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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 1: the darkened good man

In any world there is no villain or protagonist instead there are people with various levels of luck and opportunities.

The final winner among them becomes a hero or the protagonist while the remaining people that became the stepping stones for the protagonist become the villains.

The villains are actually formed because of the mistakes of the so called good and peace loving people.


A good man from a poor family, (as usual)

From childhood he did not have enough food to eat and lived the life of bottom feeder.

Studying is hard for him but he hoped for better days.

In high school he fell in love with a bitch,

To be precise she purposefully came to him for ill motives.

First is to make him unable to study and let her lover take the first place.

For that she willingly acted as his girl friend.

The man slowly lost himself in the love of the woman.

Well he did not have any love from the childhood.

So this love moved him and made him deviate from his studies.

When she achieved her goal she directly abandoned him and went back to the second generation rich man.

Their mocking smile made him angry that almost made him do something disastrous for his life.

But he stopped himself after his reasoning won his inner turmoil.

With his reasoning thoughts he calmed down and completed his high school at the age of 19.

A year is spoiled because of that bitch and the second generation bastard.

As he entered the society he saw the people always wanting to suppress him and use him.

Instead of gaining he started to lose everything that he worked hard for.

The incident when all of his hard work was directly given to his slutty colleague has made him see through the essence of life and has embarked on the life of a scum.

This is the difference between a villain and a protagonist.

He did not get any lucky encounter or opportunities like those protagonists in his lowest times.

Only then he understood that this world is bad for good people.

It is said that the good people die early.

It is not that good people die early but the surrounding people would send them out of this world early.

He started to plan and act with his darkened personality.

He was careful to not to damage his body and use it to go to bed with the wives of those bosses and female bosses irrespective of their age.

He maintained his fitness and handsomeness of the body and knows that the male body would not be use excessively would make him lose his virility.

On the other hand he can slowly gain the things he wanted playing with the milfs.

He climbed the social hierarchy using his body and thoughts of a scum villain.

He became the top man of a financial company at the age of 28.

He took the opportunity to become the husband of a middle aged woman that has a son for her money.

Soon that haughty middle aged woman and her arrogant son were gone in a car accident.

That is just the start he maintained many affairs with many rich people climbing the powers of the world.

For that he did everything and became a scum that many people feared.

He cucked many men that wanted to use him and used them instead.

He became powerful enough to take his revenge on the bitch that abandoned him in the high school when he was young.

The woman became miserable and desperate till she begged him to let her and her family go.

But he never let her go.

There is no death but there is no life to her either.

Not only this woman but also the second generation rich that made the women do was also taken care off.

Suzaku got the wife of this man and he did not even leave the milf mother of the second generation rich man.

All of his property and everything that this second generation had was completely taken by him.

He was left to become a beggar on the streets.

He created circumstances to the point where the second generation rich died because of anger and regret.

As for the slutty woman that took credit for all of his work was in a similar situation where no one knows her current situation.

Since she wanted to a slut then he let her be a slut full time.

On the other hand those fat lewd idiots that transferred his credits to that slutty woman had it worse.

Their third legs were cut off and their families are also gone for good.

He is having a good life with many beauties and hotties, but still unmarried at the age of 35.

He observed that even with all his fitness his body started to lose its strength.

He did not stop exercising to keep his body fit but he cannot reverse the age and time.

When he was sighing he wished that there is a better way to solve the things an unexpected thing happened.

The protagonist of this world appeared.

Feeling that he is on the righteous side the darkened good person that became a villain was finally killed by the protagonist that actually joined hands with other villains.

Only then did the darkened good person understand that he did not achieve the pinnacle of being a villain.

He died with regret that he did not live long enough even after understanding the reality of the world.

He found that he was only at the basic level and he was still far from the shamelessness of the protagonist of the world.

Even in death he wanted to have another chance to fight with the world.

His soul floated in the world looking at the situation after his death.

Many things happen but he was forgotten by the world in few days.

Chapter 2: villain system, born in Naruto world

His soul floated in the world looking at the situation after his death.

Many things happen but he was forgotten by the world in few days.

Even thought he died protagonist and those villains are not safe and happy sharing his wealth.

The reason for this is that he has already prepared his plan B just in case if he died.

Since he did not have anyone of his own and prepared the will saying that all of his money was distributed to the people that are really struggling in the society right after his death.

This was already submitted to the court before his death and many copies of this will was sent to the people that he wanted to give his property.

At the same time the condition for gaining the money is to submit the dark material of the protagonist and villains that caused his death.

This will only work after his death.

All of this was previously arranged and was put in electronic media form.

With his death this information would be sent to the relevant people online and offline as he requested before.

With that protagonist and those other villain suffered a huge blow in the next 10 days after his death.

The people that received his wealth were happy and his bad name was completely cleared.

A true villain is actually the villain that stands on the bright side of the world.

With his death he simply reversed the entire situation and black and white of the world based on his needs.

Looking at this he started to laugh happily.

But he regretted that he did not eliminate that protagonist and those little villains and has to resort to this final contingency plan.

While sighting his soul entered a dark place he suddenly heard a mechanical sound.


Congratulations host,

You are the best person suited to become the host of the villain system.”

The soul was a little shocked and became excited.

“You will be entering many worlds to gain the luck of those protagonists and villains.

You will be stepping into the world of powers in the future.

There is no time to explain.

Host will be entering a fantasy world right now to start his journey.

At the age of 2, host will regain his memories and the system details.

Good luck host.”

The soul suddenly entered a bright crack and lost his consciousness.

When he woke up he was already a 2 year old kid that was being bandaged by an old lady.

His head seems to have hit something and the previous owner of this body died and he replaced the soul in the body.

When he looked around he saw an emblem of the Uchiha clan on the side.

He did not believe for a moment but he still recognized it.

He has seen this emblem in an anime in his previous life.

Can’t villain see an anime with his mistress?

One of his mistresses is actually a Naruto enthusiast and he was dragged to see the Naruto anime.

He also heard many things from her and her opinion of many important points of this Naruto series.

Most enthusiasts would imagine themselves entering in to their favorite world and think on how they change this world.

His mistress is one of those people and her version of the entire series and many places where she wanted to replace the things and change the story was said to him during their chats.

He actually tried to get her because of her father is a high ranking business man that he required cooperation to suppress those protagonists.

Fortunately he remembers all of her nonsense and recognized the emblem in front of him.

At that time he started to remember his memories.

He is currently in the clan orphanage of the Uchiha clan.

At that moment the villain system gave him some extra information about himself.

This is year 37 of the Naruto world and he is in hidden leaf village Uchiha clan.

He is actually the step brother of Fugaku Uchiha.

But it was kept secret by the father of Fugaku Uchiha.

He is the son of a Senju clan woman that is the lover of the father of Fugaku the current head of the Uchiha clan.

The father of Fugaku and this woman were originally not in a relationship.

But some things happened and they came together accidentally during a mission outside where the father of Fugaku saved this Senju clan woman.

Then they became close.

Also at that time the mother of Fugaku died giving birth to him sending his father into grieving for his dead wife.

It took them 5 years to completely become close and form their lover relationship.

Unfortunately the Senju woman died giving birth to the step brother of Fugaku.

Step brother of Fugaku was born and his father the head of the Uchiha clan named him Suzaku.

His mother from the Senju clan died giving birth to him.

After that his father Uchiha Ryo arranged him as an orphan of some unknown Uchiha man that had with a civilian woman.

He cannot accept the son of his lover openly.

There is still his dignity to maintain.

Also he cannot reveal that his lover is from Senju clan as there are tensions between the two clans right now.

So he covered things up.

Actually the information about his lover is already considered to be a dead woman as they previously agreed when she became pregnant.

Originally he is going to take her back to the Uchiha clan as a mistress.

But things did not happen accordingly.

So he can only take his son back and create a different identity to cover the things.

Just like other orphans in the Uchiha clan Suzaku was also taken care along with them.


Slowly two years passed and Suzaku remembered his memories and immediately covered his head in headache.

“So this is the identity that the villain system gave me after reincarnation.

It is good.”

Chapter 3: main quest, bonus quest, novice treasure chest

“So this is the identity that the villain system gave me after reincarnation.

It is good.”

Suzaku thought.

He currently has the bloodline of Senju clan and the Uchiha clan in him.

But his efforts are the things that can let him achieve the good or bad.

At that time the villain system activated and appeared in front of him with its emotional less mechanical voice.


Host has successfully entered into the Naruto world with fully legal identity.

Host has to do things that are in line with the villain to gain villain points.

Host can do the acts of villainy to suppress the other natural villains of this world or protagonists of this world or gain the favor of the heroines of this world……

Host will be given quests, choices to earn extra villain points and even special benefits.

The villain points can be traded at the villain system mall.

The things that are achieved physically in this world cannot be taken out of this world.

But the knowledge of the host can be taken along with him without a problem.

Host can also take the skills he obtained from the system or bought from the system if they are permanent.

This world ends when the host completed the main task of the system and host can live till the end of his life span if he wanted to before moving on to the next world.

This is a bonus world that is decided by lottery for the host to gain some basic knowledge in combat and other aspects that can be used in other worlds.

It is the easiest fantasy world for the host that can be useful in most of the other worlds in the future.


There a big series of information in front of Suzaku and along with the system voice.

After he got the information that seems to be imprinted in his mind he calmed down and immediately said.

“System status”


Name: Vikram

Skills: none

Treasure chest: novice treasure chest


Base attributes:


Physique: 5

Spirit: 5

Charm: 5


Villain points: 0


Current world information:

Name: Uchiha Suzaku (Current world name)

Ninja level: ordinary human

Ninjutsu: none

Genjutsu: none

Taijutsu: none


Main quest: suppress or eliminate all the opposition including villains and heroes and become the strongest existence of this world.

Rewards: permit to enter into the next world, +1 to all basic attributes permanently and an iron treasure chest.

Penalty: soul of the host goes to reincarnation cycle and system leaves for new host.


Bonus quest: unify the ninja world

Rewards: special treasure chest


Looked at the information Suzaku did not understand one thing that is the basic attributes.

What is the reference for these numbers?

If it is ordinary humans then which world ordinary humans and which era ordinary humans this numbers reference to.

One should know that not all ordinary humans of all worlds or era’s are the same.

He tried to ask the system but the system told him that he should complete this world before gaining the answer

So he left this matter for later.

Then he saw the quests rewards and penalties.

Well the system did not seem to be controlling him.

The penalty is to go back to reincarnation cycle and the system would unbind.

It was very easy.

But when looking at the villain system Suzaku has a hard time believing.

So he did not believe.

But in his heart he did not have any other thoughts for the time being but to follow the system.


Well he is also an ambitious young man and he don’t want to lose the system that he got his hands on and enter that boring normal life through reincarnation.

With those thoughts he has to try his best to complete the tasks.

After he looked at the information another notification appeared in front of his face.


Host make you first choice as a villain.

Option 1: steal the food from the orphanage’s greedy officials; you will be rewarded with the 100 villain points

Option 2: live a normal life and with the low quality food provided; your stomach would have digestion problems.


“Is this really called a choice?”

Any person in his right mind would not choose the second option unless that person is a stupid idiot protagonist of those brain dead good people novels.

He immediately choose the first option and then he remembered that he still has novice gift pack so he let the system open the novice gift pack.


Host has received the following rewards

1 cubic meter of system space (Stagnant time included) (permanent)

One lottery token to get a random skill…….”

He looked at the rewards happily and found that the system space can be of good use to him in many places.

“Host, do you wish to use the lottery token to gain a skill.”

Suzaku nodded his head and immediately a giant roulette appeared in front of him and started to rotate with the pointer in front of his face.

After few minutes the roulette stopped and in front of the pointer a skill appeared.

“Comprehension (permanent) (master level)

The levels of the skill are divided into novice level, moderate level, proficient level, master level and god level…..”

Suzaku looked at it and asked the system if the skill can be upgraded.

For that the system gave a reply.

“Host can upgrade the skill either by self practice or by spending the villain points.”

He immediately checked the number of villain points that are required to improve the comprehension skill to god level is 10 billion villain points.

Suzaku immediately gave up the thought of this.

He opened the point’s mall to check the information about the skills.

Novice level skill would require 100 villain points,

Moderate level skill either for buying or upgrading from novice level requires 10,000 villain points.

Proficient level skill either for buying or upgrading from moderate level requires 1 million villain points……

Chapter 4: vitality would not come out of thin air

Moderate level skill either for buying or upgrading from novice level requires 10,000 villain points.

Proficient level skill either for buying or upgrading from moderate level requires 1 million villain points.

Master level skill either for buying or upgrading from proficient level requires 100 million villain points.

God level skill either for buying or upgrading from master level requires 10 billion villain points.

Looking at the numbers Suzaku sighed.

He immediately removed the thoughts of improvement.

He thinks practically.

It is not possible so he choose the second option that is to improve it through hard work and using it.

It is a common skill but also most useful skill in all forms of life.

So he has decided to use it to gain the benefits.

Coming back to the current situation he has to complete the choice that he made to gain some benefits.

This is not the only reason.

In order to become strong he has to eat good amount of food and exercise from the early age.

Don’t look at the Senju clan bloodline having strong vitality;

It also requires food and high quality supplements to improve.

Vitality and strength would not come out of thin air.

He need food supplement.

Also he needs large quantities of it.

Now he already has a model of improvement in his mind.

He will not refine chakra now instead he would start with the physical improvement.

For that he is going to practice the exercises in the might guy’s practice model of extreme exercise or he can use the Saitama exercise model.

Whatever it is, it is all the same and he has to exercise.

With his vitality of Senju clan his body would improve by leaps and bounds.

With the improvement of his physical body his spirit energy would also increase by corresponding level to balance things.

This can only work below the age of 5 or at least at the age of 7.

After that the improvement would not be balanced.

That is the reason why the people of the ninja world would ask the children to refine chakra at the age of 5 and till the age of 7.

If they can refine the chakra they can become ninja and join the ninja school.

If not they would be considered has not having enough potential for becoming a ninja.

This will become their dividing line.


Right now he is an orphan.

He is actually in the clan orphanage and did not receive much support from his father.

So he can only depend on the food in the orphanage.

But will they give too much food to an orphan that is 2 years old.

He did not have any psychological burden in his mind.

Also he knows that the food provided at the clan’s orphanage is bad because of those greedy elders and staff.

Since it is like that there are only two ways.

First is to get his food by hunting.

But can he hunt as a 2 years old.

He is not a protagonist that would be able to hunt and kill big bears as a 2 year old mentioned in those cheap novels.

There is no practical possibility for this kind of thing.

So the other way is to steal the food.

Fortunately he has the system space for usage and it was upgraded to stagnant time from the novice gift pack.

Once he stole the things he can peacefully eat them over time slowly.

So he has to target something big that is already cooked for direct consumption and can last for a long time.

After his age increases he can steal other things slowly to eat and improve.

This will solve two things for him.

First is the problem with the food and

Second is the completion of choice to gain 100 villain points.

With the thoughts he looked around the place to find the kitchen based on his memories.

After finding the kitchen he looked around for the cooked food that should be served in the afternoon.

The cook is preparing this with lower quality materials.

Also they are preparing separate meal for staff and warden with good ingredients.

Corruption happens everywhere.

Since there is no one to question about the orphan’s welfare then things would be like this.

At least they are getting something to eat instead of starving to death.

This is the bottom line.

Suzaku did not have any problems with stealing their food.

There will be a small gap when they orphans got their food and the staff eat their food.

First the orphans would get the food while the staff would eat leisurely after that.

Suzaku is going to strike at this particular moment using the blind spot to steal the food.


He slowly sneaked in the place and finally got the opportunity when the cook went out for something in the food storage room.

Suzaku directly stole the food along with the dishes cooked for the staff.

All of this only took few seconds of Suzaku’s time.

After he took the things he left quickly without anyone noticing him.

When the cook arrived back at the kitchen all the cooked items along with utensils are also gone.

Suzaku did not take these things immediately to eat instead he would take part of it to eat.

He can take whatever he wants to eat whenever he wanted to eat.

He can take any part of the food out to eat with a spoon.

So things are alright for him.

But the cook got some severe scolding first from the warder.

Then he received another set of suspicion saying that he stole the cooking utensils and sold them for extra bucks.

Well most people did not believe that but they need someone to blame.

The money for replacing the utensils was embezzled by the elder that manage the orphanage and some other welfares of the clan.


At that time Suzaku received notification saying that he obtained 100 villain points from the villain system.

Chapter 5: 3 years of training choice

At that time Suzaku received notification saying that he obtained 100 villain points from the villain system.

Suzaku got food that can fill the stomach of 20 people along with the food for 3 staff members.

This is enough for him for 20+ days.

After that he would think of another solution.

By that time the turmoil would also be over.

Other than that he can also sneak into the food storage room and steal some raw food like vegetables that can be eaten directly.

Well he is a 2 year old that is playing around.

Who would though that he has a space to store things and check him?

With that all the blame fell on the corrupted cook and warden that manage the orphanage of the clan.


Suzaku practice physical exercises that needed to go towards Taijutsu.

That is extreme Taijutsu from might guy mode of training.

As for how he knows.

Well it was thanks to the mistress of his that researched everything and made him learn this with her.

This did not play much importance in the previous world as there is no chakra.

But this world is different and the practice has results.

When someone notices him, he would simply say the cheesy words with innocent face.

“I want to become strong to support the clan like my parents did.”

These words are enough to cover the eyes of the elders.

They thought that he saw someone training like this and started to practice like this.

At that time Uchiha clan is still within the village center.

So it is not impossible to see someone train around the place.

With that the doubt is gone.


A year passed by and he became 3 years old.

He has to stay in the orphanage till the age of 5 where he would be able learns some basic things.

Then he would be moved to a dormitory where he would take care of his daily necessities by himself with a little pension from the clan.

If there is any inheritance from his parents then it would be passed on to him at the age of 9.

Suzaku knows that his father is still alive that is the current head of the Uchiha clan.

But he wrote Suzaku as the child of another couple that died during a mission.

This young couple did not have much inheritance,

But they at least have few thousand Ryo cash and a house.

This will be given to Suzaku at the age of 9.


He did not stop his practice and continued with his stealing from various places of the village.

His target is mostly restaurants where he would steal the parceled food by sneaking around.

Not one would suspect a 3 year old.

Even if he is suspected there is no trace of the things he stole.

He usually eats the things he stole in the middle of the night or when no one is around.

Also the amount he eats will be in small portions that no one would notice.

This kind of small things would not attract the attention of ninja.

As long as there is no ninja he will not be suspected.

Also Suzaku did not refine the chakra yet.

Because of this the chance of suspecting is even less.


Another 2 years passed by.

Suzaku’s body became strong with muscles clearly cut and well shaped.

But his baggy clothes cover all the things without letting other people to know about that.

He is 5 years old and he was moved to the boarding house of the village.

Both orphanage and boarding house are managed by the same elder of the clan.

Suzaku was waiting for what decision that his father would make.

If his father still remembers him then he would get extra cash in the pension that he got for his dead fake parents.

If that is the case then he doesn’t mind giving his father some face later.

If he did not give him any support then he can become ruthless.

One must know that he lived the life of an orphan without any parental love.

Well he was originally a villain to begin with so does he has to think about this kind of father.

Also during these past 3 years he gained more villain points by stealing and deceiving others.

He is not a brainless bully.

He is a white villain.

He is a villain that always stands on the moral high ground condemning the good people for doing stupid things.

During this time he did not receive many choices other than using a chance to push the blame of stealing food and utensils to the cook and warden.

Well he did not say these things directly instead he spread the rumors by changing his voice a little with Ventriloquism.

This way he spoke with a different voice without moving his lips.

This way he was not suspected again.

Other than these small choices system also gave him a choice like task.

That task is to exercise a specific set of exercise for the last three years continuously no matter what without stopping in the middle.

The reward for this choice is that he would get 100 points of blood purity improvement percentage that he can freely assign to any bloodline he has except for Otsutsuki bloodline.

For that he tried his best and he succeeded.

He felt that his body is more comfortable when all the bloodlines he has have improved their purity to the maximum.

The system showed that he has Senju, Uchiha and a small amount of Otsutsuki bloodline.

His Senju and Uchiha bloodlines are at 30 percent each.

He directly added his free blood purity percentage improvement points to both of them equally.

So they reached 80 percent purity.

As for the Otsutsuki bloodline it has improved on its own with the improvement of the other two bloodlines on its own.

It has reached 20 percent right now.


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