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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 291: Meeting Sherlock Holmes

As soon as Mrs. Hudson informed Sherlock Holmes and Watson they immediately called in Mohini.

Well even now Mohini took this opportunity so that the situation is still in a hurry.

Soon a cop would arrive and they need to go to the graveyard to see that lord black wood has come back from the grave.

This way Mohini can cut some looses in penalties as Sherlock will be distracted because of the sudden situation.

As soon as the plan is set Mohini appeared in the room she appeared in a black and white British noble woman dress with a hat and a purse with some light jewelry and without makeup.

“Good morning gentle men”

Mohini said as soon as she appeared in the room in front of Sherlock Holmes and Watson.

As soon as Mohini appeared in front of them Sherlock started to deduce Mohini from the minor details while Doctor Watson took the chance to greet Mohini.

Mrs. Hudson went to bring some refreshments for them.

“Mister Sherlock Holmes, I don’t want you to deduce my origins.

It would defeat my purpose of visiting you and it will cause some major losses to me.

So stop deducing me.

Any way you seem to have some doubts that you want to ask me.

If I can answer them I will answer them.

If I cannot then I cannot.

Hope you understand my situation.

It is not that I don’t want to tell you instead I can’t tell you about some things unless you have fulfilled some restrictions……..”

Mohini said this and stayed silent.

Right when Mohini entered the room Mohini has this notification saying that

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

By the time Mohini stopped Sherlock Holmes from deducing Mohini, Mohini has already lost over 100 thousand chaos points as penalty.

Sherlock looked at Mohini and asked the first question which is as usual the name.

“My name is Mohini and you can call me Mohini…”

Mohini said and Sherlock was dazed again.

Immediately Mohini had a notification

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

Mohini sighed and called Sherlock Holmes again.

“Mister Holmes, I told you to not to deduce me right.

Stop your deduction and ask me about your questions quickly…”

The favorability from Sherlock Holmes is only 2 points and from Watson is 5 points.

Mohini was really distressed and trusted her simulation results to get Sherlock Holmes.

“Why are you following us and Irene…?”

Sherlock Holmes asked without any expression on his face.

“Well it is to help you Mister Holmes.

I do want to elaborate but I cannot because of some restrictions.

I want your trust before revealing any of that information to you Mister Holmes…….”

Sherlock Holmes did not ask but deduced.

“She still asking for trust,

This means that she has a way to see or perceive how much we trust her…”

Mohini got another penalty notification from the system.

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 thousand chaos points”

Mohini widened her eyes and spoke immediately.

“Mister Holmes stops your deduction.

It will cause me a good amount of loss you know.

First trust me and I will tell you everything.

I can only tell to the one that trusts me…”

Before Mohini finished speaking to Sherlock Holmes, she got another notification.

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -100 thousand chaos points”

But this is not a bad thing because the trust of Sherlock Holmes has increased to 25 points rapidly but stopped there.

On the other hand Doctor Watson has his trust dropped by 1 more point.

He cannot deduce like Holmes did and did not show any trust in Mohini.

Since Mohini is asking for trust he became doubtful instead.

But right then the cop arrived to inform them about lord black wood.

Mohini sighed and asked if she could follow along.

Their meeting was interrupted any way.

Well the funny way of talking between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson has made Mohini laugh.

Also Mohini added the words that Sherlock Holmes should speak to Doctor Watson increasing the trust of Sherlock Holmes and reducing the trust of Doctor Watson again.

Doctor Watson looked at Mohini with little resentment and Sherlock Holmes looked at Mohini with appreciation.

Soon they moved to graveyard to see the situation of the grave of lord black wood.

While explaining the situation inspector Lestrade looked at Mohini with an observing expression.

Mohini has this strange charm that can give normal characters a sense of familiarity.

Also her beauty has made him want to fuck her if he can.

The lust is visible in his eyes looking at the exposed cleavage of Mohini.

Well it did not seem to work on resistive characters like Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

Mohini did not show much changed on the way but only said that there are certain things that they don’t know of in science.

Also having no pulse doesn’t mean that a person is dead.

Instead of following the western sciences there are few practices in Asia that can stop the pulse of a person for some time and then start it again…

Mohini only hinted some things and she got another notification.

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -100 thousand chaos points”

“Fuck you, Sherlock Holmes.

I asked you politely not to deduce this nonsense and trust me first.

Why not do that and deduce me instead.

Do you know how much did I just lost because of your deduction….”

Mohini directly scolded Sherlock Holmes…

Doctor Watson on the side is actually amused because of this.

Sherlock Holmes did not reduce his favorability towards Mohini instead it……….

Chapter 292: showing tits to stop deduction

Doctor Watson on the side is actually amused because of this.

Sherlock Holmes did not reduce his favorability towards Mohini instead it increased to 35 points.

On the other hand Doctor Watson’s favorability increased to 10 points.

There are 2 reasons for this.

First, Mohini mentioned a clue that he suddenly remembered.

He heard of these things when he worked as a military doctor.

So the chance of resurrection might not be true instead it should be some sort of trick that made lord black look like dead without pulse.

Second, Mohini scolded Sherlock for his deduction about Mohini’s words.


They checked the corpse to know the time of death.

The pen of Lestrade was used to check the teeth of the dead body.

Mohini only stood there watching the scene without saying anything this time.

Even for a girl she appeared quite strong in the presence of a horrible dead body without screaming.

This made Sherlock and Watson admire her a little.

If she were to speak and subconsciously released a small clue then Mohini would lose more than what she already lost.

So she was silent throughout the entire process.


After that they went to a busy street where Doctor Watson spoke about his war time incident.

There is an Indian man who predicted his own death including time, place and even the number of bullets.

Doctor Watson thought that it is supernatural but Mohini did not accept this because the predictions are based on Indian astrology.

Mohini them spoke,

“Mister Watson I cannot accept your statement.

The predictions are based on Indian astrology and it is not a supernatural thing.

Indian astrology is pure science with designated constants, rules and regulations.

Well in a way it is the largest calculative method that is constructed on time.

What are the constant things in human life that cannot be changed?

Time of birth and the time of death

What at the constants that we use to calculate the time on earth.

It is the sun, the moon and the star locations.

Well the one thing those scientists mastered in India is this time calculation which is very accurate to the point of a hundredth of a second.

Well none of the Europeans or Americans or others knows about the concept of daylight savings till 1895 by George Hudson.

But the correction is already included in Indian time calculations………

Then they took the constants in a human life like nature, marriage, children, job……..

These things are divided into 12 categories with 9 nature changes as constant.

Then the time of birth is divided into 27 stars which are further divided into 4 parts each.

Then they made a survey of people and recorded all the important incidents.

These incidents were separated based on preset constants to find the combinations.

Finally a big system of future predictions is formed that can predict many thing with high accuracy.

Unfortunately only 170+ poems of combinations and original calculations are all that left after many years of war.

Most of it was destroyed by people that done even know how to read or write…sigh…”

Mohini talked and talked for 5 minutes forgetting that she is in front of Sherlock Holmes.

Mohini really liked to study this strange calculation of time.

Her heart of a researcher has awakened when she is speaking about one of her favorite research topics.

So she accidentally said more than she should say.

The resultant is…

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1 million chaos points”



Sherlock Holmes, please stop deducing.

If you want I will tell you everything including other information as long as you trust me enough.

You don’t have to deduce all of this….

Please stop the deduction and come back to the topic………”

Mohini was really distressed.

If it is a battle she can do many things.

But in a situation like this she cannot do anything.

She certainly cannot knock Sherlock Holmes down just because she is deducing something.

His brain is the most valuable thing for Mohini.

Well not for collection but for usage.

So Mohini has to deal with the things as sensitively as possible.

Since nothing works she simply pulled down her V cut area showing off her tit to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

Immediately the thought process of Sherlock Holmes turned towards the new direction stopping the old one.

Only when Mohini lost around 9 million chaos points did Sherlock Holmes stopped his deduction.

Even though it seems like an insignificant number Mohini was still distressed because every penny counts in this world.

Right now she is only at tier 1 or ring 1.

The higher she climbs the higher would be the costs of doing and maintaining things.

So Mohini can only move slowly and take one step at a time.

Well she trusts Kazuki and her girls in this matter of earning more chaos points for her in a short span of time.

For that Mohini has already given around 12 billion chaos points for them to use freely.

Well soon the quarrel ended and Mohini looked a little down this amused both Sherlock and especially doctor Watson.

Finally they arrived with the two letters M.H.

“Maddison and Haig”

Mohini spoke subconsciously and pointed towards a store.

With that the plot continued as usual.

Mohini gave a little more money to doctor Watson saying that this is her wedding gift for him and Mary.

Well Watson wanted to leave after buying the ring for Mary but he soon felt like he doesn’t want to leave Sherlock Holmes with Mohini.

So he moved and followed behind Mohini and Sherlock that is trying to open the lock with lock picking tools.

Well they almost succeeded when Doctor Watson kicked the door open………..

Chapter 293: revenge for deducing her

So he moved and followed behind Mohini and Sherlock that is trying to open the lock with lock picking tools.

Well they almost succeeded when Doctor Watson kicked the door open.

They found some things quickly and the three arsonists appeared right around that moment.

Well they are three men on both sides and the fight is inevitable.

Mohini reduced the burden on Doctor Watson by sharing one of the small guys.

Also when she fights she pulled down her front revealing her tits.

With her movements they tits swayed making the opposite party distracted and she fought with them easily.

Even doctor Watson was distracted by this.

Well she can fight with the big guy, but she doesn’t want to steal the thunder of Sherlock and give him more time to analyze the things.

It is definitely not to take revenge on Sherlock Holmes for deducing and making Mohini loose over 10 million chaos points…

“Cough…coughs….definitely not…”

Quickly the fight moved on.

Mohini took care of her opponent quickly and found the ring that doctor Watson accidentally dropped.

Also the electric weapon was taken by Sherlock Holmes and its charging mechanism was collected by Mohini.

The fight moved on to a chase as Sherlock landed on his face under the witness of Mohini.

In a way Mohini’s irritated mind cooled down after looking at the situation.

Mohini did not follow Sherlock Holmes instead she came to Doctor Watson that is searching for the ring.

She gave the ring to Doctor Watson which increased his favorability directly to 30 points immediately.

Well this ring is important to him and finding it has cooled off his mind.

But Mohini’s tits are still out and looking at it made his dick erect causing some strong heat in his pants.

He held himself back from losing control and does anything stupid.

Well Mohini would not mind the touch of a doctor and she would not say a word about this to his fiancé.

Right when the big guy and Sherlock are fighting and trying to launch the half build ship, Mohini and Doctor Watson appeared in this place.

Doctor Watson took out a gun to control the situation.

Unfortunately the situation is already out of control.

With their collective efforts they have successfully launched and sunk the unfinished ship.

Instead of Doctor Watson it was Mohini that pulled Sherlock Holmes down from the big chain pulling the pulley along with the sinking ship.

Sherlock was having a good time because his face was buried in her cleavage.

He is in heaven right now.

Well Mohini did not stay there instead moved quickly from here to hide and escaped from this dock area.

Mohini knows that Sherlock and Doctor Watson will be captured by the cops for what they did.

So Mohini slipped away.

While leaving Mohini took the ring from Doctor Watson so that those cops or thugs would not confiscate it and steal it.

But after saving Sherlock Holmes the trust he had on Mohini has increased to 40 points and the special service got an extra 5 points with the final result of 45 points of favorability.

This is same for Doctor Watson but he his case is with jealousy that Sherlock got the chance and he did not.

In their next visit Mohini can ask them the question of trust.

On the next day they are in jail and Mohini was standing outside waiting for them to be bailed out.

First it was Mary that came to take Doctor Watson out.

When Doctor Watson came out Mohini appeared in front of him and handed him, his ring that he bought as a proposal ring for Mary.

He lost the ring again when the cops arrested them.

Their mood eased up a little while the favorability of Doctor Watson has reached 60 points in green.

Mohini did not delay the question of trust and asked directly.

Immediately Doctor Watson has the blue screen in front of him with the question of trust.

He thought that he was hallucinating.

Mohini gave him the warning and convinced Doctor Watson with his words.

Without Sherlock Holmes by the side the intelligence of Doctor Watson is just above average.

Watson still acted with his intelligence and said.

“If Sherlock accepts it then I will accept it by default.”

He knows that in this kind of thing making Sherlock Holmes accept the matter is far harder than convincing.

Mary on the side looked confused but looking at the ring that Mohini bought has eased her mood.

Mohini just nodded for the words of Doctor Watson and let them leave.

At that time Lestrade appeared and moved into the prison.

Mohini knows that Sherlock Holmes would come out soon.

There are some fake organizations and magicians here that Mohini hates.

The mother of lord black wood should be a good woman but was pulled into the game of beliefs of the temple of the four orders.

In the name of rituals she was impregnated by Sir Thomas Rotheram.

Later because of their moronic practices she died giving birth to lord black wood.

This nonsense continued along with the growth of lord black wood and none of them tried to stop the atrocities of lord black wood.

Mohini doesn’t like these people.

Well most of these people’s practices are either chemical experiments or biological experiments.

But it will not smoke without a fire.

So she has already made a decision to clear out this group and collect their treasures.

Even though they are a group of fools, Mohini was sure that they at least have one thing that has true value or origin related to magic.

That is the target of Mohini.

Well whatever Mohini wanted to do have to be completed on that very day.

Tomorrow she has other things to do

Timing is very important in this kind of matters.

Throughout the entire time today Mohini has the duty of careful observation and making quick decisions from the shadows…….

Chapter 294: Sherlock Holmes finally trusted Mohini

Timing is very important in this kind of matters.

Throughout the entire time today Mohini has the duty of careful observation and making quick decisions from the shadows.

Well on the next day in the grand hotel Sherlock appeared naked and was caught by cops again.

Well it was done by Irene and not Mohini.

Yesterday Sherlock did not get to do the big exercises instead he was knocked out because she felt the scent of another woman on Sherlock Holmes.

That other woman is Mohini that let him have some good time in her cleavage.

In the morning next day Sherlock was taken to check the situation on dead body of Sir Thomas Rotheram.

That evening Mohini was hiding in the secret meeting spot of the order.

Mohini’s target is to kill all these people here first and then move on with her plan.

Mohini doesn’t have to worry any more about disrupting the plan.

Mohini has already gained the amount of trust that she needed from Sherlock.

That night after one of them was set on fire,

They went to drink the antidote Mohini appeared right at that time.

Using the soft movements Mohini directly hit them into incapacitated state.

Then Mohini slowly interrogated them through the night to find if she missed anything.

The black wood that created terror is currently being terrorized by Mohini.

Mohini only stopped when the mentality of all these people were broken down to the point of no return.

Mohini got all the information from them that she wanted from them.

Then in the morning next day Mohini returned back to the house of Sherlock Holmes before he returned from the grand hotel.

Doctor Watson was already here to pack his things and move on to his new house.

Mohini and Doctor Watson were talking about some things about the situation of Sherlock Holmes in the past two days.

Soon after some time Sherlock Holmes arrived back here.

Mohini did not say anything for a little while looking at Sherlock Holmes.

Then she directly asked Sherlock Holmes if he trust her or not.

Doctor Watson was also looking at Sherlock Holmes in order to know what the final result of this matter is.

Sherlock Holmes thought for a moment and Mohini received few notifications immediately

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 million chaos points”

Mohini has a head ache again and this time lost her sanity a little.

So she went to slap Sherlock Holmes.

“Sherlock Holmes, I said that stop deducing me and trust me.

After you trust me you can deduce all you want.

Trust me first….”

Finally Sherlock Holmes has the blue screen in front of him that shocked even him.

Reading the question on the blue screen Sherlock thought about Mohini again.

Mohini quickly gave out the warning.

During this time Mohini lost another 10 million leading to the total loss of 50 million chaos points in total.

Finally Sherlock Holmes clicked yes and stopped the losses of Mohini.

As soon as Sherlock accepted the question of trust Doctor Watson accepted by default.

Mohini slumped back on the seat and sighed.

Then she spoke to Sherlock Holmes about what happened and why she came here.

After saying that Mohini lost over 50 million chaos points concerted into the current world currency it was around 500 million pounds,

Both Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson took a deep breath.

After knows that Mohini put her life on the line just to get them has made them realized the gravity of the situation.

Well if the chaos points touched zero then the penalty will be deducted on Mohini’s stats, life and other things.

Indirectly if this continued on like that then Mohini would lose her life.

Finally Mohini explained to them about the real world.

The Mohini said about the real culprit behind lord black wood.

Finally after that the cops brought the corpse of the person that fought with Watson.

Since things are cleared Mohini got the chance to look at the deduction skills of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

Doctor no longer needed to go away from here as they will leave with her to the real world after they took care of Moriarty.

The reason why Mohini wanted to go along is because Irene is actually being tied here by the previous plans of black wood.

Even though he is not in a situation right now, but Moriarty has already made the arrangements.

So Mohini has to take Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to save Irene.

They did not need to use much force as Mohini used her gun to shoot down chains holding Irene.

Irene hugged Sherlock Holmes for saving her even though it was done by Mohini.

Then Doctor Watson wanted to take a look at lord black wood that ran away.

Well it is the body-double of lord black wood that was arranged by Moriarty.

Mohini knows that there are bombs here and it was a trap set up for Doctor Watson.

So Mohini ran behind Doctor Watson quickly and pulled him before he trip the wire.

Then Mohini immediately called Holmes to leave as these bombs can be set off without being tripped as they are timed.

So Mohini with her monstrous strength pulled the three people towards the water to hide.

All of this only took less than a minute.

As soon as they hid in the water the bombs set off completely messing up the area.

After the bombs was done destroying the place.

Mohini took the people out of this place and put some make up on these people as if they have just been blasted by the bombs.

Sherlock Holmes immediately understood why Mohini is doing this and later Lestrade appeared saving the people……..

Chapter 295: Mohini’s change of plans for Moriarty

Mohini took the people out of this place and put some make up on these people as if they have just been blasted by the bombs.

Sherlock Holmes immediately understood why Mohini is doing this and later Lestrade appeared saving the people.

Mohini used her trickery to fake the incident just like that in the main plot.

Later Mohini asked the question of trust to Irene.

After being used a bait and almost died she changed her thoughts on working for Moriarty.

Mohini knows the next plot and as usual she is going to leave here by train.

But she will be caught by Moriarty.

But Mohini cannot be sure if he is the one that came in person or used another person to do his dirty work.

So before identifying him Mohini would not act.

Irene acted as if she was fearful and follows along with the plan.

But there is a big head ache for Moriarty because Mohini has cleared all the people related to black wood.

They were already admitted to the hospital and were diagnosed that they cannot be recovered for the life time by the chief doctor.

With that there is no more plot left in this story.

Well his target is not black wood or other but the wireless signaling machine that is new to the current era.

Originally he is only in the cooperative relationship with them with black wood’s group and supports them from the shadows.

Blackwood did not give out the information about the completion of the cyanide gas machine.

So Moriarty double crossed them taking the new route to steal the device.

Unfortunately for them Mohini appeared here and created even a bigger mess.

Till now Moriarty did not find the cause of sudden mess that appeared.

He is investigating.

But that did not stop him from planning to get the signaling charge from that machine.

His target of killing the people in the parliament would definitely disrupted by Sherlock Holmes.

So he directly moved towards plan-B.

Also he did not suspect Irene Adler as she was also caught up in the explosion and is now in the state of fear after meeting him at the railway station.

Mohini is the anomaly that is acting as the dark curtain for the group of Sherlock Holmes.

The big machine was already moved to the sewers under the parliament since the black wood and his group is in no condition to continue.

Since it is like that she has decided to get the charge in secret when Sherlock Holmes was distracted in ruffians that were hired by black wood before.

Those ruffians don’t know that black wood is in half dead in the hospital.

So they are following the previous orders of black wood before his current unfortunate situation caused by Mohini.

They don’t know that Moriarty is one the men behind the scenes.

Also he cannot appear in front of these people or order them.

So he has decided to follow the original plan of Blackwood using a body double and some of his trustees.

This way Moriarty can get his hands on the wireless signaling device and if his plan succeeded the people in the parliament would become his dogs.

This is double benefit for him.

With that the plot once again returned back to the order.

Mohini was only observing the things without putting her fingers in it.

The best time to catch Moriarty is when he tries to kill Irene.

But before that Mohini has to take the help of Sherlock Holmes to pull Irene into her group.

Well not as a lover.

Irene already had Sherlock in her heart.

Also Mary is needed to be convinced to come to reality along with them.

It did not take long after Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson understood the situation.

So they first found Mary to speak about the question of trust.

This time her trust is on Watson but not on Mohini.

It is just like balalaika and her men.

With Watson here things were much easier and she was shocked to see Mohini taking things out of thin air.

Even Sherlock Holmes was shocked and he started to analyze thing but fortunately he has already trusted Mohini.

If not Mohini would have lost billions of chaos points quickly.


Mohini did not warn Irene or anything as having her in the dark is important.

She did not say anything about Mohini either as she can understand that Mohini is saving her love Sherlock Holmes.

So she faked it.

On the train she met with Moriarty but maybe it was not him but his butler.

Whatever the case it might be things progressed in the same way as that of in the plot.

This time when Sherlock Holmes chased after Irene that took the case with poisonous gas, Watson is fighting those ruffians, Mohini is hiding.

Mohini has already taken care of a few ruffians and let Watson call the cops.

The biggest difference is that inspector Lestrade did not get a chance to punch Sherlock Holmes in his stomach.

Mohini observed that the one that came to steal the signaling device is not Moriarty instead it is his butler.

Mohini was disappointed and left there without doing much.

Even if Mohini went to deal with Moriarty’s butler he would not get anything.

Moriarty is intelligent person.

It is fortunate that other players did not approach any of the plot line characters.

If they did then Mohini’s secret would have been exposed.

Well the players would die of penalty before they can reveal much anyway.

Not every player is as rich as Mohini.


With that the first part came to an end with the body double of Blackwood dying here by accident and the real black wood was already killed by Moriarty.

Mohini did not care about that.

The important thing here is to first pull Irene Adler into her group and let her act till Moriarty appears………..


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