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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 61: the materials to blackmail Lucius obtained

She is going to do some sneaking around Gilderoy to get the truth.

But it was postponed for the time being and this work was given to Jonathan that is her lover…cough…cough… loyal informer to check.

Jonathan took the work with a happy smile and they chatted a little while eating ice cream.

Right at that time the book store had another commotion other than Gilderoy’s books signing.

It was the fight between Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy.

Narcissa is not here.

During the commotion Lucius slipped in the diary of Tom riddle into the caldron of Ginny.

Jonathan used the specific time to take a picture of this with the help of Rita.

As for Jonathan he hid in the crowd and did not act.

This photo is used to blackmail Lucius into handing over half of his wealth.

After this year the news of him placing this diary in the cauldron of Ginny would get him into trouble from both sides of good and evil.

Because the diary was destroyed along with the Horcrux would make Voldemort angry against Lucius.

Other than that doing something like cause of opening the chamber of secrets would make him enemy of the Dumbledore side.

So this would be his fatal weakness.

Rita did not notice this and specifically took the pick when Jonathan told her to take.

With that they left the area.

Jonathan is not going to meet them and participate in their struggle.

Jonathan observed one more thing that is the closeness of Hermione towards Harry and Ron reduced.

Ginny acted as if these two did not exist at all.

Jonathan knows that during this time Tom riddle would try and possess Ginny.

But Jonathan did not understand why Ginny was still sorted into the Gryffindor.

May be it is because of her strong will to resist Tom riddle that she was able to sort into the Gryffindor.

Jonathan noticed another thing that is she looked similar to the mother of Harry.

Well not completely but a little.

But it is not the time to get her yet.

He will make his moves when the time is right.

Before that forming an impression in her mind of equivalent exchange is a must just like Hermione.

In the next few days Jonathan continued to study some complicated things.

He has already completed the school syllabus of all subjects till fifth year completely and even wrote few home works based on his prediction even prior to the start of the school.

Well the work is done using the magic which is the same as Rita taking notes for her news collection.

This was the fastest way to complete the work.

Jonathan is going to request the time turner from the school in the third year just like Hermione got.

Also he would prove that Sirius is innocent in front of everyone.

This would the biggest proof to show that in front of the minister of magic to get Sirius back.

But Jonathan would not spare anything to Sirius.

This is because he did not take care of his mother and went to meddle in the affairs of other people.

If he was not going to meddle with the nonsense of the potters then Jonathan would not have so many problems if he is a normal child that is.

But Jonathan is not a normal child.

He would use this as the reason to keep Sirius away from him for the time being.

He doesn’t want anyone to meddle in and spoil his plans.

His plans are perfect and there is no problem in this matter.

There is one that is Sirius did not have a penny on him when he was deemed as innocent.

So at that time he did not have anywhere else to go.

Jonathan has to think of a solution for this problem.

But right now it is not a problem.

With the things sorted our Jonathan returned back to the Malfoy mansion where he massaged Narcissa again.

The photo that Jonathan asked was already given to him after developing them.

Since they are magic photos every action of Lucius was clearly visible in the moving photo.

Jonathan smiled like a Grinch for a moment and hid the photo back in his space.

After that he continued with his work.

On September 1st Jonathan knows that Harry and Ron are going to make something big with the flying car.

Jonathan did not stop dobby from doing these things.

This time Jonathan would help free dobby instead of Harry potter.

This way Jonathan can directly hire dobby to work for him.

There is also a house elf from the Barty crouch family.

Jonathan thought for a moment and got on the Hogwarts express.

Here his box was filled with girls again.

After few months of not seeing Jonathan appeared more handsome to them making them stick close to Jonathan.

Jonathan whispered something in the ears of Daphne and pansy making them blush.

The other girls did not know what Jonathan said but they wanted to know.

The gossip heart of the girls is a wild thing.

Well the news that Jonathan is going to massage both Daphne and pansy spread between the girls in their gang.

They also blushed but they did not ask for massage.

Well there are always bold ones that would come out and ask.

Jonathan would not let the food that fall into his plate go.

But not right now.

For now he would only do normal massage when he is free.

Also the news about Daphne and pansy gave their first kisses to Jonathan was also spread through them.

Well they saw him kiss pansy before to make her quite down.

So they are not that surprised.

Any way the Hogwarts express started its journey from the king’s cross station to Hogsmeade station.

There are two unexpected things in the train this time first is Hermione is once again searching for Harry and Ron with Ginny.

Chapter 62: another good material for Rita Skeeter

Any way the Hogwarts express started its journey from the king’s cross station to Hogsmeade station.

There are two unexpected things in the train this time first is Hermione is once again searching for Harry and Ron with Ginny.

As for Hermione and Ginny they directly came to the box of Jonathan and asked to talk to Jonathan.

Well Jonathan knows why he was called.

Seeing the two women that came to him, Jonathan stepped out of the box.

Daphne and pansy did not stop or say anything to Jonathan.

Hermione and Ginny also looked at Jonathan differently because he was surrounded by girls.

Their impression of him has reduced.

Their current affection values are Hermione 23 and Ginny is at 18.

They only came to Jonathan to ask if he knows anything about Harry and Ron.

Jonathan simply answered that he doesn’t know and then said that Lucius Malfoy might have done something because of the fight he had with Arthur Weasley.

Everyone knows about this fight as it came in headlines of the news on that evening edition.

Jonathan’s explanation made sense to them and they immediately thought of many things.

But they could not report this to the school or anyone right now.

So they can only be anxious.

After they left Luna arrived asking if anyone wanted to take the subscription for the magazine The Quibblers.

Jonathan called her inside the box where the girls made space for Luna to sit and explain about the magazine The Quibblers.

Jonathan took a subscription for this and talked to Luna.

Jonathan’s words did not hold any malice towards her which made her let her guard down.

She explained the things quite well.

There are many things about unknown fantasy creatures.

She explained them for a while as if she was possessed.

Naturally girls would behave like this when they faced with many clothes and ornaments.

But she is different.

Including her fashion sense and many other things are all different.

The entire talk was peaceful with Luna as if you are speaking to a highly intuitive person.

It has a strange soothing effect on Jonathan.

The girls did not understand the talk between Jonathan and Luna.

So they chatted among themselves while Jonathan and Luna chatted.

Daphne and pansy looked at Luna from time to time.

But Luna did not seem to feel their eyes or she did not care about them.


After a long time they finally reached Hogsmeade station.

During the journey Jonathan actually saw the scene of Harry and Ron driving the car and their deadly actions.

Jonathan actually bought a camera in the previous visit and now he took a photo of their dangerous moves and deadly actions.

He is going to sent them to Rita to play.

Daphne and pansy would not speak about this matter.

As for other girls they would not speak about Jonathan taking a photo of Ron and Harry.

Well there is a condition that is they wanted a kiss from Jonathan.

Jonathan was surprised that he became so famous with the girls.

He doesn’t know why he became so famous.

Well it just a kiss and he kissed them all gaining a bunch of first kisses of these girls.

Also all of them are beauties from the noble families.

Why the people from the noble families are beautiful.

It is very simply.

The rich man marries beautiful girls.

Naturally their off springs would be beautiful.

Pansy and Daphne were pouting a little but they calmed down after receiving their share of kisses from Jonathan.

Jonathan smiled happily.

What can a man want in his life other than good food and peaceful sleep?

The girls are flirting with him making his days happy, so what would he reject.

Only children and protagonists makes choices but he is a big villain and he wants everything.


Coming to Hogwarts Jonathan saw that Hagrid is still there leading the first years going through the winding swampy path to the lake side.

He sighed and shook his head thinking of their moronic thoughts.

If they want to show the beauty of the castle then they have to show it on a specific night.

Why bother trying all this nonsense.

They did not bother with injuries because they have healing potions and magic.

The magic is a free thing which made it become worthless.

If magic also costs something then they would not have used is so carelessly.

Well because of his search for magic origin he found many important things.

Throughout the history there are times when people used wands and other amplifying external supports to improve their magic.

Originally they did not require any of these things to use magic.

But now they require a wand or a staff to support the concentration of magic enough to actually cast a simple spell.

That is how low the current magic has reduced to from the era of gods to the current era.

This is also the reason why Jonathan wanted to know where the origin of magic is.

To know the origin of magic is to control the origin of magic.

To control the origin of magic is actually to control the entire worked.

A villain must do something to control the world.

But he was sure that the follow of the world would not allow him to succeed.

In order to stop him they would definitely create powerful protagonists.

Harry potter here is designated to face Voldemort.

But Jonathan was also doubtful about another thing.

That is if the will of this world is not stable just like the origin of magic then there might not be any enemies for him to face.

That is there would be no protagonists other than Harry potter.

This is what he has to see and find out.

Well any way living the life to the fullest is his motive.

So he would do just that and achieve the greatness that he wanted through his own efforts.

Chapter 63: Jonathan’s current targets

Well any way living the life to the fullest is his motive.

So he would do just that and achieve the greatness that he wanted through his own efforts.

On the way crushing protagonists and villains is a natural and he would not feel bad about it.

If they are crushed, it is their fate that he wrote, no one can change that.

After getting off the train the first thing he did is to call his Goldy to come over to him.

He was sending few picks to Rita Skeeter right now.

These are the special images of Harry hanging from the car and Ron driving the car.

All of these things are illegal.

Originally Arthur was able to cover up this thing because they did not see the driver in the car through the images.

But if Jonathan can show the appearance of Ron and Harry doing the dangerous stunts in the car, then the situation would be very different.

One word can tell the gravity of the situation that is a “Catastrophe” for the Weasley family.

Jonathan then tries to approach them to solve the crisis.

Jonathan only hates Ron, Charlie and few others but he still like Ginny the red haired beauty and her brother George and Fred.

Not in that way….cough…coughs…

Jonathan is a straight man and only likes woman not men for the…cough…cough play.

George and Fred can become key people in building his business in a specific industry of pranks.

Jonathan is looking forward to this.

Jonathan is also interested in molly Weasley that has a hot milf body unlike the appearance in the movie.

She looked like the mature version of Ginny with a little more bust with double D figure.

One can understand how strong her drive is from the number of children she has.

She loved Arthur that can satisfy her.

But what if Arthur could not satisfy her?

For this Jonathan could not act now.

He has to act in the future when he reveals that his father Sirius black is not a traitor.

Only then can Jonathan really act normal with those people without those eyes of prejudice.

Jonathan has seen those eyes from the people that know his identity from time to time.

Well he did not care about them.

Also he is going to go under cover with the help of Dumbledore towards the side of Voldemort or stay as a neutral party which is much better.

Jonathan prefers to be a strong neutral party that both sides want to try and win over.

This way he can justifiably take both Bellatrix and Narcissa.

On the side of Dumbledore they would act reserved and Jonathan has to use some tricks to get them.

Well he would not force them into anything.

All he has to do is to let them taste the forbidden fruit and feel the excitement.

They would automatically start to fall for him on their own.

But it requires lot of ground work.

He is now making foundation for that.

He has already started with the wife of Lucius Malfoy that is Narcissa.

So he could not leave the wife of his rival molly that is the wife of Arthur Weasley.


Along with the photos related to the adventures of Harry and Ron with the car, Jonathan also sent her a letter.

Not a love letter but the information letter…

Then they moved to the Hogwarts in the carts drawn by invisible horse like creatures called Thestral.

Jonathan can actually see the Thestral.

The reason for this is not something strange.

He has seen the deaths of many other people during his life.

Thestral drawn cart can carry 6 people at a time.

On the Thestral drawn cart there is Jonathan, by his side there is Daphne and pansy.

Other than that there is Hermione that was anxious for Harry and Ron.

For some strange reason no man came here to get on the cart.

The other two girls are actually Cho Chong that is a year older than him and there is also Romilda vane.

Previously because there are only Slytherin girls in the train box Jonathan is sitting, she did not make a move.

But now that the number of people around was not paying attention she silently boarded this cart that Jonathan boarded.

Originally she should be following Harry because of his famous name and the Quidditch seeker.

But now because of all the things that Jonathan did, the fame of Harry has gone down the drain.

Now Jonathan is the most famous person for him being standing up against Dumbledore.

So she became interested in him.

She is also one of the people in the hit list of Jonathan.

Not to kill but to get her into his arms.

She has the nature very similar to Bellatrix but more on the restrained side.

She would go as far as to use love potion to get Harry and even after getting caught she did not give up.

She only gave up when Harry started dating Ginny.

But her love is actually strong as she did not look for other men during that time or later after Harry went after Ginny.

Well whatever the case is, she is a good woman with strong love interest potential in Jonathan’s eyes.

So he would not lose her.

He has noticed her before when she was eying him.

So he specifically left a seat for her after talking to Daphne and pansy.

As for Cho Chang, she was interested in Jonathan because he scored such high score.

Well she did not have any romantic interest in Jonathan right now.

She has her eyes set on some hot guys in the higher classes of Hogwarts for now.

Jonathan is not in her target range.

Well Jonathan did not care about this as he has other plans to get her later but not for now.

The cart when it was filled with 6 people started to move.

Chapter 64: Romilda vane

Well Jonathan did not care about this as he has other plans to get her later but not for now.

The cart when it was filled with 6 people started to move.

Jonathan was sitting in the middle of Daphne and pansy because they wanted to sit on either side of him.

During the journey Cho Chang asked few questions to Jonathan like a kind senior.

She is not shy about this.

Jonathan answered her questions in a simple way without causing too many fluctuations.

But it still impressed Cho Chang.

They returned back to the castle and went straight to the great hall.

Jonathan sat in his usual spot while Hermione went to enquire about Harry and Ron arriving at the castle.

On the other hand Romilda vane sat close to Jonathan.

Her face says that she wanted to speak to Jonathan but she could not because of her shyness.

She is not the future self that is bold to try the love potion on Harry.

She is still the shy self right now.

Jonathan made a gesture for her to come and sit beside him.

She was shy but she would not let go of such a golden chance.

She immediately came to Jonathan’s side and sat beside under the astonished gazes of other woman in her class and even some seniors.

They are not bold enough to make a move and she got the chance while they are still thinking.

With her by his side Jonathan silently spoke to her.

“I will leave the common room later.

Follow me.

We can talk at somewhere more private.”

With his whisper her face turned red and her eyes are shining.

She sat there in dazed state for some time without doing anything.

She only came back to her senses when the sorting hat started to sing its ugly song.

During that time Hermione returned and sat in front of Jonathan.

The sorting happened step by step.

Ginny came over to Hermione to sit beside her,

From time to time she looked at Jonathan.

She is interested in the handsome person like Jonathan.

No matter which world it is girls mature faster and their thinking would be much better than the boys of the same age.

Unfortunately many girls when they turned 16 or 18 they would lose their minds and believes in some idiots and fall in love.

There are true love incidents but they did not occupy the most number of places.

Well there are intelligent woman in them too.

But some things cannot be changed easily.

What about it, it suits Jonathan’s plans and he chose who he wants.

Even though Ginny was interested in him she would not make a move.

In the original story she was with two people before finally fixed on the third that is harry potter.

It is not that she is a lose woman but she is a little different than others.

She can change her mind quickly in some cases till she fixed on Harry.

So Jonathan has to plan things carefully to get her completely.

She and her mother looked more like Jessica rabbits if they put on a proper dress and make up.

Well their appearance is a little different from the original story.

She looked perfectly like Jessica rabbits with her hot figure and red hair in the future.

While her mother has more bust and ass making a milfy body that is even hotter than Jessica rabbits.

This is the reality between the imagination story with characters in the movie and the reality which has many changes in appearances.

But all the appearances are in line with his liking so Jonathan was happy.

This is the same for Rita Skeeter.

Unlike in the original plot she looked like Marlin Monroe.


Jonathan completed his dinner here and returned to the common room but did not leave here.

He waited for a while and Romilda was also in the common room waiting for Jonathan to leave.

During this time Harry and Ron arrived at the school.

Hermione and Ginny have already retired to their dorms.

She became calm after looking at the evening edition of the flying car.

Jonathan took the best time to move out of the common room and Romilda followed.

She is bold but also stupid to trust Jonathan to this live without even thinking.

But Jonathan is not the one to harm others intentionally.

He would only harm them if he seeks any benefits from them or if they tried to get their hands into his plan.

Other than that he would not think of these people.

Instead having a good name can be useful.

It is just like Dumbledore.

She followed Jonathan and they came to the room of requirements without any obstructions.

She was shocked to find that there is a hidden room like this.

When they entered inside there is already two people inside.

It is specifically Daphne and pansy.

Romilda was shocked to see that two Slytherin people are here.

She immediately became vigilant.

But in the next moment her face changed because they ran towards Jonathan and stuck to him on both sides.

She is not stupid and understood that they are very close to Jonathan.

She has seen this before when she observed Jonathan all the time.

She only vaguely felt that they are close but she did not expect them to be this close.

Her instincts said that these two women are her rivals.

Before she did anything Jonathan spoke.

“Let me introduce these two to you.

Daphne Greengrass and pansy Parkinson, they are my girlfriends and future wives.

They decided to share me between them and they did not have any differences.

If you really like me you can also become my girlfriend.

As for becoming future wife, I want to see if you really love me….”

Jonathan can see her affection meter which is only at 60 points of affection which is initial love state.

Chapter 65: you can make your choice slowly

As for becoming future wife, I want to see if you really love me….”

Jonathan can see her affection meter which is only at 60 points of affection which is initial love state.

As for Ginny she is just like Hermione but a little higher than Hermione around at 38 affection points towards Jonathan.

Hermione is around at 33 affection points after all the incidents during this time.

Romilda thought for a while.

She is not the type to choose share as she is quite possessive by nature.

But she really doesn’t want to lose Jonathan.

Jonathan looked at her confused face and said.

“You don’t have to make your choice immediately.

You still have time.

Make your choice slowly.

Even thought you share me with them you did not have to take the third number.

In my eyes all my women are pieces of my heart.

I am not a good person or a kid and a hero that choose only one woman.

I want everything.

I can assure you that the number would not stop at three.

So make your choice wisely.

The curfew time has not started yet.

So you can go back if you want to think.

But if you chose men there is no turning back.

I would not leave a woman that belongs to me.

I don’t like betrayal which would lead to the death of the betrayer.

So make your choice slowly.”

Romilda vane thought for a moment and said.

“I think I need time to make my choice…”

After she said that she returned back to the Gryffindor.

Jonathan did not care about that as he has two beauties in his hand that are pounding his chest with their first for bringing another woman here.

But there is no anger in their words or actions.

Jonathan kissed them and hugged them tightly.

Then he gave them some advice about not going out all the time to cause trouble this year because there is some special problem.

This is not a movie or a story.

The death here is real death and Jonathan doesn’t want to lose his woman because of an accident.

So he warned them in advance.

Also during this time Jonathan has obtained the auxiliary materials along with phoenix tears and basilisk’s venom for the ritual if inheritance.

He could not perform that ritual outside during the summer vacation because he could not hide anywhere.

But here there is room of requirements for hiding.

Jonathan would tell his women to not to come for a day and then perform the ritual peacefully.

Also that would be the day when the chamber of secrets is open.

As long as the chamber of secrets is open no student would roam outside and become hindrance for Jonathan.

That would be the best time for the ritual.

Jonathan has made specific plans.

After having some food time with pansy and Daphne Jonathan and the girls returned to their dormitories quickly.

Tomorrow there is a good show that was actually intensified by Jonathan sending photos to Rita Skeeter.

When Jonathan came to the great hall he went to the kitchen to speak to the house elves there.

He likes all kinds of food and usually wanted to try new kind of food all over the world.

So he gave some recipes to the house elves and got what he liked.

He even helped in the cooking and tasting process.

House elves are very good and a small act of kindness can easily win their favor.

This was actually noticed by Hermione which increased her affection to 35 points.

She did not expect that Jonathan would be so gentle and would be so close to the house elves that many noble families despise.

She did not know how to understand Jonathan.

While she is thinking the owls came to deliver letters and news papers.

Jonathan’s pet Goldy also arrived here with a news paper and a letter which is actually pink.

Many girls looked at it and immediately understood that it was a love letter.

But they are not surprised because Jonathan is so handsome that he can really get love letters.

Still they are very jealous of the bold person that sent him a love letter.

Romilda still sat beside Jonathan.

She wanted to observe Jonathan for a while before making her choice.

Jonathan doesn’t mind having the company of a beauty sitting beside him.

She was very curious to see who would send a love letter to Jonathan.

Jonathan did not show this to her but she was still able to watch the name of the sender.

It was actually “Rita Skeeter…”

She was really shocked but at the same time she was also curious to find why a lady of over 40 years would send a love letter to Jonathan that is around 14 years old.

She wanted to ask Jonathan but she is not stupid enough to ask it here when so many people are around.

When Jonathan got the letter he immediately hid it in the coat pocket behind the wizard robes.

Hermione and Ginny are curious about the sender but they are not close to Jonathan to ask about that.

Who are they to ask him?

Well if they asked and Jonathan asked the same question they would be embarrassed to face others.

So they are silent.

Right then Ron got a red letter that immediately attracted their attention.

They know that the red letter is a “howler”.

Also they know that it should be from molly Weasley for what Ron did yesterday.

Before the letter started speaking Jonathan opened the front page of the news paper where there is a big image in it.

In the image Harry is hanging in the air holding the door of a magic flying car with Ron driving inside trying to help Harry pull back into the car.

It is a magic image that moves so their struggle of survival in the flying car was recorded……..


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