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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 91: Jonathan makes his appearance

So Jonathan gave up on the eyes of basilisk.

The phoenix did not leave instead it came to the side of Jonathan.

Jonathan also did not send it away

The moment basilisk lost its eyes Jonathan slowly walked over into the chamber of secrets.

He made sure that no one noticed Jonathan.

The phoenix was waiting outside for the time being.

It comes again to save Harry later.

Jonathan has many uses for Harry and he doesn’t want the protagonist to die so easily.

The luck of the protagonist is the best thing to get more opportunities and treasures.

All Jonathan has to do is to send Harry towards the danger and the opportunity would come out on its own.

It is more like Harry is a treasure and opportunity sniffing dog in the hands of Jonathan.

So Harry has to survive this crisis.

But the credit has to go to Jonathan.

Here is one thing that Jonathan did not understand.

For some reason this snake type creature basilisk that did not have any ears can actually hear the sounds.

Most probably author or the god of this world that is in charge of doing the maintenance work is stupid.

Well it is none of Jonathan’s business of what happens here.

All he has to do is to wait for Harry to kill the basilisk.

It did not take long Harry and basilisk to go around in circles.

After several missed strikes from the blinded Basilisk, it strikes again, right at him this time.

But Harry plunges the sword into the roof of the Basilisk's mouth, killing it.

However, one of its poisonous fangs sinks into his arm, injecting a deadly poison.

They fell down right beside the still unconscious Ginny and the illusionary image of Tom riddle.

This is the queue when Jonathan should appear.

Because right at that time Ginny would gain her consciousness for a little while.

Also Jonathan plan to kill the soul piece of Tom riddle here and see if there are any benefits from this from the villain system.

Villains are hunted by both protagonists and other villains.

At the same time Jonathan can also gain benefits for defeating, killing and spoiling the plans of both villains and protagonists.

There are also heroines and supporting characters.

Everything could give Jonathan benefits in one way or the other.

So he quickened his steps and came to Tom riddle.

Then Jonathan pulled the wand in the hands of Tom riddle.

The water is turbulent because of the fall of the basilisk and its death struggle.

So Jonathan was not noticed by anyone.

Jonathan directly snatched the wand in his hand first and then removed the cloak that is covering him.

Harry that was lying on the ground looked shocked by the sudden appearance of Jonathan.

Tom riddle was also startled and asked.

“Who the hell are you?

Wait I know you, from that girls memories.

You are called Jonathan from the black family right.

What are you doing here?”

Jonathan looked at Voldemort for a moment and said with a mocking smile.

“If you want the answers then come directly to find them instead of being a piece of memory.

Also I don’t really care much about idiotic half bloods like you.

I am not like those morons that blindly followed you.

Even some muggle born people are better than you.

Remember I am Jonathan black.

Come to me and talk to me face to face instead of being a coward.

Also, remember not to send your cronies to me.

If I find someone I would kill them directly.”

Jonathan is not idle while speaking as he moved to take the diary and went to the basilisk that finally fell into its eternal slumber.

At that time Tom riddle has an aggrieved expression on his face because Jonathan rubbed salt on his sour wound about his origins.

He just explained to Harry that he left behind his human origins.

But Jonathan did not consider that and called him half blood.

This made him angry and started to shake wildly.

Because of this he did not notice that Jonathan is taking the life diary of Tom riddle towards the basilisk.

Only when Jonathan put the diary of Tom riddle between the fangs of basilisk did he noticed the situation.

His expression immediately changed into

“No, don’t do that…..”

But before he could speak Jonathan hit the head of the basilisk.

Immediately the diary was pierced by the fangs of basilisk because of the reflexive action.

When the nerve of a newly dead snake is stimulated, the channels in the nerve will open up, allowing ions to pass through.

This creates an electrical impulse that enables the muscle to carry out a reflexive action, like a bite

This is what Jonathan used instead of trying the pierce the diary with the fang of the snake slowly.

Immediately the blood flowed out of the diary at the same time the spirit body of Tom riddle got many holes slowly making him disintegrate.

Tom riddle made the endless No’s while all of this is happening.

On the other hand Ginny woke up for a moment and Jonathan appeared in front of her with the words he gave to Tom riddle.

“Now that it is over you can die and leave Ginny for good.

Do ever put your thought on any woman around me….”

Jonathan noticed the eye opening of Ginny and said there words for her to hear.

When she fainted again Jonathan did not care about her and went to Harry first.

Harry was in dazed state not knowing what Jonathan is speaking.

Jonathan did not help Harry immediately instead he cast a silencing ward around them and then spoke.

“You have promised me that you would give me credit for one incident or event right.

I want you to give me credit for the current incident for killing the basilisk.

Don’t worry; I will not let you die……..”

Chapter 92: deep hug from molly Weasley

“You have promised me that you would give me credit for one incident or event right.

I want you to give me credit for the current incident for killing the basilisk.

Don’t worry; I will not let you die.

Since you took the oath I have told you what I want.

You cannot tell anyone about what you did as everything you did to kill basilisk is my credit.

Instead you are only a hindrance in the entire thing.

This is the story you should stick to.”

Jonathan said to Harry that was in pain from the fang that pierced his hand.

Jonathan pulled out the fang from the arm of Harry and then called the phoenix over to heal the wound of Harry with its tears.

Jonathan took the fang and the phoenix standing on his other hand looked very majestic.

Right at that time the other professors has finally arrived.

They saw the scene where Jonathan saved Harry and let the phoenix drop few tears onto the wound of Harry.

Jonathan as if he did not notice anything dropped the fang on the side and cleaned his hands with water that he augmented.

He cleaned his hand before going to check the situation Ginny.

Right then Ron arrived and shouted.

“Don’t touch my sister,

What have you done to Harry?”

He asked and ran into the chamber of secrets in a hurry.

Suddenly he saw the giant serpent corpse shocking him.

He tripped and fell on his face.

Jonathan was amused and did not care about him at all.

He simply checked the situation of Ginny and then spoke to the rushing professors.

“Everything is alright.

She is just exhausted.

Harry got his hand pierced by basilisk’s fang.

Fortunately the phoenix came here in time.

Its tears have saved him.

But they need medical attention quickly.

Professors if you take care of this I have something important to report to professor Dumbledore.”

Jonathan said and went to take the diary from the fangs of the dead basilisk.

Then he was taken away from here by the phoenix just like Dumbledore apparate from the castle under the investigation of ministry of magic.

Ron widened his mouth so much that you can put a wooden log inside without a problem.

Harry and Ginny were still unconscious right now.

Jonathan appeared in the head master’s room.

Right then Dumbledore arrived back from something that distracted him that day.

When he returned Jonathan explained the situation to him with the diary on his hand.

Jonathan spoke about Tom riddle and Voldemort shocking Dumbledore a little.

Dumbledore took the diary and checked it feeling the dark magic energy and sinister soul energy.

While he was checking professor Mcgonagall, professor Snape and professor Flitwick returned from the hospital wing.

Jonathan immediately asked how Ginny is doing.

Professor Mcgonagall said that she is fine and nothing happened to her.

Jonathan nodded his head.

Right now other than Ginny, Gilderoy and Harry are also in the hospital wing.

This is not a good year for Harry as he got hits and beatings from almost everything.


Things have finally calmed down.

Jonathan after the professors left asked Dumbledore if he could take the extracts from the basilisk.

Dumbledore don’t mind as Jonathan has made a big contribution to the entire thing based on the information.

Jonathan returned back to the chamber of secrets that very day and then quickly got all the useful things from the basilisk.

He can make many useful artifacts and other things with these bones, flesh, body parts, and skin.

Everything is useful in one way or the other.

After getting everything, Jonathan returned back to the room of requirements and continued with his research.

From time to time he comes to the hospital wing and visit Ginny, Hermoine and Penelope.

They woke up and got better within a week from the incident with basilisk.

Rita Skeeter that was there that day made two big articles.

First is the article related to Gilderoy, about faked all of his adventures and now lost his memory.

Second is about Jonathan that saved Harry and solved the case related to chamber of secrets from 50 years.

Jonathan also told Dumbledore to clear off the charges related to Hagrid.

Later Hagrid came to Harry and apologized to Jonathan.

Previously Hagrid was not in good terms with Jonathan because Hagrid felt that Jonathan is the son of the traitor and murderer Sirius black.

Now he heard that Jonathan not only solved the case but also asked the authorities to release Hagrid.

For this he was grateful to Jonathan and changed his opinion of Jonathan for the better.

This is good news to Jonathan because with the help of Hagrid many things can be done without much effort.

Also next year is the one when Sirius would escape out of the Azkaban and at that time Jonathan can prove his innocence.

With that Jonathan’s bad name would be gone for good.

Also during this time Jonathan met with Arthur and molly that heard about the incident related to their daughter.

They found that Jonathan saved their daughter and they thanked Jonathan from the bottom of their hearts.

They also found that Jonathan saved Harry at that time.

The best things here is that Jonathan got a deep hug from molly.

She is not like that in the movie instead she is more like Ginny and her body is really good.

The hug has already suffocated Jonathan because of the deep cleavage.

Jonathan tried his best to control his image and did not show the lustful look.

Instead he acted innocent to cover things up.

Jonathan simply accepted their gratitude and then let them leave.

Jonathan did not notice that molly has actually become interested in Jonathan.

This world might appear to be the world of Harry potter but they are fundamentally different by a large margin.

It is especially so for the appearances of the beauties and also many incidents that has deeper roots and changes.

Chapter 93: dobby is free

This world might appear to be the world of Harry potter but they are fundamentally different by a large margin.

It is especially so for the appearances of the beauties and also many incidents that has deeper roots and changes.

Jonathan simply stated that Ginny is not at fault of any of this and something happened by chance.

Jonathan did not reveal about Lucius using the diary of Tom riddle right now.

It did would not have any value to him to use that information here.

Also for some reason Arthur did not seem to think badly of Jonathan being hugged by molly.

This was observed by Jonathan feeling that something was actually very wrong here.

But Jonathan was sure that all the children of Arthur and molly are their own and molly did not cheat.

This means that something should have happened after the birth of Ginny their last child.

Jonathan started to doubt some things and decided to check things out later.

After they thanked Jonathan, they left here quickly.

Molly turned around and looked at Jonathan a second time with her beautiful eyes and left.

Jonathan really felt that something is wrong here and even doubted if the couple that came is Arthur and molly from the Weasley family.

After they left Harry and Ron arrived here trying to defend Ginny.

But he did not take credit about any of this and only became a hindrance.

Previously Dumbledore left to the ministry because he was actually dismissed by the play of Lucius from the previous allegations that Jonathan made.

But Dumbledore used some tricks to get back the position of the head master.

While they are talking, Lucius barged in suddenly into the office room without knocking on the door.

He was outraged that Dumbledore has returned to the school after being dismissed.

Dumbledore calmly responds that the governors had asked him to return once they heard that Arthur Weasley's daughter was attacked.

Apparently they had been blackmailed by Malfoy to vote for Dumbledore's dismissal in the first place under Malfoy's threat of cursing their families.

Dobby follows Lucius into the room, thus showing that his masters are the Malfoy family to Harry.

Harry doesn’t know that dobby belongs to Malfoy family till now.

Dumbledore and Malfoy have a calm but deep exchange of words with strong burning sensation between them.

During this time Dumbledore and Harry with the help of Dobby's unspoken hints found that that incident related to Tom riddle diary is related to Lucius Malfoy.

Jonathan is still there but he did not speak about this matter.

Lucius has sneaked the Tom Riddle's diary which is one of his illegal artifacts into Ginny's school things during the fight with Arthur at Flourish and Blotts.

Jonathan has the photo but taking it out now would expose that he is the one that extorted half of Malfoy’s wealth with this image.

Lucius did this to frame Ginny for the attacks, with heavy implications on the Muggle Protection Act Arthur Weasley has been suggesting.

Jonathan also hints Dumbledore about this matter and tells Dumbledore spoke about this theory word by word as if it was nothing.

Malfoy dares Dumbledore to prove his accusation, and while the Headmaster has insufficient evidence to do that.

Dumbledore cautions Malfoy against orchestrating any further such plots, otherwise he is certain that Arthur Weasley would do whatever it took to trace it back to Malfoy family.

When Lucius was about to leave Jonathan used the trick that Harry should use in the original plot to free dobby from the master servant relation with Malfoy family.

Lucius became so angry that he wanted to attack Jonathan.

Unfortunately in the next moment four beings appeared out of nowhere.

Harry has the protagonist template to protect him.

Jonathan did not have any.

So he has to use his charm to gain the support of the house elves of Hogwarts.

With his good relationship with the house elves at Hogwarts Jonathan got the protection of house elves of Hogwarts.

It is a form of blessing.

They can help him and protect him as long as Jonathan is the student at Hogwarts and present at Hogwarts, they would protect him.

Because of this when Lucius tried to attack Jonathan, before Dumbledore could react, four old house elves appeared and repelled the attack of Lucius.

They did not attack Lucius instead they protected Jonathan.

With a barrier that reflected the attack back to Lucius sending him back flying to hit the wall.

This caused him new back pain that would last for months.

Well he is angry but he could not do anything to Jonathan because of the oath.

Even the attack before is a simply spell he cast in anger.

Also the target of the spell is actually Harry behind Jonathan but the impact would still fall on Jonathan.

This did not violate the oath as the target is not Jonathan.

But still Jonathan is cautious so that he would not get any injury intentionally or unintentionally.

Well what happened has happened and Lucius put his hands on his back and walked out with a pained expression.

He did not forget to give a vicious glance at Jonathan before leaving.

The house elves left immediately after protecting Jonathan.

They can move freely in Hogwarts.

On the other hand Jonathan talked to dobby to become his employee along with Kreacher and others.

Jonathan also talked about the salary for dobby and they came to a conclusion quickly.

On the other hand Harry and Dumbledore chatted on the side.

Ron did not have anything so he was sent back first.

After they simple chat Harry left and dobby went to meet with Kreacher with the letter from Jonathan.

With the things solved and having good gains Jonathan was very happy.

He followed Dumbledore to the hospital wing to meet with Hermoine, Penelope and Ginny.

Unlike in the story plot she did not walk around the moment Tom riddle died.

Chapter 94: Patronus saint charm

He followed Dumbledore to the hospital wing to meet with Hermoine, Penelope and Ginny.

Unlike in the story plot she did not walk around the moment Tom riddle died.

It took some time to get better.

They are all fine and got discharged from the hospital wing.

Today they are going to hold the year end feast and announcement of the house cup.

Naturally it was won by the Gryffindor again because of the presence of Jonathan.

Jonathan discovered too many things during this time including solving the case of chamber of secrets.

With that Jonathan was awarded with 200 extra house points for all of his exploits.

Not just one it should be around 6 or 7 exploits that gave a total value of 200 house points.

With that Jonathan became famous again.

Also the articles written by Jonathan made him even more famous all over.

With that the year is complete and Jonathan can return back to the Malfoy manner.

Jonathan looked more mature and around a 16 years old person right now.

The reason for this is the extra 5 hours of time he spent using the time turner.

His physical body aged by 2 years more right now after the long time of 5 hours adding every day.

Well it is not a problem but in line with his future plans.

This time when he goes back to meet with Narcissa, Jonathan is going to massage her well.

Well not that massage but a simple massage that would make them move close.

As for the final step, it still needs some time before he takes this step.

He wanted his body to grow completely to start playing.

Only that way he would ensure the full satisfaction of both the parties.

Till then he has to restrain his thoughts a little.

Instead he should think of ways to pull those people into his trap willingly.

He cannot just go to a woman and say.

“Hey Babe, lets fuck.”

Things would not happen like that he needs to prepare enough ground work for those women to willingly become his.

Having fun with an unwilling woman would not be fun.

The happiness is mutual and it is not just physical pleasure.

So Jonathan has to play the tricks in the right order to get all the good things.

In the next few days a series of incidents happened.

First Lucius was fired from his school management board position.

Percy finally could not hold back and proposed to Penelope but she simply put some distance without a clear answer.

She wanted to see if Percy really is as ambitious as Jonathan said to her.

So this summer break did not have breaking news of Percy having a girlfriend.

Percy was in a bad mood at the start but he immediately got over it with his over confidence.

Finally Lockhart was sent to the hospital for treatment of his lost memory.

The books written by various people are found and they were given special treatment for their achievements.

Jonathan’s company got on track to work about the mining processes.

The werewolf’s law on jobs is made and the plan of Jonathan has succeeded.

With the help of Gringotts goblins the business is up and running in profits in just few months.

The profits are falling into his account during this time and Jonathan’s eyes are shining.

From Dumbledore there are many rare materials for his research.

Also Jonathan learnt the Patronus saint charm from Dumbledore before leaving back to home.

This was an important charm.

During this summer vacation Jonathan has to participate in some local competitions related to dueling, charms, transfiguration and potions under various professors.

They would come to Malfoy’s mansion to pick him up at that time.

During this time Jonathan would practice the Patronus charm.

Jonathan did not produce any magical creature with his charm.

It was particularly hard for him to master.

Well his mind is particularly dark to some extent.

So learning this charm is hard for him.

After a week of practice Jonathan finally produced a mythical beast as the Patronus charm.

It was not in blue color like other people produces instead it was pitch black with burning wings that produce white mist.

It is actually a holy dark phoenix.

It produces a divine white mist but the burning with black flame.

It eyes are purple in color with a golden hue.

It is not like those normal Patronus charms.

Jonathan did not show this to anyone and hid it well for now.

There is time for it to come out and show its super appearance to surprise everyone.

Also in this first week Narcissa asked Jonathan if he could massage her.

Her tone appeared high and mighty but her eyes showed a different expression and thought.

Jonathan can see thought it.

This time Jonathan once again suggested massaging her with his special oil.

To his surprise she actually accepted it and asked him to come over immediately.

Well she was aroused for a long time and could not relieve her lust through ordinary means.

She needs the touch of a male but not in that way.

Only a normal touch or massage can solve her problem.

Jonathan brought over the oil and went to the room of Narcissa.

Narcissa cast a ward in her room from being peeped or eavesdrop by other people while Jonathan massaged her.

She took off her clothes, only the upper portion.

Also she did not show her front to Jonathan as she lied down with her face on the bed.

Only her beautiful white back and parts of her front can be visible to Jonathan.

Jonathan applied the oil to his hands and started to massage the back of Narcissa.

Well it was still a normal massage but the cold oil made things spicy making Narcissa more and more hot.

She moaned a little with her trembling body.

But her moans are muffled by the pillow where her face is buried.

Chapter 95: transfiguration tournament

She moaned a little with her trembling body.

But her moans are muffled by the pillow where her face is buried.

Jonathan massaged her back completely without touching anything out of ordinary.

Her body trembled few times and one time her back is arched from the pleasure of the orgasm.

She lost all of her shame about this matter because of not having the good touch for a long time.

But she did not lose her mind and show off her body.

Jonathan also did not move to the next step.

She only enjoyed and Jonathan only massaged.

He massaged her till she slowly fell into deep sleep.

She has a happy smile on her face and Jonathan did not touch her more.

He slowly left from here and returned to his room.

He would be doing this kind of thing for the next few days.

Also the special effects of oil Narcissa became more beautiful and would not get close to other men.

This is the effect that Jonathan wanted to have and has successfully achieved it.

Women usually have the heart of gossip.

Once she becomes beautiful she would want to show off her beauty to other women.

If that woman is close or a little bit tricky then the information of Jonathan would come out.

Jonathan knows the person that would most probably become his next target would be the mother of Blaise Zabini.

That is Mrs. Zabini.

She is extremely hot with super hot curves.

Jonathan has to be careful about her because she might not be purely human.

Based on the deaths of so many men Jonathan can be sure that she is hiding some secrets.

Jonathan doesn’t want to die because of the unknown and want to stay prepared for all kinds of things.

After few days professor Mcgonagall came to the Malfoy mansion to take Jonathan for the transfiguration tournament.

Jonathan was very happy to go and Narcissa did not have any objection.

She did not care about the permission of her husband after living separately for so long.

Also last year Lucius lost half of their wealth along with that he also lost the position of the member in the management board of Hogwarts.

No woman would continue to like a looser man.

So she began to think of a way to secure the life of her son.

She can leave her husband but she could not leave her son.

So her attitude towards Lucius has long been in the decline.

They were even arguing when they talk about these things few days ago.

As for Jonathan that helped her relieve her stress she became fond of him.

Also Jonathan looked very handsome and devilishly charming which is fatal for any women.

Narcissa that likes beautiful and perfect things became interested in Jonathan right now.

Also Jonathan has abundant wealth of the entire black family along with high talent in magical arts.

She was especially interested in his talent related to massaging.

She wanted to see if she can get Jonathan to become her man.

Well it is in a different sense but the final meaning is the same.

She was very confident in her beauty.

But she would not act immediately.

It is a long term process and there are still the death eaters and other nonsense that would happen in the future.

But first of all she has to deal with her husband carefully.

If he is of no use then she would dump him or send him to the god before making other plans.

She took the inspiration of her friend Mrs. Zabini for this kind of things.

Jonathan can easily see thorough her thinking, for this reason he has been acting so accurately without causing any disturbance in the flow.

He has to wait till the fish take the bait.

After that he can do what he wanted to do.


After talking with Narcissa, Mcgonagall took Jonathan and left to the tournament area in the magical society of transfigurations in London.

When he arrived they wanted to check weather Jonathan is under 15 years old.

Well Jonathan proved that he was Jonathan black from the black family with his family emblem and few other things.

Based on the birth records and other things Jonathan should be 14 years old.

So they did not go for the long winded age line and other things.

They only checked to see if Jonathan is pretending to be Jonathan black using any polyjuice potion or something.

After the checks Jonathan was lead to the main room to participate.

All this checking is because Jonathan looked older than the marked age.

It is said that he should be less than 15 years of age and Jonathan is 16 years old physically.

This caused the problem.

Well after a series of tests everything is solved.

In the big testing hall there are over 50 participants from all over the world.

The first round is very simply.

They have to turn a needle into a match stick and make it possible to light.

Turning something into another thing is easy but making the thing function like the natural thing is hard.

Jonathan did that easily and he was the fastest of all the people present.

Well he did inherit the strong genes and memory from those strong people.

So he was very natural at transfigurations.

With the quickly wand waving Jonathan turned the needle into a matchstick and light it on the spot.

This round eliminated around 10 people.

There are 40 remaining.

Well everyone came prepared but the speed at which they can complete the process is different based on their proficiency.

Then the second round began.

Here they have to turn an inanimate object into an animated object.

Like turning a button into a beetle and turning a desk into a pig……

Jonathan once again achieved the best result as he turned a fountain pen into a dragonfly with beautiful rainbow wings.


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