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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 126: Dai Li would not let Aang meet the earth king

Mai was fine.

Rito gave Azula to Ty lee and left waving hands at them to meet another time.

Losing her first kiss made Azula became irritated at the same time she was also very much interested in Rito.

Rito was strong enough to overpower her.

This means that she found a man stronger than her even without bending.

With her mentality she wants to either get him or kill him so no one could get.

Even if he belongs to the earth nation she can conquer earth nation and make him into a fire nation citizen.

Then she can marry him.

She will be the queen of the fire nation while he will be the queen’s husband.

Cough…coughs…not the king.

These are her current thoughts.

Also she remembered him saying that he liked Mai and Ty lee too.

So she was thinking of making them into his concubines so that they can all be a perfect set.

Her thinking is very far with all kinds of situations and solutions.

She is truly perfect in both her power and thinking.


With the giant drill out of the way Rito and the other were taken to live at their new homes.

Any way Dai Li would not let them meet with the earth king any time soon.

So Rito went to look around with Toph.

There are a few things in the city that are worth watching.

Also Rito has to wait till the end before doing anything.

Aang should lose his avatar state before Rito could make things happen.

Any way during this time Rito would try and see if he could find Appa.

They would not let Rito or others leave as they please so Rito is going to play with their economy.

Rito is considered to be world class powerhouse with the fate business organization behind him.

Also they found that Rito can connect with the spirits and can use bending to a short while.

So they are keeping a close eye on Rito as much as they are keeping their eyes on Aang.

Nearly 20 percent of the economy of Ba Sing Se is actually controlled by fate business organization.

Even if they want to meddle Rito can easily cause heavy damage to those Dai Li.

Anyone that is a living being has to eat food and drink water.

These are the biggest weapons of Rito and the soldiers usually eat and drink separately.

Being a ninja, poisoning their supplies is the easiest thing for Rito to do rather than fighting hand to hand.

That day they found that there is going to be a party held by the earth king for his bear.

Aang and others wants to go in and Rito did not want to go.

He went around seeing things instead of wasting time on other things.

So they were down for the next few days.

Their lives became a routine.

On the other hand Toph looked dirty without any care for hygiene.

So Katara suggested that they should have a girl’s day out.

Rito also suggested that Toph should have some fun time like this too.

Since Rito suggested Toph did not have a choice but to go.

So Katara took Toph to a day spa.

When they came back Toph really wanted a compliment so Rito gave one.

“Toph you look beautiful.

Those makeup artists don’t know how to put a makeup for you.

Don’t worry, there is this girls called Kurenai, she would help you with the makeup thing in the future.

This kind of makeup doesn’t suit you.

But you really looked kind of refreshed.”

Well he actually went to the tea shop where general Iroh and Zuko works.

Zuko is boiling while Rito talked to general Iroh about him kissing Azula few days ago and what would be her reaction.

There is also Mai and Ty lee.

Not only Zuko but also Iroh is having a hard time holding on to the tea pot.

They don’t know how to react to Rito as they never heard someone dared to love Azula and even kiss her.

While they are speaking Rito pointed at Jin that is at the other corner of the tea house and said that she is really interested in Zuko.

Zuko don’t know how to reach and at that time she came to pay the bill and ask Zuko out.

Zuko did not answer but Rito and Iroh answered in his stead.

“Brother in law Zuko, I should help you in this kind of things right.

Also since you want to leave the fire nation just go with the women you love.

If in the future you really became the king of the fire nation then make her the queen.

Well that is if she really likes you and you really liked her.

I am even hitting on your sister, can’t you hit on a single normal woman that is interested in you.”

With Rito’s words Zuko’s fighting spirit activated and he wanted to go on a date.

After speaking, Rito left the place happily.

Well he did not leave but looked from the side on how Zuko actually doing.

At least Rito has to take care of his brother in law for Azula.

She would love to hear this kind of details about Zuko.

While Zuko is running Rito appeared in front of him and hit him on the head.

“A boy should escort a girl to her home first before leaving.

Where are your manners?

Now go and escort the lady back like a proper man.”

Rito said and vanished from that place quickly like a ghost.

Zuko never thought that Rito, being an ordinary person and a non bender can move so fast.

Only now did he remember that Rito said that he kissed Azula before.

Actually he became happy that there is someone that can put his sister in check, he would be happy.

With the thought he returned back to Jin……….

Chapter 127: contacted the earth king

Actually he became happy that there is someone that can put his sister in check, he would be happy.

With the thought he returned back to Jin and went to escort her back to her house.

While returning, Rito went to follow Momo on his adventure.

Rito knows that he can find the proof that Appa was here.

That would be enough for Aang to calm down a little more.

So after finding the location of the foot prints of Appa, Rito returned back and then took the group to the location where Momo found the foot print of Appa.

Aang became surer that Appa was in this city and also nearby.


But the location is not found yet.

At the same time Rito got message from Suki that they met Appa on the way and was attacked by Azula.

Well she was captured by Azula and after knows that she is also a girlfriend of Rito, things changed.

Azula is already collecting information on Rito and fate business organization.

The more she found out the more shocked she became.

She doesn’t know that there is such a terrifying force just lying out there without their notice.

So she specifically kept Suki to know more information.

Azula did not focus on avatar instead she focused on Rito now.

Suki received a message for Rito through the white Zetsu that can appear from anywhere.

He will come to rescue her soon and she should temper her will during this time.

This is her opportunity to improve and Rito would not spoil that.

There is white Zetsu that is around her protecting her in shadows.

If needed, Rito can directly break that prison to save Suki, but it is not the time yet.

Also she needs her heart to grow through the experiences of life to mature into a strong woman.


Back at Ba Sing Se Sokka tried to make the missing posters of Appa but his drawing is so horrible that he is drawing aliens instead of Appa.

With all the restriction the air bender nature and earth bender nature of Aang took effect.

He wants to be stubbornly free from all these restrictions.

So he directly told them that the guide women that they would search on their own and closed the door in front of her face.

Then they start putting up posters.

Toph came along with Rito while Katara encounter jet again.

Jet told them that he found Appa.

Katara did not believe and Toph asked if jet is her boyfriend.

Katara denied it but Toph can tell that she is lying.

Katara did not completely fall in love with Aang yet.

She still has some thoughts about this matter and she did not decide on anything yet.


Because of the sudden appearance of Smellerbee the situation where jet is brainwashed was found out.

With his help they found the location of Lake Laogai.

This should be the place where they are brainwashing the people.

Rito finally can stretch his hands and feet here.

He has been in passive state for so long that he is feeling a little rusty.

Inside the secret base of Dai Li the group separated and Rito was alone this time.

Even Toph is not there here.

So at that time Rito directly used the earth and water bending to make the entire base float up out of the water.

At the same time many of the Dai Li agents were captured with their hands and feet with sharp earth rocks piercing through them.

Other thought that it was done by Toph to stop them.

But it was all done by Rito.

Now these agents cannot earth bend any more.

Well Rito still has to tone down a little more as it is not the end yet and there are things that need to follow the flow.

The innocent people here were all rescued and only the head of the Dai Li was able to get out.

Well Rito let him go for now

But when he got out he was bitten by Appa.

Jet still died before long Feng escaped out of this place.

Zuko and Iroh were also here and they moved away after they freed Appa.

With Appa joining the team back the entire thing was finally over.

Rito also came out leaving Dai Li completely stuck inside the secret place.

The saved people were still in brainwashed state so they need rehabilitation.

But these things cannot happen immediately right now.

So Rito can only sight for them.

As long as he broke the seventh stage Rito don’t have to fear about Raava.

But he was unable to break.

His previous attempts at the North Pole, at the swamp and other places did not work.

The only choice he still has is that Guru Pathik and the lion turtle.

He has enough money to simulate but this kind of enlightenment that requires for the seventh stage needs to come by on its own rather than through simulation.

Even though he can get experience it is hard for the body to recognize them.

This is related to the connection to the universe.

So he has to get it through hard work this time.


The gang decided to go to the earth king to tell him about the situation.

With various actions and proofs earth king finally believed their words.

Long Feng was captured but only in name as Dai Li is completely loyal to him

Seeing long Feng Rito always felt like seeing Danzo and third Hokage back in the ninja world.

So handling this kind of people takes time.

At that time there are reports related Toph, Aang, Sokka and Katara.

Each wanted to go on their own way to strengthen themselves.

Katara and Toph would stay here for protecting the earth king.

Aang went to Guru Pathik to learn about the avatar state and finally Sokka want to go to his father to help him in……..

Chapter 128: the failure to break through

Katara and Toph would stay here for protecting the earth king.

Aang went to Guru Pathik to learn about the avatar state and finally Sokka want to go to his father to help him in the fight.

Rito was left alone this time to choose a side.

Rito want to step into the seventh stage and it is possible with the advice of Guru Pathik.

So Rito decided to go with Aang to the eastern air temple.

But before going Rito came to Toph and said.

“Toph, the metal is also a form of earth but it was in a more refined state.

Remember my words and they can be of help to you when I am not around.”


Have a nice trip and come back early”

Toph said with an excited face.

On the way Sokka was dropped at the water place where Sokka’s father is and then both Aang and Rito flew on Appa to the eastern air temple.

Rito did not state the reason why he wants to go to the eastern air temple.

Others simply thought that Rito has some vision of the spirits and wanted to confirm the situation.

After reaching the eastern air temple Guru Pathik was meditating at a flat spot.

When Aang arrived he started to speak with Guru Pathik.

On the other hand Rito was silent for the time being.

Rito needs time to ask about his problem and find the solution to that.

But one thing that Rito did not do is to take the juice given by Guru Pathik.

Aang has a good experience drinking onion and banana juice.


On the other hand Toph was captured and she is in a rage state.

She will remember the words of Rito when she calm down.

The trio of Azula’s group is having good time dressed up as Kyoshi warriors and finding about the strategy of the earth kingdom about the black sun.


Back at the eastern air temple Aang and Guru Pathik talked a lot and finally his eyes fell on Rito.

Immediately he joined his hands and said.

“It is nice to meet a fellow spiritualist.

You seem to have reached higher level in spiritualism but were stuck at the very last step.”

Rito smiled back and joined his hand to return the greeting and then explained.

“Yes, I was stuck at the seventh stage and was unable to break through that.

No matter how many insights I got, I was unable to take the final step…

I came here with Aang to see if I can get any advice from the Guru….”

Rito said and looked expectantly.

Guru Pathik thought for a moment and said.

“There is a way to solve things and I can guide you.

But I can only guide you.

You have to depend on yourself to progress and step into the seventh stage.


After that both Aang and Rito started to practice under the guidance of Guru Pathik.

Rito decided to go all the way from the basics to check if he missed any hidden dangers during the path he took before.

Rito was clear that the body and spirit are the foundations of this world.

It is important to check if there are any flaws in the body after practice.

But it is more important to check if there are any flaws in the spirit after practice too.

The more stable things are the more progress he can make in the future.

The process of opening chakras started.

As Rito has already opened 6 of them for the 6 stages he was able to check all the flaws that he did not notice before.

Finally it was time for the last and the 7th chakra.

Also it is related to the seventh stage that he wanted to break through.

Rito listened to the words of Guru Pathik about the seventh chakra.

But in order to completely unlock it Rito has to let go of all the earthly attachments.

Immediately, every single one of his women appeared in his thoughts that are attached to him.

Rito cannot let go of them and was unable to break through to the seventh stage.

It is like all of them formed into chains that locked 9 tails inside Naruto before.

Rito has to think of a way to understand on how to solve this problem.

He can never let go of his women but that doesn’t mean that this is the only way to open the chakra.

It is related to his emotions and how he sees things.

So he has to find an alternative for this.


While Rito’s is struggling Aang was able to step into the seventh stage opening the seventh chakra.

Well the luck and capabilities of a protagonist that Rito did not have.

But then he saw that visions that Katara is in danger and he immediately stopped.

Rito also came out of his thoughts and decided to leave along with Aang.

They first met with Sokka on the way and took him along.

Then they got Toph on the way that was rushing back.

She immediately stuck to Rito and said that the advice from him before he left really worked out for her and she now can bend metals.

Rito was happy for her and is constantly thinking on how to break the seventh stage.

Rito always feels that there is a solution for this other than letting go of his love.

They immediately move to the earth kingdom at their fastest speed.

Aang wanted to lie that he has completely mastered the avatar state.

But Rito was here and he could not lie properly.

Any way Toph on the side can easily tell if he is lying.

They met with the earth king and found that Katara is fine.

Rito did not believe that but he did not act out right now.

Toph can feel his heart’s agitation after she improved her earth bending capabilities……….

Chapter 129: earth kingdom has fallen

Rito did not believe that but he did not act out right now.

Toph can feel his heart’s agitation after she improved her earth bending capabilities.

She stood beside Rito holding his hand tightly.

They came back to their residence to speak with Katara but there is no one here.

With no other why they want to go out and check but stopped when someone knocked on their door.

It was general Iroh and Toph has met him before.

So she opened the door while Aang and Sokka have violent reactions.

“Do you guys know each other?”

Aang asked with shocked expression.

Rito smiled and said that they know each other and Toph gave a small explanation about tea and good advice for her.

Iroh came inside with permission and then spoke about Azula came into the earth kingdom.

Well there is not much change in the plot and Rito knows how things would move.

So he was ready.

He did not go along with Sokka or Aang instead he went to prepare an escape route for them.

Based in his speculations there is a chance that they have to go away from here.

So he went to get Appa and warn other generals.

It is not like he is avoiding Azula’s gang but Rito just cannot go to her right now.

Aang loosing the avatar state is an important condition.

So Rito cannot interfere with the plot.

Instead he can only be a spectator.

Raava has formed a giant web of network in this world with many spirits that crossed over.

So Rito cannot oppose her in her home court.

That is before he reached the seventh stage and completed the basics of immortal sage state.

Rito immediately got Toph, Sokka and the earth king, then Katara and Aang was also joined.

Aang was severely injured.

Katara used the water at the spirit oasis to heal Aang.

Sokka along with his father’s men captured a fire nation ship and escaping out of the earth kingdom.

During that time Aang finally woke up.

Rito has already sent his family and people have already moved away from Ba Sing Se along with his business.

As for Zuko that chose to follow Azula did not get to have good time with Mai as they are thinking of Rito instead.

Even Azula is thinking of Rito and she was sad that she could not find Rito or even a single member of his business organization.

It is more like they vanished into thin air.

She was both excited and vigilant knowing that there are people that are so good at hiding.

They have searched Ba Sing Se and other earth country cities but they did not find a single person or even single news about the fate merchant organization.

She suspects that they are planning something big.

She was sure that Aang is still alive.

So she started to plan out the things.

But whenever she remembers Rito, she remembers his kiss which is also her first kiss.

She cannot forget that strong hand that held her and the passionate kiss they shared.

Even Ty lee and Mai are having the same thoughts.

Zuko on the other hand is having a mental break down with the guilt of betraying his uncle general Iroh.

At the same time lack of love from Mai has increase this irritability.

Since he could not do anything he called in combustion man with a third eye tattooed to his forehead to hunt Aang down.


During this time Aang joined a fire nation school and had a good party with them.

Finally they escaped again to a polluted place where most of the water is polluted.

Katara wanted to help them and became the painted lady as they local river spirit.

Well Aang, Sokka and Toph found out about that and helped along.

With that the river was clean and village was saved.

Katara was able to meet with the real painted lady that thanked her.

Rito knows that even though this painted lady became a spirit she did not completely cross over to the spirit world.

Her spirituality is closely related to the river here.

This is the case with many other spirits too.

Their spirituality is connected to a specific world and they cannot show their power in the spirit world.

They soon gone to another fire nation town where there is a meteorite shower.

Rito has already sent a message to white Zetsu to keep an eye on all the location that meteorite falls.

Kurotsuchi was flying in the air in secret to keep an eye on all the meteorites that fell.

Except for the one that Aang and others worked to stop from burning the village nearby, all other meteorites were collected by his people.

Rito is going to make weapons for everyone using these meteorite materials.

Metals in the meteorite are tampered in the extreme temperature and high pressured special conditions.

So their composition and mixture of things are completely different and stronger than traditional materials.

So Rito collected them all and told the people in his group that are good with fire bending and fire attribute to gather and separate the materials.

Rito would take a time to switch with his clone to smelt these metals into strong weapons and armor for his women.

Having strong power if good but having strong weapon and armor is better.

On the other hand Sokka is sulking that others can do various things while he cannot do anything.

Even was even jealous of Rito because he was able to flirt with the trio of Azula’s group.

Rito did not say anything but one sentence.

“Sokka you need a teacher to learn something.”

That is all Rito said while the group decided to go out for shopping for buying something for Sokka.

Sokka was able to join the sword master to learn from him.

On the other hand the group doesn’t know what to do without Sokka……….

Chapter 130: weapons for everyone with space metals

Sokka was able to join the sword master to learn from him.

On the other hand the group doesn’t know what to do without Sokka.

So they are lying down on the dirt thinking in circles.

While Sokka is away training, Rito switched with his clone to make weapons for everyone with the metals from the meteorite.

Later after 2 days even Rito’s clone is gone saying that it would be back in two days.

Rito put all of his concentration on making weapons.

Everyone got their own weapon of their choice.

Tsunade, Sakura, Mito and Kushina got metal gloves for their hands.

They are malleable with the chakra movements.

For Toph Rito made special strong metal gloves.

For Hinata she got a metal guard for her organs along with metallic finger tips that can shoot chakra needles in a delicate way.

Just like that everyone got space metal equipment with special properties.

The properties are designed by Rito through various compositions of metals with special attributes along with works well with the seals that he imprinted on them.

These are spirit seals that he got through the time of study from the spirit world.

They can work in any world as long as there is a form of energy that is connected to the spirit energy.

Just before the day Sokka comes back to ask them to help take the meteorite Rito comes back.

Rito gave the metal hand gloves and leg gloves to Toph.

Also there is a mesh like body armor to protect vital organs.

It will not heat up or cool down rapidly but protect from strong attacks.

As for Aang he brought back a hand glider just like the one he had before but was broken.

For Katara he brought back the mesh net armor with a metal bag that can let water stay cold.

As for Sokka, Rito got him a metal boomerang.

When the people asked Rito where he got these things Rito told them that he made them himself with the knowledge of spirit magic.

“Toph, these things are made from the space metal that came down through meteorites.

Try molding your gloves and you can form into anything.

They are strong and soft at the same time.

You can use them as weapons…….”

As Rito said the people tried their new things making them more and more happy about that.

At that time Sokka arrived and Rito gave him to boomerang.

He was happy with the new boomerang.

Any way he can use two of them.

Soon Sokka said that he wanted to take the meteorite to make a sword.

The people immediately thought that Rito has completely used the meteorite and wanted to tell Sokka.

But Rito said that he did not use the meteorite here but the other meteorites that fell at different places.

So they calmed down and the process went smoothly.


The previous attempt of breaking through to the seventh stage with Guru Pathik has failed.

So Rito has put his hopes on the lion turtle.

Others might not know or follow Aang but Rito can follow Aang to meet with the lion turtle.

This opportunity can only come through protagonist.

So Rito cannot miss the chance.

Also this time Rito is going to separate from the group replacing with his clone and go to Ember Island to play with the three beauties of Azula’s group.


By the time Rito arrived at that place Azula is giving out her speak after winning a beach volleyball match from some other team.

Rito suddenly appeared out of nowhere with his hands on her shoulders from behind and said while rubbing them in cool down posture.

“Baby, don’t get so tensed up.

You just won the a beach volleyball match,

You don’t have to be so excited about that.

Hey Ty lee, Mai how are you doing…..”

Immediately at that moment Azula wanted to attack with her elbow.

It did hit the gut of Rito but there is not even a single change in the words of Rito.

It is like she just hit a rock.

Rito’s voice did not even have a slight shake even with the powerful hit.

“Sigh…what are you hitting me for.

I have already told you that these small things would not work on me.

Even your lightning is useless.

So calm down and be a good girl.

Also your swim suits looked nice.

Look at Ty lee she has a good rack and the dress shows it perfectly.

Those men over there are literally drooling at her see.

You are a perfect girl but there are more perfect things.

You should improve step by step by learning new things…”

“Are you my uncle?

Why are you sounding like an old man…?”

The argument slowly increases to the point where Azula told Rito that she is going to find a boyfriend that likes her dominating side.

She stepped away from Rito while Ty lee and Mai came to Rito holding his hands.

Their argument arouses the attention of two boys named Chan and Ruon-Jian.

They are even checking out Ty lee and Mai.

Rito really doesn’t like that but hey he calmed down for now.

If he gets angry for everything then there will not be any man left on this planet.

Rito is not like that.

For some reason they invited Rito too.

It is like they were hypnotized looking into the eyes of Rito.

Azula was perfect and said that she wanted to go to the party since it was dusk already.

Rito stopped her and said that it is just an expression of excitement and it is not like that.

But she did not listen and dragged Zuko along with her for the party.

As for Mai and Ty lee, as long as Rito is around they would not feel fear about Azula.

So they decided to wait it out a little before going.

Rito brought them new dresses that made…….


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