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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 66: the effect of a single photo

In the image Harry is hanging in the air holding the door of a magic flying car with Ron driving inside trying to help Harry pull back into the car.

It is a magic image that moves so their struggle of survival in the flying car was recorded.

Now they are charged with multiple reasons from using illegal magical items to underage driving and risking their lives.

The incident became so big that Dumbledore has to clean up their asses.

Ron receive the shouts from his mother making his face as red as his hair.

Ginny was embarrassed to call herself the sister of Ron Weasley.

Coupled with the last blame that Jonathan dropped few months ago the current blame is even higher.

They actually got to the situation of staking their lives.

So they were severely punished by professor Mcgonagall.

Well Dumbledore wiped their asses clean using his connections again.

After breakfast Jonathan left here to the lake as there is still time for the first class.

He went to read the letter from Rita Skeeter.

She is boasting about her performance pulling the legs of Harry and Ron.

She also got good amount of money for the article.

She is asking Jonathan if he wanted a share.

Also she wanted a special reward like a kiss from Jonathan for her efforts…..

Jonathan read through the letter and then wrote a reply.

As soon as Jonathan called Goldy it immediately came to him and took the letter back to Rita.

In the letter Jonathan told Rita that there are more good news later and the reward of the kiss.

He can give her later when she comes over.

Also the money she got would be saved for now and will be used later when he tells her.

In the next year Jonathan is going to start a special financial firm with the cooperation of the goblins from Gringotts.

She can let her have some share at that time as an investor which would be a good thing.

After dealing with this Jonathan came to the herbology class with the time table he got from professor Mcgonagall.

The class is shared with Hufflepuff.

There are quite a few good women in Hufflepuff like Hannah Abbott and Susan bones.

Jonathan don’t have to approach them directly as things would move according to their own pace.

Today’s class is about changing the pots for mandrake seedlings.

Usually Neville that did not put the ear plugs properly would lose his consciousness.

With the remainder from Jonathan he put the things properly.

Jonathan completed the process very smoothly and the mandrake in his hand cooperated well feeling the strong sense of a predator from Jonathan.

Jonathan wanted to try and if he could make the mandrake fear him.

With the life energy he possess and the strong power from the druid heart that mixed in with his heart, Jonathan was able to influence the mandrake into shutting up and cover in fear.

Yes Jonathan after checking his body repeatedly over the time found that there is something different in his heart and with every heart beat strong life energy spread throughout his body.

It was a part of the essence of the druid heart that is the cover of his wand.

The nature of life energy is propagation.

So even if was divided, it would grow stronger instead of becoming weak like other wand cores.

Previously when Jonathan was doing the ritual his vitality was unable to keep up with the completion of the ritual.

So his wand acted automatically and gave a small part of the core to Jonathan.

From then on Jonathan can feel the resonance from the wand and his heart.

It grew more and more and it has not spread throughout his body.

Also he not only resonated with the wand but also many strong and ancient trees that shares life energy with the nature.

The process and the feeling cannot be explained through words.

One has to feel it to know the nature.

Because of this Jonathan was able to influence other plants that did not have strong thinking process.

With that the mandrake in his hand did not struggle at all.

He completed the process very quickly and changed the pots of the mandrake.

With that the class was quickly over.

During the class because of how fast Jonathan worked he got 10 house points from professor sprout.

At the same time Jonathan helped other Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students to change the pots making them appreciate Jonathan more.

With the presence of Jonathan close to them the mandrake would stop the struggle immediately making it easier for the other students.

Well the targets of Jonathan are always girls and he did not care about boys.

The boys were dissatisfied with Jonathan but they did not dare to voice out their opinion.

They only mutter about this in their hearts.

Well there is always an exception to this like Ron.

Jonathan came all the way and helped Neville but he did not help Ron or Harry.

With the cooperative attitude of Jonathan and his handsome appearance along with his gentle and soothing voice many girls became interested in Jonathan.

Well Hermione did not say anything even now.

She was doubtful that it was Jonathan that snapped the photo of Harry and Ron in the car and gave it to Rita Skeeter.

She did not have evidence but it was intuitive thought.

She has to investigate this matter and bring this to her friends Harry and Ron.

That is her thoughts while Jonathan is going around to flowers everywhere.

After the class of herbology, the next class is transfiguration.

Jonathan performed extremely well gaining the attention of professor Mcgonagall again.

She wanted to talk to Jonathan if he was interested in participating in some transfiguration competitions.

So after class Jonathan was called by her and talked about this and Jonathan immediately accepted it.

Even though Jonathan opposed Dumbledore and made trouble for Ron and Harry.

Chapter 67: witnessing the opening of chamber of secrets

The words of Jonathan are correct and are within the rules.

So she did not thinking that Jonathan is bad.

Well it was rude for Jonathan to speak like that and she really has some concern towards Harry.

But the behavior of Harry was really dangerous as Jonathan said.

The incident few days ago when Harry almost fell out of the car has made her more and more cautious.

The Gryffindor student can be bold but this boldness should not get them to play with their lives.

These are her thoughts so she was on the side of Jonathan.

Jonathan accepted her words to participate in the transfiguration competitions.

From then on she started to teach Jonathan after classes.

Well it is only for an hour and Jonathan learnt it.

He doesn’t mind as he use time turner for 5 hours a day.

So he gave her 1 hour of his time.

Learning advanced transfiguration from a master is really a good thing.

Also there is another funny thing that is Ron’s wand is broken.

When he uses a spell it would rebound on him.

This includes the transfiguration.

So when he tried to transfigure something it bounced back on his robes and they transfigured into something different.

This made him the laughing stock of the class.

Well there are Slytherin people in the class and they laughed out loud looking at Ron’s embarrassing situation.

Soon this has spread throughout the school.

In the next few days Jonathan was approached by professor flit wick asking him if he is willing to participate in dueling and charms competition.

Jonathan explained that professor Mcgonagall also asked him to participate in transfiguration competitions.

As long as they did not coincide with each other then he was happy to participate in charms and dueling competition.

With his word another hour of his time was spent on learning dueling and charms.

But Jonathan did not mind as he has plenty of time.

Snape did not approach Jonathan during this time for potions competition.

Well Snape is excellent in making potions but his heart in a different place right now to think of taking Jonathan as his student.

On September 8th,

When Jonathan was sneaking out of the Gryffindor common room to the room of requirements to do some experiments,

He noticed that another person is sneaking out.

It was actually Ginny that was being controlled by Tom riddle.

Jonathan used the invisibility cloak along with a voice recording crystal and followed behind Ginny.

He is going to record the passwords in snake language.

He would use that later to take the corpse of the basilisk.

Also Jonathan has to pose when Harry saved Ginny to imprint his image in her subconscious mind and use it later when required.

During this sneaking process Jonathan only followed Ginny till the entrance of the underground chamber of secrets.

He did not follow her inside.

He doesn’t want to look into the eyes of basilisk and die.

Even if he looked into its eyes through other means he would turn into a statue.

He doesn’t want that to happen.

Let the fighting be left to the protagonist.

Jonathan’s task is to take the credit later.

For now after getting what he wanted, he left back to the room of requirements.

There he started to learn his things and do experiments that he could not do outside freely.

During the defense against the dark arts class Harry became the main topic for both Gilderoy and Colin for popularity.

Well in both positive and negative ways.

As for Jonathan they did not dare to act on Jonathan because they felt that Jonathan can see through them.

It is especially so for Gilderoy.

He felt that Jonathan knows his secret but kept silent about it just so that he doesn’t care.

He did not like the thought of this but still he doesn’t want to provoke someone and send the information to him accidentally.

So, all the thieves are acting in the open place trying to cover their secrets with all their capabilities.

Jonathan did not care about this and his thoughts are a little different.

It is not now but after the Christmas break would Jonathan act on Gilderoy.

The target is all the artifacts, valuables and money that Gilderoy has accumulated over time.

For now Jonathan maintained his peace.

Also Jonathan became vigilant when going around during the nights.

He specifically warned both Daphne and pansy to not to come out during the night to meet him.

He doesn’t want any accidental losses.

After solving this matter another thing came up.

It was Quidditch team selections.

Jonathan did not want to participate in this as it was too much time consuming and did not see the usefulness of this thing.

So he directly gave op participating in the selections.

But Harry and Ron are different they tried their best to participate.

Well no one stopped them.

They have already served their detention during these days because of going around in a car and doing something dangerous.

Jonathan did not care about this and let Harry go this time.

With Quidditch Harry would not achieve some things super.

It is all normal performance.

Jonathan invested his thought in some things more important during this time.

He went to the herbology room and asked some doubts about planting some rare plants gaining the good will of professor sprout.

Jonathan did this because he wanted to be self sufficient and learn more about the druid powers that he got.

They are far more useful compared to the senses of others.

Because of the sense of the druid Jonathan was able to sense the minute movements and even the movements of basilisk.

He avoided basilisk many time when he went to the room of requirements for his practice many times.

He would feel the change of plant whispers, insect whispers and beast breathing for him to judge the situation clearly.

Even if he went straight………..

Chapter 68: bet with Penelope Clearwater

He would feel the change of plant whispers, insect whispers and beast breathing for him to judge the situation clearly.

Even if he went straight to the forbidden forest, Jonathan was sure to come out safe and sound.

Harry on the other hand is having a hell like training for the Quidditch.

Well Jonathan did not interfere in this matter for the time being.

He would only put his finger in play when the things are necessary.

For now he simply took care of his own things.

Also he needs to have mastery level of flying skills to compete against Harry.

The protagonists are so out of the world that they can get everything.

But their lives always look miserable.

Jonathan sighed and continued to do his research work.

The process is smooth and he was close to creating attack spell cards.

But it will still take a little more time.

For now he has time to play around.

His training classes are going well because no one has realized that the chamber of secrets has opened yet.

There is one thing that Jonathan wanted to do during this time.

Jonathan that is good at knowledge attracted the attention of Penelope Clearwater of Ravenclaw.

She came to speak with Jonathan on her own to talk about some things about studies.

As a Ravenclaw she is very much interested in knowledge.

During the conversation Jonathan asked her about Percy.

Then Jonathan decided to divine her future.

“Your loved one would betray you for his ambition.”

This is the result that Jonathan saw, at least that is what he said.

Penelope did not believe the words of Jonathan.

So he made a bet that is to bring the brother of Percy Weasley that is Ron to speak the truth about Percy.

The stakes of the bet is for Penelope to fulfill one thing that Jonathan says to her and the stakes of Jonathan is to give her a valuable piece of knowledge that she is interested in.

Penelope is a clever woman and knows that Ron and Harry hate Jonathan for all the things he did in the past year and even now.

Because of this she thought that her winning chances are higher.

Any way she would not lose anything betting against Jonathan.

If Percy is really as Jonathan said then she was really saved her from a sad future.

If not she would receive a valuable piece of knowledge that she is interested in.

Any way she is going to gain.

She did not think that Jonathan would pull her into a trap as Jonathan is still a kid in her eyes.

With this kind of thinking she accepted the bet with Jonathan.

Jonathan smiled happily as his plan is working perfectly.

So he took the chance to find Ron alone and told Ron.

“You have made an oath that you would tell your brothers true nature to the woman that I pointed to or they are close to right.

Your brother Percy is close to Penelope Clearwater.

So come with me to tell about your brother’s ambition to her so that her life would not be spoiled.”

Ron did not say anything as he took the oath with magic he has to fulfill the oath.

This is necessary, if not he can never use magic.

He doesn’t want that to happen.

That is not all, Ron really hate his brother Percy right now.

After becoming prefect his eyes have reached his forehead, and after getting 12 OWL’s in the exams he became even more arrogant this year.

In the summer last year Percy has written many letters to Penelope Clearwater.

But they did not officially start dating.

It was when he showed concern for her after she was petrified by basilisk did she fell in love with Percy.

Jonathan is going to disrupt this.

It is not that he is a good guy.

Instead Penelope is like a female version of battle night.

She did not appear like the one in the movie instead she looked more beautiful.

She is very similar to Dustiness Ford Lalatina from KonoSuba series if you put on the proper armor for her.

Even though Penelope is not a masochist like the character from KonoSuba, she has the thoughts of standing up and fighting for the good.

So Jonathan wanted to take her as his personal female knight.

This is his plan.

For that he has to disrupt Percy and then get her into his embrace.

Even though there are few years of difference between them it is still good to get her.

At least let her stay single for him to get her.

For that he has to plan things carefully.

Soon Jonathan took Ron to Penelope to tell her about his brother.

Penelope was shocked to see Ron with her.

Also in the previous bet there is a loop hole that is Jonathan did not have to prove that Percy is a bad guy.

All he has to do is to make Ron tell Penelope that Percy is ambitious person.

Immediately Ron started to speak.

“Miss Clearwater, my brother is an ambitious man.

He writes letters to you and floats in your thoughts.

But after he sleeps his thoughts are a little different.

Percy has a habit of sleep talking and I heard him say that,

“You are a great gain to his plans to reach higher positions in the ministry.

As long as you become a strong Auror, he can exploit your gains and gain further strong standing in the ministry and become minister of magic one day.

He seems to like you but the like is you being intelligent and hardworking for his gains….

That is all I know about my brother…”

After Ron to her this he turned to Jonathan and said.

“I have told the truth about my brother, are you happy now.”

Jonathan nodded and Ron left angrily.

He is angry because he was unable to enter into the Quidditch team like Harry.

Chapter 69: the troubles of the villains

Jonathan nodded and Ron left angrily.

He is angry because he was unable to enter into the Quidditch team like Harry.

But even in anger he don’t want to break the oath he took so as to not to lose magic.

With his words Jonathan let him go and there are only two people left in this place.

One is Jonathan and the other is Penelope.

Her eyes startled for a moment and she looked disappointed.

Now she looked at Jonathan for a while and then said.

“Since you won the bet, tell me what you want from me.”

She asked Jonathan with a little hostility.

Well her love is broken because of the revealed secret.

Even if she deceives herself and wanted to believe in Percy Weasley, after knowing his thoughts she can never go back to how things are before.

So the hostility began.

She thought that Jonathan did this on purpose with impure motives.

So she is showing hostility.

Jonathan smiled at her and said.

“I don’t need anything from you.

Even though my family belongs to pure blood enthusiasts, I respect hard working people.

Even though you are from a muggle family you have a great potential to become a strong witch.

I just don’t want you to fall into the hands of an ambitious prick like Percy.

What I want is for you to stay safe.

I don’t want you to give away your preciousness to others and regret it later.

Even with all the magic in the world, you cannot get the medicine for regret.

That is all…”

Jonathan said and left.

If Jonathan tried to hit on her now then he would be implicated and directly branded as a bad person.

Jonathan doesn’t want that to happen.

So he told some caution to her like a good guy and left.

But his words are clear.

What he meant is.

“Don’t give your body, heart and virginity to some stupid idiot that wanted to use you.

There are good people like me in this world that is waiting for a beauty like you.”

Well he is not a good guy in heart but at least he is a good guy for his girls.

With the words Jonathan smiled again and left back to his classes and work.

After Jonathan left Penelope has a complicated face because she did not understand Jonathan.

She thought that she misunderstood him.

Even though the Ravenclaw people are supposed to be clever, when it comes to love things takes different turns.

Well her future was changed by Jonathan so she no longer has any thoughts about Percy or love for the time being.

She would concentrate on her studies from now one.

Jonathan returned to his daily life but he did not forget to look at one of the important incident.

This incident is related to Hermione being called by Draco as mudblood.

In response Ron would cast a spell to make the target through up slugs.

Unfortunately because of his broken wand the spell rebounds and Ron started to through up the slugs.

This is a spectacular incident that Jonathan wanted to see.

But he would not act.

This is a sensitive issue related to pure bloods and mudbloods.

Him acting right now would destroy his image and cause some serious problems later.

If one wants to act one has to have enough background and support to act.

Not everyone can be as reckless as protagonist and easily live without a care in the world.

Being a villain Jonathan needs to take every step carefully.

On the sides of every step there is an endless abyss waiting for him with open arms.

Any wrong move can cause severe problems for him and his future plans.

With that Jonathan was silent during the entire incident and did not even show his face during that time.

After this incident there is commotion in the school about Draco buying his way into the Quidditch team of the school as a seeker.

Jonathan immediately got another idea.

It is a profitable one at that.

Since one house has the new nimbus 2001 then it would be unfair to play like this.

The best way to resolve this is the upgrade all the broom sticks and gear of other houses too.

Or they can simply restrict Slytherin from using new nimbus 2001.

For this Jonathan don’t have act personally and put his face in front of everyone again.

Jonathan immediately wrote few letters and sent them to different people.

One letter is to Rita Skeeter to publish a special article about unfairness in Quidditch in Hogwarts about both Draco and Harry using new broomsticks.

Both of them are from good family backgrounds and this would create big incident.

Second letter is to the broom stick company to contact the management at the right time to sell brooms at a little lower price to get the big order.

Of course Jonathan would get his profit.

Third letter is the goblin manager Davis to intervene in this matter and get Jonathan’s share of money from the broomstick company.

This is the money for his idea so he has to get a little more for commission other than the usual share that he gets.

With the letter sent Jonathan happily continued with his days.

On the next day as usual Jonathan came to the great hall for breakfast.

Immediately he saw many news papers and letters causing commotion.

When so many letters arrived, the faces of the professors and Dumbledore are not good.

They instinctively felt fear about too many letters and commotion.

This time Jonathan did not show any change.

He was busy going around with the little house elves and cooking some things different making their appetite increase with just the smell.

So they thought that it was okay.

Then Dumbledore received a letter from the school management about the unfairness in Quidditch.

Immediately his face changed.

Professor Mcgonagall came over with the news paper with the article of Rita Skeeter again.

Chapter 70: envious Ron

Immediately his face changed.

Professor Mcgonagall came over with the news paper with the article of Rita Skeeter again.

Dumbledore’s frown increased looking at the article and he sighed.

This time it is not just about Harry and Ron,

It was about the unfairness of the entire school.

Now they have two options.

First is to make the students use the old brooms for the Quidditch match.

Second is to push the situation towards the school management to make the decision.

Any way school funds are in the hands of management.

He only has the right to make suggestion but not the decision.

So he can talk to the management.

Dumbledore is not that easy to deal and he has his own way of doing things.

The problem that can be solved with money is not a problem at all.

So the frown on the face of Dumbledore eased a little.

It even turned into a smile right now because he got a chance to deal with Lucius with the current incident.

For the first time he felt that the fate is favoring him a little.

On the other hand Harry and Draco are having a hard time.

If what they said is true then neither Harry nor Draco can use their new brooms.

Yes, Harry still got a new broom from Dumbledore in the last year after the incident with Voldemort.

Sadly Harry did not get a chance to use it.

After coming back to the school, Harry and Ron went to check out the new nimbus 2001.

Ron was envious from the time Harry came to live at their burrow previously after looking at his new broom nimbus 2001.

Well his family is poor and there is no one to gift him such good things other than some second hand clothes and things.

Ginny was luck as she is the only girl she doesn’t have to use the second hand things most of the time.

He is even envious of Ginny for being a girl.

Ron was really funny and how his brain works is a miracle.

Now that his friend got the new broom that he always wanted he was envious but he did not show.

This is because he would get to have a ride on this broom stick borrowing it from his friend.

Unfortunately even if he got the broom stick he was not selected in the Quidditch selections.

So he was continuously sulking.

Because of this irritation he forgot about the rebound of his broken wand and shot at Draco trying to be a hero.

The result is that he started to spit the slugs because of his own curse.


With the matter at hand Dumbledore directly pushed it towards the management.

After solving that he is peaceful again.

As for Harry and Draco along with Slytherin team are having different thoughts.

They don’t know if their advantage would remain or not.

If there is no advantage then taking Draco as seeker is a useless thing.

They are thinking about these things.

The time passed by and the management don’t want to spit out the money they embezzled.

It is the money for improving the school properties like broom sticks and other modern equipment.

So it was decided that the usage of brooms that did not belongs to the school in the school Quidditch competition was strictly prohibited.

With that the entire thing is over.

The broom sticks, that Lucius sponsored through Draco the Slytherin Quidditch team to let him win over Harry and Ron has gone down the drain directly.

Lucius is already angry because of his manhood problem, now with the setback he became angrier.

But still his backup plan is still there and he was confident in causing turmoil at Hogwarts.

The backup plan is related Tom riddles diary.

He was sure that the things have already started to brew and ready to erupt at any time.

Jonathan did not let his women go around at night freely.

Only he would take them with him some times and then he would take them back escorting them back to their rooms.

This is for their safety.

Romilda started to stick to Jonathan all the time in the name of observing him.

She is trying to gain the attention of Jonathan completely to herself.

Unfortunately there is too much competition and Jonathan is also flirtatious.

She is slowly losing her confidence to gain Jonathan all to herself.

Instead she is beginning to think that it is not bad to share Jonathan with few women instead of just standing on the side like other women.

Since she got the chance to become close to Jonathan she really wanted to try.

During this time her affection points towards Jonathan has reached to 75 points.

Jonathan is smiling at her happily.

The funny thing is that lavender brown seems to have only Ron in her eyes from the start to the end.

No matter how beautiful other people are she is only looking at Ron.

Jonathan doesn’t know that her love plan has started from such early age.

Well Jonathan did not have anything do about this.

But Jonathan would not leave these matters aside either.

He would definitely give a green hat to Ron.

The preparations for that should be made soon.

Jonathan is waiting for the system to give him a choice or something like that.

He doesn’t want to do things as he pleases and did not get good benefits from the system.

Jonathan’s experiments are a bit successful and he was able to create a card with flash spell.

Upon activating this card, it would release the flash spell creating a strong blinding light.

This is will blind his opponents for a few moments and in big battles with strong opponents few moments are very precious.

Jonathan held this card and continued with his experiments.

Based on the current time his recorded age is 14 but his physical age is over 15 years.


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