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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 286: Money can speak many languages

“……100,000 chaos points and ejected from this world if it is below 30-50 points,

50,000 chaos points and ejected from this world if it is below 51-75 points,

25,000 chaos points and ejected from this world if it is below 76-99 points,

Hint: fill up the recognition bar and reach higher amount of recognition to gain special rewards.


Not only Vicky but everyone was able to see the main quest and they know what it meant.

Everyone was smiling happily as they can achieve this easily.

After they got the quest the bubble around the ship vanished and the ship moved to the port.

Vicky and his people already got the identity.

Vicky is an upcoming business man with a merchant ship and a crew.

His military rank and civilian rank would help his nobility status.

Before entering this fantasy world Vicky has already improved his military and civilian rank with the points available.

His current status is.




Name: Vikram, Vicky, hidden demon, hidden king

Age: 22

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade), zombie annihilator (4300/1 mil), mortal hero (tier-5), lucky pervert (max)

Job: alchemist (pill refiner) (Tier 2- novice), hunter (Tier 2- novice), cook (Tier 2- novice), builder (Tier 2- novice), trader (Tier 2- novice), pirate (tier- 1- novice)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Tier: 2

Military rank: sergeant first class (40,000/31,680)

Civilian rank: medieval town head (50,000/27,140)


Vitality: 283+40 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 281+15 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Strength: 282+10 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Agility: 281+10 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 285+5 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Sense: 282+15 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Charm: 285+5 (Evolution chaos genetic points)


Evolution chaos genetic points: 0


Health points: 3230/3230

Stamina points: 2960/2960

Magic points: 2900/2900


Free stat points: 35

Chaos points: 38.43 billion

Skill points: 35 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)


Innate skills:

Insight: tier 9 (3840/10,000)

Will: tier 9 (3970/10,000)


Acquired skills:

Cooking: tier 4 (4700/5000)

Contract: tier 3 (2654/4000)

Hunting: tier 4 (4830/5000)

Persuasion: tier 4 (4880/5000)

Physical fighting: tier 5 (4250/6000)

Weapon fighting: tier 5 (4320/6000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 4 (4250/5000)

Shooter: tier 4 (800/5000)

Magic software: tier 7 (250/8000)

Reality clone: tier 4 (210/5000)

Seduction art: tier 2 (4240/30,000)

Multi tasking: tier 5 (3250/6000)

Disguise: tier 3 (2240/4000)


Based on the military and civilian rank Vicky has worked in military of the country.

Other than that he is also a nobility of one of the towns of the country.

But the country in question is generalized.

Vicky has to choose a country to fix his identity.

Previously when he selected the options Vicky has already chosen which country he wanted to be identified as.

As usual it was his country of origin India.

His appearance matches it perfectly.

With that everything is set.

Now his identity is that of a merchant that would trade through the sea.

When the ship entered the port they docked the ship to a side and the port authority came to check.

Vicky has already converted some of the chaos points into the local currency and gave a small gift for the authorities to get done with the process quickly.

Money can speak many languages.

With the money on hand the things are very easy.

There is no cargo in the ship.

The people got their identities as Vicky’s men and the things are managed perfectly.

After that the group entered the city.

Well 10 men were left on the boat to guard it.

There are no goods on it right now but there will be goods soon.

Vicky knows what to buy and where to buy.

He researched many things and trade it the most important part of the cultural spread of the world.

So it is also the main focus when he researched.

Buying spices and other things here is useless he came here to steal the gold from the rich.

So his first target is to give some money to his men and do the reconnaissance.

The objective is to find the locations where those Rich people stored their gold, valuables and money.

Compared to the crew Vicky had most guards here are useless.

Almost every member of Vicky’s crew is trained professionals.

Their stats are already on the same level as the guards here and their techniques and experience is far greater than the people here.

So anyone of Vicky’s people can easily kill 10 armed guards of these people without even getting a scratch from them.

Vicky not only targeted gold and valuables but also the hand weapons and weapons for the ship.

The people split up in the morning and they would meet back in the evening.

Vicky with the help of Tian Meng dream brother has the spirit vision.

It was restricted and his maximum distance of vision is only equal to around 300 meters from him as the center.

As for Imhotep his current power is also reduced to the point when he faced the scorpion king in the real plot of the mummy.

But Vicky has given him some ideas of using sharp sand needles to attack people.

This made things much easier for him.

Vicky went around the warehouses by the docks while checking the contents inside them.

His spirit vision was unobstructed by the outer covers of the boxes.

So he can see what is inside those boxes in the warehouse.

Well that is only for these small things.

He still cannot see what is inside the special made boxes that can block his vision with runic formations.

Whenever he finds weapons, gold or other valuables Vicky would sneak into that warehouse.

Then he would open those boxes to steal the things inside.

Along with his military rank and civilian rank, his storage space also increased to 65 cubic meters.

The process is quickly as these kinds of things are usually very less in number.

After getting the things Vicky would go back to the ship to……..

Chapter 287: both business ship and the pirate ship

The process is quickly as these kinds of things are usually very less in number.

After getting the things Vicky would go back to the ship to unload the things in the storage compartment of the ship.

These boxes have the insignia of the original owner.

So Vicky ordered boxes with his special insignia to use later when he trade the things.

They found the main market and the black market.

The boxes took 10 days to be delivered while Vicky moved along checking the places and knowing some people with the status that came from the civilian and military rank.

The gifts that he gives are his specialty like he did in the Treasure Island world.

The special medicine for men to gain the power to play all night and beauty medicine for those noble women was gifted by Vicky.

All these are samples and only have 3 or 4 dosages.

After they take the medicine they would feel its sweetness and they would want more.

This was an authentic medicine made from special herbs but it is not good for health.

If those people are really good and intelligent they would not use it or ask for more.

But those greedy bastards that are lecherous to the core would want more and more from Vicky.

With that Vicky made contracts for all of them all.

Also all the stolen goods are sold by his men in the black market at a little lower price and everything was turned into gold and gemstones.

All of this would be transported back to the ship for safekeeping.

The ark ship has special space expansion safe.

This safe can be used to transport gold, silver and gemstones.

The ordinary products like alcohol, spices, tobacco…. cannot be stored in the expansion safe.

When leaving Vicky can either cash in these valuables for chaos points or take them back to the real world for other purposes.

Well Vicky has other thoughts for these gold and other valuables.

He will use them to get a letter of Marque.

With that he can freely do as he please and escape from chase from authorities.


They spent a month to get the connections to the many nobles and Vicky did not have to use the gold to get the letter of Marque.

Because of this special night life medicine becoming famous he directly got the letter of Marque.

All of this happened in just a month.

Many nobles wanted to get the formula of the medicine or to get their hands on the one that made this medicine.

Unfortunately for them Vicky told them that he got this medicine at a port in Africa during one of his travels.

This place is secluded and there are cannibals, curses and ferocious beasts present.

Vicky gave them a fake map of some unknown region in Africa to put those greedy people to death.

The cost of the map is still a high class agreement with all of their signs on it.

So Vicky can happily steal and get extra after he is done with them.

When this is all over Vicky too his time to use the treasure map of flint and got the location on a small island near the Scottish land.

Well this is to be expected.

So the group set sail to that location immediately.

It is not far with the speed of the ark ship.

They arrived at the location in 15 days.

After getting the treasure there which is in the same hidden location inside the cave the group stayed on the island for another month.

The reason for this is Titia is making the new adjustments to the ship.

The ship received cannons on both sides and on the front.

All these materials were previously looted by Vicky.

Other than that they also got new swords, daggers, hand guns, and muskets.

The people are excited to get new guns.

As for the canons they are even happier looking at the new and improved ship.

With these they can start their looting process.

Vicky already got the letter of Marque.

They went to the ports near Caribbean islands and on the way they started to loot the ships.

The targeted ships are not as strong as their current ark ship.

The current ark ship is considered to be lowest in the tier 2 which is also the lowest level in this fantasy world.

But the foundation is strong and it was open for improvements with the help of Titia and Vicky.

So whenever they saw a ship it would lose something along with its goods and valuables.

Vicky would never touch people on the other ships for human trade.

Also the flag on the Ship is not a pirate flag during normal times instead it is just a normal trading flag with a strange insignia and the world FATE written under it.

Well when the attack happens they would show their pirate flag with a big skull with a purple jeweled crown and two silver swords with gold handles under the skull.

When they attack none of Vicky’s people would show their appearance as they put on some masks.

The people that survived after being looted don’t know who attacked them.

On the way they did not discriminate between the ships.

Vicky would estimate the power of the opposing ship with his spirit vision and his experience.

Then they would choose to either loot it or leave it.

By the time the ship reached the Caribbean islands the ship became stronger with new additions of materials to strengthen the ship.

The basic modifications are done by Titia before and now the external is changed slowly by her over their journey in the past month.

The sails are improved there is a big mast the hull is reinforced and the structure is remodeled.

All of this is done with the materials that they obtained during their journey and the things they stole back at……….

Chapter 288: improved status

The sails are improved there is a big mast the hull is reinforced and the structure is remodeled.

All of this is done with the materials that they obtained during their journey and the things they stole back at the dock.

In the materials there is also iron wood that can improve the base of the ship.

But this thing needs time to upgrade.

So Vicky decided to make the changes when they reached Port Royal.

Also the goods they had on the ship can be sold in this port, before moving to another place.

But Vicky wanted to meet with the governor Swann and his daughter Elizabeth.

Vicky’s current appearance is that of 18 years old and much younger than James Norrington that governor swan arranged for his daughter Elizabeth to marry.

When he came to visit after selling off his goods, he was entertained with warm welcome.

Well Vicky is a rich man and a noble that is successful in business at a young age.

He still had a daughter and looking for good, strong and prospective son in law for the future.

Vicky also brought special gifts for the governor Swann and Elizabeth.

The reason why Vicky came here is to talk to governor Swann to get information on the current situation of pirates and other vessels in the surrounding area.

Well Vicky’s intentions are clear as a business personal that depend on the sea routes for the journey.

So it is not strange to know about the information about situations on where the pirate attacks are happening more.

But he doesn’t know that Vicky wanted to strike those pirates to loot from them.

While Vicky is talking here some of Vicky’s men went around the port to enquire about the information, while others are helping Titia to make the modifications.

When the modifications are complete his ship can compete with some of the strong ships in terms of fire power.

But Vicky wanted to improve the speed of the ship more.

He doesn’t want to damage other ships instead he wanted to capture the other ship through boarding on that ship to loot.

Vicky already told this to Titia and the modifications are made based on the requirements.

They docked there for a month and got all the information they wanted.

So the hunt began.

In the information that Vicky enquired the best selling places of certain goods were found.

Any way all the goods that Vicky gets are through stealing,

So, it is not a problem to sell these goods at the surrounding ports after stealing from the other ships.

Their current ships can go against the speed of some small time pirates and business ships.

It has not developed to the level of HMS ships or other strong Ships.

So when looting they would try to board the ships of the other party.

All the people that wanted to fight back would be killed and the surrendered people will not be touched.

They would steal the materials on the ship and also dismantle the useful parts of the ship.

Then they would leave.

This procedure is for the merchant ships and other trade ships.

On the other hand if it was a pirate Ship then everything on the ship would be stolen and everyone on the ship would be killed without exception.

Even on the trade or merchant ships if there are some special goods that should not be there will be taken down as well.

After killing them everything that can be useful or that can be sold out will be taken.

As for the ship they will simply sink it and the flag of the pirate ship would be taken back to the high ranking officials to gain the recognition from them.

After 3 years of time,

Vicky’s naval achievements along with his support of special night medicine and beauty medicine have let Vicky have special military rank and nobility granted by the British crown.

The current ruler of the British Empire is king George 1,

Vicky’s services were much appreciated and he was awarded with the noble rank of Baron, and the naval rank of captain.

Well not an official captain instead an unofficial one that has powers of the captain.

Prince George 2 has become close to Vicky and he gave Vicky some strong ship improving materials from him.

The most important thing that he got is related to improving Ship’s cargo with a hidden compartment.

He is really cunning as he did not give Vicky anything related to make his ship have more agility or firepower.

On the other hand the fat Prince George 2 received the night life medicine from Vicky and beauty products for his wife Caroline of Ansbach.

Caroline of Ansbach is really a beauty and Vicky got to meet her once.

Vicky’s charm is so high that he was able to put a big green hat on the head of price George 2 when he went to play with the women outside.

Caroline of Ansbach specifically gave Vicky, the sails of the ship that can improve the speed of the ship by 10 percent.

Other than that she also gave the locations of the warehouse of the royal family.

This is where they hide the special materials of ships, weapons and other things along with the loads of valuables.

She told him when she was thoroughly satisfied by Vicky and it was a slip of tongue in her happiness.

Well Vicky planned to visit that place and then change the things into normal ones with the help of his people.

Creating imitations is very easy for them.

All of Vicky’s women were disguised so that they would not attract the attention of some cheap dogs.

Vicky took Titia to this place to check out the things.

There is security here but they can be put to sleep after putting sleeping medicine into their food and water.

The fastest ship black pearl also known as the wicked……….

Chapter 289: underground warehouses filled with treasures

There is security here but they can be put to sleep after putting sleeping medicine into their food and water.

The fastest ship black pearl also known as the wicked wench was made from the special materials that are similar to the materials here by the east India Company.

They traded them with the goods they got from India and the countries near India.

The construction design of the ship is not here but in the safe of the king that was hidden secretly.

Fortunately or unfortunately the secret safe of the country is also here.

The entire palace is guarded by soldiers and this warehouse is behind the palace which was also guarded heavily.

Not only the British but other countries also have a warehouse like this in the mansion of the king and even some nobles had this kind of thing.

In these big warehouses they would usually store valuable materials like spices, ship materials, weapons to arm the guards,

This is just a cover as this big warehouse has connection to an underground warehouse where the real special things are hidden like tons of gold and silver, safe’s with gemstones and ornaments…..

All these things are hidden here.

The most valuable things and family heirlooms would be kept inside the special safe in the bedroom of the king.

Also there is an escape route leading to this warehouse connecting along with an underground warehouse that is locked from both sides.

The real valuables and secrets were placed here.

This is equal to the wealth of the entire country.

Most of the European countries arrange things like this and they are mostly hidden in the bit warehouse of the castles or the palaces.

Vicky already got the location from the future queen and decided to make a visit here.

Any way she cannot speak the truth as she is having an affair with Vicky.

So Vicky used his chance to sneak in along with Titia.

Even though there are many guards Vicky just blew some sleeping powder smoke to put them all to sleep quickly.

After getting inside the warehouse Vicky let Titia look around to check the things.

The things in the visible warehouse are all just spices and other tradable materials instead of anything good.

There are many barrels of gun powder, cannons and weapons.

Vicky did not touch them but looked around carefully for the hidden entrance to the underground warehouse.

The entrance was hidden under the big cases of cannon balls.

Normally it takes at least 10 people to move these big cases to the side but for Vicky with his space it was very easy.

He took out the cannon ball cases into the space and put them on the side.

This revealed the bog door that is made of strong iron and it was covered by wooden boards.

Vicky moved them and picked the locks quickly.

Those guards would not wake up till early in the morning tomorrow even if the elephants running by their side.

The doors made some big metal sound but it was okay.

Vicky did not enter stupidly as there are traps set here.

Vicky already saw through the traps from the simulation.

Originally he did not intend to bring Titia along as he already knows what to bring from the simulation.

But Titia rarely had the chance to go out so Vicky took her to loot the house of the king of Britain.

Stepping slowly without touching any traps, Vicky and Titia entered a tunnel that is dark without any light.

Vicky lit a lantern and carried it along.

After going inside they came to door along the passage way that is locked with many sets of locks.

Vicky opened them and entered the room that was very big like a hall.

The entire room was filled with big boxes.

Vicky already knows what is inside these boxes but he still wanted to look.

All these boxes are filled with silver ingots.

The entire room is filled with them.

On conservative estimate there is at least few tons of silver.

Vicky opened the box a box to look and found the silver ingots neatly placed in orderly manner.

Vicky did not take them right now.

After looking around in the room he went to the passage way and after walking for a little while there is another room on the opposite side of the wall.

Vicky picked the locks and found that the room was filled with boxes of different sizes.

Some of them are filled with gold ingots of the highest purity unlike their coins of their country.

In comparison the Spanish coins have much purity than the British coins which are full of impurities.

Some of the boxes here are filled with gold and silver coin and most of them are filled with gold ingots.

Also to the side there are long cases.

When opened revealed long swords with extraordinary craftsmanship.

The sharpness is perfect.

Then few other boxes have some strong cold weapons filled in them.

Then they came out of the passage to check another room that was filled with high quality gun powder, cannon, cannon balls, mortars, round lead bullets and guns.

All of them are made with high quality materials for the current time line.

Then they moved to the next passage way and went to the next room that has sails, blueprints, highest quality wood for ship making, figure heads……….

All of these things are highest quality materials to improve a ship.

With these materials even a low level ship can be upgrade to a high grade naval vessel that can compete with the legendary ships.

These materials are important to Vicky.

Even in the real world these materials are the same and they are considered epic, legendary and mythical grade materials.

Vicky looked around the room and there is no hidden safe here either.

So they moved on and reached stairs.

The slowly climbed over reaching the top and the……...

Chapter 290: looted the British national treasure reserves overnight

So they moved on and reached stairs.

The slowly climbed over reaching the top and the lock was picked slowly from the inside.

This door leads to the bedroom of the king George 1.

The doors to the secret escape route usually open without making any sound.

It was made like this to allow the people to escape silently.

When they arrived into the room king George 1 and his wife are sleeping soundly.

Vicky sprinkled some sleeping powder like fog to make them fell into deep sleep.

Then he looked for the safe in the room.

With the help of Tian Meng dream brother finding the safe is as easy as picking up a random pebble on the road.

Then he picked the lock of the safe which is as big as a small room.

There are many valuables here including the crown of the king, gemstones, artifacts, blueprints, secret information…….

The things are not that big to use a storage card so Vicky directly took them all into his personal storage space.

After that he opened the door slightly to spread the sleeping powder into the corridor.

Then he sneaked into the other rooms where there are secret safes hiding the treasure and valuables.

He visited the study room, kitchen, Prince George 2’s room and many other places to collect the valuables.

All of this was taken into his personal storage.

Vicky is going to make a few more trips collecting all these things using his personal storage, rather than using the storage cards that are very valuable.

The dock area is farther away from here to go back to his ship.

So Vicky has made his men to prepare a big warehouse close to this place.

First he would hide these things into this warehouse and Vicky would move things in batches.

Also the things in the boxes would be moved by the horse drawn carts and wagons to another warehouse that is close to the docks during the night.

This way Vicky can save more time.

All the carts were taken for lease and there are no drivers.

The person that rented the warehouse was wearing a mask so it cannot find the culprit that did this or where the materials have gone.

After looking at all of that Vicky took Titia back to deliver the things to the warehouse nearby.

Vicky’s movements are very agile.

Titia has already checked the materials for the ship that are important.

These will be among the first batch of goods that will be taken, followed by weapons, gold, silver, spices, salt, food materials….

Finally the food materials like high grade meat and alcohol for the group to enjoy.

Vicky doesn’t have to fear about his men betraying him as all of them are his subordinates.

If they liked something they can have it after telling Vicky.

Vicky is not a stingy person and let them have what they wanted.

So no one would betray him.

His men are not lowly thugs and thieves;

Instead they are trained soldiers and loyal brothers.

Vicky left Titia at the warehouse and went to collect all the ship materials.

After the ship upgrading materials arrived Titia took them and left with that batch.

Then Vicky started to take the next batch of materials as the carts moved one after the other.

Imhotep would use his power to unload the goods into the warehouse with his powers and help carry them secretly to the ark ship during the night.

With the materials Titia got into work on the haul of the ship first.

They need to store more materials on the ship so they got on to work.

Titia got help from others as she worked and let the people work with her.

All of them got some proficiency in ship building during the past when they helped dismantling the ships on Ark Island.

That night is a sleepless night for the entire crew.

When the last batch of goods are delivered Vicky wrote a letter in Spanish indicating that it was all done by some Spanish pirates or the Spanish crown.

Vicky returned to another warehouse at the docks to collect the materials and move them into the ship that was upgraded.

The ship sank by a large margin after loading all the things.

The gemstones, gold and silver were moved to an underground warehouse that Vicky had under his mansion near the docks.

This place is unknown to many as it was built by Titia and his men during the past 2 years.

Vicky is not going to carry all of this with him.

The things he has on his hands are food materials and ship upgrading materials.

He is not going to use them right away instead he would sell his things in the surrounding ports and gain more materials to slowly upgrade his ship.

Painting and changing small things is easy for Titia.

Even if there is checking all over London no one can find the things in the underground warehouse of his secret mansion.

In the morning next day there are many security patrols and search all over London.

There are so many materials missing that it is not possible to take them all from here in just one ship during the night.

Also they checked the carts that moved the things last night, along with the warehouses that are likely to be used.

But there are no clues as the people that asked for those warehouses were wearing masks and cloaks.

The final result is that even after a week of search they found nothing.

Vicky’s mansion was searched as well for formality.

This is because Vicky is a trader and he cannot be left separately so that they would not have discord among their own people.

Vicky cooperated with the search which is just a formality.

Vicky went to meet with king George 1 and Prince George 2 to talk about the situation with his innocent face………


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