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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 71: harry and Ron apologizes to Vicky

His research notes is with Vicky that was already thoroughly studied.

So it is not a problem to use this to capture Bellatrix right now.

After the arrangements Vicky moved on with his work about repairing the crown of raven claw.

This time Vicky did not send gifts to everyone.

He only sent to the girls he loved and few other people like family and friends.

At the same time he received many gifts back for Christmas.

For the next 10+ days Vicky is doing various things of completing his plan, some trail and errors.

Also he did not forget to restore the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw.

It would take longer till the end of February.

On January 11th Vicky returned from the holidays and on January 13thVicky arrived at the Azkaban prison leaving his clone at the school.

He put on his black robe with invisibility cloak inside to cover his body.

It will appear like the black robe is flying around just like dementors.

When the cell of the prison was broken and the prisoners started to escape Vicky took the opportunity to capture Bellatrix and apparate to his place.

He already knocked out Bellatrix first and took her wand away from her.

After taking her to a prepared independent house Vicky directly dislocated her joints.

She was tied to a chair and a female house elf was arranged to take care of Bellatrix.

Vicky has already told the house elf on how to treat Bellatrix and all of her punishment was arranged.

Even if Bellatrix shouted the sound would not reach out because of the insulation formation in the house.

Bellatrix is going to enjoy the life of a common muggle house wife that.

Well there are no chores but there is a TV that plays those senseless serials with peace and tranquility.

If she did not become mad in the next few months Vicky would help her cure her sadistic and over active nature.

Till then she will be here.

Vicky doesn’t want her to mingle with dark lord.

Nothing happened in that month.

Hagrid came back and the group of Vicky and Ron went to meet with him.

Hermione is still not with harry or Ron.

On the other hand Harry and Ron are guilty to face Vicky.

When they found Hagrid they started to speak about the task that Hagrid received.

It was to talk to the giants.

“The giants are bending towards the side of you know who while I tried to talk to them to come to our side.

But Vicky appeared suddenly and talked to the giants with the help of other magical creatures.

After speaking to them about some things they decided to follow Vicky.

If not for him then those giants should have followed you know who and they would have attacked us as opponents.

Fortunately Vicky came at the right time to stop all of that.

Also where is Hermione and where is Vicky.

Why did they not come with you?”

When Hagrid asked about that harry and Ron are looking at their feet unable to say anything.

Harry and Ron explained what happened and Hagrid deeply scolded them for the first time for their stupidity.

He called them that they are stupider than trolls.

After that he suggested them to reconcile with Vicky and Hermione quickly before the bonds really broke and they separated completely.

That evening Harry and Ron found Vicky and apologized to him.

Vicky accepted their apology quickly and spoke to them normally.

Vicky also told them that they should apologize to Hermione as she tried to help them but they returned it with harsh words.

They moved on to apologize to Hermione.

Vicky already told her if she wanted to forgive them she can forgive them.

It was her choice and he would not interfere with her choice.

During this time Penelope came over as she completed her Auror training successfully.

Vicky made the appeal that she is sent to serve him as body guard too.

With the pressure from Gringotts and various business families it was a quick work.

She is now with Nymphadora as Nymphadora trained her in some things that are not taught in the traditional Auror training.

They are having fun at Hogsmeade.

During that time Neville met with Vicky and Vicky told Neville that his progress is going well with the insanity thing and there is a possibility for cure.

Neville was sad that Bellatrix has escaped from the Azkaban prison.


Time moved on slowly and it was Valentine’s Day when Vicky went out on a date with all of his girlfriends.

Well they first went to Hogsmeade and then under Vicky’s suggestion he took them to a carnival that is happening at London.

After they enjoyed enough Vicky was given chocolate from all of them.

Vicky got the first kisses from all these girls.

But the first girl that would get Vicky’s first kiss was chosen among them with rock paper scissor.

The winner is surprisingly Luna.

The kisses are sweet as Vicky used their chocolate during the kiss.

Vicky brought them many clothes that they liked and many stuffed toys of their liking.

Then they returned back to Hogsmeade and returned back to Hogwarts.

At that time Vicky saw that harry is giving an interview to Rita Skeeter.

Rita recognized Vicky and she ran over with a chocolate to give it directly to Vicky.

She was very happy to give the chocolate to Vicky and she is not that shy like other girls.

She really looked like Marlin Monroe.

If Vicky can refine a youth potion then he would definitely turn her young and pull her into his women.

For now he can only thank her and gave her a small piece of paper in return.

“Thank you for your hard work and there will be rewards in the future along with surprises Miss Rita.”

This is what that was written in the paper that……...

Chapter 72: the Ravenclaw’s artifact knowledge core

“Thank you for your hard work and there will be rewards in the future along with surprises Miss Rita.”

This is what that was written in the paper that Vicky gave her.


They returned back and the school continued as usual.

On 21stFebruary there is a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

But harry, and Weasley twins are banned from participating.

The final result is that Ginny took the place of harry as seeker and Ron went as the goal keeper.

He failed to stop over 14 goals.

Even though Ginny catch the snitch they still lost their match by 10 points.

Later on 23rd the quibblers have published the article about the interview with harry potter that Rita Skeeter took during the Valentine’s Day.

This increased the tensions even more and harry became the prime target of ministry.

Sirius was once again taken into custody thinking that he was the one that planned the escape of the 10 prisoners of Azkaban.

Well he escaped but everyone knows that he is an Animagus so he was searched in both human and dog form.

On the other hand Dolores started to concentrate on harry and his student organization more.

His interview on quibblers was forbidden from reading in school by her but it has opposite effect on the people.

In March Firenze was appointed for divination class in place of Trelawney.

That month passed by and Vicky has repaired the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw was repaired by Vicky and he is waiting for a perfect time to use it.

During this time Vicky visited Bellatrix.

She was unable to adapt to the peaceful and happy environment and the serials that show happiness has made her even madder.

But she is adapting to the current situation.

So Vicky let her be and gave some more instructions to the house elf that is taking care of the things.

On one weekend Vicky placed the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw on the head of her statue.

Immediately it was recognized and a light flashed in the eyes of her statue.

After that the hidden entrance opened.

Vicky took the crown and entered the hidden room under the statue.

Inside the underground chamber there is another statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

Inside the statue is the knowledge core of Rowena Ravenclaw.

When Vicky put on the crown on the head of the statue immediately the statue became life like and the trace of soul of Rowena Ravenclaw started to speak.

In the simulations Vicky found that if he did not remove the Horcrux of Voldemort and put the crown of this main statue it was easily and slow corrupted over time.

The life like statue of Rowena Ravenclaw looked at Vicky and asked what era and year it was.

After Vicky answered her, she asked a series of questions to Vicky.

Questions that are asked by her are logical, psychological, hypothetical….

It is like she is trying to study the character of Vicky through these questions.

Vicky answered them all and the finally analysis she said.

“You are walking on the thin line of good and evil and stand on the side that gives you more profits.

But your thirst for knowledge and power are unimaginable level.

This thirst is not for destroying other.

Instead it is for you and your loved ones.

You are fit to receive my knowledge collection.

Use it wisely my descendent.

Since you are a man you can change the appearance of the crown to any other accessory based on your thoughts that suits your needs.”

After speaking these words the life like statue returned to life less state and the crown flew over to the hands of Vicky.

Vicky turned it into a necklace and put it on his neck close to his head.

Well he wanted to turn it into a ring at first but it would attract more attention towards him so he changed it to necklace.

After putting it on he was able to enter a large virtual library like place filled with all kinds of knowledge.

He doesn’t have to read it manually.

As long as he wants to get the information it was searched through the knowledge core in seconds and the information will be passed on to his brain.

He has to analyze it on his own or he can get the analysis that Rowena Ravenclaw made.

There is information on blood curses.

There is information on Morgan le Fay.

There is information of the creatures mutated by dragon blood.

There is even information related to the seals of the world.

Just like that there are all kinds of information.

Vicky started to learn the things from his current needs.

That is not all this artifact of Rowena Ravenclaw acts as a second brain that would help Vicky analyze things faster than he usually can.

It is like having a capable assistant to plan, collect information and help analyze things for him.

This made him very happy.

First he is going to understand about the curing of insanity.

Then he wants to cure the blood curses.

After that he would go on and find the creatures with dragon bloodline.

Then he would get the treasures of Avalon and Merlin.

Finally he would find a way to break the seal.

Also there is this thing related to the elder’s wand, invisibility cloak and resurrection stone.

They things should be studied as well.

With the help of the extra thinking power he made a plan to deal with all these things.

Since the classes did not mean much to him Vicky went around ordering things for refining the potions that can cure insanity.

Well he wants to try this potion on Bellatrix too if possible.

He used his simulation to carry out the refining process few time to get the results right.

The money he spent on simulation is less than the wastage on materials that might be caused by failing to refine the potion properly……..

Chapter 73: insanity recovery potion

He used his simulation to carry out the refining process few time to get the results right.

The money he spent on simulation is less than the wastage on materials that might be caused by failing to refine the potion properly.

Finally the potion was refined.

Also he refined Felix Felicis for the past 6 months.

He has figured it that as long as he has luck potion on hand, his other self in the simulations can easily use the luck potion to make great achievements.

Previously he did not think of that now it was not too late.

So, he speeds up the process in various things.

Around at the end of March, Vicky was able to refine the potion to cure the insanity.

It works properly in the simulation curing both of Neville’s parents.

Vicky immediately went to the hospital where Neville's parents are and cured them.

They returned back to normal but their minds are still in the time when they lost their mind.

They needs time to recover.

This good news was passed on to the order and Neville that was able to come here and see his parents with the permission of Dumbledore.

Snape was really intrigued by the potion that Vicky made and it works with two live proofs.

Both the parents of Neville were kept in observation as the potion was new and it needs time for knowing if there are any side effects.

Neville was really happy and has decided to follow Vicky blindly from now on.

The name of Vicky was spread far and wide immediately with his new potion.

Snape really wanted to send Vicky for some potions competitions.

Flitwick wanted to send Vicky for dueling competitions.

Mcgonagall wanted to send Vicky for some transfigurations competitions.

Well all of them have to wait for the next year as there are some special situations waiting for Vicky.

Minister fudge still appreciated Vicky and did not show any signs of being threatened by Vicky before.

Even Dolores was silent without making any move towards Vicky because she saw the popularity of Vicky took another big turn.

She was sure that any mode of comment from her is enough to destroy her and her family.

Also Vicky has some really dangerous fans that she doesn’t want to provoke.

On the first of April the room of requirements was discovered and the door was broken.

Inside harry and the people from Dumbledore’s army were discovered.

Hermione is not there in this group and her name was already removed from the list when Ron was angry before.

It was not reentered yet.

So all of this was taken up on harry and Ron.

On the other hand after they are caught Dumbledore has left resisting the arrest.

On the very next day that is on 2nd April, Dolores Umbridge has become the head mistress of Hogwarts.

Actually the organization of harry was discovered by Colin that accidentally caught by Draco and others.

But none of them dared to touch Vicky or his group.

More people wanted to join Vicky’s group but Vicky would not let them join.

The girls that did not wait for him before at the Yule ball were really regretting their decision.

Not anyone can join Vicky’s group.

Fred and George lit up fireworks causing a student rebellion on 2nd of April.

On 22ndApril both Fred and George create another big mess and leaves Hogwarts on their broom sticks.

On that very day they met up with Vicky in front of the ninety-three, Diagon Alley.

Vicky has already given them the financial aid and made arrangements for their store.

Everything was ready before they arrived based on the design that they have choose.

The construction and arrangement were done by Vicky’s construction and decorative company.

The store was named as Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes.

Vicky is one of the sleeping partners for this company with 30 percent of the shares, while the Weasley brothers held the 60 percent.

10 percent was given to Ginny under the words of Vicky as she is Vicky’s women and her share of money was paid by Vicky.

With that their store is set.

At the start of May the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was held.

The match ended in 12 minutes with Vicky catching the snitch.

No one said anything to Ginny as Vicky moved extra fast like a night hawk.

On that day, Hagrid on the other hand called Vicky, Hermione, harry and Ron to show them his brother.

He was sure that he will be kicked out of Hogwarts soon and wanted someone to take care of his brother.

Well Hermione can easily control him from doing anything stupid.

With that there is no more problem

Vicky decided to accept this.

As long as Vicky is present they would not touch Hagrid’s brother.

With Vicky’s words Hagrid calmed down.

Ron on the side is really sad and he liked Hermione but now she and his sister are on Vicky’s side.

But he cannot do anything about that.

His inferiority complex is flaring up.


That month has no more changes while Vicky’s insanity recovery potion was a big success saving many powerful wizards that fell into insanity during their experiments.

Just in royalties Vicky got hundreds and thousands of gold galleons from all over the world.

The money was reinvested in other fields that had good future prospective.

At the same time this potion worked a little on Bellatrix and her mind is much clearer but her personality did not have much change.

In June the OWL exams started.

O.W.L.s occurs over the span of two weeks.

Here’s the full schedule.

First week of O.W.L.s:

Monday – Charms (written exam in the morning and practical in the afternoon);

Tuesday – Transfiguration (written exam in the morning and practical in the afternoon);

Wednesday – Herbology; Thursday – DADA (written and practical),

Friday – Ancient Runes (Hermione and Vicky sits this, but Harry and Ron do not.)

Second weeks of O.W.L.s…….

Chapter 74: department of mysteries

Second weeks of O.W.L.s:

Monday – Potions (written exam in morning and practical in afternoon);

Tuesday – Care of Magical Creatures (practical in afternoon);

Wednesday – Astronomy and Divination (Astronomy theory in morning, Divination in afternoon, Astronomy practical at night);

Thursday – History of Magic (at 2:00 PM)


On 19thJune Hagrid was attacked by Dolores while he ran away carrying fang.

Professor Mcgonagall tried to help but she was stunned and taken to a hospital.

On 20thJune the final OWL exam is going on while Harry had a vision of Sirius being tortured by Voldemort.

Harry wanted to go to ministry of magic to save Sirius but was caught by Dolores.

No one harry there is also Ron.

But Neville, Hermione, Ginny and Luna are not there with them.

Hermione still wanted to help and harry passed on the news about Sirius to Snape that came on the call of Dolores.

Hermione said that she knows the location of the secret weapon of Dumbledore.

Dolores doesn’t want to attack Hermione as she knows that Hermione belongs to Vicky.

So she thought that Vicky is helping them to gain some favor.

She followed Hermione with harry at the point of the wand.

Vicky was also there guiding the brother of Hagrid to make an act to gain the allegiance of the centaurs.

Right when Dolores attacked a centaur Vicky did not act but waited for a moment and then told the brother of Hagrid t o catch Dolores.

The wand of Dolores was taken by Vicky making a sudden appearance.

Grawp let go of Dolores towards the centaurs.

“Vicky, help me.

I know that you are angry with my actions but please help me.

I will make the minister of magic do anything you ask…please help me…”

As she shout being carried away by the centaurs.

Vicky did not stop them or do anything to help Dolores.

On the other hand Vicky cast a memory curse to get a copy of her memory and the key to her Gringotts vault.

She is from a noble family and she has plenty of cash.

Vicky would not just let it go.

So he took everything from her before the centaurs take her away.

After that Vicky, Hermione and harry returned back to Hogwarts.

Harry on the way asked Vicky to help him save Sirius that was currently captured by Voldemort.

Vicky agreed and directly took them to the fire place that was not locked.

Vicky can apparate but he cannot apparate so many people at the same time.

So he chose something easier.

Vicky used the wand of Dolores to incapacitate the people in the inquisition.

Vicky did not take many only Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

He doesn’t want others to participate in this fight.

They have to maintain order at Hogwarts and help arranging the remaining members of Vicky’s group.

Vicky, harry, Hermione and Ron came to the department of mysteries.

Harry heard prophesy about himself and was astounded.

In the room of prophesies there is no Sirius or any image of torture as if it did not happen at all.

It was what Voldemort wanted harry to see.

So there is nothing here.

Instead there are death eaters along with Lucius Malfoy that is leading them.

Unfortunately for them Bellatrix is not present with them.

Vicky has already told her about Voldemort being a half blood and proved it with the true register and other proofs about the birth of Voldemort.

She became mad again but the insanity recovery potion helped her to keep her sanity.

She is still recovering after finding some truth and some lies.

Coming back to the situation there are around 8 death eaters along with Lucius Malfoy while there are only four of them present to resist.

Vicky did not fear and Hermione did not fear either.

Harry has some fear while Ron feared the most.

While getting close Lucius spoke about the connection between harry and Voldemort.

Then they started to fight.

Vicky hands moved the fasters and hit four of the death eaters with strong curses to break their bones using the wand of Dolores.

Vicky did not use his wand even now.

He doesn’t want to get implicated.

As long as he is out he can save Hermione even if things go wrong.

Hermione hit one Harry hit one and Ron missed.

When they entered the door again they fell into a hall way where there is a big door like setting with a veil fluttering.

This is the room of death.

Vicky knows that this big structure was not built by the ministry of magic or the wizards of England.

Instead they took it from the original site of Azkaban where a dark wizard used to live and research death.

It is said that the dementors came out of this gate way to the world of death but no one knows that truth.

Vicky doesn’t care about the truth or lie but this thing is bad in the hands of the morons like minister of magic and other idiots.

Vicky would take his time to take this thing away from here later.

For now the death eaters started to attack them with all their might.

They caught Ron.

Hermione was not caught because of her excellent physique that was trained by Vicky.

Vicky directly kicked the ball of the man that tried to catch him.

Only Ron was caught and harry was trying to resist their attacks.

Harry gave the prophesy ball to Lucius Malfoy when the people from the order of phoenix arrived here.

They started to attack fight back with the dark wizards.

Nymphadora also came here to fight and she came to Vicky and said.

“You went to fight in such an exciting battle,

Why don’t you call me for the fun?”

As she said that she started to fight with the death eaters.

Since there is no Bellatrix, Sirius did not die.

But the people here were attacked and attacked……...

Chapter 75: blood curse removal

Since there is no Bellatrix, Sirius did not die.

But the people here were attacked and attacked till they are in the main walk way of the ministry of magic.

At that time Voldemort appeared in the hallway to attack.

Dumbledore appeared at the right moment when the fight is going to happen and took the chance to fight against Voldemort.

Vicky did not intervene nor did anything other than staying on the side to watch the show.

The show is spectacular and there are many things flying around.

Vicky made a shield to cover himself, Hermione and Nymphadora.

With that they are fine to watch.

Right when the fight is about to end the minister of magic appeared and found that the Voldemort is back.

This almost caused him to have heart attack.

Dumbledore took harry away from here to his office and talked to him about his prophesy.

He also told him that he might have to die for killing Voldemort.

Knowing that harry was really depressed.

Sirius did not die.

On the other hand Vicky took the chance to hand Ron to his brother Percy while he took Hermione back to school.

Dolores was removed from all of her positions and she will be investigated for all of her crimes.

Vicky did not have to care about any of that.

Dumbledore became the headmaster of Hogwarts again.

Even Hagrid is back.

Things started to move at a faster pace.

The words of Vicky about Dumbledore did not use all of his power to set things right was reverberated in the ears of harry.

He has already suffered so much all of his life.

Most of it was caused by Voldemort but some of the things are caused by the inaction of Dumbledore.

All these things made harry unable to believe in the words of Dumbledore.

At the same time he was depressed by his sad life.

He really wanted to ask Vicky for help in this matter.

He felt that Vicky is actually supporting him more than Dumbledore.

Soon the summer vacation started and Ravenclaw won the house cup again.

Vicky’s points balance has reached 1400.

He will be able to reach 2000 points if he worked hard in the future.

With that he will be able to get some good rewards.

He is currently trying to break the bloodline curse.

His reach has almost reached its end.

Only a few more days are required to break the bloodline curse.

Any way the summer vacation started giving the time he needed to do things.

Harry is in a dilemma about what to do during this time.

Sirius was still there and did not die like in the plot.

So he stayed in the black’s house with Sirius.

It was the end of June when Vicky perfected the method to break the bloodline curse.

Recently he is gaining money from all directions.

Well the returns on money he invested and other things are returning now.

So he is using the simulations to solve things quickly.

He first tested the removal of the bloodline curse on Nagini that was starved and powerless.

The process is slow and it took him 5 hours to return her back to the original state and the curse is completely removed from her bloodline and her genes.

She or her descendents would no longer have to worry about the bloodline cures.

She did not lose her mind but she is extremely weak after transforming back to human.

Vicky gave her some food and let her rest for a few days before talking to her.

Vicky also collected his thoughts and rested for the day.

In the morning next day he went to Greengrass family and talked to the father of Daphne Greengrass about removing the blood curse that was activated in Astoria.

At the same time he wants to remove the blood curse gene in the body of Daphne so that her future descendents would not have any more blood curse activation.

Well he did not believe at first but he still wanted to give it a try.

They showed him a basement room for the ritual of curse removal.

Vicky with the help of house elves made a huge magic circle and few rare elements are placed at the specified corners.

Astoria really trusted Vicky and loved Vicky so she stood and did as Vicky told her to do.

Previously Nagini would not listen to Vicky’s words so he has to starve her to make her weak and help her remove her blood curse.

But Astoria would listen to Vicky so the process is much smoother.

Vicky gave her a potion so that she could endure the pain.

After that Vicky chanted the spell and started the cleansing process.

The time passed by slowly and 3 hours later Astoria fell on the floor sleeping because of exhaustion.

There is a small ball of blood floating in the air.

Vicky immediately told Daphne to take her sister and the blood was controlled by Vicky to a beaker and sealed it.

After Astoria was fed with some food she recovered quickly and was able to speak.

Her father tested and found that the blood curse is completely removed.

Now it was Daphne’s turn.

Vicky rested for an hour and ate something.

The house elves formed the magic circle again and the new set of elements is placed.

The elements cost over 1000 galleons.

Vicky doesn’t care about the cost of money when it comes to his women.

So another three hours later Daphne was also saved from the blood curse.

The amount of blood inside is much smaller than that of Astoria.

With that removed she did not have to worry about her future descendents would awaken the blood curse.

After solving the problems here Vicky left letting them rest and recover as he has other things to do.

He went back to speak to Nagini.

She was awake and recovering well.

Her current age should be 69……...

Chapter 76: a busy summer vacation

She was awake and recovering well.

Her current age should be 69 but for some reason she did not seem to be aged over 20 years.

Most probably, this is because of the bloodline curse and beast genes inside.

During this time there is a power change.

First fudge resigned as the minister and Rufus Scrimgeour becomes the new minister of magic.

Vicky did not have many things to care this month other than saving Amelia Bones as she is the aunt of his women Susan bones.

So Vicky decided to make a visit.

At the same time he spoke to Nagini to know what her thoughts are.

If she wants to leave Vicky would send her away but if she wants to join him then he would accept that too.

He needs a capable secretary and she can fit the bill perfectly.

She has already been in one war so she can manage things in another war that would start in this month.

In order to repay Vicky and also she did not have anywhere else to go, she decided to work for Vicky.

Vicky gave her the job and some of the details.

Vicky has to thoroughly check her loyalty towards him before giving her too much information.

So he only gave her some simple things to do.


First of all he saved Amelia Bones and few other members of order of phoenix.

Then he became quite again till 13th of July.

On that day the results of OWL were released.

Vicky got Exceeds Expectations in all of the results which did not appear usually.

At the same time his girls also got the same results with a little less in the subjects that they did not do well.

But still the results shocked the people.

After that things calmed down again.

Vicky’s is still in the process of refining more Felix Felicis during this time.

Taking extra might cause some big problems but he can distribute it to his women and at some times it can save their lives with a little bit of luck.

But refining this potion requires at least 6 months of time.

During this time Dumbledore used harry as bait and the results of Vicky and his girls to bring slug horn back to Hogwarts as the potions teacher while the Snape steps into the defense against dark arts teacher.

Soon it was august as Vicky was running around completing his plans.

There are a few excavations with Xenophilius Lovegood to excavate some artifacts and secrets.

Vicky also tried to improve his current levels as much as possible with the money on hand.

Well he kept some for checking the future when required.

The unbreakable bond between Snape and Narcissa did not happen.

Bellatrix is still Vicky’s captive that is going through her punishment.

Vicky took his girls to visit the store of Fred and George.

Around that time Ron and harry were also there.

Ron wanted to buy something for Hermione as gift but she did not even look at him.

Harry is trying his best to get some girl.

Well he turned 16 and he has to try and get a girl friend for his future.

Lavender Brown was interested in Ron and Vicky would be happy to make them a match so that he would not pester Hermione.

Ron tried to buy something but the price got doubled because he was their brother.

This made Ron speechless.

Vicky and Ginny were co partners of this store so they can get things they wanted without paying much.

Vicky bought the things that his girls wanted while harry and Ron went chase Draco and his mum.

Vicky sent the girls back to their homes and while at the house of Hannah Abbott Vicky told her mother that she should be careful.

He got information that she might be attacked by death eaters soon.

Vicky left a house elf here to take care of her when needed.

Since it is war time the house elves no longer needed to follow the rules of not using magic wands and other things.

Vicky even prepared wands for all of his house elves.

There are over 50 house elves that are working for Vicky and he thoroughly got their trust and loyalty.

This is the secret no one knows and it is also the defense that Vicky prepared for him and his loved ones.

With the things arranged Vicky moved back to his house and started to practice.

Soon it was September first and Vicky got on the Hogwarts express.

His girls are with him and the pestering boys are everywhere.

Well they all turned 16 and most of them became interested in love right around this time.

All of Vicky’s girls are beauties and they wanted to crack them down to their side with their handsome and rich appearance.

Usually when the people are in puberty or blinded by love they would not care about other people’s strengths.

They did not care about Vicky but it did not stop his girls from retaliating for Vicky.

So each of these men that came to pester Vicky’s women got some good beating which is more on the physical side.

They got panda eyes and crocked noses.

They were physically punched instead of using magic.

Nymphadora and Penelope were stationed at Hogsmeade.

Percy Weasley that wagged his tail behind Penelope for so long suddenly found a daughter of a higher official and immediately started to droll around her instead.

Penelope finally saw the true nature of Percy.

This made her relieved that the prediction of Vicky is really true.

If she were to really love Percy then he would have simply abandoned her.

At least Vicky is much better than him and took good care of her all this time.

She was happy that she made the right decision at the right time so that her life did not spoil trusting the wrong man.

In the Hogwarts express……...

Chapter 77: warning Draco

She was happy that she made the right decision at the right time so that her life did not spoil trusting the wrong man.

In the Hogwarts express Ginny uses the Bat Bogey Hex on Zacharias Smith that is pestering her.

This was seen by slug horn and he wanted her to be in his club too.

He came here to invite Vicky and harry for his little meeting on the Hogwarts express.

Vicky went to the meeting but he doesn’t want to waste hours of time.

So he excused himself early without any shame or fear.

Slug horn was a little disappointed but still he did not say anything.

He thought that Vicky is just arrogant because of his fame.

Soon they are at Hogwarts.

Vicky greeted Hagrid and then moved on.

In the dining hall Ron is like a pig and he channeled all his anger and jealousy towards his hunger to make his appetite grow.

Harry did not take the potions class as he already got an outstanding in his previous OWLS.

But this time under the suggestion of professor Mcgonagall he and Ron came to potions class.

Vicky would not let harry take the book of half blood prince.

The curses in it are not for harry to learn.

Vicky is already in the potions class along with Hermione and other students.

From the third year onwards there are no fixed classes instead it was elective.

So there is no special schedule for most of the classes that only these houses should enter the class.

Because of this reason Vicky and his girls took the classes that are needed practical studies while he let them learn the theory.

Slughorn did not care about a book so Vicky went to the cupboard to take the book with the name of half blood prince earlier this morning.

It is one of the books in the collection of books.

So Vicky took it silently and put it inside his space.

Any way he got the knowledge core with his him that can let him analyze and study the things quickly.

Unfortunately he cannot bring back Helena Ravenclaw from the dead to repay for helping Vicky.

Any way he got the book and its list of spells while harry did not get any advantage here.

The potion making started and Vicky was able to refine the potion faster and perfectly winning the Felix Felicis also known as liquid luck.

Harry’s advantage in this matter is gone but Vicky did not mind as he thought that harry is more useless in doing things and more on the impulsive side.


On the other hand Draco is more on the stable side of doing things.

Actually he is repairing the cabinet that can connect two places.

This way he can let the death eaters enter into Hogwarts through the cabinet.

Vicky did not interfere with the process as he liked that cabinet to use at another place.

For now he is going to let Draco repair that thing.

But he is still under observation.


There was an attack on the mother of Hannah Abbott.

But she was saved by the house elf that Vicky stationed with her for protection.

The Quidditch practices started with harry as the captain of the Quidditch team.

Ron did not get to join as a keeper because Hermione did not mess with Mclaggen’s broom.

But still Mclaggen was selected as a chaser so Ron became a keeper.

Ginny decided to quit Quidditch because she has other things to do.

During this time Vicky got some choice rewards that are used to improve the potential of his women and they have become strong.

Also most of the time Vicky did not go along with the choices of the system,

Instead he made his own choices without rewards from the system.

These choices are made to alter the plot slightly to let him have what he wanted instead of following the choices of the system.

Previously the system wanted him to choose the side of dark lord or harry potter.

Instead Vicky created a third force that did not take any side and stand on the edge to watch the show.

The time passed by quickly and it was already October.

Vicky is making good progress along with his women.

On October 12th Vicky came to the three broomsticks bar along with his girls.

Hermione got a cat’s moustache while drinking the butter beer.

Vicky smiled at her and he observed the surroundings.

Madam Rosmerta looked a little strange and Vicky already knows that she is under the Imperius Curse.

At that time Katie bells went to toilet and Vicky knows that it was time when Madam Rosmerta would act.

She tried to use the Imperius Curse on Katie bells one of Vicky’s women.

Vicky immediately used the counter attack spell and stopped her from harming his women.

Then he removed the Imperius Curse on her too.

But she did not remember who used the Imperius Curse on her but the command give to her is to give this package to Katie bells and let her deliver it professor Dumbledore.

With the situation averted everything was normal and Vicky personally went to visit Draco.

Of course he went straight to the Slytherin common room without any obstructions on the way.

Then he went to the room of Draco.

There he directly hit the joints of Draco with a straight attack and then gave him a clear warning.

“Draco, you should ask your father or mother about the consequences of messing with my people.

Since this is the first mistake, I am not going to do anything to you looking at the face of your mother.

If I found that you did something to my people then you should bear the consequences at that time.

Trust me you really don’t want to face the consequences of messing with me.”

After saying that Vicky left like nothing happened.

Then he went to……….

Chapter 78: Slughorn’s Christmas party

After saying that Vicky left like nothing happened.

Then he went to do his things as usual.

No one stopped him during the entire time.

After Vicky left Draco felt his back full of sweat.

He felt so much fear that he did not feel the same even if he is in front of the Voldemort.

The level of killing intent that Vicky has was cultivated after killing countless people.

His will is hardened with vicissitudes of life.

The time passed by and Vicky used his money to improve his level at the same time found new knowledge to understand from the knowledge core of the Rowena Ravenclaw.

He processed the things he did not understand before and the information related to seals.

But before all of that Vicky found the locations of some rare mythical creatures and the killing processes.

He needed this information to adapt his body to the true dragon bloodline.

With that he can go to Avalon and get what he wanted.

Soon it was November and the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin started.

Because of the low confidence Ron was unable to hold on but still Gryffindor won because of harry catching the snitch.

Well they just barely won.

During that time Vicky was a little hard on people that tried to get his women.

Romilda Vane is one of Vicky’s women and she is obsessed with him from the very start.

She did not go after harry or even leave Vicky when the Yule ball takes place.

Actually she is the most confident one that Vicky would definitely dance with her at the Yule ball.

She is conceited but she would not use it towards Vicky.

As long as it is good for Vicky she would be happy.

She has the same level of obsession that Bellatrix has for Voldemort in a way.

Fortunately she would not harm the other women of Vicky because she fears that Vicky would hate her for this.

Instead she would take lead to create harmonious situation in the group.

She tried her best to the extent that she was able to easily get along with Luna that every other person including Hermione would think of a lunatic.

She doesn’t mind Vicky having other women, all she wanted is his love.

Vicky would not let go of such a character.

Even Voldemort would not want to let go of such a character in his group that is the reason why death eaters are still trying to find Bellatrix.

It has been over 6 months since they lost contact over her.

They are searching for her in secret all the time.

Voldemort did not have love for Bellatrix.

He only values her loyalty.

On the other hand Vicky really loves Romilda just like he loves his women.

Vicky was invited to the party of slughorn but Vicky specifically told professor slughorn that he has 20 girls he liked and he cannot just bring one for show.

So he asked if it is okay to bring all 20 along.

For the Christmas party of slug horn Vicky attended with all of his women in toe.

Some of them are the women that professor slughorn was interested in having as student while the other are also excelled in their own fields.

Slughorn was deeply shocked by the women that Vicky had.

If everything is correct Vicky would have 20 strong and loving women that each excelled in different fields that are extremely loyal to him.

For the first time he was jealous of a kid that was around 16 years old.

Also he heard the achievements of Vicky and his contributions to the order of phoenix.

It is especially so for the unprecedented receiving of three Merlin medals at the same time by Vicky.

He sighed as the party was over quickly.

On the other hand Vicky met with lavender brown that was interested in Ron.

Vicky told her that he completely support her for loving Ron as a friend and she had his blessings for luck to get his hand in marriage in the future.

Lavender brown was very happy with the words of Vicky and she tried her best to get Ron.

Well Ron has the reputation of being the lover of Krum but it was old news and hardly anyone remembers something like that now.

Vicky helped lavender in getting along with Ron.

Also Vicky told her about the things Ron liked so that they would not simply separate after a few kisses.

With that they are set.

On the other hand harry can find someone from the muggle world as he is much better suited outside rather than here.

Also Vicky doesn’t want to bring anyone close to harry right now because there is a chance that things could get ugly in the next year when death eaters attack Hogwarts.

There is also Neville that needs a good woman.

Vicky doesn’t want to treat him bad as Neville is much better than harry in many places.

Any way his parents are alright so things would happen easily later without his interference.

The Christmas party is over and harry went to look at what Draco came here for.

Unfortunately harry did not have the invisibility cloak so he did not get to eavesdrop on the conversation between Draco and Snape.

But he was doubtful.

On the other hand harry became more and more interested in Ginny.

Unfortunately Ginny sticks to Vicky most of the time other than her important classes separated by house.

Also unfortunately Ron gets to eat something mixed with love potion again which was done by some other girls that target harry.

So harry did not have a choice but to take Ron to professor slughorn to get the antidote.

Well Ron went there on his own thinking of something about the girls that wanted to attend Slughorn’s Christmas party with harry.

Harry helped Ron to call for professor slughorn to cure Ron in his current situation……..

Chapter 79: death of Dumbledore

Well Ron went there on his own thinking of something about the girls that wanted to attend Slughorn’s Christmas party with harry.

Harry helped Ron to call for professor slughorn to cure Ron in his current situation.

Ron was cured of love potion but then he was poisoned by the drink for Dumbledore.

In the hospital when he woke up the person beside him is actually lavender brown.

Hermione is not there.

He wanted to think of her name but lavender brown is right beside him and he still thinks that the poison is caused by girls.

So he did not dare to speak out his thoughts.

Any way lavender brown cared for him so much.

So he settled down to his fate.

There is no particular change in the plot during the next few days other than training and researching.

Around 20th of April Aragog died and harry came to ask Vicky if there is an idea to solve his problem with professor slughorn.

Actually Vicky already gave them the information on Horcrux.

But the doubting nature of Dumbledore has made him want to find out the main cause of the entire incident related to Horcrux.

So he asked harry to get the real memory of the conversation between slug horn and Voldemort in his prime.

Vicky sighed and gave a vial of luck potion.

Without that they will not be able to find the truth.

Any way Vicky got more than 10 vials of luck potion stored along with phoenix tears for emergency usages.

Harry got what he needed and Vicky got his peace back.

Well there is a fight between harry and Draco but it was not that destructive has Draco was bleeding all over.

Instead they each got good amount of beating each other and they were caught by Snape.

With that they served the detention together again.

In May the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw happened and once again Vicky won with a clear victory.

Ravenclaw got the Quidditch cup again.

With that over there is nothing for Vicky to do but to prepare for the time to steal the elder’s wand at the right time.

During that time Dumbledore and harry went to kill another Horcrux.

Well this is a fool’s errand but what can Vicky say they are fools.

They are acting now when everything is burnt instead of acting when they could stop the madness and saved lives before.

Nothing matters to Vicky other than his women and loved ones so he did not care about that.

He kept his eyes on the time when Dumbledore and harry returns.

The death of Dumbledore, Vicky would not stop it.

He put on the invisibility cloak and was ready in the high tower.

His clones are already at various places checking the things.

Without Bellatrix these death eaters act like brainless idiots without a proper leader.

Snape killed Dumbledore while harry is watching from below.

At that time Vicky’s clones shot at Draco that was trying to escape.

But any big spell only a little disarming spell.

With this the ownership of the elder’s wand was transferred to Vicky.

At the same time the clone of Vicky vanished from that place.

The original body appeared silently beside the elder’s wand and replaced it with the duplicate that he prepared earlier.

This duplicate wand would blast and curse the person that uses it next which is Voldemort.

The curse would act at the right time to make his soul sever its connections to the mortal world automatically.

This was one of the curse information that Vicky got from the knowledge core.

Vicky used it perfectly with strong arrangements in the duplicate wand.

After that he silently left from the tower and went to Snape’s room and study.

There are many curses and trigger traps here but it was child’s play for Vicky with the knowledge core helping him analyze things.

Quickly he solved the things and got the entire collection of Snape along with the research results from his study room.

This is not the only place he took things from.

He also went to the room of Dumbledore and took the things he needed.

Well he has to prepare for the future but he still respected the dead.

There is a portrait of Dumbledore and Vicky asked for permission to take the things.

In return Vicky offered the resurrection stone that he already studied for saving harry’s life when necessary.

So the deal is made between them.

While they left Vicky was at the body of Dumbledore along with other people and casted a spell that altered the skull Mark in the sky directly.

Hermione went to talk with harry after that as the will of the world would not like alterations in its path.

During that time the funeral was being held and many people are leaving Hogwarts because without Dumbledore there is no more protection.

Even though Mcgonagall became the head mistress things are still complicated and she cannot compete with Dumbledore.

The funeral is over and harry wanted to leave Hogwarts to go in search of Horcrux.

Hermione returned to Vicky and told him that she wanted to go with harry on his adventure.

Vicky gave her a special Mark that can call him at any given moment from any place on earth.

She can be strong and he would protect her family for her.

Ron on the other hand has to talk with lavender brown before making his decision.

He cannot separate from her as her love melted him.

So he finally convinced her to go with harry.

On the other hand Charity Burbage the muggle studies teacher was taken by the death eaters.

Vicky is not interested but he doesn’t want her to die as she has some roles in his plans.

After he broke the seal of the word the future is unknown so Vicky wanted to make sure that the wizards and muggles must combine into one……..

Chapter 80: warning Voldemort

Vicky is not interested but he doesn’t want her to die as she has some roles in his plans.

After he broke the seal of the word the future is unknown so Vicky wanted to make sure that the wizards and muggles must combine into one.

So people like her area needed.


When the people are assembled at the Malfoy manner and are having a meeting, they came to the topic of killing Charity Burbage.

Right when Voldemort wanted to kill her Vicky appeared suddenly and deflected his killing curse.

Vicky has been practicing that for a long time.

It is not that Dumbledore is strong enough to survive the effects of the killing curse.

But Vicky has found a solution to that from the research of Rowena Ravenclaw.

It is a simple deflection and one has to act fast and be stronger at magic control than the other part.

Vicky got the qualification and directly deflected the killing curse and said.

“Well what she said might not be an abomination but you definitely look like an abomination.

Even a troll looks better than you.

Take a look at your face in the mirror idiot.”

Vicky said standing on the dining table.

He caught Charity Burbage from falling and was about to leave when many people wanted to shoot their curses at Vicky.

The leaving words of Vicky are.

“A bunch of self killing idiots”

What Vicky said is actually true.

The people that shot towards him have hit each other, after Vicky apparate from that place back to Hogwarts.

With that many number of them died and the place collapsed.

Vicky returned to Hogwarts and left Charity Burbage in the hospital wing.

Then he went to the ministry and break the trace that ministry had on Vicky and his people.

Immediately after that his personally trained people and their families are under the fortification directly.

They are neutral and would not start a war.

But whoever attacks them would be the first to receive the burn.

During this time the house elves are moving from place to place delivering the news and information between the families and powers under Vicky.

Fleur, Nymphadora, Penelope and all others are also at Vicky’s place.


On the other hand Voldemort was so angry that his white face became red for a moment.

At the same time he received a letter with printed letters.

It directly started speak instead of letting him read.

“Dear dark lord,

It is good to know that you can out of your turtle shell after so long.

You don’t have to worry about Bellatrix.

I am taking good care of her.

By the way, I am warning you that as long as a death eater targets anyone of my faction people then I will kill them all along with you.

Beware before you make a move.

I don’t care if you are called dark lord or light lord.

Mind your own business and if you want to do business then you are welcome to come to my business organization.

So please don’t become my enemy.

I am busy with my work.”

During these few months Vicky visited Bellatrix sometimes to give her a massage.

Vicky is improving his massaging skill to the sensual level.

So Bellatrix is a guinea pig for Vicky to practice.

At first she resisted a little but the smooth sensation has made her want his touch more and more.

Vicky turned 17 and he looked manly so this added an extra touch to bring out her girly side out with his massage.

That is not all the massage time is the happiest time for her throughout the day as the remaining day was watching old love serials making her want to kill those characters.

So spending time with Vicky is her happy time which became a habit that just like the hands of Vicky.


There is no way for harry to be traced as Vicky specifically broke the trace on harry just for the safety of Hermione.

Even after the trace is broken the battle of 7 porters still happened.

Mundungus is the one that tipped off the information about harry being moved to a different place.

Even without the trace they still know when harry was being transported to a safe place.

Nymphadora and fleur was also there to help Hermione in the group with Vicky’s permission and protection charms.

Vicky was there at the house of Tonks waiting for harry and others to come there.

Vicky already told his girls and they will be safe.

As for moody, Vicky would not care about stupid people and he did not have the right to interfere in this battle being the neutral faction.

So Vicky was silent and respected the choices of his women.

But that doesn’t mean that he could not pressure the faction of Voldemort.

Money can speak many languages.

So all the pure blooded families that are on the side of Voldemort is facing very low business.

At the same time they stock price is dropping under the influence and pressure of Vicky.

He is also buying their businesses directly.

In the modern world even if there is magic, the power of money is still there and can help him do many thing as long as it did not take extreme measures.

Vicky don’t want Hedwig to die so sent his Raven called “Dark”

His raven is not that simple after Vicky gave is special supplements to make it stronger.

It can easily kill a wizard with its vicious claws that has special poison knives attached to them by Vicky.

Vicky sent his raven to support his women and also to save Hedwig.

Finally after some time harry and Hagrid crash landed their motor bike at Tonks house along with Hedwig and dark.

Dark dropped a letter to harry from Vicky.

“Harry, I cannot come to your help as I am keeping the neutral party to pressure the Voldemort side……..”


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