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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 376: Mito died, Tsunade has blood phobia

He has finally awakened the Otsutsuki bloodline, along with his previous efforts and full opening of the power trigger has let him reach the half way point of the sage level.

He should be around or a little below the level of sage of 6 paths in chakra.

But this did not satisfy him as he has to reach the very peak to fight with Kaguya one on one.

One thing is for certain that is he can fight Madara easily with his current capabilities.

What he needed most is the fighting experience of the people like Madara Uchiha.

If he had that then he would be the strongest existence in the ninja world.

With a thought the Rinnegan returned back to normal eyes.

Suzaku did not bother with Jiraiya as he would wake up in a bit and there is no problem around.

After he is done here he returned back the hidden leaf village.

During this time his clone is going around putting on the appearances.

Also Mito died and Kushina became a jinchūriki.

Before she died she told Kushina to trust Suzaku rather than trusting third Hokage of his people.

Kushina did not quite get it but she resented those people that wanted to make her jinchūriki.

But she is from the Uzumaki clan and she can control the 9 tailed fox sealed inside her easily.

She was made into a jinchūriki against her wishes.

Well she did not have a choice in this matter.

While she was sulking,

During this time Tsunade has returned to the battle field with bad temper that none of her family members listened to her words.

She came back because of the death of Mito and after the funeral she was in a devastated state.

She knows that the doom of her clan has started.

Mito told Tsunade to trust Suzaku more than third Hokage before she started the transfer procedure of 9 tails to Kushina.

This made her even more certain that her clan would have a severe cut down.

After funeral proceedings, she returned back to the war in confused state and disheartened state.

During this time she faced with another bad news.

That is the person close to her heart to become her lover had an accident.

He died with blood covering all over his body.

So just like the plot she contacted with fear of blood and she was unable to treat anyone any more.

Because of this the next person in charge which is Suzaku took charge of the medical unit.

Well it was his clone that was doing the work here letting Tsunade rest.

Tsunade remembered the words of Mito and stayed close to Suzaku during this time.

Tsunade no longer participated in the war and she only tends to curing poison that did not have anything to do with the blood.

Whenever she sees blood her hands started to shiver and she lost her control over chakra.

During this time the players are also participating in the war making a name for them as heroes.

Suzaku on the other hand is passive and was over shadowed by the image of Tsunade.

So, not many people know that he was the medical ninja that is saving their lives in place of Tsunade that is suffering from the fear of blood.

Third Hokage that learnt that Tsunade started to fear the blood and lost her value made him sad as it was critical time.

But he was happy that his bet on Suzaku succeeded and he became a medical ninja on par with Tsunade.

Other players mostly participated in simple logistics and little things.

Most players did not get to become ninja as they could not afford to buy the ninja talent at the start of entering the world.

There are few exceptions.

But most players that are ninja are actually fighting in this war.

Based on the information of the plot some of them even tried to manipulate the situation behind the scenes.

Unfortunately for them they could only do very little when Madara with many white Zetsu is manipulating the scenes behind their back.

It is to ensure the balance of the world and to make sure that his plan for the future moved without any problems.

With his mighty planning and hands stretching all over the war the plot has not been changed by much.

During this way all the players that became ninja are all given a mission by the system to gain popularity.

Well it is not a compulsory mission and Suzaku is not going to make any move in the second ninja war.

He would start his attack from the third ninja war.

Also he did not have much interest in the current ninja world.

He can maintain his low key nature for now and step on all of them in the most unexpected time possible.

That is his plan.

In this world there are few titles that Suzaku can get if he becomes Hokage or some other like the guardian of daimyo.

But that is not his target either.

First of all he has to get the girls.

Once their hearts are taken by other he would not be able to get them.

Then he would take on the clans behind them.

Then he would take on the village and state, occupying everything in his part in the most silent way possible.

For that he needs the help of Shisui’s Mangekyō Sharingan ability.

He would not use it on his women but on the lords of other lands, village and clans.

This is a slow but study process that Suzaku has to achieve with step by step process.

For this he has to give up on the good completely and embrace the evil.

After awakening the Rinnegan Suzaku came to the war front and replaced his clone and did everything normally.

Tsunade was in depressed state and Suzaku helped her with a way to ease her depressed mind with another thing.

Chapter 377: tame the wild horse quest

After awakening the Rinnegan Suzaku came to the war front and replaced his clone and did everything normally.

Tsunade was in depressed state and Suzaku helped her with a way to ease her depressed mind with another thing.

That is to bring the sister of Dan Kato and take care of her in place of Dan Kato.

Suzaku also started to give her some massage…cough…cough…not that massage.

He would help her relieve her tensions and Suzaku wanted her to adapt to the close contact with him.

Later he can completely pull her into his quagmire of love.

Tsunade did not care about this as she has already lost everything that she holds dear for.

So she is in turmoil and did not become the strong lady at the time of Naruto.

She has to come into her senses and become numb to life and death.

This happened as she lost the main bloodline of the clan along with all the strong people to maintain and protect the clan in the war.

As that happened she was the only main bloodline member remaining and all the other members are branch families with very thin bloodline.

They could not even become ninja and they could not protect themselves.

Because of this reason she directly disbanded the clan and left the village in her anger.

She is slowly looked through her life as she understood the things and became numb to everything.

Suzaku got a quest related to Tsunade.


Quest: tame the wild horse.

Description: get Tsunade’s love and complete submission.

Proof of completion: Tsunade presents her grandfather’s necklace to the host.

Rewards: host would be rewarded with 5000 chaos points and the secret of the artifact the first Hokage’s necklace.”

This is the quest that he accepted and intended to complete.

For that he need to sooth her down and let her struggle looking at the people close to her die one by one.

Suzaku was strong enough to save them.

But saving them would not be of any use to him.

Instead it would cause a severe backlash for disturbing the plot.

Based on the will of the world, the Senju clan as an existence must cease to exist.

Similarly the arrogant Uchiha clan should also cease to exist.

It is not the complete extermination but they no longer needed to appear as a clan.

That is the will of the world for the plot to move on.

Suzaku intended to do just that.

The reason for this is that those people are too stubborn.

If they are really flexible they would have listened to the words of Madara before when he wanted them to leave the hidden leaf village with him.

But they did not and Madara finally gave up on them.

For one thing Shisui and Itachi are correct.

The main bloodline people of the powerful clan have pride which has become their sin.

If it was at the basic level then it is okay.

But too much of anything is dangerous and it would become a sin of the society causing their destruction due to various reasons.

In the case of Senju and Uchiha clans it has became the envy of their power from the society that caused the destruction of those clans

Suzaku would not let them completely exterminated.

He would take the woman to the real world and create the clans there in his ark island slowly.


The war continued to go on and Suzaku sent his clone to keep an eye on the situation of the situation of Kushina.

This is very important as it is a turning point.

There is also a quest here.

Other than that there are other players that are eying for the situation to capture the heart of Kushina.


Quest: get the hot red head

Description: make Kushina into your woman.

Rewards: host would be rewarded with perfect reanimation Jutsu (restrictions applicable).”

This is also a quest that Suzaku accepted and for that he made many preparations.

As for the usage of this technique Suzaku has his plans.

Since Suzaku did not show any big movements and acted low key, many people forgot about him.

Well except for Hiashi as his balls would ache from time to time reminding of Suzaku to him.

Also when he tried to masturbate, he was unable to get his thing hard.

He wanted get a checkup at the hospital, but the war started stopping all his thoughts temporarily.

The days passed by and one day Suzaku’s clone gave him a warning that Kushina was captured by the people of the hidden cloud village.

Another clone of Suzaku that stayed near third Hokage ordered some of the Anbu to deal with this matter but the credit should be given to Minato.

This is so that Kushina would fall in love with him completely.

Well he has made so much ground work over the years that now it was time for the fruition of his efforts.

He wanted a loyal tool that is stupid enough to keep Kushina tied to the village and support him.

He cannot put his sons at risk of marrying the jinchūriki.

So the best option is Minato that he recently found.

Minato has good talent and was completely naive when it comes to the affairs of the village.

Even if there is a bad situation third Hokage can simply put Minato in the seat of the Hokage while he plays as hands off shop keeper.

Minato would do the labor of paperwork for him while he gives the orders happily sitting on the side peacefully.

This way he can deal with Danzo and keep him in check.

There are so many benefits with having Minato that thirds Hokage was very satisfied with his discovery.

For this reason he started to prepare the ground work over the years.

As for Suzaku, he would simply divert him to another direction.

Even though third Hokage acted close to Suzaku he has never trusted Suzaku.

Chapter 378: you are really tricked by them

As for Suzaku, he would simply divert him to another direction.

Even though third Hokage acted close to Suzaku he has never trusted Suzaku.

This is because Suzaku is from the Uchiha clan that he hates the most.

Finally the day when Kushina was captured appeared.

Suzaku’s clone gave him the signal using the shadow clones information sharing.

Suzaku immediately used the flying thunder god technique to go to the place marked by his clone.

As for the war medical camp, Suzaku replaced himself with a wooden clone.

Wooden clones are good because they are hard to detect as clones even with Byakugan.

He erased his presence and squatted down at one spot sensing the location of the cloud ninja.

They have already captured Kushina.

They did not knock her out.

Kushina in the ninja gear looked very beautiful.

Well she is only 13 now and Suzaku imagines how beautiful she should be when she matures.

He is not into little girls.

But that did not stop him from making them fall in love with him.

So he immediately appeared out of nowhere and knocked the cloud ninja on the spot.

Kushina could not figure out who that saved her as all she saw was a blurred shadow moving around.

Finally after the cloud ninja were knocked out Suzaku appeared and asked.

“Are you all right, Kushina?”

The facial expression of Kushina that was expectant suddenly turned to “Oh it was you” expression.

Suzaku smiled and said.

“It seems like you are expecting someone else.

They did brainwash you well after diverting me to go out with Tsunade sensei.

You are even made into a jinchūriki.

I have left the war front medical camp just to save you.

But you seem to not like me saving you.

What Mito san told was right.

That old fox third Hokage is really playing tricks.”

As soon as Suzaku spoke these words like muttering the thoughts of Kushina changed a little.

Mito really told her to not to trust third Hokage and trust Suzaku more.

But she liked Minato that saved her many times and Minato believes in third Hokage.

So she also decided to believe in the third Hokage instead of Mito that sealed the nine tails inside of her.

Even this was plotted by third Hokage saying that she was brought here under the orders of Mito so that she can be made into the jinchūriki of the nine tails after her.

This is also the reason why Tsunade and Mito was did not appear close even thought they are technically related.

Listening to the words of Suzaku, Kushina immediately asked what was brainwashed about her.

Her nature is simple and honest that was passed on to Naruto.

Because of this she was very easy to trick.

“What do you mean by brainwashed?”

She asked annoyed.

Suzaku looked at her amused and said.

“First of all, I want to know if you like Minato.”

Kushina actually blushed.

Well she is a teenage girl and Minato is a promising person with little white face and body.

It is naturally attractive.

After so many incidents planned by third Hokage it is even more natural for her to like him.

“Oh, it seems that you like him.

But do you know you are actually being tricked here.”

Suzaku said with a smile making Kushina frown.

“What do you mean?”

Kushina was puzzled.

“Let me tell you why, you are the only person brought back from Uzumaki clan.”

There is still time for Minato and those Anbu to arrive.

Suzaku can take this time to speak to Kushina.

“First of all your Uzumaki clan was actually very good at sealing techniques which is why the hidden mist village attacked you.

Your Uzumaki clan is very close to Senju clan.

When they got the information to assist, the Senju clan immediately went to Hokage to go and help you.

If Hokage did not help they are going to go out and help you.

But the third Hokage said that there is an emergency at the borders of other hidden villages and lands which is fake news.

He convinced the Senju clan to take the lead to support at those places and promised to send some elite ninja to save the people from the Uzumaki clan.

But he did not send any for several days.

Mito san personally went to third Hokage and said that she would go in person to save your people.

But third Hokage interjected saying that Mito san is old and she is also a jinchūriki.

Only then he sent someone to save your people.

Even then he sent elite force to bring you and the book of seals related to the Uzumaki clan.

He was calculating to get benefits.

Even though the hidden mist village tried to attack you to get the book of seals from you, all they got are some basic level seals that are common in your tribe.

Think about it, a big hidden village like hidden leaf village only saved one person in the entire Uzumaki clan leaving all the other people to die.

Also no other children were saved.

Even if there is only one three man team they can at least save two children.

If they saved another male then the Uzumaki clan can flourish in the hidden leaf village.

But they only saved you and specifically a woman.

Do you know the reason for this?

They simply wanted to have the best person to become the jinchūriki and they want that person to be a woman that can be tied down by the binds of love.

If it was a man then there is chance that this person goes out of the hidden leaf village.

But if it was a woman then they would follow their husband and stay in the village.

But not anyone could become the husband of the jinchūriki.

They need someone that would trust them completely and believes in third Hokage and hidden leave village management unconditionally….”

Chapter 379: do you know anyone with this kind of personality?

“…But not anyone could become the husband of the jinchūriki.

They need someone that would trust them completely and believes in third Hokage and hidden leave village management unconditionally.

Also he has to be simple minded, naive and righteous even though it was stupidity.

Do you know anyone with this kind of personality?”

When Suzaku asked this question Kushina was dazed for a moment.

This is because she really knows someone like that.

That person is none other than Minato that was close to her just like Suzaku said.

Right at that moment the first crack appeared and the sprout of doubt appeared in the mind of Kushina towards Minato.

All Suzaku has to do is drop in some nutrients and water to grow it into the plant of destruction.

Suzaku gave her time to digest and continued speaking.

“I know that you would not believe me.

So let me prove this to you.

In a few minutes some elite Jonin from Anbu would come here and clear the cloud ninja.

But they would not show any signs of rescuing you.

Instead they would wait till Minato comes here and save you with a lovey-dovey expression.

This was all planned by third Hokage.

Even the information of you being a jinchūriki was spread by third Hokage.

He is also the one that let lose some of the security around you so that the cloud Shinobi captures you.

Actually he did not leave any possible opportunity to tie your heart to the village and support him.

Even if he is not the Hokage any more he will still be the one in power while Minato acts as his puppet.

Now let me help you return the cloud ninja back to normal.

Any way I just knocked them out.

After when Minato rescued you, you can ask him about the plans of third Hokage.

He would tell you everything truthfully.

He is that naive.

I even doubt that he would give you to third Hokage if he asked for…cough…coughs…”

Suzaku vanished in front of Kushina and the cloud ninja slowly stood up.

It is as if they have forgotten what have happened just now.

They took Kushina and started to escape again.

This is the power of the illusion from the Mangekyō Sharingan that Suzaku created right now.

In fact Suzaku did not attack anyone from the cloud Shinobi or stopped Kushina to speak.

In a moment of time they had their entire conversation while they are on the move in an illusionary space that Suzaku created with his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Suzaku wanted Kushina to feel the first hand experience of how third Hokage planned things for her from the very start.

Suzaku has planted a though in the mind of Minato before.

This thought would activate when Kushina asks the question and he would directly tell her everything he knows and what Suzaku wanted him to tell.

With that their love would be completely broken.

What Suzaku has to do is to wait on the side to watch the show.

Finally the heroine Kushina would fall into his hands.

Well there is no one to rely on other than Suzaku for her right now.

Suzaku hid his presence and no one can discover him even if the third Hokage was here.

He stayed on the side and moved along to find out what would happen.

Soon the Anbu ninja suddenly appeared around the cloud Shinobi and they started a fight.

During this time Kushina’s life was threatened many times but every time they would move away at a hair’s gap.

It was as if they purposefully wanted to scar her.

Her eyes changed slowly from the previous fear to numbness as she looked at the situation.

Right around that time one of the weakest cloud ninja that was severely injured ran towards her shouting.

“If cloud village did not get you, the hidden leaf village would not get you either.”

He ran towards her wanting to kill.

Right then Minato appeared in front of her like it was a staged drama.

He fought with the ninja fiercely and finally saved Kushina after killing him.

If it was Kushina that did not know their plan to scare her into freezing right now, she would have really fallen in love with Minato.

But now she felt that everything around her was pre planed show just to make her fall in love with Minato.

Her doubts grew bigger and bigger.

Minato as if he was a naive fool made some poses saving Kushina and then tried to princess carry her back to the village.

Kushina refused his help and even refused to let him touch her.

She was disgusted by the entire thing.

Minato and the Anbu on the other hand thought that she was scared and acting like this as self protection.

The Anbu stayed back to take care of the things but from the start to the end they did not speak to Minato or took a look at Kushina.

Minato told her that they should return back to the hidden leaf village.

Then they moved on.

Third Hokage’s telescopic technique would not be able to let him see all the way till here.

He can barely see the things in the hidden leaf village and some surroundings.

That is a certain radius of distance from him as a center.

While they are going back to the hidden leaf village, Kushina suddenly asked Minato.

“Minato, tell me the truth.

Did all the previous incidents that you saved me and met me accidentally,

Were they all created by third Hokage?”

As soon as she asked this Minato was dazed for a moment.

Immediately the thought that Suzaku planted has triggered.

Well he is an honest man from the beginning.

So he has no resistance to speak the truth when Kushina, the person he loved asked him to tell her the truth.

So he immediately started to talk about the incident that happened with him and the third Hokage.

Chapter 380: why do you want to protect me?

So he has no resistance to speak the truth when Kushina, the person he loved asked him to tell her the truth.

So he immediately started to talk about the incident that happened with him and the third Hokage.

“When you first arrived at the hidden leaf village, I fell in love with you.

At that time I was performing well and third Hokage wanted to talk to me.

While speaking to him I told him that I liked you.

So he said that he would support me to pursue you.

From then on every time you are in trouble someone from the third Hokage would signal me to save you.

Well at the start it was senior Suzaku Uchiha saved you a few times before I have a chance to get close to you.

Later third Hokage said that the Uchiha people are not good and he would send senior Suzaku away so that you would be safe from falling into Uchiha clans hands.

After that senior Suzaku was sent to the war with senior Tsunade.

From then on I saved you from all kinds of trouble.

This way we can become close to each other.....”

The more she listened the more Kushina became aware that she was tricked into loving Minato.

Most probably all the troubles that she had were caused by third Hokage provoking to create opportunity for Minato to show off in front of her.

Her mind immediately became complicated.

She understood that Suzaku is originally saving her for real.

But later he was diverted by the third Hokage and Minato took the place from him.

She became sad that she actually suspected the person that is really helping her and believed in wolves that should be her enemies.

The more she thought about this the sadder she became.

But she concealed it as she moved on back to the hidden leaf village.

While moving she heard the voice of Suzaku.

“Kushina I will meet you back at the hidden leaf village later.

Don’t worry; I will be there to protect you at all times.”

Suzaku said and his voice vanished.

Pearl tears fell down her eyes for a moment listening to the voice of Suzaku as she wiped them quickly without the knowledge of Minato.

They returned back to the village.

After speaking to third Hokage she returned back to her home.

She took a bath and wanted to rest but she was unable to sleep.

There are people monitoring her house.

But suddenly they all fell into Genjutsu,

Suzaku walked into the house of Kushina and appeared in her bed room.

She suddenly woke up sensing that someone came into her bedroom.

She was alert from the incident that just happened yesterday with the cloud ninja.

But when she looked at the person her guard dropped.

She is 13 years old and she looked very beautiful.

Suzaku came over and sat beside her bed on a chair and looked at her without blinking for a few minutes.

Kushina was also looking at Suzaku.

Then he finally spoke.

“I am sorry that I could not interfere with your things before to cause you to have this heart breaking situation.

But I am not strong enough.

Even now there are enemies strong enough just hiding behind and playing the lord.

I need another 2 years of time to become strong enough to defy all the people in this ninja world.

Till then I can only protect you from the shadows and not in the open.”

Kushina was moved but she has one doubt.

She was cheated once by Minato and third Hokage.

She doesn’t want to be cheated again and trust anyone blindly.

So she asked directly.

“You are not from Senju clan or Uzumaki clan,

You should be from the Uchiha clan, so why granny Mito asked you to protect me and sister Tsunade.”

Suzaku smile and made a hand seal.

Immediately the flower pot on the side, as if it was given a stimulant started to grow and a bunch of flowers bloomed.

The eyes of Kushina widened.

“You know wood style,

How is that even possible?”

Suzaku smiled and started to speak.

“I am an orphan in the Uchiha clan with my parents died after my birth.

But it is a lie.

My father is the current head of the Uchiha clan Ryo Uchiha and my mother is from the Senju clan.

She is the secret mistress of my cheap father.

She died giving birth to me and later my cheap father left me in the orphanage covering up the traces that leads to a scandal on his life.

So technically I inherited the bloodlines from both Senju clan and Uchiha clan.

Mito san, knows about this and she also knows that third Hokage is plotting against the Senju clan just like he did with the Uzumaki clan before.

Well he did not do anything directly to the Uzumaki clan but went to steal things when their home is burning.

Senju clan originally opposed Sarutobi Hiruzen taking over the seat of the Hokage.

It was Mito san that helped him take the seat but he still held the grudge against the Senju clan.

But he could not act rashly.

So he waited until Mito san died and wanted to separate you from the Senju clan.

With the jinchūriki supporting him, he can use the provocation tactics to kill off all the Senju clan members or at least the main bloodline to quench his anger and grudge towards the Senju clan.

He wanted you to stabilize his position as Hokage or at least the power of Hokage is still in his hands even if he is not the Hokage.

As for my reason it is simply I like you and Tsunade along with Mikoto, Hazuki and Himeko.

I like you not as friends but as my woman.

So I tried to protect you.

It is not a bad thing to love many beautiful women….”


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