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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 51: bringing professors along for the first step

On the other hand Jonathan wanted both of them.

So he has decided to implement both of them at the same time.

First of all he chose option 1.

Then he started to tail the trio on their way till they were about to enter the place where the fluffy is placed to guard.

When he saw them entering Jonathan immediately went to the three professors namely professor Mcgonagall, professor Snape and professor Flitwick that can act immediately.

Jonathan told them they Harry, Hermione and Ron thought that professor Snape is trying to revive Voldemort and went to the room where the philosopher’s stone is hidden.

Well they would not believe straight away.

So Jonathan has to use two things.

First is the status of being the disciple of Nicolas Flamel.

Second is the way the professors of Hogwarts arranged the traps around the philosopher’s stone.

Also Jonathan added that professor Quirrell seems to have a face behind his head under the turban.

Jonathan was able to see it accidentally when he removed the turban and wanting to enter the forbidden forest.

Also Jonathan added another word that professor Quirrell is strangely pale in complexion when he came back from the forbidden forest.

With these words, the three professors are intelligent enough to understand what is happening.

Jonathan did not tell them the complete truth but did not lie to them either.

Professor Snape would not let anything happen to Harry.

So he would be the most anxious one to save Harry.

First thing is first professor Mcgonagall would write a letter to Dumbledore to return and about the situation here.

Second is that professor Snape and professor Flitwick started to move to the forbidden place to follow the students.

Harry, Hermione and Ron would take their time to go all the way crossing the traps.

They need time and Jonathan has time.

All the things that Jonathan did only took him less than 15 minutes.

Right now Harry, Ron and Hermione have just moved past the devil’s snare.

Even though in the movie it showed that they fell down quickly, it will take more than 10 minutes to slowly pass down the devil’s snare.

Right around that time Jonathan’s time turner clone is at the hut of Hagrid telling him that he was called by professor Snape and professor Flitwick because of an emergency to control fluffy.

Also he told him that it was related to Harry, Hermione and Ron.

Hagrid smacked his giant face and came along with Jonathan.

Jonathan that was originally following professor Snape and professor Flitwick stopped at a corner and then he appeared with Hagrid.

Professor Snape and Flitwick did not have time to think of this situation at that time.

With Hagrid joining the group they quickly made it to the forbidden room.

As soon as they entered what appeared is the fluffy that was teased by the group of Harry’s trio was in a bad mood.

It wanted to bite but Hagrid immediately took a flute to ease the situation.

Looking at the magical harp on the side the faces of the people present darkened.

They immediately started to move while Hagrid played the music.

They used the magic to go down instead of falling down.

As they got down they were surprised that Jonathan was able to use magic to levitate along with them and drop slowly.

But the surprise is small.

Professor Flitwick appreciated Jonathan’s progress and Snape because interested in Jonathan because he was able to become the disciple of the great alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

They came to the location of the devil’s snare and they did not struggle and directly passed down.

Right at this time professor Mcgonagall’s high speed letter reached Dumbledore and he was on his return journey.

He will be at Hogwarts in a few seconds and in the forbidden place in few minutes.

Well Jonathan with the group of professors came to the next room where the keys are stuck to the door on the other side.

This room was designed by professor Flitwick so it was easily solved by a flick of his wand.

With that solved they moved on to the next room where there is a grand chess board.

They also found Ron here that was unconscious on the floor.

Jonathan was told to wait here to take care of Ron.

Jonathan also did not move from here.

Harry and Hermione seem to have just passed this place and the group forcibly broke the magic chess and came to the next room.

Here they saw the unconscious troll while looking around they saw Hermione coming out from the other side.

As soon as she came out the flames behind her became intense.

She was shocked to see that there are professors here with dead pan faces looking at her.

She knows that the situation is not good.

The professors are angry at her for doing something so dangerous.

But she was also relieved that the professors came at the right time.


Right then the room Jonathan was in was visited by two people that is professor Mcgonagall and professor Dumbledore.

Professor Mcgonagall stopped by the side of Ron to take care and looked at the first air that Jonathan gave to Ron.

She was really appreciative of Jonathan.

Jonathan was actually preparing to take Ron outside using the levitation charm from here.

But he stopped when he saw professor Mcgonagall and Dumbledore.

Professor saw a make shift stretcher that Jonathan made from the pieces of broken states with transfiguration.

She was really impressed about this matter.

She just like professor Flitwick is playing close attention to Jonathan during this time.

Now that she saw the progress that Jonathan made, she was thoroughly satisfied.

…cough….cough… not in that way.

With that she came to take care of the situation while Dumbledore moved fast towards the next rooms.

In a matter of seconds he is already in the room where Hermione and the others are.

Chapter 52: invited Rita Skeeter

With that she came to take care of the situation while Dumbledore moved fast towards the next rooms.

In a matter of seconds he is already in the room where Hermione and the others are.

Dumbledore understood the situation and sighed deeply.

He used his magic to split the flames and walked over followed professor Snape and professor Flitwick.

They told Hermione to return back the way she came from and meet with professor Mcgonagall that is with Ron.

Hermione immediately remembered the situation of Ron and sent over to take a look.

Right when she arrived at the chess room, she saw that Jonathan and professor Mcgonagall took care of Ron and they are taking him back.

She understood that it was Jonathan that called the professors and convinced them to come to their rescue.

Well she felt good in her heart but also anger that she was caught by the professors because of Jonathan.

But she did not say anything and went along with Jonathan and professor Mcgonagall.

Jonathan also did not say anything and moved along with them.

While they are moving they suddenly heard a screaming sound which should be the dying Voldemort o professor Quirrell’s scream.

Jonathan did not panic.

But Hermione panicked fearing that Harry got into trouble.

She is not in a situation to do anything right now.

At that time professor Mcgonagall spoke.

“You don’t have to worry.

There are other professors there to take care of the situation.”

They quickly made their way to the hospital wing.

On the other hand Jonathan’s another image from the future that came back with the help of time turner sent an owl to Rita Skeeter.

The contents are very simply.

“Miss Rita Skeeter,

I have excellent news for you to cover at Hogwarts.

You should come here on the day of the final year banquet where the entire show happens.

By the way you don’t have to come to me directly and expose me.

Well there is no need to mention these things to you as an experienced person.

PS: I know that you are an illegal Animagus in beetle form.

If you don’t want your things to be exposed please write the article in my favor.

After coming to Hogwarts you can interview me, Harry potter, Hermione granger and Ronald Weasley.

Your dear lover,

Jonathan black, with a bunch of kisses for you,


Jonathan wrote the last sentence just to arouse the interest of Rita Skeeter.

Naturally women are more inclined to keep their appearances as much as they possibly can.

Rita Skeeter is also the same and her appearance that shows was just a façade.

Right now she is 40 years old that is what she shows outside to show her experience and intimidate others.

Her inner appearance is more like Marlin Monroe in her 20’s.

Jonathan was able to see her true image because he was told about this by his grandmother.

His grandmother is an intelligent person that knows many secrets.

Just in case for her grandson she prepared a book filled with all the secrets in all fields.

They are the connections and the handles that she and the black family collected throughout the ages.

It is also a form of wealth that was given to Jonathan by her.

Since it was in the form of a diary, no one would take it or suspect it.

Jonathan has this and he has many handles of top people in his hands.

With the letter sent the future image went to make other preparations using the invisibility cloak as the cover.

By the time Jonathan and other arrived at the hospital wing another shadow appeared beside them.

It was actually professor Snape that is holding unconscious Harry in princess carry.

He went forward anxiously even crossing Harry’s group to check the situation of Harry with the nurse.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey checked Harry and told Snape that he was just unconscious.

Only then professor Snape calmed down his tensed nerves.

Jonathan on the side looked at the entire thing but did not say anything.

Even though he knows the truth Jonathan doesn’t want to speak about these out loud causing unnecessary problems for him.

As for Hermione she did not notice anything strange and moved to the side or Ron to check the situation.

She found that Harry is fine and she sighed then she found that Ron was also fine, she calmed down completely.

Later she and Jonathan were sent out to go back to their common room.

On the way she looked at Jonathan from time to time but did not say anything in the end.

She has complicated thoughts.

Jonathan noticed her gazes but did not respond to them.

Right now he has other things to do and with his performance later she would hate him again.

He accepted the choice 1 and the results are not decided yet.

As long as he disrupts the assignment of the house point according to the routine, then everything is perfectly solved.

Also in the secret room in front of the mirror of Erised it was Dumbledore that confronted professor Quirrell also the Voldemort.

When professor Quirrell took Harry as hostage he accidentally touched the hands of Harry and died just like that in the movie.

This is the disruption that Jonathan created for the first choice.

On the next day Ron and Harry woke up and they talked about the later situation.

As Jonathan expected the big mouth Ron started to brag about the entire incident including the information where Harry got the philosopher’s stone out.

To be more precise Harry was able to take out the philosopher’s stone that even the dark wizard professor Quirrell was unable to take out.

This is the most important point for the plan of Jonathan was preparing for the banquet tonight.

The unexpected visitor Rita Skeeter also arrived here right on time as Jonathan invited her before.

She was intelligent enough to no to come to Jonathan directly.

Chapter 53: white villain speaks part-1

After few days from the day after Harry took care of professor Quirrell, Dumbledore invited Nicolas.

Jonathan was also there and Harry got the gist of what happened.

He doesn’t know why Jonathan was also present here.

Only after Dumbledore explained about it then Harry understood that Jonathan is the student of Nicolas in alchemy.

Also Jonathan saved him and his friends by calling the professors and him.

Harry has complicated expression.

Jonathan did not even look at Harry and asked Nicolas about his doubts during his study.

Nicolas was clearly happy that Jonathan did not ask or cared about the philosopher’s stone during the entire time.

Jonathan was warned by Nicolas that he should not reveal that he was his student till he becomes strong so as to not to attract other people from targeting him.

After that he left and Jonathan also took his leave.


The unexpected visitor Rita Skeeter also arrived here right on time as Jonathan invited her before.

She was intelligent enough to no to come to Jonathan directly.

Jonathan also acted like he did not know her.

It is to the point that Rita was shocked thinking that if Jonathan is really a 13 year old kid.

His acting skills are very good.

She doesn’t want to make this kind of person into an enemy.

This is what her intuition says after looking at Jonathan.


Since she came to cover the situation she was not blocked right now.

Also she is a former student here so she can come for the year end banquet.

Well the professors have their own suspicion as just few days ago a big incident happened.

Suddenly a reporter like Rita Skeeter appears here.

They remembered the incidents related to the troll and the Quidditch before.

Immediately they felt that a big invisible hand is looming around them making things difficult for Dumbledore and them.

But they could not point their fingers at it.

As for the house cup and points Jonathan has actually scored just enough to take the lead over the Slytherin even though they won the Quidditch cup.

So right now, Jonathan was in the good situation.

If Dumbledore really added points to Harry, Ron and Hermione now, then Jonathan would start his counter attack.

If he did not add any points then Jonathan could not do anything.

This was the final conclusion choice that he has right now.

If Dumbledore did not act then all the preparations that Jonathan made would be spoiled.


Also Jonathan was not awarded any points for notifying professors in time to save Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Finally the banquet started and Jonathan was waiting eagerly for the move of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood up and came to the front.

Then he started with his speech.

He first awarded the points to Jonathan saying that he was brave enough to notify them in time to save his fellow students.

Jonathan was given 20 points.

Then Hermione and Ron were awarded with 50 points and Harry even got 60 points.

Not only Hermione but many people around felt weird when they listened to the distribution of the points.

Ron did not care and he was happy that he got 50 house points.

He started to brag and give eyes to Jonathan with sneers.

Jonathan smiled back at Ron and stood up suddenly attracting the attention of everyone present.

Rita Skeeter knows that this is her queue to record the incident and information.

Dumbledore felt that Jonathan got only 20 point which is unfair.

Well he wanted to boost the confidence of Harry and support his friends.

For that he needs an antagonist or a side character like Jonathan to fuel the accomplishments of Harry.

Only this way he can create a strong savior or we can call him a strong tool man.

When Jonathan thinks about it, he felt that Dumbledore and Harry are more like third Hokage and Naruto.

Jonathan felt disgusted thinking about them.

After the surrounding people calmed down Jonathan spoke.

“Professor Dumbledore I presume what Harry, Ron and Hermione did was to break a bunch of rules of the school entering the forbidden area.

Even if you did not consider that you should know that they actually created a situation where they not only threatened their lives but also the lives of others.

It is said that in the final room where the object that the dark wizard is searching was not found by him.

It was actually found because of the presence of Harry.

This means that if Harry did not go there then it is not possible to find the object that the dark wizard is searching for.

Finally for doing all of this you should punish them.

We are all first year students without any attack power or defensive capabilities.

If it is a fifth year or sixth year student then it is good to go and face some dark wizards for saving the day.

Since we are normal first year students then they should report this matter to the corresponding teachers and show the proof.

Instead they went to take a risk of life.

For this they should be punished so that they would not do this kind of life risk things in the future.

Instead of doing that why are you awarding points to them?

Isn’t that simply encouraging them to break the rules and do life risk things.

Professor is you really alright.

Did you drink any new experimental potion or something?

We Gryffindor's are adventurous and break few school rules some times.

But we never take things to threaten our lives or lives of others.

So as a Gryffindor, I ask you to reconsider giving points like this.

Even without them we would still win the house cup.

I don’t want my fellow students to take the wrong path because of the awarded points.”

Jonathan said with a sincere face that made the people around dumbfounded.

They don’t know what to speak at this moment.

Chapter 54: white villain speaks part-2

Jonathan said with a sincere face that made the people around dumbfounded.

They don’t know what to speak at this moment.

What Jonathan said is absolutely true and everything was within the rules and morals.

No one can refute Jonathan in this situation.

On the other hand Rita Skeeter’s flying pen and note pad started to get the information from her mind.

The sound of scribbling could be heard as the twisted words appeared in the note book.

The other professors are too engrossed in the words of Jonathan that they did not react to the scribbling of Rita.

Dumbledore was really dumbfounded hearing to the words of Jonathan.

He doesn’t know how to reach in this situation.

Jonathan did not stop with his words and started to ruse the remaining Gryffindor students and other students to stand on the side of Jonathan.

The people of the Gryffindor have already angry with Harry and others for losing points before.

Not they actually risked their lives along the lives of other students.

If Jonathan did not call in the professors in time it would be a disaster.

How can a first year be called a super strong wizard?

He might be called a savior but it was to cover up many things.

Everyone knows about the internal workings and they know that Harry is just a figure head for publicity and public support.

This can be seen when the minister of magic started to use reverse publicity on Harry saying that he is using the name of Voldemort to support his delusions in later parts.

So the people only call Harry savior because the other people said so.

Once he was officially condemned then it is not different than an idiotic, impulsive, scrawny little moron that did not know the workings of the world.

Without Dumbledore that is cleaning his ass all the time he is nothing.

Most probably half of the reason why Dumbledore looked aged in the follow up years is because of dealing with the mess created by Harry.

The remaining half is about investigating Voldemort’s situation.

Jonathan really pities Dumbledore for this reason.

Well it is what he wanted so Jonathan would not put this feeling for long.

Dumbledore after a long time finally sighed looking at the surrounding students and others.

Jonathan from the start to the end did not ask Dumbledore why he was only awarded 20 house points.

So he could not be able to refute about Jonathan.

All of Jonathan’s questions are generalized and it took the cover of every student present here.

When there are 10 people supporting things.

What 9 out of 10 people support would become the truth, unless that tenth person was strong enough to overpower the remaining 9 to support his truth.

This is the absolute truth that cannot be changed.

Right now Dumbledore fell into minority.

He cannot directly make Jonathan shut up as doing that shows that Dumbledore is siding with Harry.

This would become the concept of nepotism.

He doesn’t want that to happen.

Dumbledore thought that Jonathan has changed after he became the disciple of Nicolas and became a good person that supports his plan.

But the white villain remained as the white villain even now.

This made him a little angry but he cannot show that on his face either.

With nothing he could do he sighed and then spoke.

“Student Jonathan has made a valid point.

I am really getting old and making the wrong decisions.


Any way they have faced the life and death situation.

So their punishment would be decided by the house teacher.

The winner of the house is cup is Gryffindor…”

After speaking that Dumbledore silently walked out of the great hall.

His acting was really great.

Even Jonathan was connected to it for a moment.

Fortunately Jonathan knows that it was all acting by Dumbledore.

Professor Mcgonagall rolled her eyes at Dumbledore for pushing the assignment of punishment to her.

Professor Snape smiled strangely and he even nodded with the words of Jonathan.

Professor Flitwick was also the same as he understood the reasoning of Jonathan.

Other understood Jonathan but students did not.

They felt bad for Dumbledore that went away without eating any food.

They glared at Jonathan.

But they were also happy that Jonathan spoke for them and won then the house cup.

There are many students with various expressions and complicated thoughts.

Jonathan did not care about any of those things and sat where he is.

Then he started to enjoy the food with great happiness.

With each having their own thoughts the people in question that is Harry, Ron and Hermione has different looks.

Ron looked at Jonathan like he wanted to kill Jonathan.

Harry has the similar expression but he could not find a single wrong word in what Jonathan spoke so he don’t know if he should be angry.

But he is angry from his expression.

Finally he got some good amount of points to redeem him from the previous shame of losing points.

But now the opportunity is gone for good.

The reason for all this is Jonathan that both save him and his friends, and also caused the current mess making them lose their points.

Hermione on the side have a different expression.

From the start she did expect any good thing like points.

When Dumbledore told them that they would be awarded with points then she became happy.

But when she found that Jonathan directly condemned their previous actions she knows that everything is over.

She could not find any hole in what Jonathan spoke.

Even she was convinced about the words of Jonathan.

So her thoughts are complicated looking at Jonathan.

She did not think about it and wanted to eat her food and wait for her punishment.

Jonathan is quickly done with his dinner while he saw Rita Skeeter came over to Harry, Ron and Hermione to ask some questions.

She even wanted to have an exclusive interview with them.

Chapter 55: white villain speaks part-3

Jonathan is quickly done with his dinner while he saw Rita Skeeter came over to Harry, Ron and Hermione to ask some questions.

She even wanted to have an exclusive interview with them.

Also she questioned other people like the friends of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Pansy and Daphne looked at Jonathan with dazzling eyes as Jonathan spoke word by word before.

Finally after she was done questioning those people Rita came to Jonathan asking for a private interview.

She got one from others in the group of Harry.

So all that left is Jonathan that was pointed out the problem with Dumbledore.

She immediately came to him and they walked away from here to talk about the interview.

They went to the lake area to talk.

This place did not have many people at this time mostly because of their previous shock and also the presence of Rita Skeeter.

She cast a ward around them so that their words would not be heard by anyone.

“Now tell me what you want me to write.”

Her face was strange looking at Jonathan observing a 13 year old that planned all kinds of these things.

Jonathan did not speak instead he gave a letter to her.

When she saw the contents inside, she felt a chill run down her spine.

The person in front of her is a little kid but his thoughts are so sinister.

She made a vow in her mind that she would never become his enemy.

She felt the same feeling as she felt with Voldemort.

But there is a difference.

Voldemort did not like woman or any interest in romance.

But the person in front of her seems to be very interested in woman.

He is not even leaving her that is around 30 years older than him.

Well she is single and did not have any man in her eyes right now.

But she became interested in the thoughts of Jonathan.

His mode of accusing as a white villain has attracted her attention.

If she can follow Jonathan, she was sure that she can easily become a top journalist.

Well that is not all.

Her gossipy heart made her interested in Jonathan.

She sighed after reading the letter.

In the letter it is mentioned on how to make the article that would spray dirt on Dumbledore, Harry potter, Ron and Hermione.

The amount of dirt on Hermione would be less and mostly she was compelled to go with Harry and Ron because of their threats.

This made the readers think that Harry and Ron are bully children that would bully a poor muggle witch Hermione to go with them to face the dark wizard.

At the same time it would mention how Dumbledore supported Harry and Ron with allotting over 50 house points.

Naturally many people know that they would only give 5 or 10 house points for most of the things.

20 points is already outstanding but giving 50 and 60 points is unprecedented.

Even when a house wins a Quidditch match over the other three houses as the final winner they would be given 100 house points.

Also this 100 house points is for the entire team of 7 members including the extra’s for backup.

In calculation they would only receive 10 points per person.

That is how low the house points are given.

But Dumbledore directly gave Harry and Ron that broke the rules and threaten their lives with over 50 and 60 house points as if it was giving peanuts.

In the report that Jonathan gave Hermione has a better role even though it was not good.


Reading the details of the letter again and again Rita was more and more in love with the mind of Jonathan.

Jonathan was so in line with her way of spilling shit on everyone that she really had a crush on Jonathan if he was of her age.

But he was too young and when he grows up she would be old.

Jonathan looked at her and said.

“I presume the information in the letter would be perfect for the report right.

Hope you would publish this by not bending over to the connections of Dumbledore.”

Rita looked at Jonathan and asked playfully.

“Why are you doing this?

Did you have a grudge against them?”

Jonathan smiled playfully back at her and said.

“If you become my woman then I will tell you.

Well you have to wait 5 more years for that.

Also I am not into old ladies, so I will find a way to get a youth potion to make you young.

There are so many ways that are not being used right now.

We will use them later.

Make sure to publish the contents properly and also try and spread the information to others as much as possible.

That would be helpful for me in the future.

With that the interview is complete I think.

I don’t mind getting a parting kiss from you.”

Rita changed her expression and then said with a sarcastic tone.

“Then where do you want the parting kiss, on the lips or on the cheek?”

Jonathan immediately replied without thinking for a second more.

“Well I prefer it on the lips, if you like it that is.”

After saying these words Jonathan flicked his wand creating a temporary illusion ward around them.

Then he took the initiative to kiss the lips of Rita that bent over forward speaking just now pointing a finger at her lips.”

She did not expect that Jonathan would take the initiative like this and she just lost her first kiss.

Being a journalist she never was close to anyone.

Well her articles usually make people go away from her instead of being with her.

So she never really has anyone close from the school days.

Because of this she never truly tasted true love or even a kiss for that matter.

Jonathan was the first to kiss and she was caught by surprise.