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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 341: other players

But he tried his best to control chakra and tried to create the yin seal.

Based on the information he got from the real world, he can make the yin seal anywhere on the body.

But forehead is the best spot which is close to the head.

He knows the theoretical process but he did not have the practical experience.

Any way for learning this he is willing to spend an entire year.

That is how important this is.

Also his success can give him extra benefits of fine chakra control which is essential for all kinds of techniques in this ninja world.

Killing two birds with one stone is the best way of doing things.

With that his daily routine has another thing added to it.

The thing he is currently good at is actually Taijutsu and throwing technique.

Both of them are possible because of the accumulated experience of his skills from the real world.

It is especially so in the throwing technique where the kunai he threw would curve in the air and hit the targets in the blind spots.

But he did not show this skill to others.

Fortunately the clan gave them a set of kunai and other ninja gear for free.


Another 6 months passed by and the 20 children that showed aptitude to ninjutsu were enrolled in the ninja academy.

Orphans got their academy fee paid by the clan.

During these 6 months the war has increased and the number of causalities is very high.

He went around daily to collect the bloodlines spending the chaos points.

Some times in Senju clan dead people he found few preliminary sage bodies that he extracted.

This coupled with the previously extracted sage body has let him move close to the complete and perfect sage body.

It was not complete yet.

But he was sure to complete at the end when all the Senju people die like a stupid group of sheep.

On the other hand many people from the Uchiha clan are old and died because of their old age.

Suzaku got some good profits.

During this time his Uchiha, Senju, Hyuga bloodlines has completed 100 percent and the Uzumaki bloodline has reached 80 percent.

When the son of Mito that is the father of Tsunade dies, he will be able to complete both the Uzumaki bloodline and sage body would be completed.

Other than that his Otsutsuki bloodline has reached 15 percent.

It was already active and all the other bloodlines are already integrated into the Otsutsuki bloodline.

Well they would appear independently showing their percentage but still they all merged into Otsutsuki bloodline.

That day Suzaku actually opened the three tomoe Sharingan and almost opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

If his Otsutsuki bloodline increased more he would definitely be able to open the Mangekyō Sharingan without worrying about the after effects of the usage of Sharingan.

That is not the only thing that is improved.

His chakra is also very high compared to many and the body is showing good signs of health.

His spirit is also like that.

It became very strong after many spirit supporting bloodlines collected by him.

The only bad thing is that the amount of Otsutsuki bloodline harvested is still very low.

If he was able to find the bloodline of Hashirama Senju or Uchiha Madara or few other powerful people, he will be able to make good progress.

But it would not happen right now.

As for opening Rinnegan Suzaku is still waiting for completion of Uzumaki bloodline.

It will definitely happen soon in the future.

But right now he has other things to focus on.

The most important target is to become strong enough to break the rules of this world.

Only then can he do anything that he wanted.

Till then he is just a weak chicken even with all kinds of bloodline on his body.

If he made one wrong move then he will be the best testing object of the mad scientists and greedy old men of the ninja world.

During this time he actually found other player.

The reason why he was able to recognize them is because of his insight skill.

Others cannot recognize the player in the life fantasy world because they all are born biologically in this world.

Suzaku found some training and some of them are curiously looking around the city.

Well not everyone can become a ninja with the randomness of the system.

One has to specifically pay the price and select the system to born with ninja talent.

Some player did not do that as they have other thoughts or they are simply too poor and accidentally entered this life fantasy world.

Suzaku did not meet many only a few people that are practicing hard in the training grounds and few other people that are with dazed look on their faces.

If there are some in the big clans he will not be able to know about that.

Also if they are in other village he will not be able to know about them.

During this time he was close to Mikoto many times and even spared with her.

But he never showed his talent that is beyond her or the Sharingan that he awakened.

During these 6 months he was able to gain more control over chakra and the flow of chakra is very smooth.

As for the yin seal it did not form yet.

But he was very close.

He continued with his daily routine and reported to the academy on the next day.

He naturally sat beside Mikoto after asking permission from her.

His tone is particularly gentle and there is no fluctuation at all in his tone.

Because of his good nature, sweet Mikoto did not notice any difference at her age and let him sit beside her.

Today Suzaku was able to find other player that entered along.

There are quite a few of them.

Most of them are in the third year of the academy.

Chapter 342: projected future simulation

There are quite a few of them.

Most of them are in the third year of the academy.

They have chosen 2 years early to enter this world unlike Suzaku.

But, what is the point, their progress is far less than his progress.

In the class there are many children and the teaching that he hears is very boring.

He has already learnt it all.

Instead of listening to this nonsense he started to concentrate on chakra control and to form the yin seal.

This is what he does every day in the class while acting as if he was listening carefully.

There is a library in the ninja academy.

There are no restrictions.

All the information here is only basic information.

All the techniques here are rank E rank techniques.

They would not leave high level ninjutsu all around in a ninja academy for little kids.

There are also practice grounds in the ninja academy for them to practice.

Suzaku would definitely act like other kinds.

He doesn’t want other players to recognize him.

At the same time he would not show off his talent in anything.

Sometimes acting clumsy is also a hard thing.

All he has to choose is the deviate from the target and choose a new target.

For example there is a bull's eye hitting practice ground that is used for practicing throwing technique.

Instead of choosing to hit the bull’s eye he can hit something behind the target or mental mark another small position on the target.

This way no one would think that he is a genius in throwing technique.

When Suzaku performed Mikoto did not understand why he was not showing his true capabilities, instead he was hitting the far side of the target.

She asked Suzaku and he told her the reason.

“Mikoto, do you know that I am an orphan.

I did not have any background.

Sometimes showing too much talent is a bad thing unless you have enough strength secure your life.

You might not understand this now but you will definitely understand it in the future.

For now don’t tell anyone about what I can do.

Just think of it as hiding things.

You have to promise me that you would not saw about my secret to anyone.”

Mikoto is a good girl.

She knows the value of the promise and she would not speak a word about it to anyone.

So Suzaku was at ease after he received her promise.

During this time the skirmishes increased more and more leading towards the world war.

Well there is still time for that to happen.

It is currently year is year 43, the Second Shinobi War begin at year 52.

So there is still time for him to gain the bloodline of Dan Kato and his special technique.

He got his father’s bloodline and techniques related information but it was not enough for Suzaku.

It is never a bad thing to have some extra power.

No one can expect what would happen in this world.

So having extra is always good.

The reason why the war broke out at year 52 is because of the deaths of too many old people of the hidden villages.

These deaths of the old people are the main source of bloodline and information for Suzaku.

The number of old people in the village has reduced considerably.

This also means that the number of power houses, war strategists and other benefits that comes from the old age is gone.

All that was left are the sheltered younger generation that did not know the true cruelty of the warring states period.


Suzaku continued to improve his power during this time in the academy.

He did not fight and socialize very normally.

His food consumption is high because of the strong bloodlines.

But he never stopped gaining more bloodlines.

Well the bloodlines that are already full are left alone because there is no use to collect more.

He only collects the bloodlines that are useful to him.

He cannot take out the extra bloodlines into the real world that he collected even if he wanted to.


The first year in the ninja academy is spent and he is 7 years old.

After the death of Nawaki there are still wars between the villages but it was not to the point of all villages fighting.

But still this can be considered to be a peaceful time to some extent.

Most of the deaths are attributed to the old people of the village that are alive from the founding time of the village.

Today is a happy day because after so long Suzaku was able to form the yin seal.

It formed at the very top of the forehead that almost mixed into the hair.

So it appeared more like a mole on the skin.

When looked it gives a small arrow head structure at the top of the forehead that makes him look more handsome.

His extra amount of chakra started to flow into the yin seal slowly.

The space in the yin seal is very big and to fill it completely he would require more than 3 years.

This time is enough for him to improve to very peak elite Jonin level peacefully.

He might even open the Mangekyō Sharingan normally.

After the age of 10, he would be at the time when he steps into rapid growth phase.

At that time he can reach Kage level and super Kage level easily.

If he activated the bloodline of Otsutsuki with more concentration, he was sure that he can step into sage level by the time he was 15 years old.

This is his projected plan for the future based on his current progress.

He has already simulated this and the process is successfully and gain all this by hiding his true strength.

But there are times that got problematic because of the jealousy of Fugaku for getting close to Mikoto.

There is also some small friction………..

Chapter 343: other players and many variables

But there are times that got problematic because of the jealousy of Fugaku for getting close to Mikoto.

There is also some small friction with third Hokage and other village management, when he tried to get close to Kushina.

These things happened and Suzaku has already calculated the contingency plans.

Everything is does is calculated.

As for the other players they are there.

There is actually one big player from Hyuga clan.

He used the character entry card to enter this fantasy world as Hiashi Hyuga.

Suzaku doesn’t know his origin but he was sure that he came here with a plan.

Most probably he came here to gain the Tenseigan.

It is possible to get the Tenseigan being the head of the Hyuga clan.

Suzaku was able to observe this because Hiashi Hyuga and his twin brother are also in the same class as him in the academy.

This is not all he found that few kids from the Senju clan and another two from the Uchiha clan are also different.

Most probably they used a clan specific character card that let them randomly enter into Senju and Uchiha clans.

This is the only loop hole present in the selection system.

Unless they select the doomsday mode no player can select the Senju, Uchiha and Uzumaki clans.

But with the clan specific cards they can make an exception.

Most probably there might players in the Uzumaki clan.

In the simulation he did found that there are more people rescued from the Uzumaki clan.

Players don’t know what world they are going to enter that day until they actually entered it.

There are some players with the forecasting ability like the divination in harry potter.

They can vaguely guess the world that they might enter in the future.

But the divination is costly as not many players are good at divination and the accuracy is always questionable.

Because of this most of the time they would not do things impulsively.

But there are always top masters with great accuracy.

They should have predicted the Naruto world to be the next one and these people have prepared for that.

Having a chance to enter a world like Naruto world at the second ring is a very good thing for players because they can excel in the future with the experience and powers from Naruto world.

Suzaku made the inference from the information he obtained from the simulation and immediately thought of other plans.

Well what if other players enter into the fantasy world.

Can they really hinder his plans?

Suzaku has the simulation skill along with other powerful skills that backs him up.

So he has no worries at all.

But he has to make some extra calculations with the new variables present.

It was easy as long as he has enough strength to break all the other strategies.

He wanted to make more than one yin seal for the things in the future.

After forming one yin seal he still felt that the chakra in his body is explosive and endless.

Having too much chakra now might not go unnoticed by the strong people of the clan and the village.

Right now his chakra is at Jonin level which would cause many problems in the future.

This is also one of the problems he faced in the simulation.

From that he understood that he has to produce more yin seals to make it look like his chakra is still at ordinary level or Genin level.

So he simulated again with the thoughts of improving yin steal and having more yin seals.

After the simulation he bought the experience related to the improvement and having more yin seals.

In the simulation he successfully created another two yin seals.

One is at location of the heart and the other is below the belly button.

With that his over flowing chakra returned to the normal level of other people.

Having too many bloodlines along with the perfect sage body that was close to completion has let him have too much chakra and vitality.

Currently his body is absorbing the natural chakra on its own and nourishing his body improving it more and more.

He has to exercise vigorously in both physique and spirit along with chakra control to control his over flowing chakra.

If his Otsutsuki bloodline is strong then all of this should be under control just like Indra and Asura the sons of the sage of 6 paths.

But now it was different.

His Otsutsuki bloodline could not keep the other bloodlines that are formed later.

Well the original source of some bloodlines like Uchiha, Senju, Hyuga, and Uzumaki is Otsutsuki bloodline but they are mutated and derived their own values.

On the other hand Nara clan, Hatake clan, Yamanaka clan, Kurama clan…….are not derived from the bloodline of Otsutsuki.

They are naturally mutated with the simulation of chakra from the sage of 6 paths before.

With the amalgamation of all these things the Otsutsuki bloodline cannot keep up with the changes.

Suzaku has to do his best to contain them.

Right now he estimated that in the year 53 the Senju clan would be done for.

At that time the Otsutsuki bloodline from them would help him keep him completely stabilized and mix all the bloodlines into one with the best of their qualities.

With the extraction skill he can definitely do that.

But the price would be little higher.

Based on the simulation he spent 300 million chaos points for this.

Any way this would be with him in the real world too.

So he doesn’t mind the price.

Also he can earn that through changing some of the plots during this time.

The rewards for changing the life fantasy world are 10 times more than that of the normal fantasy worlds.

For now he immediately assimilated the other two yin seals from the simulation and they appeared on his heart and position where chakra was created in the body.

Chapter 344: need a big tree to shelter from others

The rewards for changing the life fantasy world are 10 times more than that of the normal fantasy worlds.

For now he immediately assimilated the other two yin seals from the simulation and they appeared on his heart and position where chakra was created in the body.

Immediately his body has three flows of chakra that is being diverted into the huge pits in three locations filling step by step.

At least unlike when Sakura did that in the anime, the rate of flow of chakra is not a single drop dripping.

But a small water flow with continuous flow line.

Based on the estimate from the simulation it will take him 3 years to fill all the three yin seals completely and complete the yin seal process.

That is if he is still in his current level or state.

If his state is improved then the end results will also changes.

His state would definitely improve with the bloodlines of other clans and the perfect sage body.

With these two things his body would directly step into the state of completion and the chakra flow would directly improve by few times.

Well he did not bother with that and from now on he should exercise more diligently.

Having a suitable body is not enough you have to hone it into the best weapon for the future.

Only then can he achieve the results that he wanted in the future.

With the basic calculations he continued with the classes in the academy and his closeness to the people.

For the current time period the entire ninja world is peaceful till the start of the second Shinobi war.

Suzaku turned 7 years old and during this time he mastered the basic three body techniques along with all the E rank techniques present in the academy.

This time he did not use simulation for most of the things but honed by himself.

He still uses simulation to improve them and learn basics but practice related to body cannot be bought from the simulated memories.

It will still take time for him to improve the physical capabilities through hard work.

While he did that he did not forget to meet flirt a little with Mikoto.

He is 7 years old and can enter forest.

He picked up some flowers for her from time to time.

Well he is not excessive other than puppy love.

On the other hand Fugaku and few other students in the ninja academy from the Uchiha clan noticed Suzaku’s actions.

They reported it to Fugaku as qualified sidekicks of the future clan leader.

Fugaku was angry but he did not show that yet because Suzaku did not do something excessive with Mikoto.

He is stepping into the society soon when he turns 12 in the future and Suzaku is an orphan.

He cannot do things that are negative to his image from the moral point of view.

So he endured it.

On the other hand in the first year of ninja academy another girl from the Hyuga clan has started.

She did not have the caged bird seal on her forehead.

She was supposed to marry the next clan head of the Hyuga clan.

It can he one of the Hyuga brothers that was able to become the main bloodline and branch bloodline.

She is called Himeko Hyuga.

She looked more like the younger version of Hinata and she is actually much cuter than Hinata.

Suzaku was very interested in her and went to say hello to her.

But for that a situation is needed.

Naturally there are always idiots in the ninja world.

Suzaku found the right opportunity when some of the children on her class looked at her white eyes and started to bully her about those white eyes.

Both of the Hyuga brothers wanted to stand up to her but someone beat them before they reacted.

Suzaku appeared in front of the children that are bullying Himeko and directly slapped them on their faces.

Not with words but it is a real life slaps with clear hand prints on their faces.

“Phat” “Phat” “Phat” “Phat”

“You are even bulling our own people.

In the future won’t you simply betray the village just to bully our people?”

Suzaku’s words are not small.

The entire academy heard his loud words and this attracted the teachers of the academy.

Suzaku did it specifically for two important things.

First is to gain a good impression in the eyes of Himeko and Mikoto that was also present.

Second is to be reported to the third Hokage that he was a good kid and an orphan that has his village in his mind.

Suzaku has made a commotion before with his high talent.

Most probably Danzo and third Hokage already know about it.

They are not far from the village and they can easily get the information in the Uchiha clan through normal channels.

He will definitely be targeted by Danzo and the roots.

Suzaku did not have any form of protection and he cannot depend on the stupid prideful people of the Uchiha clan.

So he has to find a big tree for protection till he safely grows.

This is one of the points that he understood from the simulation.

He did not fear fighting Danzo but when he can avoid it why bother fighting and wasting many precious opportunities during that time.

So he started to act directly.

On the other hand the player taking the role of Hiashi did not understand the situation.

It was him that planned this incident without even telling his brother.

He knows that he would definitely become the head of the clan.

But he wanted to win the heart of Himeko that is so beautiful and have some good impression in the minds of other people.

Every player in the ninja world wanted to break the rules and gain as many good women as possible.

As for taking them to the real world they will think about it later.

Chapter 345: white villain dancing at the edge of the sword

Every player in the ninja world wanted to break the rules and gain as many good women as possible.

As for taking them to the real world they will think about it later.

There is another good thing here.

Players usually leave when the mission is complete.

At that time when the subordinates leave with the player from the life fantasy world,

The system will rejuvenate their bodies of the subordinates to the situation where the body is most beautiful and powerful.

This is because some time in the life fantasy world player would return after their natural death.

At that time the subordinates can be too old for the real world.

So this special service is provided by the system.

But there is a restriction that is those players should not be killed by anyone.

If they are killed then they cannot take subordinates and has to bear the 10 percent penalty.


The incident arranged by Hiashi was actually taken by Suzaku and acted so righteously that he could not come out and act.

The eyes of Himeko twinkled looking at Suzaku.

She is 6 years old but the children in the ninja world mature fast psychologically.

Just like Kakashi.

It is especially so for the girls in the big clans, as they are not given will to choose the one they love.

Himeko also understand this.

But she cannot stop her admiration for Suzaku standing for her and slapped so many bullies.

That is not all she is still 6 years old and she would slip up some times.

She very kind hearted and shy, just like Hinata.

So her face immediately blushed looking at Suzaku while Hiashi was clenching his teeth.

But he cannot step in.

Being a player he knows that his plan is foiled.

At the same time he doubted that Suzaku is also a player.

But there is no definitive proof for this matter.

Since Suzaku was in the Uchiha clan it is either Suzaku is from a powerful clan or Suzaku is stupid enough to select Uchiha clan with doomsday level difficulty.

Because of this reason he became cautious.

If it is the first then Suzaku is very strong player that he could not fight against right now.

If it is the second then Suzaku would die because of his stupidity so he did not have to act.

With this kind of thinking he calmed down and looked at the situation.

The four bully kids that were slapped became ashamed being slapped in the face and being called traitors.

So they directly wanted to fight with Suzaku.

Suzaku did not care as their strength is too low.

Suzaku only slapped on their face till they were swollen to subdue them.

Now they did not make move as the teachers are also here.

Since it was only slaps on the face instead of severely injuring the situation was under control of the teachers.

Also the teachers are careful about this incident involved Hyuga clan as they know the future identity of Himeko Hyuga.

So they punished the children that tried to bully her and even called their parents to tell them about this.

Suzaku caringly asked Himeko if she is alright.

This made her blush just like Hinata and almost faint on the spot.

On the other hand Hiashi clenched his teeth and fists in anger.

Suzaku was actually holding the hands of Himeko, his future wife making him angry.

But before he made a move Suzaku smiled and let go.

After that he went to Mikoto and left.

Seeing that Suzaku is with Mikoto the thoughts of Hiashi changed.

He knows that Mikoto was the future wife arranged for Fugaku.

So instead of going to Suzaku and trouble him, he wanted to go to Fugaku and push the ball to his court.

This way he would not be a bad guy instead he would stand on the sidelines to watch the show.

Unknown to him his gaze was already noticed by Tian Meng and he told Suzaku.

Tian Meng is a part of Suzaku’s strength and it was a spiritual strength.

He can still accompany Suzaku in the life fantasy world and his capabilities can still be used.

Unlike the restriction in the pirates of the Caribbean fantasy world, Tian Meng is not restricted at all.

Also with the improvement of Suzaku Tian Meng released another portion of his power to help Suzaku.

Just like in the original world Tian Meng belongs to, he sealed a large part of the power so that Suzaku could bear him as the spirit beast.

Originally Tian Meng is a powerful chaos monster at mythical grade.

But it was severely restricted by the power of the system to make him as a tier 1 mythical grade chaos monster.

This happened before with the system support and few other reasons.

Now that Suzaku reached tier 2 it was also upgraded to tier 2 releasing its sealed power reaching tier 2 mythical grade chaos monster.

This is the different between taking the spirit of a chaos monster in the real world and the chaos monster from a fantasy world.

The benefits are huge.


After solving the situation Suzaku also returned back to his class and continued.

Suzaku did not cross the line at any given time.

This way he is dancing at the edge of the sword to gain the benefits.

People can become angry with him but they cannot do anything to him.

He is like a white villain that is taunting them from a safe zone.

What he does is irritating enough but it is not big enough to punish him.

So they can only grit their teeth and bubble their anger inside their hearts.

On the other hand Suzaku continued to improve his strength while keeping an eye out for the dead ninja every day.

He would not leave anything as long as it is useful to him.

Also after the yin seal, E rank techniques……..


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