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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 101: blessing of the duel tournament

His legs are trembling.

The bird directly landed on the burning serpent and tore it into pieces with its claws and ate it directly.

The opponent vomited blood and fell back because of the spell backlash.

Also his hand that casted the spell was burned black.

There is also yellow liquid with pungent smell flowed down from his crotch.

Jonathan looked at it and let out a small smile on his face.

After that he stopped the casting and the giant phoenix disappeared with a majestic cry.

Jonathan felt that his power has a small improvement which made him happy.

The magic array announced the completion of the match and directly expelled the defeated person to the side for the staff to receive him.

Well the person is severely injured and it was the injury caused by the backlash of his own spell.

It has nothing to do with Jonathan.

The surrounding staff quickly arrived and took the person away.

But they could not stop the irritated expression when they are taking the person with the urine on his clothes making it difficult for them.

After he was taken away the matches continued.

No one blamed Jonathan but the people behind the man from Drumstrang still clamored for a while.

But no one supported them.

It was their person that made the first shot and was in the wrong.

Also Jonathan did not attack but only defended.

They could not blame Jonathan for the incompetence of their candidate.

So Jonathan continued with the duel.

As it moved on the last 5 people are remaining.

Here one on one duel will be held and the person that scores the highest would be the winner.

The winner in each one on one duel would receive a point and all 5 people would face 4 duels each.

Jonathan’s went through the matches one by one and the strongest opponent he faced is from southern Asia.

Unexpectedly they are not only good with the serpent charms but there are many more.

This also piqued his interest in understanding the oriental way of magic to gain more insight towards the magic origin.

There are two sides of magic that usually mentioned.

One side is related to the western magic and the second is the oriental magic.

But to Jonathan this is not the correct way.

Based on his research on the history of magic from many countries the magic has many origins.

But in his calculations there are 9 paths of origin.

There is no order in them,

The Elven lore from northern Europe,

The Greek gods magic from southern Europe,

The Egyptian gods magic of underworld and sun from the Africa,

The magic of nature from the southern Asia,

The bone lure of demons from the northern Asia,

The Nordic magic of dwarfs and giants above the northern parts of Europe,

The mysterious magic of the missing continent in the Pacific Ocean,

The magic of the sea from the sunken merpeople…

All of these things has origins of magic in one way or the other and have complicated magic history.

Most of it was strangely hidden in the current situation.

When he read their history he always felt that the entire thing is made up to cover up something.

Also he has a big doubt about why those strong being that are hailed as immortals suddenly vanished without a trace.

It is not like all of them went to toilet together, slipped and flushed into toilet.

There should be some way that all of them vanished suddenly.

This is making Jonathan feel strange and his curiosity peaks more and more.

But right now he has to concentrate on the match ahead.

Jonathan skillfully used the basic techniques at a tricky angle to solve the crisis.

Jonathan won 4 rounds getting the first place.

Well he has the memories and capabilities of both Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

There is enough magic power to support it.

If he could not win then it would be a disgrace to the names of the two powerful wizards.

Jonathan got a reward of 10,000 gold galleons and then a reward of blessing from the magic array.

The blessing he got is to improve his magic capacity by 10 percent permanently.

This is a great blessing that can directly defy common sense.

Many wizards have differences in their capabilities because of the amount of magic they could use.

So the improvement in the magic capacity is a super blessing that can directly change in the person’s future life.

Also this 10 percent improvement would be constant.

If his magic capacity improves in the future then this 10 percent would still give 10 percent of magic capacity at that time.

After the match Jonathan happily had another meal with professor Flitwick.

The people from Drumstrang wanted to have a quarrel with Jonathan.

But it was stopped by the authorities of the competition.

With a disguise those people would not be able to see both Flitwick and Jonathan.

So they can only give up.

The journey back is quickly and easy with the port key.

Unfortunately there are people guarding the portkey leading back to England.

So they did not have a choice but to take other means of transport.

Professor Flitwick did not want to have any conflicts so he simply took the other way to return back to England with Jonathan.

Also he did not blame Jonathan for the counter attack.

Other than that he did not ask Jonathan about his Patronus charm.

He wanted to ask Dumbledore about this.

He knows that the Patronus charm of every person is different.

The only other person that had a mythical beast as the Patronus charm and is very similar to Jonathan is Dumbledore.

So the person that can answer his doubts will also be Dumbledore.

In his thoughts Jonathan is still a kid and did not know many things.

He was simply able to use a Patronus charm with practice but not researched it.

Chapter 102: a day before Sirius escapes

In his thoughts Jonathan is still a kid and did not know many things.

He was simply able to use a Patronus charm with practice but not researched it.

Jonathan returned back to the Malfoy mansion and went to take care of Narcissa.

She was looking for Jonathan as he did not appear for 2 days in a row.

She did not expect how she would be if Jonathan went back to Hogwarts again.

Well she fell deep into the hands of Jonathan and she was more and more aroused.

She was completely connected to the massaging hands of Jonathan.

She could never break free from his hands.

Well Jonathan has his plans prepared so she did not worry about that.

If needed, he can call her to the Hogsmeade during the night to massage her and send her back later.

This is easy.

With the oil he applied she would not be able to go to other men.

So everything is in the bag.

After thinking about that Jonathan continued with his practice during the summer vacation and made plans for catching peter Pettigrew.

Right now he still has the sin of his father on his shoulders.

This year, his father would escape from the prison and cause even more disturbance in the world.

This would in turn cause more problems for Jonathan.

Well this will make him a villain.

But there is a problem, Jonathan don’t want to appear to be a villain in front of everyone.

He only wanted to be a villain in the dark.

In the light he is an upright gentle man with great potential.

So he has to save his father and prove his innocence.

While thinking about these, it was time for him to go to buy his things for the third year.

He has already made an appointment with pansy and Daphne.

He went over by himself without any problem.

Naturally Narcissa would accept his request without any resistance with the massage.

When he arrived there both Daphne and pansy are waiting for him in the Diagon alley.

That day is July 30 and Jonathan knows that today a big event would happen.

That is his father Sirius black would escape from the prison Azkaban.

If Jonathan came here tomorrow then he would receive many weird glances from those people.

But if it was today then Jonathan would still be prince charming.

So he chose today instead of July 31st for buying his things.

Daphne put on a pure white gown with a tint of green with matching emerald jewelry.

She looked like a princess.

She brought her sister Astoria along.

Astoria will be attending the Hogwarts from this year.

Jonathan has already talked to her before and knows about her blood curse.

Jonathan would heal her later.

He already has plenty of research and information on his hands from the memories that he got from Gellert Grindelwald.

With that as base he can easily solve this blood curse.

But he has to wait for a while and make adequate preparations before trying it on Astoria.

Also he needs to do some experiments and the best candidate for that is actually Nagini the big snake that follows Voldemort.

She is also a being with the blood curse and she can be best candidate to solve and experiment to solve this blood curse.

Astoria put on a black gown with gothic style with a tint of green hue which is exactly opposite to the one that her sister is wearing.

Her appearance is also good and gave a cute feeling.

On the other hand pansy is wearing normal robes and looked more like a tomboy but her growing body and figure are already appearing through the tight robes.

This gave her a different charm that is on the youthful and heroic side.

Jonathan smiled and waved at them.

Then they went to get their books and other things first.

Jonathan gave a present of owl to Astoria and some other presents to both pansy and Daphne.

The main thing he has to do is to balance the things if not there would be hidden problems in their hearts in the future.

So he has to give presents in a way that all three of them felt equal and satisfied.

Then they went to eat some ice cream and few other sweets before parting.

The day was wonderful.

Unfortunately Jonathan did not get to share a kiss with these beauties.

Well he doesn’t mind about this.

After returning to Hogwarts he can get as many kisses as he wanted from them.

As for Astoria Jonathan did not make any move.

She will fall for him automatically because she has been staring at him all the time today.

When Jonathan returned back to the Malfoy mansion he went to do his own things.

On the next day in the morning minister fudge came to the Malfoy mansion to talk to Jonathan.

It was related to the escape of Sirius black from Azkaban.

“Jonathan, I am here to inform you about the escape of your father from the prison of Azkaban.

As his only son, he would most definitely contact you.

So if he contacts you, you have to signal us to capture him.

Before you return back to Hogwarts, we don’t want you to go out without the protection of some wizard.

If you need we can send an Auror to protect you….”

He spoke about caution to Jonathan and then offered to send Auror.

But Lucius firmly refused this as he could not let an Auror into the Malfoy mansion and live here.

There are many secrets in this mansion and he doesn’t want the outsiders to know about them.

He has already lost half of his wealth to those blackmailers and he doesn’t want to lose more.

Jonathan also refused the watch of an Auror and said.

“Mister Fudge, if you want to protect someone then try to protect Harry instead of me.”

Chapter 103: shocking minister Fudge

Jonathan also refused the watch of an Auror and said.

“Mister Fudge, if you want to protect someone then try to protect Harry instead of me.

If my guess is correct he would leave his protection at his relative’s house and move somewhere secretly tonight.

I am not monitoring him.

I just made a little divination and got this result.

As for me I have strong people to protect me so I don’t have to worry about anything.”

Jonathan said pointing at Lucius that has a gloomy face that is literally dripping with water.

Also it is burning water as he was very angry with Jonathan but could not do anything to Jonathan directly or indirectly.

Jonathan doesn’t care about this and continued to chat with the minister about few more things before sending him.

Jonathan is now a rich person supported by Dumbledore and many talented wizards.

The past two weeks Jonathan got the attention from the three big circles of dueling, transfiguration and potions.

There is also a big business under his name with the support of Gringotts goblins.

So the goblins are also supporting Jonathan for his specialty to make money.

So Jonathan is really a powerful candidate but still young right now.

Fudge is not stupid and can tell that all these things were carefully planned and Jonathan is actually a genius.

This is like looking at a potential stock.

So the minister fudge is acting cautiously and respectfully towards Jonathan even though Jonathan is still a kid.

After he left Jonathan continued with his daily routine.

A week passed by and minister fudge found that Harry ran away from the house of Dursley's and stayed at leaky cauldron.

At that time the words of Jonathan reverberated in his mind.

He immediately wanted to ask Jonathan top find the location of the criminal Sirius black with his divination.

But he immediately withdrew this thought because Sirius black is actually the father of Jonathan and he could not make Jonathan do that.

Also he doesn’t want to make an enemy out of such a strong genius and financially strong person.

So he gave up the thought and normally chatted with Harry.

There are a few Aurors here to protect Harry from the dark.

On 12th of August, Jonathan received a letter and a new broom stick.

It was from Randolph Spudmore was the son of Able Spudmore, the co-owner of broomstick manufacturing company Ellerby and Spudmore. Randolph was the inventor of the Firebolt.

Jonathan has invested in him before when his grandmother is still alive.

At that time he was severely lacking funds and got the financial aid with the 40 percent shares from his future company and sales of the broomstick he made.

The things Jonathan go is the letter about the new broom and the first series firebolt for Jonathan to use.

The introduction of this firebolt into the wizarding world would be on 14th august.

They formally gave the first in line product to Jonathan as the second biggest shareholder and also the person that trusted them before.

There is also an invitation for Jonathan to come for the release of the firebolt.

But Jonathan decided to refuse.

It is not that he don’t want fame, instead he don’t want to create impact on the sales of the firebolt right now.

Right now he was on the hot search being the son of the wanted criminal Sirius black.

So, Jonathan making a public appearance is not good for the future of the firebolt sales.

Jonathan smiled and gave out the reply about the things he was concerned about back to Randolph Spudmore.

Also Jonathan wrote to him that he would be sending his representative in his place.

Then he wrote another letter to Rita Skeeter about this firebolt launch and also sent the invitation to her.

She knows the situation of Jonathan and it is not possible to salvage the things right now.

She believes in Jonathan and she was calm about this matter.

So on the launching day of the firebolt she went there with the invitation sent by Jonathan and made an exclusive article about that.

Randolph Spudmore was shocked when Rita Skeeter that has a special reputation came over to their launching ceremony.

But when they saw the invitation that belongs to Jonathan they were shocked.

They only nominally sent this invitation to Jonathan and they did not think of him much because he is still a kid.

But when they saw that, Jonathan being able to invite Rita Skeeter has changed their views towards him.

Rita also gave them a brief advice about her backer and few instructions from Jonathan.

After that everything is normal.

These few days Jonathan was doing his things normally and there is not much change.

He did not go out to meet with anyone.

This is the time for him to cross a major obstacle in the study about the materials used in the magic cards.

One of the rare materials Oricalcum is of great use for magic conductivity.

But it was extremely unstable he wanted to use adamantine to stabilize the material.

Unfortunately both of these metals are very costly and rare.

Actually they should be abundant in the past but in the later time they were misused and destroyed.

Also their original mines are lost in the history of time.

He did not even have a clue of where they should be.

The sword of Gryffindor should possess some of the Oricalcum and few other rare materials.

There is a chance that it has its own thinking but still in infancy state.

Even if he wanted to ask the dwarfs and elves that are the real elves but not the house elves, their existence has long been unknown.

The last known location of the availability of Oricalcum mine is actually at Atlantis along with another metal called the atlantium.

Atlantium is also known as the sea metal that would strengthen the water based artifacts.

Chapter 104: Harry’s first kiss was unexpectedly taken by…

The last known location of the availability of Oricalcum mine is actually at Atlantis along with another metal called the atlantium.

Atlantium is also known as the sea metal that would strengthen the water based artifacts.

Atlantium was once a famous metal along with Oricalcum.

The famous trident of Poseidon was actually made from the atlantium.

As for the location of adamantine,

It should be at the Tartarus gate of the hell.

Right now that was sealed and the location or map to reach that place is gone.

So all in all Jonathan was in a stranded situation where he has to find these things on his own.

There are few pieces of these materials available in the treasures of those big families.

But they would not take them out under normal circumstances.

Jonathan has to play slowly to get the things he wanted.


For the coming days Jonathan silently did his research on the alternative things for the current available materials.

He already go the pieces of adamantine and Oricalcum from the reserves of Dumbledore and the black family.

But they are not enough.

With them he can only make three cards that are reusable with magic charging.

But he can only engrave one spell on each of them and could not get more.

So he can only get three spells for emergency.

Well something is better than nothing.

So he continued to make the three cards with three spells.

First is the killing curse, Avada Kedavra.

Second is the Patronus charm, Expecto Patronum.

Third is currently reserved for a better spell that can be used later.

He prefers a healing or recovery spell which is currently no in his possession.

This is what he completed by the end of the summer vacation.

Now he can kill people without his wand and it would not be registered in the ministry of magic.

This is the benefits of using the magic card which is an external device that cannot be monitored by the ministry of magic.

So he has a shield and a weapon on his hand.

All he needs is the healing capability and recovery capability.

Also he needs a magic recovering spell or something to refill the used magic quickly.


Finally it was 1stSeptember and they have to leave to Hogwarts.

Jonathan got his things and went to get on board the Hogwarts express.

Naturally pansy and Daphne along with Astoria came over to the box Jonathan is in.

Astoria looked at Jonathan with her twinkling eyes.

Jonathan was all smiles and soon many girls came over to pay a visit to Jonathan.

All of them are from the gang of pansy.

Then Romilda came over.

Previously she should be present at the time when they are buying the materials for the third year.

But she missed it because of a problem with her family.

Well Jonathan did not take it to heart as things would happen unexpectedly.

So his warm welcome did not have an ounce of reduction towards Romilda.

After that they started to chat as the train started to move.

Jonathan knows that the dementors would come to this place and the train would stop at the unexpected place.

Harry would get a small kiss from the dementors.

Unfortunately for Harry his first kiss is with dementors.

The train took a big curve near a huge lake and stopped at that place.

The temperature suddenly dropped.

The surrounding place started to look gloomier and there is even slight rain outside the train.

But Jonathan used a heating charm to keep the box warm pushing the cold outside.

The dementors came inside and went straight to the protagonist as if no other person in the train is happier than Harry potter.

Jonathan did not care about this as they did not provoke him.

But because of his heating charm and the happy thoughts of the beauties around him few dementors were attracted towards him.


Astoria screamed looking the dementors.

Daphne is bolder and she calmed Astoria and gave a look to Jonathan.

Jonathan stood up and said.

“Don’t worry; I am here to protect you all.”

Jonathan said that and then cast the Patronus charm.

“Expecto Patronum”

Jonathan waved his wand and a huge phoenix appeared out of nowhere suddenly.

The ends of its feathers as if they are tentacles has wrapped around the dementors and pulled them towards it.

The dementors that did not have an expression or fear suddenly showed signs of running away.

The Patronus charm of Jonathan is a strong beast that stands of the neutral grounds of life and death.

So what it consumes is related to the souls and thoughts.

Since it is like that the creatures on the similar model are naturally prey and predator for the creatures.

So these dementors are like prey to the hold dark phoenix.

He directly consumed them and many dementors ran away from this place.

On the other hand Harry that is in the farthest box from Jonathan followed the plot and fainted.

Jonathan on the other hand went out to give chocolates to the people and his Patronus charm helped keep the train safe.

Jonathan immediately became famous again and got a good name.

But the good name and being the son of Sirius has balanced each other making the people only thank him lightly.

Percy Weasley that was promoted as the head boy even snorted at Jonathan but did not thank him.

Jonathan did not care and gave chocolates to some people that he knows to let them recover.

Professor Lupin walked over from the other side and finally met Jonathan that is giving chocolate pieces to other students.

“Is the phoenix just now your Patronus charm?”

He asked Jonathan with some doubts.

Jonathan nodded and said.

“Yes, professor Lupin.

By the way, it is good to make an acquaintance with you.”

Jonathan held his arm and gave a shake his hand firmly.

Lupin did not give him any complement right now and only said “Good work”

Chapter 105: strange eyes and strong glares

Jonathan held his arm and gave a shake his hand firmly.

Lupin did not give him any complement right now and only said “Good work”

After that Jonathan moved away back to his box with his girls following behind.

He did not care about Lupin.

Originally Lupin should not be here.

This is because werewolves are not allowed to do work in England based on the new rules and law of the ministry of magic.

But Lupin slipped out of the group and was supported by Dumbledore.

Jonathan also knows about this and Lupin did not know about Jonathan.

There might be other reasons involved and Jonathan doesn’t know but all he knows is that Lupin was supported by the order of phoenix.

So Jonathan doesn’t care about this matter.

Hermoine and other girls heard that it was Jonathan that casted the Patronus charm to protect them all from the dementors.

Hermoine was especially hit hard and decided to work even harder to improve and reach new heights to compete with Jonathan.

She did not forget her first kiss and the follow up kisses with Jonathan.

Also Jonathan visited her when she was petrified.

She might not be able to move but she can feel the presence and know who visited her.

Even though Jonathan did not visit her separately, but his words of care for her has made her feelings towards Jonathan change.

But the news of the escape of Sirius black and once again explaining the old situation in the news papers along with not seeing Jonathan for over 2 months has created flaws in her feelings.

Even she doesn’t know about what she feels about Jonathan.

Harry was unconscious all the way back to Hogwarts.

When he wakes up Draco taunts him naturally.

Jonathan did not care about this matter and let them play the quarrel of the house wives.

Jonathan was called by professor Mcgonagall along with Harry and Hermoine.

Jonathan waited by the side as professor Mcgonagall spoke with Harry.

“Professor Lupin had informed her by Owl Post of Harry's adverse reaction to the Dementor.

So Hermoine I want you to take Harry to madam Pomfrey to have a complete check.”

After she said that she turned towards Jonathan and said.

“Jonathan you have acted bravely and the Gryffindor would be awarded with 40 house points even before the start of the year.

It is all thanks to you and congratulations.”

With that Hermoine looked at Jonathan with a little admiration.

Harry has different thoughts and no one knows what he is feeling right now.

It might be anger, or hatred or something else.

After knowing the information about the father of Jonathan and his escape from the Azkaban, Harry became more nervous.

He is also a little paranoid.

This is the reason why his reaction towards the dementors is much higher than that of in the original plot.

Hermoine took Harry to the hospital wing to meet with madam Pomfrey.

Jonathan on the other hand returned back to the main hall.

The first years have not arrived yet.

It takes time for them to come while professor Mcgonagall took care of the situation of Harry.

Well he is the savior and he needs more attention than others.

After McGonagall's business with Hermione is concluded, they return to the Great Hall to find that they missed the sorting ceremony.

Dumbledore announces the two changes in staffing during the year.

Hagrid has been made the Care of Magical Creatures teacher due to the retirement of Professor Kettleburn.

Lupin has been appointed as the defense against dark arts teacher.

Dumbledore also announces that Dementors are to be stationed around the school as a precaution against Sirius Black.

This final announcement made many people turn their eye toward Jonathan.

But the person in question is actually calm without any thoughts of fear from the looks of so many people towards him.

This is their resentment towards the death eaters and towards a traitorous murderer.

Also this is their fear towards Voldemort.

Because of the extreme indifference in the eyes of Jonathan those people could not glare down Jonathan with their eyes.

Since they could not break him down they broke down in return.

Many dishes appeared in front of them diverting their attention.

Jonathan got it special with his good relation with the house elves.

They prepared some fried chicken wings and steak for Jonathan.

There is also dessert and flavored shaved ice for Jonathan.

Ice cream is different from the flavored shaved ice.

Others are a little envious because these things only appeared in front of Jonathan in high quantities.

They appeared at other places too but they are not as good looking as the ones in front of Jonathan.

But they could not get them as Romilda and few other girls have surrounded Jonathan as if protecting him.

Because of their actions their glares intensified because there are many single dogs.

Jonathan went to meet with Dumbledore after dinner and chatted a little about his recent progress.

Then he returned back to the dormitory to sleep.

Others have strange eyes looking at Jonathan but Jonathan did not care about them.

Lessons start the next day.

Jonathan and other Gryffindor students head to the North Tower for their first Divination lesson.

They meet Sybill Trelawney and predict future events using tea leaves.

Harry sees a black dog in his tea cup, which Trelawney identifies as the Grim, the omen of death.

This worries Harry, as he remembers the black dog he saw when he ran away.

Jonathan on the other hand sees that he got a good omen and his plan might succeed.

But he did not show his divination results to anyone.

In their next lesson, Transfiguration, Professor Minerva McGonagall assures Harry that Trelawney has predicted the deaths of a number of students, none of whom have died.

Jonathan only smiled at this matter and did not speak like Draco teasing Harry about many things happened today.

Chapter 106: riding on the back of Buckbeak

In their next lesson, Transfiguration, Professor Minerva McGonagall assures Harry that Trelawney has predicted the deaths of a number of students, none of whom have died.

Jonathan only smiled at this matter and did not speak like Draco teasing Harry about many things happened today.

In their Care of Magical Creatures lesson, Hagrid wanted to teach them about the hippogriff.

Jonathan did not change this point as it was very important for the plot to turn around the hippogriff named Buckbeak.

Only this way can Jonathan prove the innocence of Sirius black in front of the minister and everyone.

So Jonathan did not interfere with the flow of incidents.

He would only act when the situation is right.

The remaining time would be spent on playing and experimenting around.

Jonathan has spoken to Dumbledore to think of a way to get more adamantine and Oricalcum for them to experiment and make life saving magic cards.

When looking at the hippogriff every student was nervous.

Well Jonathan did not have any nervousness.

Hagrid came forward and started to explain about the hippogriffs and also explain about Buckbeak.

Then he looked at Harry and said.

“Harry come one give it a try, you will easily get the permission to get on.”

Harry was nervous and anxious.

Before he could take a step forward Jonathan moved forward then bowed down to the hippogriff.

Because of the strong natural energy emitting from Jonathan that is like that of druids, the hippogriff did not feel any malice and a sense of belonging.

So it immediately gave way for Jonathan.

Jonathan rubbed its soft fur and then slowly got on the top of the hippogriff.

Then they took off for a ride around Hogwarts under the astonished eyes of many students.

Also Hagrid did not stop Jonathan as he got help from Jonathan before giving him a good impression on Jonathan.

Also Hagrid did not think about Sirius when he looked at Jonathan.

He felt that Jonathan is different and a good person.


After a while Jonathan landed safely and got praises from everyone.

Right now there are actually two people that are not thinking straight in the crowd.

One is Draco which is a normal thing.

The other one is actually Harry but not Ron.

Harry became angry because Jonathan took his opportunity.

Also he was angry at Jonathan because of the incident related to Sirius black the father of Jonathan.

The person in question that is Jonathan, he did not care about this nonsense.

Instead he was more focused on the important things.

Harry with his temper went to get on the hippogriff.

Well he is the protagonist and no matter how his mental situation is, it would become alright when he is facing a thing that would elevate his standing in front of other people.

Naturally he went around for a round and landed safely just like Jonathan.

Unfortunately the people are more interested in the first place and the worst than to think about the people in between.

Naturally even in a race or in a class, people would always remember the first place or the worst but they would not remember the remaining people much.

Later in the lesson, Malfoy, who had not been listening to Hagrid's lecture, insults Buckbeak, causing it to slash his arm with its talons.

He is taken to the hospital wing, and Hagrid fears that he will take the blame for letting Buckbeak attack Malfoy, even though Malfoy provoked it in the first place.

Jonathan did not intervene in this matter as it is important to him.

All he did was to just console Hagrid about this matter and leave back to the castle.

Later in the week, in Potions, Malfoy returns with a heavily bandaged arm.

Although it is implied that he is exaggerating the seriousness of the injury, there is no way to prove it.


After this incident, a week passed by quickly without much change in anything in the plot.

Harry learns that Sirius black has been sighted near Hogwarts.

During the lesson, Draco Malfoy hints that Sirius black may be connected to Harry's past.

Unfortunately because of the intervention of Jonathan Harry already knows about Sirius black.

At the same time Draco Malfoy also taunted Jonathan telling that the father of Jonathan is an escaped convict ….

Jonathan gave him a blank look, but he did not reply or give any explanation to Draco or the surrounding students.

Actually Jonathan doesn’t want to show his cards quickly and lose his calm over someone like Draco.

Today is the class of Lupin that wanted to give a practical test about the magical creatures on the dark side.

Well as the first target for the defense against dark arts they took Boggart in a wardrobe.

In Defense against the Dark Arts, Lupin teaches the third years about Boggart.

These Boggart are shape-shifters that take the shape of a person's worst fear.

The students then take on the Boggart, forcing it to assume a shape they find amusing.

Many people wanted to know what Jonathan feared the most.

But his turn is after Harry.

When it comes to Harry's turn, he is sure the Boggart will turn into a Dementor.

But Lupin jumps in and repels the Boggart for him.

Faced by Lupin, the Boggart takes the shape of a bright glowing orb.

Harry is disappointed that Lupin does not let him fight the Boggart, thinking that Lupin feels he is not up to the task.

Others could not continue because of the incident and the situation changed.

So they would be made to face the Boggart on the next day.

With that the students left and many people are disappointed.

The most disappointed ones are actually Draco and Ron.

They both want to know what Jonathan feared the most.

Unfortunately their dream did not come true today.

But they did not want to give up.

On the next day the students are more enthusiastically came to the class of defense against dark arts.

Chapter 107: the Boggart of Jonathan

But they did not want to give up.

On the next day the students are more enthusiastically came to the class of defense against dark arts.

Today Jonathan’s turn came and Jonathan stood in front of the wardrobe with a calm face.

The shaking wardrobe stopped it shaking and finally the doors of the wardrobe opened.

From inside a young hand came out holding the door and took a step out.

The person that came out is wearing pure white suit with golden frame and the appearance is exactly like Jonathan.

The eyes of the person showed a strong kindness giving the people a feeling that the person came out is the kindest man in the world.

Jonathan on the other hand is still calm looking at his image.

This was his fear and this was his original side inside that has darkened because of the incidents in his past life.

His kindness has left him with nothing but his darkened personality has given him power, money, women and everything.

So what he fears is actually the revival of his kindness and turning into his kind and stupid self again.

That is the reason why the Boggart appeared in the form of Jonathan with pure white dress like a holy being and a kind face.

Jonathan smiled back at the Boggart that appeared similar to him and casted the spell.


Right after he cast the spell the Boggart in the appearance of Jonathan has a sudden change.

The pure white dress changed into pitch black and the golden lining turned into silver lining.

The kind face turned cruel and the normal eyes turned bloody red filled with madness.

This gave him the appearance of the devil.

The people that looked at the new appearance took a deep breath.

Many people felt a strong pressure from the Boggart and the red eyes looking at everyone.

Some women have actually fallen in love because of the devilishly handsome appearance.

Well the spell succeeded and the fake Jonathan formed by Boggart vanished directly turning into black mist and returned back to the wardrobe.

With that the entire incident stopped.

No one understand what this means.

Why the Boggart of Jonathan is still Jonathan and why does it turn into darkness when Jonathan cast the spell Riddikulus.

Lupin on the other hand has some thoughts but he did not say anything.

Everyone has their own secrets.

He himself is a werewolf and he did not have the right to point his fingers at other people.

Draco and Ron that wanted to ridicule Jonathan about what he fears were clearly disappointed.

Well the stupid Ron was intelligent for once and caught the main point.

So he quickly said.

“Don’t I tell you that Jonathan is evil?

Look his Boggart looked like a good person and he cast a spell to turn it into evil.

He is internally a bad person and pure evil,

Harry, Hermoine, you should stay away from him.

He is just like his father, Acts righteous on the outside but evil on the inside…”

Jonathan heard this and looked straight at Ron.

His eyes did not show any anger or contempt but ridicule.

It is as if saying.

“I saved you and your sister for two consecutive years.

But this is how you repay the kindness.”

Ron literally felt these words in his mind.

This was the capability that Jonathan obtained after he practiced legilimency and occlumency to a higher level.

As for Harry and Hermoine they did not see any feelings in the face of Jonathan.


At the end of the month Dumbledore took Jonathan out of Hogwarts.

They went to an auction that is being held at London.

The auction is about the old artifacts of the noble wizarding families throughout the Europe.

The target of Jonathan and Dumbledore is actually the metal pieces and few artifacts that are sold during the auction.

These artifacts have the rare metals that Jonathan wanted in his experiments.

Jonathan would get these things and dismantle them.

He would extract these materials and then use them.

Also it is said that there is Oricalcum around 5 grams in the auctioned items.

There are hand cuffs made of strong iron and adamantine.

If extracted Jonathan might get around few grams of adamantine in it.

After checking the items booklet Jonathan and Dumbledore made their way to the auction house leisurely.

Dumbledore was very rich and powerful.

It is normal to get an invitation from the major events like this.

So Dumbledore took Jonathan straight to the V.I.P room for the auction and arranged the entire thing.

As for money they have already guessed things and Dumbledore said that he would cover the costs.

Well Dumbledore could not express things normally because of the awkward situation between him and Jonathan.

This is because of their strange relation, this would make him the ancestor of Jonathan, but it can also be his son in a way.

There is another thing that Jonathan did not tell Dumbledore.

That is the Sebastian the house elf from Gellert Grindelwald has mentioned to Jonathan a secret.

It was about the hidden stash of Gellert Grindelwald.

There is a good reserve of rare materials there that can be used by Jonathan.

This happened few days ago when Jonathan asked his house elves to find a way to get more of the rare materials that he wanted.

Sebastian went to talk with Gellert Grindelwald and made the final choice of transferring all his things to Jonathan.

With the decision of Gellert Grindelwald, Sebastian came to Jonathan and told him about all the hidden stashes and the materials that are stocked.

Jonathan really wanted to go and chat with Gellert Grindelwald again.

But he would not do that with the acknowledgement of Dumbledore.

It would be done in secret.

This would reduce many problems.

As for why coming with Dumbledore to this auction,

It is actually because money can be made again but the materials are rare and hard to obtain once lost.

Chapter 108: the auction starts, the cursed box from Egypt

As for why coming with Dumbledore to this auction,

It is actually because money can be made again but the materials are rare and hard to obtain once lost.

When they came in there is still time before the auction.

During this time many people socialize with each other.

Dumbledore introduced Jonathan to some of his friends and also mentioned about some of his rivals.

Well he might be a great mage at 100 percent but there are still people right below him at 99.99 percent and even lower.

So if Dumbledore dies then these people would take the position of the strongest wizard.

That is not all; there are many people from other countries that came here for the auction.

Some of them are very good at transfiguration, potions making, artifact making…

Dumbledore has a wide range of network.

Unfortunately after his death all the favors that he has from these bigwigs are useless.

So Dumbledore tried to transfer those favors to Jonathan.

The main things Dumbledore asked to receive are the rare materials that Jonathan needed.

That is not all; Dumbledore asked them about some complicated rune books from various countries.

These runes are the basis for the spells and different materials reacts differently for different runes.

After a while the auction started.

The auctioneer is the man with good appearance wearing classy suit and robes that match them.

He stood on the stage to introduce the first item.

Naturally in auctions the first and last items are of great value or of high bidding value.

“Hello everyone let us start with the world renowned magic auction.

The most anticipated first item of the auction,

The cursed box from Egypt”

After he said that a box appeared on the display table.

The box is made of sand stone but it looked solid.

The surface is packed densely with hieroglyphs.

Just looking at it makes people dizzy.

Also the strange energy emitting from the box is very strong almost creating a ripple around the box.

Jonathan looked at it for a moment and felt nauseating.

Even with his level in occlumency and legilimency, Jonathan is still not strong enough in mind.

Dumbledore helped stabilize Jonathan and said.

You need to practice the mind arts more in the future.

As he said that the auctioneer started to speak.

“This is a cursed box from Egypt.

It is said that the contents inside is a strange herb, the first one of its species.

No one knows what that herb is as a dimensional distortion appeared taking the entire location of the herb from southern Africa continent and took it into a different space.

But this herb was collected and sealed over 3 thousand years ago.

It was originally presented to the pharaoh of Egypt in a plot to kill him.

The herb is said to be extremely poisonous but also strangely possesses a very powerful vitality inside it.

For this reason the imperial magician of the pharaoh used the ancient runes of the Egyptian god Thoth to seal this herb as it is in this cursed box.

It is said that some of the word of mouth information in old countries like the Elven lore in the parts of plant species and the word of mouth medicinal knowledge of Brahmamitra also mentions about this herb….

(I have to dig quite a lot to get the name Brahmamitra, this name only appeared in few ancient texts.

Naturally you would not see his name in any texts refers to medicine.

It is said that he is the person that divided medicine into 6 parts which is far older than Ayurveda.

It is said that he is the first person to use various kinds of plant needles to cure people.

The medicinal needles are dipped in medicine or other things.

Well I don’t know, I hope to find more information, unfortunately most of the information is gone.

This information is an extra that did not count the 1000 words of the chapter)

Unfortunately many people failed to break the curse on this box and they could not get the contents inside.

The starting bid for this cursed box is 100 thousand gold galleons.

Every increment should add is no less than 5 thousand gold galleons.

Now let’s start the bidding…”

“110 thousand gold galleons”

“115 thousand gold galleons”

“120 thousand gold galleons”


“220 thousand gold galleons”

“220 thousand gold galleons first time”

“220 thousand gold galleons second time”

“220 thousand gold galleons third time

Congratulations Mister Roger Antony for the successful bid.”

Jonathan looked at Roger Antony.

He is from Dutch country.

Then the auction continued moving on.

The second item is a jade bracelet with few runes on it.

It would improve the health of the wearer.

Well Jonathan did feel a glimpse of life energy from the bracelet but nothing else.

It went for around 30 thousand gold galleons.

Then there is a bronze plate which is said to possess strong defensive runes from the Greek magician.

Dumbledore looked calm and explained to Jonathan that this bronze plate was damaged and it could not be used properly.

Finally it went for only 7 thousand gold galleons.

The next item is important for Harry and Dumbledore.

It was a piece of metal that is around 5 grams looked like a fingernail.

“This is Oricalcum metal that was obtained from the deep sea exploration from the muggle world in an old boat transporting goods from Atlantis to Greece.

Unfortunately it sunk during the battle.

I presume everyone know the usage of Oricalcum metal is.

But still let me give you a brief explanation.

It is said that Oricalcum is the highest conductive material for magic in the world.

The ancient god level artifacts of the old times used to use this metal.

Unfortunately the process of refining and making artifacts of that level is gone now.

Hope that everyone would be enthusiastic about this metal and the starting bid is 20 thousand gold galleons.

Every successive bid is no less than a thousand gold galleons…”

As soon as he finished the people started to bid quickly.

“21 thousand gold galleons”

“23 thousand gold galleons”

The price soon reached 38 thousand gold galleons.

Then Jonathan made the bid of 40 thousand gold galleons.

One should know that the entire wealth that Harry had at the start is only 50 thousand gold galleons.

Just from the one could say how much 40 thousand gold galleons are worth to a wealthy family.

Well it is a big number for many people.

But to Jonathan it is just a passing number because of all the shares of various businesses that are in his hands.

Chapter 109: peek a booh

Well it is a big number for many people.

But to Jonathan it is just a passing number because of all the shares of various businesses that are in his hands.

Also he has too many inheritances from different people.

So the money is not a problem.

The reason why the Oricalcum metal is not that prominent to take the first position or last position is because of the difficulty in refining it.

In the current wizarding technology there is not a single artifact maker that can handle Oricalcum or adamantine.

Jonathan was able to do that because he learnt some basing processing methods from his teacher Nicolas Flamel.

But still Jonathan can only make a plate out of the materials, blend them and inscribe the runes.

He could not create complicated structures or integrate them into weapons.

All he can do is to make a card out of these materials in the preset composition that he and Nicolas Flamel researched before his death.

Well this is working now.

Jonathan got the piece of Oricalcum after paying the price.

But he still has to refine it slowly to extract the refined Oricalcum.

Well it is a long process but can be quickly completed with the help of Dumbledore.


While they are thinking the next item was on the stage.

It is actually a sword that looked rusted.

This is also an item that Jonathan is looking forward for.

The auctioneer started to speak about the sword.

“This is the sword made by the holy church after they lost the original holy sword Excalibur with the research data obtained from the Excalibur.

This is an imitation sword of Excalibur with many strong materials infused in to the sword.

Over the years it killed some demons and it was cursed many times.

Unfortunately over the years the sword started to show defects and became the current appearance.

It is still a damage imitation holy sword with good amount of rare materials.

The starting big is 10 thousand gold galleons.

Each increment is no less than a thousand gold galleons….”

Immediately bidding started but it was not as fast as it was done with Oricalcum or other items.

The reason for this is that this sword is cursed and its materials are also cursed.

For extraction and curse removal alone, it would cast over 10 thousand gold galleons.

Even then there is a chance that it might cause the rare materials to evaporate and directly lose them.

So the enthusiasm among the people is very less.

As for Jonathan he did not bid yet and the materials he could extract from this sword are adamantine 3 grams, Oricalcum 2 grams and 5 grams of atlantium.

The remaining materials would be lost in the process.

But that would be a good gain to get these materials.

Jonathan did not have to make more magic cards instead he wanted to store these materials for future use.

He has other thoughts.

It is not like this is the only world he is staying.

He can understand that there are not many protagonists in this world.

In a way the magic in this world is dying.

When he infused with the druid heart he was able to perceive the nature around him.

Naturally he can also perceive the magic around him much better than before.

He felt that the magic energy is slowly leaving this world like the world has chosen a different direction of advancement.

In a few years or in 100 years the wizards might not be able to do magic even with a powerful wand.

Well even then there might be wizards but they will not doing anything big then.

The reason for this is unknown to Jonathan.

But based on his guess the reason should be the hiding of wizards from normal populace.

In the world the visible things or the strong thought or the strong beliefs are the sources of energies like magic, spirit….

But in this world the highest populace of humans did not know the existence of magic.

Because of the improvement of science many muggles even deny the existence of magic unlike in the old times.

So the magic is slowly going and the will of the world leaned towards the science because of the beliefs of the people of the world.

Jonathan sighed when he thought about that.

In the future, his next generation would be able to enjoy magic but after 2 generations there might not be any magic to use.

Well he could not do anything about the public opinion but he can at least secure a good life for his descendents before leaving this world.

As for Harry potter and Voldemort, Jonathan did not feel any threat from them.

Instead he feels like that are a bunch of lunatics playing the game of peek a booh with each other.

Jonathan did not want to play with them.

Technically Harry is a relative of Jonathan and Draco is also a relative of Jonathan.

But they are only relatives but not his own.

Jonathan is not a kind man and he hates that stupid kindness which is just hypocrisy from the good people that act kindly.

Jonathan started to bid for the imitation holy sword.

With the help of Dumbledore he can easily remove the curse and dismantle the sword to extract the things he wanted.

After thinking of the things Jonathan directly made a bid.

“18 thousand gold galleons”

“18 thousand gold galleons first time”

“19 thousand gold galleons”

Someone increased the price that did not speak till now.

Jonathan looked at the person for a moment from his booth and then went silent for a few moments.

Jonathan felt that this person is arranged by the owner to increase the price of this useless sword.

Jonathan did not increase the price any more.

That person looked anxious for some time.

He never expected that the other party could detect the problem in bidding so quickly.

Chapter 110: dagger with the sand of time

That person looked anxious for some time.

He never expected that the other party could detect the problem in bidding so quickly.

Other also detected this and they stopped bidding causing the problem for the elder.

That person was unable to pay the price with red face.

So he was sent out of the auction house and was banned from entry.

Everyone knows that this was done by the original owner of the sword, but they did not say anything.

This is because that person has a strong background.

He is like a second generation rich called Robert from Clive family.

Well they are not as strong as Dumbledore.

But things change and no one is strong and no one is weak forever.

Since it is like that the person with the previous bid would be asked if they are interested in buying the sword.

That person is Jonathan and Dumbledore.

Jonathan and Dumbledore looked at each other and decided to buy the sword.

Well they are already making a profit here.

If it was correctly used they can make over 50 thousand gold galleons as profit.

So it was fine.

After spending another 18 thousand gold gallons they bought the sword.

With that the auction continued with many artifacts and items.

Jonathan would buy things occasionally that might possess traces of rare materials that can be extracted.

Other than that some rare herbs that are useful for him were also bought.

Getting these things Jonathan was happy.

Finally it was the end of the auction.

The last item was on the display on the slightly tilted table.

It was a small dagger with strange structure.

First of all it looked like it was made out of transparent crystal and gold plating at the handle.

The gold plating has an open and close switch that opens the back end of the handle.

The insides of the dagger handle are hallowed and it was filled with few ounces of multicolored sand.

This multicolored sand has a strange attraction which would make people want to release it.

The current amount is only a fifth of the total space of the hallowed handle of the dagger.

The auctioneer started to introduce the information of the dagger.

“This is a special artifact from an unknown origin.

It holds the key to the magic of time.

Unlike the magic that is used to travel back in time this can directly increase the lifespan of a person.

All you have to do is to release the sand from the other end.

Originally some people have conducted experiments on it and found that the full handle of sands of time can give the user around 100 years of life span.

It would make their body 100 years younger or to their peak position of the body based on the will of the user.

The reversal is not temporary but permanent and there are no side effects.

The current amount of sand of time present in the dagger is only a fifth and can give the person around 20 years.

It might not bring you back your youth, but it can still reverse 20 years of your life for you and your body.

The sand of time only works in this dagger and it was highly volatile.

After it comes out of the dagger it would directly becomes normal sand giving the life energy to the user.

Also one cannot fill back the normal sand into the dagger.

There are densely packed runes on the dagger that are like ants crawling on it.

But none of them obstructed the clarity of visibility through the dagger.

It is really a craftsmanship of a god.

These are the runes that would help keep the dagger contain the sands of time.

Now the starting price is 150 thousand gold galleons.

Every increment should be no less than 5 thousand gold galleons.”

Immediately the people started the bidding war.

This time some really high level people from other countries started to

Jonathan did not have any thoughts of buying this thing.

Even Dumbledore did not want this thing.

The reason why they waited till now is because the value of this thing is really high.

But there is a flaw in this thing.

The people that had it before should have done a thorough research on this thing.

With the research information they can do anything.

Since they are selling it now means that there are two possibilities.

First is that they cracked its mysteries and have a way to make another one for their own use.

Second is that they are broke or had some serious problem that needs the money to solve right now.

If it was the first case then the person that buys this dagger was really an idiot as it did not worth that price.

If it is the second case then it means that cracking this thing is extremely hard and they would not be able to afford this.

If it is the second option then it is a little better but there is still a loss.

The research data on the dagger is still in the hand of the previous owner of the dagger.

That research data itself would cost few thousand gold galleons and lots of time completing the research.

So this means that the person that buys the dagger would receive a second bargain to get the research data.

It is like the modern day marketing where they would sell you a product where only they can repair that product for the extraordinary pricing.

Jonathan only smiled at the naivety of the wizards that are buying this thing.

“Oh, I forgot, wizards have problems with logical thinking.”

Jonathan thought for a moment and smiled at the struggling old wizards.

The price slowly reached 230 thousand gold galleons.

It was really a big number.

The people that are currently fighting are actually someone from American wizarding world circle and the Russian wizarding world circle.


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