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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 281: final settlements

“…Total contribution: 89 percent

Killed the main antagonist of the plot….

Saved the heroine and made the heroine fall for the player instead of protagonist…

Saved the small villain Imhotep and villainous Anck-su-namun.

Saved the small fighter lock-nah….

Obtained the spear of Osiris…

Killed the scorpion king by hand….

Completed the quest of the amulet of Anubis within the time limit….

Optional task: player has obtained the legendary lost ark.

Optional task: player has obtained the scepter of Tutankhamun.

Optional task incomplete….

Player did not obtain the star of Isis belongs to the necklace of Isis.

Player did not obtain the knowledge book of Thoth.

Player did not obtain the light staff of Horus with the key stone eye of Horus.

Player did not obtain the ankh the symbol of life that belong s to the god Ra.

Cleaned out the entire treasure of the golden pyramid……

Completion of the plot without destroying the oasis and golden pyramid….

Detected partner candy in the player’s group…

Contribution division 10 percent to candy…….

90 percent is designated to the player…..

Overall assessment of the fantasy world mummy part-2: 91 percent…


“Assessment of the player’s performance in the chain fantasy world Mummy…

Mummy world part-3

Basic plot completion rate: 98 percent

Total contribution: 95 percent

Killed the main antagonist of the plot dragon emperor….

Saved the heroine Lin and made the heroine fall in love with the player instead of protagonist…

Obtained the oracle bone scriptures…..

Saved the life of Zi Yuan….

Saved the lives of general yang and Choi…..

Optional task incomplete….

Player did not obtain the medicinal arts book of Bodhidharma

Player did not obtain the fighting arts book of Bodhidharma

Player did not obtain the elemental control book of Bodhidharma

Player did not obtain the axe of Pangu…..

Detected partner candy in the player’s group…

Contribution division 13 percent to candy…….

87 percent is designated to the player…..

Overall assessment of the fantasy world mummy part-3: 89 percent…



Over all mummy world completion rate 90 percent…..”


Player, please choose 3 things from the following choices.

Choice 1: 12 million chaos points

Choice 2: 10 thousand military merit points

Choice 3: 6 thousand civilian merit points

Choice 4: 45 free stat points

Choice 5: 21 free skill points

Choice 6: 100 trained soldiers card (Tier 1) (3 times usage) (Conquest reward)

Choice 7: extend the stay for 45 days

Choice 8: fantasy world choosing card (3 times usage)

Choice 9: 10 ml of water from the pool of immortality


Mohini looked at the choices and immediately made 3 choices.

She currently required filling up military merit points to balance it out with the civilian merit points.

Then it is to get free stat points to fill them up to over 200 stat points.

Then finally Mohini chooses the fantasy world choosing card.

Mohini don’t want some healing liquid.

As for the fantasy world choosing card Mohini wanted this card.

Every literary work can become a fantasy world but there is a problem here.

Some literary works are not suitable for the entry of too many people at the same time.

These kinds are fantasy worlds are a loss to the fantasy world system that usually acts as a black hearted business man.

So some fantasy worlds usually will not appear.

One of them is the fruit of Grisaia…….

Mohini wanted to enter this world.

Previously she was thinking of buying the fantasy world choice entry card to enter this world.

The person she wants to bring back is Kazuki.

She is so intelligent that she can compare to Mohini in many cases, except for being a bitch.

But there is a problem here.

Unless Mohini becomes Kazuki’s brother that is the protagonist of the world it is impossible to bring her back to the real world.

So Mohini needs the protagonist card and the fantasy world entry choice card.

Now she has both of them.

This is not the only world that Mohini wants to enter solo.

The world of Sherlock Holmes is considered as penalty trap.

Any literary work that is related to Sherlock Holmes is a penalty trap.

This is because they have the ability to deduce the secret of the players with just normal words.

As soon as they deduce the details of the player, players will be penalized.

Also it is very hard for players to gain the trust of Sherlock Holmes without talking.

That is the biggest problem with this fantasy world related to Sherlock Holmes.

Most players if they enter the world of Sherlock Holmes, they would decide to play the nominal penalty for breaching the quest rather than meeting Sherlock Holmes for the quest.

But there is an important detail here.

If there are no other players present then Mohini has the chance to speak with Sherlock Holmes properly and bring him back with her.

Right now Mohini has many fighters but what she needed are the think tanks.

Even though she is intelligent she cannot do everything on her own.

She needs support too.

For that Mohini needs some intelligent people on her side.

With them most of her problems with analyzing the real world powers, fantasy world details, magic software, investments and everything can be solved.

Mohini is going to enter the world the fruit of Grisaia, Sherlock Holmes novel and Sherlock series soon.

This way she can get one Sherlock Holmes of the olden times and another Sherlock of the modern times.

With the free choice fantasy world entry cards Mohini can directly enter without any problems of extra payments.

So she will enter these fantasy worlds within this month.

The only sad thing is that Mohini wanted to enter the fantasy world of Phineas and Ferb.

Even if it means to marry their sister Candace, Mohini wants to bring them back to the real world.

They can be of great help to Titia in construction and designing works.

But the three entry choices of the fantasy world…….

Chapter 282: plans to attack the high grade chaos monsters

They can be of great help to Titia in construction and designing works.

But the three entry choices of the fantasy world are already been decided by Mohini.

Well she will think of another way to get them later if she got another free choice fantasy world card.

Not all things would go according to the plan.

Sometimes patience is needed.

After choosing the choices another notification appeared.


Checking the special contract settings related to ark contracts and personal storage contracts formed by the player.

9 arks contracts detected….

Legendary lost ark detected…

Does player want to integrate the arks into the player’s ark?





Mohini nodded her head and these arks immediately integrated into her ark.

Immediately the ark directly increased twice as big as it was before.

Now the ark island is around 20 square kilometers.

Also her ark ship has all of its specifications doubled.

That means the speed, capacity, strength and everything has been doubled after the integration of the ark.

This is a buff instead of direct improvement.

That means in the current condition if the ship can hold 100 people with buff it can hold 200.

In the future if the ship was upgraded to hold 150 people then because of the buff the total number of people it can hold increases to 300 people.

Finally the most important thing related to the ship.

The sturdiness of the ship has become absolute.

This means it is as stable as a mountain when it is sailing on the water.

No matter how big of a way it encounters it will not sink or even sway.

Well if the person attacking the ship is a god level person then it will sink.

That is the true ability of the ark.

Originally ark was made to save the people from the great flood.

This is the buff that Mohini’s ark ship received after integration.

Mohini was so happy that she wanted to call out her woman to have a gang bang.

Well she is the only man that is rolling around on the woman.

Everything is a good thing.

Mohini has arranged for her people to enter the ark island.

After they entered Mohini went to buy some equity stocks of companies that are going to boom in a year based on the information from her simulations.

Everything is perfectly registered by the system contract.

This will become her continuous income in the future.

With that the arrangements that she wanted to make are complete.

Now she is going to set out to hunt the peak level chaos monsters of the tier 1.

That is epic grade, legendary grade and mythical grade.

Naturally the resource islands of mythical grade would not be disturbed until they reach the safe island.

The country that is faced with the safe island would react and solve the mythical grade monster.

Solving the mythical grade monster can give great benefits to a country but it is also a national level disaster that would kill many hunters of the country.

So till the final moments of the resource island with mythical grade monster appearing people would not attack the island on their own initiative.

Mohini is going to get those islands that did not have much monitoring after being discovered.

The people from the country are not stupid enough to fight the mythical grade monsters.

The hunters at the top of the food chain are heirs from the big families that are away many valuable resources for the strong improvement.

Only a moron would go and fight with the mythical grade monsters which have over 90 percent mortality rate even for them.

Even at the time when the mythical grade chaos monster attacks the safe island,

The corresponding country would react with some strong weapons or other technology while the cannon fodder sacrifices their lives.

In the end the dead hunters would receive some compensation while the meat and genetic essence of the mythical grade monsters will be collected by the rich.

Other than that the resource island of the mythical grade monster would be auctioned off to the highest bidder for collecting resources by the government.

This is how things are.

Right now Mohini has already obtained the weapons and people to fight.

Her target is to hunt those Resource Island and mythical grade monsters.

But before going there Mohini has to first integrate with the Skydream Ice Worm Tian Meng.

Mohini has already obtained the basic qualification for the integration process.

After integration she can hunt down, those mythical grade chaos monsters to fill up her genetic essence of mythical grade.

This is her plan.

For that she first collected the information from Veena about the locations of mythical grade chaos monsters resource islands.

Then she went to rent a dock with changed appearance.

After that she opened her ark ship and ark island one by one and met up with her people.

While they are taking care of the arrangements Mohini went to check on the cage that is holding down Tian Meng.

Mohini knows that she big worm can speak.

So Mohini started to speak with Tian Meng.

“I know that you are angry but I have something to say to you and show to you.

If you can listen to me then we can be buddies.

Also when I enter the fantasy world of soul land, I will help you find the ice empress…”

When Mohini spoke till here Tian Meng started to speak.

“Why should I believe your words…?”

Mohini knows that the people that brought back Tian Meng did not gave it any information related to the real world or anything else.

Also the cage completely isolates Tian Meng from the world outside.

So Tian Meng doesn’t know what is happening outside.

“Before answering your question,

As a sign of trust I am going to release you out of the cage.

The people around here are my family and my only treasure……”

Chapter 283: entering the fruit of Garcia

“Before answering your question,

As a sign of trust I am going to release you out of the cage.

The people around here are my family and my only treasure.

This is the proof that I trust you and you should trust me.

I will explain to you everything with proofs for you to understand….”

Mohini said this and opened the cage.

Immediately the cage was destroyed because it is also a onetime use thing.

After the monster in the cage is out then it will be the end of the cage.

The big worm with colorful lights appeared in front of Mohini.

Mohini did not show any actions of fighting.

Tian Meng has the capabilities of spirit.

It can perceive the surrounding area.

It is a big island of 20 square kilometers.

There are many people but all of them are working on some buildings helping each other.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Also the entire island appeared to be inside a big box like structure and there is machinery like things around.

It felt like it was inside another cage.

Then it looked at Mohini that was sitting peacefully beside it without any fear.

It felt a strong energy from Mohini and has good compatibility with it.

After Tian Meng calmed down Mohini started to explain about the story of the fantasy world related to Tian Meng, real world, Mohini’s life story……..

Listening to Mohini’s explanation Tian Meng caught up quickly.

Tian Meng has his main specialization in its brain.

He can think faster than a super computer and has a strong spirit.

Because of these reasons many magicians wanted to get Tian Meng.

Well with this super thinking Tian Meng understands the current situation and many things about the real world.

With the promise from Mohini to get his lover ice empress, he immediately connected to Mohini.

As for the credibility he knows that he can form a conditional contract with Mohini to fulfill her promise to him.

Since the trust needs time to form they formed this conditional contract.

Of course the payment is done by Mohini.

This did not cost much as it is only a nominal contract in name only.

After the contract is formed Tian Meng became the spirit of Mohini just like how he did with the protagonist in the story.

The body of the big worm vanished along with the spirit ring and Mohini has an extra connection in her mind.

She can speak to Tian Meng.

Mohini did not gave a new name instead called Tian Meng as dream brother just like in the plot of the soul land.

As soon as they are connected they started to speak and the thoughts of Mohini flowed between them.

Mohini checked if their cooperation is proper.

With everything done they decided to move on with the next step.

Mohini helped in some construction plans and then she took back the ark island and released the ark ship to set sail to the resource islands with high level chaos monsters.

Mohini then moved to the safe island first for safety reasons then rented a dock there on the direction that she wanted to set sail.

After checking the ark ship is ready, the people in her group that has the experience in water travel were called out.

They will help Mohini in controlling the ship.

This is not a ship with engines but a sail boat.

But the speed is no less than a tier 3 high grade boat.

It moved so quickly that it vanished into the horizon within the minutes.

There are many boats go along every day so no one thought about it when the boat set sail.

They only thought it was strange when the boat left so quickly.

But the news soon faded without much interest in the people.

If a ship can move so quickly then it belongs to some high level person.

They cannot investigate high level people unless they want to die.

After crossing a certain range Mohini sighed of relief.

There is no one following their ship.

Mohini now has a strong spiritual perception after integrating with Tian Meng.

So she can look through the horizon to see if there is anyone following her in another ship.

There is no one and the journey is smooth sailing.

Mohini’s target is the farthest one and takes at least 5 days of journey to reach that resource island.

Mohini doesn’t want to waste time as she wanted to enter the fantasy world using the free choice fantasy world entry card right now.

She doesn’t want to waste time and wanted to develop quickly.

Since there is no threat right now she can spend few seconds in the fantasy world as 1 second in the real world is 1 year in the fantasy world.

With that Mohini called her men to take control of the ship and sat at one corner of the ship near the main mast.

Then she took out the free choice fantasy world entry card and activated it.

It can be used 3 times.

First time usage was started and immediately her surroundings changed to that of a familiar white room before entering the fantasy world.

Mohini directly chose the fantasy world of the fruit of Grisaia.

Then she took out the protagonist card and checked her compatibility to the protagonist of this story.


Compatibility checking with the protagonist…

Physical traits….92 percent

Mental traits….95 percent

Skills………100 percent

Background…..80 percent


Overall compatibility …..90 percent

Protagonist character entry card successful….”

Difficulty of the fantasy world doomsday mode 200 percent difficulty…

Other changes none.

Point of entry…

Protagonist was saved by Asako Kusakabe….

All the prior memories of the protagonist would be given to the player……..”

After some series of checks and options Mohini has finally entered the fantasy world in the place of the protagonist.

Her appearance has changed that of the protagonist of this fantasy world.

Mohini appearance is the same as the……..

Chapter 284: just follow the plot

Her appearance has changed that of the protagonist of this fantasy world.

Mohini appearance is the same as the protagonist but the body did not belong to the protagonist Yuuji.

Mohini’s body entered removing the body of protagonist Yuuji and directly integrated into Mohini’s body along with memories.

At the same time her appearance changed to that of protagonist Yuuji.

Essentially it is like Mohini has reborn in this fantasy world as Yuuji and she just got his memories back.

So technically, Yuuji is Mohini that just awakened his past life memories.


(Since Mohini is a man now I will refer to her as him)

Right now Asako saved him but she was also wounded.

Mohini did not act anything out of ordinary and just acted like in the main plot.

The age of Yuuji in the plot should be lower but the system changed the age to over 15 years old directly.

This is to facilitate the future changes.

Also the time that Asako can live was also extended.

Mohini has the advantage of the medical knowledge and can cure Asako.

On his eighteenth birthday Asako let him have his first drink of alcohol at the same time his first taste of woman of this world.

Mohini was very good at this so she went on a little rampage with Asako

After few days JB also got her virginity taken by Mohini.

Well she is a big girl and she did not have her pussy opened till now.

Mohini helped her do the process.

Mohini posed the question to trust to Asako on one night when they are in passionately playing with each other.

Asako did not hesitate and directly trust Mohini.

Immediately a blue light screen appeared in front of her face.

Mohini gave her a warning in a mysterious way but Asako did not back away.

She directly jumped on Mohini’s dick and accepted yes option.

While they are fucking Mohini started to speak.

It is about him awakening the memories of his past life and he will leave here soon.

He wants to take her along with him………

She don’t mind going along with Mohini as she has already done many things for her country.

Then Mohini talked about her current internal wound and her life span.

She was quite for a while but still talked about the truth without any hesitation.

Mohini then told her that he can cure her but she will be in coma for a while before completely recovery.

She was shocked to know this but since she has a loving man she accepted Mohini’s proposal and decided to give it a try.

Mohini made her tell JB for the arrangements for the operation.

JB did not believe anything and she did not go with the question of trust so she doubted Mohini’s capabilities.

All Asako said is that Mohini got some training from that organization that captured Mohini before.

After some thinking Mohini got a chance to operate on Asako.


The operation is success but Asako needs a long time to heal completely.

Mohini told JB about that and the plot continued as Mohini joined the Mihama academy to meet with the girls.

Here once again the system did the trick to change the age of the girls.

The ones that are already 18 years old is not changed instead all the other girls that should be younger have their age changed.

All of them are 18 years old but the back stories are still the same.

Mohini followed the plot and helped the girls with their difficulties solving them one by one.

Based on the plot they will fall in love with Mohini so it is not a problem to think.

Soon after solving their problems the main event started.

There is body double to Yuuji that attacked some officials and secret facilities.

This caused Yuuji to be made into a terrorist.

Well Yuuji is Mohini so Mohini followed the plot and moved on.

This is very natural to her as her life is like this back on earth.

In a way Mohini is more intelligent than that of those people.

The Thantos system that Kazuki is has been shipped to Japan.

Mohini in the form of Yuuji went to meet his sister.

The plot continued normally without much variation.

Well this time the girls are working and not Mohini.

But it is not a problem as there is no risk for them with the planning of Kazuki.

Mohini was already taken into custody voluntarily.

He has to wait till the woman rescued him from the cops and gangsters.

When Mohini was saved by the girls he is still wearing the bracelet with the bomb.

Mohini knows that this is along with the plot so he let it be and continued.

When Mohini got on the submarine and had his confrontation with the Zoey Graham.

Robert Wallson was also on this ship…

Then he called all the people on the ship to assemble once so that he can speak to them about something important.

Milliela Stanfield has arrived after landing the helicopter.

Well she got a punch and the concern of Mohini.

Asako was also brought here and she is awake now.

Well she woke up just a month ago and can talk and speak but cannot move much.

Chiara Farrell was also here because Mohini played some small strings during their meetings blooming love in her towards him.

She is the one that was tasked with transferring Asako to this submarine.

When everyone were on the ship Mohini looked at their favorability

Almost all of them have the favorability over 60 points.

So Mohini directly asked the question of trust.

Immediately every single one of them has the blue screen with the question of trust appear in front of them causing them to panic a little.

Well Asako has already gone through the question of trust so she did not receive any.

Other than Asako there is another woman…...

Chapter 285: returned back to the real world

Well Asako has already gone through the question of trust so she did not receive any.

Other than Asako there is another woman that is no here has already passed through the question of trust from Mohini.

That is Agnes Garrett the military instructor.

After Mohini saved Asako her opinion towards Mohini has changed and later in the training days Mohini has melted her heart slowly pulling her into his side.

Previously when Asako was brought here by Chiara, it was Agnes that helped in secret for the transfer.

She only knows some things and did not have full understanding so things were smooth with a little friction that was covered by the fantasy system that is correcting the plot.

Even Zoey Graham got this question of trust from Mohini.

Even though she is angry for the death of her father, after understanding the situation of Yuuji she diverted her anger to the main villain heath Oslo.

How can Mohini have all this without any problem?

Well the answer is simple as Mohini is the protagonist and he even had the extra support from his special skills and plot advantages.

Mohini used them to the fullest.


Mohini gave them the warning before letting them make their choice.

Well these people have decided to become fugitives for Mohini can’t they accept this small thing.

It is so magical that they are very curious about this.

After they choose to trust Mohini, Mohini has briefed them about his memories of another life and he is going the real world or something like that.

Well they did not believe his words mostly but when Mohini took out a sword and a spear out of thin air they finally believed him completely.

Mohini told them that he would kill heath Oslo and return to them.

Mohini got on the helicopter of Milli and arrived at the secret location of Heath Oslo.

Well Mohini did not make any sound and started to kill the people with guns and hands.

Mohini was like a perfect killing machine that is more like a walking disaster.

Well there is no sound of killing or alert because of the swift killing and assassination techniques.

Also his guns have silencers so no sound appeared to make them alert.

The duplicate of Yuuji appeared to fight with Mohini but he is not a match for all the techniques and experience that Mohini possesses.

So the fight did not last long as Mohini solved him quickly and smoothly.

Because there are no stimulants in his body Mohini did not have the after effects of that strange medicine.

Mohini has cleared the entire base and came to face heath Oslo.

But he did not expect that Mohini is so different from the one that he previously saw.

Well Mohini took the body when heath Oslo abandoned Mohini to run away.

Right at that time Mohini dislocated the arms and legs of Oslo and put the bomb bracelet on the dick of Oslo using the key he got from him.

Then Mohini directly pierced the katana in the crotch region of Oslo cutting half of his dick and balls.

Mohini then left this place with the entire base blasting sky high.

Mohini took one of the parked helicopters to fly straight out of this place before the blast.

He came back to submarine………..

Then the fantasy world ended.

Since Mohini followed the plot with the protagonist character and hardly made any changes there is not much rewards in the end.

Mohini simply chose free stat points as reward and cleared this world.

Previously she has 45 free stat points and with the new addition the number increased to 55 free stat points.

In the bridged space all the people are present and the appearance of Yuuji they know changed to that of Mohini slowly.

The people present were shocked while Mohini explained to them that this was the original appearance…….

Also she is a woman originally.

Well if they wanted she doesn’t mind growing a dick to fuck them.

Because of the perverted luck and the blessing of the goddess of love Mohini was able to convince them all.

It is not that she replaced Yuuji but Mohini is Yuuji that awakened his memories in the fantasy world.

Since she returned to the real world then her original appearance also returns to her.

But the appearance of Mohini is even more charming.

The favorability of the girls is more than 90 points, so none of them said anything.

What they love is not the appearance of Mohini but her nature and character.

Everyone was brought back to the real world onto the ark ship.

Other people that were doing their work on the ship startled for a moment but calmed down.

They know that Mohini has entered the fantasy world so the people appeared here from the fantasy world.

Looking at the beauties they were shocked but they cannot jump to those beauties as they belong to Mohini.

Well Mohini is very generous and lets them fuck these beauties as long as they accepted it.

One of them was able to get a chance to fuck Revy before and it was fun.

The people that just came out the fantasy world looked around to see the old model sail boat sailing on the boundless ocean.

Mohini gave them a brief account of the real world and her life back on earth.

After the explanation Mohini gave asked Kazuki to analyze Sherlock Holmes fantasy world for her.

Mohini settled the girls to the ark island and returned to the ship.

Well there is another benefit that she got being the protagonist.

That is the big submarine and the island that should be in the name of the protagonist has transferred along with them.

Her ark island was increased by 1 square kilometer in total size and the big submarine has appeared on the empty land on the island.

Mohini is not going to enter any fantasy world…...


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