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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 56: making special oils and preparing to massage Narcissa

Because of this she never truly tasted true love or even a kiss for that matter.

Jonathan was the first to kiss and she was caught by surprise.

She wanted to resist but her lack of knowledge or experience in kissing and few other things made her unable to resist.

Jonathan did not stay there after kissing.

“Do the job well and I will reward you later.

Bye for now.”

After saying these words Jonathan ran back the castle leaving Rita stunned on the spot for a long time.

By the time she regained her consciousness she blushed which is strange for her and then she looked at the direction that Jonathan left.

There is a strong obsession in her eyes as she looked at the direction Jonathan left.

After regaining her composure she left from here quickly.

She has many things to do.

Jonathan returned to the castle and prepared his bag and other things to leave back to the Malfoy mansion.

This time after the news about Jonathan standing on the opposite side of Dumbledore is published, Lucius would think good of Jonathan.

In place of his son he can put Jonathan to do the tasks for the dark lord.

This way, his son Draco would have a way out and double security for this matter.

That would be his possible plan.

Also this current information should have already spread to Lucius by Draco through a letter.

This is one of the good habits that Draco has.

He would always write a letter to his father and mother about his greatness or interesting incidents in the school.

So Jonathan can go back to the Malfoy mansion without any problem.

After packing his things he moved to the railways station at Hogsmeade and boarded the Hogwarts express that would return to London.

While on the way Jonathan was not alone in the box.

Daphne and pansy are here with Jonathan.

The group of girls that follows pansy was also in the same box.

Well Jonathan is handsome and he stood up against Dumbledore today.

He emits a strange charm that of thoughts of defiance appears at the age of puberty.

Also Jonathan won which made them more interested in him.

At Hogwarts many girls liked Jonathan that won the bet and only some men are angry about Jonathan saying those words to Dumbledore.


When he finally got off the train Narcissa is waiting for Draco well for Jonathan too.

Jonathan pushed his things and came to Narcissa.

She looked smiling when she saw Jonathan this time because of what Draco said to her through the letters.

This made her impression on Jonathan improve.

Also Jonathan is at the top of the list in studies that is crossing the intelligent Ravenclaw students which is very strange.

So all in all Jonathan was very good and having Jonathan as a friend is very good for her son Draco.

So she changed her attitude towards Jonathan to a different direction.

She took them back to Malfoy mansion quickly.

After returning here Jonathan did not do anything and just rested for a day and then he left to the Diagon alley.

Well he is 13 and he was not restricted much.

So he can go out on his own he was not restricted.

He went to buy some oils.

He is going to start the massaging from now on.

Also he has another thing he wanted to prepare during this time.

Immediately he became busy with his work and started to move around the stores.

He bought various oils and materials.

After that he went to the 12 Grimmauld place and started to brew the oil mixed with the materials he bought just now.

The effects of the resultant oil would make the person feel refreshed and sensitive when they are massaged with this kind of oil.

Also he mixed a special scented herb that was mixed with few drops of his blood.

This way when the person massaged with the oil went to other men they would not feel any interest in this person.

Except for Jonathan they would not be aroused and she would not be aroused or relieved from others including her husband.

Well Lucius is already unable to do anything.

So even if he recovers he would not be able to do anything to her.

As for the massaging technique Jonathan has already read few books about this in the Hogwarts.

One thing he did not understand is why these books are present at Hogwarts.

Well he did not care about that.

After a week of preparations Jonathan found a good day and came to Narcissa.

Today Narcissa is at home after few days of heavy work along with Lucius.

Draco went to meet with Crabbe and Goyle to play.

Lucius went to deal with something at ministry of magic.

Even dobby is out of home and went to hinder Harry potter.

So there is only Narcissa and Jonathan is present at home.

Jonathan came to the room of Narcissa and knocked on the door.

Well he did not have any bad intentions but just making preparations for the future.

Based on the estimate when Jonathan was in his fifth year he would be 18 years old physically along with the time added by time turner.

So then he can play with the older women first.

Later slowly get the other women of his age when they ripped well at the right age.


For all of this the first thing he needs to have is patience to achieve some good results.

He is currently making preparations for the future with great patience.

There is also Bellatrix that is still a big virgin even at this age.

She did not let her husband touch her and she devoted herself to Voldemort alone.

In the future Jonathan would have the chance to taste her when she breaks out of the Azkaban.

Then Jonathan would slowly massage her body burrowing through……..

Chapter 57: massaging Narcissa till she climaxed

In the future Jonathan would have the chance to taste her when she breaks out of the Azkaban.

Then Jonathan would slowly massage her body burrowing through her heart and get her behind the back of Voldemort.

Any way that crocked nose idiot does not require this kind of beauty.

Jonathan has his plans.

He came to Narcissa’s room with a bottle of oil.



“May I come in Mrs. Malfoy?”

Jonathan asked after knocking the door.

“Come in.”

Narcissa said with a stern voice and cold face.

She was in the study still dealing with some things.

Jonathan knows that he could not use the oil directly.

So he has to first start with the massage over the clothes.

Then after proving his massaging skills he can move on with the skin contact.

Finally he can move to the part where he can massage her with oil.

It will take the entire summer vacation.

But even then the success rate is less than 10 percent.

Well he is going to practice the massaging techniques on both Daphne and pansy after going back to the school later.

Cough… Cough… he will only does massaging techniques not the other things right now.

He is a gentle man and would not touch a lady still she matures well.

For now there is only kissing and massaging with Daphne and pansy,

If Hermione falls in the trap then she might get some too.

Well in the next year things might not move in that direction.


After entering the room of Narcissa that is wearing a sleeping robe covering her curvy body, Jonathan spoke with clear eyes.

“Mrs. Malfoy, I have seen you working so hard every day.

Any way I am living here for free.

So I want to help you massage a little to relieve the stress as a thank you for taking care of me.

I have studied few massaging techniques from the books at Hogwarts.

You can try a little.

If you like it I will continue.

If not I will leave.”

Jonathan said with a gentle and innocent smile.

It is as if he has studied something hard for the sake of Narcissa.

Narcissa’s face did not chance much but she is really having stiff shoulders today.

Jonathan is really free loading in their house for so long.

So she wanted to make use of Jonathan a little to get a massage.

Any way he is still a kid and it would not cause any problems for her.

With many thoughts she simply nodded her head.

She is not much of a talker from the beginning.

With that Jonathan came to her and told her to sit on the sofa leaning back.

This sofa is a normal sofa and Jonathan was tall enough for his age.

With her leaning back Jonathan got the back view of her and her white neck.

Well he could not do anything right now.

He has to wait for a few years before he could do anything.

Then he gently places his hands on her shoulder and started put the pressure at the specific locations.

The process is very slow and Narcissa felt that all the points that she felt stiff were touched properly.

Jonathan moved on and slowly pressed the back of the neck and the shoulder bones.

He rubbed on the nerves and muscles giving her a happy feeling that she lost for many years.

It is close to pleasure but not pleasure.

But after a long time of not being with her husband she is feeling the relaxation and pleasure as the same thing.

Jonathan also moving his hands in a rhythm so that she can feel more relaxed.

Only relaxation but not that…cough…cough…

After half an hour when he felt her body tremble a little Jonathan stopped and said that he was done with the massage.

He waited for her to come out of the pleasure enjoyment state and said.

“Mrs. Malfoy did you like my massage.

If you like it I would massage you every day while I am here on vacation.

I am sad that I could not do the full massage with the oil.

I bought the necessary oils but it is inappropriate without the proper consent.”

Jonathan said with a sigh.

Narcissa stated in her excited state for a few moments and finally looked at Jonathan and said.

“Your massage is very good.

You can give me a massage every day when I am free.”

As for the other things she did not speak about them.

She doesn’t want to cross some lines right now.

She did not reach that point yet.

Well Jonathan also did not push her to that level.

He has to take things step by step.

Also he needs to take her word of mouth support to get his name into the rich circle as well.

All the beauties, milfs should only belong to him.

He would not let others take them.

For that this massage is the beast weapon.

Well there are other things as well but it would take some time before he can do them.

Other than massaging her Jonathan would study alchemy notes and other schedule that he prepared.

Every day, he would choose the best time to do the massage for Narcissa for both him and her not getting caught with others.


After Jonathan left Narcissa’s cold face changed to that of a lewd one and her white face became red.

She did not expect that she would climax with just a massage from Jonathan.

Her bottom on the sofa was wet from her squirt and her panties are soaked.

She hid it well before sending Jonathan away and started to touch herself to continue the pleasure more.

She felt the strength in his hands and this moved her heart and body.

She knows that she could not go on like this.

She wanted to try asking Lucius Malfoy to play with her tonight.

Chapter 58: Lucius’s strange fantasies about Narcissa

She knows that she could not go on like this.

She wanted to try asking Lucius Malfoy to play with her tonight.

It has been so long and she thinks that Lucius has recovered from the problem that he had before.

She would have never expected that this problem would not leave Lucius for this life.

There is no cure for this problem and his dick and balls would have already reduced in size to that of a cuck.

The 1 inch dick and peanut size balls can never satisfy a woman in his life.

Because of this Lucius is very angry and sad over the years.

He tried many medicines that spent over 10 percent of his wealth.

But the result is still the same and his condition did not improve.

Also he is not having thoughts of his wife cheating on him.

At first he was not happy with those thoughts and tried to follow Narcissa to check on her.

All he found is that she is not cheating on him.

But the thought of Narcissa cheating on him has made him aroused and he felt happy to cum after so long.

The release of pent up pressure during these years made him happy.

At the same time he slowly fell into the thoughts of being a cuck.

Now he likes that very much and thinks of this every day.

But he did not reveal this to Narcissa because he doesn’t want to lose his reputation with his beloved wife that is still loyal to him.

Well in his dreams and thoughts he has thought of Narcissa cheating on his even with the house elf dobby.

Because of these thoughts during this time his irritation has reduced by a notch.

This made Narcissa think that Lucius is cured and they can have a good time.

For that she went to the beautifying place (Magic beauty parlor) of Diagon alley and got a good make up.

Then she came back home and prepared to wear some sexy laced black lingerie and waited for Lucius.

Jonathan that knows all of this was silently laughing inside.

He knows what would happen at the night.

What he was thinking is actually how to make the advances that he wanted tomorrow with Narcissa that would be angry with Lucius.

If Jonathan uses this opportunity well then he can make the skin contact massage with her directly.

If all the luck is good then he might even get to massage her with the oil he prepared for her.

Well he would not make any advances other than massaging.

Other than that the remaining time is spent on studying and practicing things.

When it comes to practicing and studying Jonathan is very diligent.

On the night of that day Jonathan put on the invisibility cloak and lingered around the room of Narcissa to check on the situation of Narcissa and Lucius.

When he came to the room Jonathan already heard them scolding each other and the grumpy Lucius left the room and went to drink, while Narcissa is sobbing in her room.

Jonathan looked at the situation which is within his expectations and then returned to his room to sleep.

On the next day he did not directly go to Narcissa and checked the waters by making Draco ask something.

Draco was grounded that day because of his stupid questions and Jonathan took the opportunity to coax her with the massage.

When Jonathan came to her asking if she is free for him to give her the massage she immediately remembered the situation yesterday.

Immediately her face is a little red.

After the disappointment with Lucius she was aroused to the peak and wanted to relieve herself.

But she could not rely on Jonathan as he is not an adult.

At the same time she could not go out and get the relief from other people.

So she has decided to go on with the massage with skin contact this time to relieve some of the tension.

She did not think that it is anything of a problem and pulled down her robe and the straps on her shoulders revealing her back to Jonathan.

Then she lied down on the bed for Jonathan to massage her.

“You told me yesterday that you can do a better massage with direct contact right.

Now massage my back and shoulders with directly contact.”

Jonathan knows that he got the opportunity right now and asked about the oil to see how far he can push this play.

“Mrs. Malfoy, do you want me to use the oil too.

It would not be sticky as I have mixed in some herbs to keep the skin clean and be more stress relieving.

Jonathan said with a smile.”

Narcissa did not want to move things any further so she declined and told him to move on with his massage.

Since the area of work increased from her shoulders to the entire back Jonathan was delighted.

He started to slowly move his hands around her back and found the noted points that do two things.

First it would relieve her tension and stress.

Second is that it would arouse her a little and then release her stress making it very comfortable.

Jonathan as if he is playing a piano with a little hard hand or kneading dough with his soft hands.

He moved his hands around her back.

She started to purr a little and tried her best to control the sound of relief coming out of her mouth.

She bit on to the pillow so that she would not release any sound.

After some time her body arched a little and trembled.

But Jonathan did not stop and moved on massaging till she has another trembling release.

She started to pant a little from the relief and Jonathan stopped at this saying that the massage is over.

Narcissa was a little reluctant and she did not want to ask for more right now.

Chapter 59: Runic Magic card

She started to pant a little from the relief and Jonathan stopped at this saying that the massage is over.

Narcissa was a little reluctant and she did not want to ask for more right now.

Jonathan checked her affection level and found that she has 20 points of interest in him which should by one 3 points before.

But the number increased so much in just two days.

Also her current mood is very aroused and also relieved to some extent.

Well Jonathan is not going to do anything more and returned to his room to continue with his daily routine.

This continued for a week without any problem and the affection of Narcissa increased to 25 points and stopped there.

There is no more increase at this point.

Jonathan would always suggest that massaging with the oil would be good but Narcissa skips the topic directly.

Jonathan understood that he would not be able to use oil in this summer vacation.

Well he would try it in the winter holidays around Christmas next time or the next summer vacation.

He still has plenty of time.

He did not fear that Narcissa would go for other men.

He specifically applied a told Kreacher to keep an eye on Narcissa so that she would not fall into the arms of another man.

Jonathan now has three house elves under his command so he did not worry about anything from happening.


On the other hand his research of different things related to runes has come to the testing phase.

He got some bronze plates that are thin but stiff like the playing cards.

He believes that every magic can be performed through another model using the runes as long as sufficient magic was induced into it.

But for that he has to form three things.

First is the runic structure that is required for the designated magic.

Second is the runic structure that is to point at the designated target.

Third is the runic structure that can store the magic in advance to use the runic magic card straight away.

This is his secret weapon that can be used in a situation where casting magic spell is not possible.

He did not use some strong spells.

His first target of experimentation is actually the simplest form of levitation spell.

Also there are problems related to the usage of materials to make the magic card that is more conductive for the magic.

For that he is thinking of ways in the alchemy.

He decided to go to Nicolas to ask about his doubts.

So he took the Knight bus to go to the house of Nicolas one of these days to explain about his plan that shocked Nicolas.

Thinking of the achievements that Jonathan would make in the future, he was very proud.

Few days back he also studied the about the words that Jonathan spoke during the year end feast at Hogwarts.

He did not see anything wrong.

On the other hand he was angry that for the meritorious service of Jonathan only 20 points are allotted for Jonathan.

These thoughts of Nicolas made Dumbledore speechless.

So he did not share the other things with Nicolas.

On the other hand when Nicolas mentioned about this matter Jonathan simply did not react to that.

“Teacher, that incident is not as important as my research.

I am a straight forward person.

I don’t want to see nepotism.

Even if they gave me fewer points I would not care about that.

I will try my best to get more points later.

But for the things like breaking the rules the points should not be given but they should be punished.

The rules are meant for protection but not recklessly risking their lives.

Even if I break the rules I would receive punishment voluntarily.

Following the rules is discipline.

If a rule is wrong then it can be changed but if a life is lost it cannot be returned.

So I did not regret about the thing that happened then.

Well leave that matters and think of this problem teacher.

I am having a hard time completing this.

This would be my secret trump card if things go out of hand and I could not use magic.

Being your disciple and a future alchemist I would be targeted.

So I have to make sure that I am strong enough to protect myself and protect my loved ones….”

The reason that Jonathan gave is very accurate and immediately Nicolas started to think of a solution for the problem that Jonathan gave him.

While they are busy Mrs. Flamel cooked them many dishes to eat.

Jonathan also asked her if she could share her cooking recipes to him.

When she asked about why Jonathan wanted to know Jonathan blushed and called his girlfriends Daphne and pansy over.

Looking at the two girls blushing behind Jonathan both Nicolas and his wife are speechless.

They felt that their own son or grandson has gotten them a pair of daughter in laws.

Well Mrs. Flamel is very happy and she took both Daphne and pansy away to the kitchen to talk.

Jonathan on the other hand sat with Nicolas in the alchemy laboratory where they started to experiment.

Jonathan on the other hand drew the formation of alchemy and runes on the bronze card to form his first runic magic card.

The levitation spell on it was able to levitate the targeted feather for 5 minutes with the magic stored in it.

If the size and weight of the object increases then the amount of magic required also increase with that the time of the usage of the spell decreases.

For using magic card Jonathan did not have to use a wand and can simply use the runic magic card and his mind.

Nicolas thought that the idea of Jonathan was very feasible but for that they required a highly conductive materials combination to make a runic magic card.

Chapter 60: Nicolas Flamel and his wife are dead

For using magic card Jonathan did not have to use a wand and can simply use the runic magic card and his mind.

Nicolas thought that the idea of Jonathan was very feasible but for that they required a highly conductive materials combination to make a runic magic card.

They brainstormed that day for a long time and decided to try out few materials during this summer vacation.

Unfortunately the philosopher’s stone is already destroyed and Nicolas could not improve his life span any longer.

On the other hand he has already decided to move on their way so he did not regret it much.

It is just that the thoughts of Jonathan have ignited his mind a little and he wanted to try.

At least he wanted to leave some thoughts and suggestions for his disciple before he leaves this world.

So he tried his best to do some experiments during his free time while solving the doubts that Jonathan has.

Jonathan would either write them or would come to them to talk.

Daphne and pansy also visited the house of Flamel from time to time.

It is as if the couple of Flamel are like grandfather and grandmother to Jonathan.

It was a happy family.

Unfortunately by the end of the July Nicolas and his wife passed away.

Well their time has arrived.

Right before that day Jonathan and his girls were invited to have a special feast and they talked about many things.

On that night Nicolas gave few things to Jonathan as if saying good bye to him.

The things contain all the inheritances that Jonathan would get from them as his disciple.

Pansy and Daphne also got some jewelry from

All the experimental logs were written in notes along with the suggestions.

Jonathan knows that they would die tomorrow with these things.

Well he has to shed some tears to look like a filial child.

Many great people along with the family members of Nicolas came for the funeral.

Dumbledore is also there.

Jonathan has already hidden what needed to be hidden before other people arrived.

Jonathan did not receive any new house elf this time.

After the funeral Jonathan left back to the Malfoy mansion.

During this time Jonathan did not forget to massage Narcissa all the time.

But he was unable to let her guard down enough to do the oil massage.

Well he did not have any problem with that.

On a day of July Jonathan went to the Diagon alley along with Narcissa and Draco.

This time when Jonathan went to Gringotts they saw that the amount of money he has is increased by a large margin.

The reason for this is the release of new nimbus 2001 broom stick that was released by the Nimbus Racing Broom Company.

Jonathan got shares from this company and the amount after a month is quite large.

This made his money increase.

At the same time the goblin manager is also happy because of the extra income that he managed get from signing the contract with Jonathan.

When Jonathan arrived he wanted to talk business with Warwick Davis.

But before that Jonathan wanted to make some special tricks to solve all the loop holes.

Since Jonathan was a big customer Warwick Davis was very interested in the business that Jonathan would bring him.

After talking to the manager of Gringotts Jonathan left this place and returned to the shopping.

Jonathan saw dobby going out all the time and Jonathan knows what he is doing.

Well dobby is a good friend of Jonathan so it told Jonathan about the orders Lucius Malfoy.

On the other hand Harry that was taken to burrow received warm welcome.

But Ginny Weasley did not have much impression on Harry after the article that was published by Rita Skeeter.

At the same time Jonathan told Rita to take the support of Gilderoy Lockhart that is going to become the new defense against dark arts teacher at Hogwarts.

This way the information is spread to many women.

Since the reason for the article of Rita is not to do adventures at the risk of lives by the kids.

This comment from Gilderoy Lockhart would improve his name.

Because of this he also accepted to give the comment for the article of Rita.

With his comment all the girls including Hermione that was saved by Jonathan before with his manipulative words in the article became against Harry and Ron.

With that Ginny did not shy away from appearing in front of Jonathan.

She would appear from time to time but shows indifference against Harry and even Ron.

She simply ignored them.

On august 19th Jonathan came to the Diagon alley to see the show of the fight between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley.

Jonathan specifically called Rita Skeeter here to come to get special news of two grown up wizards in high positions in the ministry fighting with each other with fists.

They fought till their eyes turned into panda eyes.

Jonathan went to get some magic ice cream while waiting for the people to watch the good show.

Rita arrived around at the evening and they are right near the book store where Gilderoy Lockhart is signing the books.

Rita was not tempted to go for getting her books signed too.

The reason for this is because she knows that Gilderoy is not that good and there are problems with what was written.

There are too many adventures in the books of Gilderoy that are done in the time very close to each other.

This was the strange things.

The time line of these adventures coincides with each other making it more like a fantasy than the reality.

This made her doubt that there are problems with Gilderoy’s books.

She is going to do some sneaking around Gilderoy to get the truth.

But it was postponed for the time being and this work was given to Jonathan that is her lover…cough…cough… loyal informer to check.



Vicky? I think you confused Jonathan with Vicky. ps starts at chapter 59