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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 406: beautiful mountain but hidden volcano

Even if it wants to join the alliance the side of the other hidden villages would not let them join in.

Well they would considered it if Chiyo that can compete with Tsunade and their Kage that is considered very strong with his magnetic style technique.

Other than that they did not have anything that can value the hidden sand village.

That is how much they looked down on hidden sand village.

Now they did not even have the tailed beast.

So they are worthless.


In the hidden leaf village third Hokage is panicking because of the information he got from his spies about the alliance of other villages.

Their current situation is not right and the other villages are taking the opportunity to attack them at the right moment.

But he also a found a favorable information that is the other villages seems to have lost their jinchūriki.

But that is not enough for them to face against four villages from four directions at the same time.

Currently he lost half of his forces under his control and Danzo’s control which is terrible.

So he was anxious.

Because of the urgency of the situation he called the heads of all the clans and the representative civilian ninja to talk.

Among them there is also Suzaku that was specifically invited because of his special status.

Suzaku was leisurely but his demeanor has changed completely like a sleeping volcano.

It is like he is a peaceful mountain that is beautiful with all kinds of vegetation, but it was actually a sleeping volcano with endless energy waiting to burst out.

Because of this feeling the other looking at his way also changed.

Previously they did have an impression on him being a good doctor.

They did not know his fighting capabilities but they saw that Suzaku can subdue Danzo.

This means that the power Suzaku has in his hands is on the same level or very close to Kage level.

Just knowing this is enough to make them feel shocked.

Suzaku has hidden his strength all this time and did not act at all.

They all saw many people ridicule Suzaku before about this but Suzaku never revealed anything.

Just like a dormant volcano waiting for its turn silently and patiently.

In the ninja world the strong are respected so Suzaku gains the respect from those people.

That is not all Suzaku has unlocked the strange seal on the tongues of their people placed by Danzo and let them return to their clans.

This gave Suzaku more praises from those clans.

In the meeting room there is only third Hokage without any advisors.

Suzaku took the chance and gave a set of papers of all evidence of the committed crimes of those three advisors that Suzaku captured before.

Also during this time many civilians with enough strength were given jobs at the Konoha guards that are the police station.

With this the public prejudice of the people towards the Uchiha clan has completely reduced by a large margin.

So, third Hokage’s power has many problems right now.

When they looked at the information they were shocked that so many things have happened when third Hokage is in power.

Those three advisors have eaten the resources of the villages like worms and pests.

Even though they are angry they would not show that on their face.

Third Hokage is still very strong.

The foundation he build using his fox face and lies is still standing tall and hard.

Even with the loss of these three advisors he is still strong.

Suzaku can directly kill the third Hokage and all the people that support him.

But that would leave Suzaku with the name of a ruthless tyrant in the eyes of others.

The most powerful Kaguya that was hailed as rabbit goddess was turned into demon by the words of the people.

The funny thing is even her own children believed that and attacked without a second thought of her current situation.

The people of this world are like that and Suzaku don’t want to get a rebellion on his face instead he wanted to remove third Hokage peacefully.

Fighting fire with fire and popularity with popularity,

This is the current strategy that he is following.

It is not a quick one but it can still produce good results.

Third Hokage looked at the information on the papers with a big frown.

Sakumo that was standing behind third Hokage as the head of the Anbu also received a copy to check.

The son of third Hokage is currently not in a situation to carry out his duties as an Anbu ninja.

So Sakumo the second in command took over the situation.

Well he was quite popular with his Hatake sword style and quick moves.

He did not get the name white fang yet.

He would get that in the coming war right now.

Suzaku was very optimistic about this person.

Suzaku feels like Sakumo might not die this time because he has already cleaned up Danzo.

Third Hokage did not have enough guts to directly make a move.

So things would not cause any problems.

While Suzaku is thinking third Hokage came to the main topic about the war and the current situation of the other countries that are ready to go to war at any given time.

Everyone frowned looking at the information that third Hokage given them.

They know what it is to have a war at this moment.

They are barely recovering from the previous war.

If there is a war again then the situation would become dire.

They might even have to send the newly graduated ninja to the battle field which they don’t like to do.

This the statistical results that were mentioned in the information provided by third Hokage.

When Suzaku looked at the information he immediately felt that the numbers are not correct.

Also the deployment is completely wrong if they did not that, it is not different than wasting the resources and killing people.

Chapter 407: reprimanding hokage

When Suzaku looked at the information he immediately felt that the numbers are not correct.

Also the deployment is completely wrong if they did not that, it is not different than wasting the resources and killing people.


Quest: reprimanding third Hokage

Description: reprimand third Hokage into the most embarrassing and angry state till the embarrassment and anger bar shown by the system fills up completely.

Reward: 1 to 10x chaos points for all acts of reprimanding for the duration of the third ninja world war


As Suzaku spoke about every point in the devised plan for the war that the face of third Hokage turned from frowning to pitch black.

The faces of the other clan leader looking at the third Hokage also changed from respect to anger just form the words of Suzaku.

The embarrassment bar of third Hokage is already full and it turned into anger bar and then it was also full.

He was immediately issued with the highest reward of 10 times the points.

Suzaku nodded happily with the gain and continued with his attack.

From now anything he said or did will come under the gains of the reward.

So he would gain 10 times the points.

This made Suzaku more enthusiastic and continued with all kinds of nonsense till the faces of the all the people present are filled with anger.

Finally Suzaku said.

“Third Hokage it seems like you are too old for this kind of thing.

It is best to choose a new candidate to become Hokage while you go the battle field with others to fight for the village.

As for the candidate for the next Hokage I can recommend you someone….”

When everyone thought that Suzaku is going to recommend himself or someone from the Uchiha clan Suzaku spoke a name out of everyone’s expectations.

“What don’t you make Tsunade sensei as the next Hokage?

She is the granddaughter of the first and second Hokage.

She is your disciple and much better than your other two disciples.

Also currently Senju clan was severely damaged because of your stupid subordinate that you made as elders of this village.

All in all she would be the best choice.

As long as you pronounce her as the next Hokage I would support her wholeheartedly.

(Well she is my wife and I would support her.)

If you have asked me I would have made a best battle plan for you.

Why bother with his kind of cheap plan that could directly exterminate our village..

You just have to the Hokage seat to a suitable candidate and come to the battle field to fight in the coming ninja world war.

They say that you are the strongest Kage of all time right.

I really wanted to see your greatness when fighting with the third Raikage in the battle field.

The main people of the Anbu and others should be left here for the village for its protection.

Third Hokage, Sarutobi clan, Shimura clan, Utatane clan and Mitokado clan should face the forces of the hidden cloud village.

They are the clans that prospered over last few decades under the wise leadership of third Hokage and those bastard clan elders right.

As for the side of the coast where hidden mist village might attack we can put Hyuga clan, Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan for detection from sneak attacks.

As for the main attack you can send some strong civilian ninja.

As for the side of the hidden stone village, you can send Uchiha clan, Hatake clan, your disciples Jiraiya and Orochimaru along with few other strong people to fight.

The Nara clan, Yamanaka clan and Akimichi clan can go to the front of the hidden sand village with few civilian ninja.

Also they can receive directly support from the hidden leaf village medical team as they are close to us in case of poisoning from Chiyo of the hidden sand village.

As for the hidden rain village that needed to be monitored to see which side they are going to take in the in this war.


Orochimaru was under Suzaku’s control while Jiraiya promised to follow the words of Suzaku based on their previous bet.

Also Suzaku’s plan is not problematic instead it was a best plan that even a numb skull like Jiraiya can understand.

So they did not have any objection about the plan given by Suzaku.

The face of third Hokage that looked at his disciples was complicated because they are not even listening to him and supporting him right now.

Suzaku explained the plan step by step making all the clan heads happy as the planning was perfect and easy to use.

Chapter 408: Sarutobi Hiruzen is no longer the Hokage

The face of third Hokage that looked at his disciples was complicated because they are not even listening to him and supporting him right now.

Suzaku explained the plan step by step making all the clan heads happy as the planning was perfect and easy to use.

As for the materials and distribution Suzaku has other plans for this.

Suzaku’s plan was almost perfect and the amount of losses would be very low.

The eyes of the other clan leaders are shining looking at Suzaku.

But when they looked at third Hokage they frowned and even cursed under their breath.

Also some of them rejoiced about the plan of letting third Hokage fight against the third Raikage.

That is not all they have grievances about the second ninja war where the achievements of this people was taken by the clans of third Hokage and those elders.

Now that Suzaku is speaking so brazenly towards third Hokage, they did not even coughed to stop him from opposing third Hokage.

“Suzaku it is not like that…

Your plan has flaws in few places that needed to be discussed…

As for the deployment of the clans as you said,

We have to speak to those clan leaders to gain the approval before enlisting them….”

Third Hokage wanted to refuse the words of Suzaku and wanted to put some reasons behind his words.

Unfortunately Suzaku did not even bother to listen to the words of third Hokage and spoke.

“Since third Hokage wanted the approval of all the clan leaders.

We will hold a vote of all clans and civilian representatives.”

The face of third Hokage immediately frowned and looked at the other clan elders with dead fish eyes.

It is like he is threatening them to not to vote and listen to his words.

If not he would use other mean to deal with them?

But the next words of Suzaku directly shattered the image of third Hokage.

“I think third Hokage don’t want to go out without giving the Hokage seat to another person.

Then we will vote if you all support Tsunade as the fourth Hokage.”

But Suzaku did not just speak his words but also released a strong killing.

The pressure was so great that some people have hard time breathing for a moment.

Also the temperature of the room drooped rapidly till the glasses of water around froze.

The intent that Suzaku released is showing a physical change which shows how powerful he actually is.

Immediately everyone shut up with their thought and squeezed the words of supporting the words of Suzaku.

The target of killing intent from Suzaku is actually Ryo Uchiha and third Hokage.

They suffered the most right now.

They could not speak which showed a horror like expression on their faces.

The other clan leaders directly voted for Tsunade to become the fourth Hokage.

This also indicates that thirds Hokage should step down from his high platform.

The funny thing is none of the three disciples of thirds Hokage supported him.

The three vassal clans of the Sarutobi clan that is the Nara clan, Yamanaka clan and Akimichi clan also did not support third Hokage.

They are the people that would jump out of the sinking ship based on the situation and survival of their clan.

The only two people did not support Tsunade are third Hokage and Ryo Uchiha.

With that the situation became complicated.

Suzaku only smiled at them and

Suzaku’s clone that is in the capital received the information and directly met with the daimyo to convey the information.

With the name of the Senju clan and the support of the Uchiha clan daimyo immediately accepted the change of Hokage to Tsunade.

Suzaku’s got the sealed letter and used the flying thunder god technique to appear outside the meeting room.

Without any ceremony it came inside and handed over the sealed scroll to Suzaku before disappearing.

The big seal of the daimyo is the fire nation was noticed by everyone.

They know that the situation was moving faster than they expected.

Immediately Suzaku wanted to open the seal and reveal the contents.

Thirds Hokage had a bad premonition about the entire thing.

Third Hokage immediately shouted.

“Suzaku it is a message from daimyo.

It should not be conveyed outside.

Give it to me I will look into it secretly and then tell the contents to the others later…”

Suzaku smirked at the words of the third Hokage and said.

“Third Hokage your acting is really good.

Unfortunately you cannot become a star in a street play.”

Even though it looked like a compliment, it is more of an insult to the third Hokage.

Third Hokage stopped speaking as his face was dark.

But no matter what he would not act directly in the public to attack Suzaku.

Also based on the intent released by Suzaku he felt that he might not be an opponent of Suzaku.

He can only sight for his current situation as everything he and his subordinates like Danzo and others build till now was collapsed by the appearance of Suzaku.

Suzaku directly opened the scroll and started to read the contents out.

The contents are about removing thirds Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and putting Tsunade as the new fourth Hokage.

The information shocked the people because they just had a vote and they did not completely made the formal appeal to the daimyo.

But the reply is so fast.

They did not expect that Suzaku would be able to convince daimyo to act immediately.

The face of third Hokage is gone down the drain immediately.

He could not show his face here any longer and wanted to leave but he was stopped by Suzaku.

“Mister Sarutobi Hiruzen, there are few things that you should solve before leaving like that.

Also you should be the one to hand over your Hokage power to Tsunade as the former Hokage right….”

Suzaku said with a mocking smile like a devil to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Chapter 409: integrating 8 tailed beast chakra

Suzaku said with a mocking smile like a devil to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Currently the real body of Suzaku is not here instead it was a clone that is doing all the things except for taking care of his women.

Suzaku got the chakra of the 8 tailed beasts and is currently trying to combine them to see if he can get the chakra close of the 10 tails.

Other than consuming the meat of those tailed beasts Suzaku also took the core chakra of other tailed beasts.

This core chakra is the same as eating the flesh of the tailed beast.

Now the combination is very hard because each tailed beast chakra is unique and needed to add in a specific order to achieve the good results that Suzaku wanted.

Also his body has been strengthened to the best level to contain the wild chakra of the tailed beasts.

Other than that Suzaku also has the natural chakra from the pure bloodline of the Senju clan that would help him stabilize the situation.

Just like in the plot of adding the tailed beast chakra to the 10 tails statue body, Suzaku started to add the tailed beast chakra step by step starting from 1 tail chakra to his chakra seed.

In order to make things more stable he opened the Rinnegan and then uses the precise Chakra control to add the chakra of the tailed beasts.

The process is very hard but if succeeded then Suzaku would have an extra card in his hand that can be used against 10 tails later.

The combined chakra formed in Suzaku would not be as strong as the real 10 tails instead it was just a tenth of the power of 10 tails.

But still it is far stronger than just being the jinchūriki of 10 tails.


In the meeting with the approval of everyone and the letter from daimyo, Tsunade was decided to become the next Hokage.

The announcement would be done in the morning of the next day.

With that third Hokage started to take Tsunade to complete the transfer process of other small things.

The transfer process is about the locations of documents, various locks related to seals and other secrets of the village.

Suzaku did not bother to attend this nonsense.

Even if third Hokage lied and did not speak about the important things Suzaku was sure that he can take on anything.

With the confidence the clone of Suzaku continued with its task that was assigned by Suzaku before.

On the other hand Suzaku went to an isolated island in the coastal area near the former Uzumaki clan location.

There he started to experiment.

There is a clone beside him for protection just in case if it is needed.

A barrier to contain energy was erected around Suzaku and soon the entire thing is enclosed with Suzaku inside the barrier.

First Suzaku sent the chakra of the 1 tail into the chakra seed.

Then two tails and then 3 tails………

When the number reached 8 tails Suzaku is already overwhelmed by the amount of energy it has become.

He directly unlocked the three gates of the 8 gates techniques.

Immediately the situation stabilized.

Suzaku’s clone on the outside started to accumulate the natural energy and sent it to Suzaku through a wooden branch connection between them.

This stabilized the situation to completely normal state.

The finally Suzaku combined the chakra of all the 8 tailed beasts and balanced it.

There is only 9 tails chakra left and to get it Suzaku has to talk to Kushina.

It is a dangerous process as the power of 9 tails is on the same level of the combined strength of the remaining 8 tailed beats.

Fortunately there is sealing technique and other things are available for Suzaku right now.

Also he doesn’t want to integrate the 9 tails right now because it was very strong and rampant.

After getting to know the power Suzaku would find a day to add the chakra of the 9 tails into his body.

Getting the chakra of the 9 tails is not a hard thing without doing anything to Kushina.

As long as he used the Rinnegan he can do that easily.

After completing the process with the 8 tails that took around a week Suzaku returned back to the hidden leaf village.

During this time Tsunade became the fourth Hokage and there is no opposition from the people in the village.

Suzaku came to Tsunade to talk while sending all the Anbu in the Hokage’s office away.

“I have something important to speak with Tsunade sensei, all the Anbu go away from here immediately.”

Suzaku gave a small order releasing his strong energy.

Immediately all the Anbu ninja in the area left like scattered flies.

Then Suzaku spoke with Tsunade.

“Tsunade sensei, you have become the Hokage.

How are you feeling?”

Tsunade knows that the one that is dealing with all the things these days was not Suzaku but his clone.

Now that Suzaku is speaking differently then she was sure that it was the real person.

She wanted to know where Suzaku has gone for so long without saying a word to her.

But before she could speak two big hands lifted her up easily from her chair as if she is a little cat.

The Suzaku sat on the Hokage seat and put Tsunade to sit on his lap.

Tsunade immediately swallowed what she wanted say and her face turned red.

Suzaku pulled her closure and directly kissed her right then and there.

Tsunade resisted a little fearing that someone would see.

But she immediately remembered that Suzaku sent all the Anbu in the area leave here before kissing her.

So she blushed more and cooperated with kissing Suzaku.

They continued like this for a while.

Suzaku’s hands are not honest and they went to play with the bountiful tits of Tsunade from over the clothes.

Tsunade started to moan while kissing.

Chapter 410: Assassination attempt by the shadow clone of third Hokage

Suzaku’s hands are not honest and they went to play with the bountiful tits of Tsunade from over the clothes.

Tsunade started to moan while kissing.

Suzaku played with her for a while before telling her the news about the recent situation of the other villages that are preparing for the next war.

“Do you know the discussions of hidden sand village with other villages have failed in the formation of alliance?

Since they did not have a choice they chose to cooperate with the salamander from the land of rain.

They seem to form a conclusion today.

The one that went to talk with the alliance of the hidden rock, hidden mist and hidden cloud villages is the disciple of third Kazekage.

His name Rasa, he is good at using the gold dust style sand technique.

But he is arrogant and cunning and the hidden sand village lost their jinchūriki.

With all these things considered he failed to join the alliance of the other three villages.

On the other hand the one that was sent to speak with salamander from the land of rain is a woman called Pakura.

She seems to be able to almost succeed in convincing the salamander.

If she succeeded then we will have another front to cover in the battle….”

In the original plot Pakura was first sent to talk with the hidden mist village to form alliance and then Rasa used some underhanded methods to attack her.

She would be lured towards the hidden cloud village and killed on the way and then they pushed the blame towards the hidden stone village.

Based on the Suzaku’s estimate she would definitely succeed in the current mission to convince the salamander of the land of rain.

Then she would also do a good job in the sneak attack.

Base on the structure she would be attacking the ninja in the group of third Hokage that would go to hidden cloud village.

Then she would think of a way to propose alliance again.

It is actually a good plan based on the current situation.

Suzaku explained all of this to Tsunade and they have directly decided that third Hokage and the four clans that follow him to be dead people.

Well an attack from the front and behind would be extremely dangerous even for third Hokage.

Even the second Hokage was unable to come back from the encirclement of many ninja.

So things would happen just like that.

Most probably Pakura when going for the talk of the alliance with the hidden cloud village would die just like that in the original plot again.

Well many things change but the final results are still the same as that of the original plot.

The world still tries its best to bring back the entire thing back to the original plot.


This is not the only one that Suzaku observed.

He has taken Kushina to his side and Karen is also with him after the rescue.

But Suzaku doesn’t know from where Minato found another Uzumaki clan women but he got another red head with him.

He seems to have brought her back from a mission and brought her into the village in the name of protecting the Uzumaki clan people.

Well this was accepted by the third Hokage few days ago.

Suzaku asked Kushina and found that the woman that Minato brought back is called Korra and she knows Korra.

Korra is supposed to be the daughter of one of the elders of the Uzumaki clan with good comprehension with the seals.

Also Jiraiya took Minato as his disciple just like that in the plot.

Well he did ask Suzaku for permission and Suzaku doesn’t mind.

It is all natural.

Suzaku returned back to his home and played with his wives for the next few days.

All the proceedings would be done by his clones that are almost all over the world right now.

Because of the wood clones they can regenerate their chakra after usage.

The chakra that Suzaku used would also regenerate over time.

Because of this Suzaku did not lose any chakra at all and directly have an army of clones ready for the battle at any given time.

In a month the situation between the villages became tense.

Third Hokage did not have a choice right now because of being forced by Suzaku.

One of these days third Hokage sent his shadow clone wanting to attack Suzaku secretly.

He even wanted to use the ghoul seal to directly trap Suzaku’s soul.

Suzaku just finished playing with his wives and put them to sleep.

After that he came out of the house looking at the darkness on the moon less night.

Everything is quite except for the sound of few insects around the area.

Suzaku has already sensed the existence of the shadow clone of the third Hokage.

If needed Suzaku’s clone would have intercepted it and destroyed the shadow clone of the third Hokage on the spot.

Suzaku wanted to see what the shadow clone of third Hokage can do.

Also Suzaku wanted to see if he can control the shadow clone of other people to do what he wanted to do.

For that Suzaku is going to try the trick tonight.

Soon the shadow clone of third Hokage appeared and watched Suzaku that was sitting on a bench drinking wine in the moonless night.

Third Hokage knows that Suzaku is not that easy to handle and cannot kill him with just a shuriken.

So he wanted to see if he can poison the wine that Suzaku is drinking.

For that the shadow clone slowly climbed to the top of the tree right above Suzaku.

When Suzaku placed the wine cup to the side, the shadow clone used the due on the leaves of the tree to mix the small amount of deadly poison.

Then let it naturally drop down into the wine cup that Suzaku is currently drinking from right now.


Leonel Gutierrez

This naruto arc was disappointing almost a complete copy of naruto villain system just mentioning players once every 3 to 4 chapters

Souryourer Fate

Don't worry there will be another Naruto track at higher rings, I just made it like that to just connect things in the future