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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 336: participating in the ninja aptitude test

The qualified people would be able to enter the ninja academy at the age of 6 with everyone.

The orphans would be sponsored by the clan and the village within the criteria of a sharing ratio.

During this year the clan would teach the children some basics like chakra refining, throwing techniques of the clan and most commonly used basic techniques of the clan.

Suzaku went to participate and he did not hold back.

He is not a stupid protagonist in nonsense novel that would act like a pig.

At this young age showing good talent would give him more benefits.

All he has to do is to make a better choice so that he would be able escape the threat that comes along with the benefits.

He is going to choose the medical ninjutsu instead of combat and other things.

He will learn them slowly over time through his own efforts.

Being a medical ninja would reduce the vigilance of the people like third Hokage and Danzo into neglecting him.

Well anyone is like that.

Human potential is limited and one can only concentrate on doing one thing to utilize his potential to reach the peak.

If you stepped on too many boats at the same time the potential would be wasted and all that was left is an empty shell without any achievements.

This is a known fact by all.

But who knows that Vicky has to heaven defying innate skills that he honed through life and death experiences of his life.

The will and the insight skill are truly terrifying.

The strong will to survive and the understanding or insight obtained at the edge of life and death.

With these skills Vicky can really step on many boats and stand stable without falling into the water.

This was not known by the players or plot line characters.

So Vicky has the best chance to achieve many things with ease.

Soon the tests started.

There are more than 100 children present here.

First he completed the physical test in the top 5

That means he completed the physical exercise in the time limit of top 5 people.

During this test he met Hazuki Uchiha and there is also Fugaku that came to watch the test.

She is the mother of Izumi Uchiha.

She is as beautiful as her daughter and she is cute.

Her hair color is ash blond and she is not completely pure blood of Uchiha clan.

Instead she has some bloodline from Hitotsuyanagi Clan from Ryokogakure.

She not only has Sharingan but also the steel release style ninjutsu.

She did not like to be a ninja because of her personal reasons.

The reason she is participating here like this is for her parents.

Vicky that is Suzaku with his high charm looked like the son of Madara Uchiha called Jinkusu Uchiha.

Any way he is the descendent of Madara Uchiha.

With his handsome and the current cute appearance has attracted the attention of many people.

But knowing that he is an orphan they took interest in him, wanting to pull him into their faction in the Uchiha clan.

Well his cheap father also noticed him at glance.

He wanted to see the aptitude of Suzaku first before deciding on pulling him into his faction as an elder but not as a father.

He was a little guilty towards Suzaku and his dead lover.

He was very busy with the clan to take care of everything.

Since he loves peace very much he did not want to put up any scandals that can threaten his position.

So he did not pay much attention to Suzaku over the years after arranging him as an orphan.

He thought that the pension money would be enough for Suzaku to survive and in the future he would pull him to his side and assign a position based on his aptitude in becoming a ninja.

He was sure that he can make up the things with these small favors and stable life.

Vicky never liked this kind of self righteous people.

After weeding out many people in the physical test the remaining people came to the sprit test.

Here Vicky met the person he was looking forward to.

It was Mikoto Uchiha. She was born in the same year as him.

The reason why Fugaku and his cheap father appeared here is to watch her.

Even Hazuki came to watch Mikoto because she and Mikoto are like sister.

They are close from childhood.

The different between them is only 3 years so they became close.

Also after Hazuki escaped from the clan to pursue her own love Mikoto was restricted so that she would not go out of the arranged marriage.

Well she is a virtuous wife and even without any strict restrictions she would not run away.

Before the start of the spiritual test Vicky came close to Mikoto to speak to her and become friends with his.

His charm is still there and the title of the pervert’s luck is also there.

So he can easily gain the attention of Mikoto.

Well they all are kids right now and it is normal to make friends.

No one cared about this but Fugaku being a little older was not that broad minded.

If not he would not have earned the “Wicked Eye Fugaku title” during the war.

He is also a believer of third Hokage.

This can be seen by naming his second son as Sasuke which is the name of the father of third Hokage.

Both this pair of father and son is stupid and believed that everything that third Hokage did is right.

They even showed prejudice towards their own clansmen.

If they became a proper model and led the clan, would they cause the destruction of the Uchiha clan?

Vicky can only saw that they are naive in believing that killing themselves would save other people is a righteous thing.

Vicky wanted to take the right chance to……...

Chapter 337: gaining attention for resources

Vicky can only saw that they are naive in believing that killing themselves would save other people is a righteous thing.

Vicky wanted to take the right chance to put this pair of father and son back in their place which should be under the ground.

They did not even have qualification to enter pure land with their sins.

Vicky came to Mikoto and made friends.

Naturally she is kind and gentle.

Also in the spirit test she came first.

Well Vicky is concealing his power right now.

After their introductions Vicky chatted with her finding some interesting topics that she is interested in.

He did not touch the core topics of the clan, taboo topics and the secrets of her practice in spirit energy.

Don’t get him wrong there are other methods to improve spirit energy quickly at the young age.

Most people would not know as they are core secrets of the clan and will be used on their important descendents.

Here Mikoto was meant to marry Fugaku in the future.

So she can be considered to be the next generation head of the clan’s wife.

Because of this and her grandfather being an elder of the clan were all combined to give her good amount of resources and techniques for her improvement.

Well while Vicky is speaking Fugaku is a little shaking.

Fugaku is 5 years older than Mikoto.

So he is already 10 year old and has successfully stepped into becoming a ninja.

But he is only at Chunin level right now.

His father has observed the situation and only shook his head.

He knows that they are step brothers and they both became interested in the same woman.

Well he doesn’t know what to say.

In all honesty he wanted to let Fugaku succeed.

So he would deal with Suzaku later and compensate him with other things.

Also he would give him warning to not to go for Mikoto.

People in the ninja world mature quickly as the life and death of the ninja cannot be predicted.

With the two tests done there are only 20 people among over 100 people.

Then they are separated between girls and boys.

There are 5 girls and 15 boys.

They were taken to take the medicinal bath.

On the females side there is a female instructor.

On the men’s side the previous instructors continued.

Suzaku took off his clothes and entered the medicinal bath that was prepared under the instructions of the instructor.

Here there is a special technique that is used in Senju clan that would let the person taking the first time medicinal bath to have the most benefits.

Uchiha clan did not have this technique.

But the information that Vicky has is complete so he was able to use it and started to concentrate on improving his body with Senju clan technique.

After entering the medicinal bath he felt that his body is boiling and the bones felt like they are broken.

His nerves and vines felt like being bitten by ants.

After 10 minutes the first one got out and in the next 5 minutes another 7 people came out of the medicinal bath.

When it was 20 minutes 14 people came out only leaving Vicky inside the medicinal bath.

Suzaku estimated that he would completely absorb the medicinal values of the medicinal bath after 30 minutes of entering.

So after 30 minutes Suzaku came out of the bath.

It is not like he could not stay more.

It was simply useless.

Since he is already the last and he came out peacefully without making sounds like other people they looked at him with a little surprise.

The side of girl’s bath is also over.

Vicky stayed in the medicinal bath for the longest.

They did not see that the medicinal qualities of the bath are absorbed by him.

There is no way to look at the chemical compositions.

After they put on their dresses they were told to go to another hall where their spirituality is tested.

The 20 children were sitting in 4 rows with 5 people each column.

Then the sensory type ninja came to start to release his spiritual oppression.

With that the 20 children started to feel irritated and the irritation slowly increased.

After 3 minutes 5 kids held their heads in pain.

They were immediately taken out.

After 5 minutes another 7 kids were taken out.

After 10 minutes there are only two people present in the hall that is Suzaku and Mikoto.

At that time Mikoto finally gave up from the pain while Suzaku persisted.

He still has the will skill and he can persist longer in this mild and controlled oppression.

But he decided to end the things here.

He showed off his potential because he wanted to gain more resources.

At his current age he has to get more resources to have a better potential for the future.

He cannot get the resources from outside.

So he decided to show off his potential.

He was sure that the clan head would not kill a child with great potential.

Also he was the illegitimate son of the head of the clan.

Most probably he would think of developing Suzaku to become a strong ninja that would support his official son Fugaku to become the next head.

This is what Suzaku expected and it really is the thoughts of the head of the clan.

So things went very natural.

The impression of Mikoto toward Suzaku has improved.

She has many resources and opportunities till now.

So she was able to show the current potential.

On the other hand Suzaku that is an orphan was able to show better potential than her.

This means he is a natural talent.

So she started to admire Suzaku.

It is not only her but Hazuki also became interested in Suzaku.

She decided to pay attention towards Suzaku.

If she doesn’t want to become a ninja then she can always find a ninja to live……

Chapter 338: the golden year for blood extraction

She decided to pay attention towards Suzaku.

If she doesn’t want to become a ninja then she can always find a ninja to live the life of a rich ninja wife.

Well every woman thinks like that and she is no different.

All of this was caused because of the lives of her parents and her mother’s clan that she observed.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

Since Suzaku showed his talent they would not cheat him off of resources like they did in the orphanage and other places.

They are corrupted but they would not try to mess with a talented person.

Because in the future if Suzaku was able to reach higher level and other elders were to concentrate on him to include in their faction.

These thoughts are enough to stop them from acting on Suzaku.

With the testing done the 20 people are divided based on the calculations of their results.

The top 5 are separated from the group.

The 15 people are trained normally while the top 5 were specifically trained.

First they are made to learn the special exercises that would enhance their potential in both physique and the spirit.

Other than that they are given supplements for taking medicinal baths for the next week and also the spirit improvement supplements.

This will go on for the next 3 months to have a solid foundation.

After that they will teach the children on how to refine chakra for a month.

The remaining 8 months would be constant training to improve all kinds of techniques.

The focus is mainly on Taijutsu, basic ninjutsu, throwing technique and Genjutsu.

Other than that they will also learn some basic things before going to the ninja academy.

This is their schedule.

But Suzaku knows that the materials they give are only 10 percent of the materials that are required for his development.

Other than him the remaining 4 people have the support of their families from the clan.

Only he has nothing to back him up.

Since it is like that he can only think of other ways of solving things.

Well his dead fake parent’s money will not be given to him right now.

So that was also blocked.

While he is thinking he went forward to receive the materials and a small token for receiving materials for the next 3 months.

After receiving his things he returned back to the dormitory.

Based on the clan’s calculations he needs to have medicinal baths once every week.

But based on his calculation he has to take medicinal baths once every 3 days to have maximum effect in these next three months.

The pension amount he has would be enough for him to buy the things for the month but he would have anything remaining.

This means he would not have anything to eat after that.

But he is not afraid of that because he has enough food to eat in his space that he accumulated over the last 3 years from stealing.

Most of it was actually packed food and easy to cook food that was stolen from the super markets.

There is even milk and eggs.

He was very happy that the storage space has time stagnant function.

Well he cannot steal the medicinal materials easily.

So he can only think of other ways.

With the thoughts he made his plans and decisions for the next few months.

This is not all.

He is 5 years old and he can go out of the clan from time to time.

His target is naturally cemetery.

It is not to stay there and enjoy the peace instead he goes there to get the bloodline from the dead.

Based on the fantasy system as long as he achieved the results of the system he can take everything he got back to the real world.

He has the extraction skill.

Based on the system remainder he can extract the bloodline and directly integrate into his body.

But the cost of each bloodline would vary.

For example the bloodlines like Senju, Uchiha, and Hyuga………would cost 1 million chaos points for 1 percent of bloodline extraction and integration.

If it was Otsutsuki clan bloodline then it would cost 10 million chaos points for 1 percent of bloodline extraction and integration.

For inferior bloodlines like the Nara clan, Yamanaka clan, Hatake clan and Akimichi clan would cost few hundred thousand chaos points for 1 percent of bloodline extraction and integration.

Otsutsuki bloodline is not available in every clan.

Most clans were only formed with the spread of Ninsu and chakra.

The bloodline was mostly concentrated in Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki and Hyuga clans.

There are also few nameless clans with this but they are far away and spread too thinly.

Well any way improvement of the bloodlines is one of his goals.

Vicky would visit all the dead people that are being taken for burying and extract their bloodline and integration.

Since he is 5 years old he can go around the village with peace.

Any way the Uchiha clan is at the center of the village so he can move more smoothly around.

So his hunt for the bloodlines started.

As long as he gets the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan all other bloodlines can be merged into one bloodline.

At that time he will not be implicated by any backlashes.

During this time there is not war but there skirmishes everywhere in the ninja world.

Also it is this year when Senju Nawaki dies.

As long as he created the right timing he can get the bloodline from Nawaki.

His bloodline is very pure and Suzaku was sure that he can directly fill up his Senju bloodline to 100 percent.

On the other hand many ninja died during this time.

It is the golden opportunity for Suzaku.

He would not let this chance slip by.

The bloodline extraction of these ninja is very similar to extracting from the chaos beasts in the real world……….

Chapter 339: refining chakra, extracting bloodlines

He would not let this chance slip by.

The bloodline extraction of these ninja is very similar to extracting from the chaos beasts in the real world.

He can do that with the peace of mind.

Currently the second ninja war is going on.

After the death of Senju Nawaki the entire Senju clan would act like a mad bull and die one after the other.

Suzaku is also looking forward for the death of Dan Kato.

His special bloodline, abilities, prowess and all the other specialties are very useful to Suzaku.

He even has unnaturally high amounts spirit energy and chakra.

Suzaku not only extracts his bloodline but also his experience and all the good things.

This is the same with other powerful ninja that would die during the second ninja war.

After his morning practice with the clan he came out of the Uchiha clan and went around looking for the dead.

The extraction of things is not like the extraction of chaos beast genetic essence.

After the person is dead the first hour is the best time for extraction of the things.

After the first hour the things that can be extracted would slowly diminish over time.

Suzaku was not optimistic about gaining something great.

As long as he got a little connection he can grow it.

What he needed is the connection.

This can be obtained through the dead.

While he is going around he met many people on the way.

But the main plot line characters are not visible on the street.

Well he went straight to cemetery.

No one would bother seeing a 5 year old coming to a cemetery.

What do you know this is ninja world; here even a kid of 5 year old can be as intelligent as an adult.

Also there is a war going on right now.

So they only think that this Suzaku came here to pay homage to his parents or relatives.

Suzaku did not bother to explain and moved around the graveyard.

When looking around he specifically looked for the freshly dug and covered places.

Well it is a large place with many graves.

Even if he goes around no one would question him.

After a while he found the grave of a Senju clansman.

But the pure bloodline he could get is only 3 percent.

Suzaku simply extracted it and moved from here.

Then he found the grave from Yamanaka clan, and then he found someone Kurama clan…….

All these bloodlines are little amounts and Suzaku still extracted them.

Also he extracted the core technique of the Kurama clan that is famous in Genjutsu.

Their Genjutsu is comparable to the Genjutsu of the Uchiha clan.

So Suzaku got it.

After his little trip around he returned back to the Uchiha clan and started to go along with his practice.

There one more thing he did.

That is to go to the super markets and stole some things and bought only a small candy.

Having extra food is always good for a growing boy like him.

He did not waste his time and started to improve his spirit energy and physical energy with the help of new bloodlines he got.

These bloodlines are too little to merge properly.

Also they need the catalyst of Otsutsuki bloodline and the main adhesive called the chakra to merge the bloodlines.

But this does not mean that the small amounts of bloodlines are useless.

Because of the big brother bloodlines like Senju and Uchiha, they small bloodlines followed their respective characteristics and show their prowess supporting the big bloodlines.

Suzaku was happy and he made some good food to eat that day.

He felt hungry after completing the practice.

After eating he slept peacefully.

Sleeping is also an important part of improvement for a 5 year old person.

What he did today has become his daily routine for the next three months.

It is not without benefits as he was able to improve his Senju and Uchiha bloodlines to 50 percent.

As for the death of Nawaki this did not happen yet.

Even if it happens Suzaku was not sure if he can get close to his body easily.

Also the body of Nawaki was switched when it was buried.

His body was taken by Danzo and Orochimaru.

So Suzaku was still thinking on how to get the right chance.

After the three months of training the 20 children were summoned and they were made to refine chakra.

Suzaku also thought that he was ready for refining chakra.

With his careful mixing of spirit energy and physical energy the chakra seed is formed.

As soon as chakra seed is formed that is the chakra is refined for the first time body would refine chakra by itself.

Suzaku only took 2 minutes to refine the first strand of chakra.

As soon as he refined it his body started to produce more chakra on its own.

Also the quality is very pure and strong.

Suzaku held back the refining process of chakra a little and tied his chakra refining speed with Mikoto.

This is so that he would not be envied by the people.

Gaining too much attention is also not a good thing.

What he previously needed are resources.

He already got them.

Now it is time to slowly reduce your attention so that everything would be normal.

His tactics worked properly.

On the other hand he tried his best to use chakra control and concentrate on moving this chakra throughout his body to rectify any blockages or other things.

When he showed that he refined chakra at the same time as Mikoto the attention of the people was also split.

One side is the cute little Mikoto that will become the clan head’s wife in the future and the other is just an orphan without any background with some better talent.

With the comparison everything became normal and most attention was taken by Mikoto.

Then they continued with the other exercises of chakra control.

Chapter 340: Nawaki died, Dan Kato’s father died

With the comparison everything became normal and most attention was taken by Mikoto.

Then they continued with the other exercises of chakra control.

Well he is still a genius so they would still nurture him as the clan’s pillar.

In just a few days Suzaku found that the hidden leaf village is in turmoil.

This is because Nawaki was dead.

Suzaku immediately went around watching the situation and finding an opportunity.

Nawaki is a big shot and his death was devastating for the village.

So many people came.

Suzaku also changed his clothes to black normal rags like an orphan to take a look.

He did not find a chance as ninja move fast and entered the Senju clan.

When he wanted to enter he was blocked outside.

Suzaku thought for a few minutes and made a different plan.

He cannot hide from the sensing of the ninja to enter the Senju clan in a sneaky way.

There big crying sounds from the Senju clan.

Suzaku went around searching to find a kid from the Senju clan to become friends to enter the Senju clan.

But the result is that he did not find any.

He could only sigh and wait outside.

After waiting for a while he returned to Uchiha clan and rested.

Well he completed the basic work for the day.

Nawaki would definitely be buried today so he was waiting for the news.

So in the evening when he heard the news he went to visit with black dress.

No one would bother to question a little kid in black mourning dress.

He even carried some wild flowers with him.

Finally he got the chance to extract the bloodline and other things of Nawaki.

Vicky was shocked to find that Nawaki’s body still has over 30 percent pure bloodline of the Senju clan.

One has to know that he was brought here last night.

He is already dead for over 24 hours.

Even with all the diminishing over time his bloodline is still 30 percent.

That is not all there is also 2 percent Otsutsuki bloodline and 15 percent Uzumaki bloodline along with the preliminary sage body.

If Nawaki did not die because of his stupidity then he would most probably become the next Hokage.

Suzaku did not show his smile and tried his best to become excited and directly extracted the things into his body.

It did not take long.

It took him less than 5 seconds but the spending is really large as he spent a total of 100 million chaos points.

Fortunately he decided to auction off all those useless antiques from the mummy world and other fantasy world to gain more money.

The consumption is high and in the future he would gain more benefits with his Fūinjutsu that he is learning secretly.

All the basics are learnt before entering the Naruto fantasy world, what he has to do is to apply them here to gain the experience.

Then after going out he can make those storage sealing scrolls and storage sealing papers and sell them to make profits.

After getting the things he left this place to extract the bloodlines from the other dead.

Today is a bumper harvest.

Combining all the gains his bloodlines have improved by a large margin.


Original bloodline:


Otsutsuki clan bloodline: 6.4 percent


Primary bloodline:


Senju clan bloodline: 88 percent

Uchiha clan bloodline: 59 percent

Hyuga clan bloodline: 26 percent

Uzumaki clan bloodline: 15 percent


Sub bloodline:


Nara clan bloodline: 5 percent

Yamanaka clan bloodline: 6 percent

Akimichi clan bloodline: 5 percent

Aburame clan bloodline: 3 percent

Kurama clan bloodline: 5 percent

…………….. (There are a few more miscellaneous bloodlines that are very less)


As long as Otsutsuki clan bloodline reaches 10 percent Suzaku can combine all the bloodlines into one.

Even now the Otsutsuki bloodline is giving him extra benefits.

It directly organized all the other bloodlines and started to act as the bridge between those bloodlines.

The small amounts of bloodlines cannot exert their power but the large amount of bloodlines can still show their power in the combined state.

His physique and spirit are currently very strong.

All the bloodlines that crossed the 30 percent Mark can show their capabilities naturally instead of forced way like those other people use.

Even his Uchiha bloodline is showing signs of awakening Sharingan.

Well he is already excited because of the gains.

This Sharingan is activated by strong emotions.

Lower the amount of bloodline, higher the stimulation required to awaken the Sharingan.

That is the reason why for the same incidents some people only awaken single tomoe Sharingan and some might go all the way to Mangekyō Sharingan.

If the bloodline is higher small fluctuations are enough to open the Sharingan.

Coupled with the Senju bloodline and the preliminary sage body Suzaku was very close to opening the single tomoe Sharingan naturally.

As long as his chakra and body improves the Sharingan also improves.


Time passed by for another 2 months and today Suzaku was in a happy mood because Dan Kato’s father died and he got some strong benefits.

He got the Kato bloodline of spirit going out of the body skill along with all the benefits of the Dan Kato’s father.

He simulated this time and found that best way to go to Dan Kato’s father dead body to gain the benefits.

Fortunately he was arranged at the house of Dan Kato’s father for visiting and Suzaku got the chance to extract things before 12 hours time period.

With the support of the Kato bloodline behind the back of Uchiha bloodline he directly opened the two tomoe Sharingan.

Also his eye almost reached three tomoe Sharingan.

That is not all his chakra improvement felt like the flow of a boundless river.

But he tried his best to control chakra and tried to create the yin seal.

Based on the information he got from the real world, he can make the yin seal anywhere on the body.


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