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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 121: Natasha’s sneaky work

She used the opportunity to divert that person towards the location of the camera and cut it off of her body suit.

With that camera fallen off she sent in into her ark space where every connection with outside world is cut off.

This way she would not have to worry about someone noticing what she did.

She can find the blind angle when it comes to the cameras of the other people.

But she cannot find one to the camera that is attacked to her.

So she did this.

With the surveillance on her gone the people in the monitoring division contacted her to know her situation.

She immediately replied saying that a thug sneaked up on her and during the struggle the camera was broken off from her and damaged.

She doesn’t know where the camera is so she is not going to retrieve it.

The headquarters did not say anything about the decision she took.

They told her to proceed with the mission.

Kyoko walked around the warehouse.

She was assigned to the warehouse where it was easy to get ambushed by the person that she hates the most.

He is called Clive and he wants to fuck her.

Even now he wanted her to perform the most dangerous task of going to the warehouse where there is more security and more spaces to get attacked.

If she died it was okay and if she survives she would feel the danger of the life and submit to him.

This is his tactic.

But Natasha is not so easy to get.

She has the memories from the future and all the combat experience she has for the next 9 years.

Even though her muscles and body did not remember them, her memories can still give her an edge over other people in both experience and sense of danger.

In the warehouse she moved around and killed the people silently.

Also she checked to see if there are any surveillance cameras here.

First thing she did is to destroy the surveillance cameras quickly without alerting the target.

Then she went to the surveillance room that is attacked to the warehouse to directly take the entire equipment into her space easily.

Then she moved around the warehouse that has all kinds of ammunition and guns.

She collected them all but left the open boxes empty.

She moved and worked quickly so she completed all of this in the lowest time possible.

When reporting back to the head quarters she told them that there is nothing in those boxes.

That is the warehouse only had empty boxes.

They head quarters called Clive to check the surveillance room only to find that the computer and other equipment here are mission.

He was so shocked that he doesn’t know what to do in that situation.

In order to not to be embarrassed he told the head quarters that this might be a decoy site with only show where the real things are somewhere else.

The people in the monitoring division also thought the same.

They quickly evacuated from this place.

The failure of the mission falls on Clive because he was the one that brought the information about this hide out.

He did not doubt Natasha taking the things with her.

No one in the entire world would believe that Natasha has the space artifact in her possession other than the other key holders.

So she was innocent in this matter.

For the next few missions she did the same and steals most of the things that are useful to her.

As for how she took she would hide it well so that it was not recorded in any surveillance videos.

Because of this reason all the next raids of her assault team were all busts and without a single gain.

Sometimes she will be assigned to a different place to do the go on into the raid.

These times they would find the things but unfortunately when they are transporting these things back they would lose the materials for various reasons.

Even with all this they would not be able find the culprit.

Even if they suspect that someone has a space artifact.

It was too much for the current world and the backgrounds of the people are clean.

So they were unable to find anything.

Natasha used her time well to steal the military rations from the secret agency she belongs to.

All the rations are of high quality.

There are all kinds of things provided for the military.

Just like before she sneaked in to that place, took the surveillance down and then stole everything present inside the warehouse.

She is wearing a mask that give the appearance of Clive and even her built was adjusted by her using the disguise technique to appear like Clive when she steals.

So even if she did not destroy all the surveillance, this one would be pushed on Clive.

With the previous cases of missing materials and Clive being the person in charge, his life would be living hell if something happens.

Well if a person is suspected to host such high level black technology,

If he did not tell the government about this early,

If he use this technology to steal from the government,

There is no more if’s here Natasha did all of this with the appearance of Clive.

This would land him straight on the experimental bed of the scientists of the country to see where the space device is hidden.

But things did not escalated to that level yet.

Natasha on the other hand took a leave because of the injury she suffered and some mental disturbance.

She acted out on a mission trying to save a dying child but the child died.

This made a great impact on her but in reality it did not make such a great impact on her.

She used it as an excuse to go out and spend the money that she has accumulated over time.

Chapter 122: preparations for the apocalypse

This made a great impact on her but in reality it did not make such a great impact on her.

She used it as an excuse to go out and spend the money that she has accumulated over time.

They would be useless after the apocalypse begins any way.

So she decided to spend the money she has accumulated over time.

But the money would be spent in a good way.

She was good at finding anyone that is stalking on her.

So she was able to easily steal things during her vacation too.

During this time she was not called out by the government.

Well Clive is having a time of his life with many suspicions on him.

Soon he will be taken by the scientists that would like to dissect him.

But she has to be careful of one thing that is not to show the signs that she has the space artifact.

Well she has to be extra careful.

She first checked to see if she was being monitored.

Then she made her way to country side.

There she started to steal things.

Her first target is always sea food and meat.

Well she did not like vegetables so she preferred them first.

Also she took over tons of milk and water from the purification plants with her excellent stealth abilities.

She got a good load of things.

For travelling and enjoying she spent all the money she has on hand that she accumulated over the years.

During this time she got news that Clive was suspected by the higher authorities and was suspended temporarily.

She did not trust her best friend that cheated on her before.

She kept her distance.

Even if Clive was captured it was already the time for the apocalypse so they will not be able to do anything to him.

But that was good because she was not pestered during this time and the family behind Clive would not be as strong as it was in her past life.

She specifically asked people from a construction company to build a shelter that can resist extreme heat and cold.

The location of the shelter is on the other side of the country at the edge from where she can easily reach the city of four faces when it was constructed.

She has already prepared everything she needed in the shelter.

In the name of inspecting things she went to the canned food supplying company.

She got all of their food from their warehouses.

Similarly she stole many things.

The happening of these things are in line with many thefts around the world so she was not suspected.

The assault team behind her wanted her to return to the base to perform more tasks because of the odd situations.

She returned.

She will get to her secret hide out when things becomes messy.

Without Clive and his family behind she can still live peacefully and protected in the army.


After a month the extreme heat started.

She is already prepared for everything.

She has hot water, cold water, food, clothes, necessities………

Other than that she has weapons both hot and cold, she has camping equipment and many types of machinery that are useful during the apocalypse.

With them on had she did not fear anything that was about to come to her.

With the extreme heat started things are very complicated.

The assault team was sent on rescue missions to bring back the powerful people.

Natasha stole the valuables of those high class people when she is rescuing them.

The things she mainly stole are the valuable materials like gemstones, gold and few other important things she know from her memories.

Well they are in a hurry to be saved so they would not think about those things at that time.

She used her sneaky hands to get the things into her warehouse.

She moved on with the assault team while she kept her distance from her best friend which made her feel different.

During this time the temperature increased rapidly making things hard for many people.

Even the people in the assault team are having a hard time doing the missions.

Natasha checked the things carefully and found that it is useless to stay with these people for the time being.

Also she found that Clive and his family easily got through the difficulties using connections and the current situation.

She took the opportunity when the temperatures are high and the surveillance system is busted, to steal the things from the military base.

There is no witness, as Natasha used prosthetics to appear as Clive again and stole the huge amount of resources that were accumulated.

Once again Clive fell in a deep hole dug by Natasha to jump in while she left the assault team in the name that she was unable to take in the heat.

She faked some mentally ill problems from the past during her rescue operations.

After that she took the vehicle provided by the government to leave this place to her hide out.

While going around she removed the tracker and surveillance that were arranged on her car and other things.

The people that are monitoring her were lost.

As for the reason for monitoring Natasha is because of the insistence of Clive saying that she was the one that stole the things.

Also he claimed that Natasha possess the space artifact with her.

Natasha already knows that she was being framed so after taking leave she did not go to her secret base.

Instead she went back to her house that was reinforced and arranged with cooling equipment.

She was not living in an apartment.

Her house is independent and was severely reinforced with anti theft locks, and bullet proof windows.

Even the doors are metal frame doors.

Inside the house has wooden furnishing that can keep things cold even at a higher temperature.

There are heat dissipaters that would constantly dissipate the heat outside very quickly.

Chapter 123: poison plan to kill Clive

Inside the house has wooden furnishing that can keep things cold even at a higher temperature.

There are heat dissipaters that would constantly dissipate the heat outside very quickly.

Other than that the wiring of the house is changed to the wiring that is used in satellites that would survive in extreme situations.

Not only here but also at the other base that she built as a safe house.

This place can be used in two ways.

First she would use this place is a safe house when needed.

Second is that she can hide here coming out of the four faced city in the future.

This was the best place to hide when needed.

She was sure of the camouflaging around the safe house.

Also she took measures against the earth quakes and underground worms too.

So this place is her safe house.

Well at least that is what she thought.

With that she started to stay in her reinforced apartment.

There are many materials that she bought anonymously in the past year which are all stored in her space.

Almost there is nothing left outside.

She emptied all of her accounts clearing all the money.

For show she would go out to get things every now and then.

She was under surveillance for a week.

After that she is not under surveillance.

This is because of the extreme heat they were unable to monitor her.

That is not all there is to it, the world is facing a catastrophe so the soldiers and assault team concentrated on more important things.

After the monitoring team left she took the opportunity to steal the things from the big depots from around 40 kilometers away from her place along with vehicles and fuel.

She used the unregistered vehicle with full body suit and prosthetics to cover her feminine body frame and show the make appearance.

She stole the things with peace of mind because none of them would go to the really needy people but the greedy people’s pockets.

So she will get them all.

Also there is a scientific cutting edge inventions research center near her assault team office.

During one of the nights she sneaked there to take the things that are useful to her during the disasters.

Other than that she found many rare materials storage depots inside the research facility.

She took everything from there cleaning out the place.

She thought that these things have other uses later as the system said that the materials have extraction value.

These days she was also called to enlist back into the assault team.

But she directly rejected it saying that she is not going to work in the team with Clive.

Clive was taken back to his position.

So she decided against it.

Well those people know the situation on how Clive got all of his merit from.

She can only curse Clive and the people behind him for pulling strings to lose such a capable person like Natasha.

Clive that still doubted Natasha made an emergency order for her to be enlisted under the jury of the country.

With that she could not be able to stay reject.

It was an order from high above and she has to go.

She has already expected this.

So she was not surprised.

She has another determination that is to kill Clive if possible in the smoothest way possible.

For that she moved back to the assault team office that was relocated to a better place.

She came here during the night when the temperature is a little lower.

During the extreme heat the sex drive of many men was very low.

Because of this even though the law and order of the world has collapsed there are no more sexual assaults.

Instead there are more on the side of killing people for food and water.

Well what can they do as the food and water was scarce resources and is also essentials for life sustenance.

She did not pity anyone or she acted with her life on the line to save anyone.

During this time Clive tried to make a move.

Well he has a room with good air conditioning so his sex drive is still very high.

It is more like a stallion because many women go for her to get supplies for their bodily services.

Natasha did not do that instead she found that he best friend rummaging through her things.

Natasha knows that she is searching for the pendent that she always keeps with her.

Most probably she received some supplies from Clive and wanted to search her things and give him something important to Natasha.

This way Clive can pull Natasha into his bed.

Well there is no human without weakness.

Unfortunately for them Natasha did not have that old pendent any longer.

Instead what she kept in its place is a fake pendent that has poison set inside it.

She has another fake pendent prepared with her if she was accused of assaulting Clive with it.

After her friend rummaged through her stuff and took the poisoned pendent, Natasha simply replaced all the things with normal ones that are poison free.

This way even if the forensics comes to investigate her locker room they would not find anything or any trace of poison.

After finishing the replacing process she used a special detector to check the locations where her friend touched and cleaned them thoroughly with reagents.

With that solved she happily returned back to her post and doing her thing.

She thought that it was the effect of her trapping Clive before that caused the incident of stealing her pendent so late.

Now that she thinks about it, it was better for these things to happen now.

This way the amount of attention that she gets from him would be far less.

The poison she applied on the fake pendent was applied by her.

As for the fake pendants, they are made by a special private black smith that is good at this kind of stuff.

Chapter 124: Natasha’s revenge and escape

The poison she applied on the fake pendent was applied by her.

As for the fake pendants, they are made by a special private black smith that is good at this kind of stuff.

Right now the blacksmith should already be gone because she doesn’t like the blacksmith.

This black smith has formed a gang in the later part of the apocalypse and did many atrocities against women and children.

She doesn’t like this kind of person but she could not do anything because this black smith is the friend of Clive.

He supplied woman to Clive for the supplies and protection of Clive.

This is their relationship in the future and she doesn’t want that to happen.

So she made the blacksmith die horribly while she went to receive the pendants.

Also she set his illegal smithy store, on fire so everything inside was burnt down.

Because of that there is nothing left inside leaving all the evidences along with the body gone.

The case was closed as an accident happened in illegal smithy store, causing the death of the owner.

Well things went off as she planned at that time.

Now the things at the side of Clive were also at a good situation.

He was eating when Natasha’s best friend took the pendent to him.

He pulled her to eat along with him where she feeds him and he feeds her.

During their exchange the poison on the pendent got on their hands and ingested into their stomachs.

While they are eating Natasha's best friend is sitting on the lap of Clive with his dick inside her.

They each fed each other strawberries and ate it with the kisses.

Well the next situation to be expected suddenly they are both poisoned and fell into a situation they could not even call for help.

Because of their complicated sitting they could not move from there either.

They each vomited blood on each other’s face because of the poison and finally died with Clive shooting his last cum shot into the pussy of Natasha’s best friend.

It was not discovered till the servants came to the room of Clive to do the cleaning.

Even now they have servants.

That is the life of the rich and arrogant.

The investigation started about this matter as the father of Clive was a high ranking officer and a business man family head that is currently supporting the government.

Natasha was enquired about this and asked if she had her pendent with her.

Natasha took out her pendent to show that has original symbol while the pendent that her best friend took yesterday has a different symbol.

From the previous images they confirmed that the pendent that Natasha has is the same one she usually has.

So they traced back the pendent that they found with poison beside Clive.

When they found he black smith that made this pendent this place was already burnt a few months ago.

Because of that they could not do anything.

The pendent that Natasha showed for investigators was said to be lost during one of the missions for which Natasha looked gloomy for a few days.

Also the temperature in the surroundings increased so much that there is nothing they could investigate.

With that things are sealed.

Natasha knows that the father of Clive would not just sit back and do nothing.

Since he suspects her about his son’s death, then he would definitely kill her.

She decided to escape since she did not have any support here.

So during one of the missions to retrieve fuels, she used the chance to take the entire fuel into her prepared tanks and lit the empty one with little fuel with explosives.

During that time she faked her death with the body of another person.

In the current situation they would not check if she really died or not as this is not peaceful time.

She moved from there in the vehicles in her ark warehouse and left to her second base.

In her home that she left she did not leave anything that is useful.

Instead she set a bomb that has the face detection technology.

That is if the father of Clive comes to her house to check then the bomb explodes killing him for good.

As for this happened or not is not her problem.

She started to check her hide out and then started to live there with continuously exercising and learning from the books from her ark library.

The process is slow but she has plenty of time.

The extreme heat is over and the earth quack hit the ground with cloudy sky.

She was outside her secret base in a plan field with many safety equipment attached to her.

She saw many fissures forming on the earth and after the earthquake stopped she went to check her hide out.

The damage is not big.

But she knows that it did not end with that and there is more.

She immediately patched up the damage with more shock absorbers and rearranged the things.

The heavy rain started and the continuous rain filled up the big sump that she made beside her hide out.

There are many water purifiers on the way the rain water flows.

She collected it in various large bins into her warehouse.

With that everything is perfect.


On the other hand back at her home something good happened.

The father of Clive that could not find a place to vent his anger came to the previous house of Natasha.

He wanted to search her house first to see if there are any clues of the location of Natasha.

He spent a little more to find that Natasha did not die during the accident before.

When he came to her house he wanted to burn it down and many people thought that he was going to do just that.

Out of expectations to everyone the house of Natasha did not have any clues….

Chapter 125: Rose from England

When he came to her house he wanted to burn it down and many people thought that he was going to do just that.

Out of expectations to everyone the house of Natasha did not have any clues but when the father of Clive came into the hall the entire house exploded.

The explosion is big but controlled.

Nothing in the house was left as everything was destroyed.

But nothing outside was destroyed.

That is how carefully the explosives are planted in the house by Natasha.

As she expected everything went well.

Well she did not know about this as she was happily practicing at her secret hider out.

On the day of the awakening she fell into deep comatose state.

She awakened the lightning element easily and normally.

With her previous experience she started to practice the lightning element.

She also goes to the nearby towns or refugee camps or into the outskirts of the forest to try and kill some monsters.

The killed monster beasts becomes her meal while the undead or zombies would be burnt as quickly as possible so that there is no further problems.

As for spars she would collect them to train but not store.

She knows that they are valuable but she has something that is more valuable.

That is the water and supplies.

So she doesn’t have to store those spars.

She continued to train here peacefully.

Also she would go to certain places to get the natural treasures and consume them to improve her power.

She knows about them during her time in the assault team in the previous life.

All the discovered treasures were eaten by Clive or other superior without leaving anything to her.

Now she got them all for herself.


In another place of Europe namely in the country named England there is a blond woman that can attract with her beautiful face hair and eyes that has green tint.

She is a beauty that can cause wars.

But because of her low class life maintaining a flower store with sand and dirt on her without proper care for hair along with her baggy clothes that hide her assets she went unrecognized as beauty.

Her face and hair are like Victorique de Blois from gosick while her remaining body is Tier Harribel from bleach.

Well her personality is very gentle and the charming face with milky white skin would earn her much admiration.

From her young age she was very excellent but after few incidents of being bullied and the death of her parents she has changed.

The death of her parents was planned because some rich man was interested in her mother that is a beauty that can make countries fall.

Well having a beauty or treasure or knowledge that a poor and powerless person should not have is a sin punishable by death.

That is what happened to her mother.

Her father died defending her.

Well her mother was not defiled but died committing suicide.

Before her parents died they struggled for a few days during which her mother made her understand some things and how to apply some disguises.

Her skill has soot mixed in with oil making her look blackish and little ugly.

Her hair was not completely taken care of causing it to look bad.

Also she keeps some smelly things with her.

Just like this all of her good points were hidden by the measures that her mother taught her.

Also after going to the orphanage at a young age she learnt how to protect herself.

Fortunately her parents left a little sum of money for her to get by.

She studied hard but never took the first place.

Most of the she did part time work in plant nurseries as she loves plants and feels specifically connected to them.

Other than that she learnt hacking.

She is one of the top hackers by the time she was out of her low level university.

That is not all.

She found some female fighters that practiced and teach fighting techniques for self defense and more through her hacking abilities.

These are hidden societies or vigilante societies to protect women.

She learnt from them as she joined them after few enquiries.

Most of the societies like these are actually traps of various ways.

She checked them out carefully before joining them with fake details that she created.

After learning the fighting techniques she would fake her death through various other organizations and withdraw.

This is her routine.

She opened up her mother’s flower store with a little capital she has from her parents legally.

She is around 21 years of age when she is taking care of the plants in her flower store with her disguise.

Suddenly she froze because someone put a gun on her head.

It was from the noble man’s body guard that tried to get her mother causing her current misery.

After finding out that the beautiful woman he wanted to fuck, has died made him regret that he did not use other methods like sleeping pills on her.

But later he found that she has a daughter.

The daughter is even more beautiful than her mother.

She was called Rose.

He was an obsessive kind of person and wanted to taste Rose but not now.

He is not into little kids instead he would wait till she grows up and then makes a move on her.

Also he wanted to have her first time reserved for him.

That is how obsessive he is in this regard.

As for the reason for this, is actually his psychological problem of wanting everything he liked for himself.

He would try every means he has on hand to get what he wanted.

If he did not get that then he would tend to destroy it with his own hands.

That is the kind of person he is.

He has children and they are similar to him in personality.

All of them are in either business or political field.


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