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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 256: Mohini stole all the treasures in the tomb

Mohini is not only a bitch but she wants her woman to be bitches to.

Also there is this exhibitionist tendency to all women of Mohini making things easy for Mohini to make Evelyn show more skin.

She looked so perfect……….

Just looking at her can spend the life peacefully.

Fortunately the people here did not go attack them to fuck them.


They moved towards Hamunaptra after they arranged their things.

The vast desert is very beautiful and then nights is even more with the clear sky and a beautiful moon.

Evelyn is very sleep as they are both riding camels.

Mohini pulled the leash to right alongside her so that she can lean gently on her shoulder while she sleeps.

Candy being a player, she was strong and not sleepy.

But she was still envious of Evelyn looking at Mohini’s care.

Because of all the delays Mohini’s group met with the group of Beni right before reaching Hamunaptra early before sun rise.

There is a bet between Rick and those American treasure hunters.

That is who would reach Hamunaptra first.

Before their eyes, with the early raising sun, the city of dead appeared just like a mirage in the empty desert.

The race begins with both Beni and Rick fights each other.

While they are at that Mohini, candy and Evelyn took the lead on the camels.

The horses were already sold before so there are only camels with them on this journey.

Just like in the plot Evelyn took the lead to enter the city.

While on the ride her body has this small shakes that shook the heart of Mohini.

That is the same with candy.

Three beauties that went ahead of the guys showed a new type of pleasure and feast to their eyes.

Sharp eyes of Mohini can see those small movements of Evelyn’s and candy’s body that made her heart pound harder.

Mohini has made a decision to buy some camels and other things for her girls back on Ark Island along with this dresses and veils.

Mohini wanted to make a small competition for her women….

That should be great.


Finally they arrived at the place and started their excavation.

While those Americans are doing the excavation on the other side Mohini’s group followed the words of Evelyn.

This time the other players followed those Americans.

They know that everyone meets at the same place.

Also they know that being with the protagonist would not be that good.

As long as they are with these Americans they can find an opportunity to steal some things and leave here silently before the mummy awakens.

They are not here to contribute to the plot.

Instead they are here to earn some cash and turn them into chaos points.

Like the low class adventurers in the world that would think of benefits instead of making big achievements.

But they never know that only dancing at the edge of a blade can give them rapid improvement in the life of a hunter or adventurer.

Well Mohini doesn’t care what they are up to or what they want to do.

She has her own things to do.

They soon entered the underground passage and the confrontation with those Americans.

Evelyn led the way to a new place underground to dig from the bottom to the top.

On the other hand Mohini knows that the jailor would die soon.

Well Mohini did not care about that.

Saving him might give Mohini some chaos points but it is useless to her.

Candy also did not care about that.

Mohini went to the side to look for the spot on the wall that might be the key to pull the sarcophagus of Imhotep down from under the feet of the statue of Anubis.

Well it should be accidentally hit by a rock when Jonathan was playing.

But Mohini doesn’t want to take so much time.

Also she separated two reality clones with 10 points in its stats to go around and take everything that can be taken.

She already knows where the things in this tomb are hidden from the simulation memories.

Her first target is to get the treasure in the tomb.

Then the second is to check on the Americans and other players that follow them on what they are planning to do.

So the two clones went to do that while Mohini is helping with Evelyn’s things continuing the plot.

Soon after the sarcophagus of Imhotep fell after Mohini touched a protrusion on the wall.


Before they open the box there is a scream from the jailer.

Mohini knows that he is dead.

So she went to take a look.


After his death they no longer want to dig anything and left this place.

The plot continued and there is a raid from the pharaoh’s guards in the night.

Rick made a big move to stop the fight while Mohini went to help Evelyn.

Later Mohini helped Evelyn that was drunk and heard all of her rambling.

Candy and Rick were nearby as they are doing their own things.

The two clones of Mohini have completely cleaned out the treasure in the tomb and hid it all in a single disposable storage card.

These storage cards have over 100 cubic meters of storage space.

But they did not touch the vases that store the body parts of the mummy.

That is the Canopic jars.

These things are useless to Mohini and they are cursed.

Mohini died in some simulations because she touched these cursed jars.

Mohini in the middle of the night went close to the excavated area and squatted down near the big hole.

Her clones crawled up the rope and touched her finger to integrate back into the main body.

Mohini observed that candy was following her.

So she made it look like she took the wrong direction and left to another place to pee.

Mohini is an utterly shameless person that can do………

Chapter 257: Imhotep has awakened

So she made it look like she took the wrong direction and left to another place to pee.

Mohini is an utterly shameless person that can do anything and to even go bare right in front of everyone.

Candy knows this after she saw Mohini getting fucked by those Americans and Beni.

The suspicion of candy did not last long as Mohini came back to sleep.

Well in tier 1 there is no clone technique.

So she did not think that Mohini can actually use the reality clone spell that costs so much.

Also there are so many requirements to use this spell.

Unless absolutely certain of profits no one would buy and use this spell.

So there is no suspicion on Mohini.

Also Mohini did not touch the book of dead that should appear at the place where those Americans dug.

It is not that Mohini doesn’t want to take this book right now.

It is only that she or other players cannot mess with the plot or awakening of the mummy.

Also no player is allowed to touch the book of Amun-Ra till the heroine found out about the location of this book.

Just like that there are many restrictions in this story that are hard to break.

Mohini was bored in the night so she went to the tent of other workers to give them some good time.

Any way most of them would be dead tomorrow.

So it would be a good send off.

But she was disappointed that these people did not have big dicks to poke her hole.


On the next day morning Mohini and her gang went to open the sarcophagus of the Imhotep while the Americans are opening the chest containing the book of the dead.

Well the story went along with the plot and there is no difference except for Mohini and candy that took Evelyn and Rick.

Later in the night when Mohini and candy were acting as if they are sleep Evelyn went to steal the book of the dead.

Well she acted just like her brother Jonathan.

When Mohini asked her if she is stealing, she told Mohini that she it is called borrowing according to her brother.

Mohini sighed and did not speak more.

She was readying herself to run carrying Evelyn towards the tomb.

There will be a locust soon.

Candy is also ready and as soon as the locust appears she will go into hiding with Rick.

Soon Evelyn completed reading the inscription and the old man from the American’s side shouted.

This time the other players have already left here in the afternoon.

Unfortunately they did not get any benefits.

Well they are going to leave here and settle down nearby before the big event was over.

After that they will return back to search treasures.


When the locust came Mohini caught Evelyn and ran towards the tomb.

At the same time candy, Rick, Jonathan and Beni also ran towards the tomb.

Mohini and the group followed along the plot being chased by scarabs and then finally returned to the scene where the mummy appears.

Mohini stole a bunch of loaded double barrel guns from those Americans before the locust appeared.

Unfortunately her infinite bullets magazine is useless and incompatible with these guns.

So she took a bunch of them that are fully loaded.

They were all in her personal storage space.

She directly took out the gun and shot at the mummy that is staring at Evelyn and ran away pulling her from that spot.

Currently mummy Imhotep is not an immortal.

The pharaoh’s guards arrived to save the day.

Mohini and the batch left this place.

As that happened in the plot Beni was captured by Imhotep.

Even though Mohini cleared all the treasure that should be in the tomb, Imhotep still got his hands on some that was missed by Mohini.


The group returned back to Cairo which was currently covered by thick clouds.

Mohini did not have much fear.

As for candy, Mohini did not know what her plans are.

But she was sure from the simulation that, when she is fighting with the mummy in the final battle, candy will go in search of treasure in the tomb.

She did not let Rick to fight with the mummy in the final battle.

This increased the burden on Mohini without giving her any chance to take care of them.

Unfortunately they don’t know that Mohini has already taken all the treasure here.

Mohini’s target right now is to get the book of Amun-Ra and the book of the dead.

She has to make sure that these books are not lost.

Also the key that was in the hands of Evelyn is important to Mohini.


While Evelyn was arranging her things in her room Mohini went out with Rick and Jonathan to have a drink.

Mohini is wearing a breast band with small bells right at the spot of her nipples and the bottom part is a short skirt.

She looked like a bitch.

The drunken men looked at Mohini with lustful eyes.

Mohini did not care about that.

Some of them came to touch her tits and asked her to drink.

But Mohini did not drink after the first shot and let them touch her as they wanted.

She doesn’t want to drink blood so she waited for the curses to activate and the water turned into blood.

She has to go to Evelyn and see the situation following the plot.

Candy is also here and did not drink as if waiting to let the plot to progress faster……..

She is not wearing revealing clothes like Mohini.

Soon Mohini met with Evelyn in place of Rick and found Beni.

Mohini doesn’t have to catch Beni because Mohini and Beni did not have much contact with each other.

Well she was fucked by him once.

But that is all there is to it.

After Beni escaped Mohini and……….

Chapter 258: Rick joins candy’s harem

Well she was fucked by him once.

But that is all there is to it.

After Beni escaped Mohini and Evelyn came to the room where Mr. Burns was already sucked dry by Imhotep.

The plot continued as Jonathan and others arrived here and Mohini was pushed by Imhotep.

But Mohini was not thrown back by Imhotep like Rick in the original plot.

The reason is that Mohini is already physically stronger than that set limit of this world.

The set limit for the mummy world is actually 120 stat points in strength for Imhotep.

Rick is also like that and he is very strong and lucky.

The thing here is related to the distribution of stat points and luck of protagonist halo of Rick.

If it was the next part where the scorpion king was awakened, the stats of the scorpion king are around 150.

This is the same with the dragon king that has magic bonus too.

Well the plot continued and Imhotep was scared by the cat.

Mohini and the group went to the curator to get the information related to Imhotep just like that in the plot.

Then they returned back to the hotel.

Mohini told them to stay here while she go and take care of the Egyptologist with Rick.

Mohini specifically told Evelyn to hold the cat with her for protection.

Then she strictly warned Jonathan to guard her sister.

As for the Americans they are very obedient because of the strong deterrence from Mohini’s eyes.

Well she did threaten to cut off their dicks if they had any different thoughts.

Mohini knows that she cannot save the Egyptologist but she still have to try.

So she went along with Rick.

Rick found Beni and got the information just like that of in the movie.

The Egyptologist died and there is a pest storm outside created by Imhotep.

Mohini and her group escaped there and moved towards the hotel again to find and save others.

Mohini knows that this is the time to ask the question of trust from Evelyn and her brother.

Any later would cause some serious problems and connective of her plan.

So Mohini quickly returned back to Evelyn and then pulled Jonathan with her.

She looked at candy as if suggesting something.

She was sure that candy did not ask the question of trust to Rick yet.

She understands what Mohini is suggesting with her eyes and pulled Rick to a different room.

The Americans can only stay in the hall with the cat for protection.

After taking Evelyn and Jonathan into a bed room Mohini closed the door and told them to sit.

They can understand the seriousness from Mohini’s tone and did as they were told.

“Do you trust me…?”

Mohini asked the question of trust.

The favorability of Evelyn is over 80 points and it is dark green in color which indicates that the success rate is very high.

The favorability of Jonathan has reached 50 points and it is light green in color which indicates that the success rate is not very high.

But still Mohini tried.

Immediately Evelyn has a light screen with the question of trust in front of her which shocked her.

As for Jonathan it did not appear so Mohini has to say.

“Jonathan, learn from your sister and trust me.

There are many treasures out there to get.

Trust me…”

As soon as Mohini said the words treasures Jonathan’s eyes lit up and immediately the light screen with the question of trust appeared in front of his face.

Immediately Mohini spoke about the warning before they clicked any option subconsciously.

After listening to Mohini’s warning Jonathan hesitated but Evelyn directly clicked yes.

With her persuasion Jonathan also clicked yes option too.

As the question of trust is over, Mohini started to introduce about her again and about the real world.

When Evelyn found that Mohini has other women, she was disappointed a little.

But when Mohini became two and the created more than 10 clones she was shocked.

Jonathan almost fainted.

Only then she understood that Mohini is like this after going through many ups and down in her life.

Any way she liked her and she will not change her mind and give up on Mohini.

So the explanation went on.

At the same time Mohini told them about Rick and candy………

Only then they understood some important things.

After the explanation is over Mohini told them what will happen next and let them be prepared for the future.

They both gritted their teeth understanding that this is the plot and they have to follow.

Well Mohini made some changes to the plot and it is much safer this way.

Mohini don’t mind letting Imhotep kiss Evelyn.

She is her woman and Mohini was very possessive in nature but she is bitchy natured too.

So she brought in the cat from the outside and placed it in the room.

Also that night Mohini and Jonathan would stay with Evelyn in the night.

Evelyn slept happily while Jonathan and Mohini were playing cards to wait till Imhotep arrives here.

When Imhotep killed another American and entered this place through the key hole in the form of sand, Mohini has already noticed him.

She waited till Imhotep arrived here completely before sending the cat over to scare Imhotep from running away from here.


They came out of the room with Evelyn put on Mohini’s trench coat over her sexy night dress.

Mohini wanted to make Evelyn naked under the trench coat but she cannot push things took quickly with Evelyn.

But Mohini still made two patch holes at the nipples of Evelyn.

All of Mohini’s women have the exhibitionist tendencies.

So as long as Evelyn became Mohini’s woman she also has these thoughts.

Mohini supported these thoughts and the result is that the sexy night dress under the trench coat has two holes with her nipples out.

They came back to the museum………..

Chapter 259: surfing the wind on the top of a plane

Mohini supported these thoughts and the result is that the sexy night dress under the trench coat has two holes with her nipples out.

They came back to the museum.

There is also candy and Rick following them.

Other than them the last American is also with them.

Rick and candy seems to be closure than before.

Mohini don’t know what candy did to make Rick willingly joined her harem of men, she don’t care about other people’s affairs.

Rick being a protagonist has his own set of principles right.

A protagonist should be a manly man with many beauties surrounding him instead of following a woman with many men.

Well Mohini can only sigh at this and she is doing the same.

But at least the men don’t need to share her with other at the same time as she has clone technique.

Candy is even pestering Mohini to join up her harem to become a bitch with her.

But Mohini don’t want to join others right now, it is not a problem to work with candy and have some good time with her if she wants.

Mohini is not a heroine by nature and she is not a morally righteous woman like those naive protagonists in some novels.

She does what she wanted to do.

Rick did not seem to have any ideas towards Evelyn even after knowing the plot.

Mohini cannot take the book of Amun-Ra unless it was revealed in the plot.

Now there is zombie like people out there that came along with Imhotep to cause the big splash.

These people are not undead or completely dead.

They are no zombies either.

They are like hypnotized people that was hypnotized with the magic of the underworld.

So killing them would not give Mohini any benefits.

Instead saving them would improve her hero rank.

They came here to get Ardeth Bay, leader of the Medjai the pharaoh’s guards.

He plays a very important role in the future plans of Mohini.

Mohini has the thought of taking the entire pharaoh’s guards with her back to the real world.

Well that is something Mohini has to think of in the future.

There is also candy here and Mohini doesn’t know what her thoughts are.

This is all for the end of the mummy world.

Mohini was unable to see the continuation of the next part as the fantasy world of this mummy part should end at the end after killing Imhotep.

The continuation of the story depends on how Mohini chooses from the options at the end of the fantasy world.

Well the current situation is a little rushed to think all of that in a dazed state.

So Mohini has to move on.

In this chase Evelyn has to go along with Imhotep to save them.

She knows what to do when they are cornered and she followed the plot.

Mohini knows that she will be safe for now so she did not cause much ruckus.

Evelyn knows that Mohini would save her no matter what.

This is also her test to Mohini if she wanted to trust Mohini completely.

That is as long as Mohini saves her, the favorability of Evelyn towards Mohini reaches 100 points completely.

As soon as Imhotep left Mohini opened the underground man hole and pulled all the people to fall in to escape.

This includes the curator that should be dead based on the story.

This has added an extra merit to Mohini.

Mohini doesn’t mind Evelyn kissing Imhotep.

But she feels sad for her woman to kiss a rotting mummy.

So she has to rush a little faster so that they reach the location of Hamunaptra quickly.

The arrangements of the people in the plot are still the same.

Curator did not go with them so he is not here.

Candy is sitting on the lap of Rick so she is fine.

Mohini was actually standing on the top of the plane with a full body tight fit suit that reveals all of her curves.

It looked more like she is surfing in the air on a plane.

Mohini has a parachute for life saving if needed.

But she wants to test her current limits.

She already took the safety measures just in case and made their journey to Hamunaptra.

They arrived here before Imhotep and when Mohini saw a sand tornado, she specifically asked the pilot to land the plane.

This is so that they would not attract the attention of Imhotep.

Even if she knows that Mohini’s group is here it is not a problem.

There is no big sand wall with the mummy face this time in the story.

To be precise Imhotep did not know that Mohini’s group arrived early.

This is caused by the precise navigation skill of Mohini to go to Hamunaptra in the shortest time possible.

There is no good landing site so the plane crash landed just like that of in the movie.

The old man pilot died.

Well this is the way he wanted to die and he got his wish granted.

The people moved towards a hiding place in Hamunaptra.

There are big movements when Imhotep arrived.

The group did not rush in.

Well after Imhotep arrived he blocked one entrance with rocks and stone just like that in the plot.

Mohini, Ardeth and Jonathan moved to rescue Evelyn.

But candy and Rick left to search for treasure just like that on in the simulation.

Well it is not a problem.

Mohini told Jonathan to not to touch those scarabs on the wall as they quickly pulled out those rocks.

With the strength of Mohini the work is done quickly and easily.

When they moved on they encountered candy and Rick in the empty treasure room.

Candy was on her knees looking at the huge room that can be compared to few football fields completely empty without any treasures.

Her eyes were weeping and she has a small mental breakdown.

Chapter 260: do you want to continue?

Candy was on her knees looking at the huge room that can be compared to few football fields completely empty without any treasures.

Her eyes were weeping and she has a small mental breakdown.

She thought that other players that stayed behind would have taken the treasure when they returned to Cairo.

But how can they take everything here.

Even with the storage space players have it is not possible to take everything here just like that.

It is only possible if some players used a space artifact to take all the treasure here.

Mohini on the side is laughing inside looking at the misery of candy.

She did not help her look for Evelyn and she even know another passage way that leads here.

Mohini ignored her and is waiting for the next scene to happen.

That is the awakening of the priests of Imhotep.

At the same time Beni would arrive here and then candy would most probably connect Beni for the disappearance of treasures.

Mohini doesn’t care and moved forward with Jonathan and Ardeth leaving these people here.

There is a heroine that is waiting for her to be rescued.

Well they have to find statue of Horus to get the book if Amun- Ra.

Even though Mohini knows the incantations she still has to have the book to use the spell.

For the spells of the mummy world unless, the player completed many special rituals like Imhotep it is not possible to cast spells without the book on hand.

The book was engraved with runes that would help the process of spell casting.

So the book is a necessity for using the incantation for players.

Well it did not apply to heroine, Jonathan or Rick if they did not connect with any player.

Once they are connected to a player then their advantage will be over.


Mohini helped people locate the Horus statue quickly and break the thing quickly to get the book.

Then Mohini led the people to enter the underground place of the ritual of resurrection.

She took the book from Jonathan and directly read the instructions on the book to call the guards of the tomb.

Mohini directs the guards to fight those mummy priests while she goes to fight Imhotep.

Mohini was fast and cuts off the chains that are holding Evelyn while fighting with Imhotep.

Mohini is a professional in using her things.

She got close to Imhotep and got the key with her slippery hands.

Anck-su-namun’s mummy started to move and chase Evelyn.

When Jonathan got the key and opened the book Mohini directly shouted the incantation that can be used to remove the immortality of Imhotep.

Evelyn immediately repeated the incantation that Mohini shouted causing Imhotep to lose his immortality.

Since Imhotep became mortal Mohini killed him directly but said a few words in Egyptian.

“You will be revived in a few months.

Then you will meet Anck-su-namun physical reincarnation from a cult.

I will come to find you for cooperation to kill the scorpion king…

This is your future prediction.

I want to cooperate with you.

I love you so much.

I will let you see the true nature of that woman

So die for now….”

Imhotep stepped back into the pool with his dying breath he said.

“I will come back to get you…”

In the movie it should be said that “Death is only the beginning.”

But here the sentence changed because of what Mohini said.

On the side Evelyn looked at Mohini strangely and asked.

“Do you know Egyptian too….?”

Mohini smiled and took them out of this place quickly without saying a word.

Well she doesn’t have to fear that Beni would do something to sink the entire Hamunaptra.

This is because he was currently being interrogated by candy to know where the treasure is.

Mohini collected the book of the dead and the book of Amun-Ra.

The key was also collected by Mohini and left the place peacefully with their gains.

When they came out Ardeth told Mohini that they can become friends and Mohini gave him a smile saying that they would meet soon.

Ardeth don’t know what Mohini said but he moved on his way.

Mohini really wanted to seduce Ardeth but he is a model leader and would not fall into the traps of woman.

Mohini brought candy and Rick out.

There is also Beni that did not die.

While Rick and Beni were bickering Mohini and candy are looking at the blue screen floating in front of their faces.

The contents are simple.

“Does the player want to continue this fantasy world completing the entire series?





There are many mummy world fantasy settings happening at the same time.

Each world houses 100 players and there are more than a million players participating in this fantasy world.

As soon as they completed the first part of the series they will get a notification.

The people that don’t want to continue will be able to return back to earth while the people that wanted to continue can continue.

The distribution is based on compatibility of the players.

As for the connection with the plot line characters of the fantasy, they will be arranged based on the highest favorability towards a player.

For example the favorability of Jonathan and Evelyn towards Mohini are over 90 points.

Similarly the favorability of Rick towards candy is over 90 points.

If the contract of trust is also formed,

Then the fantasy system will find the copy of mummy fantasy world where the players have less contact with the protagonist or the heroine…

This way the conflict of interest will be reduced by a large margin.

The world can be mended and can be continued like this,

After the question of trust candy looked at Mohini and they communicated with their eyes.

So she decisively chose to stay.

This is the same with Mohini.


As soon as they chose to continue……...


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