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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 51: Shikaku made his choice

Then the bud of lotus flower slowly broke out of the ice and started to bloom right in front of Shikaku.

Looking at the plant that bloomed Shikaku’s pupil shrank because what he is seeing is the authentic wood style of the first Hokage.

The fundamental difference between normal wood style and the wood style of the first Hokage is actually the vitality of the plant grown.

That is right if Yamato us the wood style he would only made some wood but not the living plants.

He can make seeds germinate but they would form a dead wood plant but not the plant directly.

That is the amount of vitality in the wood he produces is very low.

It is not different than dried wood or dead wood.

On the other hand the wood style Rito is using is actually full of vitality.

He immediately understood the strength of Rito and made his choice.

The reason is not the wood style but the purity of blood.

If Rito can use the high vitality wood style then his potential should be on the same level as first Hokage.

That is not all Rito is still very young and they knows that the young people can improve their chakra and other skills normally without relying on the survival points.

So he was excited.

If things are well and in a few years there will be a strong man like first Hokage in front of them.

Even if things are not good and they hid Rito well then it is possible to reestablish the village to the former level too.

He has new hope.

With all the things considered he directly made his choice.

“I wanted to follow you from now on.

This is the choice I made.

I don’t want to explain many things.

All I want is the safety of my clan and the supporting clans.”

Rito nodded his head and then told him to meet him at their three clan shrine in an hour.

Shikaku was puzzled by Rito’s words.

As a clan they know that the location of their shrine would usually be hidden.

Even if it was known there is no need to go there to speak.

Does Rito want them to swear an oath on their shrine?

He doesn’t know.

It felt quite childish as they are all big people.

Will they really abide by the oath they swear at the shrine in life and death situations they are facing.

The answer should be known by Rito.

Then there is something strange there that Rito wanted to tell them.

As soon as his thoughts lined up with the unknown he started to think of many things again.

Before he left Rito told him to bring their younger generation of the three along with them.

That is he wanted them to bring Shikamaru, Ino and Choji along with the three leaders of their clans.

After Rito said that the thoughts of Shikaku moved in a different direction.

He became more and more confused.

He did not have enough information or time to think so he first went to Yamanaka clan and Akimichi clan to speak to them.

Then the three clan leaders along with their younger generation were taken to the three clan shrine.

Rito was already waiting for them there.

He was sitting on a wooden bench that he made right by the side of the three clan shrine.

When they came here Inoichi Yamanaka noticed that there is something wrong with the shrine.

He was very sensitive with the chakra fluctuations.

Rito called the here because he was unable to deal with the monster ninja in the shrines that reached Jonin level for the time being.

The rewards that are available in the above levels are tasteless to him.

In the future they would definitely discover this thing one way or the other.

Since it would be discovered any way, why not show it to them a little early and gain their favor instead.

With these thoughts Rito started to speak before Inoichi spoke about his thoughts.

“Inoichi san are you feeling that the strange chakra emitted by the shrine of your three clans right.

Inoichi nodded his head confirming what Rito said.

“Does it feel the strange chakra that you felt in the danger zone in the forest?”

Inoichi nodded again.

On the other hand Ino has already recognized Rito and she immediately ran to Rito to talk to him.

Shikamaru and Choji followed along to speak to Rito that was their friend.

Well they did not interrupt what Rito is saying.

“The shrine of your clans has become a special site where monsters that looked like your clansmen would appear inside.

There are a few layers and each layer has monster of the corresponding level.

As long as you defeated the monster then you will obtain a reward that belongs to your clans.

The monster that appears on a level would show the maximum potential that the person at the same level in your can exert.

You can come along with me to check the thing.

This is my sincerity to you in the name of trust for the decision that Shikaku san make on behalf of the three clans.

After saying these words Rito took the hand of Ino making Inoichi a little mad and walked into the shrine.

The people entered into shrine along with Rito.

When they came in they saw three ninja each one from the three clans standing at the center of the hall.

Also the internal structure of the shrine has big changes.

It did not look like the shrine before.

As soon as they enter the three ninja monsters turned towards them.

Rito told the people that they can fight and check the things for themselves.

Naturally Shikaku and other two clan leaders understood what is happening.

He immediately went forward with his buddies from the other two clans to confront the three monster ninja ahead.

Chapter 52: Shikaku’s team is having a hard time clearing the shrine

Naturally Shikaku and other two clan leaders understood what is happening.

He immediately went forward with his buddies from the other two clans to confront the three monster ninja ahead.

Well the three monsters are just ordinary level so they were quickly solved.

After they were solved there are drop items.

At the same time the three bodies vanished

It was just a shuriken that was dropped.

But the overall material of the shuriken is strong with fine craftsmanship.

The people present looked at each other at the vanished bodies.

They even thought that they are in Genjutsu.

Shikaku and Inoichi even tried to use chakra to break out of Genjutsu.

But everything here is real.

At the same time they saw the follow up passage for them to enter to the next layer.

Rito took the shuriken and explained to them that this is the drop item for clearing the monsters in the first layer.

They each checked the shuriken and compared it with the shuriken they had.

The shuriken dropped after killing the monster is stronger than the shuriken they hand.

In comparison when they hit the shuriken with their kunai, it was the kunai that was damaged in place of shuriken.

Rito gave them the drop item and said that they should go to the next level.

Rito warned them that the monsters in the next level are at Genin level.

Shikaku and others are prepared and entered the next level.

When they came to the next level they saw the three monsters again.

The three monsters showed a strange pressure of experts.

They are clearly at Genin level but they seem to have reached the very peak of the Genin level.

Not in chakra but experience and usage.

Well as soon as they arrived here they immediately started to attack.

The team work between the three monsters was so perfect that Shikaku and his team barely able to keep up.

Rito saw many flaws in the team work of Shikaku.

Well the reason he can see this is became he has fought with the monsters of this string ruins before.

The more he saw the more he understood their strategies.

Only with his understanding was he able to fight off with the special Jonin level of this Ino- Shika- Cho group before.

But even with that understanding he was unable to fight with the Jonin level.

He still needs some time before he steps into Jonin level.

Since he is pursuing the overall improvement instead of single stat improvement, it will take more time.

After 25 minutes the Shikaku's team finally defeated the monsters and they are also exhausted.

After the regression of everyone’s chakra and ninja level, they worked hard to gain a little foot hold.

Right now they are at Chunin level and close to special Jonin level.

That is not in terms of stats but in terms of level.

Stats are improving slower than that of the ninja level.

This time the drop is a technique from the Yamanaka clan.

Inoichi took the scroll with the Yamanaka clan seal on it and checked it.

He found that the technique belongs to his clan and directly verified it.

When he told Shikaku and other he was both excited and also fearful.

This means if someone other than them enters this shrine ruins and got the scrolls.

Doesn’t it mean that they will be able to gain the core secrets of their clan?

At the same time Shikaku has a different thought.

Some other clans also have shrines.

If they are cleared will they get the techniques of those clans?

He subconsciously looked at Rito.

This information is very valuable and he knows that Rito already know about that and even his thoughts.

This was confirmed when Rito is smiling at him knowingly right when he looked.

Shikaku immediately removed the thoughts of other shrines.

He was thinking in a different direction now.

That is how powerful the techniques and rewards would be if he was able to enter the final layers of this shrine.

At that moment Rito spoke.

“In the next layer the monsters would be at Chunin level.”

Listening to Rito they all subconsciously gulped down their saliva.

They have difficulty in taking down the Genin level.

How powerful would be the Chunin level ninja monsters would be.

As soon as the thought came they don’t want to go.

But then they thought that Rito actually cleared this level made them want to take a look.

Any way there is Rito here and if something goes wrong they can always let their kids escape first.

Shikaku was optimistic about Rito and he still asked to clear his doubt.

“Rito, to what level did you clear this shrine previously.”

Rito smiled at him and answered.

“I was able to clear the special Jonin level, but Jonin level is hard for me to clear.

If I tried for another month, then I am sure to clear the Jonin level.

Well I will also step into Jonin level at that time.”

As Rito spoke the people grasped for breath.

They are still at Genin and Chunin levels.

Rito is talking about Jonin level.

Everyone knows how hard it was to reach Jonin level even before the apocalypse situation.

If he can reach the Jonin level in this situation then Rito is truly a strong person that can rival both Danzo and third Hokage.

They are shocked because Rito was able to clear the level against a strong combination ninja monster team of their clan.

Since Rito cleared the next two layers they have the courage to take a look.

In the next layer Shikaku and his team fought with the ninja monsters team that is at Chunin level.

After 1 hour they are exhausted but the monster team is still there.

Shikamaru, Ino and Choji wanted to go in and help but were stopped by Rito saying that they can only be hindrance in this level of fight.

Chapter 53: Inoichi don’t want to give his daughter to Rito

After 1 hour they are exhausted but the monster team is still there.

Shikamaru, Ino and Choji wanted to go in and help but were stopped by Rito saying that they can only be hindrance in this level of fight.

Instead he went to solve the three monster ninja at Chunin level quickly.

His movements are smooth and free.

Well he did not directly make the shot instead he only helped the team of Shikaku.

The drop item is a small bottle of food pills from Akimichi clan.

After collecting the food pills bottle, then they moved to the next layer.

Here the ninja monsters are special Jonin level.

This level was cleared by Rito only recently because the ninja here are very strong.

Think about fighting three special Jonin ninja with strong fighting capabilities.

It is really not that easy.

This time the team of Shikaku did fight as they are sure that they would die if they fight.

Rito took an independent stance and fought with the special Jonin level monster ninja.

Even for him it took around an hour to clear off the monsters.

This time the drop is a blood vial that has the bloodline of the Yamanaka clan.

Rito took it and checked and then he gave it to Ino.

“This is the bloodline vial of the Yamanaka clan.

Using it can improve your bloodline from 2 to 5 percent based on your luck.

The people that are not from the Yamanaka can have a chance to gain the bloodline of Yamanaka clan.”

As soon as he finished speaking Ino held the blood vial carefully.

She knows what improvement in the blood line can give her.

The stronger the bloodline the closer they are to their origin and full potential.

Inoichi immediately came to his daughter to check the blood vial carefully.

He understood two things.

First important thing is that Rito seems to have a thing for his daughter.

Well he doesn’t like that.

He doesn’t want to give away his baby girl to anyone.

But Rito is quite capable when he saw him fight just now.

So he was a little conflicted.

The second important thing is that they can improve their bloodlines with this blood vile without the use of survival points.

This is considered second important thing because he loves his daughter more than anything.

So he would consider his daughter’s matter first.

Shikaku on the side also understood what is going on.

He wanted to ask Rito if there are other blood vials from the other two clans.

He was sure that there are and Rito had them.

Most probably Rito has already integrated their bloodline and even knows their techniques.

Even if their entire clan wants to protest they would not be able to win against Rito that also has Senju clan bloodline.

He sighed and said.

“Rito, did you have the bloodline of our three clans?”

Rito shook his head and said.

“I wanted to try but I have other clan bloodlines that I wanted to integrate first.

So I did not have the bloodlines of your three clans.”

Rito did not saw that he would give back the vials and did not say anything about this.

So they cannot as back because Rito is stronger than them.

Also it is hard for them to ask Rito because he is their benefactor that showed them such an important secret.

Rito moved to the next layer where the Jonin level monster ninja would be present.

Rito really doesn’t want to fight them now.

It is not that he cannot win.

It is just that it would take too much time.

But he still wanted to try.

He made the Shikamaru and other stand at the entrance of this layer so that they can run away at a moment’s notice.

Rito has superior bloodline and has large amounts of chakra so he can still face them.

With that Rito started to fight.

At that time the monster ninja of the Nara clan use the shadow strangle Jutsu, the Yamanaka clan monster ninja used the spirit disruption.

Akimichi clan monster ninja extended his big hand to catch Rito.

Rito used the strong agility to move quickly.

He escaped from the shadow that was about to connect to him and then escaped the hands of the Akimichi clan monster ninja.

The spirit disruption was countered by the chakra surge on his body covering his mind and his will skill.


Just like that Rito fought for three hours straight with his humongous chakra reserves.

He was able to win in the end.

But the drop item is out of expectation for everyone.

It was just a kunai.

But it was completely black.

It is as black as dark night and there is no metallic luster.

Rito appraised it and found that it was a shadow kunai that can attack people by crossing over the barrier.

It can do the direct damage to the target of the attack by the caster no matter how well protected that person is.

This is a dangerous weapon.

Rito simply took it without telling anything.

None of them spoke about it.

Most of them thought that it was a little extra strong kunai like the shuriken that they got before.

Shikaku and Shikamaru have some doubts but they did not speak tactfully.

When this place is cleared the shrine returned to normal and there is no more extra space in the shrine.

Then Rito explained to them.

“The shrine ruins would reset tomorrow at 6 AM when the survival points are given to us.

The shrine ruins seem to grow slowly over time.

When I first discovered this there is only the first layer.

Now there are 5 layers with progressive monster ninja in each layer.

It seems like we have to clear the shrine ruins once a day so that the speed of next layer opening would progress faster.

As for other things I don’t know.”

Chapter 54: revising the plans

After Rito said that he let them think the things for themselves.

With a little more instructions and talking some time with Ino, Shikamaru and Choji, Rito left there peacefully.

Currently they cannot clear the last two levels.

So he will clear them every day.

This way he would get the subordinates that would become strong and also reduce the wastage of time.

Rito did not return to home instead he went to clear the other shrines right now.

It took good amount of time before, he returned back home.

At home he guided Ayame and Karin for some time along with Anko that already had experience.

After that he went to visit Kurenai and Hinata.

Hinata understood her situation and behaved well.

Kurenai also received the information from Rito and decided to join Rito but stays in her house because of her personal and safety reasons.

The safety is the safety from Asuma misunderstanding them and vents his anger towards Rito and others.

Rito cannot break the things now so he asked her to balance the things to drag on as much as she possibly can.

His previous plan was gone because of the sudden drop in temperature even lower that did not happen in the past life.

This drop of temperature made the angry mob that he created with rumors return to their senses with the little benefits of releasing Naruto.

With that the plan he made was now gone.

But still he got extra time that delayed the incidents that should happen.

Also there is a fight between Danzo and third Hokage now.

They will not focus on him for the time being.

This is precious time that he has to use to gain as much of power as possible.

At the same time there is another issue in the village that is still not solved.

It was about the tax that needed to be paid and the tax money.

Rito can instigate again but not right now.

The reason for this is the coming beast tide in the next month.

Might guy did not die in the first beast tide under the big tiger.

Instead he was forced to use the 8 gates over and over again.

He was not given a chance to heal his body and accumulate the physical power again.

He is like a stupid bull that went on a rampage every time without thinking of the consequences.

The final result is that he died because of the severity of the injuries.

People did not leave rock lee either.

After the death of might guy, he was asked to take up his mantle to protect the village.

He is a simple minded man just like might guy.

So he did as the third Hokage asked him to do and sacrificed for the village.

That is not that end, next it was the turn of Kakashi.

But Kakashi is not so easy to manipulate.

With his resistance things became complicated.

During that time Danzo took the chance to kill third Hokage, ending his miserable life.


What Rito wanted to do now is to increase the popularity of might guy more and then try to force the third Hokage to step down his little throne.

That is not all.

He has to find a way to make Danzo lose his power.

For that the best way is to put him to sleep and remove the right of Shisui from Danzo.

But it is not that easy.

Danzo would not trust anyone and the house of Danzo is not where he stays.

He usually hides during this time so that he would not be killed during the night.

Also he would test the food few times before eating.

So it is hard to do anything to him.

Well he has to reach Jonin level to do anything to them.

For the time being all he can do is to plan the things.

There are many variables and the plans cannot keep up with the changes.

All he can do is to make sure that the people he cares are safe at the very least.

After few months after the death of third Hokage Tsunade returns.

Rito doesn’t know why she was so late to come.

Even though she is old she is not that old to be unable to come back to her power.

She should be in her forties and coupled with the mix of Senju and Uzumaki bloodline she should be strong.

Rito wanted to look for her and bring her back to the village a little early.

But he doesn’t know where she is right now.

Based on the words from Shizune, they should be around the area the area of hidden village of the clouds.

As for the reason why she is there is unknown.

It is said that there are too many casinos there.

With the mountain bandit attitude of the ninja and people from the hidden cloud village it would perfectly fit for the location.

Rito has to make some time to search for her and bring her back quickly.

With her present he would be able to plan more things.

Also in the recent future at the time third Hokage dies, Orochimaru should come to this place.

Rito already checked the curse mark of Orochimaru on the neck of Anko.

Rito did not have any way to remove it right now.

But as long as he can go to the ruins formed by one of the labs of Orochimaru right outside the village he will be able to get some clues.

The problem here is that the ruins only has one layer and the person there is Jonin level Orochimaru in monster form.

He would not die easily and killing him is particularly hard without elite Jonin level strength.

That is how powerful Orochimaru is.

Actually it is not about the strength but it was about the survivability of Orochimaru.

That makes him hard to kill him with the same Jonin level strength.

Chapter 55: information on ruins was leaked

Actually it is not about the strength but it was about the survivability of Orochimaru.

That makes him hard to kill him with the same Jonin level strength.

Unless that person is in elite Jonin level it is impossible to clear that ruin.

Also Rito doesn’t know how many he has to clear that ruin to completely clear it.


There is other thing about the three shrine secret of the Ino- Shika- Cho clan shrines was also told to them by Rito.

In the previous time Rito took them straight into the shrine and let them explore the things.

He already told them the trick of the three entrances so he doesn’t have to worry that they would fall into a trap.

With that solved he continued with other works.

First of all he met with Kakashi and told him about the Hatake clan shrine.

Rito took Kakashi there and let him pass through the 4 levels.

As Rito expected Kakashi made good progress and was able to complete till the elite Jonin level.

As for the Jonin level Rito has to help him a little to complete.

Rito did not have anything he wanted from Kakashi’s shrine including bloodline that is not useful to him.

For Kakashi it is useful because he can learn the Hatake style sword technique which earned his father Sakumo the name of white fang.

Also he can get another sword that can be used as chakra blade in the future if he was lucky.

Rito let him do that and he himself completed other shrines.

He doesn’t have any guidance to might guy as he knows everything himself.

But Rito still mentioned him about the improvement of spirit.

Strangely as soon as might guy spoke about the youth he was in the spirit improved on its own.

Rito can sense the improvement.

With the strange phenomenon, he doesn’t want to mix in more and let them do as they please.

But Rito specifically told him to hold his hand down in the next beast tide and act as if he was injured.

For that incident he made the preparations with Kakashi and others.

With the benefit that Rito gave Shikaku was convinced of Rito and decided to follow him.

He is an intelligent man.

He did not consider the age of Rito instead he considered the potential and intelligence of Rito.

During this time there are no more rumors and the hidden leaf village calmed down.

Kakashi took care of Naruto that was almost in vegetative state.

Rito came to him and jolted him awake.

But his recover was not as fast as it should be even with the help of 9 tailed fox inside him.

This is because of the restrictions of the world.

Fortunately it was not completely restricted.

If not Naruto would have already died.

On the other hand Sasuke was in real danger right now.

Well after some time saving him would be completely useless.

Even if he saved him in the future his body would be damage to an irreversible state.

Well Rito did not have any thoughts of saving Sasuke.

He and his brother are two useless and mindless things.

They are simply a waste of food and nothing more.

All Rito could use him as is to give Uchiha bloodline to few more people at most.

Rito did not have any good impression on Sasuke.

All the girls that usually say that they love Sasuke including Ino and Sakura did not mention the name of Sasuke after few months into the apocalypse.

Their infatuation did not pass the test of apocalypse.

Well this is how things are.

Feeling has to develop for a long time to become love.

But not all love is strong enough to stand the test of time.

If it was an apocalyptic situation like this it would not even stand firm in this cruel ninja world.

There are many women around Rito and some of them showed the affectionate gaze towards him like Karin, Tenten, Ino and even Hinata.

But Rito can tell that it was not true love yet.

They are just in the process of mixing their feelings.

Well Rito can wait that long for the people he likes.

But he is not into men so he has already let go of Sasuke.

With that he started to complete the daily exercise as he does and went to clear off the dungeon.

His savings are very huge and the bloodlines added into his body one after the other.

He did not use the survival points to improve anything other than adding more bloodlines.

Another month quickly passed by and the time for the second monster beast attack was right at hand.

At that time Rito has successfully stepped in the Jonin level with the continuous effort of clearing dungeons and fighting many beasts in the ruins in the forest.

The improvement is good but from the Jonin level his improvement slowed down very much.

He was able to drag on from special Jonin level to Jonin level so quickly because of the bloodlines that were added with his efforts.

But now it has changed.

He needs to fill more bloodline percent to maintain the previous speed.

But it was not possible in the current situation because he has to clear more ruins to the higher level to gain the benefits.

Also the people of third Hokage and Danzo found about the ruins because Rito was unable to clear them all.

Since they found out Rito directly used the echo bombs to announce this information throughout the village.

Now the information has spread throughout the village.

Rito also took the opportunity to push the blame to third Hokage saying that he hid the information about ruins and did not let them improve.

If the improved well they would have killed those monster beasts in the last fight instead of sacrificing so many people.

His rumors directly hit the hearts of the people……...


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