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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 346: saving Elizabeth

As for the stolen artifact ownership card is even better.

If Mohini was able to steal the jack sparrow's compass and claimed it ownership then it will belongs to Mohini even without formally contracting with jack sparrow.

This is a great thing.

In many fantasy worlds you need the permission of the owner of the artifact to get the artifact.

But with this card she can be exempted 3 times.

As for the other cards they are not that valuable for Mohini.

Right now Mohini is on her way to Port Royal.

She should be there in position to save Elizabeth from drowning in place of jack.

Also Mohini is no longer allowed to roam freely in many ports as she was branded as a pirate.

Mohini sailed the ship to a corner of the Port Royal and hid it along with the crew.

She left her clone to take care of things while some of her men went to sell the materials on the ship at the port through special channels.

Unlike governor Swann, Elizabeth Swann was very fascinated about the pirates.

That is also one of the reasons she was so connected with Will and other pirates.

But the presence of Mohini as disrupted the order of things and she was fascinated by Mohini with strong charm rather than Will that is still a kid.

Mohini met with Will some time to specifically make few swords for her and her crew.

The swords made by will have special bonuses and extra buffs like semi-finished artifacts.

Mohini was happy to get them.

Last time Mohini met Elizabeth, she is around 17 years and Mohini still looked like an 18 year old woman.

She was fascinated by Mohini and was more interested in Mohini than she was in Norrington that was chosen by governor Swann.

Elizabeth Swann was into freedom and also she likes girls more than men.

For some reason this world was more perverted than it should normally be.

Mohini don’t know the reason.

But she guessed that this world was affected by her perverted extension.

This time Mohini was named as notorious pirate on the same level or a little below the pirate lords.

So Mohini was not welcome on Port Royal.

Previously she has enquired about the special pendent she has and the pirate ship she saw when she found Will.

Well she asked Mohini about this in secret without her father finding about this.

Mohini told her that golden pendent is dangerous and one day the pirates might come back for this and for Will turner.

Mohini did not ask for the golden pendent from her or told anyone about that gaining her trust.

Well this thing happened long time ago.

Since Mohini was name as a pirate, governor Swann set his sights on Norrington that was named commodore.

Today he wanted to speak about their wedding on the ceremony of promotion of Norrington.

Well Will doesn’t know about the thoughts of governor Swann.

If he did he might not have made the sword for the ceremony and instead proposed to Elizabeth and took her away from here instead.

Even when he came to give the sword governor Swann can see the love in the eyes of Will turner towards Elizabeth.

So he cut them off in the middle and took Elizabeth to the ceremony area.


On the other hand Mohini was at the beach looking at the area to waters to visit how jack sparrow would make his entrance.

Mohini put on a simple disguise and no one would recognize her quickly.

Even if they do they dare not speak about Mohini as they fear that Mohini would kill them.

Mohini was under the shade of a tree with a glass of wine lying down on a hammock with the beach view.

She is wearing a sexy bikini with most of her body on the show.

She knows that covering some things would create more lust than completely showing her body parts.

Her top is small stringed swim wear with two small cloth pieces that are only covering her nipples and nipple patches.

As for the bottom is a panty that is only covering her pussy but not the pubic hair region,

The strings behind were buried inside her bubbly butt leaving her entire ass showing.

Her clone is on the ship if needed to pass any information.

With money on hand no one would question the other person.

Well jack can come to this port so openly shows that the people of the port did not care about pirates and reporting them.

Mohini saw jack sparrow’s entrance and started to keep her things inside the personal storage.

She was ready to get to work as she has to save Elizabeth around this time before jack.

Jack wanted to get the ship HMS dauntless.

Unfortunately for him Mohini’s men and another one of her clones are already on that ship and are waiting for her orders.

While jack is having his time with the two idiot soldiers Mohini saw Elizabeth on the walls of the fort with Norrington.

So Mohini swam over to that location slowly calculating the time.

Her bikini is very well suited for this kind of thing.

Well jack did jumped into the water but Mohini got to her first and then took her to a flat rock on the side and cut off the tight rope around her big tits to let her breath.

Mohini not only cut off her corset, she also cut off the dress behind it to reveal her tits right into the open.

She quickly woke up and jack sparrow arrived at that time.

She looked at Mohini that saved her and said.

“Miss Mohini, is that you?”

“You have become a fine women Elizabeth.

Do you wish to marry me in the future…?”

Mohini asked her looking straight into her face.

She blushed and sobered up from the breathless state.

She looked at Mohini and nodded her head saying

Chapter 347: Elizabeth exhibits her tits are reward

She blushed and sobered up from the breathless state.

She looked at Mohini and nodded her head saying

“I do”

Mohini smiled and kissed her.

Norrington has not arrived yet.

Jack stopped a distance away looking at the kissing couple and Mohini’s appearance.

The kissing of two beauties made his dick hard but he controlled himself.

Mohini is done with the kissing and looked at jack sparrow.

“Hello mister jack sparrow, it is nice to meet you.”

During her journey Mohini may be lucky or some other reason has never met jack sparrow or the black pearl even once.

Well jack is not in a good situation as he was marooned right before the entry of the players in this fantasy world.

“It is nice meeting you too.

Do we know each other…?”

Mohini only smiled without answering him.

Mohini slowly got up revealing her curves while Elizabeth also stood up closing her clothes so as to not to show her revealing tits.

Her face is blushing.

But Mohini whispered something in her ears making her face turned red and she immediately let go off her hands.

This showed her bountiful tits that busted out of the tight dress.

Jack’s eyes almost popped out looking at the tits of Elizabeth.

Elizabeth’s pussy became wet.

Mohini knows this because her hand from behind is rubbing the ass hole and pussy of Elizabeth from between the cracks of her ass.

“Mister Jack, do you like what you are looking.”

Jack did not answer her question as he was busy admiring the pair of tits of Mohini and Elizabeth.

Mohini whispered few more words to Elizabeth about some instructions that she wanted Elizabeth to do.

Mohini took Elizabeth and swam towards the port where the two soldiers are waiting.

Jack also moved along.

“Mister Jack, we can talk things through in detail after the little skirmish is over.”

Elizabeth is fine and she placed her on the wooden walkway.

Then the group of people arrived with guns and swords.

They all saw the two beauties standing there baring their curves making their dicks stand up.

Norrington and governor Swann knows Mohini very well.

“It is nice meeting you again gentle men.”

Mohini smiled at them.

Their eyes are complicated as the woman that they once looked up to have become a pirate.

But still she is as beautiful as ever.

Their eyes are looking towards Elizabeth too because her tits are out.

Governor Swann immediately came over to cover Elizabeth and glared at Mohini.

On the other hand they concentrated on jack sparrow too.

Mohini’s hands are cuffed and Elizabeth wanted them to leave Mohini.

The identity of jack sparrow was identified and the name of Mohini also came out.

Jack seems to have heard of Mohini and he looked at Mohini and said.

“Ahaaaa, so it is Captain Mohini.”

It is nice to meet you.

Jack shook the hands of Mohini with his cuffed hands.

But he made an accidental move to touch her tits instead and smile at Mohini as if he did nothing wrong.

At the same time he is observing the reaction of Mohini to see if she is angry.

But Mohini only moaned with his touch and smiled at him like a lewd bitch for the touch.

There is lust in her eyes instead of anger.

With the words of Elizabeth the fight stopped and Mohini started to move to the edge as if talking to them.

Jack seems to know what is happening and silently took his things from the soldier as Mohini speaks and followed Mohini.

Mohini is speaking to distract the group.

“Oh, you got the promotion to be a commodore Norrington.

The time is flying by.

I came here to congratulate you but it seems like I am not invited here….”

Mohini took a sharp turn and hit the goods moving crane hand at the dock mechanism.

Immediately the rope flew away and Mohini flew up along into the air.

Jack sparrow did not stay ideally by and caught the rope along with Mohini.

But he did not get the rope instead he got her slim waist with her fragrant pussy right on his face.

Mohini moaned loudly with the sudden touch causing the soldiers to be daze with lust and erections.

Fortunately they weigh less than the cannon barrel and were able to fly up.

They each got a rope and were able to move just like that in the movie and escape.

Jack has a lewd smile looking at Mohini while escaping.

During their escape Mohini used her slippery hands to steal the compass from jack sparrow and they separated there.

Because jack is too much into Mohini he did not notice that he lost his magic compass.

Mohini went deep into the vegetation and forest area to meet with her people.

Titia can easily unlock the chains.

Mohini took the chance while running to use a chance of artifact ownership card and made this compass belong to her.

Then she stored it inside the personal space.

Unfortunately it did not accept Mohini hiding it in the personal space.

Even though she claimed the ownership she cannot store it inside as long as she did not leave this ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ fantasy world.

Mohini sighed and decided to ask Titia to make a chain to fit this compass to her without losing it to some pick pockets like jack sparrow.

Mohini quickly moved towards her ship and there are not many people chasing her to begin with.

So she slipped away.

Titia was led to a place by Mohini’s clone and her hands were freed.

Mohini returned to the ship as her other clone is waiting on HMS dauntless keeping an eye on things.

Mohini was only sad because she missed the spectacular fight of the Jack sparrow and will turner

Jack got locked up as usual.

That night is the restless one and Mohini was silently waiting for the cursed black pearl to arrive.

Chapter 348: jack and Mohini makes love on the way

Jack got locked up as usual.

That night is the restless one and Mohini was silently waiting for the cursed black pearl to arrive.

Elizabeth is sleeping peacefully while the pirates from the black pearl under the leadership of Hector Barbossa arrived.

Mohini is not going to interfere with the plot.

Mohini’s clone waiting on the HMS dauntless saw the arrival of the black pearl and immediately told her men on her original ship to get ready to set sail.

They will be tailing the black pearl while her clone would go along with jack sparrow and will turner.

Well during the raid even if Mohini went to help them with her men they would not be grateful instead they would try to capture Mohini and hang her instead.

So Mohini is not going to be stupid and help those hypocritical fools.

Well Elizabeth is an intelligent woman to like about her surname and use the chance to gain more time.

She is a perfect pirate material in beauty, intelligence and actions.

Mohini really liked this side of her very much.

Will go to bargain with jack, while Mohini moved on tailing black pearl in secret just in case of other players want to play.

Well her clone is still waiting for jack and will.

There are many ships here and Mohini doesn’t know on which ship they would board.

HMS dauntless is a big ship and 2 people cannot sail it.

On the other hand Mohini sent all her men back to her boat only leaving her clone on board.

Letting her men staying on dauntless is useless.

Her clone is enough to complete the things that are required to move along the plot.

Finally after waiting for a long time jack sparrow and will turner appeared on HMS dauntless.

Well the crew on the ship did not seem to see Mohini all the time as she was in hiding.

After the crew of the ship is gone Mohini came out.

“OH! If it isn’t my old friends will and jack.

What are you doing on this ship?”

Jack and will were immediately startled at this point.

Jack pointed his gun at Mohini but Mohini told him their plan to steal the interceptor.

Then she spoke about the plan of Will to save Elizabeth.

So they immediately stopped pointing gun and sword at Mohini.

“I can be your navigator if you want.

Even though jack knows that location of the Isla de Muerta, I can still be of use since you did not have a crew to maintain the things.

Also I can do more than helping steering the ship.”

“Do you also like Elizabeth, Miss Mohini?”

In this world for some reason the love of girls is accepted.

Jack asked the question with his weird smile.

Mohini only smiled at jack without answering his question.

On the side will turner is having different and complicated thoughts.

After the smile Mohini spoke.

“Jack, I do know about your love you have for your ship and the crew that kicked you out.

Also I know about the bootstrap and the secret of the cursed gold.

I might not be legendary pirate like you but you see I have my channels to know the secrets…

If you want the black pearl then you should form a team with me…”

Well those people don’t know that even without Mohini they can still win.

But now there are variables called players and anything can happen.

So having Mohini is much better than not having her with them.

Any way after the words of Mohini, they simply formed a three person team and followed up with the plan.

Soon the interceptor arrived and the people started to board on the HMS dauntless.

They jumped ships and the ship started to move.

As they moved on will asked jack about knowing his father.

So jack can only speak about will’s father that is bootstrap.

Will simply denied that his father is a pirate.

Mohini told the story of bootstrap making will back off for a moment to listen.

Well the story include jack being kicked out of his own ship.

Well even with what Mohini said will did not back off so he got to stay hanging for a little while before making his decision.

Their destination is Tortuga port.

During their journey, will become the errand boy while jack started to flirt with Mohini.

Mohini did not back away from the tactics of jack and pulled down her top showing her tits for the jack to feast.

Will saw this and had a hard on but he was more into Elizabeth than towards Mohini.

So he controlled himself.

On the other hand jack would not let go of any opportunity so he started to squeeze the tits of Mohini and even suck on her nipples.

The moans of Mohini spread through the ship in the silent waters.

Soon her little bikini was pulled making her moan even more.

Jack got down on his knees and started to suck on the pussy of Mohini as he played with her ass hole and spanking her ass.

Will was so hard on that he took out his dick and started to jerk off looking at the erotic scene of jack and Mohini.

After squirting from the pleasure, Mohini gave a blowjob to jack getting a load off him.

Will on the side also shot out his first load.

Well he is still a virgin.

Jack is still hard and he put his dick inside Mohini’s pussy and started fuck her straight.

While they are fucking each other they journey moved on with the directions of jack.

It took some time and the ark ship of Mohini is on the trail of the black pearl at a long distance where they cannot see Mohini.

Mohini with the help of Tian Meng dream brother was able to keep an eye on them.

Even though she cannot see for a long distance because of the restriction of the world….

Chapter 349: flashing at Tortuga port

Mohini with the help of Tian Meng dream brother was able to keep an eye on them.

Even though she cannot see for a long distance because of the restriction of the world, Mohini can enhance her sight to look at the location of the black pearl.

That is just in case for saving Elizabeth.

On the other hand Mohini, jack and will arrived at the Tortuga port that is rowdy everywhere.

There are guns, rum, bitches, pirates singing and all kinds of nonsense were here.

As soon as they arrived a woman in red came over to jack and he got a slap on his face.

Then a blond woman appeared and slapped jack again.

Mohini on the side giggled happily looking at the situation of jack.

She is still wearing that mini dress.

Many drunkards would come to her and grope her from time to time.

Mohini don’t want to do anything with those drunken and smelly people.

She would let jack fuck her because it was a quest from the system and give her some good gains.

But she still let them grope her as she liked the touches.

They came here to get Gibbs and form a little crew to sail the ship.

The location of Isla de Muerta is covered with reefs and rocks.

Travelling through them is not a task that 2 people can do.

They need a crew to move the sails quickly so that they ship would not sink hitting the rocks and reefs.

Gibbs looked at Mohini and jack.

Well he did not remember will.

Gibbs knows Mohini because he saw Mohini when he served governor Swann for a little while.

Then will splash another bucket of water on Gibbs for the smell.

Then they moved to a bar to speak.

The bar was so noise that you might not understand what the other person is talking that is standing right beside you.

Well Mohini did not have a problem with hearing.

Also she did not drink the ale here.

It was of cheap quality and this place is filled with all kinds of things.

Even though Mohini has lived in this kind of life before she did not fall to the depts.

She is like a stubborn rock that stays at zero while expanding her range on all sides.

She can go down and act like the worst scum in the world at the same time she can move up and act like a noble person and a hero.


The reason why Mohini did not save Elizabeth before is because of the two reasons.

First is that she cannot put her fingers in the main plot that will create unknown consequences.

Second is that she wanted her to become strong and brave to understand all the things rather than a sheltered lady.

So the play went on as she kept her eyes on the black pearl.

As for her clone it was in Tortuga with jack and will forming their new crew.

Anamaria gave a slap to jack for stealing her ship that was sunk at the very beginning when jack sailed it to Port Royal.

She is the reason why Mohini sent her clone here.

She wanted her to be a part of her crew.

Jack has already noticed that he lost his compass.

He is thinking that Mohini took it from him.

But there is no proof and he cannot just jump and fight Mohini.

So he is waiting for Mohini to slip up to steal the compass back.

Now the interceptor became Anamaria ship with the help of will behind jack.

On the other hand Mohini is speaking with Anamaria with a gentle tone and magnetic voice like a noble woman speaking to a young lady.

Since she is going to get a ship she is in a good mood.

Will was happy on the side looking at Mohini that was distracted.

After finding out that Mohini came here for Elizabeth, her heart sank.

For the starter’s he cannot even compete with commodore Norrington.

If Mohini was also involved then the entire thing is over for him.

He is just a lowly blacksmith and he just found out that his father is a pirate.

So he really had no chance in this situation.

Since it is like that he was seriously thinking on what advantage that he can get.

Finally he decided to risk it to fight with his life on the line to save Elizabeth and to get her love.

Unfortunately for him, Mohini came at the right time and she is already waiting on the ship that they want to use to follow the black pearl.

Now that Mohini is flirting with Anamaria this made him happy and even wants to help them settle as a couple.

Unfortunately he doesn’t know that Mohini is not easy to fool.

At the same Mohini would love more than one woman.

Well Mohini is happily flirting with Anamaria while the crew is trying their best to set sail.

Since jack did not have the compass he cannot see the direction if there is a storm or something.

But Mohini can still feel the general direction of the main body so it was fine.

Even though she flirts with Anamaria, she has to see if Anamaria is into women or not.

If she is then Mohini would take her.

If not she would not pester Anamaria much.


Well the ship did not stop and Mohini did not let it stop as they made their way Isla de Muerta.

Because of the navigational capabilities without even using a compass really made jack doubt of Mohini’s directions.

At the same time the other members of the crew also doubted her.

But their lust has blinded them as Mohini sometimes remove her tits binding cloth and ties it for her hair to air her bountiful tits.

When she walks around her tits would juggle making those people have a boner.

Chapter 350: Elizabeth was saved by Mohini

But their lust has blinded them as Mohini sometimes remove her tits binding cloth and ties it for her hair to air her bountiful tits.

When she walks around her tits would juggle making those people have a boner.

They don’t know if they can fuck Mohini as even jack sparrow is showing respect to her.

Also she is the person that is pointing the directions.

So they cannot mess with her.

Some of the bold ones tried to touch her tits and Mohini did not care about it.

So they started to grope her tits more and some became bold enough to feel up her ass and even finger her pussy sometimes.

Touching is okay but Mohini don’t want to let them fuck her.

They are too filthy to do anything to her.


Well Mohini took out a compass but it was an old normal one that did not have and special abilities.

She got it cheap at Tortuga port and this compass is literally useless as it did not point at any direction properly.

If jack wanted to steal it then steal it.

He would get nothing from this compass.

Finally they arrived at the Isla de Muerta.

There are many ships that sank around the area which made it look like a graveyard of ships.

Mohini’s ark ship is on the other side of the island covered in the deep fog.

The main body has already made its way to the entrance of the port waiting for her clone to bring the people over.

There is only jack, will and Mohini that came to the shore.

There is so much treasure here that Mohini had the thought to steal it all when the people from the black pearl leave again.

When the three got on shore Mohini took the right moment to send her clone back to the boat to replace the clone.

The clone would act as her mouth to give out commands.

As for the original compass that was still back on the ship in the hands of her girls that are temporarily commanding the ship.

Her clones swam away returning to the ship and Mohini got the normal broken compass.

Mohini cannot put the compass back inside her personal space.

When the three went inside Mohini silently sneaked around separating away from jack and will.

Mohini is going to swam to the place where Elizabeth would fall.

Also Mohini already took a small bottle of will’s blood just two days ago.

There is also the blood of jack in another bottle.

It is not much just around 20 ml.

Mohini took it just in case if she wanted to do something.

While will and jack are bickering Mohini took the chance to take Elizabeth and swam down the water to escape with the golden medallion.

Just around that time will hit jack and was about to swim to save Elizabeth.

But looking at Mohini and Elizabeth leaving he was shocked.

He followed them leaving jack behind and Mohini’s clones has already removed the oars of the boats only leaving the oars on their own boat.

Mohini, will and Elizabeth quickly moved to the interceptor.

Then they sailed out with Mohini flirting with both Elizabeth and Anamaria.

Mohini took the chance to ask the question of trust to Elizabeth and Anamaria.

Well she has flirted enough with them to make them fall in love with her.

She found that Anamaria is bisexual and she liked Mohini’s way of being free very much.

She also changed her clothing similar to Mohini to show off her body.

Elizabeth did not change like Mohini as she has the noble up bringing which prevented her from being true to herself but still she is changing.

So it was easy.

It was easy to get their acceptance.

Well they are strong women and they know that a person like Mohini cannot be bound to a single woman.

But they still loved Mohini.

The reason is very simple.

Mohini went all the way to the island of those cursed pirates to save Elizabeth.

Just this is proof enough that she would care for her loves ones.

So they trusted Mohini and loved her.

They were shocked when the light screen appeared in front of their faces.

They thought that it was some sort of magic that Mohini knows.

There are many thing and they can easily accept a little magic like a light screen with some question on it.

Mohini did give the warning and they thought that it was related to her pirate life.

So they directly accepted it.

With their acceptance the entire thing is completed.

They are Mohini’s woman now.

Mohini carefully checked that there is no one around and then told them about the real world.

She pulled the girls into her lap and started to kiss on their lips and then she told them to kiss each other.

The kissing between a wild beauty like Anamaria and noble woman like Elizabeth has a great contrast and it looked good.

As they kissed each other sitting on the lap of Mohini, she explained about the real world.

Mohini’s hands are not idle as they are placed on the tits of the girls as a three man hug and played with their nipples making them moan from time to time between their kisses.

They did not hear about the real world completely as they are too much immersed in lust from the kisses and the hot situation they are in right now.

Slowly they stripped and came to their birthday suits without any cloth on their bodies.

Mohini is pressed against time if not she really wanted to do some good deeds here.

But what can she say.

She has to act so that the things would move in the direction she planned.

Will was sulking on the outside because Elizabeth is with Mohini.

He wanted to save her but instead it was Mohini that saved her in the end.


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