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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 51: reached special Jonin level

It is not the time to act yet.

On the contrary Asuna wanted to find a way on how to get Hinata to join him.

But it has to wait till she was abandoned.

Asuna would strike at the right time.

For now she returned back home and slept peacefully.

On the next day she got over 10,000 survival points.

The reason for this is because she found some secrets and understood some changes.

All of these are her achievements.

Also she is the only person that cleared so many shrine ruins in the entire village.

So she will receive more survival points.

Asuna is waiting to get 100 thousand survival points again and then integrate the bloodlines of other clans too.

As long as she integrated she will be able to improve the bloodlines later.

That is not all.

In the future with enough survival points he will be able to combine the bloodlines too.

That is what she is actually aiming for.

It was actually done by some people in the future.

Orochimaru is one of them.

He survived and actually combined the bloodlines of Uzumaki clan with Uchiha clan that he got from capturing Sasuke.

After Sasuke lost his power he tried to regain it through practice.

The roots and Danzo snatched him during the commotion.

After few months of his testing on Sasuke, Danzo came into contact with Orochimaru.

Then they swapped things for survival points.

Sasuke as it is very useless for him.

As for the Uzumaki clan women it was Karin from the sound village.

If possible Asuna wants to go to the hidden grass village to get her.

Any way her mother should be dead by now.

She has a special body and she is very useful to Asuna in the future.

As long as Asuna can grow a dick then it is not a problem to fuck all the girls when they grow up.

Well if she fell in love with her then it would be better.

It is not time for the Chunin exam time yet.

She should be having a hard time in the village hidden in grass right now.

Asuna cannot leave right now but once she becomes special Jonin then she would think of a way to leave and come back.

After making the plan Asuna started her daily practice again.

She was very close to special Jonin level and once she becomes special Jonin she will be able to move on much smoothly.

Because her special Jonin level is hard earned and she can use it properly and completely.

Actually this is the highest she reached in her past life.

Because of that she was able to reach the same level so quickly on the previously built foundation and memories.

After this she has to work hard to improve like other people.

She doesn’t want to use the survival points on improving.

Even if she wanted to she would not add large number of points.

If it was small number she will be able to balance things out easily.

Also it is not for now but for the future.

The surrounding forest started to wither away because of the extreme cold.

The next week moved slowly and Asuna stepped into the third layer of the shrine ruins.

The monster in the third layer of the shrine ruins is actually the Chunin level expert of that respective clan.

Asuna can still manage to defeat them quickly.

But she is also reaching her limit.

That is next layer or tier 4 would be special Jonin level expert.

That would be equal to her current power.

Yes in the past week Asuna has stepped in to special Jonin level.

But then increasing stats became harder and harder.

Based on her calculation if her body enters the growth phase she should be able to improve her stats quickly.

She is still eighteen years old now.

So she is still in the rapid growth phase.

With her persistent efforts reaching Kage level or higher level is not a dream.

But that needs a lot of effort from her.

From the pigs she hunted last time she gained another two spars.

One pig did not have a spar.

In the shrine ruins they will always drop scrolls or kunai or some other fragments of a higher level technique or bloodline….

But they would not drop spars.

On the other hand the ruins that are formed in the forest or outdoors would usually drop spars for every monster that was killed inside.

Also they would drop many other things related to that monster.

But they would not drop their body.

That means after the monster is killed the body of the monster disintegrated leaving only the drop.

Unlike the shrine ruins these ruins outside did not have entry restrictions.

Well the time taken for refreshing monsters is longer.

But still it is much better.

They should be open after the first monster tide in a month.

Asuna silently thought for a while and decided to visit the village hidden in grass.

This is the best time to move out if she wanted to.

Right now Homura and others are busy with the low temperature and the rumors problem that she set off before.

They did not have enough time to care for her.

Even if she was asked they can simply tell Homura that she went to hunt out went out for a walk.

So Asuna can go out for 2 to 3 days and come back quickly.

Karin is a fine woman with lot of potential if she is gone then she is going forever.

So if she wanted to get her then she can only get her right now when things did not go out of hand.

Asuna told his Teuchi about this and Teuchi did not want Asuna to go out now.

But under Asuna’s insistence and assurance he finally accepted and let Asuna go.

Well he fucked her and he has some feelings for her right now.

Chapter 52: saving Karin

But under Asuna’s insistence and assurance he finally accepted and let Asuna go.

Well he fucked her and he has some feelings for her right now.

Ayame don’t know but Teuchi and Asuna fucked more than once there days whenever they had time.

The time limit for Asuna’s journey is only 3 days.

She should return back in 3 days.

If she did not come back in three days then Teuchi and Ayame should leave this house and go to hiding immediately.

After their discussion Asuna cleared the shrine ruins that night and started her journey in the middle of the night.

She was fast and left into the forest.

Her sense of direction is also good with a compass on her hand.

Well she has already roamed in this place in the last life as a bottom feeder.

So she knows more than the person that sits and orders things.

Even though he is weak at that time the amount of information she has is very high.

So she moved as quickly as a wind and reached the village hidden in grass by day break.

After coming all the way Asuna hid among the grass land to observe the situation.

The place is not big but they should have plenty of food.

Also the water level here is not that high.

Asuna moved into the village after finding out that there is no sensory barrier.

Well there is no one to maintain it even if there is one.

Asuna moved into the village and used her sensory perception to check her surroundings.

She went to the big looking houses near the center and found a person to use Genjutsu.

She found the location of Karin.

Karin was being kept by the previous village Jonin.

Also he is collecting the survival points from everyone to improve his level.

Asuna did not fear hearing that.

Asuna questioned about the situation of Karin and how she treated.

But this person doesn’t know about that.

So she found a person that knows about that and used Genjutsu to gain the information.

After finding out that Karin was kept captive in bad situation, Asuna wanted to rescue her to use the hero saving the beauty trick to get her.

Well both of them are woman and she doesn’t know how Karin would feel about her.

Even though she is bisexual doesn’t mean that Karin is like that.

This is not a topic for the time being as Karin is not up to the age.

For now she would rescue her and then slowly mold her feeling towards her.

When she was at the right age Asuna would get what she wanted.

Well it might look cheap but during the apocalypse where can she create a big mood to get the girl.

So she chose the other way with the things available on hand.

As for the ninja she did not fear him because Asuna was sure that that this ninja should be very unbalanced.

Also the reason why he kept her captive would be for her bloodline.

This is the same with Hinata’s father.

He wanted to gain her bloodline of healing abilities.

For the adaptation he needs 100 ml of Karin's blood and 100,000 survival points.

After that for improving he needs to spend survival points and her blood would not be of much use.

But the problem is the adaptation might fail if the person is not compactable with the bloodline.

So he needs more blood to do the process again.

This is most probably the reason why Karin was kept and he is collecting the survival points.

This is a small place and people panic very much.

So the amount of survival points they collected are very less.

Reaching 100 thousand survival points even after spending for his improvement of ninja level is very hard.

So Asuna’s guess is that she still has time and she might even be able to face this ninja and get some good benefits.

With the thoughts Asuna made her way to the building where Karin was kept.

She is a normal human right now.

But even without training her body would quickly improve because of the Uzumaki bloodline.

Also this is the bloodline that is very close to her Senju bloodline.

So it can let her adapt to Karin’s Uzumaki bloodline easily and much faster without any loss.

That is the chance of failure is very less if she includes her extra bonus too.

When Asuna came to the building she sensed that there are few people guarding Karin’s room.

Asuna took out the shuriken with nerve paralysis poison and hit the people quickly.

It will wear off after few hours.

Asuna picked the lock and found that Karin is sleeping.

She did not look mistreated physically but her facial expression is showing that she was mentally exhausted.

Her bloodline purity should be much higher than Kushina in some ways as she awakened the healing skill along with the chakra chains in the original plot.

Asuna did not woke her up first instead took her away from here to a building far from the village center.

Then she woke her up and talked to her.

Well Karin’s first reaction is not to scream instead she wanted to attack Asuna.

But she was pinned down by Asuna and she took off her mask.

Then she looked at her and said.

“I came here to rescue you.

I cannot say how I know about you but I can tell you that I am from Senju clan.

I know that Senju clan is close to Uzumaki clan and I came here to rescue you.

Not for the clans but for some personal reasons….”

(Well I cannot tell that I like red haired beauties)

Asuna actually blushed speaking to her.

She was silent for a little while and then said.

“Are you also after my bloodline?

Do you want to adapt it just like the ninja from the hidden grass village?”

Chapter 53: a warm heart

“Are you also after my bloodline?

Do you want to adapt it just like the ninja from the hidden grass village?”

Asuna nodded her head without lying and said

“I really wanted the Uzumaki bloodline but.

I don’t need yours as I already got one from another person from the Uzumaki clan.

That is also the son of the princess of your clan that was rescued to the hidden leaf village.

Well that is what they said at that time.

But she was held captive and used to become nine tailed jinchūriki.

Then they bonded there in the name of love and she died in the end because of their stupidity.

Anyway, I cannot change the past and the entire Senju clan is also gone in the hands of village management.

Now this strange apocalypse broke out it is the best time for us to rise again.

I can provide you with food and water along with safe environment that is within my capabilities.

All I wanted is your help in the future.

Will you join me?”

Asuna said with sincere appearance on her face.

Karin looked at Asuna that has the strange burning sunlight like chakra and mysterious purple hue in her chakra.

This is the feeling that she got when looking at Asuna because of the Senju bloodline and her current state of mind.

Well she is not a bad person but she is not a good person.

Towards her people and the women she liked she is a good person with good personality.

So that is how her chakra appeared to Karin.

She wanted to hug her tightly and feel the warmth.

She was very sad after the death of her mother and there is no shelter around her.

She is living in between the people that caused the death of her mother.

So she was very angry about them.

She really wanted to kill.

That is the reason why she joined Orochimaru that wreaked havoc in their village and killed many people in the original plot.

But more than anything else she wanted to have a warm embrace to hold on to.

She feels that Asuna is such a person and her women’s intuition is also saying the same thing to her.

When she moved forward wanting to hug but stopped was noticed by Asuna and she moved forward and hugged her instead.

With the tight embrace she started to cry her sorrows over the years and slowly melted into Asuna’s arms.

After half an hour she finally calmed down and drank some water that Asuna gave her.

Then Asuna asked her about the situation with the ninja that has kept her captive.

Asuna wanted to kill him also the people that she wanted to kill in this village.

Any way it is the best time to do things.

It was already day time and the outside is bright.

So Asuna has to complete the assassination attempt before they recognize that Karin is missing.

Asuna finding the location of the ninja that reached the special Jonin level like Asuna.

Asuna quickly moved around at a fast speed that ordinary people would not recognize anything about that.

The people did not wake up early and the knocked out people are still knocked out.

Asuna moved very fast last night to come here early in the morning.

She even spent some of the chakra from the yin seal to improve her speed.

So she arrived early in the morning and there is still an hour before the early morning announcements.

Naturally people started to wake up with the announcement of the system around 6 AM.

It is similar to everyone.

Asuna appeared in the building that looked very luxurious and came to the room with the big bed.

On the bed there are three people.

One is the ninja of the hidden grass village, and two beauties that are covered with sheets.

Most probably they were played by this ninja last night.

Asuna was silent and used the appraisal skill to find the current capability of the ninja.

But as soon as she saw the assessment from the appraisal skill she immediately relaxed a little.

His stats are around 150 unlike Asuna that has 200 stat points in most of the stats.

He only reached the special Jonin level by increasing the level increase.

Also his chakra is also less compared to Asuna.

Well he is an old man over 40 years old.

So his improvement is also very slow.

Knowing all of this Asuna smiled.

Her appraisal skill can easily tell all of this because his sense stats are far less compared to Asuna.

He concentrated on strength, agility and spirit.

So even if Asuna can walk into the bed room the ninja might not be able to sense her.

Asuna moved in and first hit the chakra point on his head to make him unable to use his chakra.

She can use the paralysis poison but using it now would be useless if the ninja blocked it with chakra immediately.

So she moved in to block the chakra first and then quickly dislocate his joints quickly.

Asuna started off without any killing intent.

So the other party did not recognize the attack.

As soon as Asuna hit on the chakra points the man woke up and wanted to attack Asuna.

But his movements were also lost because of the blocked and dislocated joints.

With that the man became a fish on the table.

On the other hand the two women on the side woke up and they wanted to escape.

But they are naked under the sheets and Asuna was sitting on the top of the ninja with the sheets blocked from movement.

Asuna smiled at them and simply used two kunai to tear open the bed sheets into three on either side of the ninja under Asuna.

With the torn sheet in their hands they immediately used it to cover their bodies.

They did not immediately leave fearing that Asuna would kill them.

Chapter 54: Return back to hidden leaf village

With the torn sheet in their hands they immediately used it to cover their bodies.

They did not immediately leave fearing that Asuna would kill them.

Asuna smiled at them and told them that they can take their clothes and leave.

Immediately they took their clothes and left the place like frightened rabbits.

As they left Asuna looked the ninja and said continued to dislocate more joints.

Finally the ninja is fully incapacitated.

He cannot even move his head.

Then Asuna touched the chakra point to create the pain that made the ninja twitch like a fish that was dropped out of the water for a while.

Asuna stopped the pain and asked him to transfer all the survival points to him.

The ninja is unwilling.

So Asuna again started the pain treatment with a little increased dose.

The ninja cannot lose his consciousness.

So the pain made him finally give up after 10 minutes.

Asuna got over 90 thousand survival points.

At that time Asuna asked the ninja where he hid the blood that he extracted from Karin last night.

Immediately Asuna got that along with all the things that the ninja hoarded during this time.

Asuna immediately took them all and stored them in the sealing scroll.

After taking the things Asuna looked at the ninja and smile.

Asuna went to bring back Karin so that she can have her revenge on this ninja.

Karin looked at Asuna with more trust and she killed the ninja.

Then she moved to the surrounding places with the help of Asuna killing few more people.

All of this happened in an hour.

It was really a rush hour of killing.

Many people died that day but the people in the village are happy because these people are oppressing them for a long time.

But they did not think of the beasts that are waiting outside their village that would pounce on them without the protection of these ninja.

Asuna told this to her as they moved out of the village and returned back to the hidden leaf village.

After going out of the village Asuna and her stopped at the abandoned building to rest as Asuna travelled all night long and even spent chakra.

At that time Asuna took out the bottle that contains her blood and gave it back to her.

She doesn’t want blind holes in her trusted people.

She returned the bottle to Asuna and said.

“You saved my life and giving this bottle back to me indicates that I can trust you.

I cannot inject this blood back into me any way.

It is useless to me.

So use it to gain my bloodline.

If you got it then it would be good…”

With her consent Asuna directly activated the system and took another bottle of blood that Asuna got from Naruto through fucking the doctor of the hospital.

She did that to gain the blood of Naruto and Sasuke when they fought each other and injured each other.

This was used simultaneously at the same time by spending 100 thousand survival points that she accumulated in the past few days.

Also the extra percentage was set to critical hit too.

With that Asuna really got another bloodline.

This is Uzumaki bloodline.

With the amount of blood used she got 2 percent of Uzumaki bloodline.

Unfortunately she did not have any extra blood vials for improving Uzumaki bloodline.

There is no Uzumaki shrine in the hidden leaf village.

At that time it was 6 AM in the morning and she got her daily survival points which are far higher than before because she did too many things.

She got over 15 thousand survival points.

On the other hand Karin also got good number of survival points for escaping from her previous prison like life and got her revenge.

She actually got 2356 survival points.

For a person who usually gets around less than 50 survival points suddenly got over 2 thousand survival points can thrill them.

She was shocked and her happiness is so much that she actually hugged Asuna and even kissed her on the cheek.

Asuna also smiled back and accidentally turned her head to the side of her face.

So she actually kissed Asuna making her face blush to as red as her hair.

She doesn’t know how to speak to Asuna after that and it was Asuna that coaxed her for some time and spoke breaking the silence.

“You have to take responsibility for this.”

She murmured and thought that Asuna did not hear her words.

But Asuna actually replied.

“Of course, I will take responsibility.

But you have to share me.”

Asuna said and immediately slept with a snore.

No matter what she asked Asuna did not give her any reply.

It is as if she really slept.

She did not have a choice but to rest along with her.

There is a long journey ahead.

They slept and rested for the day silently.

After waking up Asuna did not speak about the incident before and she did not ask her about this.

In the evening they stared to move back to the hidden leaf village.

On the way Asuna asked her to dye her hair so that she would be easily able to tell that she is from the Uzumaki clan.

Her hair color turned from red to black with the disguise technique that Asuna taught her.

She looked more like Sadara in this appearance with those glasses.

They took longer to return and spent an entire day and night because Karin is still ordinary person.

Most of the time it was Asuna that helped her.

Well she gave her a piggy back ride.

Her face is red but she listened to Asuna’s suggestion because there are many strong beasts in the forest.

Finally they returned to the hidden leaf village in the early hours of the third day.

If they did not come back today then Teuchi and Ayame would have come to look for her.

Chapter 55: thinking of the coming disasters

Finally they returned to the hidden leaf village in the early hours of the third day.

If they did not come back today then Teuchi and Ayame would have come to look for her.

There is no one to stop as it is early hours and the climate is harsh.

Asuna took her straight to her home and introduced her to Teuchi and Ayame.

Asuna did not stop there as it was early hours and the shrines ruins did not reset yet.

She went to those shrines.

She did not clear them for a day so they did not show much change.

Others did not discover them yet.

Asuna quickly cleared them all out but it still took a significant amount of time.

Fortunately the shrine ruins did not step into tier 4 that is there is no special Jonin.

So Asuna came back quickly.

Fighting has a strange effect on the people after they got this system.

As long as they fight their stats would improve along with the experience to improve their ninja level.

Killing beast type monsters outside is not a continuous process as they come in groups mostly and there are other people waiting to ambush for food.

But fighting with ninja in shrine ruins is a continuous and quick process with no sudden twists and turns.

So Asuna was actually improving at a fast pace.

But fighting something lower level than her would not give her many experience points.

On the other hand fighting a beast that is lower level than her would give her twice or thrice as more experience when she fights with the same low leveled ninja in the ruins.

But Asuna would consider both because fighting the monster in the shrine ruin can give her extra benefits like Jutsu and bloodline profits.

After clearing the shrine ruins Asuna came back home.

Ayame told her to go wash up as she prepared tea for Asuna.

After 6 AM, Asuna would go to sleep to recover her sleep time that was spent outside.

She got a little less at 6 AM but it was balanced out with the gains before.

Asuna went to sleep.

Karin also slept in a different room.

Before coming here Asuna went to use Genjutsu on the person that works are noting down the identities of the people in the village.

She used the Genjutsu to create fake records of Karin.

She can just get to them tomorrow to collect the ID papers from them.

Asuna woke a little late around the afternoon.

Eating ramen in various flavors every day has made her happy.

She brought some new ingredients on the way back and they are really good.

Asuna still got a little more time to prepare for the upcoming event of beast monster tide.

This first monster tide is full of beasts.

But only after that it changed to many things.

The cold climate took its time to reach -30 degrees and it continued at that level for over 2 years.

But then it suddenly turned into extreme heat after a devastating earth quake.

The hidden leaf village has become like it was after the pain incident in the original plot.

Fortunately there is no earth fissures appeared in the village.

Instead they appeared outside in the forest area of the village.

With the extreme heat the water evaporated and ice melted.

The water went into those fissures and some strange underground creatures came out of the ground.

They are very proficient in earth style of fighting and can use natural ninjutsu.

Some of them can even communicate but most of them are in mad rush.

Unfortunately the people in the hidden leaf village did not have many people with lightning affinity.

The people that might have lightning affinity and fire affinity that is the Uchiha clan were all killed by them.

So it became hard but fortunately another group of strange creatures appeared that looked like birds and hunt down these creatures.

Asuna really doesn’t know from where these creatures appeared.

Well the people in the village did not have time to think of these things as the entire village is in turmoil about the incident of third Hokage’s death and Danzo seizing the power.

The there is another power struggle between Tsunade and Danzo killing each other.

The village was half destroyed with many people killed.

At that time some of the people in the village decided to move away from this village out of the forest.

Unfortunately the entire world is like that and no one can do anything about that.

So there is no safe place.

At that time there are some new people appeared that are from the hidden mist village.

They joined up with the hidden leaf village.

They are not the only one the people from the other villages also travelled to the central area of the continent to the hidden leaf village location in the land of fire.

This is because earthquake and extreme climates cause heavy damage to those places.

Currently the only place that still has greenery now is the hidden leaf village.

Also their places were infested with many strong monsters.

So they can only come to this place that is less infested.

Without a proper leader even after the return of Jiraiya they could not stop the intrusion of the people from the other four villages.

Jiraiya actually left the village right after the first two parts of the Chunin exam.

He was sent to investigate the situation of the tsunamis of the cost by the third Hokage at that time.

Now he came back after recovering.

So they can only compromise and live with the 4 village forming a circle of 4 independent settlements.

Other than these 4 big villages some small nation people also arrived here for shelter.

Along with these people the lords of lands also arrived here which includes daimyos of the other lands.

Even the Akatsuki organization was shifted to the nearby area under the insistence of Zetsu.

Chapter 56: tiring job of clearing ruins

Along with these people the lords of lands also arrived here which includes daimyos of the other lands.

Even the Akatsuki organization was shifted to the nearby area under the insistence of Zetsu.

With the number increasing the surrounding problems also reduced.

The extreme heat took its toll on the people making them suffer without water or food.

There is nothing they can do.

They cannot even go out to exercise or hunt.

The temperature outside is over 60 degrees in the hidden leaf village.

Well this place became a hub with all kinds of things around.

After 3 years the extreme heat was about to subdue but then another disaster appeared.

It was actually meteor shower that fell around the area causing all the dried trees to burn causing the forest fire.

Well the people also suffered heavy losses.

At that time something unexpected happened again.

The dead people from the other village started to come walking.

That is the walking dead has appeared.

They did not have any consciousness but they have resentment.

They are the skeletons of dead ninja that are dead in the past few battles.

They were all left dead in the battle field or they are buried in their villages.

But their resentment is towards the people that are living but not on a specific village.

So this is the undead tied that they faced.

In the mean time there are many other incidents that happened over during these catastrophes.

Asuna looked at the current village that is actually more peaceful than when it was in the future.

Even with the disaster this place is far more peaceful than the future village filled with dead people.

Asuna decided to rest for the day instead of going out.

She climbed to the top of her house and sat on the roof wearing sexy night dress with a cup of sake to warm up the body looking at the village peacefully.

She don’t know how those old people saw this village, she don’t know how Hashirama or Madara saw this village.

But in her eyes this village is peaceful right now.

They are struggling to survive but they forgot the fear of war and their previous sadness and the loss of their loved ones.

But right now they are still suffering.

This time everyone has a chance to become strong and save themselves instead of depending on other for their survival.

While Asuna is thinking she thought of another person that would lose their life for choosing an idiot to live with.

It was Kurenai.

She still got together with Asuma and the final result is she went down along with the Sarutobi clan.

Her ending is worse than Ayame.

She is a wild beauty that has tits on the same size as Hinata and Tsunade.

How can Asuna miss tities?

Even though she is a girl she loves the tits of other women more.

So she would not let Kurenai die like that in the previous life.

Even if she became a bitch like her she doesn’t mind but she don’t want to lose her.

When she first came to this world she imagined herself rolling around into those milk jugs every day and to enjoy the royal life with a super system or cheat.

Well she also thought of getting big dicks penetrating all of her holes till climaxed and satisfied.

But what happened was beyond her comprehension.

She could only sigh because of the strange apocalypse happened in this world.

But this time Asuna would not let things go their way.

She was sure that she can achieve great things with what she had on hand.

The memories of the future are her greatest treasure.

Along with the reward system she possess it would be great in the future.

Well even though rested that day Asuna did not stop clearing the ruins.

So she has finally opened up the fourth layer of the ruins.

That is the ruins has upgraded to tier 4.

Now the fourth layer has monster that is a ninja that has the same strength of special Jonin.

That is the same level of Asuna right now and it was hard for her to fight.

Naturally clearing the ruins would only take her few minutes every day.

But now the time has increased.

It is taking hours to complete the clearing and then coming back to sleep is hard.

The Uchiha clan special Jonin is hard to clear as they use the fire style in various ways.

Their throwing technique is also good.

On the other hand the ninja from the Senju clan is also hard that would use the tenacious vitality along with earth and water style to fight.

Also they are strong with physical attacks.

She would not mind getting fucked by them in all styles but those monster ninja did not have sanity to appreciate her beauty.

Well even the ninja of this world are like that and did not appreciate her beauty properly.

So what can she say about them?

Fortunately Asuna started to practice Rasengan that helped her clear there people quickly.

Then the ninja at the Hyuga clan is the hardest to face.

Asuna has to make sure that her chakra is not blocked and has to fight a battle of wits and delicate handles.

There is also a shrine of Ino-Shika- Cho.

Actually they are three shrines originally but for the three shrines there is a single entrance every day.

That is one of the three shrines is the real entrance and the other two would be fake.

Choosing the fake one would let Asuna get attacked by a trap.

So she has to choose carefully by the small changes at the entrance to choose the right one.

Also inside she has to face the trio together but the level would be lower than other ruins by a level in each layer.

That is how things are.

As for the Shimura and Sarutobi clans are a little different.

Chapter 57: successfully disturbed uncle Asuma and big sister Kurenai

Also inside she has to face the trio together but the level would be lower than other ruins by a level in each layer.

That is how things are.

As for the Shimura and Sarutobi clans are a little different.

They each had their specialties but fundamentally they are not strong.

May be they would be strong over time.

Asuna thought.

Asuna worked diligently while helping Teuchi, Ayame and Karin in training.

She would go through special training with Teuchi from time to time after putting Ayame and Karin to sleep.

They became bold enough to do that right in front of ken making him feel all the pain that she felt in the previous life.

After the training Asuna would complete her things like clearing the ruins.

During this time they found a strange place in the forest.

It was the outdoor ruins that concentrate large number of monsters.

The people are hyped up as it was food.

But the climate also took a turn for the worse.

The temperature started to fall below negative slowly over the days.

It is estimate that by the end of the month it would reach negative 30 degrees.

Well it is faster than expected.

The people inside their homes are shivering because of the cold.

Even if they lit fire they cannot sleep because it might go down any time because of the excessive cold.

So they have to stay by the side to fuel the fire.

Even in the morning the temperature is sever.

Many elderly have already died.

Even Asuna’s father in law Homura is having a hard time to hold on.

Fortunately he is not weak and he improved to Chunin level after so long.

So he was barely keeping up.

As for ken she protected him and did not let him die so easily.

Asuna cannot take them to hunt so she went out by herself to hunt and get the food for the family.

During that time Asuna found that Asuma is pestering Kurenai about moving to his place so that she can live a happy warm life.

Kurenai is considering his words.

But Asuna cannot let him succeed.

In the past life Asuma has the emergency provisions that third Hokage has taken.

But now he did not have the emergency provisions.

On the other hand they had some rations that they got from using the funds of the village.

So the big clans are sustaining using those rations right now.

Now he wants to use the food and water rations instead of money to woo Kurenai.

Asuna in his previous life also saw this same scene.

But he did not remember it.

Now seeing the same scene again Asuna suddenly remembered and immediately went to greet them.

Asuna immediately used a disguise technique to change her appearance and came to them.

There is not even a single whip of smoke when Asuna changed which shows how fine her chakra control is.

She turned into a little kid around 16 years of age to hide her original identity.

At the same time Asuna spoke.

“Uncle, you should have had too many rations.

Two days ago you are saying the same thing to the big sister in my neighbor right.

This big sister is more beautiful than her in appearance.

What are you going to take so many big sisters for?

If you have more why don’t you save some poor kids at the orphanage?”

As Asuna said that she did not wait for him to reply and said to Kurenai directly.

“Big sister, don’t believe in the words of this uncle.

He is not good and might cheat you.

You should save food and water in this trouble times and should not trust this kind of suspicious uncles.

Oh it is getting late,

I will see you later big sister.”

Asuna said and ran away from the dazed Asuma and Kurenai.

By the time Asuma reacted and ran to catch up with Asuna she disappeared in the blind turning without even smoke.

The one that spoke to them is actually shadow clone of Asuna that turned into a different appearance.

Asuma came back and said to Kurenai.

“Kurenai don’t believe her words.

I did not coax any women to go with me.

Also look there is no one here.

It must be someone using transformation or clone technique to sow discord between us…”

Kurenai immediately put on an annoyed face.

She did not care about the person but instead she was curious on why they tried to warn her.

In the ninja world one has to be careful and someone must be targeting Asuma.

Also they don’t want to target her during that time.

So they wanted to warn her this way.

She is not so in to Asuma now as she knows that Asuma is not really a top fighter as he is lazy to the bone.

He barely qualified to be a Jonin before with the help of his father being a Hokage.

Also the current times are different and anything can happen.

So she has to choose wisely to trust the right person to trust instead of blindly following a good for nothing idiot.

Also as that kid mentioned compared to her Asuma really looked like an uncle.

Even Asuna thinks like that as Asuma looked alike an aged old man.

But Asuna also thinks that Asuma looked more like the summoned beast of the third Hokage.

Well she doesn’t care what she looks like as long as Kurenai is safe for now.

Also Asuma wanted to have some good time with Asuma as she feels that his dick should be packing heat for a long time.

Since it is like that she wanted to stop being with Asuma for a while before making a decision.

So she said.

“Don’t talk nonsense, where can they get so much chakra to spare to produce a transformed clone just to make a prank on you and me…..”

Chapter 58: the most annoying woman comparable to Naruto

“Don’t talk nonsense, where can they get so much chakra to spare to produce a transformed clone just to make a prank on you and me.

I took your good intentions to heart.

When I don’t have enough food I will definitely come to ask you.

I have a head ache.

So please leave me and go home.”

Kurenai said to Asuma.

What she said is actually true.

Even though they reached Chunin level their stats did not keep up with them.

Gaining experience to increase the level and gaining stats are two different things.

Asuna on the other hand is much better than them in this matter.

Her extra 10 percent was invested into critical hit so that the gains can be unimaginable as long as she has more diligence in practice.

For example if a normal person while practicing gained 10 experience points during 1 practice.

If she practices for 10 times then it would reach around 100 experience points.

But for Asuna if she hit a critical hit then the experience points she gained for 1 practice might not be just 10 experience points.

If she hits a critical hit in practice then that 10 can become any number above 10.

Because of this reason the stat points of Asuna are going up so quickly than that stat points and level of other people.

It might depend on luck but Asuna needs just average luck to hit a critical hit to make 10 percent extra progresses than other people.

At the same time Asuna is clearing many ruins and gaining rewards from them.

It is not always simple kunai and shuriken.

She some time trigger critical hit there too and improve the things she obtained.

Just like that Asuna has progressed by a large margin without using the survival points.

The reason why Asuna disturbed the relationship between Kurenai and Asuma has two main reasons.

First she doesn’t want such a beauty to end up in the hands of a person that looked like an uncle of chimp.

Second is that she wants to leave Hinata in the custody of Kurenai to take care of her.

In this way she can be relieved of some things and slowly develop the relation.


After dealing the things here Asuna went to the forest where she met another person that is fighting a wild boar on her own.

She is the tomboy of the village and is very annoying to deal with.

She is Anko and she is trying to beat the wild boar for food.

No one came here to disturb her and not one came to team up with her.

The reason for this is very simple.

She is annoying be with and slippery to catch.

So she is doing the things all alone.

Asuna wanted to win her over with the stomach and good food.

Her only weakness is that she is a foodie.

Asuna has the best person that can make ramen in the entire ninja world.

So she has the winning ticket when it comes to Anko.

She waited for her to finish with the wild boar.

Well she is at Chunin level and took care of a tier 1 wild boar.

But she struggled for a long time before catching it.

The reason for this is that the beasts of the same level are stronger in defense.

When she sat down by the side of the dead wild boar to rest and recover Asuna appeared making her alert again.

But Asuna did not do anything to her and stood on the side to watch.

After a little while she lost patience and said.

“Hey lady, no matter how you look at the wild boar I will not give it to you.

If you want something you can go in to the forest and hunt it down….”

Asuna is still looking at her and she finally changed her words.

“Okay…okay…I will give you a little.

So don’t stare at me like that.”

Look she is a good person even now.

Asuna really likes her character.

She is annoying as hell but she is still a good person by nature.

Also she is trust worthy.

In the past life Asuna saw that the abandoned Hinata was actually saved by her.

But in the end she was attacked by few ferocious wolves and died saving Hinata.

She is a good person.

So Asuna wanted to pull her in.

Finally Asuna spoke to her.

“Anko san, I have something to talk to you.

As for the meat you can have it.

But this is not a good place to talk.

So would you come along with me?”

If it was before she would not mind going around but now is a different story.

She is not strong and she just hand a battle with the wild boar.

So she doesn’t want to go.

“You can talk it out here,

I don’t want to go anywhere.”

Asuna sighed and said.

“Well I don’t want to talk here because there are too many eyes watching the situation.

It cannot be helped then.”

Asuna then looked at the surroundings and then spoke.

“All the people that are watching the show for the prey,

I am going to give you 5 seconds of time.

After that you can either choose to leave here or confront me.

Well if you leave I will not pursue.

But if you still hide or confront me, I will definitely kill you.

You can make your choice.

Your time starts now.”

Anko did not notice that there is anyone around.

Well she is not that high level and her main focus is physique rather than sense.






“Times up”

Asuna looked around and found that none left and none came out.

Well they thought that this weak woman is bluffing to them to hog all the wild boar meat here.

Since they did not leave it, they cannot blame her later when they die.

Chapter 59: Anko decided to take Asuna’s offer

Well they thought that this weak woman is bluffing to them to hog all the wild boar meat here.

Since they did not leave it, they cannot blame her later when they die.

So it was time to hunt.

They are all Genin and barely Chunin level.

In front of their eyes Asuna suddenly vanished.

In the next second a body fell down from behind a dead tree.

Then another body fell by the side of a snow lump……..

Just like that in the next 10 seconds another 10 bodies fell out dying the snow in the area red.

Asuna returned back collecting the shuriken and kunai she used to kill them and then looted them including their clothes.

She did not keep the things in a big pack instead sealed them in a sealing paper and came to Anko that is in dazed state.

She can see the Asuna is just a weak looking woman but she was completely ruthless and through in her work.

But what she don’t know is that how can she be so strong in this current situation.

She did not know.

But that is not her only concern.

She is fearful right now.

If she is that strong, doesn’t that mean that she can kill her too?

So she immediately put up her guard against Asuna and ready to fight.

Asuna came in front of her unhurriedly and stopped 3 meter away from her.

“Anko san, why are you so anxious.

I will not kill you and I will not steal your little pig.

What I want to speak to you are about an offer I want to give you.

It is your choice, if you want to take it or not.”

Asuna said calmly without any fluctuations in her eyes.

She did not let down her guard completely but put down her kunai to listen to Asuna’s offer.

“What is the offer you want to give me?”

Asuna looked at her for a moment and said.

“Anko san, you like to eat good food don’t you.”

Anko don’t know how to reply to that question and her expression is a little unnatural.

“Of course everyone likes to eat good food in this situation.”

“Anko sensei, do you miss Ichiraku ramen…?”


As soon as she mentioned Ichiraku ramen her stomach started to protest.

Immediately after that Asuna said.

“Teuchi- san and Ayame are staying with me.

My offer is simply.

As long as you follow me and be loyal to me I will let you eat as much as you want.

But you have to work hard for me and follow all my commands.

If you betray me then I will kill you on the spot.

This is my offer to you.

I gave you this offer because of your good nature.”

Anko got the entire thing differently and said.

“Lady, are you trying to propose to me.

Do you want me to become your woman?

You said that Ayame is also with you.

Does that mean that you want to for a harem?

The idea is interesting but you are still a lady and you have to be a man with big things to get me….

Also I am not into girls.”

Asuna smiled at her and said.

“Actually what you said is an interesting idea.

Forming a harem is a really good idea.

Who can be so loyal to you other than your wives?

Anko san you are really intelligent you know.

As for the big things, can’t I simply use transformation to grow a big dick for you?”

“That’s right”

Anko thinks that she is intelligent for a moment and then her face became embarrassed after that.

“That should be the reason you have small tits.”

Asuna commented with a smile.

“Fuck, what did you just say?”

Anko became angry but her face is also red from blushing.

Asuna did not care and continued to speak

“Even though I am a lady,

Don’t you think I am stronger than most.

I can grow a big dick if I wanted to and fuck you for a long time,

But others can only grow older and weaker.

After seeing my strength don’t you think that it is different and hard to have this kind of strength so quickly?

Unfortunately I will not say the reason for that.

It is definitely not the survival points that made me stronger you know.”

Asuna said arousing her interest more and more.

She really wanted to know how Asuna became stronger so quickly.

But she is not the strong person now and she was sure that she cannot treat the lady in front of her like other women.

So, she really has to make a choice.

After thinking for a little while she wanted to take the gamble.

Well her stomach won over the argument between her choices.

As she nodded her head Asuna walked to her and took out a sealing paper.

Then she stored the entire pig into the sealing paper and took her to leave back to the village.

There is no one guarding the place as they moved inside quickly without a care.

Asuna took Anko to her house first to let her eat something.

Asuna gave her the sealing paper.

Any way it was one time use item.

If she wants to use it again she has to draw a new storage seal on the paper.

Well it is not a problem for her with her excellent chakra control and knowledge.

After seeing ken she finally understood that Asuna is actually the daughter in law of the village elder Homura.

But she heard the rumors before.

That is not all she looked at Ayame and Teuchi that looked good and healthy when compared to many people.

She has seen many people that became skinny after the apocalypse started.

Well they have food but they did not have hope.

On the other hand both Teuchi and Ayame were full of hope and happiness.

Chapter 60: Anko decided to stay with Asuna

Well they have food but they did not have hope.

On the other hand both Teuchi and Ayame were full of hope and happiness.

Other than them she also saw little girl that is around 13 years old.

She doubt that the girl loved Asuna so much that she came to live with her at such a young age.

But she did not get any results.

She also thought that the one that recruiting her to their group is the old man Homura.

She really doubts that Asuna is a reincarnated person of some powerful ninja or something like that.

Because of that she became vigilant of Asuna but that did not gain her any benefit as Asuna sat on the side and told Teuchi to prepare some food for them.

Ayame served them tea for them to speak peacefully.

Anko observed another thing that the house that Asuna lives in is actually at the right height for water to not to flow inside into the house.

Based on the appearance of the house she knows that it was recently renovated.

Even though her brain is as bad as Naruto especially in thinking capability she still knows her stuff.

With many question in her mind she finally decided to stop thinking and get answers from Asuna.

Asuna simply said.

“Anko san, you have just entered the group and did not gain the full trust yet.

So I cannot tell you the secrets.

I will observe you for a week and then I will decide on what to do.

The most important thing right now is that you cannot tell anyone that we have food and water.

If others know about that then they will simply kill us to get the food.

You should know how hungry people would become monsters that did not care who the other party is to get the food……”

While they are speaking Ayame brought two bowls of ramen for Anko and Asuna.

Asuna started to eat while Anko hesitated for a moment.


With the protest from her stomach she immediately wolf down the food.

Well she burnt her mouth a little as she did not think that the food is so hot.

But she still ate quickly.

Actually the food stock at the house is already emptied and she has become a Chunin level recently.

That is the reason why she went to hunt down the big wild boar.

She wanted to roast the entire thing and eat it.

But she did not notice so many people are eying for the meat of the while boar and her.

This also made her vigilant to not to go out alone with her current strength.

Even if she was stronger there are more than 10 people.

Can she fight 10 people after fighting the big wild boar?

No she cannot.

Then the only choice that she has is to be prepared to die or join a group.

She can do the second one with the young body that was few years younger than her but to kill all these people within 10 seconds is really good.

The most important reason for her to choose Asuna is that she has the delicious food.

She made a choice to believe in Asuna and join her group.

Immediately after making the decision all the shame a lady should have is gone and she asked for a second bowl, then a third bowl……….

She only stopped after she was full.

Asuna looked at her with a bulging belly and sighed.

“You know if you eat like that our rations would be over quickly.

It seems like I should go out to earn more for the family.”

Asuna did not blame her but said family which really moved her.

She is also an orphan and she was betrayed by her teacher.

So she did not usually trust anyone.

Even now she only decided to join Asuna to know what is going on but not to completely join Asuna.

But when Asuna said family her heart string was slightly pulled.

Asuna did not go out after that and took her to train along with Karin.

The training is what Asuna usually does.

Ayame also joined and the old Teuchi did a light exercise.

Since she was full she has a hard time doing the exercise.

But Asuna is strict and made her start with small things that are good for digestion.

After the exercise she made them practice the chakra control.

Slowly Anko adapted to the process of doing things and actually found out that her stats improved and even her chakra control has improved.

This shocked her.

She understood how Asuna improved his things faster than others.

Well she only found out half of that.

But it was enough for her to understand.

If it is exercise then she also knows that.

But certain things like experience are what make them grow faster.

This is what Asuna provides.

Also sometimes doing specific things would improve her stats faster in a systematic way of doing things.

Finding this pattern is what Asuna did and it is what that helped her show the improvement in such a short amount of time.

When it was evening she wanted to go back to her house.

But Asuna told her that she should stay here with them and move out of her house.

She understands how the group works.

Since Asuna said that she decided to move out of her house and come here.

She also has other thoughts on Asuna.

But they are for the later time and not now.

Asuna went along with her to help with moving things.

Well her sealing papers are enough to do the work.

After packing things they are returning when they met with Kurenai that came out in the winter night.

She came out because she has some problem with her body.

In these cold times women would usually suffer more as the food they eat might be……..


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