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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 46: the secret of ancestry choice

If they did not meddle in and Dumbledore really found out about this matter, then he would have really become cautious about the philosopher’s stone.

But things did not go that way and this led to the current situation and a future where Harry faced with professor Quirrell,

Or you can saw the remnant soul of Voldemort.

Things would have solved more easily.

Not only they meddle in the matter that they should not have but they even cause many people to have head ache.

That is what Harry potter did.

After that she accepted to Jonathan’s deal glaring at him.

But her eyes have different feeling to them instead of being angry.

She was anxious and expectant about Jonathan.

Well she trusts Jonathan that he would not cheat his words when it comes to trade.

With that they kissed again and did not part for 5 whole minutes.

The kiss this time is more passionate with their tongues intertwined and her tongue was played by Jonathan causing her to be on the passive side.

With the kiss done Hermione was reluctant and wanted to continue.

But she came back to her senses and blushed for her thought of wanting to kiss Jonathan.

After that she quickly left this place.

Jonathan told her that he wanted to speak to Harry later and wanted to meet him in the school grounds tomorrow morning.

Also he told her not to tell this to that snot nosed brat Ron that has loud mouth and tendency to speak about this to everyone.

Hermione glared at Jonathan again, it is not because Jonathan scolded Ron but because Jonathan called in Harry.

She thought that Jonathan is going to make a deal with Harry too.

She doesn’t know what the deal is but her thoughts are running wild.

Jonathan that looked her then as she looked at him with weird expression making him understood that she misunderstood.

“Don’t worry, I am not into men.

I like beautiful women.”

Hermione, that got her thoughts red by Jonathan blushed again and ran away like a frightened rabbit.


Jonathan did not care about these matters as he was busy with his own things.

During this time he met with the phoenix few times as it came to him on its own.

Jonathan did not understand what it came to him and be intimate with him.

During his study about the artifacts and materials on his hand, he took out a box that was sealed with a puzzle like thing from his mother.

It was also in the collection but he never took it out as he was busy with other things.

He thought that there are some air tight precious materials stored in it.

He wanted to check what is inside really quickly.

Any way he has to know what is inside so that he can use it when necessary.

He took out the box that was previously placed inside the expansion bag by the house elves.

But when he touched the box with his hand to take it out of the expansion bag, his eyes lost their focus and the light in them.

His hands moved automatically taking the box out of the expansion bag and started to solve the puzzle as if he was possessed.

His fingers moved at a fast speed and few of the puzzle pieces has sharp thorns that got his blood stuck to the box that seems to be made out of wood.

The blood that came out was sucked by the box and it started to glow with green light.

Also the thorns on the box vanished along with the wounds on his finger.

Jonathan did not have any consciousness of his actions.

He was looking at the thing his body is doing on its own because he has a system and he exists independently from all kinds of soul tampering things.

He was very anxious thinking that his body was being taken over by some old monster or something.

But when the puzzle was solved and the green light appeared he got his senses back to him.

The wooden box opened showing an old piece of scroll made of leather but not parchment.

There is also a pendent made of pure crystal which is oddly similar to the deadly hallows symbol that Xenophilius Lovegood had with him in the original series.

But the cloak, the wand and the stone symbols are oddly strange and more complete giving an ancient feeling.

When Jonathan touched the pendent he felt a strange way of energy and information entering his mind.

Immediately the villain system gave out a choice.


Host has stumbled upon an ancestry secret.

Emergency choice initiated.

Time stop is being applied.

Host, please make your choice.

Emergency choice….

Choice 1: accept the information from the symbol and your secret ancestry.

Host would be able to gain the benefits of the ancestry and its inheritance,

Host has to bear the consequences of this ancestry to.

Choice 2: system would destroy the information along with the ancestry details.

Host will lose his ancestry.

Host doesn’t have to bear the consequences of this ancestry.”

Jonathan felt that the time around him stopped and read thought.

He did not expect something magical to happen to him right now about his ancestry.

It said that he has to bear the consequences.

Naturally if it was the protagonist then it would have been solved easily.

But things are different when it comes to him being a villain.

He was a little reluctant to lose something good.

He wanted to read the leather scroll on the side.

But the system would not let him.

Unless he makes his choice he would not be able to move or do anything.

He sighed and decided to take on the risk.

Any way he has his way of protection.

With that he chose the first option.

Immediately the time started to move and the information entered into his mind slowly from the pendent.

Chapter 47: tricking Harry into unbreakable vow

With that he chose the first option.

Immediately the time started to move and the information entered into his mind slowly from the pendent.

All that appeared in his mind is a way of ritual with the pendent.

As for the leather scroll on the side is actually the high grade magic circle that is required for the ritual.

It is not possible to draw it on the ground as the amount of materials required is astronomical.

Instead the mode of magic circle is changed to a scroll made of high class materials.

Jonathan opened the scroll and checked it out.

A messy magic circle is drawn inside with numerous runes.

Just looking at those runes has made Jonathan dizzy for some time.

Jonathan immediately closed the scroll and new information appeared in his mind.

For the ritual start, he requires few things.

One is the tears of phoenix and the other is the venom of basilisk.

These are the main ingredients while the supporting ingredients required from various magical beasts.

Jonathan has most of them except for the phoenix tears and the venom of basilisk.

He can get phoenix tears when the phoenix fox comes to him again.

As for the basilisk venom, it is not a problem as he can get them either by waiting for a year or by buying things through black market.

With that he was in a happy mood.

He placed the pendent back in along with the scroll, closed the box and put it back inside the expansion bag.

With that stored Jonathan sighed and decided to do some research about this symbol and other things.

He knows that basic plot but he don’t know the real things that are happening in this world.

Jonathan has to always remind his mind again and again, that he was in the real world and not a movie or game.

If it was the movie then the concentration will be on the protagonist.

But this is real world and the concentration on many things other than the protagonist.

Everything and everyone has background stories and hidden stories.

These things are the most dangerous that can directly change the plot direction.

Voldemort that would fight against old people, weak people and children could not even be considered as a proper villain.

The other people fear him because he kills without blinking an eye.

But is killing other really an act of villainy?

There are many people and even countries in the world that would kill innocent people in the name of justice and get benefits from them shamelessly.

When the other retaliates they would even accuse the victims as terrorists.

Compared to them Voldemort is not even a kid being a villain.

The title dark lord is more like a show than a real title.

Jonathan thought and left here to go back to the dormitory.

On the next day he was able to meet with Harry privately.

The location was set by Hermione.

Harry was very curious and wanted to know why Jonathan wanted to speak to him.

Jonathan usually ignores him and Ron completely without even saying a word.

Now he wanted to speak to Harry, this made him anxious, curious and cautious.

They met at a distance away from the hut of Hagrid near the castle wall.

There is another person that is watching the situation from afar.

He heard the conversation between Hermione and Harry before.

He was very disappointed that his friends did not tell him about the important thing.

So he tried to eavesdrop on what Harry and Jonathan are talking.

Unfortunately he was unable to hear anything because of the different direction of the head wind.

Jonathan chose this location specifically for this matter.

On the other hand Jonathan looked at straight at Harry for a good while and spoke first.

“Hello Harry,

Actually I did not want to speak with you about anything as it would only cause too much problem for me and nonsense.

So I will get straight to the point.

As I have previously told to Hermione, I am neither a good guy nor a bad guy.

Instead I am a business man.

I know the information about the dragon egg that Hagrid is hiding and wanting to hatch.

If you don’t want me to tell this information to anyone or to be exact report to this matter to anyone, I want some compensation.

Hermione has already paid her part of the contribution to my compensation.

We have come to a deal.

Now it was your turn.

I presume you don’t want to see Hagrid feel sad and the price that Hermione paid go to waste right.

If not, I want you to form a deal with me.

The deal is simple.

In the future, I will ask you to give the credit of a certain thing to me completely.

You have to give me the credit to that thing completely and tell to anyone that it was done by me or saved by me in both in my presence and outside my presence.

If you accept for this deal we can make an unbreakable vow in the name of magic.

You see I do not believe anyone, it is especially so after learning things through hard lessons.

My time is precious, so make your choice quickly.”

Jonathan said with a smile from start to the end without carrying about the change in the expression of Harry.

Harry thought for a few moments as his naive brain could not come up with the answers to the schemes of Jonathan.

So he finally accepted to the offer of Jonathan to make an unbreakable vow.

As for how Jonathan knows how to perform unbreakable vow is not a big story.

He learnt it from his grandmother saying that he would not trust other people and for his safety he has to learn this skill.

With his pestering and reasoning she taught him the basics.

With his comprehension and understanding in the later years………..

Chapter 48: you would shout that you love victor Krum if anyone asks you this question

With his pestering and reasoning she taught him the basics.

With his comprehension and understanding in the later years he completely understood the spell and the procedure.

So he quickly formed the unbreakable vow with Harry with the said conditions.

Also Jonathan added a condition that Harry could not saw the truth about what they spoke or the contents of the vow to anyone.

But he can still like to others about the contents.

With the vow complete Harry left from that place back to the castle.

He felt that Jonathan is quite strange at the same time the previous sympathy is gone.

It is a mixture of emotions.

With Harry left, the person that is hiding and watching the entire situation hid more deeply while not showing his face to Harry.

After Harry left Ron came out and he came straight towards Jonathan.

“Hey you, stop.

What did you talk to Harry and Hermione?

What is happening here I want to know?

If you don’t tell me, then I will report this to professor Mcgonagall that you are plotting and threatening Harry and Hermione.”


Jonathan looked at Ron and laughed out loud looking at Ron like an idiot.

If he really reported it then it was Harry and Hermione along with Hagrid that would be implicated.

Jonathan can still escape without receiving any damage.

But Jonathan has other plans for Ron so Jonathan directly spoke.

“Well since you insist.

I know that Hagrid got a dragon egg illegally,

So I wanted to report it.

Both Harry and Hermione are trying their best to stop me from reporting.

So in order to stop me they made deals with me.

Since you want to report, I would not stop you as it is not in my deal.

But since you came to me anyway, I want you to make a deal with me.

If not I would report about the dragon egg in Hagrid’s hands.

Because of you Hagrid would be implicated.

The efforts of your friends Hermione and Harry would go down the drain.

Now think about it.

Do you want to make a deal with me?”

Jonathan asked with a smile that was very gentle and beautiful making him more handsome.

But for Ron it appeared like the smile of a devil.

He never thought that his curiosity would land him in such a situation.

He did not have a choice in this matter.

His face turned red from the embarrassment and anger.

He smacked his own face and then said.

“What do you want from me?”

Jonathan smiled again and said.

“I want you to make an unbreakable vow with the conditions that I am going to tell you.

First condition is you would shout that you love victor Krum if anyone asks you about that.

Second is that you would unconditionally support the wishes of the woman in your family and you love.

Third is that you would tell all the bad points and secrets of your brothers to the woman that they are seeing.

These are the three conditions that I want you to make an unbreakable vow to me.”

Jonathan said with a smile.

Ron though that there is nothing wrong with these conditions.

But he was unable to perceive the loop holes in these conditions.

He is really stupid.

Jonathan did not tell them either.

With that Ron made the unbreakable vow with Jonathan and the conditions for Jonathan are still the same like he had with Harry.

He would not report about the dragon egg that Hagrid is having.

With that Ron left as well and Jonathan went to the lake to practice his painting skill again.

He has a fixed routine every day to complete certain number of things to keep him body perfectly fit.


During this time the dragon egg was hatched and Hagrid named the dragon as Norbert.

Well Jonathan doesn’t care about these things but they were found out by Draco Malfoy.

They saw that Jonathan did not make a move during the entire time.

Everyday Hermione would come to the room of requirements and kisses Jonathan on his lips.

The more they kissed the more Hermione liked it.

Jonathan tried new things every day.

Other than Hermione he would kiss Daphne and pansy every day.

After few days the lips of the three girls are a little swollen and gave them a unique charm.

Harry and Ron were attracted to Hermione’s swollen lips, when they asked her she simply told them that she ate some spicy hot food.

Well they believed it as there are other things to worry about.

On the other hand pansy and Daphne were questioned by other girls and Draco.

They gave the same excuse but most of the girls did not believe that.

As for Draco he is an idiot on the same level as Ron.

So he too believed their words.

Ron on the other hand was bitten by dragon and he started to rest from that day in the hospital wing.

The hiding and sending of the dragon to Ron’s brother Charlie’s friends was carried out by Hermione and Harry alone.

The invisibility cloak that Harry has is not the perfect one.

So they can be caught at any time.

But the luck of the protagonist activated saving them from trouble of getting caught along with the dragon.

They got themselves detention from professor Mcgonagall along with Draco that reported them.

This time Neville was not a part of what they did and he was not punished because Jonathan helped him from doing stupid things.

During this time Jonathan helped Neville many times when he forgets the password to enter the Gryffindor common room.

Because of Jonathan he doesn’t have to sleep outside on the floor.

This has happened many times and Neville was grateful for Jonathan.

So he respects the words of Jonathan to some extent and did not do things that would cause trouble for him or Jonathan.

Chapter 49: Hermione was discovered by pansy and Daphne

This has happened many times and Neville was grateful for Jonathan.

So he respects the words of Jonathan to some extent and did not do things that would cause trouble for him or Jonathan.

Also Jonathan taught Neville some of the things he knows making him more intelligent at least in the studies.

Right now Neville is actually doing much better than both Ron and Harry in studies.

Today is May 9thand the dragon should be taken by Charlie's friends.

Neville did not get any detention but both Hermione and Harry along with Draco go the detention.

Well Jonathan told Hermione that Draco might be planning something on her when they are done kissing and hugging.

But she is stubborn and did not listen to Jonathan’s words.

Now she regrets it.

She doesn’t want any bad marks on her academic record.

She wanted to be a good girl but she is not the listening type.

Now she got two bad marks because of the troll incident and now this curfew breaking incident.

She can only sigh about this matter.

On the next day when she came to the room of requirements she came face to face with Daphne and pansy that are just leaving with swollen lips and flushed faces.

Hermione who have experienced this already knows that they kissed Jonathan inside the room of requirements.

Also they seem to be together and did not have any conflict of interest or problem of sharing Jonathan between them.

When they looked at Hermione that is actually going towards the room of requirements, they were startled.

They thought that Hermione came to investigate.

So they first left to a distance and observed from the turn of the corridor to see where Hermione is going.

When Hermione entered into the room of requirements they followed behind her and entered the room of requirements too.

The scene inside has shocked them.

Hermione willingly sat on the lap of Jonathan with pouting face and asked.

“Did you just kiss Daphne and pansy?”

Jonathan was not surprised as he planned the current situation.

Jonathan spoke with a smile.

“Yep, they are my women that are deeply in love with me.

Of course they came here to get their good night kisses.

They are here every day right before you and left before you.

Don’t you notice them?”

Jonathan asked with a knowing smile.

Hermione looked into the eyes of Jonathan straight for a moment and asked.

“Then what about me?”

Jonathan smiled again and said.

“Miss Granger, did you ever say that you love me.

We are doing a business deal and we both accepted to the price.

Don’t tell me that you developed feelings for me.

If you did you have to tell them to me directly just like Daphne and pansy did.

Also if you really love me then you should be willing to share me with other women.

But of course, you have to make me fall in love with you first.

Now be a good girl and think about what you wanted to do.

As for the current situation you should kiss me right.

Also don’t you always say that you hate kissing me?

How come you suddenly changed?

Jonathan asked and then kissed Hermione turning her mind blank.

Both Daphne and pansy that looked at the incident don’t know how to react.

But there is one thing for certain that they accept Jonathan and his words clearly stated that he loves them.

So they are happy with that.

Hermione after kissing Jonathan regained her senses.

She pouted her lips and stomped her feet on the ground.

Then she left here angrily without saying anything to Jonathan.

She muttered few bad words at Jonathan and left quickly returning to her dorm.

She started to roll on her bed not knowing what her feelings towards Jonathan are.

In the final analysis she decided that Jonathan is a bad guy and she hates him.

Well her feelings are complicated right now.

Also she doesn’t want to lose her friends Harry and Ron for Jonathan.

The feelings towards Jonathan are not as deep as the friendship feelings that she has towards Harry and Ron.

With that the things are solved in her heart.

Well it is not a bad thing for Jonathan as he could not contain too many loves at the same time.

He was preparing many rituals to strengthen his body so that he would be handling many women at the same time in the future.


Back in the room of requirements after Hermione left Jonathan smiled happily and then looked at the side where pansy and Daphne are hiding.

“Are you happy with what you just saw?

Do you want more kisses from me?

Since you are already here, then don’t leave.

Come over here.

We are going to take a double take right now.”

Jonathan said startling both pansy and Daphne.

They came out with blushed faces and walked step by step walking towards Jonathan.

Jonathan made them both sit on his lap from either side and pulled their faces close to him giving a three way kiss.

Later he parted and then kissed them separately while tightly hugging them.

They did not push him away and kissed him reciprocating well without any problems.

After some time Daphne asked.

“Are you going to pull Hermione into your women too?”

Jonathan smiled at her and said.

“Well it depends on how she would react.

She is too proud to become my woman easily.

She has to slowly taken down over time.

Don’t worry there will be many sisters for you to spend your time together.

You cannot hog in all the good things for yourself.

You have to share with your friends and close people.

Having a group that trusts you with their life and you can trust them with your live is very valuable.

This cannot be cultivated using friendship unless they are naive idiots.

It can only be obtained through love….”

Chapter 50: interfere with the protagonist and the villain or leave them be, make your choice

This cannot be cultivated using friendship unless they are naive idiots.

It can only be obtained through love like you and pansy to me and I am to you.

Did you understand?”

Both pansy and Daphne nodded their heads.

But they also understood that Jonathan would go around smelling flowers in the future.

Well as long as he loved them, they are happy.

It is common for nobles to marry and have many wives.

So they don’t mind and think that it was the symbol of masculinity of Jonathan that they love.

After that they also left and Jonathan also left back to his dorm room to sleep.

In the next few days Hermione was in spoiled mood when she came to look for Jonathan.

But her kisses are all with passion as she likes the way Jonathan kisses.

Right after kissing she has complicated expression and leaves.

This happened for a few days when the 30 days that they talked about are over.

For some reason Hermione came on the thirty first day too.

Also today is her detention that is on May 26th.

Jonathan did not remain her before kissing and after kissing Jonathan spoke.

“Miss Granger,

It seems like you came here for an extra day.

You seem to have forgotten that our agreed price is for 30 days only.”

Hermione was shocked as she calculated and became embarrassed.

It seems like she used to come to Jonathan every day to kiss him that it became a habit of her.

She has complicated eyes and wanted to leave without saying anything.

But Jonathan then spoke.

“Since you came here for an extra day, I will tell you something important.

While you go for detention today, it should be Hagrid.

Make sure that you stay with Hagrid which is the safest.

As for Harry leave him to Malfoy, they will be fine.

You must remember to stay with Hagrid for your safety.

Also don’t be impulsive to do anything.

You will complicate things if you did something.

As long as you did not do anything things would be fine.”

Hermione heard this and glared at Jonathan.

She thought that Jonathan is telling her that the things she did would make them complicated.

Jonathan did not explain it to her.

Any way she will be fine and he don’t have to worry about her.

Voldemort is in a weak state and he would not risk killing anyone.

If he killed anyone then he would be facing a full pursuit immediately.

So he could not risk the exposure.

Jonathan did not go there to check the situation.

He has a very busy schedule and has to study as much as he possible can and quickly.

This way he could ask Nicolas if he has any doubts in alchemy.

Also there will be the year end exams soon.

Even though he is already prepared he still needs some studying to do to gain the perfect score.

With that he concentrated on studying hard.

He is already using the time turner for all the things as the time he has every day is not enough for him.

In the forbidden forest just like Jonathan said things happened quite strangely.

Hagrid directly decided that he would take Hermione with him while Harry, Draco and fang would search the place in two teams.

When they encountered the dead unicorn and Voldemort, Hermione froze from the sudden shock.

She doesn’t know what to say at that time.

She was very doubtful of Jonathan on how he knows about the future incident.

But she remembered that Jonathan is good at divination.

So she calmed down and did not make a move.

Finally they are all saved by the centaurs.

This experience she would remember for life.

Her kiss is really worth it, she thought as she traded her kiss for this information and safety.

She knows what would happen if she really made a move on Voldemort or the dark figure that kill the unicorn.

For a few days everything was same as always without much of a change.

Jonathan did not bother with thinking other people’s affairs.

He gave a copy of his notes to pansy and Daphne to study and learn.

He also taught Neville with patience.

Neville is the prime example of a loyal person, just like his parents.

It is best to keep him with him.

As for Harry and Ron they are complete waste.

Hermione is having hard time teaching them about the important information of the exam.

She has her own notes so Jonathan did not help her.

They had their exams in June and on the last day of their exams Harry got a strike of an idea and immediately he told Hermione and Ron about this.

They went to Hagrid to know who gave him the dragon egg.

Coincidentally they found that Dumbledore is not here and went to the ministry of magic to speak about something.

With that they became more alert and they wanted to go inside to defeat the dark wizard and save the school and stop Voldemort is from returning.

Jonathan that knows all this was laughing at the bunch of idiots that was the main cause of all the situations.

Since it is like that Jonathan has another plan.

Right then he got a choice.


Choice 1: spoil the plans of the protagonist and the villain in any way possible.

Host would be rewarded with moderate level dark arts.

Choice 2: let them do as they please.

The popularity that host obtained would be over shadowed by the greatness of the protagonist’s group.


Jonathan did not mind choosing either of the options.

This is because he prepared two plans in this matter.

The more famous Harry becomes the more the fall would be when he was done with that.

On the other hand Jonathan wanted both of them.

So he has decided to implement both of them at the same time.


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