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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 361: making a deal with lord Beckett

Mohini has divided two clones that stayed on her ark ship and the interceptor while her main body went along with the crew of the black pearl.

Mohini would not let her women to be seen by others so Mohini did not let Elizabeth enter and she went along with Barbossa.

While they are chatting with Sao Feng, he showed will that was caught trying to steal the charts of Mao Kun.

But he was caught in the process.

While the atmosphere is becoming tense between the two parties the soldiers of Lord Beckett started to make their sudden attack operation.

Well will got the charts during the commotion and made a deal with Sao Feng.

The spy of Lord Beckett listened to all of this and did not attack them at this moment.

The two twin beauties beside Sao Feng died in the hands of the spy Mercer.

Well it is a sad thing but some things are inevitable some times.

They got the ship to leave and the entire port was set on fire.

Mohini and the people left this place as quickly as they could and her clones moved her ships from a distance away.

None of them asked for the ships of Mohini as they never saw her original ark ship other than the interceptor that Mohini used from time to time.

Also the interceptor is also not there after they came to Singapore.

Well they all set sail on a single ship.

Lord cutler Beckett did not get the heart of Davy Jones so the things in the future would change a little.

For this Mohini has to give deliver the heart of Davy Jones to lord Beckett.

That is the correction of the plot.

Even if Mohini doesn’t want to do this she has to because the system would create some difficulties to Mohini.

So that she would return the plot back to normal.

After making sure that her ship and crew are at safety Mohini’s clone moved to have a deal with cutler Beckett.

He cannot be trusted so Mohini prepared a special contract and the equivalent materials to get from the hands of Lord Beckett.

What Mohini wants from them are the diamonds, gemstones, knowledge books and special artifacts that east India Company is hoarding from their colonies.

Mohini is fearless because they can do nothing with the heart of Davy Jones in the hands of Mohini.

If they tried to do something to Mohini then make Flying Dutchman attack every single merchant and navy vessel of the east India Company would be sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

With the warning from Mohini they all calmed down and even lord Beckett calmed his excitement.

But he still has a question to ask.

Why is Mohini wanted to give the heart of Davy Jones to him?

Mohini simply smiled and said.

“Do you know the name of my ship?

It is called fate and I act according to the will of fate.

Sometimes some things belong to a different place.

Soon this heart should be in your hands to continue the will of the world.

But that doesn’t stop me from destroying it.

So I have two choices, one is to let the heart of Davy Jones return to you or to destroy it to let the world take a new path.

I usually prefer the known circumstances rather than the unknown circumstances.

Also the letters of Marque are in my hands and I can easily get away from anything that could happen.

So now it is time for you to make a decision.

Giving me the things that they have collected now for their future ugly business is a better deal, if I say so myself.

What do you thing mister Beckett?”

Mohini’s clone said.

Just like that Mohini’s clone started its negotiation with Lord Beckett, Mohini’s other clone has led her ship and crew to land at the port they constructed on the Treasure Island.

They hid the ark ship first and then used the interceptor to collect the items from Lord Beckett.

Well there is pursuit form the navy but the navy ships were directly sunk into the water by Mohini.

Davy Jones doesn’t know that his heart changed hands.

So, Lord Beckett cannot command him directly before making contact with Davy Jones.

Mohini’s interceptor went around few times before going to hiding.

With the materials and artifacts all loaded into the Treasure Island.

Titia has made the entire Treasure Island into a fortress during this time.

Even if there is a fleet of ships they might not be able to set foot on the island.

Also none of the weapons can be seen by the people outside unless they set foot on the island to check in person.

Candy became a merchant using her connection and her body to get out of the sticky situation.

The other players are also the same.

No one wants to enter Davy Jones locker because they don’t know if they could return back.

On the other hand Mohini was more concerned about is that her clones cannot be maintained in the world outside while her real body enters the Davy Jones locker.

Well this was solved from the information from the simulation and she doesn’t have to fear about the connection with the clones.

As long as Davy Jones is on the other side was alive there will be a small opening connecting these two places.

That was enough to maintain her clones.

But she cannot communicate with them for the time when she is inside the Davy Jones locker.


Mohini’s main body has travelled to the end of the world to enter the Davy Jones locker.

At the same time Mohini is keeping an eye on Mao Kun map to see the right time to steal it.

This is her target for coming here anyway.

When they reached the waterfall at the end of the world Mohini held the…….

Chapter 362: Mohini was mistaken as calypso

This is her target for coming here anyway.

When they reached the waterfall at the end of the world Mohini held the fixed part of the ship hard and also held on to the Mao Kun map.

While jack is having his hallucinations Mohini and the group arrived at the Davy Jones locker.

There is nothing here other than the parts of their wreaked ship.

Jack was having a fit with the people after finding that he is not hallucinating.

Well the Mao Kun Map was taken by the little monkey jack from Mohini’s hands after the big fall just now.

Mohini did not mind as they still have to get out of this place before doing anything.

She will take the map when they ship is about to return back to the normal world.

So for now she waited for jack to select his crew and other things.

When he is choosing people he came in front of Mohini and said.

“A partner you are that came to help me back aye.”

They were back on the ship where jack and Barbossa started to fight for the captain position on the ship.

Mohini on the other hand is enjoying under the sun as usual.

She put on a bikini and asked the other pirates to rub some oil on her body from time to time.

She was like a queen instead of a pirate that came to this god forsaken place.

The day time passed by quickly and during the night the sea is filled with all kinds of souls.

Fortunately Mohini made plans for governor Swann.

If not he would be one of the souls of the dead people in this place.

Looking at many people that dies and there are so many beauties among them Mohini sighed.

“Sadly this world is cruel to everyone.

May their souls be at peace and never born in the ugly world?

Even if they are born, they should be blessed to find a strong man to protect them.

Well if they were born in a world of bitches then it would be better as they can have the pleasure their entire life.”

Mohini said looking at the dead.

Mohini was always keeping an eye on the map just waiting for the time to come to steal it perfectly.

On the other hand the sun started to set where water and rum on the ship are almost empty.

Jack came up with the idea to rock the ship and let it be upside down.

After they returned to the real world Mohini set her words to her clone that is waiting at the island where the kraken should originally die.

That is where they went to resupply their fresh water resource.

During that time Mohini stole the Mao Kun map and transferred it to her clone.

The map cannot be put in space but that doesn’t mean that it cannot be stolen.

As long as it was in Mohini’s possession till the end of the fantasy world she can directly become its owner.

Well this is what you can expect from the world of pirates and thieves.

Mohini returned to the ship and Captain Sao Feng and his crew appeared at the right moment.

Well will has his plans for this.

The story followed the plot but there is one small difference as that in place of Elizabeth, Mohini is present.

She was mistaken as calypso.

Well Mohini don’t mind and acted high and mighty.

So the captain Sao Feng asked them to hand her over to him.

Mohini happily went to the other ship without saying a word and she gave some signal to Tai Dalma about their plan.

At the same time Barbossa did not have any thoughts of stopping Mohini as they had a deal of their own.

Well Mohini accepted to go along to the ship the empress but she was a prisoner.

But can prisons really hold back Mohini.

She was invite by Sao Feng for the dinner.

She was given a new dress to wear.

But Mohini cut the dress short at specified places making it as bitchy as she possibly can.

She came to have some fun with Sao Feng.

She did not waste time and directly got into business.

Unfortunately right when he was about to cum in her pussy, a cannon ball came over out of nowhere and took him away.

As they expected the Flying Dutchman ship appeared and started to fire.

The shot fatally injured Sao Feng and Mohini was the only one present at the right time to receive the nine pieces of 8 and the captaincy of the ship the empress.

Mohini has already planned that when Sao Feng dies the position of the pirate lord and the captaincy of this ship would belong to her.

She got the position quickly and easily.

When Tai Huang appeared and asked Mohini of what are the dying words of his captain Sao Feng.

She told him that they should follow Mohini and this ship comes under his ship.

The position of the pirate lord was given to Mohini.

Tai Huang did not like it so left the room silently after removing his hat.

The pirates of the ship empress are not rejecting her because of her beauty.

Immediately Mohini got the notification that she got the authority of the ship but it was only temporary.

But when Davy Jones asked them who their captain is, they all pointed at Mohini directly because of fear.

Mohini immediately decided that this crew is useless to her and did not want to take any of them with her.

Unfortunately Davy Jones or his crew cannot harm Mohini as the part of their last agreement.

Because of that Davy Jones held his hands back.

There is still Tai Dalma also know as calypso to deter Davy Jones with his heart currently on the black pearl nearby ship.

Davy Jones cannot stop his love for calypso.

Chapter 363: Mohini became the king of pirates

There is still Tai Dalma also know as calypso to deter Davy Jones with his heart currently on the black pearl nearby ship.

Davy Jones cannot stop his love for calypso.

So things are complicated.

Norrington was also here and Mohini went to speak to him.

Mohini still had the letters of Marque on her hand and no one can stop her right now.

As long as Mohini took the letters out and also the letter with the seal of the king on it the other soldiers were stopped from doing anything.

Norrington personally checked the letter and the Mark of the king.

With that Mohini was free to go.

So he sailed away leaving Norrington and Davy Jones with Mohini being the captain.

The deal between Mohini and Davy Jones is that all of her crew and ships are exempted from being hunted by Davy Jones or his ship or his crew.

Any way everything belongs to Mohini based on the previous contract.

So there is nothing they can do to stop Mohini.

The ship the empress sailed away towards the shipwreck cove.

Actually jack used the fake compass to make Will think that it was the special compass.

After that, jack sent Will away to lead Lord Beckett towards the shipwreck cove.

Any way they are already close and their destined fighting place is not at the shipwreck cove.

Just outside it.

Soon the Brethren court was assembled at the shipwreck cove.

The pieces of 8 are gathered which looked like some pirate junk.

Mohini came at the right time with Tai Dalma and jack was shocked to find that Mohini became a pirate lord.

Well Barbossa became even more shocked than him.

With his hands on the 9 pieces of 8 Mohini was rightfully a pirate lord.

Mohini’s ark ship along with the interceptor was on the way to shipwreck cove right now.

Since everyone is hear Barbossa started to give out his speech to free calypso.

Also as soon as Mohini arrived with calypso she was imprisoned in the black pearl.

Well her words made the people divided and start to fight between them with different opinions.

It was a complete madness and a mess.

Mohini doesn’t have to say anything as Barbossa and jack would do everything they have to do for their own purpose.

Finally after the madness was stopped the father of jack came over with the code.

Well he is the keeper of the code.

He is quite hot and Mohini has her pussy wet looking at him.

She bit her lip and controlled her lust.

After checking the code it is said that only the pirate king has the right to declare war combining all of the pirate forces.

So jack called for a vote.

Everyone voted for themselves but jack has to vote for Mohini based on their agreement before.

Other than his treasures Mohini also said that jack should help her when needed.

So jack has to vote for Mohini giving Mohini the winning ticket to become the pirate king.

Actually Mohini planned it for a long time for one thing that the Brethren court can give her.

That is the title of the King of pirates.

There are only two fantasy worlds that can give the title of the pirate king.

One is the pirates of the Caribbean and the second is the world of one piece.

It was hard to get the title in both the series as there are certain restrictions.

First after gaining the pirate king title, the title holder should not lose even a single battle as a pirate and also she cannot lose her designated flag ship till the end of the fantasy world.

There are few more conditions that would restrict the player.

At the same time the benefits of the title were also great that can be used in reality and even in the fantasy worlds.

With the vote from jack sparrow, Mohini became the pirate king.

Mohini after coming out of there gave the command of the ship the empress to Tai Huang for managing as she went to her own ship the fate.

No pirates that saw her ship has ever lived to tell anything about it.

Now those people were about to see the flag ship of Mohini.

At dawn when the pirate ships are ready for war, from the fogs beyond them a behemoth appeared that is twice as big as their ships.

Followed by a small vessel that is the interceptor.

The ship was big but it is not slow.

It was black and ash in color with a strange pirate symbol hanging at its top for everyone to look at it.

It is like a floating castle and made the people fear subconsciously.

This is the killing intent of Mohini that was released in the form of intimidation from the title the pirate king.

Even lord Beckett was shocked looking at the ship along with Davy Jones looking at Mohini that is standing at the very front of the ship.

Just as they are looking the ships on the opposite side also appeared slowly.

There are so many ships that they excitement of the people died down.

There is a pre war meeting between the two sides.

This time it was Mohini, Barbossa and jack that went to take a look.

On the other side is the same as in the plot.

It was Davy Jones, will and Lord Beckett.

Mohini proposed a contract to will.

The contract is for him to make Mohini 100 sets of excellent swords with all of his efforts and craftsmanship as a blacksmith.

In return she would take will to their side and kick jack to the side of Davy Jones.

Barbossa wants to stop but the title of the pirate king can let Mohini make the choice.

Well this was considered helping jack for his previous help.

They are in a cooperative relationship.

So things can be moved easily.

Chapter 364: controlling the Flying Dutchmen with debt contract

They are in a cooperative relationship.

So things can be moved easily.

Will was tempted by the plans of jack from before.

So they immediately accepted the exchange.

Will signed the contract proposed by Mohini and he cannot deny it.

Any way he did not have much work on the flying Dutch men ship.

So Mohini would make will make swords for her.

These swords have a special design that is provided by Mohini and William would make them for Mohini.

This is the special design of the modern times that would let her soldiers be fully equipped with strong swords for usage.

Jack went to the Flying Dutchman ship while the final decision of Mohini is to fight against Lord Beckett.

Mohini wanted her ship to move forward and participate in the fight.

Only this way can her ship be truly baptized and get the spirit a ship should have.

Barbossa released calypso and everything looked very calm.

Being the king Mohini has to speak some words to motivate the pirates that fear death.

“You call yourself a pirate with that much timidity,

We pirates are the people of the sea and we are free at sea without any restraints on us.

If you can really win the war you can all fuck me or my woman as you like…


Mohini gave a speech that made her look like the manager of a black company rather than a king.

The crew on her ships the fate and the interceptor started to laugh at Mohini.

They did not show any fear at all as they are all soldiers that played at the edge of life and death.

At the same time Mohini stopped speaking pointing at the sky that the calypso is blessing them with the weather to fight instead of running away.

Everyone looked at the sky that is forming a huge storm and a tornado.

Immediately they started to raise their flags with the words of Mohini.

Then the battle started.

Mohini did not take in the interceptor that had her women and Imhotep to guard the ship.

The interceptor has lots of sand on it for Imhotep to use.

He is not good with water right now so Mohini told him to stay there and guard.

The ark ship did not enter into the waters instead it stood by like a mountain right beside the whirlpool.

Calypso would not do anything to her ship as they had a deal before so compared to everyone Mohini and her ship is the most stable.

In a way king would not do the fighting directly unless he is the last member standing to fight.

Well the king is the last line and the strongest line of defense of a country both physically and morally.

So she did not go down into the waters.

Instead the black pearl did as Barbossa moved the control of the ship.

Also Mohini did not shoot at anyone as it is a dual between the two ships black pearl and Flying Dutchman.

By the end of the fight will died becoming the captain of the Flying Dutchman while the black pearl returned back.

Jack returned stylishly flying using one of the sails of the Flying Dutchman ship.

There is no Elizabeth clinging on to him this time, but the monkey jack is still there.

The HMS Endeavour started to make its way towards the black pearl with its cannons ready.

Mohini on the other hand smiled and told the crew to get ready to attack.

Immediately over 100 cannons on the ship the fate was ready to fire.

The men are very experienced and Mohini has already told them where the powder kegs in the HMS Endeavour are present.

Also all the weaknesses including mast and other parts were also notified by Mohini.

Now the 50 cannons on one side are pointing at various locations of HMS Endeavour.

At that time the sunken Flying Dutchman ship came out of the water but they are of no use.

Mohini gave the orders to fire as soon as HMS Endeavour was in the firing range of their cannons.





Immediately 50 different location of HMS Endeavour were shot leaving the crew in disarray.

They wanted to fight back but Mohini’s ship turned sideways at a fastest speed which is actually strange for a ship of that size.

Then another 50 cannons shot into HMS Endeavour making it look like Swiss cheese.

Because of accurately hitting the powder kegs inside the ship, there are also internal explosions making the ship blast away.

With that the ship HMS Endeavour directly sank.

Mohini felt bad that she did not take the materials of this ship.

Well she let that go and pointed her cannons at the remaining fleet of Lord Beckett.

Also for killing lord Beckett, Mohini received special reward from the system.

The remaining ships of the fleet of Lord Beckett flee away from the battle.


William wants to look for Elizabeth to give his heart to her.

Unfortunately for him, Mohini was in the way.

Even with the Flying Dutchman ship under his command he did not have a chance to get the anything from Mohini or damage her ship.

He is just a new captain of Flying Dutchman.

Before they sank away Mohini looked at William turner and said.

“Captain Turner, this is the contract that I had with the Flying Dutchman.

Now you have to pay the debt being the captain of the ship.

If you cannot pay them I can take over the Flying Dutchman ship.”

The expression of William turner and his crew was strange.

But they cannot do anything.

Even if they are dead they cannot escape from the clutches of debt.

So they decided to serve under Mohini to pay off as interest and debt.

Well Mohini accepted that and took the chest that holds the heart of William turner as insurance.

With them gone Mohini went to take the ship…….

Chapter 365: fountain of youth for players

Well Mohini accepted that and took the chest that holds the heart of William turner as insurance.

With them gone Mohini went to take the ship the empress as she was the captain of the ship.

She got into an agreement with Tai Huang, that the ship is leased to him along with the pirate lord title that Mohini got before from Sao Feng.

With that Mohini let them go and the pirates were all dispersed to their respective places.

Mohini still has the pirate lord title and she sailed away with the black pearl.

Mohini silently stole the Mao Kun map during the skirmish and it is now in her hands.

Neither jack nor Barbossa had the map on their hands.

But they had fakes on their hands that they think as the real thing.

Also jack did not even have a compass on his hand.

So for their next adventure they have to depend on Mohini.

Mohini and the group returned to Port Royal where governor Swann took the command once again.

Mohini’s ships and the black pearl returned to Port Royal.

At that time the third part ended and the fantasy system asked Mohini if she wants to continue.

Mohini nodded her head as she is going to meet Veena soon.

Well she already met her in the previous thing when she went around to London to search some things at the library there.

She is acting as a researcher and her target is to go out for the search of fountain of youth and the trident as a researcher.

There are other members from the same team as her.

Well the men interested in her were very vigilant of Mohini when she spoke to her.

They even alarmed the guards to capture Mohini.

Unfortunately nothing worked for them as the guards would pee their pants looking at Mohini.

Mohini is a pirate that is rumored to be so dangerous on the same level of captain jack sparrow and Flying Dutchman.

So now Mohini is going to get her when she starts with her exploration of fountain of youth.

Mohini on the other hand has to keep captain black beard in check.

If possible she wanted to take his sword and his Ship.

At that time the selection of choice for the start of the forth part is over and at that time the surroundings of Mohini changed.

First the black pearl is gone, jack is gone, and jack’s crew is also gone.

At the same time the memories of the gap between the two parts started to appear in his mind.

Also at Port Royal there are other ships appearing one after the other.

These ships are all ark ships that belong to the strong players.

Mohini already hid her ark ship and only interceptor is present here.

Mohini looked at the new arrivals that are around 3 ships that are at the same level of HMS Endeavour.

Mohini looked at them with peace of mind as she can see that these people should have taken the parts of HMS Endeavour to remodel their ark ships.

Mohini mixed in with others and started to gain some information using her body as a bitch to get the attention of these players.

Candy is not here.

She should be at London right now.

Most probably she would try to separate jack and Angelica and get jack along with the fountain of youth.

Yes this time players can get the fountain of youth.

Drinking the water from the fountain of youth with mermaid tears would give them, young appearance and extra 100 years of life span.

But it would not change any stats or genetic essence.

The old monsters that are hanging to their lives to move to the next ring upgrading their tier would need this.

But for this they have to go through the entire plot and get their hands on the fountain of youth from the hands of black beard and others.

It was a long process and a hard one to complete.

Any small mishap would lead to their deaths as the black beard would not even trust or care for the life of his own daughter for his youth and life.

So that is how things are.

Also the stats of black beard should be high but it also has some vulnerability in some places.

The most valuable things that people can get from black beard are his sword, ship and finally his knowledge on black magic.

Well using his black magic he was able to seal the black pearl in a small bottle along with its crew.

That is how powerful he is.

Mohini did not have any interest in angelica or jack.

They are very unstable in their character and Mohini doesn’t want them.

Also Mohini was more interested in mermaids.

Not the one that was captured but the leader mermaids with blue fins that are even immune to the trident of Poseidon.

Mohini wants to strike a bargain with them into taking the mermaids all for her.

She wants to take the entire mermaid community that works under the sirens.

Mohini doesn’t know how they look but Mohini wants to take them because of 4 important reasons.

Mermaids are extremely beautiful and she likes them.

Mermaids are the fastest known creatures in the sea.

Mermaids can help detect and even communicate with the strong sea monsters before they attack.

Mermaids can deter sea monsters to some extent.

As long as the leaders of the community accept Mohini can take their entire island and add it to his ark island.

This is what Mohini wanted to do later to get them all

Previously Mohini cannot enter the Isla Sirena even if she enters the Davy Jones locker.

Now the Davy Jones locker belongs to will turner and with the command she had on will Mohini can enter that place to have a chat with the mermaid leaders.

This will be her first target for the time being.


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