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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 41: flying cockroaches and rats

Other than that the medicine for infections and tetanus required to be maintained at specific low temperature.

After a month of waiting all the medicine should already be damaged under the water.

So those people want free labor to do the world for small amounts of food.

Mohini would not take Roy and Nisha for this thing at that time.


Time passed by and the struggles below increased day by day.

There are people that have the fear of death and became bold instead.

They started to touch the wives of other people causing conflicts.

Also there are times when those people silently steal the food from others and eat it.

There are problems with hygiene as everyone needs to go for nature calls.

The stench of the water mixed with human waste and drainage water is already unbearable.

But now there people that do the thing and did not clean their asses causing more problems.

Along with this the bad hygiene attracted the mosquitoes and fleas that are bigger in size.

They have adapted to the current weather and evolved.

The food and water that was left out was contaminated by the fleas and worms.

Well it can still be saved but the mosquitoes are unbearable.

Whenever they stung would cause red rashes, pain and strong itchy feeling.

This is not all it might even cause sudden illness.

Falling ill at the current situation is nothing more than signing a death warrant.

So even with the high temperature and unbearable stench people are wearing thick clothes that cover their entire body.

On the contrary Mohini was inside her house covered with meshed doors that would not allow mosquitoes or other insects.

She is barely wearing anything and she locked the doors.

She put on the air conditioning filled with ice cubes that she previously brought to exercise and live happily.

Even though her stats reached the maximum limit of the current restriction, she wants to have proficiency in the weapons.

As long as she becomes proficient when she uses the same skills in the future then they would act as critical hits with rapid improvement in skill level.

The stench was also very less as Mohini specifically used some air filters and room fresheners.

Most of the time the room was closed and the ventilators have air filters arranged during the renovation.

So Mohini was the happiest of all the people present in this community.

Mohini is doing her daily routine exercising and eating every day.

The cooked food was helpful.

She eats a different variety every day.

There are also snacks and other kinds of fast foods.

She would eat cold cakes and ice cream of her favorite flavors when she wanted to eat.

She doesn’t have to fear about gaining weight as she is exercising enough to consume these calories into energy.

Just the cooked food she has can let her eat for a long time.

On January 15th the water level dropped further down below 10th floor.

But the place is like a steamer.

At the same time the water became more concentrated with the dirty water and human waste that is continuously increasing.

This is not all but the number of people that became ill also increased.

Every now and then, in the evening after the sunset the people of the community would take the people that are ill to the hospital.

Unfortunately they all know that the hospitals no longer had medicine and they did not even have doctors or staff.

They are saving their own lives and the lives of their family members.

Well doctors are also humans and they want to save their loved ones instead of dying while treating others.

Doctors would work when their family is safe and well.

Not only doctors but everyone is like that.

There are fools that speak about blind nationalism.

They are really fools because if they cannot even save their own family and loved ones what they would be fighting outside for.

First save yourself, your loved ones and then you save others which are the best thing for a human.

The blind nationalism would not give any benefits other than becoming the puppet in the hands of others.

Not only is this place it is the same all over the world there no patriots in this world.

Even if they are they all died in the first two months unwillingly looking that the greedy and ugly faces of the human’s true nature.

So the trips of the people are wasted.

Most of these doctors are also divided between the political groups.

The people in power here are very adaptable and found what they should get first.

Among them along with food, water, medicine there is also doctors.

Time passed by more and the water levels decrease also very slow.

The previously submerged rooms are not out but they cannot live in there as the rooms are filled with all kinds of sewage.

At that time another problem started.

It is the problem with cockroaches and rats.

The number is so high that they are literally everywhere.

Mohini has sealed all the piping connections with cement and there is no entry to her room.

Even though she is women she is not afraid of rats and bugs.

She overcame her fright over the years of life and she remembered that she even ate rat meat once to save her life.

This caused her to fall ill and paralyses for a week.

Fortunately she survived but unfortunately she lived in hell longer.

She can see through the mesh that there are cockroaches that are flying around and rats that are trying to bite the iron mesh.

Well they would not come out at the day time but comes out during the night.

Mohini dropped some rat poison in the corridor to kill them but the toxicity in them is not strong enough to kill these cockroaches or rats.

Well they will not be able………...

Chapter 42: meeting boss Oba again

Mohini dropped some rat poison in the corridor to kill them but the toxicity in them is not strong enough to kill these cockroaches or rats.

Well they will not be able to enter inside so Mohini was doing her things peacefully.

At the end of January the food reserves and water reserves of most of the people were completely gone.

There are people that went out to salvage food and water from the submerged stores.

It was very hard as most of the food was spoiled after a month of soaking under the heavy pressure of water.

If they found something intact then the fight started.

On 30th of January the water level dropped to the 6th floor and stopped there without going down.

The air is already saturated and the water would not go down any more for the time being.

Mohini knows this.

On this day after the sunset some boats arrived at the location.

It was the people from the local tyrant are here.

They came here to get some free labor.

At that time Mohini saw someone she knows in the group.

It was a man working for a mafia boss that Mohini met before.

He even fucked her before after the mafia boss is done fucking her.

Even though the sun set there is still some light to recognize the faces of these people.

Mohini carefully locked the doors after putting on a full body dress covering everything except for her face.

Then she went down.

Roy and Nisha have already reached down to the window of the seventh floor.

They are talking to the person that belongs to the political party as Nisha is talking to them about her family background.

Mohini came down to call out for the person she knows after squeezing out of the group.

Mohini is wearing the dress that has the stench similar to them.

It was the dress that she is using to wipe out the sweat every day to make it dirty with strong smell.

Mohini did this so that other people would not find out about her current happy life.

Also she looked so lean that it is hard to tell if she is eating properly.

But her tits and ass are still noticeably firm.

The man that belongs to the mafia boss recognized Mohini.

Mohini asked about boss Oba and found that boss Oba is with the mafia boss.

Mohini asked if those people can take her to boss Oba.

Mohini has a rubber assault boat but right now taking that out is not good.

So she decided to ask the other party for lift.

Any way Mohini knows that boss Oba was as strong as the mafia boss when it comes to network.

So if they are working together then things would go much smoothly.

This is the same in the previous life where this opportunity was taken by Nisha.

But now Mohini is going to step up and take the things.

Mohini was sure that boss Oba would definitely take Mohini in for work because Mohini is very efficient and would not ask any questions back.

Also she can help serve him in the night when needed.

She still got her beauty.

Because of these reasons Mohini was preferred than other employees.

Other party discussed about this and they know that boss Oba has a good standing in the current circle.

So Mohini was called to go along with them.

They came to the window of the seventh floor and Mohini safely jumped onto their ship.

Nisha tried her best to show off her family background but they need to verify things with their boss about Nisha.

Well she worked in boss Oba’s office but she is not that intimate with boss Oba and did not have much standing on that side.

Since Roy has to cling on to Nisha to get through this situation he is trying his best to please Nisha.

He did not even stop to lick her pussy even in this current situation and he does that till she had a climax with her love juices splashed on his face.

So they said that they would first enquire and speak to them on the next visit.

Mohini has already taken everything that needs to be taken in her apartment.

There is nothing there right now.

The reason for this is very simply.

Mohini was sure that these people would definitely enter into her room to check.

Mohini survived the strong heat head on and even came down all the way from 20th floor.

This proves that Mohini had something to eat and they did not find it in the last search.

Also the three people that died should have found out about the food Mohini hid so Mohini killed them.

When people are starving they don’t need a strong reason to act.

The little thought of Mohini having food are enough for them to break into her apartment.

Well Mohini did not care about that.

But she was sad that the apartment that she specifically made by spending lot of money has become like that.

Any way the secret room is not accessible so she doesn’t have to worry about sleeping.

As for the remaining rooms she would take care of them after coming back.

Mohini was taken to another community that is even richer.

The big people are staying here.

Each of them has occupied an apartment floor and the water level here is even lower than many places.

Also there is no stench and the number of bugs and insects here are also less.

Mohini was taken in to meet with boss Oba.

Well the meeting is at the lower floors as the big people did not want the stench to come to the upper floors.

Boss Oba came down and found that Mohini is still alive.

After finding that Mohini is alive and kicking, boss Oba immediately decided to take Mohini in for to work for him.

Chapter 43: relocating to new place

Boss Oba came down and found that Mohini is still alive.

After finding that Mohini is alive and kicking, boss Oba immediately decided to take Mohini in for to work for him.

Mohini is a beauty and a very efficient worker.

She can work and she can be fucked.

Her pussy and ass hole are amazing that boss Oba or anyone of this clients were unable to forget about them.

He has observed Mohini for a year and Mohini never complain and does the work in the best possible way.

Also Mohini plans everything perfectly without any problem.

In the end times, gaining a capable and trusted subordinate is one of the most problematic things.

Also a super efficient worker and a bitch like Mohini are even harder.

So boss Oba has assigned Mohini to work for him.

Well Mohini cannot stay here but she can relocate to the apartments near the apartments here.

There is a big apartment building where the trusted people of boss Oba and the mafia boss are staying.

So boss Oba told Mohini to relocate to this apartment.

If Mohini wanted to steal the things then she has to relocate here.

Boss Oba called his other men to help relocate Mohini immediately also give Mohini some necessities like a rubber boat, food and water.

That is not the only command he told them to wash up Mohini and bring her over for the night.

The men had a lewd smile on their faces and they immediately accepted the words of boss Oba.

The men took Mohini back down and was about to take her back to her apartment to get her things.

At that time someone from the political leader side arrived telling the people that brought Mohini here to bring Nisha back too.

So, two boats made their way to the apartment buildings that Mohini stayed till now.

When they arrived back Mohini hopped into the apartment building and the people from the political side asked Mohini to call Nisha.

Mohini don’t mind calling as it would be easy for her to play with them when they are outside.

Mohini already saw them starving and Nisha looked haggard.

Mohini wanted them to starve to die.

For that the first thing she has to do is to create some opportunities to make people believe that Roy is hiding food with him.

She can do that same with Nisha but Mohini wants to kill Nisha with her own hands.

It is not because Nisha used her or because she stole her things.

But Nisha has done many atrocities that could not be spoken out.

So Mohini doesn’t want her to live and do the same in the future.

There is one more thing that Mohini observed that is Nisha seems to be fine even after so many days without food.

She looked haggard but she is not weak and she did not look like she did not eat anything for a long time.

The more Mohini thought about it the more she found it was odd.

There are only two ways for this current situation.

First is that Nisha had a space which is much smaller or with other restrictions.

Second is that Nisha has a system or something like that that has system space.

Mohini was more inclined to the second option as there is change in her beauty and some of her actions of identifying her ark space even before she knows about that.

All these point to one point that she has a system.

But the space in the system should be small or a grid type.

There should be quests or other related stuff………

Mohini speculated all of this.

So she definitely would not let Nisha live.

If Nisha grows up one day and resented her then it will be her end.

Mohini doesn’t want that to happen.


Mohini called Nisha and Roy and told them about being called from below.

She told them with some unfriendly tone and left without hearing their relpy.

After that Mohini went back to her room to clean up the things and went to the special little bedroom.

She took out a mini ladder and unclipped the clips on the top and at the bottom of the fake wall.

These clips are hidden by the painting on the walls.

Then she went into the room and unclipped the clips attached to the corners in the small room.

After that she took the entire mini room into the space.

Well her space was already filled and she has to place it tightly at spot where the water tanks are place.

Originally it is hard to make the entire apartment that can maintain constant temperature.

So Mohini searched around the net.

Finally she found this mini room that can maintain constant temperature.

It has sound proofing to the highest degree.

It can be used outdoor and it can be used inside a building.

It can be used anywhere.

If the doors and windows are closed, then it can be considered as a completely sealed room.

There are small holes for ventilation.

It is a one person mini room and 2 people can squeeze in easily.

Mohini knows that she will be staying in many places and she cannot make arrangements every time.

So she has fixed on buying this.

Previously Mohini was feeling bad because she has paid money to make this room truly invisible with special painting and all that.

But now if she put this in her new apartment then it would cause many stirs if it was found out by others.

Also she doesn’t know if she can live alone or live with other people.

In the past life Mohini moved to the other apartments following Nisha and Roy.

But she was sent to stay with the low level workers and she has to live in a room with 5 other people.

Well there is always a dick inside her holes at that time whenever……….

Chapter 44: pleasure after so long

But she was sent to stay with the low level workers and she has to live in a room with 5 other people.

Well there is always a dick inside her holes at that time whenever there is time for those men.

The climate is so hot and she literally lived in hell but it is a smelly pleasure hell.

But this time Mohini doesn’t want that to happen instead she wanted to live happily and fuck the person of her choosing instead of free use.

She came down carrying two mountaineering bags.

Well this was for show and the things in the bags are clothes and a little food with some utensils.

Mohini saw that Nisha and Roy were already standing on the rubber boat.

Mohini slowly got on the rubber boat and they moved on to the new apartment.

The people in the apartment are envious.

They wanted to come and protest against people for not taking them and protecting them.

Unfortunately they don’t dare because the thugs that came had guns with them.

Previously someone dared and they were pointed with a gun.

The people that came from the political party said that they are going to give them some salvaging work.

The payment is food.

The interested people can be ready tomorrow morning to go for work.

After she said that the two boats drifted away.

After coming to the new apartment Mohini was given a choice.

There are empty rooms at the top floor where she can stay alone.

But the temperature is very high.

If she wants to say below then she has to share the room with others.

Here the temperature is lower compared to the higher floors.

Mohini directly chose to stay in a flat at the top floor saying that she liked it hot.

Also Mohini was given some food, water and a rubber boat for travelling.

Other than that Mohini also received a gun with few bullets from the men of Oba.

There is also a dagger.

She was told to take a bath and come down to meet with boss Oba later.

Boss Oba arranged these things for Mohini.

Mohini would serve as the planner and a bitch for boss Oba from now on.

There is another man that would act as the right hand man for boss Oba.

He is strong.

He is called Mobo.

Mohini already met with this right hand man of boss Oba and got acquainted with him.

His dick as big as the dick of boss Oba and the night she spent with Mobo is one of her memorable nights of pleasure.

Mohini washed up with the water that was given to her specifically for washing and then put on some good clothes.

Mobo came over and took her to meet boss Oba.

On the way Mobo quickly explained the things to Mohini about the location of the goods that needs to be salvaged for boss Oba.

Also he told the information of other’s goods that needs salvaging to get a small share of their materials.

After Mohini listened to the information Mohini started to plan the people that required and what rations that needed to be given to them for the work.

She was sent to the room of boss Oba and then Mobo left with a smile.

After the boss is done with her, he can get a chance to fuck her too.

Mobo and Mohini know each other for a long time working for boss Oba.

But the number of time they met is very low.

Mohini works with boss Oba on his trips while Mobo would deal with the things on his own.

In a way Mobo was more trusted than Mohini.

After an hour boss Oba is done playing with Mohini and he told her to go to Mobo and wash of and continue to the allotted work.

Mohini got some extra food for her efforts.

But Mohini asked for bullets instead.

Boss Oba can understand Mohini’s mind set and gave her some extra bullets.

She went to meet with Mobo and then another two hours are spent in his room.

He also got a single room because he is the right hand man of boss Oba.

Mohini was really refreshed with all the fucking after so long.

It has been over a month since she was fucked so much pleasurably.

After that they started to do the planning.

Well Mohini did the planning while Mobo sucked her tits and burying his head between her tits.

When Mohini is done planning, she asked Mobo about the people available and other people that can be taken.

After the calculation Mohini told Mobo to bring in few more people to salvage the external things while their trusted people would transport the things inside.


Mohini washed up and then moved along the plan.

They quickly moved on as Mobo arranged the people to bring in some labor that would work for rations.

Well the thing that was given is just a handful of rice that is soaked in water.

The things they want to salvage are the guns.

Mobo took Mohini to the location where the guns are submerged.

Well during the work he did not do any flirting and let the people take care of the business.

Fortunately these guns and ammunition are not of the old days.

Even if they are wet these guns and ammunition can still be used.

Mohini looked at the building.

It was a 3 story building and the weapons are stored in the basement of this house.

The building is submerged till the first floor as this place is on a higher ground.

So people have to dive in to the dirty water to reach the basement and then bring the boxes up.

Mohini knows that the people cannot be trusted when it is related to weapons and ammunition.

There is a chance that they would use these things to fight back.

Unfortunately the wet guns……...

Chapter 45: salvaging and extra bonuses

There is a chance that they would use these things to fight back.

Unfortunately the wet guns and ammunition cannot be used directly.

The morning sun is scorching.

So the entire thing will start at the evening around 6 PM when the sky was still white with the sun rays.

The sun light is available till around 8 PM in the evening and from 3 AM in the morning.

In the evening around at 7 PM the men are here and there are lights in the building for them to look.

Before letting people dive Mohini specifically asked what everyone worked for before the current disaster.

This is to make sure that there are no retired officers or others that can handle the guns.

Well they might lie, but Mohini can see the small hints of their hand and other places that the professionals in various fields had to verify the truth.

Only after verifying did Mohini let them dive in to bring back the weapons.

In the previous life Mohini is one of the diving people and she saw that there is a criminal mixed in the diving people.

When he came up he killed a few people of the big gangs and left with two guns and 50 rounds of ammunition.

Mohini hid around the corner to escape from that situation before.

So Mohini has to be careful as she is currently an organizing member of those big gangs.

She doesn’t want to play with her life.

Mobo thought that Mohini was wasting time to put more importance to her work.

But he did not say anything and wanted to punish her later in the bed.

The guns and ammunition were salvaged and the boxes were placed on the rubber boats.

Mobo sent his trusted people to take the things back and store them at a designated room of the apartments they are staying.

They did not take them to boss Oba’s place as the boxes are soaked in sewage water for so long that they smell very bad.

The process is successfully and the rations were distributed while Mohini went back to check the current situation of guns and ammunition.

Well they are soaked in water for more than a month.

Fortunately after they are dried a little they can be used normally.

For the drying process they don’t have to worry as the sun would directly dry them out in one day.

While she is checking some of Mobo’s trusted people came from behind looking at her ass with lust filled in their eyes.

Mohini noticed them and knows that Mobo takes time to come back so she wants to give these people some fun and extra bonus.

The pant she is wearing has zip on the back side too.

She unzipped her pants and pulled them down revealing her ass and pussy.

“Be quick and one can go on a round before Mobo arrives.

Also you can cum inside.

But don’t touch my clothes and make them dirty.”

The men that heard her immediately became happy with her words.

So they immediately moved forward inserting their dicks into her holes.

One put it inside her ass hole and the next one inserted into her pussy.

They cummed inside her quickly because of her controlled her body well to squeeze their dicks.

After they are done they quickly left because they felt that they are implicated because of that.

Mohini took out a tissue paper to clean up the cum inside her holes.

Mobo did not come back quickly so she locked the doors of the ammunition and Mobo arrived when it was early in the morning.

She gave him the keys after showing the things inside and then they separated.

Well it is going to be hot so they did not do anything more.

Mohini went back to her room, washed up, ate something and slept peacefully.

On the next day they plan to go to a different place to salvage ammunition.

At that time Mobo got news that shocked him and he understood that he really misunderstood Mohini yesterday.

It was about the incident that Mohini faced before.

A criminal got the gun and shot the people before escaping with some guns and ammunition.

He understood that he really underestimated the current situation.

So he let Mohini check more thoroughly so that there is no such dangerous incident in his group.

The process of getting the weapons is quick and the people with experience on the first day completed the work very quickly.

Since they completed the work here quickly Mohini called them over to salvage the goods at a supermarket.

If they were to search the thing individually they will have a hard time.

If they were able to search in a group then they don’t have to fear of losing their lives and food to others.

Mohini even announced to them that they can keep some of the food they salvaged as long as they salvaged at least 10 kilograms worth of food or other equivalent things.

Mobo quickly understood what Mohini is doing and immediately cooperated with Mohini.

He knows that value of the food as money no longer had its previous value, food is everything.

Mohini quickly thinking can give them more food reserves.

The good food they had can be stored while the bad food that these people salvaged can be used as wages later.

Also all they are doing right now is looking while the other people work for them.

Well they are giving protection which is an effort less thing.

Originally this supermarket should be salvaged by Roy and Nisha’s people.

But Mohini took the chance to get the things here.

They will salvage this place in a few days.

Any way they are also staying in the same apartment and Mohini can deal with them when she wanted to deal with them.

Since Nisha cannot contact with her family she will not be able to get any……..

Chapter 46: their next destination

(Today’s temperature is over 40 degrees here which is very strange for the start of April 10th, to have this level of temperature.)

Any way they are also staying in the same apartment and Mohini can deal with them when she wanted to deal with them.

Since Nisha cannot contact with her family she will not be able to get any benefits from the political leader group or those local tyrants.

They seem to have some satellite phone to contact the people from the higher circle to get information and conformation.

Every time they would get some confirmations about the situation and make new plans.

If everything goes as in the previous life after 2 months the salvaging of guns, gold, silver, gemstones, fuel….etc will be completed.

At that time they will wait for another 2 months to make the final preparations to move into the inner areas or higher altitude cities.

The 2 months of wait is for them to collect enough rubber boats and vehicles to travel going out of the flood infested area.

Other than that they also need day stops to escape from the scorching sun.

Food and water are to be prepared as well.

The journey will not be a short one.

If it was before then it is not a problem.

But right now the situation on the road is completely unknown.

So they can only send in the scouts and make arrangements before their journey.

The power to accumulate from city to city till it reaches the main cities in the higher altitude areas where there is no flood.

But the shortage of water is there.

So the dams were completely locked and the water is being preserved in the big dams.

There is no water shortage near the cities that has the big dams.

Even though sun is playing a strong trick it cannot evaporate the water stored by the big dams.

This is the destination of the concentration of the people from various powers.

When the disaster is subdued they would go back to reconstruct with the wealth that they had on hand.

Mohini will follow these people to that main location to find the perfect chance to steal all of their treasures and ammunition.

Her space is already full but the sections that are kept for stealing these valuables are still there.

The value of gold, silver and especially the gemstones is very high in the future.

Mohini cannot miss the opportunity.

Their current destination should be Chandrabhaga Dam, Spillway and Reservoir.

During this time Mohini stayed in her apartment at the top floor peacefully while having good food and cool air.

Mohini also decided to kill Nisha and Roy before they leave this place to go to the predetermined destination.

Nisha has a strong background at least before the earth docked with the apocalypse land.

During the ice age Mohini has see the power of Nisha’s family.

Then when the mutation happened things turned upside down causing their power to completely collapse.

The awakened people took over the power and their family fell off the power and has to depend on Nisha for many things.


It is already the end of February and Mohini speed up the progress of salvaging things with her planning.

The benefits she gave attracted more people from the political and mafia circle but they are only allowed after screening by Mohini.

Because of the quickly work Roy and Nisha did not get to show off to the political leader on their side

The political leader also asked boss Oba to help in the salvaging process.

Mohini became famous for the quick work like she is some sort of control unit or a catalyst.

Well she also became a high class bitch for all these corrupt leaders.

She was given some good and water for her efforts at work and extra for dancing in their laps.

They can never get enough of Mohini.

She was so perfect that they want to fuck her almost every day.

So it has become a common thing that she would be fucked by someone every day as they divided the days between them.

Well Mohini enjoyed it a lot and she could take baths every day and get fucked by clean dicks.

Other than the extra bonus her bitch points area also increasing slowly step by step.

At the end of February most of the salvaging work is done and Mohini.

Mohini told Mobo to keep an eye on Roy and Nisha because she felt that they might betray.

Well Nisha did not give allegiance to anyone and she would jump on to the ship that is most favorable to her.

She would not shy away from using her body to seduce other people to get what she wanted.

Since Mohini stole their thunder and took most of the credit then they should plan to get betray this group and get into another group to gain more.

In this group since they are not working Mohini suggested that they would not be given high treatment like the bosses had.

Normal treatment is enough for them and they still don’t know if the family of Nisha would value her or not.

This is true.

The family of Nisha did not come into prominence till the ice age started.

Also at that time Nisha is not the main focus of power but it was the cousin of Nisha that is good with business and holds more resources in the family had the power.

Roy and Nisha plotted against her cousin to steal all the materials he possessed in the past life using the space that Nisha got.

With those resources Roy and Nisha became the main pillar of the family.

No one would care about the dead person where their life is at the stake.

So the cousin of Nisha and his loyal supporters are all gone just like that.

Till then Roy and Nisha did not have any power other than the family name of Nisha.

So Mohini’s suggestion was quickly passed through boss Oba, the local leaders and others to preserve…...

Chapter 47: Mohini captured Roy and nisha

Till then Roy and Nisha did not have any power other than the family name of Nisha.

So Mohini’s suggestion was quickly passed through boss Oba, the local leaders and others to preserve more food and water for their future journey.

Roy and Nisha are not the only ones there are many other people that are freeloading with the family names.

Any way they will still get food and water but the quantity is halved this would result in saving a huge amount of food and water.

The time passed by as Mohini exercised, stole some guns and ammunition whenever she got the chance.

Let those men with clean dicks fuck her whenever she was itchy.

Well they would be happy to lick her pussy clean before spraying a little cum and leave happily.

During one of the times, Mohini’s men that she arranged to keep an eye on Roy and Nisha reported her that there are strange movements.

Roy and Nisha are meeting with the people from other mafia parties and political parties in secret.

Mohini silently followed them on one night when they are on the move.

After finding that Roy and Nisha met with the other groups Mohini only smiled and then her attack started.

Mohini directly gave some food to the thug that helped her find the news.

Well the extra payment is that he can fuck her ass hole and cum inside once.

After he is done Mohini sent him away first.

When Roy and Nisha are returning, Mohini took out some food that has strong meat smell and lit a small fire at an abandoned place on the way.

This smell attracted the attention of Roy and Nisha.

Nisha and Roy each has a gun that they got from the political group in the name of Nisha’s family.

So they wanted to use this gun to deter the people cooking the meat and get their food with for themselves.

When they came over it was half constructed building with slabs and stairs but there are no walls.

There is fire on the third floor above the water surface.

The surrounding area is a construction site and there is no one living here.

Nisha had a bad feeling about this but the smell of food did not let her think normally.

So she followed Roy and came to the third floor.

There is an image of a man sitting near the fire covered with ragged clothes with his back towards the stairs.

Roy pointed the gun at the figure and said his warning but there is no movement as if that person has died sitting.

They moved forward step by step when they suddenly felt a gust of wind from behind.

Mohini that was hiding on the fourth floor came down behind them and knocked out Roy and Nisha.

The figure sitting near the fire is a mannequin that Mohini found during her searches.

She thought that it can be used for distracting others and relieving some of her lust if there are no men with her.

So she collected it.

Mohini immediately took the food and put off the fire.

She took both Nisha and Roy to the top floor and first she dislocated the joints of Nisha and Roy.

Closed their mouths with plasters and packed them up in gunny bags.

She took their rubber boat and other things and then returned back to the apartment buildings.

She put her boat away and then took the two bags on her back during the dead of the night.

She did not make any sound when moving and no one lives at the top floor.

Fortunately her physical fitness and skills are much higher than it was before if not she would not be able to carry them both till the 20th floor easily.

Well her physical fitness is still a little low for this kind of thing so she sweated a lot.

Because of the lack of food both of them weighed around 130 kilograms.

Even though it was night no one noticed Mohini moving the things because of her vigilance to the movements and no lights.

After coming to the 20th floor Mohini took them straight to her apartment and then she tied them up with chains.

Mohini hit on their vocal cards making them unable to speak.

She also dislocated their hands and leg joints.

Then she woke them up.

When they looked around they were shocked to find Mohini sitting on a chair in front them and they cannot move are speak.

Mohini is naked sitting in front of them while milking her tits to drink some fragrant milk tea in front of them.

While they tried their best to move and make sound they realized that their hands and feet are tied other than their dislocated joints.

Their movements increased the pain at the dislocated area making them want to scream without any sounds.

After she let them calm down, Mohini knocked Nisha again.

Then she looked at Roy and spoke.

“If you did not tell all of your secret meetings with the other party, I will leave you like this on the terrace of the building in the morning.

Well you cannot speak so I will give you a paper and pen to write.

Do you really think that you can get a beauty like me with that puny dick of yours?

Be a good cuck and write all the details.

I might let you lick my pussy or even ride your little dick…”

To the people like Roy that catch on to things slowly needs extra force to make them understand.

So Mohini’s first threat did not get into his head.

Even her seduction or words did not make him move.

He wrote some harsh words to Mohini calling her bitch and some nonsense…

Also he wrote that she should let them go if not she would not have good ending.

Mohini doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry……..

Chapter 48: threatening Roy and Nisha for their secrets

Also he wrote that she should let them go if not she would not have good ending.

Mohini doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry for the stupidity of Roy.

Mohini put on her dress as there are many insects outside.

After making sure that Nisha is really knocked out, Mohini dragged Roy out of the room and took him to the top of the building.

Mohini dragged Roy to the pillar and tied him to it.

Then Mohini said.

“Now write down all about plan details, the secret stashes of the other party is holding and other things.

I will leave after 20 minutes and will not return here till tomorrow night.

You can choose to stay quite now but I cannot guarantee that you will survive till tomorrow night.”

Roy was really frightened and immediately started writing with the arm that was now relocated by Mohini.

Even though his arm is in pain he did not stop writing because of the fear of life.

After he is done writing Mohini took the paper and looked through the contents in a dim light.

The information shocked Mohini.

Roy was really useful this time as he found the locations of all the secret stashes of the other party competing with the people Mohini is working for.

But it is not a problem as Mohini got some important secrets from this stupid Roy.

Mohini made sure that everything written here is true after threatening Roy again.

Mohini once again dislocated the arm of Roy and then dragged him downstairs.

She went to the farthest room from the stairs and picked the lock of the door.

She dropped Roy inside that room and kicked his peanut sized balls hard making him squeal like a pig.

Then she said to him.

“Now you have shelter from the sun’s heat.

I will see you tomorrow if you are still alive.

There is still Nisha to play with, so bye for now.

Do you know why I started doing this?

Do you remember that day when we went on a party you were drunk.

You started to tell about your inner thoughts about using me to warm the bed of boss Oba for your promotion.

Then you want to divorce me and marry that bitch Nisha.

Since you want to use me to get promotion I used it for myself to survive….”

Mohini said that and left after locking the room.

Roy was having a fit in the rage where he cannot do anything including yelling.

Mohini returned back to her apartment and woke Nisha up.

She asked the same question that she asked Roy and also asked about her secrets.

Nisha used her hand to write that Mohini should let her go and even give food to her to keep her secret of space and other things.

Mohini became impatient and dragged her to the top and tied her to the pillar.

After that she asked her to write down her secrets.

Mohini clearly saw that there is no sign of becoming weak in Nisha instead she looked strong.

Her tits and neck line can show that she was well fed and had enough water to drink.

Mohini is more vigilant and prepared a tranquilizer gun on hand just in case.

If she really had a system then she might be stronger than she looks.

Mohini cannot take any risks with her.

So she was ready the moment she did something out of ordinary.

Well if she really improve her physique then she would have really cause some problem to Mohini.

Unfortunately she improved her charm instead to attract more men towards her than to improve her physique and other stats.

Well the result is the current situation.

She refused to divulge about the information related to the system.

Mohini just left her here and went down.

It was in the middle of the night and the temperature is still quite high.

Mohini cleaned her apartment room from the strong smell from Roy and Nisha.

Then she checked around the room for the bugs and insects.

This is important.

If the insects and mosquitoes entered into the room it would cause her many problems.

After cleaning the house and spraying the insecticides and mosquito repellents Mohini came back to the roof top.

Mohini flashed a light on the face of Nisha and then spoke.

“If you don’t write about your secret then I will leave you here.

Any way I don’t mind you dying.

But I have a speculation that you have a system like those in the novels…”

The first few words made her already anxious but when Mohini talked about the system she immediately became vigilant.

The sudden change in her eyes was caught by Mohini’s sharp senses that are honed by living through the life and death in the apocalypse.

“So there is really a system.

That is good.

Letting you stay will only be a problem for me in the future.

So I will kill you and send you on your way.

Anyway, since I hate you before I will give you one chance as a worthy rival.

As long as you write all about your secret and why you want to bronze pendent so much I will send you back to Roy that was in the room below.

If not I will leave you here and you will be fucked by the sun tomorrow morning.

It is your choice…”

Nisha is not stupid as Roy.

As long as she divulge about her information about the system, then Mohini would definitely kill her.

So she simply denied that she has a system.

Mohini left her there and returned back to the apartment.

Then she started to do her daily exercises.

People have already become nocturnal.

So Mohini would be awake during the night and sleep during the day.

No one would disturb her sleep during the day.

She did not go up till the sky is turning bright.

Mohini has already eaten……..

Chapter 49: Nisha really had a system

She did not go up till the sky is turning bright.

Mohini has already eaten her food and went to look for Nisha.

Looking at the bright sky she was already anxious.

She wanted to scream for help but nothing happened she wanted to move but she cannot move.

She had a gun in the system space and she wanted to use it but she cannot use it.

Well last time when Mohini asked about the system she wanted to pull the gun out to kill Mohini.

But when Mohini said that she would let her go if she writes the truth has made her stopped hinting anything.

Even if she shoots it is not sure if the bullet really hits Mohini because of the pain in her joints.

Also her hand is in so much pain that even if she hits Mohini there is no guarantee that she can escape from here with one barely usable hand.

The system did not have a way to save her.

She thought that Mohini would not come back but finally Mohini came back.

She sighed and though that she would use something to trick Mohini and then slowly kill Mohini later.

Unfortunately Mohini did not ask her to write her secret and directly dragged her down.

She thought that Mohini is soft hearted and would let her go.

But Mohini did not do any of that and took her directly to the room where Roy was currently locked in.

The she placed her and Roy in a 69 position where her face is on the crotch of Roy while the face of Roy is buried in her crotch.

Then she tightly tied them both like that.

They did not take a bath in the past few days.

They already smell like shit but putting the place at that place would take the stench to the next level.

Mohini is going to let them stay like this for a day and talk to them in the evening.

If they did then they die.

Mohini would get her revenge.

But if they survived then they would definitely give all their secrets.

It is especially so for Nisha that usually likes the cleanliness very much.

Mohini left them be and went to take a bath with cold water first.

Then she ate some food that is cold sitting in the cool room with air conditioning and slowly dosed off.

There is an alarm clock beside her to remind her when it was evening.

When the alarm clock rang she woke up and went to wash up inside the space.

Well she used as little time as she possible can in the space so that the life saving time would not be gone just like that.

She is not using the water from the tank to flush in the toilet in the ark space.

Instead she would flush it with the water that she used to take bath.

She has her breakfast in the evening it was chicken Biryani followed by vermicelli Kheer served cold with frozen water melon pieces.

Well it can be called as dinner as it was the start of the day at the current time and it is the big meal that she should eat in the afternoon.


After she is done with her things she went to check on Nisha and Roy.

She did not reduce her vigilance and went to them after putting on a bullet proof vest.

When she opened the door the deep stench hit her face.

Fortunately she has adapted to the current world after 15 years of long memory changing her habits.

If not she would have vomited everything she just ate just from the stench.

Nisha is still alive as she moved her head when she heard the opening of the door.

On the other hand Roy is in questionable state.

Mohini untied them and pulled Nisha to the terrace again.

As for Roy, Mohini checked and found that he just lost consciousness but he is still alive.

After coming to the terrace Mohini looked at the much weaker version of Nisha.

She looked very weak and barely keeping her consciousness.

Mohini then took out a bottle of water along with some bread and said.

“As long as you write about your secrets, I will give these to you.

I am not very patient and this is your final chance.

If you did not cherish it well then I will tie you here for tomorrow’s sun to fuck you….”

Nisha is already in starving state for the past few days because she did not get a chance to sneak away from Roy or others.

So after not eating anything for all day yesterday and the entire morning in the hot sun without any water have taken a great toll on her body and mind.

If she did not eat something then she would definitely die tonight or tomorrow morning.

So she gritted her teeth and started to write on the paper with shaking hands.

Well Mohini let her drink a little water to get some strength to write.

When she finished writing Mohini gave her the bread and water.

She almost choked when eating the bread and drinking water.

Mohini did not bother with her and looked at the information on the paper.

She has a system and she is using that for her gains.

Her pendent should have space and it was found by her through the system.

Mohini looked at the information on the paper confirming all of her guesses about Nisha is correct.

Mohini waited for her to complete her food and water.

On the paper there is asking Mohini for help to save her and she would do anything asked of her to support Mohini in the future.

Mohini did not bother to believe her words.

After she is done with her food Mohini dragged her back to the room where Roy was kicked Roy hard making him wake up………..

Chapter 50: Nisha is killed and a surprise

Mohini did not bother to believe her words.

After she is done with her food Mohini dragged her back to the room where Roy was kicked Roy hard making him wake up from the unconscious state.

Mohini dislocated the arm of Nisha again and put her in a different room to die slowly.

Most probably Roy would die by tomorrow.

As for her she would die in 2 days or so.

But Mohini did not have that much of patience.

Before she came out she was called for some meeting by boss Oba.

Most probably they would send Mohini to scout out the area ahead for their next destination.

Currently the base is not constructed.

The world is in extreme heat state and the base is being constructed on the far north.

It will be done around at the end of the great heat period.

When the time of the earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and heavy rain, acid rains stopped starting the time of extreme cold period it will be completed.


After she dealt with Roy and Nisha, she went down to look for Mobo to find why she was called.

Soon Mohini got some important information related to two things.

First is that the mafia boss found that Nisha and Roy are missing and he is searching for them because they contacted Roy’s family and there is some news.

Second is that they are planning to send a team to look out to scout the terrine for some special plan to relocate out of this flooded area.

Mohini was startled a little and she left to meet with boss Oba and other big wigs.

First thing Mohini told them is to bring a thug that witnessed Roy and Nisha going for a meeting with the other party leaders….

As for the current location of Roy and Nisha, Mohini is not stupid enough to reveal that to them.

The reason why she brought up the thug is because Mohini wants to come out innocent and did not want to lose the trust of these big bosses.

She still has to get the location where they hid all the gemstones and other things.

She can find that during their travel.

Mohini was chosen to go on the scouting mission.

Well Mohini knows that this is a deadly task and this task also needs to have a loyal person to lead.

This is because after finding a good place if that person did not come back then all these bosses would die or need to send another team which is a waste.

They trust Mohini very much and liked her efficiency.

So they have chosen to send her for the scouting mission.

Mohini has to set out tomorrow evening.

The materials that she required are given to her before she leaves.

She doesn’t have to go all the way to the reservoir of Chandrabhaga Dam.

Instead finding a good relocation point is okay.

Mohini was startled a little.

In the previous life this did not happen until 2 months later.

But this happened 2 months earlier this time.

The most probable caused by herself.

Mohini has speed up the process of search and most of the necessities are found within the short amount of time.

Mohini sighed and accepted the mission.

In the previous life after 2 months the people started to move and she was among the people that left here.

Well she was stuffed inside a big truck between the smelly men that had their dicks inside her pussy and asshole to travel faster as labor force.

This life she can travel by her own car and have people serve under her.

This is the difference that came with the experience and knowledge that she has from rebirth.

She has to set out tomorrow and she already knows the destination from the past life.

So she can take her time doing things.

After that she listed out all the things needed to boss Oba and the big wigs.

If all the people want to move then they should need the means of transportation.

They cannot take the one that are underwater so they can only search for the cars that are outside the range of flood.

Mohini wanted to take mechanic with her and then told Mobo to send people to collect oil from the petrol bunks submerged underwater.

Also she asked them to find LPG cylinders that can be used as car fuel too.

Mohini got 1 mechanic and few cylinders.

After giving the information and making some plans that are required with offline maps Mohini returned back to her apartment.

She did her exercise and then early in the morning she took a bath ate something and slept soundly.

In the evening she washed up and went to look at Roy and Nisha.

Roy was already dead.

Nisha was still alive and barely hanging.

Well she is already unconscious.

Mohini did not have any kindness to this pair after all the atrocities that they did in the previous life.

She stepped on the neck of Nisha and killed her.

She packed Roy in a jute bag and then packed Nisha in another bag.

After that she wanted to carry them down stairs.

At that moment she heard a strange sound.


Host I am back…”


“Host I am a system and I am back…”

The voice is that of an innocent girl.

As soon as Mohini heard that she got a system she was happy and she was sure that this system should belong to Nisha and it came to her.

But she already had a system and now a new system appeared out of nowhere.

Also the thing that she did not understand is that why is the system saying it is back.

She did not remember getting any system before other than the one that she already had.

The apocalypse survival is a collective system from the cards in the future that every being gets……….


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