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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 286: hunting mythical grade chaos monsters

Her ark island was increased by 1 square kilometer in total size and the big submarine has appeared on the empty land on the island.

Mohini is not going to enter any fantasy world right now and save the cards for the time being.

Any way there is Sherlock Holmes fantasy world in the next month and Mohini will enter it directly.

She has enough chaos points to play and deter the other players with her power.

So it is not a problem for her.

For the next few days Mohini practiced various tactics to fight against the giant island turtle.

Mohini wanted to bring out her ark island and go to battle against it.

With Kazuki’s intelligence and various women that specialize in combat Mohini arranged a place on the island for capturing the island turtle.

Mohini already got the basic information of this island turtle chaos monster.

This is a big turtle that is over a square kilometer that has the resource island on its back.

Even though it is a small resource island compared to other resource islands there is a good thing about this turtle shell.

This turtle shell has a natural magic energy gathering formation on its back.

As long as it was preserved and integrated into the ark island the magic energy would spread through the ark island and even has the chance of getting a magic crystal mines.

This formation would improve over time on its own too.

This island turtle chaos monster usually would not attack anyone and swim across endlessly.

But as long as it was attacked then it would retaliate back with low tier psychic abilities.

It will hide its body inside the shell and attack in strange ways.

Because of this it was very hard to hunt this turtle chaos monster.

Also it is mythical grade with intelligence that is equal to that of humans and can strategize some attack and defensive plans.

With that the plan of action was formed with the help of girls.

Well in the final analysis Mohini wanted to use the weapon the spear of Osiris to one hit KO the turtle right when it put its head out after luring it on to the ark island.

With that the defensive perimeter is formed.

Mohini is not going to throw the spear of Osiris instead she modified her gun to become a rail gun that would shoot the spear using strong wind pressure and electricity.

Also in order to attract the chaos monster on to this island, Mohini wanted to use special bait.

With the arrangements done Mohini rested for the night observing the island turtle.

As long as Mohini did not attack the turtle it will not attack back.

So the night is peaceful and the arrangements are going on in the ark island.

In the morning next day Mohini called summoned the ark island and removed the ark ship.

Well she can summon both of them when she built a dock on the ark island after upgrading ark island and ark ship to tier 2.

As soon as the ark island appeared on the ocean there is a big splash attracting the attention of the island turtle.

Facing it is a big sized strange smelling sea food mixed with some attracting potions from the system.

This place is specifically chosen for luring the island turtle.

No one was present near the food and the people are far away looking at the unfolding of the things.

Mohini on the other hand stood at a high tower that has the perfect line of sight to the trap location.

She is holding a big gun in her hand that was ready to shoot the spear of Osiris at moment’s notice.

But it was not aimed at the turtle right now.

The reason is that Mohini cannot scare the turtle into hiding.

This is an intelligent creature and knows how to sense danger that is about to strike it.

So Mohini has to wait patiently for the chance to strike at the right moment.

Well with her skill and with hot weapons it is very easy.

The rail gun works on magnetism and it is already changed to the fullest.

Everything is ready.

When the island turtle is attracted by the sudden appearance of the island it looked over to see.

Naturally some resource islands would appear just like the ark island appeared right now.

Because of this the island turtle did not fluctuate much.

But when it saw some food on the island and some very attractive scent it wanted to eat.

Most of the chaos monsters do things on instinct and their attack patters are from the memories of the people related to that specified monsters.

Like how a tiger fights or how a turtle fights.

The more imaginative they are the more thought energy that is generated.

This thought energy is the source of energy of these chaos monsters.

So Mohini has to wait patiently.

No other person is near the area of the trap location.

They all are waiting on the other side for news of the island.

When the island turtle stepped on the ark island, the entire island started to shake and even threatened to tilt the entire ark island.

Right when the turtle started to stretch its head eat the sea food piled up in front of it Mohini waited for the opportunity when the turtle island reduced its guard.


Mohini shot the rail gun straight at the side of the head of island turtle.

It directly pierced its head and brain directly.

It is not just the spear of Osiris that did the damage but the electric arc that was produced by the attached small devices.

These arcs fried the brain of the island turtle.

So the island turtle did not even get a chance to scream before it died.

Mohini used the communication devices to tell her people about the good news and called them over……...

Chapter 287: next target is 6 arms bear chaos monster

So the island turtle did not even get a chance to scream before it died.

Mohini used the communication devices to tell her people about the good news and called them over to dissect the island turtle for food supplies.

Well Mohini is going to extract its genetic essence first.

So she is the first one to go there.

Mohini used some special devices to check the vitality signs of the island turtle.

Even though its brain is dead its body did not die.

So Mohini immediately took a custom made sword and cut of the head of island turtle as quickly as she could.

Only after cutting off its head did the vitality signs dropped rapidly.

It did not take long for it to die completely.

Mohini immediately extracted the genetic essence and directly consumed it.

At the same time the people arrived here looking at the big island turtle.

Mohini gave them some directions on what to do and took out the ark ship while taking the ark island inside.

The reason for this is that there is a frequent patrol in this area to check on the progress of island turtle towards the main land.

Not only this island turtle, but also all the mythical, legendary and epic grade chaos monster had this kind of patrol.

This is for the public safety.

But there is no continuous watch only nominal watch.

So Mohini has to move away from here as quickly as she can.

She can only spend few hours here to hunt the island turtle.

After that she has to leave so that others would not suspect her.

Mohini already told her people to help Titia and sawyer is there for professional dissection.

Mohini took the ark ship and moved on to her next target that is the resource of another mythical grade chaos monster.

It is a bear with 6 hands.

Well that is not all but there are some other chaos monsters on this resource island.

It is a big one and Mohini can hunt slowly…

The journey time is around 2 days to reach the resource island with the mythical bear chaos monster.

Other than that Mohini has already cut off the most important part of the island turtle other than its genetic essence.

Mohini has the ability to refine potions and pill.

This special part of the island turtle is one of the ingredients for a special pill for improving the man’s capability permanently by few times.

Even though she has a dick she still needs supplements to fuck a large batch of her women easily.

Well the number of times depends on the quality of the pill.

Mohini first stored this part in a special container that can stop the decay of time to leave it fresh.

Well it costed her over 50 thousand chaos points.

But compared to her income this is nothing.

2 days was neither long nor short.

But Mohini did not waste any time as she called out her woman to teach them what they are lacking.

Well there is also some friction between her women that Mohini can see through her insight skill.

Mohini would call them over and spend the night with these two women together to sooth them and become close.

Most of the women Mohini have had their favorability points over 100 and the highest is Gretel with 200 points of favorability.

Saeko is in the second with over 160 points of favorability.

Mohini did not let them go as she would call them over to train them in their specialties.

Two days were quickly over and the group arrived at the resource island that is as big as 200 square kilometers.

Comparatively her ark island is very small.

At the central part of the resource island has a cave and this is where the mythical grade chaos monster 6 armed bear.

It is around 2 times that of a normal person with buffed body.

It would not come out unless it is hungry or for other things.

Mohini has already sent a clone to keep an eye on that bear.

So Mohini doesn’t have to fear its sudden appearance and messing up her things.

Well she is not idle as she went to check the chaos monsters on the resource island.

She was finding targets for practice for her subordinates.

Well they can choose to fight or not.

Saeko was the first to want to fight as she was idle for a long time.

There are other girls that wanted to fight as well.

Mohini encouraged them all to fight as she was planning to clear the mythical grade bear first before letting them hunt.

All the girls including Mohini are wearing tight fit bra for their tits that would outline their tits completely.

As for the bottom they are wearing tight G- string panties.

These things did not cover the body properly but they have defensive properties that cover their entire body.

Mohini specifically bought bitch clothes that have high protection value but low market for all of her girls.

So the men following her are having hard time controlling their dicks from standing up.

Their tits did not juggle much because of the tightness but the outline is enough to make the men horny.

For that Mohini took Imhotep that has advantage in powers and few others that can fight properly.

Most of them are for watching while Mohini fights.

Mohini wanted them to understand her tactics in dealing with those chaos monsters.

Also her dress makes them cannot take their eyes of her body.

It is hard to deal with the mythical grade bear with her bare hands.

Also it has 6 arms so hand to hand fight is also very hard.

Fortunately Mohini was able to use her insight skill to find which stats of this bear are over 200.

Its strength and stamina have reached 200 stat points.

Mohini has to be more vigilant when fighting this kind of monster………

Chapter 288: hunting mythical grade chaos monsters

Its strength and stamina have reached 200 stat points.

Mohini has to be more vigilant when fighting this kind of monster.

She immediately added her free stat points to her stats improving most of them reaching 190+ stat points in all the stats.

Then she took out the sword artifact that she got from buzz before.

It was good enough to boost her strength by 10 stat points and the sharpness of the blade is also very high.

This is the best weapon to deal with monsters with extra arms.

Imhotep on the side has summoned the Anubis warriors and there are only 5 of them right now.

Imhotep should increase his strength in the real world before he can summon more Anubis warriors and use high level spells.

Mohini also handed over the spear of Osiris to Imhotep just in case if something happened Imhotep can intervene with that spear.

Mohini moved forward towards the cave entrance and threw a rock inside to attract the attention of the bear.

The bear is actually sleeping and it did not notice Mohini before.

Unless it is hungry it would not bother to use its extra ordinary smelling power.

Bears are supposed to smell things from 3 kilometers away.

The bear chaos monster is even more exaggerated.

But it was lazy by nature and it only attacks when it is hungry or someone enters its territory.

Mohini has sprayed a special scent on her and her people so that their body odor is negated for some time.

So only she was recognized as intruder when she entered its detection range.


It was ready to attack Mohini as it pounced out of the cave with a big roar.

Mohini steadied her body and stood on the spot waiting for the bear to attack.

She already had a plan of attack in her mind.

The bear appeared and it moved very fast towards Mohini.

It is not running with its hands and legs instead it stood upright with its legs straight and tried to claw Mohini with its right three arms.

Mohini did not defend against the attack instead she took a step to the side and dodged the claw attack.

Mohini has agility advantage over the bear.

As soon as the claws of the bear missed Mohini the sword in her hand directly struck at the right position where its shoulder joint connects three arms.

Because of the three arms connection there are too many joints and these joints has too many openings in them.

Mohini directly took advantage of the gaps and used the sword to straight away cut through those openings directly severing the three arms that attacked Mohini.

But the attack did not stop there.

Because of losing three arms and the trip rock that Mohini placed around her the bear lost its balance.

So as soon as Mohini severed its arms Mohini moved behind it with her next step.

The directly pierced her sword around the back of the neck area where the joint between the brain and the spinal cord is weak.

The piercing power of the sword showed its capability directly coming out of the front of the bear.

Mohini did not leave the sword there and directly pulled it out of the bear’s neck.

Then she did not see what is behind her and ran away in a predetermined path.

The bear would not die directly even with this wound.

The sword was smeared with muscle relaxant potion, beading effect powder and other special non poisonous materials.

So the body if the bear would be rapidly switching off with every step it takes and the angrier it becomes.

Mohini was escaping to lure it around in rage to make the special medicines to work quickly.

After 10 minutes of running around where Mohini is still the dominant one.

Her agility is higher than that of the bear.

It is the effect of her boots that has agility improvement buff and her agility stat points are already higher than that of the bear.

Finally the bear fallen on the ground slowly dying.

Its body has reached the limit of what it can take.

Mohini did not approach it right now.

The bear might not be as intelligent as the turtle but it is still a mythical grade chaos monster and it can play some tactics too.

So Mohini waited on the side till the bear lost its life sign.

Only then Mohini moved closure to it and directly cut off its head.

This would clear all doubts or hidden chances.

After the bear is dead the following people including Imhotep appeared with happy expression.

Mohini extracted the genetic essence of the bear and removed some special parts that she can use them in refining pills and potions.

Then she sent the body back to the ark island for her people to take care of it.

With that done Mohini moved to bring out her woman for letting them practice.

There are other monsters on this resource island.

Because of the high sense stats Mohini can sense them.

First Mohini took Saeko and others to fight against a wolf.

Mohini would stay on the side as protection just in case.

They don’t have to fear getting wounded and getting scars on their body.

Mohini has medicine for that.

Mohini doesn’t want them to feel inferior to her other woman that can fight or do other things.

So she would train them first then and let them choose their path.

With that they practiced fighting against those chaos monsters for 2 days.

Since there is no mythical grade chaos monster there is no threat for the fight.

Also Mohini did not leave the ark ship outside so if any patrol came towards this place they will not be able to find anything.


Few days were spent on this resource island for training her people.

Then they moved on the next resource island that houses a serpent that……...

Chapter 289: entered the fantasy world Sherlock holmes

Few days were spent on this resource island for training her people.

Then they moved on the next resource island that houses a serpent that is over 100 feet long and the width is over 3 feet.

It can easily swallow a person as a whole.

Killing it is a big challenge and the poison from is very deadly.

Mohini has to lure and hit target.

The sensing, strength, and agility capabilities of this serpent are very high while its intelligence is low.

Mohini took the advantage of planning and killed the snake using long distance sneak attack.

With the mythical grade serpent dead Mohini took its spleen, liver and other useful parts to use them for refining things.

She stored them and consumed its genetic essence.

With this Mohini’s genetic essence reserves has reached 30 percent.

For her subordinates it did not require look at the grade of the genetic essence for improvement.

They would improve with normal genetic essence.

There is no issue of genetic essence.

Well Titia still requires high grade genetic essence as she is a normal human.

But because of the change of the race her requirements are different from what Mohini needed.

Just like that Mohini and her group moved around from one Resource Island to another filling up the genetic essence.

The extracts that Mohini had excess were taken by Titia for her improvement.

Remaining was distributed to all of her subordinates to fill up their genetic essence bars.

As for the food reserves they had plenty after the contributions from other players that crossed paths with Mohini in the fantasy worlds before.

It has been around a month since Mohini last entered the fantasy world.

After 2 more days Mohini is going to enter the fantasy world.

That is because this particular day is the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.

Mohini was fortunate enough to encounter the Sherlock Holmes fantasy world.

This saved her a world choosing card.

Well this is old Sherlock Holmes world and Mohini is going to use the card later to choose the Sherlock series fantasy world.

Well it has been long since she left the main land so she has to go back to show her face at the very least.

So she led the people back to the main land to the safe island.

It was in the dead of the night when Mohini led the ship to the port.

Then she sneaked back to the main land using the disguise.

With the arrangements done Mohini went to her house to rest for the day.

Right now the epic, legendary and mythical grade has reached 50 percent.

The genetic essences of the lower grades are already full.

Mohini formally appeared in front of the people doing with her improved cooking skills.

After 2 days Mohini entered the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.

Her think team has already given her some good ideas on what to do and other things.

With their support Mohini formulated a plan to pull Sherlock Holmes into her team.

The difficulty of the world is set to 200 percent called doomsday level.

Only this way can Mohini pull Sherlock Holmes and others back into the real world as her subordinates.

Mohini was already prepared to lose over billion chaos points to bring back Sherlock Holmes.

The billion chaos points were not to bring Sherlock Holmes out of to the real world.

Instead they are going to be used for penalties for the deductions of Sherlock Holmes about Mohini’s identity.

Mohini did not spend much on extras or used any cards that she has.

Everything was normal and the social status of Mohini is based on her military and civilian ranks.

With the selections done Mohini finally appeared in the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.


Player has to choose which side he wants to act in Sherlock Holmes part-1.

Choice 1: on the side of James Moriarty that is on the side of Lord Henry Blackwood

Choice 2: on the side of Sherlock Holmes


This time there is no free to act side which indicates that this world is not so simple for a person to act freely.

Mohini chose the second choice here as she doesn’t want to be on the side of James Moriarty.

He is like a cunning snake with the same level of intelligence of Sherlock Holmes and the cunningness is on a very high level.

He can think in a special thinking process that is not yet discovered in this world.

Well it was Mohini’s own creation called the conditional thinking that did not exist at all.

This means that James Moriarty acts and uses the boundaries, rules, regulations and other restrictions as the conditions for winning and losing to change the situations.

There are always a certain set of conditions for winning or losing or any situation.

As long as those conditions are achieved then you can control the outcome at the tip of your fingers.

That is the game between the Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty.

They are fighting on who would get their hands on most conditions and control them.


Mohini has her thoughts lined up and entered the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.


Fantasy world: Sherlock Holmes

Current location: London


Mohini was currently in a hotel room and the payment for staying will be over in an hour.

Mohini has already made her choice to side with Sherlock Holmes.

But not to confront him right away.

Instead she went to take a look at the house of Sherlock Holmes 211 B BAKER STREET N.W.

Mohini stood at a blind spot to take a look first and then she returned back to the hotel to extend the stay.

Mohini heard the gun fire sounds when she was observing Sherlock Holmes’s house.

Right now Sherlock Holmes is in a situation where his mind wants to run away if he did not get a case.

In the evening 8:30 the Royale, Doctor Watson……...

Chapter 290: following at a distance

Right now Sherlock Holmes is in a situation where his mind wants to run away if he did not get a case.

In the evening 8:30 the Royale, Doctor Watson is going to take Holmes to meet the woman he is seeing.

Mohini came here to have a dinner and observe the situation about Holmes and the new family of Doctor Watson.

Well Sherlock Holmes is in a high speed analysis mode while Doctor Watson and his to be have not arrived yet.

Sherlock Holmes looked at Mohini that was sitting to his right side table facing Sherlock.

Mohini was currently enjoying the food with an expression ecstasy.

Also her low cut dress showed her deep cleavage becoming the center of attention of the place.

She looked like a high class lady with a noble face.

But the body is so slutty that she gives the feeling of a high class bitch.

But now one pointed at anything other than drooling at her bountiful tits and innocent face.

Looking at the face of Sherlock, Mohini smiled and showed him a glass of wine as a form of greeting from where she is sitting.

Immediately the eyes of the people turned towards Sherlock Holmes.

They did not receive a greeting from the beautiful lady but Sherlock Holmes got the greeting making people jealous.

They only glared at him and cursed inside their hearts.

Even though they are cursing inside Sherlock Holmes can still tell what they are cursing him inside their hearts.

Sherlock wanted to deduce the identity of Mohini but his thought process was disrupted by the sudden appearance of Doctor Watson and his to be woman.

Doctor Watson introduced Miss Mary Morstan as his to be woman to Sherlock.

Mohini has extraordinary senses so she was able to hear what Sherlock Holmes and others are talking there.

Well then the meeting is as disastrous as it can be with Sherlock Holmes splashed with the wine.


Mohini did not make a move nor did anything else.

She only followed Sherlock to the underground boxing ring.

Mohini has to say Sherlock Holmes has the technique and deduction skill that synchronizes perfectly with each other.

She was imagining how he would be doing on the bed if they fucked.

Mohini saw a woman wearing red dress which is Irene Adler.

Mohini made a bet on Sherlock Holmes before to earn some change to let her live at the hotel room peacefully.

Mohini did not follow Irene and did not have any interest in her.

Even though she is a beauty Mohini has to let her go to embrace Sherlock Holmes.

But there are other problems.

Mohini has to plan as she moves on.

There are various consequences for various choices she makes.

So she is simulating to get the best result.

The reason is very simple.

She is Sherlock’s woman and Mohini is interested in Sherlock Holmes.

Mohini wants to save her from the killing plan of Moriarty.

As soon as Sherlock left this place, Mohini moved close to the one that take the bets and collected her money.

Well it is a good amount of money that can let Mohini stay in the hotel room for a long time.

Mohini noticed that there are other players here that have mixed in with the locals.

They did not dare to make a move.

This is because if they miss then their entire fortune would be taken as penalty for Sherlock’s deduction of the identity of the player.

Mohini is taking her time to choose a right moment to appear in front of Sherlock Holmes.

Well Mohini has already simulated and chose the right moment but she has to be patient till that time.

It is time for the final wish of lord black wood and it was to speak with Sherlock Holmes for one last time.

Mohini is not idle during this time.

Other than observing Sherlock Holmes, Mohini has been keeping an eye on Watson and Miss Mary.

She went around the city of London to get used to the topography of this place for the future plans.

Well she already has the map and information of the entire plot area of the movie.

But having a firsthand experience is much better than having the information memory.

There is a crowd protesting the death sentence of lord black wood.

Mohini was also there but as a spectator rather than the one protesting.

Mohini did not hide from Sherlock Holmes this time.

But at the current situation Sherlock did not have time to think about Mohini just like now.

When Mohini is free Mohini went to the treasury of England and stole everything there.

These include the crown of the queen of England.

Well it might have become a big event if they found out that Mohini stole these things.

But Mohini simply replaced them with fakes so that the plot is not affected.

Mohini doesn’t want to be chased by Sherlock Holmes right now.

The doomsday level difficulty will let Sherlock Holmes use his full power without holding back.

Irene Adler came to chat with Sherlock Holmes.

This time Mohini followed her when she is leaving.

Sherlock appeared right when Irene Adler got on a carriage.

Mohini was nearby looking at the scene when Sherlock Holmes was acting scared looking at the gun in the hand of the mysterious man.

Mohini did not follow Irene Adler now and followed Sherlock Holmes back to his home.

Mohini is going to make her appearance in front of Sherlock Holmes.

Mohini took a deep breath and entered the house and called for the house lady so that she can notify Sherlock Holmes.

When Mohini is following Irene, Sherlock is also following her.

He noticed Mohini already so he was already expecting a visit from Mohini.

As soon as Mrs. Hudson informed Sherlock Holmes and Watson they immediately called in Mohini.

Well even now Mohini took this opportunity so that the situation is still in a hurry…...


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