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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 101: the night full of love part-1

Mohini did most of the hard work and the little works like holding the things and other small things were left to the women.

Any way they are going to live in their mini room for the time being so everything outside is just for the show.

Also at most in a week or two they would leave here.

She cannot afford to stay all the way to the end of the month.

It would definitely lead to the disastrous situation surrounded by tier 1 and there might be tier 2 zombies too.

It is not some novel where Mohini would head shot all the zombies with all the bullets flying around and saving the day.

It only happens in movies and stories.

Reality is far dangerous.

Most of the time getting a head shot is a matter of luck.

Also she is not a person that practiced with gun for so long.

Yes she is good at shooting, but it was under the condition that everything stable without any negative impact.

If the zombie is fast moving or resistant or any other effects then she will not be able to kill them.

Tier 1 can move a little faster than normal tier 0 zombies and tier 2 zombies can move as easily as a normal human can move.

Also the tier 2 zombies have normal senses that a normal human has.

With that they can even dodge when attacked.

Other than that they did not feel any pain and they can also infect other people.

This is the most dangerous thing about them and Mohini doesn’t want to face them at all right now.

With the peace of mind for her current situation Mohini is going to have some good action tonight.

She is going to take on the two beauties tonight.

So they had an early dinner that day and the two girls are wearing some special skimpy lace gowns for Mohini to show their curves.

Mohini was the first to strip and stand naked from the start as if she did not know the word shame.

At the same time her small clit slowly grew into a flesh rod that is quite big like a dick.

It was over 8 inches long and around 2 inches thick.

A simply touch on can made Mohini tremble all over from the sensitivity.

She has never felt like this.

This was the first time.

But now the biggest problem is who she should take first.

So they made a small game where the winner would get the first and the loser would be second.

But it did not change any place in her heart as both of them would be on the same level.

But for the match Mohini wanted them to pull down their top to let their tits free to juggle.

The game is not something big it was the rock, paper, and scissor.

Well Mohini wanted to change the game a little but it would not be fair.

So she quieted down and wanted to play that later.

They two played and the winner is Radha.

Well it seems like Sakura gave up thinking that Radha was there the longest with Mohini.

Radha also recognized this fact and they actually kissed each other leaving Mohini which shocked her for a moment.

They wanted to tease her so they did that.

Since they became so close Mohini proposed that she would take the virginity of two girls but she is going to take the virginity of their pussies and ass holes.

So they can take turns with the one that they wanted to give Mohini.

After a brief look between them they made their choices.

Well they have already prepared for this and they wanted to give everything too Mohini.

So Radha wanted to give her pussy first while Sakura wanted to give her ass hole first.

Well it took 10 minutes to know this as they suddenly became shy to speak.

Mohini kissed them both as they say on her lap, one on each thigh.

Mohini started to fondle their tits and play with their nipples.

Their melon tits changed shapes in her hands.

The two women are not idle as they started to play with Mohini’s tits and touch her new dick from time to time making Mohini moan in pleasure.

They started to kiss each other while Mohini’s head was buried between the tits of the women.

It was not suffocating but the sweet scent of the women came to her.

She placed them on each other and started to lick their pussies to make them went enough for the entry.

Well today they washed up in a different room for an entire hour with hot water.

So there is no problem with anything.

Even Mohini took a big bath to wash off all the dirt from her body.

They had their orgasm with her foreplay and teasing their pussies and clit, they licked her new dick and balls.

This made Mohini release her first load into their mouths.

Mohini don’t have to worry about losing her juice after shooting many time.

It is similar to her milk and it would not be exhausted as long as she still has stamina.

After that she made then hug each other with their tits pressed and their pussies connected she started to rub her dick against their pussies.

She teased them for a while and thrust her big cock into the pussy of Radha.

At the same time her fingers that are coated in a special lubricant entered the ass hole of Sakura preparing it for the next play.

Mohini started to move as the girls moaned from the pleasure.

Blood drops came out of the pussy of Radha as she pulled her dick out and she moved again thrusting inside after letting her adapt for a moment.

As for Sakura her fingers entered inside her ass hole slowly widening the hole.

But then she inserted the…….

Chapter 102: the night full of love part-2

Blood drops came out of the pussy of Radha as she pulled her dick out and she moved again thrusting inside after letting her adapt for a moment.

As for Sakura her fingers entered inside her ass hole slowly widening the hole.

But then she inserted the second finger to stretch it slowly while she thrust her dick into Radha again.

She started to move fucking her pussy with their moans resonated in the small room.

Outside the small room the sound was muffled.

It felt like a cat meow or something like that.

Mohini fucked the virgin pussy of Radha for 20 minutes before shooting a good load inside.

Well after the load Mohini’s dick did not back down.

She is like a bull and her thing is still standing.

She flipped them and started to rub her dick against the ass hole of Sakura.

She slowly inserted it inside and Sakura started to make a loud moan.

But it was stopped by the kiss of Radha.

Then the piston movements started.

Mohini slapped the ass of Sakura and then the ass of Radha to arouse them more.

With a slap the ass hole of Sakura tightened and she moaned more.

Their butt cheeks turned red with her slaps and after a little while Mohini shot her second load inside her ass along her squirting orgasm.

Now it was turn to Radha’s asshole.

But both Radha and Sakura agreed to have the virginity of Sakura’s pussy now.

Well her dick is still standing tall and the night is young.

Mohini fingered her a little and made her pussy wetter and then inserted her dick slowly breaking Sakura’s hymen.

The blood dripped out slowly on to her dick and Mohini moved faster with another slap on her ass.

At the same time her fingers entered into the pussy of Radha to make them moan in pleasure.

She slowly widened the ass hole of Radha while she fucked Sakura’s pussy.

After another 20 minutes she shot her third load inside Sakura’s pussy and moved to the next target.

This time her dick went down but not died out.

It can stand back again.

Mohini waited for a little while and with the help of the beautiful titty massage of the beauties the dick stood up and started to throb again.

This time she finally took the virginity of Radha’s ass hole too.

With that Mohini did not stop.

She was able to go for another two rounds with the ladies.

Then she made her dick disappear instead made Sakura and Radha’s clitoris grow big into a dick.

Not only she can grow a dick but they can also grow a dick.

So it was Mohini’s turn to have a double penetration with Radha and Sakura from both sides.

Radha choose the pussy of Mohini while Sakura choose the ass hole of Mohini.

They did not give Mohini any time to think and they sandwiched Mohini between them.

At that moment two big dicks plunged into the pussy and ass hole of Mohini causing her to moan loudly.



But she was kissed by Radha that was facing her while her butt cheeks were slapped by Sakura from behind.

Then the two women started to move their slender waists that have exercised for a long time.

When they shot their first shots inside Mohini they turned Mohini around and switched the holes they are fucking.

They did not give Mohini any time to adjust her sensitivity and directly plunged her holes with their new dicks again.

As soon as they dicks went inside the sensitive pussy and ass hole of Mohini, Mohini had a climax because of the pleasure.

All three of their pussies have an orgasm making the entire bed wet.

But their heat is so much high that the entire thing is evaporated completely.

This time it was Sakura’s turn to kiss Mohini and Radha is slapping Mohini on her butt cheeks.

Also they pulled Mohini’s tits to suck her milk while fucking Mohini.

The night went on with great and endless pleasure.

They slept hugging each other with the big dicks of Radha and Sakura inside Mohini and her tits inside their mouths.

Well even when sleeping their tits are in his mouth as she sucked on them sleeping.

Also her hands are on their asses.

She can prevent them and herself from being pregnant.

So there would not be any problem.

Taking care of pregnancy and children in the current time is very hard and Mohini doesn’t want that to happen to them.

Mohini the current situation their body became more intimate and strong to some extent.

The smiles on the sleeping faces of the girls are enough to show that they are completely satisfied by Mohini.

It is just that they will not be able to move properly for a little time.

But it is not a problem as there is nothing urgent in the next few days.


The system mentioned that she is in the safe place to enter into the fantasy world.

She can choose to enter at any time right now for the next few days.

In the morning next day after washing up Mohini told the girls that she is going to enter a fantasy world with the system support and will be back in a little while.

She mentioned to them that the 1 year in fantasy world is only a second in this real world.

With that assurance Mohini decided to use the first fantasy world entry card.


Host, do you wish to enter the fantasy world?”

Mohini confirmed that she wanted to enter.


Immediately after that the system sounds appeared her mind.

“This is the first time host is entering into the fantasy world.

Host will be sent to the beginner’s fantasy world to have smooth beginning for the entry to the fantasy world.

Choosing the fantasy world that suits the current situation of the host….”

Chapter 103: enter high school of the dead world as Kyoko

“This is the first time host is entering into the fantasy world.

Host will be sent to the beginner’s fantasy world to have smooth beginning for the entry to the fantasy world.

Choosing the fantasy world that suits the current situation of the host….

High school of the dead fantasy world is selected.

Character Kyoko Hayashi is selected.

Preparing for the soul jump

Host; please be prepared for the impact….


Immediately after that Mohini lost her consciousness.

Fortunately she is on the bed and she looked like sleeping.

Here her body is not taken instead her soul made the jump.

Immediately after that she opened the eyes and looked around.

This was the room of Kyoko and she is 30 years old.

The room is girly and things in the room are little dignified like a mature lady.

Then she received the notification from the system.

“Host, do you wish to receive the memories of the character Kyoko?”

Mohini nodded her head and immediately she received the 30 years worth memories.

Well it is not much but a completely normal life.

But there are a few things that Mohini understood about Kyoko.

Kyoko has many relationships over the years but she did not have a satisfactory one.

Currently she is seeing the physical education teacher of their school called Teshima.

They have a mild relationship that can bloom into love and marriage later.

She is not a virgin and she has some exhibitionist tendencies.

Also there are a few sex toys under the bed that she uses to pleasure herself thinking of some delinquent students in her school.

The class she teaches is senior high school and all of them are 18 years old ready to step into society or higher studies.

There is also a class full of repeated students and delinquent students in the school.

It was taken care of by Shido in secret.

She would imagine teaching the delinquent class with Shido wearing revealing clothes while masturbating.

But this is only her fantasy and would not tell it to others usually.

She has accounts in some adult site accounts and she earns quite an amount by doing live play of her masturbating in front of the cam.

She never showed her face so she is a closet pervert doing things silently.


Mohini now want to understand how long there is before the zombie apocalypse starts.

Also what would be her role in this world and what she has to do?

That is the mission of the system.

Immediately after her thoughts are stabilized she received the notification from the system.


There is still 1 month before the start of the zombie apocalypse.

This is not the high school of the dead world but a parallel world with the same plot but all the characters here are over 18 years old based on the will of the world.


“Host this world did not have specific tasks.

All system want host is to survive along with the protagonist group till the end of the time limit.

Optional: Host was asked to get fucked by the protagonist, heroines and the villain before the time limit of the world.

The time limit of the world: 2 months.

Optional: the more people that are excited by the host the more benefits host would receive at the end of the world.

Hint: Host can use electronic media and promote being a bitch in this world.


She understood what is going on.

Since it is her first world she was given free roam.

The main thing is that she has to survive till the end of the time limit.

The zombie apocalypse starts in a month and she has to survive 1 month in the zombie apocalypse.

She was prepared for that and would not die stupidly like before.

Also during this first month she will be able to show her bitch side to the world.

She knows what to do.

That is no all there is a special remained at one side of her vision.

Bitch points obtained in this world: 0

She vaguely feels that this number can give her some good benefits at the end of the world.

So she immediately decided to improve her bitch value in this world and gain more points.

First of all she updated all of her adult site profile pictures with her real face and made a short video of her taking a bath.

Then she uploaded it into those adult sites.

In the video she said that

“Hello everyone this is your favorite bitch and waiting for all the gentle man to play with me.

I am going to bitch around in the future and you people please support me.

I don’t need your money as long you shoot your love inside my pussy, it is enough.”

What is the use of the money in the future when the zombie apocalypse starts?

Also the system said that after 2 months she would leave this world and the character Kyoko would die along with this world.

This world is incomplete and is beyond saving.

This world would be recycled in the future and the further information is restricted for her to know right now.

After uploading the video she changed her dress style that she wears every day.

She did not out on any inner wear or the shirt inside but put on her coat showing off her cleavage.

As for the skirt she cut it a little shorter so that it would barely cover her milky thighs.

She cannot go to school completely naked.

If she did that people would think that she is mad or being a pervert.

Then they would send her to a mental hospital or detention center by the public.

She would not do that.

As for the current dress they would not say much about it for the time being.

She is going to play things today so she put on this dress to go to the school a little early.

Chapter 104: Shido san I love you and do anything you want me to do

As for the current dress they would not say much about it for the time being.

She is going to play things today so she put on this dress to go to the school a little early.

Her target is to meet with Shido and become his bitch.

She knows his character and he would not tie down to a woman like her.

He would in turn use her to gain more benefits.

But for the first month he would try to comfort her to gain her trust psychologically.

Then he would ask her to do things like sleeping with other men for his own benefits.

He would slowly turn her into a bitch.

This is his true nature that he inherited from his politician father that did the same with the wives and daughters of those officials to control them.

Mohini is not an idiot to fall into the traps of this kind of idiot.

Her target is to have as much of pleasure as possible during this time.

So she doesn’t mind fucking other people and kill the people when the time is right.

That is right when the zombie apocalypse starts she would take the right opportunity to kill Shido.

After killing him she would take the kids righteously and let them join the protagonist group.

This is her plan.

But before that she has to gain the trust of Shido.

Even though the time she lives in this world is 2 months she still wants to save fellow bitches that are in the hands of Shido.

She is a bitch but people need her consent to fuck her.

She doesn’t want other women to lose their things just because of a villain like Shido.

This is her under cover bitch operation to save other bitches.

She set off to the school and on the way many people looked at her with lustful gazes because of her current dress.

They all wanted to do something to her and quench their fire stick in their pants.

But unfortunately this is the society ruled by law and they would not be able to do anything right now.

There are a few people that still followed her all the way to the school.

She did not care about these people and even made a special action to ship to show off her beautiful ass and pussy under the skirt accidentally.

This is to tell them that she is not wearing anything under her short skirt.

Also the bulging chest that threatened to tear the over coat and the deep cleavage made people run their imagination wild.

That was enough for them to jerk off their dicks imagining playing with her.

The bitch point at a corner of her vision started to increase like a spinning top as the numbers rolled increasing from 0 to 100 in 10 seconds.

The number did not seem to stop for the time being.

She quickly arrived at the school building and found that Shido is already in the school early today.

She sneaky followed and found that Shido is actually fitting some bugs in the women’s toilet and changing rooms.

Her face darkened a little but she did not say anything and silently came to Shido’s office and waited for him there.

After a while he returned to his office only to find that Kyoko is sitting there waiting for him.

She is not sitting on the chair but on the table with her legs a little wide.

Glimpse of her pussy is visible between her juicy thighs.

Shido gulped down his saliva for a moment and his lecherous smile appeared.

Kyoko looked at him with a peaceful face and said.

“Shido san, I want to talk to you about something important.

I hope that you would give me a good answer.”

Shido looked at the face of Kyoko but it was only for a moment as his eyes lingered around the deep cleavage from the coat.

While looking he spoke.

“What do you want Kyoko san.

I promise that I would help you with all honesty with all my power.”

Kyoko smiled and said.

“Shido san, I have always loved you from the moment I saw you.

But later I found that you like to play with women and leave them and also uses them for your own benefits.

After so long thinking about you, I have made a decision.

I want to pursue you with all my heart and do anything for you.

Please just love me.

You can do anything you want to me and I will do anything you want me to do.

But all I wanted for you is to love me and not abandon me.

I don’t know what kind of dress you prefer.

So I dressed up like a bitch to show my heart that loves you.

Please tell me your answer Shido san.”

Shido that listened to her was really shocked.

He really though that the personality of Kyoko has twisted because of her love towards him.

But he still did not believe it completely.

So he wanted to test her.

“Kyoko san, are you sure that you would do anything I asked you to do in order to win my love?”

Kyoko immediately nodded her head and showed excitement on her face.

Shido immediately smiled and said.

“Then Kyoko san, I will give you a series of tests for you and decided at the end about my love towards you.

First strip your clothes completely and give me a tit job to prove your point.”

Kyoko immediately stripped her dress with her blushed face.

Even though this is a closed cabin there is always a chance that someone might come inside suddenly.

So she was excited.

But still she did as he asked and took off her dress completely standing naked in front of Shido.

Shido moved his hands and touched the tits of Kyoko and pinched her inverted nipples.

Kyoko is actually recording all of this through the secret camera she fit in her bag that she brought with her.

Chapter 105: to gain the trust of Shido part-1

Shido moved his hands and touched the tits of Kyoko and pinched her inverted nipples.

Kyoko is actually recording all of this through the secret camera she fit in her bag that she brought with her.

She is going to upload it in the adult sites to gain more bitch points.

Shido did not notice this as he was gloating over her body.

Shido started to kiss her tits and suck on her nipples.


She moaned from the pleasure and buried the head of Shido between her tits.

She specifically washed her tits with milk that day.

Her tits smell like fresh milk and cream.

It was very fragrant and it gives the people an urge to take a bite.

Shido could not resist the temptation and bit her nipples making her moan a little louder.

But she covered her mouth with her hand to contain her voice.

She is still in the high school and could not act unrestrained being a teacher.

After few seconds he was done biting her nipples leaving many bite marks on her pink nipples and white tits.

Then he kissed her lips and bit them making them more swollen.

His hands reached her ass and stretched her butt cheeks.


Then he slapped with full force leaving red hand prints on her milky white butt cheeks.

Then he said with a smile.

“They are quite plump and juicy.

Now get down and give me a tit job.”

She slowly knelt down and unzipped the pants of Shido.

This revealed his dick that is not a match for his appearance.

It was big thick and long.

It was already throbbing.

Her eyes started to shine looking at the big dick.

She pulled her tits placing around the big dick creating a tit pussy for the dick.

Only a part of the dick was covered and the remaining part of the dick is out for her to suck on.

She gently pulled down the fore skin and started to lick the tip of the dick slowly.

Then she slowly swallowed the dick starting with the top.


As she sucked she started to press her tits tightly around the dick and started to suck on the tip while moving her tits in grinding motion.

At the same time she kept a constant eye contact with Shido while sucking the dick.

Her mouth barely fit the big dick.

Shido on the other hand took his phone to take a video of the entire thing and smiled happily.

“I am going to take this video to praise your actions for love.

You really are great when giving tits jobs.

Tell me to how many people did you give tit jobs till now.”

Kyoko stopped sucking and said with an embarrassing tone.

“No this is the first time I am giving a tit job.”

After she said that she started to suck on the dick again.

But Shido stopped her and said.

“You have to tell things honestly and don’t lie to me.

Don’t you say that you love me?

So tell me the truth.

If not I will leave you and never love you.”

After the words of Shido, Kyoko spoke again with a blushed face.

“I have given tits jobs to 18 people before.”

Shido immediately smiled and said.

“You are such a bad girl.

You are even lying to the man you said you loved.

Don’t tell me you are going to green me if I really love you back.”

Kyoko stopped again and said.

“It is not like that.

Previously I am young and ignorant.

Now I only love you.

Please love me back.”

Kyoko said with a lewd face.

But in her heart she is thinking differently.

“Hehe, you are such a big villain.

You still want to have a loving wife.

If you really love men, then you will have the biggest green hat in the world.

Don’t worry you will die by my hands in the future.

For now I will let you enjoy the pleasure to gain your favor.

But in the future when the things are right I will stab you in your heart.”

Yes she is a bitch that craves for dicks but she is not a mindless stupid bitch.

She is an intelligent one that knows how to act when the time is right.

Shido was very excited with her special technique of tongue and reached the climax soon after.

The cum was sprayed on her face, tits and mouth.

Shido asked her to swallow the cum and lick the cum on her tits and his dick.

She accepted this and started to lick the cum in a slow but lewd way making him aroused again.

After she is done licking the cum and cleaning his dick he made her sit on the table with her legs spread forming an “M” shape.

He looked at her pussy that was already dripping wet.

He looked at his for a little while and then slapped on her pussy.


“You are such a naught girl.

Even you pussy was dripping wet.

Do you want this thing inside you?”

He rubbed his dick on her pussy that turned red after getting slapped.

Kyoko was really excited right now.

She immediately nodded her head indicating that she wanted the dick inside her pussy.

She really wanted it as she was aroused to the peak.

But then Shido stopped and pulled his dick away from her pussy and said.

“You seem to be seeing the physical education teacher Teshima recently right.

Has he fucked you during this time?”

Shido asked with a cunning smile.

Kyoko shook her head and said in fluttering voice.

“No I am not seeing him.

He was interested in me but I am not interested in him.

All I love is the handsome and strong Shido san.

Not other people.

So please put your dick inside and fuck me…….”

She said with a lewd smile and fluttering voice.


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