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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 51: tailed beasts seem to be of eatable kind right?

Taking her silence as the acceptance Suzaku asked her to look into his eyes.

She reluctantly looked into the eyes of Suzaku Uchiha.

Their immediately turned red and then one tomoe, second tomoe and finally the third tomoe appeared startling her.

But it did not stop there.

The three tomoe started to rotate and rotate finally merging into one forming a star like symbol that is rapidly rotating in his eyes.

This startled Mikoto very much.

She knows that Suzaku has Sharingan and he is hiding it.

But she never expected that he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

With this she was sure that Suzaku is strong enough to ask her hand in marriage.

But still it would be complicated.

She doesn’t want Suzaku to suffer after becoming so strong just for her.

She her attitude stayed strong and rejected Suzaku but her eyes has reluctance.

She opened the three tomoe Sharingan right at that moment thinking that she would lose her beloved forever after rejecting him today.

This grievance has made her feel so sad that it made her opened the three tomoe Sharingan directly.

Well if things go on like this and Suzaku lost his life in front of her.

Then she would definitely open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

That is how much she loved him.

Suzaku smiled at her instead his mind but only showed reluctance to her on his face.

He wanted her to have a surprise later.

After talking to her Suzaku went to invite Himeko for a chat and the result is the same.

She was even more surprised to see that Suzaku has awakened that the great Madara Uchiha that is called as a god awakened.

She was more optimistic than Mikoto about Suzaku.

Even though she rejected him, she was sure that Suzaku understood her point and would come for her.


After parting from Himeko, Suzaku returned to the battle field.

Then he took leave to visit back the village officially.

He was going to meet with Hazuki.

This way he would be able to divert the attention of many people.

As long as Suzaku becomes couple with Hazuki, then third Hokage would feel relieved as Suzaku would not come for Kushina.

Ryo Uchiha would feel relieved that Suzaku would not come after his daughter in law.

The head of the Hyuga clan would be relieved that his daughter in law is not getting close to Suzaku.

These people are all on the edge during this time.

It is especially so for Mikoto and Himeko that was very close to Suzaku.

They even prepared all the things for their wedding as soon as they turned 18.

For Mikoto, Fugaku is already ready, for Himeko, Hiashi was chosen as the next head of the clan.

They were anxious because Suzaku was more handsome then the chosen partners.

At the same time his job is mostly risk free and very profitable without any life risks as a doctor and medical ninja.

Because of this reason most girls would prefer a person like Suzaku over many other people.

For this very reason they are fear that the women would rebel against them and go away with Suzaku.

Well Suzaku also has a special status as the disciple of a powerful ninja like Tsunade.

Also he might even get a chance to become Hokage with the trust that third Hokage shows.

Because of these reasons they would not be able to fight back with Suzaku’s background.

So they are a little anxious.


Now Suzaku came back to the village and started to hang out with Hazuki.

Many people witnessed this and the rumors started spread.

With these rumors the anxious people have their hearts calmed down.

But they would never expect that Suzaku would hit on more than one woman at the same time.

Well they don’t know his plan at all.

After few days Suzaku returned back to the battle field as the number of injured has increased exponentially.

Also Tsunade cannot handle the situation because of her blood phobia.

Suzaku has other thoughts right now.

It is about the tailed beasts.

He heard rumors before that the gold and silver brothers of the hidden cloud village were able to eat the flesh of the nine tailed fox and gain some of its power like a jinchūriki.

This gave him the idea that how it would feel like eating the tailed beasts.

He was especially interested in the turtle three tails.

He is going to have too many women so he needs to have a strong virility to satisfy them all.

He heard that the eating turtles can improve the good thing of a man.

So he was very interested in this matter.

Because of this he left a clone here and started his journey towards the hidden mist village.

Any way the tailed beast should recover again after three years.

He would kill it and eat it now.

If everything is alright then he would go for other tailed beasts.

As for the nine tails he doesn’t have to worry immediately.

He will slowly take his time to eat.

Also the 10 tails should be a tree in its original form.

So it is eatable.

Well compared to the strange things that the people in Harry potter drop in their potions and drink, it is not strange at all.

All he has to do is to find a way to eat the 10 tails.

With this thought Suzaku reached the hidden mist village and started to search for the strong chakra signature.

But he could not find any.

He thought that this should be hidden in a barrier.

So the second solution is to use the Sharingan to enquire.

With this enquiry he got the information.

Currently there is no three tails jinchūriki.

Instead it was specifically kept in a big lake on the biggest island of the hidden mist village.

There it was being restricted by a strong barrier.

This barrier is actually a stolen sealing art from the Uzumaki clan.

Chapter 52: eating 3 tails, Senju clan is disbanded

There it was being restricted by a strong barrier.

This barrier is actually a stolen sealing art from the Uzumaki clan.

So Suzaku was very familiar with this thing.

He observed the 3 tails that is sleeping on a small island at the center of the huge lake.

It was quite big.

Suzaku was sure that he cannot eat it directly.

But cooking such a big thing needs time.

He wanted to cut it into small pieces but there is a problem.

It has a strong shell and it is hard to cut.

With his Sharingan he can stop it from moving and doing thing.

He can make it obediently become food for Suzaku.

This is what he is going to do later.

But he did not bring any good ingredients with him so he would take all the useful meat and then store it in a sealing paper.

Then he would take it back, cook it into various dishes and eat it.

Just thinking about this making him mouth water.

So he immediately got into action.

He first used few things to attract the attention of the three tails.

When it surfaced he directly used the Sharingan to control its body.

With that he binds it into a sealing formation that would restrict all of its movements that it would make from the pain of dissection.

Also Suzaku appeared in the appearance of Obito right now so the suspicion would go to another person.

He first opened the shell cutting it from the sides.

Because of the modification he done in the formation around no one would know what is happening inside.

Till he reached the end he did not let the beast die.

After collecting all the meat that is useful he finally killed it.

He has already stored the meat in a sealing paper and put it in system space.

So it would not go away.

As soon as it was killed the remains of the beast started to shine brightly and started to vanish into light spots.

It became strong chakra and spread through the place immediately.

Suzaku sighed as he completed the storing process before.

If he let the things go and did not store the meat before then everything would vanish immediately.

He first went to collect some ingredients from the surrounding villages and returned back the land of fire to get more ingredients.

With the meat collected Suzaku moved to a mountain region with not many people around.

Then he started to cook soup and other dishes with the meat that he obtained.

The meat of the tailed beasts is so tasty that Suzaku was in heaven.

He cooked all the meat into many dishes and stored them in sealing papers for eating them slowly.

He then remembered that the hidden cloud village has the fan from the Uchiha clan.

This should be a heat controlling artifact.

Getting it might let him make food even tastier.

With the thought he made some plans for the future.

After eating the meat of the three tails he felt strong energy all over the body.

It was pure physical energy mixed with chakra.

His body started to strengthen more and more.

All he ate are just few dishes.

After eating and feeling the energy he started to practice the 8 inner gates that he got from might guy’s father before.

With the supplement of the meat of three tails the process is much smoother.

Just like this Suzaku continued to practice for another year gaining control over the Otsutsuki bloodline that he awakened before along with the Rinnegan.

He practiced there under a sealing barrier without the notice of anyone.

His clones are doing other things.

One of his clones is doing medical service at the front line.

One of his clones is practicing sage techniques.

One of his clones is practicing the 8 gates,

One of his clones is practicing the Susanoo and other Uchiha techniques,

Another clone is practicing the Rinnegan and the techniques and information he got from the sage of 6 paths.


Just like that two years passed and he turned 18 this year.

During this time his man body went out to talk to Hazuki but not with Mikoto or Himeko.

As for Kushina he would appear but not interact with her by much.

It is year 55 and during the past 2 years something big has happened that completely pushed Tsunade into the deep sadness and numbed her.

Third Hokage used the provocation tactics to make Senju clan pure bloodline fighters to go for war in the name that there are suffering heavy losses in the war with three other ninja villages.

Also he told them that this way they would be able to evict and condemn the Uchiha clan more.

Along with that third Hokage gave few other reasons to make the Senju clan people to go into war.

When they went to war and died they would provoke more into vengeance or avenging the dead.

Tsunade tried her best to stop her people from going to war.

She succeeded in stopping some women but men did not listen because of their pride that is over their heads.

This made her numb from seeing the deaths of her people.

Her blood phobia became worse during this time and Suzaku became her moral support.

There is also Shizune that kept Tsunade still sane.

But Tsunade no longer treats other ninja.

She especially hates the ninja from the Sarutobi, Shimura, Mitokado and Utatane tribe.

She became so angry that she wanted to confront these people.

But there is no evidence.

Also if she confronts right now then the village her grandfather built would be gone for good.

So she held her thoughts in and finally gave an order to disband the Senju clan completely.

But Suzaku suggested that they should keep a close watch on the remaining people as the people from the roots or Anbu might attack them in secret.

Chapter 53: Ryo Uchiha’s lame request

So she held her thoughts in and finally gave an order to disband the Senju clan completely.

But Suzaku suggested that they should keep a close watch on the remaining people as the people from the roots or Anbu might attack them in secret.

The remaining pure blooded Senju woman started to follow Tsunade from then on.

The strange thing is that all of them are super hot milfs with big milk jugs and round asses.

They are following Tsunade, but in reality they are protecting Suzaku that was the last pure blooded Senju in the mind of Tsunade.

During this time Suzaku got a ton of villain points because he was also a reason for this is actually the continuous death of Senju clan people.

He is also a part of the deaths related to the Senju clan.

Even though he gave hints to Tsunade he did not let her save them.

So this is the final result.

Also during this time Tsunade did not treat the clan people of the four clans of the village management elders causing them to have causalities.

This also gave him villain points.

Suzaku did not touch the villain points till now as they are much more useful in other worlds than here.

This world is like a walk in the park for him without any big problems.

Well Suzaku has other things to do right now.

With the things on hand he was very strong and his practice has reached its completion too.

Right now he was sure that he can win the fight against Kaguya one on one.

Since he turned 18 this means that it was time to play with others too.

There will be marriage setting of Mikoto and Himeko to their respective clan selected husbands.

But Suzaku would not let that happen.

Hazuki was also completely fallen in love with Suzaku.

She is head over heels for him and she would not leave him even if he has other women.

With that many problems are solved.

Now it is time to act and make a hard stance that can make third Hokage and others cry.

During this time he completely are the three tails and his body especially that specific part really became extremely.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he can knock out 10 women in a row.

He returned back to the village that day as there is a very important thing going on that day.

Today Ryo Uchiha the current head of the Uchiha clan wanted to show the achievements of Fugaku and wanted to make him into the next head of the Uchiha clan.

The second ninja war ended with the death of all the people with the main bloodline of the Senju clan.

Third Hokage was thoroughly satisfied and he even has thoughts of marrying the widowed Senju woman with pure bloodline into his clan.

It was all in the name of pity and charity.

But Tsunade did not let his plans work.

Well third Hokage is not anxious as there are no more men strong enough to protect the Senju clan or object him.

He would slowly manipulate them into submission.


After coming back to the village Suzaku sent Tsunade back to the Senju clan area and asked her to take care while he deals with other things.

Then he returned to the Uchiha clan.

Immediately he was called to the meeting of the elders and all the Jonin of the clan at Naka Shrine.

This is the Uchiha clan shrine and the secret below the shrine was not touched by many people.

The main meetings about the clan were done here.

While Suzaku is arriving Ryo called him to the side secretly and asked him to support Fugaku to be the next head of the clan.

Suzaku has the support of third Hokage and Tsunade as a legendary Sanin.

Also he is a famous medical ninja on the same level of Tsunade based on the rumors.

So Suzaku’s support is still valid right now.

Many elders and Jonin of the Uchiha clan knows the capabilities of Suzaku so he still has value.

The reason why Ryo Uchiha wanted Suzaku’s support is that Fugaku was no longer able to open his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Also his Sharingan is consuming more chakra than normal.

It is as if these eyes did not belong to him at all.

There is a restriction for the usage of Sharingan.

If the people without the bloodline of the Uchiha clan used the Sharingan their chakra is heavily consumed and they will not be able to turn it off.

Also their body would be damaged because of the continuous usage and only people with a strong chakra based bloodline like Hatake clan, Uzumaki clan, Senju clan can bear the after math.

The situation of Kakashi is evident.

But if the person that got a different Sharingan that did not belong to him but still has the Uchiha bloodline.

Then they can turn on and off the Sharingan but the amount of consumption of chakra is double the amount of chakra that they need to use their own Sharingan.

This is the difference and Fugaku doubt that his eyes were switched.

Even though it seems like a lame excuse that is impossible to be true.

This is what he finally concluded about his situation in the duration of the war.

Also he did not achieve any good results like that in the original plot with large amount of chakra expenditure with his Sharingan.

So Ryo Uchiha feared that someone would challenge Fugaku and the secret of Fugaku would be out.

For this they need a scapegoat to show off.

So in the name of clan welfare Ryo Uchiha wanted Suzaku to make the sacrifice and challenge Fugaku.

Also Suzaku has to be defeated by Fugaku and praise him to convince other Uchiha elders and Jonin to stabilize the position of Fugaku as the next clan head of the Uchiha clan.

Chapter 54: Suzaku challenges Fugaku

So in the name of clan welfare Ryo Uchiha wanted Suzaku to make the sacrifice and challenge Fugaku.

Also Suzaku has to be defeated by Fugaku and praise him to convince other Uchiha elders and Jonin to stabilize the position of Fugaku as the next clan head of the Uchiha clan.

Suzaku nodded his head accepting the words of Ryo Uchiha and told him that he would challenge Fugaku in the meeting now with a smile.

The smile on the face of Suzaku was very sweet and innocent.

But the smile he was having inside his mind is like that of the Grinch that is steeling Christmas presents.

For the first time Suzaku felt that all of his previous hard work was all wasted to fight these stupid people.

“These people are really stupid.

They are directly jumping into the fire pit on their own initiative.”

Suzaku sighed and went into the hidden meeting room of the shrine.

There are many elders and Jonin rank ninja present in the room.

There are more than 60 Jonin and more than 15 elite Jonin.

The lowest is actually the special Jonin rank that opened the three tomoe Sharingan.

This is a considerable force when the village only has around 300+ Jonin and less than 50 elite Jonin.

That is the reason why they were not attacked for a long time till Itachi killed them all using sneak attack.

Well most of the work was done by Obito when dealing with Jonin and elite Jonin.

Suzaku sighed again.

The Senju clan is also like this but they are even more stupid and went to war for stupid provocation.

One has to know their limits to do things.

Just to show off they have sacrificed all of their strong people with pure bloodline.

Now only hot chicks remain and they are all sexually frustrated woman after few years of separation.

Suzaku is going to roll over in the big tits and motor boat their holes till they accept him as their husband.

Well he has to take care of the Uchiha clan first.

The people here know the identity of Suzaku.

Well most people know and the others spread the word.

But there is one thing that is common in their eyes.

They look down on Suzaku behind his back because he did not open the Sharingan.

But this contempt was well hidden by them so that Suzaku would not recognize.

Is Suzaku stupid to not to recognize their thoughts.

He simply ignored them and moved on with the things following the words of Ryo Uchiha till his time to act appeared.

Surprises have to be kept secret till the other party is surprised.

Suzaku is doing the same.

The meeting did not start as the main star Fugaku is not here yet.

Suzaku walked around to the corners of the room and made some quick hand signs to form seals in the area.

He is actually using the sealing technique to form a barrier.

When he needed with just a small hand sign this place would be completely sealed from the outside world.

This is one of the important preparations.

Also outside the white Zetsu was already taken care of by Suzaku.

He was under the Genjutsu so that he could not act and pass on the news to Madara right now.

After the preparations are done Suzaku came to his previous place and stood silently.

The others are discussing about various things and Suzaku moved along as he talked to the people.

So no one noticed his hidden actions.

Fugaku finally arrived with bright face and along with him there is also another old elder and Mikoto that came along.

Today they are going to announce the marriage between Fugaku and Mikoto.

Ryo Uchiha is really ruthless for wanting to be defeated by Fugaku right in front of Mikoto.

This way they would use the physiological tactics make Mikoto willingly marry Fugaku and stay a loyal wife.

Suzaku’s smiled revealing an inkling of his viciousness for a moment but immediately he calmed down.

No one noticed this.

Mikoto looked more beautiful, Suzaku saw around a year ago.

After his talk with them before, he did not meet either of Mikoto or Himeko.

They thought that Suzaku really gave up on them and they are sad.

The meeting started.


Ryo started with pleasantries and then stated his purpose.

“Today I gathered you all here for two important things.

First my some Fugaku that was named as evil eyes Fugaku that has made many achievements in the battle field will be nominated by me as the next head of the Uchiha clan.

Second is that this girl with good potential and beauty called Mikoto Uchiha would be taken into our family as the wife of Fugaku.


While speaking he looked at Suzaku and gave the signal for Suzaku to act.

Suzaku immediately came forward and spoke.

“I object this and want to challenge Fugaku Uchiha for a duel.”

Ryo Uchiha happily nodded his head in happiness that Suzaku did not see through his plan and came forward to become the punching bag.

Mikoto though that Suzaku is doing this for her and looked at him with reluctance and wanted Suzaku to not fight.

But she could not speak right now as it would cause many scandals.

As for Fugaku that was already irritable wanted to beat Suzaku to his heart’s content to vent his anger.

He did not know that even if he punched Suzaku with all his might it would not even do a single scratch on his body.

The surrounding people started to mock Suzaku.

Well the people that mocked him are mostly the younger generation as the older generation knows that Suzaku is strong.

Also they can guess that this is the plan of Ryo Uchiha to create prestige for his son Fugaku.

They are actually sympathizing Suzaku for willingly becoming a punching bag and stepping stone for Fugaku Uchiha.

Chapter 55: Suzaku fights back

Also they can guess that this is the plan of Ryo Uchiha to create prestige for his son Fugaku.

They are actually sympathizing Suzaku for willingly becoming a punching bag and stepping stone for Fugaku Uchiha.

But they would have never expected that Suzaku has his plan of action to take care of this situation.

Fugaku has already talked to his father about this plan.

So as soon as Suzaku challenged Fugaku immediately accepted it.

“You should be careful as fists did not have eyes and there might be some big injures.”

Fugaku even taunted.

Suzaku only smiled and said.

“Don’t worry, I am a medical ninja.

No injure can cause any serious damage to me.

You should worry about yourself.”

Fugaku thought that Suzaku is provoking him so he directly opened the three tomoe Sharingan and stood in front of Suzaku in battle stance.

Suzaku was still leisurely without making any stance.

Ryo Uchiha as if he did not want this to happen he spoke few words imitating the attitude of the third Hokage.

Suzaku smiled inside and did not say anything to their provocation.

In their thoughts the moment Suzaku challenged is the moment that the fate of Suzaku is sealed.

Suzaku could not back away from the challenge he just made so he can only fight hard.

They never once thought that Suzaku was strong and he can kill them all on the spot.

Well this thought did not even cross their minds, not even once.

Suzaku can only sigh at their stupidity thinking that they are the most intelligent people there is.

Soon the fight started.

The people gave way for Suzaku and Fugaku to fight.

Suzaku secretly had a hand sign at a very fast speed to activate the sealed barrier around in the room.

It is not visible for those people to perceive it.

They can feel the chakra fluctuation but they are too engrossed in the coming fight of Suzaku and Fugaku that they did not notice about the other things.

Fugaku made the first move as he wanted to slowly beat Suzaku till he vent out all of his anger and then show off in front of everyone.

But when Fugaku was right in front of Suzaku at the fastest speed he suddenly took a diversion and then came behind Suzaku to attack from the back.

Right then Suzaku suddenly turned around at a speed that is no possible for those people to see with normal eyes.

With Sharingan they were able to see the fast movements of Suzaku.

Well Suzaku did not use his full power.

It was only the power of peak level Kage.

Right after turning Suzaku used the finger needles to seal the chakra of Fugaku with few simple taps at a very fast speed.





Then there are 4 cracking sounds where the four joins of Fugaku were dislocated restricting his movements completely.

Fugaku did not even know what happened to him at that moment.

He directly slumped down on the floor.

Suzaku took out a kunai and positioned it right on the heart location of Fugaku.

The tip of the kunai showed lightning arks and burning red tip like it taken out of the kiln just now.

The surrounding people finally understood what happened and Ryo Fugaku widened his eyes in shock.

“What the hell are you doing…?”

He rushed forward to attack Suzaku directly without warning.

But Suzaku used his free leg to kick on his stomach making him fly all the way to the wall hit the wall.

Other than that the wall has few cracks with the strong impact.

Ryo Uchiha coughed up blood.

Fugaku that looked at the situation was so shocked that he did not know what to say.

Even if he wanted to move he could not move.

Suzaku also hit on his throat making him unable to speak.

The surrounding Uchiha did not move because they don’t want to agitate Suzaku into killing Fugaku.

If they caused the death of Fugaku then Ryo Uchiha would take revenge on them.

This is something they did not want to see.

Everyone opened their Sharingan to look and found that there is a barrier around the meeting hall that sealed them from leaving this place.

The connection with the outside world is completely cut off.

Some immediately moved to the barrier to break it but they found that they could not do anything.

Right at that time the intelligent people looked at Suzaku again.

This is because he is the only person that is acting different from the script and he is the one that cast the barrier sealing around them.

The purpose is simple.

He wanted to establish his dominance among the people here.

Most probably Suzaku wanted to become the head of the Uchiha clan.

But he did not open Sharingan so they would not accept him to be their head.

They are in a dilemma on what to choose if Suzaku made a life threat with the choice.

While they are thinking Suzaku finally spoke.

“Roy Uchiha, it is time for you to reveal my identity.

If not you will only have one son left.”

With the words of Suzaku the surrounding people exploded.

They all know that Fugaku is the only son of Ryo Uchiha.

“If Suzaku killed Fugaku then Ryo Uchiha would not have any son left.”

“Then, how come there is only one son left after killing Fugaku?”

“Don’t tell me that Ryo Uchiha has another son but it was hidden?”

“Don’t tell me that that Suzaku is actually the illegitimate son of Ryo Uchiha?”

“If it that is the case, then this Ryo Uchiha is really ruthless.”

The surrounding people started to speak and came to the conclusion.

Listening to their words both Fugaku and Ryo Uchiha were shocked.

Mikoto on the other hand was so shocked that she was speechless.

She did not expect that Suzaku is so strong enough to fight like this.


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