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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 46: meeting with boss Oba is cancelled

On the way they first went to the apartment of Radha and took her things and then they moved around to extract more materials from the old buildings.

Vicky wanted to make the space of Radha into a time stagnant one too.

Just looking at today’s gains Vicky was very happy for teaming up.

If he was alone then he might not be able to get so many things in such short time.

Well he did not take many things from the military side that would help some of the ordinary citizens.

The things that are taken from the military are sniper rifles, ammunition of sniper rifles and explosives.

Vicky checked the bullet proof vests here and took a few along with the other things.

Today’s harvest is really big.

After returning back to Vicky’s apartment Vicky settled down Radha into one of the bed rooms and he went to his room.

He took out his mini room and connected the air conditioning to rest for a while.

Vicky told Radha that he has to go and meet with his boss later in the night.

He did not tell her to do anything other than exchanging some things from each other and rearranging the things in their spaces.

With that done Vicky rested after eating something.

Radha don’t know how much she can trust Vicky.

So she is on guard all the time.

Vicky slept peacefully after locking his door.

He has already developed the habit of vigilance so even a slightest sound or intent can wake him up from his sleep.

Also his mini room is very strong and hard to break even with bullets.

Well if there are explosives then they can definitely do the damage but Vicky was sure that things would not reach to that point.

He woke up around at 8 in the night and washed up.

Then he came out of the mini room and checked the detection arrangements in the bed room that he made before entering the mini bed room.

All of them are still intact and there are no signs of intrusion.

Vicky came out of his room and found that Radha is already out and waiting for him to come out.

“I am going out to take care of some things and if possible I want to repair the expanded space with stagnant time function.”

Then she took out a lunch box for Vicky and said.

“This is my thank you gift for all the help and support.”

Vicky accepted the lunch box and opened it.

There is rice in one box and the remaining boxes are filled with few types of curries and dall cooked with vegetables and other things.

The smell is so fragrant that Vicky’s stomach growled.

Vicky thanked her and did not ask any questions other than when she would return.

She thought for a while and said that she would be back around 12 in the night.

Vicky nodded his head and Radha left.

After she left Vicky started to check the food with a silver needle just in case.

After confirming that there is no problem he started to eat.

Killing between the key holders of progenitor’s blood is forbidden but if it is poisoning or other things Vicky cannot be sure of the results.

So Vicky has to stay on guard till his trust in her develops.

Well what he said previously is also true.

He trusted her enough to form a team with her.

As for the trust enough to share things is something that should be slowly accepted over time.

Well his habit of not trusting anyone takes time to become normal.

He ate the food happily and praised her cooking.

Well she is not on the same level as him but she is a good cook.

In the future he can teach her cooking if possible.

After thinking some things, he went to meet with boss Oba around at 9 PM in the night.

But boss Oba told them that the meeting is canceled because many warehouses are looted.

It is especially so for the fuels and other important things.

That is Vicky looted large amount of fuels other than filling up his fuel warehouse.

Some of it was stored with Radha too.

Boss Oba told Vicky to meet him again tomorrow.

Since it is like that Vicky returned back to his room and started to exercise with the things he had.

The process of exercising is delicate and systematic.

He learnt many things in the future and he cannot master them all as it was too late.

But right now creating foundation for them is easier and move along with the process is much faster.

He completed his exercise and then went to eat something.

He became hungry after working out for so long.

After that he rested and started to exercise again.

Around 2 AM in the night Radha returned and found that Vicky is exercising.

She only looked for a little while before going back to her room.

Before she left Vicky gave her the lunch box that she gave him and said the minor corrections in the food she cooked to make it more delicious.

After that he told her if she wanted to exercise she can exercise in the living room so that they would not spread the sweat and smell to the bed rooms.

The room did not have any insects as Vicky arranged mesh doors to the entrance.

After a little while Radha put on some exercising dress and started to exercise with her equipment.

The living room is big and had enough space for two people to exercise freely.

She has own set of exercise equipment.

Well in the tight fit exercising dress her curves are really great.

Vicky looked at her for a moment and then continued with his work out.

When it was early in the morning Vicky call it a day and decided to rest after a quick wash…….

Chapter 47: everything is planned out perfectly

Vicky looked at her for a moment and then continued with his work out.

When it was early in the morning Vicky call it a day and decided to rest after a quick wash.

He went back to his room connected the air conditioning to the solar charger and then finished eating something before sleeping.

His apatite has grown little by little over time and he couldn’t help but feeling stronger.

Also his system reported him that his actions has earned him some skills.

He is not in the mood to check them all right now.

So he went straight to sleep.

On the other hand Radha exercised a little more and she did the same as Vicky.

Vicky woke up in the evening of the next day and checked the alarm arrangements before washing his face.

Then he ate something and came out of his room.

Radha did not wake up yet so he went to arrange his things first and thought of how to use the time before meeting with boss Oba.

While he is planning Radha came out and her eyes were red.

It seems like she has a hard time sleeping.

Vicky asked her and she told that she did not adapt to the new place.

Obliviously Vicky did not believe that as a survivor that survived for over 8 years should be able to sleep at any kind of place.

But Vicky did not question her back and then he told her that he is going to the meeting with his boss.

As for the contents of the meeting Vicky briefly explained it to her and asked if she has any thoughts of going along as a scout.

For a reason Vicky really don’t want her to go as a scout.

The reason is very simply, other people or those bigwigs might think Radha is the weakness of Vicky and cause some problems if things are not right.

But Vicky did not say anything about that.

Radha said that she would think about that.

Vicky told her to take some rest and don’t exercise much to relive her red sleepy eyes.

After that he left.

Vicky did not go straight to boss Oba instead he went to some old buildings to extract more materials.

Finally around 9 PM Vicky came to boss Oba.

They then went to another apartment complex and went to a meeting.

There are political leaders and other big people present in the room.

Other than that there are other candidates and confidents.

After they came in they started to speak about moving north to the central area.

They spoke about the construction of bases there and the military all over the country would be moving north completely abandoning south.

With the topic the discussion started.

Each had their own proposition.

This is not the only political party but there are other political parties too.

They are also planning to move up soon.

As for the military they would move after when they received the call from the bases after they are built.

So these political leaders are going to move on their own.

The scientists at the center have already checked and the reason for this extreme heat is unknown.

Till the reason was found the heat would continue.

Even if the reason is removed the consequences would be unknown.

So they have reported to move up so that they can enter into the vast land above rather than stay at the sea shore.

Till then they are building bases close to the big rivers reservoirs.

If the things are okay after finding the reason the people can move back and rebuild.

If things are unknown and disastrous then they would move up to find stable place.

They did not go through all the confusion and made a simple choice.

Now without the support of military the politicians, mafia bosses, big business men, higher civil officials……..formed groups to move up.

The discussion went on for a long time before they decided to move on in 2 months.

The scouting party will be decided based on the preferences of the leaders and capabilities of the people.

Vicky was also one of the candidates for the scouting party.

Their destination is Agra.

Each candidate is making suggestions and when it was Vicky’s turn he directly took out a map of India and the pointed at 10+ places on the route to reach all the way to Agra.

The he explained about the water resources and area for shelter around those places.

Fortunately India has too many temples and temples have cottages for staying.

Also the temples are mostly on the side of the river or a water source.

The explanation that Vicky gave is so detailed that the people listened to it was astounded.

Well the first question they asked is how Vicky knows about all of this.

Vicky simply pointed at boss Oba and said.

“I am working in tourism and trading company under boss Oba.

I have developed a habit of finding most of the details of every place I visited.

I had this hobby of visiting some rare and spiritual places like temples and rivers.

So I noted all these things.

Since I understand the situation from boss Oba yesterday I guessed that people wanted to move up north from here.

The best possible places are the rivers with big cities.

So I calculated till Agra last night and marked them on the map I salvaged from a book store.

Well this is my analysis.

If leaders wanted to have a look then following this map would reduce the time required for searching and exploring….”

Vicky’s words made the people look at him with greed.

In a world where we don’t know having a person like Vicky to plan things is like having a readymade building when you are still looking for a suitable site.

All of them wanted to take Vicky into their groups and immediately the value of Vicky…….

Chapter 48: the reason

In a world where we don’t know having a person like Vicky to plan things is like having a readymade building when you are still looking for a suitable site.

All of them wanted to take Vicky into their groups and immediately the value of Vicky increased by a large margin.

At the same time some of them are suspicious if the locations that Vicky marked on the map are correct or not.

So they have decided to send a scouting party with the people from all groups to check the situation.

Vicky doesn’t mind and Vicky was not in the scouting team.

Actually it was boss Oba that negotiated and sent Mobo in place of check things out.

He feared that the other party might kill Vicky because of various reasons.

Since Vicky is not going out on a search he took leave and returned back.

The offers were given to Vicky from various big people and finally Vicky accepted the offer of the big political leader that his boss Oba supported.

This big political leader has the support of powerful mafia boss and some of the officials.

So this is the best way to resolve things.

With that Vicky will not be pursued by anyone.

After that Vicky returned back to his room with extra materials on hand.

These are the rewards for choosing new side.

When Vicky returned he found that Radha was exercising with a knife in extreme aggressive manner.

If Vicky was not careful then he would have got stabbed by her.

Her eyes are still red and she looked more haggard.

Vicky felt that the things are not right.

So he decided to look into the matter.

He cannot have a partner that has unstable mentality during the apocalypse.

He asked her to stop her exercise and then sit down to have some cold tea.

“Radha, you look sad, sleepless and haggard.

You are not like this a few days ago.

So tell me what happened.

If it is something that I can help you with then I will definitely help.

Sharing burdens is what we formed our team for.”

Listening to Vicky’s words she finally burst into tears and started to explain about the incident when she went out along.

During that night in the suburbs she went to extract materials from the construction buildings.

At that time she met her friend that helped in her previous life here.

This woman came from the same place as Radha.

She came all the way here with her boyfriend.

Well Radha did ask her if she wanted to come with her but she rejected Radha’s offer and came along with her boyfriend.

This boyfriend of her friend is a lackey of her enemy Vishrant.

If the enemies of Radha that is Vishrant and Githa were still alive then the things would not have deteriorated to this level so quickly.

Right now her boyfriend has tricked her and took her to some local mafia to get some food and water in exchange for her to service those thugs with her body.

Radha found out too late and only saw the body of her fried that committed suicide to preserve her dignity.

Those beasts like thugs and her boyfriend did not even let her corpse to have dignity.

She only found out when those thugs are talking about the entire incident while she is extracting the building materials.

The body of her friend was left as an unidentified corpse the military people has burnt it along with other corpses that piled up everywhere during this apocalyptic time.

This incident caused her to blame herself for killing her enemies early causing the death of her friend indirectly.

Because of this she is sad.

Vicky immediately pulled her closure to console her.

“Radha it is not your fault and the death of your friend is caused by her choice.

I cannot bring her back from death but I can help you get revenge on those thugs and her boyfriend.

The revenge can be the most painful one.

Honestly, I think that avenging your friend is the best way of paying debt to your friend.

She chose to go with her boyfriend even after you offered to help her.

Since she made the choice it has nothing to do with you.

As for killing your enemies, you did what you have to do at the best possible time.

So don’t cry.”

Vicky did not take advantage of Radha and only patted on her back while hugging and consoling her.

She calmed down after some time.

She has already made her decision to kill those people to avenge her friend.

For this very reason she is practicing her knife skills for action in the night.

She doesn’t want to involve Vicky in this matter.

So she plans to give the resources back to Vicky and then leave here to fight.

Reading her thoughts Vicky smiled and said.

“Do you really think that I would let you go so easily?

There are two reasons why I want to partner up with you.

First is that you are similar to me having the key to the progenitor’s ark.

Second reason is that I liked your nature.

Even in the previous life I figured out that Nisha is using me but I can only follow her to survive.

At that time I saw you and you did everything without losing yourself to measly benefits and sell yourself.

You tried to help other people within your limits even though you are under the hands of others.

When things got unreasonable you directly left the group and was able to survive in this cruel world on your own for your dignity.

This is the thing I loved in you at that time.

I really wanted to escape from that bitch Nisha and live by myself.

But some things are quite different at that time.

This life I took everything into my hands and will not let…….”

Chapter 49: revenge

“…But some things are quite different at that time.

This life I took everything into my hands and will not let go of my life into other people’s hands.

At the same time I want you to be safe.

I don’t know why by I really don’t want anything to happen to you.

Also I don’t want you to lose your strong spirit.

Well there are few women in my past life that made me look up to them.

You are one of them.

So don’t do anything alone.

I am your partner and I will be by your side through all of that….”

Vicky’s words really pulled her heart string a little and her sadness is also there.

This time she really hugged Vicky deeply.

Then they got ready to attack.

Vicky told her his plan after getting to know the location of those thugs.

Then they moved out.

Their first target is her dead friend’s boyfriend.

He is currently trying to pester someone for food.

Vicky and Radha put on their disguises.

They first knocked out this person with a hit on his head.

No one came forward to help him looking at the masked individuals.

Well this kind of things happened many times during the apocalypse time.

So they did not dare to get close.

At the same time they cannot call cops or military as the phones are not working.

Vicky dragged the person along and packed him up in a bag.

Then they moved away in a car.

The car is an off road car and it looked new making many people jealous.

Vicky drove the car to the abandoned dry fields outside the city in the suburbs.

The location of the group of thugs is also on the same direction.

When they came near the area Vicky took out tranquilizer guns from the space and got ready to shoot.

He gave a tranquilizer gun to Radha.

Then they started to shoot at the thugs from the dark.

Well not all of them are at the same place.

There seems to be a leader to this small time group that is playing with women.

With every shot one person would fall into unconscious state.

There is not even time for shouting.

Radha did not shoot as she is not proficient with a gun and aiming it.

So she helped Vicky load darts in to the tranquilizer guns.

Naturally the tranquilizer guns can only hold 3 darts.

Radha would collect the darts from the people that are hit and new ones will be loaded for Vicky to shoot.

This process went on as they knocked out more than 50 thugs before reaching the room where the boss is playing with some women.

Also there are other women in captive.

Vicky quickly shot the boss and saved the woman that was in tears with torn dress.

Radha helped the woman cover up while Vicky went around the base to check another time.

He found few more people that are trying to play with some women.

Vicky knocked them all over and then let all the women gather around outside after putting on their dresses.

In the previous thugs that Vicky shot not all of them belong to this gang.

Some of them came here bringing their woman to earn some food for themselves.

Well Vicky is not a god to save all these women so he let them group up in the big hall first.

Then he went to look for the materials collected by the boss.

There are loads of gold and jewels in metal safes.

Vicky collected them all first.

Then he found food, water and other necessities.

Vicky looked around and took the things that he needed like spices, beverages and other rare things.

Then he came back to the main hall and said to the women that are being consoled by Radha.

“There is food, water and other necessities in those rooms.

You can have them all and start your new lives.

I will not take your things.

But these thugs needed to be punished.

So I am going to take them with me now.

Vicky said and packed all the thugs into gunny bags and stored them in a truck parked in the garage of this building.

Radha followed Vicky and left along.

She knows that Vicky has already taken what needed to be taken and left the things that are needed to be left.

The women have to make their own choice now.

Then he drove the truck to the industrial area where they extracted materials last time.

The building has already collapsed and there are iron sheets everywhere.

Vicky carried the men out and tied them to the metal poles in the area.

They were placed on metal sheets and their pants were removed.

They are in for a punishment that they would remember in their next lives.

Vicky never liked people that forcibly take a woman and have her.

If that woman is a bitch and she is willing then Vicky would not care.

But the current situation is different.

Vicky tied all these people on these iron sheets with their naked butts on the iron sheets.

Tomorrow they are going to be fried alive.

Radha personally pulled the boyfriend of her friend and tied him to the pole.

Well Vicky did not let her pull his pants and he helped her do that.

After that Vicky used ammonia bottle to wake the people here up.

When they woke up they started to curse, shout, threaten, beg and do all sorts of things.

Vicky used iron chains to tie them so they cannot break free no matter what they shouted.

Radha went to deal with her friend’s boyfriend.

On the other hand Vicky came to the front of the boss of this gang and gave a severe beating forming stamps all over his face.

Then he questioned the boss man about other gangs like them, threatening him about the sun that was……...

Chapter 50: horrible punishment to horrible people

On the other hand Vicky came to the front of the boss of this gang and gave a severe beating forming stamps all over her face.

Then he questioned the boss man about other gangs like them, threatening him about the sun that was about to rise.

Immediately he found that there is another gang in another area nearby.

But today they cannot make it to them.

So they have decided to take care of that group tomorrow.

For now they are going to watch these people receive the punishment as hell before dying.

Vicky moved away from here to a high raised place.

Radha followed after she is done with her dead friend’s boyfriend.

She did not have any sympathy towards these people.

When the sun started to raise the heat started to rise at an alarming pace.

After an hour the temperature is already 45 degrees.

The iron sheets under the people started to heat up.

The people started to scream in pain as their legs are being burnt.

The process is slowly and after another hour the screams became howls of pain as the burns reached third degree with the temperature reaching 55 degrees.

Radha watched them die slowly in pain.

They are wearing constant temperature clothing that let them stand this high temperature easily.

This went on for another hour before Vicky suggested that they should leave to Radha.

Radha broke into crying again and Vicky stopped her from crying as it was too high temperature causing some problems to the eyes.

So he took her to the car in his embrace.

They will come back here in the evening to collect the chains that are used to tie these people.

They can be used again later and some other places.

When they are returning Radha was silent and when they came to the vicinity of their building they stored the car back and covered their appearance.

Then they went back to their room.

Radha sat in the sofa on the hall while Vicky arranged the air conditioning things for them.

Vicky did not receive any message from Mobo or boss Oba.

So Vicky doesn’t have to go out anywhere.

He sat by the side of Radha and waited for her to calm her emotions.

He did not enter the room he has given to her to switch on air conditioning for her or anything.

He respected her privacy so he would not intrude into her room.

Vicky took out some tea and chocolate cake for them to eat.

The room cooled down after putting 6 air conditioners around them

They can work with the help of the solar panels that Vicky arranged.

Vicky gave her a piece of cake and then said.

“The world is a cruel place after the beginning of the apocalypse.

One must bear the consequences of one’s actions.

Your friend chose her boyfriend as her companion and paid the price.

If she moved on with you may be she would be alive.

But that is her choice but not yours.

You did everything you can to help her but she did not listen.

Now that she is gone you have avenged her.

I can be sure that your friend would be happy for your actions.

So don’t be sad.

Eat the cake and cheer up.

I don’t like my companion to be sad and crying.

See you look ugly when you are crying.”

Vicky said and took out a mirror to show the appearance of her face.

Radha finally calmed down and she smiled.

They are the cake and drank the tea.

After that they each went back to their rooms to rest.

They are exhausted and wanted to rest.

The sleep time is not long as they woke up in the evening.

After washing up Vicky started eating south Indian thali.

Then he came out of the room.

Radha is still sleeping so he did not disturb her instead returned back to his room and study some of his future plans.

There is a solar heater on the side that is making hot water that was needed in the future.

At the same time there is a fridge that is making ice cubes on the side.

The ice cubes are used for air conditioning fans and hot water is preparation for the future ice age.

Around 7 PM Radha woke up and came out.

She did not looked as haggard as she was before.

After she came out Vicky asked if she wanted to drink some coffee.

She nodded her head.

Vicky and Radha shared coffee as Vicky explained the situation where they will be on the move soon.

Then they started to practice as Vicky taught her some things and she learnt it well.

Well she also knows some underhanded techniques and told Vicky.

As they practiced Vicky received notifications that he started to master fighting techniques and weapon techniques.

In a way they became his skills and started to improve over the long practice.

The system gave notification of improvement of skill from time to time after he got the system.

Well, keeping track of things like skills is a good thing.

During this time his stats also increased to their forties.

Vicky became stronger than he previously was.

That night they went to kill another gang and free up people.

They people were also brought to the same location where the other gang members died and used the same chain of the dead people to tie them.

Vicky got some good amount of materials from these people other than leaving them for those victims.

The thugs that were tied here yesterday were fried and the corps looked like it was dried for 10 days.

The stench is unbearable.

Fortunately there are gas masks.

After tying the people Vicky left and decided to leave these chains.

Any way he got a big chain after salvaging things.

The gold and other materials he salvaged were divided in half and it was given to Radha.


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