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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 386: blood cherry

Everything was separated and arranged in an order of learning.

The main body on the other hand is using simulation to improve her stat points and upgrade some skills.

The reason why she did not use the simulation to learn techniques right now is that she has other things to complete right now.

First is gaining the strength and then gaining the knowledge.

Her clone would get the information anyway;

This saves her some chaos points for simulation.

She cannot just endlessly simulate and the price would increase with each simulation along with the cost of simulation.

Even if the time passed by slowly she plans to take the simulation slowly.

Right now she was not sure if the chaos points she earns would be sufficient for future expenditure.

So she decided to be conservative this time.

Also there are special herbs and natural treasures in this world that can improve stat points.

She is going to try that instead.

She specifically mentioned this to her think tank team.

They will be responsible for this matter.

So she made a perfect division of work and found that she was successfully able to cross the fantasy world of Naruto with more ease.

The gains seem to be very good.

That is not all she was able to successfully survive the fantasy world “In time”.

Then reason why she died is actually because of the loop hole that she doesn’t know.

In that world time is money.

Also the time is their life span.

What she did wrong is that she made a wrong gamble with the rich and powerful.

This world has special time weapons that can directly affect their time count.

Also the time count is proportional to the average of the stat points a player has.

With the decrease in the life span the stat points and the relative strength would also decrease.

But increase in the life span would not increase the power in that fantasy world.

Everything is complicated.

Fortunately this time she planned in a different way to solve the crisis.

Not only did she survive she also obtained some good amount of benefits.

In the next month she originally wanted to go through a different fantasy world.

But she understood the importance of chaos points after some calculations.

So she has decided to enter the world of Indiana Jones and national treasure.

In the next month Mohini was able to find a special treasure that can help her make a pill that can improve most of her stats by 10 points each.

Also she can eat up to 3 pills to gain benefits.

One of the herbs required is called snow blood cherry.

Even eating it without turning it into medicine would improve vitality of a player.

She found the location of this herb and went to collect it.

It was a snow resources island on the far eastern side human cluster island.

This area is on the side of the island cluster of elves and man-beasts.

It is very close to the location of ice elf race, and winter wolf beast race.

They are ferocious races that hate humans.

As soon as they saw humans they would choose the option of kill on sight.

Also being different from Mohini they are fundamentally strong.

Mohini went the get the herb, but she was caught by them instead.

So she died after that.

This happened in the simulation and she would not be able to simulate more that day.

On the next day she simulated again and she died again.

But she found that they came there to search for the same herb as her.

Also it seems like they are waiting here for the herb to bloom.

That is not all both ice elf race and winter wolf races are not on friendly terms.

But they would decide who to take the herb through a competition between them after the herb blooms.

This is the rule they set between the races by the Elven king and the beast king.

They don’t want their subjects to mindlessly fight each other and kill each other.

They all have the common idea that is strength in numbers.

They also have many enemies other than human races, demon race, deity race, dwarf races, giant race…….

So instead of infighting they prefer a competition to get the herb.

They even have a contract for the participants before the competition starts.

The competition will be held whenever there is a snow island that has this snow blood cherry herb.

That is the reason why Mohini was caught every time.

The place where the herb is present is not only guarded by the monster on the resource island but also the two people from each tribe for the safety of the herb.

For Mohini this herb is just an ingredient.

But for them it can help them increase the potential of their player or a hunter in their races like a natural miracle medicine.

So they compete for this herb like that.

Mohini did not give up.

She did not have the right to participate and this herb is not for sale.

So she can only find a way to steal the herb.

There are snow resource islands in many other places but only this place has resource island has this herb present.

Also it only appears in the second or the third ring.

Mohini was able to get the pill recipe for the special medicinal pill because it was just hard to find the ingredients.

So this is one of the useless pills from the old times.

Also making the pill is hard and the chance of failure is high.

Because of this it became a pill recipe that can be bought with a little price.

So Mohini has many of this kind of pills recipe that she bought from the alchemy guild.

Alchemy guild has two main branches one is pill refining branch and potions making branch.

They always fight with each other because of superiority problems.

Chapter 387: entering the fantasy world of Naruto part-1

Alchemy guild has two main branches one is pill refining branch and potions making branch.

They always fight with each other because of superiority problems.

There is no specific head of the alchemy guild.

There are two heads instead each of them from different branch.

But if there is a person that is a talented expert in both potions and pills then she can become the single head of the alchemy guild.

Usually this kind of thing rarely happens.


Well Mohini did not have time to think about these things right now.

She is soon going to enter the fantasy world of Naruto.

She is preparing herself for that.

She used one simulation to cover all the points with the help of her clones.

She is perfect in theoretical knowledge.

Also from the little information she got, Mohini found that there are some strong players in this fantasy world.

She is going to have some competition.

Also there seems to be players that actually used the character cards to enter the fantasy world with the templates as Uchiha Fugaku and even Minato.

They are actually fighting to get the beauties and other secret techniques of the ninja world.

The good thing about the life fantasy world is there is no death threat.

The death in the life fantasy world is not real death.

But there is still a little penalty.

If it is natural death then there is no penalty.

If the player was killed by other player or plot line characters then they would be penalized by calculating various factors.

If a player killed the other then they would receive a snare in the penalty amount.

It might be anything but the things would be only from the life fantasy world but not from outside.

But the good thing is the things that are rewarded might have stat points, skill points or other things of the player that can be taken back to the real world.

From this fantasy world players can take the bloodlines that she gains along with their achievements converted to the real world energy system.

Usually players would enter the life fantasy world would have the characters by random assignment of the system.

But people can pay for bloodline, or clan or other designations using chaos points to get them.

This way the randomness would be reduced to the thing that player selected and paid.

That is if the player bought the Uchiha bloodline and paid, then the player would become a random character in Uchiha clan.

Similarly selection something different might let them randomly assigned to other villages or even ordinary people.


Mohini has clear set of goals for entering this fantasy world.

There is another important thing.

That is taking subordinates from the life fantasy world is very hard.

That person should stay alive till the end and that person should have trust over 60 percent for the player till the end.

The type of death did not matter.

But there are few more regulations for this matter.


All of these are the important points that Mohini has to pay attention before entering the real life fantasy world.

She cannot take any real materials into the real life fantasy world.

So what she can do is to improve her current knowledge as much as possible.

She has already decided on what role she should take to get the most benefits.

The perverted fantasy system patch would be locked till she reaches the age of 18 so she will not be able to use this system at that time.

Even though she has perverted thought she would not be able to get any quests or benefits.

Well the system is already silent for a long time and she would not feel any sudden change even if there is a quest suddenly.

After making preparations Mohini finally decided to enter the life fantasy world of Naruto.

Mohini’s clones closed off the store taking a little break.

It is the same with other clones too.

Then they are all came to Mohini and vanished returning to the origin.

Mohini became strong with the clones returning tens of stat points are added.

Right then the system asked her.

“Host, do you wish to enter the fantasy world by spending a million chaos points?”

Mohini accepted with a nod.

Immediately the system activated and a white portal appeared.

As soon as Mohini entered the portal she was in a familiar white room.

Then she got the information about the fantasy world.


Fantasy world: Naruto (till the event of Kaguya and 10 tails revival)

This is a life fantasy world.

The entry point is after the first Shinobi World War from year 33-40.

Please select the options below.”

Mohini started to choose the options.

She found something interesting.

As soon as she increased the difficulty the clans she can select also decreased.

Difficulty: doomsday mode: 200 percent difficulty

As soon as she selected this options of the clans changed to only few options.

Uchiha clan, Uzumaki clan, Senju clan in leaf village………..

Similarly the other villages also have a few clans that should be dead at that time.

These clans are the one that had suppression and complete destruction in the following future.

Mohini looked at the information and chose to select Uchiha clan with the year of being born as year 37.

This costed her 50 million chaos points.

Then the details of family and ancestry were also selected.

Mohini specifically selected being the younger step sister of Fugaku and a Senju clan woman that is the lover of the father of Fugaku the current head of the Uchiha clan.

The father of Fugaku and this woman were originally not in a relationship.

But some things happened and they came together accidentally during a mission outside where the father of Fugaku saved this Senju clan woman.

Then they became close.

Also at that time the mother of Fugaku died giving birth to him sending his father into grieving for his dead wife.

Chapter 388: entering the fantasy world of Naruto part-2

But some things happened and they came together accidentally during a mission outside where the father of Fugaku saved this Senju clan woman.

Also at that time the mother of Fugaku died giving birth to him sending his father into grieving for his dead wife.

It took them 5 years to completely become close and form their lover relationship.

Unfortunately the Senju woman died giving birth to the step sister of Fugaku.

This is the family model that Mohini arranged to get two kinds of blood ancestry.

But the purity of the blood is not up to the standards.

Also the duel bloodline ancestry is only available if a player chooses doomsdays level difficulty.

Normal players that selected the difficulty level below doomsday level would not be able to get the double ancestry model.

That even in the random situation they would not have double ancestry.


Mohini after arranging the things has paid the price which has reached over 470 million chaos points.

But she was not sad because the benefits that she can get out of this fantasy world.

Just the Fūinjutsu is enough for her to cover most of the costs.

As long as she learns on how to make seals in the fantasy world she will be able to make a big difference.

There are other benefits like the yin seal that can give the player extra stat points that is not included in the original stats of vitality.

There is also the 8 gates technique that would temporarily improve the stats by a percentage.

There is flying thunder god technique………..

But the premises are that she has to learn them and use them in the fantasy world and return out of the fantasy world without losing the memory.

She did not have to pay extra for the techniques she learnt and the bloodline abilities that she awakened.

Similarly there are extra benefits for making achievements and completing quests was also great.

That is the reason why life fantasy world are called spring board worlds for new players.

Encountering the life fantasy world and gaining good benefits from this would change the life of the player completely.

Mohini after making the selections was asked what name she wanted in Japanese style.

That is because the entire life fantasy world is in Japanese style;

She can only choose a Japanese name.

This is the same for other players too.

Mohini thought for a moment and chose a name “Shizuka Uchiha”

With all the selections done another black portal opened to the side for her to enter.

This is special portal for the life fantasy worlds.

Mohini stepped into the black portal and suddenly lost all feeling of the body.

In the life fantasy world every player would start from zero except for the charm stat points that are usually neglected.

So the body would also return back to the origin and modify itself to the need of the system.

The other important thing is that they would be biologically being born in the life fantasy world.

So everything there is completely real.

There are many benefits and there is no threat of life but the premature death would become a big loss.

Finally in the life fantasy worlds all the things in the system personal space are useless.

They cannot be taken out into the life fantasy world.

Instead they can be put inside if needed.

The personal space can still be used but nothing from outside the life fantasy world even if that thing is from the same fantasy world it is still useless.

There are other rules and restrictions too.

After some time Mohini opened her eyes to see a stern looking man that is the father of Fugaku.

His face is mostly similar to Fugaku.

On the other hand Mohini that was just born did not have thoughts right now.

The system would not let players directly start the training process and nonsense that early.

They should be at least 2 years old before they can get back their memories of the real world and their purpose.

“The children are innocent when they are young.”

This is the common unspoken rule of the world.

This directly existed within the will of the world and not even god can change this.

So before the age of 2 all the children would stay innocent.

Some habits and other things like knowledge might still be there but they will stay innocent.

(Mohini) Shizuka Uchiha was born and her father the head of the Uchiha clan named him Shizuka.

Her mother from the Senju clan died giving birth to her.

After that her father Uchiha Ryo arranged her as an orphan of some unknown Uchiha man that had with a civilian woman.

He cannot accept the daughter of his lover openly.

Also it is not a son but a daughter so he did not like this and directly abandoned.

There is still his dignity to maintain so he decided to give a fake identity for his daughter.

Also he cannot reveal that his lover is from Senju clan as there are tensions between the two clans right now.

So he covered things up.

Actually the information about his lover is already considered to be a dead woman as they previously agreed when she became pregnant.

Originally he is going to take her back to the Uchiha clan as a mistress.

But things did not happen accordingly.

So he can only take his daughter back and create a different identity to cover the things.

Just like other orphans in the Uchiha clan Shizuka was also taken care along with them.


Slowly two years passed and Shizuka remembered her memories and immediately covered her head in headache.

Fortunately this happened during the night.

Also players cannot recognize other players that easily.

Unless they have created a character out of the original plot or showed extraordinary capabilities, they will not be recognized.

Since Mohini is a new character it is possible to recognize her.

Chapter 389: changed status panel, Naruto world

Unless they have created a character out of the original plot or showed extraordinary capabilities, they will not be recognized.

Since Mohini is a new character it is possible to recognize her.

But she created a concealed character and currently an orphan background.

So, she will not be recognized for the time being.

Mohini is not planning to show her capabilities for the time being.

She opened her status panel that changed to the setting of this world.


Name: Shizuka Uchiha

Affiliation: Uchiha clan, hidden leaf village

Age: 2

(Perverted fantasy patch is locked till the age of 18)

Ninja level: ordinary human (0/1000)

Chakra: not refined


Physique: 10

Spirit: 10

(Ordinary people have 10 points)




Uchiha clan: 30 percent

Senju clan: 30 percent


Ninjutsu: none

Genjutsu: none

Taijutsu: none


Chaos points: 9.54 billion


Based on the research team that analyzed the Naruto world they found that the spirit of the ninja would grow till the age of 5 and sometimes till the age of 7 in case of Sasuke.

After that the growth of the spirit is very slowly.

The bloodline of Uchiha clan requires spirit energy to use the Sharingan to the fullest.

During that this time, the things they see or experience would influence their spirit to either become strong or weak in the future.

This will be the future strength when they open Sharingan.

This will be the dividing line between the Uchiha clansmen.

As for the Mangekyō Sharingan it will also depend on the spirit energy too.

Even though the source of energy is chakra but the physical damage from using the Mangekyō Sharingan depends on the spirit power a person has.

Spirit power reduces the physical damage and after the spirit power was exhausted there will be physical damage.

This happened when the Uchiha clansmen uses Mangekyō Sharingan to cast strong techniques.

When the brother’s eyes are replaced the spirit power that is already in the eyes sublimates and the spirit energy would directly double complete the gap of spirit energy.

This can also be covered with improved physical energy of the Senju or Uzumaki clan.

This is the only way to maintain the Sharingan without any problem.

At the same time Sharingan upgrading doesn’t always require strong stimulating incidents.

Actually the strong stimulating incidents create spirit fluctuations and then the surge improving the Sharingan to the next level.

So the Sharingan can be upgraded with the improved spirit energy and physical energy that can withstand it with strong vitality.

It is not that there is no solution to a problem

There is always at least one solution to a problem but it did not mean that there is only one solution.

Mohini has already found the other solution is to open and upgrade the Sharingan.

This is not the forcible way that the current Uchiha clan is using.

Instead it was the first way when the Uchiha ancestor opened the Sharingan naturally.


She looked at her status panel of this world and found that the bloodlines are at 30 percent.

She has specifically chosen this.

This is the minimum requirement of bloodline for opening Mangekyō Sharingan.

Also the Senju bloodline that she has right now would help her with the vitality level to have strong body.

This is what she bought before entering.

She can always extract more bloodline later from the dead people of the clans.

There is still Senju clan and Uchiha clan alive and well.


Now she already has a model of improvement in her mind.

She will not refine chakra now instead she would start with the physical improvement.

For that she is going to practice the exercises in the might guy’s practice model.

With her vitality of Senju clan her body would improve by leaps and bounds.

With the improvement of her physical body her spirit energy would also increase by corresponding level to balance things.

This can only work below the age of 5 or at least at the age of 7.

After that the improvement would not be balanced.

That is the reason why the people of the ninja world would ask the children to refine chakra at the age of 5 and till the age of 7.

If they can refine the chakra they can become ninja and join the ninja school.

If not they would be considered has not having enough potential for becoming a ninja.

This will become their dividing line.


After sorting her thoughts Mohini started to exercise.

She started with taking a run.

Well a 2 year old running around would not cause any problem and it is quite a normal thing for kids to play.

Mohini ran around the place to find a secluded place.

Then she continued with her exercise.

The next problem she has is the amount of food.

She need food supplement.

Also she needs large quantities of it.

Don’t look at the Senju clan bloodline having strong vitality;

It also requires food and high quality supplements to improve.

Vitality and strength would not come out of thin air.

Right now she is an orphan.

She is actually in the clan orphanage and did not receive any support from her father.

So she can only depend on the food in the orphanage.

But will they give too much food to an orphan that is 2 years old.

Since it is like that there are only two ways.

First is to get her food by hunting.

But can she hunt as a 2 years old.

She is not a protagonist that would be able to hunt and kill big bears as a 2 year old mentioned in those cheap novels.

There is no practical possibility for this kind of thing.

So the other way is to steal the food.

Fortunately she has the system space for usage and it was upgraded to stagnant time after becoming a tier 2 player.

Once she stole the things she can peacefully eat them over time slowly.

Chapter 390: stealing and practicing

Fortunately she has the system space for usage and it was upgraded to stagnant time after becoming a tier 2 player.

Once she stole the things she can peacefully eat them over time slowly.

So she has to target something big that is already cooked for direct consumption and can last for a long time.

After her age increases she can steal other things slowly to eat and improve.

With the thoughts she looked around the place to find the kitchen based on her memories.

After finding the kitchen she looked around for the cooked food that should be served in the afternoon.

The cook is preparing this with lower quality materials.

Also they are preparing separate meal for staff and warden with good ingredients.

Corruption happens everywhere.

Since there is no one to question about the orphan’s welfare then things would be like this.

At least they are getting something to eat instead of starving to death.

This is the bottom line.

Mohini did not have any problems with stealing their food.

There will be a small gap when they orphans got their food and the staff eat their food.

First the orphans would get the food while the staff would eat leisurely after that.

Mohini is going to strike at this particular moment using the blind spot to steal the food.


She slowly sneaked in the place and finally got the opportunity when the cook went out for something in the food storage room.

Mohini directly stole the food along with the dishes cooked for the staff.

All of this only took few seconds of Mohini’s time.

After she took the things she left quickly without anyone noticing her.

When the cook arrived back at the kitchen all the cooked items along with utensils are also gone.

Mohini did not take these things immediately to eat instead she would take part of it to eat.

She can take whatever she wants to eat whenever she wanted to eat.

She can take any part of the food out to eat with a spoon.

So things are alright for her.

But the cook got some severe scolding first from the warder.

Then she received another set of suspicion saying that she stole the cooking utensils and sold them for extra bucks.

Well most people did not believe that but they need someone to blame.

The money for replacing the utensils was embezzled by the elder that manage the orphanage and some other welfares of the clan.


Mohini got food that can fill the stomach of 20 people along with the food for 3 staff members.

This is enough for her for 20+ days.

After that she would think of another solution.

By that time the turmoil would also be over.

Other than that she can also sneak into the food storage room and steal some raw food like vegetables that can be eaten directly.

Well she is a 2 year old that is playing around.

Who would though that she has a space to store things and check her?

With that all the blame fell on the corrupted cook and warden that manage the orphanage of the clan.


Mohini practice physical exercises that needed to go towards the 8 gates technique.

That is extreme Taijutsu from might guy mode of training.

When someone notices her, she would simply say the cheesy words with innocent face.

“I want to become strong to support the clan like my parents did.”

These words are enough to cover the eyes of the elders.

They thought that he saw someone training like this and started to practice like this.

At that time Uchiha clan is still within the village center.

So it is not impossible to see someone train around the place.

With that the doubt is gone.


A year passed by and she became 3 years old.

She has to stay in the orphanage till the age of 5 where she would be able learns some basic things.

Then she would be moved to a dormitory where she would take care of her daily necessities by herself with a little pension from the clan.

If there is any inheritance from her parents then it would be passed on to her at the age of 9.

Mohini knows that her father is still alive that is the current head of the Uchiha clan.

But he wrote Shizuka (Mohini) as the child of another couple that died during a mission.

This young couple did not have much inheritance,

But they at least have few thousand Ryo cash and a house.

This will be given to Shizuka at the age of 9.


She did not stop her practice and continued with her stealing from various places of the village.

Her target is mostly restaurants where she would steal the parceled food by sneaking around.

Not one would suspect a 3 year old.

Even if she is suspected there is no trace of the things she stole.

She usually eats the things she stole in the middle of the night or when no one is around.

Also the amount she eats will be in small portions that no one would notice.

This kind of small things would not attract the attention of ninja.

As long as there is no ninja she will not be suspected.

Also Shizuka did not refine the chakra yet.

Because of this the chance of suspecting is even less.


Another 2 years passed by.

Shizuka’s body became strong with muscles clearly cut and well shaped.

But her baggy clothes cover all the things without letting other people to know about that.

She is 5 years old and she was moved to the boarding house of the village.

Both orphanage and boarding house are managed by the same elder of the clan.

Shizuka was waiting for what decision that her father would make.

If her father still remembers her then she would get extra cash in the pension that she got for her dead fake parents.


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