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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 81: the consequences of provoking Vicky

Dark dropped a letter to harry from Vicky.

“Harry, I cannot come to your help as I am keeping the neutral party to pressure the Voldemort side.

So I sent others.

I divine that Hedwig would have some fatal situation, so I sent dark to help you.

Also the one that betrayed you right now is mandamus.

Be careful.”

After the letter is delivered dark flew into the sky and vanished into the darkness.

While they are going on a battle Vicky is doing his things.

That is the research related to the true dragon bloodline.

At least separating and safely absorbing the true dragon bloodline.

That is what Vicky is doing during this time.

Vicky has already solved most of the problems related to Voldemort.

Ollivander was captured by Voldemort and he is currently being played with to get the information related to the elder’s wand.

On the other hand Scrimgeour comes to give the final will of Dumbledore to the three people.

Vicky already took what belongs to him.

Before the time when Dumbledore was prepared to die they made a deal.

That is what Vicky took after his death with the help of his portrait directing the way for him.

As for the resurrection stone Vicky has already given it to Dumbledore and knows where it would be in the future.

Also Vicky can retrieve it later.

Vicky prepared props like replacing the elder’s wand and other things.

All of this was previously discussed with Dumbledore.

Because Dumbledore recognized the strength of Vicky, he formed this deal with Vicky.

Scrimgeour started to read out the will of Dumbledore.

The first thing it said is to trust Vicky and the things Vicky should receive were already given to him through a different way.

Well Vicky received all the money that Dumbledore accumulated over the years.

This let him have so many simulations that he directly jumped up few levels in magic control and spell casting.

When the magic control reached level 100 it became intermediate magic control.

Similarly other things were also changed along with the previous improvements.

Also there is a choice for Vicky to make before the death of Dumbledore.

That is either to let Dumbledore die or save him.

Vicky chose to let him die because he doesn’t want to interfere with the plot.

Also the era of Dumbledore was over based on the will of the world.

He can go against the will of the world and save him.

But that would result in far too many problems and complications.

Vicky doesn’t want that to happen.

So Vicky chose to let things go along with the flow.

After Vicky it was Ron’s turn to get something, then Hermione and then to harry.

Well that is all there is to it that day.

The fleur and Nymphadora came back to Vicky.

Hermione and Ginny stayed with harry and Ron for his birthday.

On the other hand Vicky appeared at the burrow on the day of harry’s birthday and gave him a present.

It was a charm to protect him and can create illusions to hide him and anyone he is in contact with.

But this charm only works for three times.

Later that day Vicky spoke to Hermione and Ginny.

Then he went to speak with Arthur and molly about taking Ginny away from here to his neutral faction.

There she can be safe.

Well there is also Fred and George.

Vicky also wants to send bill to the werewolf’s settlement that he arranged for the time being for protection.

As for harry, Ron and Hermione they would be doing fine as he made sure they got some protective charms.

Arthur and molly really wanted Ginny to go with Vicky.

They know Vicky is on their side but showing the neutral faction to keep many powers at check.

Ginny, Fred and George don’t want to leave.

But after being convinced they finally decided to move.

On the next day that 1st of august many things happened.

First minister of magic died and Pius Thickness was placed under imperious curse to work for Voldemort without him knowing about that.

When they received the information saying that the minister of magic is dead Vicky looked into the sky where the death eaters appeared to attack them

First Vicky told Hermione to take harry and Ron away from here while he took out elder’s wand to fight the death eaters.

After Hermione and others left Vicky called dobby to immediately take Ginny, Fred, George and bill to safety.

With them gone Vicky immediately moved into battle mode.

The death eaters that came here died directly without 3 minutes because of spells Vicky cast using the elder’s wand.

His casting speed is very high and with the help of elder’s wand the killing curses flew everywhere.

The death eaters that came to attack died just like that.

Then he asked if Arthur and molly also wanted to come along.

But they refused.

They are the members of the order and they can only stick to it.

They cannot place more pressure on their son in law that Ginny loves as he is already doing enough for them.

Hermione’s parents were also under Vicky’s protection right now.

So they did not lose their memories.

Vicky knows that Hermione can take care of herself so he returned back to his house.

He received news that Snape became the head master of Hogwarts.

Vicky did not care about that.

But what he cares is that the death eaters started to attack his business and his people.

Unfortunately for them, they really underestimated what would Vicky do.

Vicky immediately attacked all the houses that support the death eaters and looted everything over night.

Their money, books, artifacts and everything is gone.

Well he left them a few clothes as he doesn’t want to see them fight naked with their ugliness.

Vicky did not only steal that but also came to ministry of magic……...

Chapter 82: neutral faction: The Order of Fate

Well he left them a few clothes as he doesn’t want to see them fight naked with their ugliness.

Vicky did not only steal that but also came to ministry of magic and broke into their vaults to take everything he wanted.

During that time he specifically warned Dolores to not to play any games with the muggle born.

He don’t care whom she served but the moment she stepped out of the line then he would send her to meet the devil in the underworld in the most painful way possible.

The death eaters might fear Voldemort but they have to fear Vicky as well.

That is because if they crossed paths with Vicky they would die a painful death.

If they did not follow Voldemort then the result would be same too.

So they now fear two people.

One is Voldemort and the other is Vicky.

They cannot choose either side so they took the neutral stance.

There is no law on prosecution about muggle born wizards and the moment they wanted to pass the law Vicky appeared wreaking havoc at the ministry.

Even the Auror’s could not stop Vicky.

Also they don’t know who the person attacked them as they did not have a physical proof.

This is because the person that came here was covered from head to feet.

Even his wand is covered completely except for the tip that shot out the magic.

They all know that it was done by Vicky but they cannot retaliate in either way.

If they want to go legally then they needed to have evidence.

They did not have any evidence at all.

If they want to go illegally to attack Vicky directly, Vicky would directly kill them and he would not even leave their corpses for checking.

So the death eaters were helpless.

Their wealth is gone and all the food and other stores are under Vicky’s control.

They could not even buy anything at any store in the market of muggle world or on the magical world.

If they want to steal or take something forcibly then someone would attack them from the blind spot.

It is like they are all under trace of some sort.

They can only beg or buy things like normal civilians.

But they did not have the money for a luxurious life.

They only have just enough to live like normal people.

Even then there is no one selling food or water.

With that they can only got the forest outside and live like cave people.

This is all the retaliation for touching Vicky’s people and things.

The death eaters were really terrified.

Well Voldemort came by himself but he was shocked that Vicky made a magic formation to seal him if he comes close.

It cannot kill him but it can seal him.

The house elves under Vicky got the bottle imprinted with the sealing formation.

So whenever Voldemort was sited near Vicky’s people or stores or things the house elves would appear with a sealing bottle.

House elves can control magic better than humans so they can activate the sealing bottle without any wand.

But Voldemort is not specifically hunted by Vicky.

The sealing is also very simple.

Just like how they seal the dementors.

The access to magic is cut off and heavy muscle relaxant and sleeping gas was induced on the captive to make them unable to do anything.

It is like a forced hibernation but not death.

Also all the sealing bottles were made to specifically targeted at Voldemort.

As for the house elves they always act in pairs.

One tries to seal Voldemort activating the sealing bottle along with supplying magic to the sealing bottle.

While the other one would deflect the curses that were shot at the other house elf.

First time Voldemort sensed the danger and was able to escape from being sealed at the cost of a death eater’s life before he was sealed.

It has ingrained fear in this mind at that time.

For the people of the neutral faction it felt like a cat and mouse game under the leadership of Vicky.

Here they are the cats while the death eaters are the mouse.

For the people of order of phoenix and the fence sitter they are still in fear as Vicky would not extend his protection to them.

Vicky stance is very clear.

You can take care of your grievances on your own.

But you cannot come to my place and destroy my things.

If you did that then I would kill your and hunt you down.

Vicky did not even leave the ministry of magic because they meddled into his affairs.

He directly let the dementors hunt the people of ministry because of them playing tricks on his people colluding with the death eaters.

So the people in the ministry are very fearful of Vicky.

But when things come back to normal Vicky is just a young man that is studying at Hogwarts.

The death eaters also understood that Vicky did not poke his hand when they killed moody or other people from the order.

He did not act when they tried to hunt the people in ministry or when they killed the minister.

Also he did not do anything when they hunted down harry.

But when they tried to attack some women then Vicky would appear to save them.

With that even death eaters became smart to some extent and changed their strategies.

They are now hunting the people that did not belongs to the neutral faction called “Order of Fate” led by Vicky.

Also Vicky did not let them touch the muggle born people that joined Vicky’s faction.

Not anyone can join Vicky.

But everyone that joins Vicky is protected and is powerful with boundless future.


Time passed by and it was the end of august.

The students started to go back to Hogwarts.

There are no forced rules or anything because of the presence of Vicky.

Chapter 83: Hogwarts is peaceful

The students started to go back to Hogwarts.

There are no forced rules or anything because of the presence of Vicky.


On the other hand harry and other went to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place.

Here they found the room with the name Regulus Arcturus Black which is in short R.A.B.

This is the same sign they found in the fake Horcrux that harry and Dumbledore found at the sea shore place before the death of Dumbledore.

Actually they already saw Vicky destroying the locket before.

But now they are still thinking that there is another one.

Sirius is still here helping them with the matter.

At least Hermione is intelligent and she suggested asking Vicky to get more clues.

Ron doesn’t want to call Vicky because of his jealousy.

But Hermione still called Vicky by sending a letter.

Vicky immediately sent reply with his pet raven dark.

It mentioned that the Horcrux that he previously destroyed is the same as the one they are searching right now.

With this discovery they found that they have already solved one under Vicky’s hands before.

They did not go to the ministry to solve anything and find Dolores for more troubles.

The muggle prosecution is not happening.

Whenever they want to do something like that Vicky would appear out of nowhere and destroy most of the things and injure people.

So healing takes time which would buy people more time.

The injured people are all death eaters or their supporters.

They can never truly complete occupy the ministry.

Even the new minister of magic or law enforcement was unable to do anything as they cannot fight against Vicky.

The sad thing for them is that they know who attacked them but they don’t have a definitive proof.

If they intrude without proof then they would be captured under self protection.

That is if they are good and kill if they are death eaters.


So they moved to the next target that is to meet with the father of Luna.

Back at the school the people in the order of phoenix tried their best to stay as anti death eaters group.

On the other hand the group under Vicky acted like they did not care about anything.

They did their things peacefully.

Vicky’s women are in every house and they would pass the information to the people in the house.

So they practiced normally they did things normally and everything is normal.

There is no detection to them.

As for capturing Luna, that did not happen because the death eaters are severely outnumbered right now.

Vicky did not do anything to Snape or other death eaters at school.

But that doesn’t mean that he let them go.

The moment they showed their fangs is the moment Vicky acts to break the fangs for them.

So the Hogwarts is actually very peaceful.

The Harry’s group goes round and round finally wanting to meet Xenophilius Lovegood.

So they went to meet him.

Unlike in the plot he is not haggard but very healthy and is currently spending his time with his daughter that came back for Christmas holidays.

He already considered Vicky as his son in law after how good he took care of his daughter.

When harry and other arrived Luna and Hermione went to talk while harry and Ron were stuck with Xenophilius Lovegood.

They learns about the story of deathly hallows and understand some things about the symbol.

Well during that time Grindelwald died showing the path to the elder wand to Voldemort.

There is no Bellatrix and there are no problems.

Bellatrix has changed her heart after such a long time of pampering.

She finally believes that Voldemort is not a pure blood but half blood.

So she is angry at Voldemort for lying to her.

Also her mind now stuck to Vicky because of his massage every day.

But Vicky did not let her free right now.

She still needed to be observed.

On the other hand Voldemort came all the way to the place where Dumbledore is buried to get the elder’s wand.

But what he got is the fake elder’s wand that Vicky made just for him.

Well the wand will work but it will also inflict the curse back too.

But it will not happen immediately but slowly like poison infecting everything back.

Well there are Aurors that have sided with death eaters and tried to capture the grandparents and the recovering parents of Neville.

Unfortunately they are also under Vicky’s protection and the death of Aurors happened.

In the radio that Ron is holding the information of missing people is still going on.

It contains the list of people that did not belong to Vicky’s group and also the dead death eaters that died messing up with Vicky.

Due to some unfortunate incidents harry, Ron and Hermione were captured by death eaters after they came out of Luna’s house.

They were taken to Malfoy manner, right around that time Voldemort is searching for elder’s wand.

Here things happened just like in the plot but the change is that Bellatrix is not present and only a small skirmish with harry saving Ollivander.

The goblins at Gringotts are not present here and they are also under Vicky’s protection.

With the Ollivander they got a thought about the people around Voldemort that might have Horcrux with them.

The first one that came into their mind is actually Bellatrix.

This time they did not go to rob the Gringotts bank.

Instead Vicky presented with the key and lock information of Bellatrix.

So Vicky appeared leading the way for the people.

Well the Bellatrix came here in person instead of Hermione turning into Bellatrix.

The trio was shocked that Vicky actually captured Bellatrix.

But that is not all.

The Bellatrix is not acting like a mad lady like they heard from the people of the order.

Well they don’t care.

After the enquiry they found that the Hufflepuff cup was inside her locker……..

Chapter 84: the war finally starts

Well they don’t care.

After the enquiry they found that the Hufflepuff cup was inside her locker.

Vicky did not take the people inside instead he and Bellatrix went into her vault which is a smooth process with the original.

Among the 7 real Horcruxes and 1 pseudo Horcrux that is harry, 5 of them are already destroyed.

They are

First is professor quarrel may be a Horcrux,

Second is the Tom riddle diary,

Third is the Marvolo Gaunt's ring,

Fourth is the Salazar Slytherin's locket and

Fifth is the Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem.

The remaining things are

Helga Hufflepuff's cup that they just got from the vault of Bellatrix,

Peter Pettigrew that became Horcrux in place of Nagini and

The pseudo Horcrux that is harry potter.

The reason why Voldemort was unable to fight with Vicky and his sealing bottles is also because of this.

He is currently injured and his soul is weak.

He cannot muster up the power of magic with the current ability of the spirit.

Only because of this harry was able to kill him in the original plot.

If not harry is just a little student, can he really fight against Voldemort.

Today is 1st of May,

Today they got the Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

They went to meet with Aberforth, the brother of Dumbledore at Hogsmeade.

After meeting with Aberforth they went to Hogwarts to find a way to destroy the Horcrux Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

When they returned back to Hogwarts it was actually quite peaceful.

There are no dementors, there are no death eaters and there is not terror.

So it was peaceful.

The students are learning normally.

Except for Snape being the head master there is nothing that changed.

Well there is one change that is the people in Vicky’s group got stronger than before and few more new members joined in.

In the school the confrontation between Snape, harry and McGonagall that did not know the complete truth happened.

Snape cannot explain anything and use the attacks of Mcgonagall to deflect it into attacking the death eaters that came to monitor him in the name of being body guards.

Then he left from Hogwarts to a different place where death eaters usually join in.

On the other hand Voldemort is having problems with the wand in his hand.

He thought that it was the problem with the ownership.

So he went to kill Snape that very day.

Vicky doesn’t mind the death of Snape.


On the other hand Vicky came to call Hermione and other to come with him to destroy the Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

As Hermione took out the cup Vicky takes out the venom of basilisk.

Right as they wanted to destroy the Horcrux they all heard the voice of Voldemort.

Voldemort gave out the warning that he would kill everyone and he wants them to kill harry potter.

But before he could finish his world there is a shriek from him.

At that time Vicky dipped the Helga Hufflepuff's cup into the venom of basilisk.

Immediately both Voldemort and harry lost consciousness for a brief moment.

After some time harry woke up.

But he saw the vision of Snape dying.

Currently Snape is in the dying situation at the shrieking shack.

Vicky immediately took harry there to help Snape deliver the final message that he want to give to harry.

Harry was confused but he still got the memory from Snape and dying with a laugh that is no better than crying.

After that they returned back to Hogwarts.

There is a small group of people that wanted to deliver harry potter to Voldemort.

They belong to the Slytherin side and include Draco.

But before they could say anything they were all knocked out by Vicky’s people under the orders of Vicky’s girls.

Immediately the school completely came back to order, it is like it was a military institute rather than a school.

Even professor Mcgonagall was shocked by the order that Vicky kept was so well trained and disciplined.

Also all of Vicky’s group members are wearing special magic robes that have many runes and gives them easy movement.

The people from the order of phoenix arrived to the castle and the war preparations started immediately covering the entire castle.

There is Sirius, molly, Arthur and even the parents of Neville are here.

Vicky stood at the very top of the castle and reverse projected his thoughts to the death eaters and their supporters in the forest that are ready for war.

“To all the lowly goons of Voldemort,

I am warning you.

This war will be over soon and when it is done I will kill you all.

Those who that don’t want to die, better run away from here and hide in your rat holes.

Once the war starts then I will kill every single one of you without any mercy.

Lucius and Narcissa, I have already got Draco here.

I presume you don’t want to die.

You can choose to surrender and live after that before the start of the war.

After the war started, I cannot guarantee anything for you people.

You have time till the shields of the Hogwarts closes completely……”

As Vicky spoke he lifted up his new wand.

That is the elder’s wand to cover up the place around the castle with the huge shield.

At the same time McGonagall started to activate the stone guards of the castle.

They all started to move and went to the draw bridge of the castle.

While the defenses are moving down, Lucius and Narcissa decided to move into the castle as quickly as they could.

They are not the only ones.

There are other death eaters that had their children in the castle.

So they simply moved wanted to take the opportunity to surrender for their children.

But none of them acted as fast as Lucius and Narcissa did.

Well Voldemort did not stop and attacked them.

But they barely escaped because of the……...

Chapter 85: Voldemort finally dies

Well Voldemort did not stop and attacked them.

But they barely escaped because of the curse in the wand in the hand of Voldemort.

They were imprisoned and sent to the place where Draco and other are kept after knocking them down.

A strong barrier was built by Vicky and the other professors also supported it forming a full barrier.

At the same time harry went to see the truth about Snape that just died through the memory drop that harry got.

On the side of Voldemort there is only a tenth of people and forces that they should have based on the plot.

The remaining forces were cut down by Vicky by various ways.

They attacked but it was all stopped by the shield that was formed by Vicky and other professors.

Voldemort was angry that his men cannot even put a dent in the barrier.

Vicky standing at the highest tower facing the incoming attack forces like a god overlooking the world.

Voldemort use the fake elder’s wand but still he was unable to do anything to the barrier.

Well Vicky has to say that Voldemort is truly strong.

The only sad thing is that he is just a fool.

So with the attack he got the full force of the curse in the wand and fell back.

But he finally made a small rat hole in the shield.

Well they attacked as much as they possible can but nothing happened.

Some trolls and other dark creatures used this small hole to enter and attack.

But under the strong barrage of Vicky’s people the attack was completely stopped.

Even dementors were blocked outside.

During that time harry was able to see the truth in the matter about Snape and also found that the last Horcrux is actually peter Pettigrew.

He is by the side of Voldemort and he wanted to go there to attack and kill peter Pettigrew that is also the reason for his parents death.

The heroic spirit of harry was took over his mind and he started his reckless behavior like an idiot again.

Well Voldemort did not win anything and he proudly told the people that he does not wish to fight and spill the blood of the wizards.

All he wanted them is to hand over harry to him.

Harry on the other hand knows that he is also a Horcrux and decided to go along and die along with peter Pettigrew.

This way he thought that he would kill Voldemort.

Hermione and Ron were told to go back as he explained that his death is actually necessary to kill Voldemort.

When he came to the forbidden forest, he took out the snitch and steeled his heart for the death.

This revealed the resurrection stone that Vicky gave Dumbledore before.

Harry got the emotional support from his dead parents before he drops the stone.

Actually the stone rolled three times before stopping with no clear target of resurrection.

Well this helped him later when he was killed by Voldemort.

The soul of Voldemort died while harry was resurrected.

His body did not die completely and it was in a trance like state making it easier for him to resurrect properly.

The target of resurrection was chosen by him as himself instead of the soul of Voldemort.

Vicky on the other hand appeared right after the death of Harry.

First he collected the resurrection stone and then attacked peter Pettigrew killing him on the spot.

Because of the sudden attack of Vicky made Voldemort and others run away from there.

Well Voldemort is unconscious and others carried him and ran away from here for now.

The only life Voldemort has is his own right now.

So if he dies then Voldemort completely dies.

Vicky came to harry and woke up harry.

Then they went to hunt down Voldemort.

As they move through the forbidden forest they chased all the way to the entrance of the castle.

That was around the draw bridge.

At that time Neville was standing at the edge of the draw bridge holding the sword of Gryffindor.

Voldemort woke up and he stood up at that spot fighting with harry Vicky picked off the death eaters around one by one.

Neville came towards Voldemort carrying the sword the Gryffindor.

The moment Neville came is the moment the concentration of Voldemort shifted making him loose his grip.

The wand fell from his hand and he flew back towards the side of Neville.

Neville used the sword of Gryffindor to directly behead Voldemort at that moment.

With that the body of Voldemort turned into a huge grey fog that was burnt in the burning sun and vanished into thin air completely.

With that the battle at Hogwarts was over.

Harry took the fake wand that Voldemort dropped thinking that it was elder’s wand.

The Hogwarts did not receive any damage while Vicky moved around killing all the other death eaters completely removing the future problems.

The people gathered in side Hogwarts and the number of death is zero.

The number of people injured is less than 10 and all of them are fearful idiots that ran away in fear and fall.

That is the cause of their injury.

Other than that there is no other problem.

Harry in front of Ron and Hermione broke the fake elder wand and threw it into the waters down the bridge.

Harry though that everything is over.

On second may Kingsley Shacklebolt becomes temporary Minister for Magic.

Harry decided to join the Auror and Hermione studied hard to join the ministry after getting so many extreme high marks in the OWL’s.

Every one of Vicky’s women chose a different model to move on for the time being while Vicky is studying the bloodline of dragon.

Finally after a year of completing the study at Hogwarts Vicky found the solution for the dragon bloodline and integration.

The answer is actually the pure lightning energy.

So Vicky has decided to……...

Chapter 86: dragon bloodline adaptation

Finally after a year of completing the study at Hogwarts Vicky found the solution for the dragon bloodline and integration.

The answer is actually the pure lightning energy.

So Vicky has decided to start with the blood of the lightning dragon.

Immediately Vicky started to move along with the plan.

During that time Nagini and even Bellatrix started to help Vicky.

Vicky took Bellatrix to visit the parents of Neville and apologize to them for what she did.

Well the good side people are always magnanimous and directly forgave her.

For the next month completely Vicky did not appear in front of anyone.

Vicky created a big magic circle that would channel the lightning magic energy that passes through the dragon blood passing into his body,

He is not digesting the blood but integrating it into his body.

He did the same in the simulation and succeeded.

The process is painful and Vicky felt like his blood vines are burning all the time.

But after a month long process of adaptation he got the dragon blood and his bloodline also changed to support the dragon blood.

But that is not the only thing Vicky did.

He used 1 quarter of the dragon blood and the three quarters of blood line of strong mythical creatures like phoenix, griffin, Garuda…….

This is to create a strong combination of resistance and mixture of various creatures to improve his strength and blood adaptability.

The process is a success and then Vicky moved to the Avalon as his first target following the map.

At Avalon which is covered in thick fog Vicky did not entered the place directly but floated at its edge using a flying carpet.

Well it is much better at flying than a broom stick.

The can stretch his legs and lie down peacefully with anti drag spells.

He simulated again to check the situation.

What he came here for is to use the corruption of the 6 sisters to adapt to the dragon blood.

Finally when he comes to the seventh sister that is Morgan he can take the dragon heart.

Well she is currently in unmovable state.

But the dragon aura around her can even cause physical damage.

So as long as he adapt to the things he will be able to get close to her and get what he wanted.

With the thought Vicky used the simulation to find the spirit that was corrupted the lowest.

Well the 6 sister spirits are used for the binding formation but not as 6 points instead 6 progressive seals.

After the last seal is Morgan.

That should be at the center of the island.

Vicky would start with the outermost spirit.

With that the simulation started.

Vicky saw a spirit that created fog of hallucinations.

Well with the previous ritual using the basilisk body parts and its eyes along with the ritual of dragon blood adaptation has given enough capabilities to withstand this fog of illusion.

Then the second place is related to undead monster formed from the dead bones of Fae.

The third ring is related to poisonous plants.

Fourth place is related to the rock, water, sand and fire…….golems.

Fifth place is related to corrupt Fae and magic warriors that are staying here from a long time living in madness.

Vicky actually died in the fifth circle in the simulation.

Vicky spends the money to get all the information into his mind and he looked at the strong warriors in there.

He cannot defeat them easily.

But he is not going to jump in there and fight like a mad dog.

Vicky would slowly adapt into this setting and cross each seal one by one with stable steps.

What he did in the simulation is moving inside in a hurry to check how far he can go inside.

Vicky’s original thoughts are to remove corruption from the spirit sisters of Morgan while not removing the seal.

So in the second simulation Vicky used the slow method.

After a month he was able to completely absorb the corruption and purify it.

Also he adapted the corruption to his body and integrated into his bloodline.

With that the corruption lost its power and became pure malleable energy for Vicky.

Then he moved to the second seal after taking care of the spirit at the first seal.

The spirit of the first seal has completely gained her sanity and she helped Vicky telling him some important information about her sisters.

With the information Vicky moved to the second ring.

Here there are skeleton soldiers of various races and creatures.

All of them have blood red fire like existence in their eye sockets and the mysterious dragon energy in them.

Vicky looked at them and the spirit that was corrupted was also like this at the center of the second seal.

Vicky took out his swords and wand to fight with the bone warriors.

The process is long and to completely clear the second seal that is the second concentric circle he took two months and another month for adapting with all the corrupted energy.

To make the spirit here calm down he has to fight it for a long time to exhaust it and use the legilimency spell to make her remember her past.

At the same time use the occlumency to separate the corruption.

After that with meditation and using the Patronus charm to purify the corruption took another 2 months of time.

In total Vicky spent 5 months to solve two rings.

Well he has other things to do back in the wizarding world so he went back to solve things leaving a clone with elder’s wand here to stop the corruption from coming back to second ring.

After coming back to the wizarding world Vicky met with his girls collected money and then helped with some future investments.

Also the investigation related to the seal of the world is also in good progress.

Hermione improved fast in the ranks of ministry……….

Chapter 87: married Yemaya

Also the investigation related to the seal of the world is also in good progress.

Hermione improved fast in the ranks of ministry.

Also she is strong with many supporters.

It will be long and at most in three years she might be the youngest minister of magic at the age of 20.

Vicky took care of his girls and returned back to the Avalon Island.

He is going to move to the third ring and continue to purify the corruption.

For that the Patronus charm was working wonders.

He helps remove the painful and chaotic feelings in the energy from the dragon.

As they cooked off Vicky uses other purification charms using the elder wand for maximum power output.

As for his wand he was thinking of upgrading it soon.

For that he was searching some alchemical documents of the Ouroboros organization related to the ancient alchemist organization.


Well Vicky continued on his work.

The third ring of seal is related to poisonous plants.

Fortunately with the ritual he did with the basilisk and many other creatures, he is immune to most of the poisons.

But he did not let his guard down.

He started to adapt and clear the miasma here with various spells.

The more he used the more proficient he became using the spells of purification and Patronus charm.

Clearing the third ring only took him 1 month.

The spirit here belongs to the plant race like druid.

She was saved and Vicky rested for a while here.

During that time she used her plant based power to give out the strong rejuvenation effect on Vicky.

Also his body and spirit became stronger because of her support.

Vicky moved on to the forth ring.

This place has elemental beings in the forms of golems.

In the outside world they all are completely gone.

Originally the heart of the stone elemental being was used to make special earth based protection magic circles.

Just like this the other creatures are also like that.

Vicky doesn’t want to kill them instead he restrained them and purified them slowly using the opposite elements.

Vicky took 3 months to clear off this place.

Here he met a spirit that is very much connected to the nature of elements.

She helped Vicky obtain the immunity to the elements with the blessing of the elemental people.


Vicky did not move forward and returned back to the real world again.

Vicky is going to marry Yemaya this time.

Naturally anyone would fear marrying her.

She has 7 husbands record that are dead.

Also Vicky is going to do something dangerous.

So it is quite natural that some people did not like this and thinks it is bad luck.

But Vicky did not believe that nonsense.

She will be Vicky’s first women.

She is a good person and Vicky likes her so much.

None of Vicky’s other women had any problem with that.

It would be a problem if he married anyone of them causing them to have some hard feelings.

With the first wife place or their though gone they would not feel this in the future.

As for Blaise he has found a person he likes and he changed for the better.

Well he is always good but in the middle he was influenced by the death eaters a little.

But now it was all normal again.

He came to the wedding and after the marriage Vicky took Yemaya to a deserted island where he constructed a beach house for their honey moon.

For the next 7 days they are having so much fun that they were literally stuck together.

They hardly parted during that time.

The beach and cool breeze has made things very soothing for them.

During that time Yemaya told Vicky about his parents and the problem with anti divine blood creature’s organization.

The blood of deity and demons are called as divine blood.

It appears in plants and beasts too.

In the past, people like Zeus and few other gods along with demons has misused this power.

This caused a big outrace and they formed a group of divine blood slayers.

Their arts is called god slaying art and few materials can really slay the gods.

They would search and destroy everyone that has this divine bloodline.

Just like that they destroyed sacred creatures and trees that have divine bloodline.

Then they started to kill us descendents of ancient gods and demons, fearing that we would awaken the divine power in our bloodline.

I used a special magic to cover up my bloodline and the blood line of you and Blaise.

But now she told Vicky on how to remove the seal and obtain the divinity.

She also spoke about the sealing magic of this world.

It is said that some people that don’t want to stay in the world of divine creatures.

So they decided to live in the seclusion sealing the world with 7 powerful magic seals.

Then they formed the anti divine blood organization killing every creature that has divine blood.

The people that hunted down your parents are also someone like that.

They are strong and they have strong weapons to kill us.

It is just like they are specifically trained to kill us.

So your parents can only run away.

During the time when you appeared in the public, you are not exposed because of the seal I placed on you.

Also this is the seal that is holding off your heavy charm that you inherited from a deity bloodline and a demon bloodline.


Vicky learnt all of that and started to play with Yemaya more.

Even after all these years she did not change much.

Her fair skin, long silky black hair, almost G cup tits that would not sag and defy gravity and the perky ass that makes a man want to spank her till she climaxed.

On the eighth day Vicky sent her back to her house before going back……...

Chapter 88: correcting the surname as Wicked

Her fair skin, long silky black hair, almost G cup tits that would not sag and defy gravity and the perky ass that makes a man want to spank her till she climaxed.

On the eighth day Vicky sent her back to her house before going back to Avalon to continue to clear the corruption of the Avalon.

Well he also did another thing that is to correct his family name with the true one in all the registers.

It was the family name of his father being an incubus demon.


Also this was announced throughout the wizarding world.

Vicky wants to meet these hunters that come to attack and kill the people with divine bloodline.

Also he wanted to see what happened to his parents.

But before all of that he is going to take care of Morgan.

Currently she is the only person that is holding on to the true dragon heart.

Also she is the only person on earth that possesses the purest divine blood from the true dragon heart.

Vicky wants that.

This dragon heart is just like Vicky.

It was an amalgamation of the blood like of deities, demons and divine beasts.

It is a failure of an experiment that created a monstrous being like the first dragon.

On the other hand Vicky was born naturally from the descendents of, demon and deity bloodlines.

At the same time after the previous rituals he possesses the bloodline of the beasts too.

This makes him a unique being that is just like a dragon but in control of his power.

So he was betting on things that he will be able to control the dragon heart and integrated into himself.

With his thoughts he moved to the next ring that has living Fae that was corrupted by the dragon energy.

Vicky spent 6 months purifying them.

But he was also injured fortunately the spirits in the previous rings helped him heal with the natural energy.

Vicky rested healing his injuries.

He also simulated at the same time.

In the sixth ring there are dragon humans.

Or to be more precise they are Dracotaur, they are also called Dragonspawn.

They are very strong and they are beyond purification.

They are originally humans that came here after her fight with Merlin.

They wanted to either slay her or they came here for her power.

No matter what the case is they all are stuck here to never to go out.

The spirits in the previous rings cannot move from their positions so that the seal is stable.

Because of that they were unable to stop anyone from entering.

Anything that is related to dragon corruption cannot leave the seal.

So they are stuck inside slowly becoming what they are now.

They cannot be purified or saved.

The only way out for them is the death.

Vicky would gladly help them in this thing.

Vicky entered the sixth ring and started to go on a rampage.

His body is rusty because most of the fights in the wizarding world are based on wand movements but not body movements.

So he started to stretch his body with the minor span at the beginning.

Vicky is holding a sword in his hand.

It was one of the holy swords that were crafted on the same level as Excalibur.

It is called Durandal.

It was very sharp and can cut the flesh of the dragon.

What it lacks is the lightning energy it should have.

This was made out of the same metal as Excalibur that is the small piece of metal holding the lightning core.

But it did not have small lightning core pieces mixed in with it so it was a little inferior to Excalibur.

This sword was found in one of the expeditions of Luna’s father.

Vicky went on an adventure there to get their sword from the lake filled with piranhas.

Still it is the best sword to deal with this kind of Dragonspawn.

Vicky moved as the fastest speed killing the Dragonspawn like meat cutter.

Their heads flew into the air and after an hour Vicky was covered in blood.

The blood seems to have strong rage inducing capabilities creating blood lust.

Fortunately Vicky’s mind is not weak enough to fall into the blood lust easily.

But still he still felt that he was being controlled.

Whenever he was about to lose control he would create a shield around himself with strong technique and start meditating.

This is the best way to gain balance and be free from the blood lust.

But the Dragonspawn would not give him enough time to do all of that.

Fortunately he has the elder’s wand to provide strong shield, invisibility cloak to coverer his presence.

He waved his original wand to use the expansion spell in the cloak then he was inside the cloak like a tent.

Inside he meditated.

When the Dragonspawn broke the shield they did not find anything inside.

Even the smell that came is the smell of their kind.

So they left directly.

Just like this Vicky spent 6 months and finally came to the spirit here that became a dragon herself.

Fortunately she is not a human but a spirit.

She can be purified.

After many efforts and spells Vicky was finally able to purify her.

Vicky did not have as many injuries as he has before.

While he is calming down Vicky talked to the spirit here that recovered slowly.

Vicky asked her about the time when they first saw Merlin and Arthur here and enquired about the true story of Merlin and want happened then.

While speaking he recovered all the spent energy and become normal again.

After some time Vicky recovered his energy and simulated again.

But unfortunately the simulation did not work.

To be more precise he simulated and was able to reach all the way to the Morgan that was pinned to the ground with Excalibur right beside the tomb of King Arthur………

Chapter 89: make your choice of life and death

But unfortunately the simulation did not work.

To be more precise he simulated and was able to reach all the way to the Morgan that was pinned to the ground with Excalibur right beside the tomb of King Arthur.

He tried to absorb the heart of the true dragon.

But then the simulation stopped and Vicky got a warning message.

The warning is that Vicky is going to face a life and death situation and he has to make his choice to come out of it.

If he did make the right choice then he will be able to live and continue.

But the wrong choice he will lose his consciousness and become the new dragon killing his own people.

This is the fate and it cannot be simulated.

So he has to face the thing head on or chicken out and run away.

Whatever his choice is the simulation would not deduce for him.

Vicky was silent looking at the situation.

This thing would be his biggest choice.

He can die and he can also live after this.

Why does he want to do that?

He wanted to do this because he found something from the knowledge core of Ravenclaw.

The first dragon was killed by the deities that should be in the real earth before the part of the earth that was sealed right now.

That is right the seal was made isolating them from the real earth.

The current earth they are in is only a small fragment of the real earth.

Other than earth there are 6 layers of heaven above and 7 layers of hell below.

But that is the only estimate and fake names mentioned in the records.

But the real information is unknown.

Vicky has to find out the real information through his own efforts after removing the seal.

It is said that the first dragon was barely killed by the highest ranking deity with a very powerful weapon.

So having this dragon heart would give him a firm foot holds when he really breaks the seal.

He don’t like living under someone.

He don’t like others having ideas about his women.

Most of all he doesn’t like being restricted by anything or anyone.

So his choice is to become strong enough to threaten other to not to take actions.

Only a strong man has the right to ask for peace.

If you are weak why would other people listen to you and take your peace offer.

There is no good person or bad person.

There are no eternal friends or enemies.

There is no right and wrong.

All that there is in the world is what you choose and what you want.

To gain these all that is needed is that if you are strong enough and if you are intelligent enough.

This is the true nature of the world.

Vicky wanted to gain the strength and the intelligence will come from his knowledge.

So he can live peacefully with his women.

If his parents are strong enough then would they leave him like his?

He did not resent his parents but he resent those people that hunted down his parents.

Vicky doesn’t know what happened in the past or what the cause of that organization is.

What he cares is that if he is strong enough and if his parents cause anything to the people that hunted them down?

If he is strong enough and his parents are really innocent then he don’t mind killing and uprooting the entire organization from its very core.

They are not worth living and in his eyes their lives are not as worthy as his parents lives and his happiness.


After making his heart pointed at the point with strong convection.

Vicky decided enter the place where Morgan and the resting place of that stupid king Arthur.

A man who cannot see the women that loves him and a man that was ignorant of the feelings of the person that helped is not a man at all.

The retribution came quickly as his wife love another man instead of him.

But for marline the retribution is not enough.

Vicky really did not like the characters like him.

But Vicky really admires him for his cunningness.

Even though he did many bad things and used people for achieving his goals, he has achieved his end goals and lived his life completely.

This is the prime example saying that the strong does not need to fear the consequences of their actions.

If a tiger ate a dear is it a bad thing, will it be punished for that.

The answer is ‘NO’

It is the nature for the strong to prey on the weak…….

Vicky has strong convection and came to the location that has a big magic circle.

The place is completely made out of stones carved with hundreds of runs in specified chains forming the base of the seal.

At the center of the place there is a tomb that was placed on a platform.

On the top of the tomb is the body of a female that is so beautiful that even Vicky’s heart was pulled for a moment.

A red haired lady with hourglass like figure is lying on the top of the tomb stone with a sword pierced right through her heart into the tomb behind her.

Her skin did not show any signs of aging and the entire appearance of the place looked like a tragic situation.

But there is strange peace in this place.

Vicky knows that the peace that is appearing here is not real.

As soon as he stepped into the magic circle he would face the full might of the dragon dominance and intimidation on his body.

There is an invisible force field in this magic circle that is blocking the dragon energy from coming out of this place.

But the small leaks have caused what Vicky saw in the past 6 rings.

How powerful it should be……...

Chapter 90: dragon heart is successfully extracted

But the small leaks have caused what Vicky saw in the past 6 rings.

How powerful it should be in the concentrated form inside the magic circle.

The moment Vicky stepped into the magic circle he faced a strong force of malice on him.

He just sat at the edge of the magic circle.

Not outside but inside the magic circle and started to meditate to concentrate on purification of the malice and the dragon energy.

His body stared to have scars that are formed from the movements of dragon energy on his body.

He did not move and concentrated here for a week.

Then he took a step forward after eating some food to replenish his strength.

This process went on for 10 months before he was standing right in front of the tomb.

He saw that Morgan was in sleeping state but there is no sense of being aged to her body.

Well her body is not real body by the spirit body.

It will not age as long as she still has her spirituality left.

The heart of the dragon is a physical object but it is not like flesh of normal people.

But it was in a liquid state like mercury but it was not in silver color but blood red in color.

It is like red liquid crystal mercury.

Vicky did not want to absorb it directly because he would lose his consciousness if he did that.

Instead he has another thought that is to use the Excalibur as a medium to absorb the heart.

This way he can purify the dragon heart bit by bit and absorb into his body converting its energy into his energy.

The lightning properties and the purification properties that are still in the Excalibur are still there for him to use.

As soon as he got close to touch the Excalibur immediately the body under it opened her eyes.

That is Morgan opened her eyes.

Her eyes did not look like the normal eyes like her sisters.

Instead they are reptile eyes of the dragon her body cannot move right now because of the power of Excalibur so she cannot stop Vicky.

But the power of the dragon on Vicky is 10 times more than that he faced just now taking the last step.

Vicky knows that this is the intent of the dragon that has suppressed the will of Morgan with malice and rage to take over her body.

Vicky joined his hands and started to speak some runic words purifying his mind.

All the previous practice is very useful to Vicky and he was able to break free from all the evil and menacing thoughts in his mind.

He already got the skill called the clear mind.

During this time the skill increased levels like a bullet train or a rocket.

So right now it was helping him stay sane while facing the dragon intimidation and dominance on him.

Even his body is being strengthened because of resisting the pressure applied by dragon energy on his body right now.

Vicky waited in that state for an entire week before he was able to break free completely from the suppressing power both mentally and physically.

Then he held the hilt of the Excalibur.

Immediately he felt a strong thunder running in his body.

But the lightning dragon blood that he absorbed in a ritual before helped him control the lightning energy and integrate it into his body as fast as he possibly can.

Still it takes time to adapt to the Excalibur.

During this time Vicky did not stop his strengthening process from the dragon energy.

Finally the Excalibur became his sword.

The previous owner is already dead a long time ago.

It is ownerless and now Vicky was able to withstand its power.

So he became its new owner.

He tried to use the power of Excalibur to extract the dragon heart from the body of Morgan and take it into his body through the purification process.

The process is slow but it worked.

Slowly but surely with the assistance of Excalibur Vicky took out the Durandal and the elder’s wand along with his wand.

He used all of them to form a small magic formation of purification.

Excalibur and Durandal are made of same origin metal so they can resonate.

Then Vicky used the elder’s wand as the central medium with its death energy connecting to the power life energy of Vicky’s wand.

This is a purification of death and life converting the very nature of energy.

With the magic formation changing the magic circle a little to support Vicky the process or absorbing the dragon heart began.

Slowly small drops of blood red mercury like liquid came out of the Morgan’s heart at the connecting point of Excalibur.

It massed through the Excalibur and the floated between the two wands and then reached the tip of Durandal and slowly passed on its surface.

Finally it entered the hand of Vicky and entered into his bloodline.

Vicky felt like his nerves, bones, vines and everything in his body was passing burning volcano through them.

Vicky did not waver and stood firm on spot bearing all the pain without fainting.

The process went on for another 6 months.

During this time the appearance of Morgan changed.

The main difference appeared in her hair.

Her blood red hair turned back to green slowly bit by big.

Vicky did not show many changes or lost control of his will and personality.

He persisted till the end and finally the process complete.

At that time the Excalibur flew out of the heart of Morgan and she regained her consciousness.

The Excalibur and Durandal along with his wands flew around him forming a magic circle helping him stabilize the dragon heart.

It will take time for Vicky to completely integrate the dragon heart with his heart.

She looked at Vicky with astonished eyes and said

“Thank you”

She gave Vicky a spirit blessing of healing……


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