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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 266: the bracelet of Anubis

In the next 5 months Mohini was completely immersed in making money and playing with Evelyn.

She told Evelyn before that she has a birth control skill so it is not a problem to play raw.

Mohini can even control the pregnancy problem for her women.

So filling up their pussies with all the cum is not a problem for neither of them.

Mohini has successfully stolen the crown of the England, their treasury is gone, and their secret society is busted too.

Mohini got the information pieces related to the Excalibur and some things related to Merlin and Morgan le Fay.

Mohini did not have time to study these things, as they got information related to the bracelet of Anubis.

At the same time the year of scorpion was about to start in a few days.

Mohini knows that Evelyn would start remembering her past life being Princess Nefertiti.

So Mohini took her and left to collect the bracelet of Anubis.

Well any way there is a group of three that would make their way here and Mohini is not going to kill them.

They are important for the resurrection and recovery of Imhotep.

There is a wall to the side of pillars where Mohini and Evelyn should be buried in water.

So Mohini has to dig a hole here before going to get the bracelet.

Mohini has already planned everything when she arrived at the location of the ruins at Thebes.

Well there are other people players here.

This includes candy and Rick.

Rick can put on the bracelet of Anubis but he cannot open the door by himself.

Candy also doesn’t know how to open the door.

The thing is the combination appeared in the movie did not fit in properly to open the door.

This means that Evelyn should remember the memories of the past and open the door on her own.

They cannot just blast the side of the wall because as long as the wall is broken everything here will be flooded.

So they all are stuck at a dead lock and are waiting for Evelyn and Mohini to come and open the door.

Also they all have this question about who would wear the bracelet of Anubis in place of Alex.

Since there is no kid here the story cannot go on in the same direction of the plot.

Mohini greeted candy and Rick.

Candy asked if Mohini likes to let Rick wear the bracelet of Anubis.

But Mohini did not accept that.

She directly took Evelyn to the ancient looking room.

Evelyn has this vision and knows how to open the door lock.

She did not step on the poisonous insects and walked towards the locked door.

Mohini followed and she was followed by candy, and Rick.

Other players did not enter.

They are not strong enough and they don’t want to wear the bracelet.

What they want to do is to get the treasures from the golden pyramid at the end.

So they are following Mohini to know the changes in the plot caused by the lack of some characters like Alex.

Evelyn opened the bracelet box and the flood appeared immediately they ran towards the dead end.

Before reaching the dead end Mohini threw a dynamite stick at the weak wall to blast it.

As soon as the wall blasted the flood pushed them out along with the water.

They came out with the box that contains the bracelet of Anubis.

Mohini wanted to store the box and the bracelet in the personal space.

But the system warning came saying that she cannot store this thing inside unless she kills the scorpion king with her own hands.

This means that this bracelet will belong to the person that was able to kill the scorpion king.

If she cannot kill then she cannot use this bracelet.

Well if a person kills it then she can give this bracelet to her subordinates that have signed life and death contract with her.

Other people cannot use this and it cannot be passed down to the next generation.


Looking at the information Mohini spoke the details of the bracelet to all the people present that are staring at the bracelet with greed in their eyes.

With the information most of the people lost their interest in the bracelet.

They want to know if Mohini is going to put on the bracelet herself.

Also they want to know when Mohini is going to set out to the golden pyramid in the cursed oasis in the desert of Ahm Shere.

They are waiting to go there to get gold.

Well there are pygmy mummies out there but the allure of gold is too much for their greedy hearts.

Mohini did not gave them any clear answer and said that she would follow the plot here and return back to England to get the Jonathan first.

They know that Imhotep would resurrect soon and at that time the danger level would increase.

Anyway, if Mohini would go to oasis in the desert of Ahm Shere, she still has to pass through Cairo.

As long as they were vigilant in the next few days they can easily follow Mohini’s group.

Well there is one that did not follow the normal logic.

That is candy.

She has decided to stick to Mohini this time, so as to not to let her slip away like the last time.

When she did not find Mohini she did went to other tombs to get some good things.

But she has a hunch that Mohini got something very valuable that she did not know.

Even if she asks Mohini she would not tell her.

She also understands that if she wants Mohini to tell her, her secrets then she has to become Mohini’s women by sharing all of her harem with Mohini.

Well she cannot do that so this can only be cooperative relationship between Mohini and candy.

She sighed and followed Mohini………

Chapter 267: Mohini kidnapped Anck-su-namun

Well she cannot do that so this can only be cooperative relationship between Mohini and candy.

She sighed and followed Mohini.

Well the group of thugs appeared here when Mohini went to get the bracelet.

But they were repelled by the player present in ruins.

Mohini and Evelyn along with candy and Rick returned back to England.

Here the story followed the original plot.

But the bracelet was put on by Mohini that night.

She looked at the vision of the location of oasis in the desert of Ahm Shere and the big pyramid with a huge diamond on the top of it.

Evelyn beside her did not see anything as only barer of the bracelet can see the visions.

The men in red clothes appeared along with Ardeth.

They captured Evelyn when Mohini is having these visions.

They took the bracelet box.

The plot corrected itself.

Mohini got the Spear of Osiris from Jonathan.

But this has the same restriction as that of the bracelet.

So she just put it in his bag pack and moved on to rescue Evelyn.

Mohini from the simulation saw that she was able to convince Imhotep to become her subordinate.

Anck-su-namun really has love for Imhotep but it was not obsessive love yet.

Also she is very greedy for her life than the life or others including Imhotep after her rebirth and merging two personalities.

If she were to spend some quality time with Imhotep then at the final test of trust she would not have run away.

So Mohini wanted to use this information to hit at the right time to gain the love of Imhotep.

With that as her bargaining chip Mohini wanted to take Imhotep back to the real world with her.

This is her plan.

Well there is one person Mohini has to vary about.

That is candy.

If she was able to successfully break the heart of Imhotep at the final test she can take Imhotep along with her.

That should be her plan and the biggest goal in this mummy fantasy world.

Also that should be biggest gain other than artifacts and chaos points.

Well Mohini would not let her have her way.

Looking at the mark on Rick’s hand Ardeth said about Rick being one of them.

Rick naturally denied this and they moved inside the museum in England.

They are going to look at the resurrection of Imhotep.

But when those people are just looking Mohini moved down to capture a person.

It was Anck-su-namun right when Imhotep is resurrecting.

This time there is no altar for specific target so many mummies in the museum rose with the incantations from the book of the dead.

At that time door opened and Anck-su-namun came with a gun on the top of her head and lying powerlessly in the hands of Mohini.

Mohini spoke to Imhotep in Egyptian.

“Do you remember me…?”

Imhotep looked at Mohini with deep eyes for some time before nodding his mummy head.

“I want to speak to you separately…

Bring Evelyn along so that we can talk peacefully somewhere instead of fighting.

Also leave these troop dancers in red clothes behind.

Oh almost forgot to tell…

Bring the two books and the key too...”

Mohini said these words and then she carried Anck-su-namun and ran away from this place.

With her speed only Imhotep can follow Mohini.

Not even candy can follow her right now.

Imhotep did not have a choice but to follow Mohini with the things Mohini asked him to bring along.

This is because of two things.

First is what Mohini said before killing him has happened, and

Second is Anck-su-namun is in the hands of Mohini.

So Imhotep has to follow with no other choice.

The people in the area are so shocked to follow Mohini quickly.

With that there are only two parties on the move towards a park like area around 3 kilometers from the museum.

Here Mohini stopped and waited for Imhotep to arrive.

Mohini placed Anck-su-namun in a sitting posture on a bench and she sat at the other corner.

While waiting for Imhotep, Mohini asked Anck-su-namun about something important.

This is her way of molding things.

“Miss Anck-su-namun, do you really love Imhotep?”

Mohini asked her.

Since she cannot move because of dislocation of all of her joints she can only answer Mohini’s words.

“I love Imhotep…”

“Are you sure that you love him?”

Mohini asked again.

Anck-su-namun was silent for some time without answering.

But she gave the answer finally.

She was really frightened that Mohini was thinking of killing her.

“I am not the Anck-su-namun of the past.

I do love him…..”

In the fear of death she started to speak honestly.

Well the luck Mohini has is also in the play here for her to open up.

Before she could complete her words Imhotep arrived with Evelyn and the things Mohini asked.

Looking at Mohini that did not touch Anck-su-namun Imhotep nodded inside his mind.

Before coming here he was still in tensed state.

Imhotep loves Anck-su-namun very much, but he doesn’t know if Mohini values Evelyn that much.

Also the strength that Mohini showed before and the future prediction that is exactly happened right now made him vary of Mohini.

He felt the threat from Mohini.

Even he doesn’t know but his favorability towards Mohini is around 35 points.

It is like Imhotep has recognized Mohini as not as a person worthy of his consideration.

Mohini knocked Anck-su-namun unconscious so that she would not hear the words of Mohini next.

Looking at Anck-su-namun safe and sound and the distance that Mohini maintained from his woman made him look up to Mohini.

But when he saw that Mohini knocked out Anck-su-namun he became anxious and wanted to attack Mohini.

Mohini stopped him and said.

“She was just knocked unconscious.

The things I am about to talk to you are secret and she cannot know about them.”

He put Evelyn down………….

Chapter 268: I love you Imhotep

“She was just knocked unconscious.

The things I am about to talk to you are secret and she cannot know about them.”

He put Evelyn down………….

But Mohini stopped him and pointed at the bench opposite to her and told him to sit just like she and Anck-su-namun right now.

Since they are dealing with each other on equal level Imhotep followed Mohini’s words.

After they sat down Mohini spoke.

“Imhotep, do you love Anck-su-namun enough to sacrifice your life for her.”

Mohini asked Imhotep the same question that she asked Anck-su-namun in Egyptian language.

Imhotep did not even spend the time to blink an eye and replied directly.

“I will die for her…

But if you do anything to her I will kill you first and die along with her or resurrect her.”

Mohini did not respond to Imhotep and looked at Evelyn and asked in Egyptian language.

“Eve, tell me will you die for me if needed…”

Evelyn answered immediately without blinking an eye that she would die for Mohini.

Her words are as firm as mountains.

Mohini then looked at Imhotep and said in Egyptian language.

“Imhotep, I really love you as much as I love Evelyn.

I fell in love with you after seeing the way you loved Anck-su-namun.

Will you love me too?”

She asked Imhotep.

Imhotep was taken aback.

This is the first time someone proposed to him saying she loved him looking at the current body.

Even Anck-su-namun has not told him that she loved him after rebirth.

But he was firm in his beliefs and did not want to betray Anck-su-namun.

So he decisively refused.

But he fears that Mohini would do something to the unconscious Anck-su-namun in a fit of rage.

So he told her smoothly but the answer is still rejection

Mohini then said.

“It is not about the time you spent or any other thing.

The most important thing is your trust in your love.

As long as you firmly believe and ready to do anything for your love then you can gain true love.

I love you so much that I am willing to follow you on your journey to fight with the scorpion king.

I am a bitch and loves to enjoy with every man I find interesting.

But love is different for me and my love is the one I am willing to take with me.

You should have already seen that I have my own secrets.

Other men can fuck me but they would not know the secrets I have.

Only my true love can know my secrets.”

Mohini spoke and took out the scepter of Tutankhamun out of the space and kept it back causing Imhotep to widen his eyes.

But he would not love other women for benefits he only loves Anck-su-namun with all his heart.

Mohini finally said.

“If one day something unexpected happened,

Please don’t take your live.

Remember that, I am there for you.”

Imhotep has this premonition that something would happen in their future trip.

But he has to go along with his plans and the plans of the cult that resurrected him.

Mohini sighed and said that she and Evelyn would follow him to the tomb of the scorpion king.

Any way the bracelet of Anubis is stuck to her hand so she has to go along.

Mohini said and took the initiative to send Anck-su-namun towards Imhotep.

Imhotep is not originally a villain.

He is a lover that would die for his love.

So Mohini believes that Imhotep would return Evelyn to her.

As she expected Imhotep returned Evelyn to Mohini.

Mohini did not ask for the book of the dead or the book of Amun-Ra.

But Mohini’s act of trust made Imhotep trust Mohini.

His favorability towards Mohini has increased to 45 points and it in green.

Mohini would like to ask the question of trust to try her luck if Imhotep gave the books and key along with Evelyn.

Imhotep really trusted her and gave the books and the key to Evelyn to bring them back to Mohini.

As Mohini previously estimated,

The setting of fantasy world is made so that as long as a connection of trust is formed,

The favorability of the plot line character would lead to a situation where players can take them out to the real world.

That is towards the question of trust.

Also there are four important things here.

First is Mohini has this 15 percent chance of critical hit,

Second is that her strong persuasion skill,

Third is that her words of love towards Imhotep and,

Fourth is that Mohini let Anck-su-namun go without threatening Imhotep with her.

Mohini established the plan based on these four things and now Imhotep has trusted Mohini to the point that the favorability points reached 45 with complete green color.

The best proof of the success of this plan is that Mohini got her hands on Evelyn along with the books and the key.

At that moment Mohini asked in Egyptian language.

“Imhotep do you trust me.”

Imhotep looked at Mohini deeply with his mummy face and suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of his face.

The question of trust appeared in Egyptian rather than in English.

Then he looked at Mohini after reading the question.

He has never seen or heard something like this.

Mohini gave Imhotep the warning that she usually gave to the people that she want to take as subordinates.

But this warning did not include taking him out of this world.

Also Mohini only told him that this is a bond of trust that can keep them in check during their travel to the tomb of the scorpion king

She told Imhotep that Evelyn and Jonathan also went through the process.

Right now Mohini was sitting with Evelyn on her lap and the two books beside her along with the key.

Imhotep went into deep thought and he looked deep into the eyes of Mohini…….

Chapter 269: Mohini joined Imhotep

Right now Mohini was sitting with Evelyn on her lap and the two books beside her along with the key.

Imhotep went into deep thought and he looked deep into the eyes of Mohini.

Imhotep accepted this as he knows that Mohini can be trusted after what happened today.

Also Mohini is willing to follow him to fight against the scorpion king and he doesn’t have to look for the bracelet of Anubis...

Mohini did not explain anything about the real world to Imhotep just yet as it is not the right time yet.

But she still told him that she is from a different world that came here for a special task and to propose her love to Imhotep.

Imhotep frowned but did not saw anything.

His love for Anck-su-namun is very strong and he doesn’t want to let go of Anck-su-namun and follow another women.

Mohini did not saw anything to persuade him right now.

It is not like they are interested in power originally.

Imhotep wanted power to live with the one he loved and don’t want anyone to oppose him.

So with the support of Mohini this problem is solved right now.

After he got to understand Mohini, she took the initiative to give the books and the key to Imhotep.

He is the best one to use these books.

Right now Mohini has a set of these books and the key.

But she cannot use them until the end of the second part.

Also she cannot store another set of these books inside her personal storage.

So she gave them to Imhotep.

Since the bracelet of Anubis is stuck to her hand she cannot remove it.

So the group started to move back to the museum.

They are going to follow the cult to complete their task.

After coming back Ardeth and Jonathan were still there along with candy and Rick.

After coming back candy looked at Imhotep and Mohini for a moment and then sighed.

Originally she wanted to get Imhotep but now it is gone.

Two players cannot form the contract of trust with a single plot line character.

Well she has changed her target to Ardeth.

Imhotep stopped the people from the cult from fighting candy’s group.

Candy came to Mohini to speak under the astonished eyes of the people without any fear about Imhotep standing beside her.

“I am going to take Ardeth…”

Candy said to Mohini and Mohini simply nodded her head.

Well she cannot take Ardeth with her as because Ardeth was pharaoh’s guard and would not side with Imhotep.

By nature Ardeth and Rick cannot stand on the same side of Imhotep in this fantasy world.

At least till the second part is complete this is the case.

So after the brief talk candy left with Rick and Ardeth.

Then Imhotep along with his cult members and Mohini’s small group set out to move to Egypt again.

Imhotep is no longer an immortal as he was before.

This was system’s way of balancing things.

System has made Imhotep loose his immortal soul and send it to the underworld.

It cannot be taken back.

So even after Imhotep was taken out to the real world, he will not be an immortal.

Mohini under stood this point and did not have much problem with this arrangement.

It is quite normal if you think about it.

Humans have greed and when there is a great advantage, people tend to take that and play the games behind everyone.

With that the group of Mohini separated into two.

One contains Mohini, Evelyn and Jonathan, while the other group has candy, Rick and Ardeth.

Mohini’s group got on the train with Imhotep while candy took the people to find the air ship from Rick’s friends.

The three thugs arrived with the chest to become the new supplement for Imhotep.

Well these people are a waste any way so Mohini doesn’t mind sacrificing them to recover Imhotep.

Imhotep became normal and looked much better than that mummy appearance.

There are players still following them.

These are the players that took the side of Imhotep in the first part and even in the second part.

They are here to support Imhotep.

Well Mohini doesn’t mind but when they saw Mohini close to Imhotep, most of their eyes popped out because of shock.

They never expect Mohini to form a team with Imhotep and be so close.

They have been following him for so long but got nothing at all.

Well they cannot blame Mohini for her planning and timing.

They are just morons and don’t understand the characters well enough.


The funny thing that Mohini did not understand is that when those people laid a railway track right beside some great ruins.

But whatever the case is it was a great journey.

Imhotep and Anck-su-namun acted lovey-dovey just like Mohini and Evelyn.

It looked more like a honey moon trip than a hunt for the scorpion king.

They stopped at Karnak to get the vision to the next location.

Even though Mohini knows all the locations this is the only way to travel by touching all the spots.

Naturally here Imhotep should return the soul of Anck-su-namun here.

Mohini asked him to help return the soul of Evelyn too.

Imhotep open the book of the dead and let the soul of Anck-su-namun return to her also let the soul of Nefertiri to Evelyn.

There is a water fountain over there that can act as the passage way to the underworld.

Also this is night which is the best time for getting the souls out of the underworld.

Imhotep did not understand what Mohini wanted to do but he had a hunch or the instinct that he awakened after death telling him that Mohini is doing something good to him.

So he opened the book of the dead and called in the souls of Nefertiri and Anck-su-namun from the underworld and attaches themselves to the respective bodies………

Chapter 270: entered the golden pyramid

Imhotep did not understand what Mohini wanted to do but he had a hunch or the instinct that he awakened after death telling him that Mohini is doing something good to him.

So he opened the book of the dead and called in the souls of Nefertiri and Anck-su-namun from the underworld and attaches themselves to the respective bodies.

As soon as they returned they both have a change of faces from frown to understanding.

Finally they accepted the reality and integrated their memories.

Imhotep did not disturb the process and waited for them to recover.

When the process is complete Mohini moved her hands to care for Evelyn’s disheveled hair.

Evelyn already is over 90 points of favorability towards Mohini.

She can understand what Mohini has just done and accepted the fact.

Mohini came close to her ear and said that her grudge will be completed soon.

Since Mohini told this to her,

She let go of her grudge of the past life for now and her favorability of Mohini increased by another 5 points reaching a total of 95.

As long as Mohini took her out of this place then the favorability of Evelyn will reach 100 points directly.


Their next target is the island temple of Philae.

Candy’s group doesn’t need and directions as they will follow the route along the plot.

The next location is the great temple of Abu Simbel.

In the mean time Mohini and Evelyn tried their best to make Imhotep lean English.

As for Jonathan he started to play gambling with the people of the cult.

Lock- nah was recognized by Mohini and paid some special attention trying to win him over to the group.

Also his dick is quite huge and Mohini looked at it at one time.

He is a valuable warrior on the same level as Ardeth from the pharaoh’s guards.

With Mohini’s attention and the help of Imhotep, lock-nah was recruited and his vision was broadened by the world.

Well lock-nah did not know about the real world.

He only thought that he was recognized by Imhotep and he was given the honor to join the inner circles.

In the future if Ardeth follows candy then Mohini needs a strong hand that should stand by her side.

So Mohini prefers lock-nah over Ardeth because of her personal preferences.

On the way to oasis Mohini saw the group of candy coming by air ship.

But she did not make Imhotep shoot at them.

Instead they moved to the oasis peacefully.

Also Mohini stopped lock-nah from shooting at Horus that Ardeth uses for communications.

Finally they reached oasis.

Here there is no sense of protection except for staying close to Imhotep.

Well the bracelet on her hand can also give her protection.

So except for the group that became subordinates of Mohini all other people are at risk.

Well the candy’s group knows about this so they are flying above the air trying to reach the pyramid.

But who would have thought that those pigmy mummies shoot arrows at the air ship.

The accident happened and the air ship was shot down to the ground within minutes.

So now the group has to walk by land.

As for the players on Rick’s side, they are following the army behind Ardeth and the players following Imhotep are following behind them.


Because there is no fight between the two groups and they already knows that destinations they moved faster reaching the pyramid 12 hours before the dead end.

There are those pygmy zombies but they did not cause much trouble to Mohini and her team as they reached the pyramid that night.

Those pygmy zombies would not enter the area where the pyramid is.

Because of being shot down candy’s group has to walk too and they will take a few hours before they arrive at the pyramid.

No one knows how many of them would be able to come back.

Well Mohini did not care about them and moved on with her main thing.

The gold here should be taken without leaving anything including the big diamond on the top of the pyramid.

This task was left for Imhotep to check which of these can be taken.

In return for helping Imhotep while dealing with the scorpion king Mohini asked him to help her get all the gold and things here.

Also after Mohini entered the pyramid the bracelet got off of her hand.

Mohini don’t want the army of Anubis to be activated right to fight those Medjai out there.

So she put the amulet back inside its box and gave it to Evelyn to hold on to it.

Imhotep checked all the places and found which of the gold here can be taken.

Mohini took out a storage card and started to run around the place collecting all the gold and artifacts here.

In one hour she stored everything inside the storage card.

The players that should have followed Imhotep are not here yet because they separated right when they were attacked by the pygmy mummies.

So they are not here yet.

The golden pyramid looked less golden now.

Well Mohini doesn’t care that.

What she cared is the gold that can be taken and she has already collected everything that can be taken.

The amount of gold and artifacts that she got can be comparable to the treasure from the city of dead.

After that Mohini and Imhotep entered into the pyramid along with the predetermined path from Imhotep.

Mohini has already warned him to not to go towards the area the scorpion king should be resting.

He thought that Mohini loved him so much that she doesn’t want him to go and fight the scorpion king.

On the other hand Anck-su-namun urged him to go and fight the scorpion king to become a real king with the army to make her his queen.

There is a trap of Anubis there.

With Mohini’s warning Imhotep became cautious……….


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