a distance.

Because of so much water and flat earth many high lands has sunken into the water.

On the 9th day from when Vicky and others entered ark space, earth has finally merged into the apocalypse land.

The collusion was so huge that the most of the high lands have directly collapsed and sunken into the water.

The number of survivors on earth has dropped to 40 thousand at best.

Among them the ancient family people actually amounts to 10 percent that is close to 4000 people.

During this time Vicky and the girls practiced hard.

But they were unable to step into tier 7 but they are very close.

As long as there is a strong push they will be able to step into tier 7 easily.

Vicky sighed but nothing can change the things.

They did not have enough spar to practice right now.

So they can only wait for the time being.

On that day Vicky put on a gas mask and diving suit before coming out of the ark space to check.

The raft has drifted a little but he still landed on the raft.

The water level is high and the raft is shaking in the water because of the sudden weight.

Vicky checked around first.

The water around looked endless and everything is foggy and misty.

Vicky wanted to check the situation about the EMP waves.

He was able to find out that the strong EMP waves are around in the area so he could not move right now.

They still have to wait for a while before moving on to the edge of the connection between the earth and the apocalypse land.

From the previous life Vicky know the direction he has to take.

In the previous life they water level is high and they were fortunate to get into shallow waters.

But one could not find where the shallow water area is in the large snow plains.

So he has to find that now.

Also he has to check the surroundings to see if there are any dangerous creatures in the water.

These two things are important.

Unfortunately he could not use the electrical scanning instruments because of the strong electromagnetic impulses around the area.

Vicky took a deep breath and dived into the water first to check the situation.

With his strong mind he was able to sense for a long distance and he did not find any problem.

They are currently on the top of a valley where they anchored the raft to a protruded rock at the edge of the valley.

The entire valley was filled with water forming something similar to that of a lake.

But he doesn’t know if the lake is connected to other lakes or the entire thing is connected to form an ocean.

After the initial check he returned to the raft and then entered back into the ark space.

Then he explained the situation to his women.

This time he brought back Ginny along with him to explore the situation.

Her range of scanning is far higher than Vicky and she can find the thighs that he could not find because of her specialization.

Quickly they went into the water and Ginny scanned the area around.

Quickly she caught Vicky and took him back to the raft and they entered into the ark space.

Then she told Vicky about the surrounding situation.

The reason why she took Vicky directly to the raft and into the ark space is because there are some underwater monsters in the area that are around at tier 5.

Since they are underwater monster that are in their home territory they are far stronger than their noted tier.

If Vicky and the monster fights under the water one could not be sure who would win and who would lose.

If Vicky loses the gas tank or other thing he would definitely lose completely.

Also he could not use any guns or weapons underwater.

Even if he uses the guns they might not cause any damage to those tier 5 beasts.

With all this they can confirm that they are at a disadvantage.

Fortunately that monster is not in the awakened state instead it is sleeping.

Vicky immediately made a decision that they should leave this place immediately while the monster is still sleeping.


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