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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 66: arrangements of Vicky for his loved ones

Vicky already told Yemaya and some of his other girls to be careful in the following.

In order to get Vicky into their control along with the huge army of creatures under him they might try to target his women.

Well if they target then it would the last thing they would want to do.

After that there is news that Dolores Umbridge became the defense against the dark arts teacher at Hogwarts.

Hermione and Ginny still contacted Vicky during this time but harry and Ron did not.

Well Vicky did not care about the ungrateful people.

As for minister fudge he did not dare to touch Vicky or anyone because Vicky is currently very strong and they cannot interfere.

He is the minister of ministry of magic of England only.

But Vicky has his businesses all over the world.

The past 5 books of Vicky have become so famous along with his adventures of the tri wizard tournament that a word from Vicky is enough to damage the influence of minister fudge.

The dark forces are there but they did not come out of their hiding completely.

Lucius Malfoy is using his wealth to make the arrangements according to the needs of Voldemort.

But unfortunately Vicky took nearly half of their wealth in the actions last time.

That is the same with minister fudge.

Vicky would take his time to plan well and steal the vault of ministry of magic when the forces of Voldemort attack the ministry of magic.

So Vicky’s position is stable.

But that is not enough in this world.

Popularity is only a means but the real safety comes from true strength.

Vicky when returned already taught Yemaya some of the fighting techniques and other thing.

She can pass them on to Blaise and get ready for the future war.

She can understand Vicky’s stance so she decided to support Vicky.

The house elves of Vicky were also divided and are guarding his women or their families.

If someone were to try and attack any of Vicky’s people then Vicky would directly obliterate them.

This time coming to Ravenclaw Vicky wanted to speak to the daughter of Helena Ravenclaw.

The thing that Vicky wanted to know is about the medical materials that were noted by her mother Rowena Ravenclaw to heal her husband.

Vicky knows that Helena would not trust any on but Luna can help him in this matter.

They got on the train to Hogwarts.

Hermione and Ginny came to Vicky to speak and Vicky happily invited them to talk.

With a swish of his wand the box was enlarged and his 15+ women fit in the box easily.

Vicky slowly explained some things that he predicted that would happen this year at school and their training place and other things are changed.

All of them understood Vicky’s plans and they would act accordingly.

They trust Vicky unconditionally as they really love Vicky.

Vicky proved his trust at the Yule ball that day.

It was not only a test for the girls that loved him but a test to his worth in front of the girls.

He showed that he would split into 20 men to be with all 20 women at the same time.

It means that he would treat them all equally and loves them equally.

This is what any women wants.

The love from the man they loved.

Even though they are shared Vicky did not let them down in public.

He did not choose any single women to dance.

This is enough to give them face and his answer to their trust.

While they are talking Vicky told Luna about his plan and asking her to help speaking to Helena’s spirit.

Because of the claims of harry about the Voldemort’s return harry is receiving the distance treatment.

But it doesn’t matter.

Harry and Ron did not speak Vicky.

Vicky did not even care about them.

Vicky saved his godfather Sirius and he saved Ron from peter Pettigrew from receiving a sneak attack.

But they are ungrateful.

When Hermione and Ginny asked about them Vicky gave them the same answer that they are ungrateful.

Also Vicky told them that the lives of those creatures are not for them to decide.

They should respect those creatures as living beings just like them too.


Understanding their reasoning the opinion of his women changed and they respected and loved Vicky even more.

Harry had some nightmares but he did not have any with Nagini.

Instead it was Peter Pettigrew running around the ministry of magic.

During this year Vicky supported Weasley brother Fred and George in their idea about opening their jokes shop.

After this year they can open it.

They are very happy with the support of Vicky.

Harry and Ron started to understand the power of popularity and the power of money.

Dolores would not act against Vicky and even gives him extra points for his work and diligence.

Ron is trying his best to get Hermione but Vicky has prepared notes for all of his girls for the ‘OWL’ exams.

As long as they followed the standard procedure that Vicky designed for them, they will be able to become stronger and stronger.

The OWL’s would be useful in the future to live in the wizarding world.

Any way before the seal of the world is broken they have to have some way to stand their grounds.

So Vicky chose this way for all.

Since Vicky is present in Ravenclaw the people did not steal the things of Luna and even if someone took Vicky would get them back for her.

It is almost like Vicky is everywhere.

At the same time the front of the great hall is filled with new rules every day that made the students more and more depressed.

Vicky would speak out for something and the hands and feet of Dolores were tied because she cannot say anything to Vicky.

The shares of The Daily Prophet in England and…...

Chapter 67: a visible threat to Miss Dolores

Vicky would speak out for something and the hands and feet of Dolores were tied because she cannot say anything to Vicky.

The shares of The Daily Prophet in England and few other news papers around the world are in the hands of Vicky.

Just one word from him is like a hit from a sledge hammer on the head of minister fudge’s influence.

Well they did not touch Vicky’s interests so Vicky would not touch them either.

The disappearances of some people in the wizarding world have started.

Even this did not disturb Vicky.

Vicky is like a powder keg that would blow up at the slightest touch.

The missing people are either from the order or ministry of magic.

But no one touches the people from Vicky’s neutral party.

Soon some formed contracts under the intermediary contracts of goblins for the fights in the financial firm under Vicky.

Everything was peaceful until Dolores Umbridge wanted to remove the dueling class that Vicky arranged.

She did not even apply for the permission of minister fudge and directly came to the dueling class room and told everyone that she is going to cancel this.

It was very harmful for people to fight each other so she is going to cancel this.

Vicky is not there at that time as it was a class for Slytherin and Gryffindor under the leadership of professor McGonagall and Snape.

This happened around at the end of September.

The words went to the ears of Vicky.

But Vicky stopped from taking any actions right away.

Vicky wanted to see if the Dumbledore’s army would start again this time.

Also Vicky wanted to see how many people side with him and how many people would side with would harry.

Vicky also started his own club called the defense dueling club.

His club has no names written anywhere but everything was remembered by his girls.

Vicky got girls in all the houses so it is not a problem to spread the news.

Vicky got his girls to publish this in secret.

Hermione is working on both sides of Vicky and harry.

One is a lover and the other is a friend.

Well she had it hard but Vicky did not stop her.

Soon the results are out.

Vicky got around 100 people other than his women in all and all of them had good potential.

Vicky specifically checked their backgrounds and other things and they can be trusted.

Also they have strong backgrounds and capabilities.

Other than that all these people learnt the Patronus charm from Vicky before and their parents are in the neutral side of Vicky.

Well not all of them are like that and Vicky allowed them to join in.

Vicky started to teach them.

Harry also got people and there are more than 200 of them at the end October.

The 100 people Vicky taught are strong and are like trained soldiers.

They speed, reaction, evasion and spell casting all of them are improved very quickly under the detailed training of Vicky.

But Vicky would not trust them just yet.

So there are always backdoors and some flaws that he knows in these people.

At the same time his women knows about these flaws.

Around the end of November the education degree number 68 is made by Dolores Umbridge.

That is all student organizations are henceforth disbanded.

She seems to think that Vicky is afraid of her after Vicky did not take action after the dueling class is closed.

Vicky came to meet her in her office and asked.

“Miss Dolores, are you sure that you want to disband the student organization after you closed the dueling class.”

“Why are you calling me Miss Dolores, where is the manners.

You should address me as Professor Dolores.”

Vicky smiled and said.

“I will only call a professor, a professor.

I would not call just anyone as a professor, Miss Dolores.”

She frowned and her face was dark.

“You need punishment for your impudence Mister Vicky.”

Vicky that is smiling till now stopped smiling and his eyes became sharp.

Immediately the cat images around started to screech because of the visible killing intent that they felt from Vicky.

The temperature of the room dropped by 10 degrees and the tea that Dolores is drinking froze.

The air felt so heavy that Dolores had hard time breathing.

“Are you sure miss Dolores, do you want to make a trip to Azkaban or may be a place father than that.”

Dolores was visibly shaken from the fear and fright looking at the 15 year old boy in front of her.

She felt like she is very close to falling into an abyss that she cannot come out off.

“Well, miss Dolores.

I usually give people a chance to redeem.

Since you want to close the student organizations then you should restart the dueling class as it should be.

If not tell minister fudge that he will be facing some dire consequences.

Good day, Miss Dolores.

I will take my leave then.”

Vicky said that as he left the room.

But Dolores has a hard time moving.

The fright she just felt is so much that she felt like she could get a heart attack.

None of the cats in the images around were there as they all went inside their pet houses because of the fear.

She has cold sweat falling from her head.

After half an hour she recovered and immediately left Hogwarts to meet with minister fudge.

She has to report this and get Auror’s to arrest Vicky and prosecute him for trying to attack her.

But by the time she arrived at the office of mister of magic,

Fudge is looking at a paper with a gloomy face and dread in his eyes.

The paper is about all his mishaps, corruption and also a vote of Wizengamot saying that he is removed from his position of minister and taken to Azkaban.

The information on it…….

Chapter 68: Dolores backs down

The paper is about all his mishaps, corruption and also a vote of Wizengamot saying that he is removed from his position of minister and taken to Azkaban.

The information on it was so clear that it is like a future prediction.

At that moment a letter arrived and it directly spoke in Vicky’s voice.

“Minister Fudge, your pet is disturbing me too much and I hope you take care of the things properly.

Don’t make foolish mistakes and get burnt by them.

Your choice can predict your future like you just saw.

Make wise choice, minister fudge.”

As soon as it was done talking the letter burnt and faded away in the air.

Dolores directly shut her mouth looking at the situation not being right.

She clearly felt that she has hit an iron plate this time and she has to make her amendments.

Fudge looked at her with gloomy face but the fire in his eyes can directly burn her to death.

“Dolores, I want you to clear off this mess immediately.

If I found that something really happened then I will send you to Azkaban for all the people you tortured in the name of your superiority in bloodline.

Dolores was visibly shaken and immediately returned to Hogwarts.

She first went to speak with various professors to restart the dueling classes.

But this time it was the attitude of other teachers that made her stumble on her feet.

Any way she used her wits and everything she possibly has to make the dueling classes start again.

Then she found Vicky to speak about restarting the dueling classes and begged not to destroy her life.

Vicky simply smiled and said.

“What are you talking Miss Dolores.

It is good that the dueling classes are stating again.”

Then Vicky squinted a little and said.

“As long as you or your minister did not touch my things I would not make a move.

We can be friendly and co-exist.

Now you can go back.

Also I don’t have anything to do with harry but Hermione is not to be touched as she is mine.

You can do things as you like then.

Good day miss Dolores.”

Vicky said and came out of her office.

Soon after that the news that the dueling classes would be starting again was spread around.

Vicky’s group of people would directly practice during the dueling class as his women would teach them.

Vicky changed the location where he would teach his women, so that he would leave the room of requirements for harry and his group.

Vicky has already cleared one of the secret passages that were collapsed during the winter a year ago with the help of dobby.

Now he is using this place for training his women.

All the things are arranged here and there is even tents built for taking baths and other things.

So the things went back to normal.

But harry and his group is still going at it with their Dumbledore army thing.

At the same time the news that Vicky managed to use his words to restart the dueling classes was also spread.

This made the people that followed harry lose their interest in following him.

Well the number of women in harry’s group are already less and the men are standing at the edge deciding whether to leave.

After the news the number of people in his group is reduced further.

Hermione tried her best to keep the people in their group and manage them.

But there are no good results.

Vicky would respect Hermione’s decision and would not say anything bad to her.

But he did warned her that harry and Ron are too narrow minded to listen to her explanation once they found out that she is also working for him.

Hermione thought that harry and Ron were not liked that and Vicky is just over thinking things.

Harry and Ron found out that Vicky also had a group and Hermione is managing that group too.

When they found that they thought that Hermione is cheating them and helping Vicky move the people in their group to Vicky’s group.

The misunderstanding is just like the one minister fudge had on Dumbledore.

Well Vicky did not care about what they think but he cares if his woman cries because of other people.

With Hermione not in the group of harry and other Dolores immediately jumped into action.

The information is obtained through Colin from the Gryffindor.

Well Ron is managing things after they removed Hermione.

Because of the heavy work he is already irritable and even yelled at harry many time because of all the work he has to do.

Hermione stopped speaking to harry and Ron so did Vicky.

He simply ignored them completely.

Because of the dueling classes the training lessons of Vicky are going well without any hitch.

Vicky only gave advice as a fellow student which is not considered being in a group.

Soon it was time for Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

As usual it was Gryffindor that won.

During the next few months Vicky or his people are not troubled by the Dolores.

Instead harry and other are troubled.

Draco and his group of idiots joined Dolores targeting many people.

But she strictly ordered not to touch Vicky or anyone that is related to Vicky.

Draco don’t know why they were ordered like that be he did not dare to cross her words.

So in the next few months things are like that.

Fred and George joined up Vicky during this time and they were taught by their sister Ginny.

Actually when there is a duel between Ginny and her twin brothers it was Ginny that won without breaking a sweat.

Vicky is not idle as he was researching the blood line curse to save Astoria during this time.

Also he got the chance to meet with Helena Ravenclaw with the help of Luna.

Well she did not want……….

Chapter 69: the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw

Also he got the chance to meet with Helena Ravenclaw with the help of Luna.

Well she did not want to help Vicky because of her past experience with Tom riddle.

But after understanding the situation she told Vicky about the secret of her mother’s crown being a key.

There is a secret compartment under the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

The crown should be placed on the head of Rowena Ravenclaw and it will lead the way to the secret room.

Actually it is said that the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw can enhance the wisdom of the user but it has a little trick to it.

The blue sapphire in the crown is like a data brain that is connected to the knowledge core that is formed by Rowena Ravenclaw throughout her life time.

The remaining part of the crown is a delicate structure that can help the wearer to gain more knowledge and facilitate thinking.

The information that Vicky wanted is also inside that knowledge core.

For that the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw is the key.

Vicky immediately understood the situation.

But he was also entangled by the fact that the stupid Voldemort has made this crown into a Horcrux.

He cannot break the crown and he still have to kill the Horcrux.

Well the only way is to dip it inside the venom of basilisk.

This way there is still chance to salvage the crown and repair it instead of using Fiendfyre to destroy it completely.

So he went straight to room or requirements and collected the crown.

Then he went to Ravenclaw building to study the structure of the crown and used few simulations of the future.

In one simulation he dipped the crown in the basilisk venom.

The result is the death of Voldemort’s Horcrux.

But the delicate runic lining inside the crown were also damaged.

Vicky tried to repair it but it took him a long time in simulation but there is progress.

He understood the sections that are made and other things.

Vicky quickened the process and in another simulation the repairing of the crown is over 50 percent in the next few years.

Vicky thought that this way is feasible.

So he moved on to check the other way that is to put the crown on the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

But the result is that the knowledge core was corrupted instead and anyone that put the crown was easily controlled by the Horcrux of Voldemort.

Vicky sighed and started to work on understanding the information and rune lines of the crown.

The process is done using the simulation to get the memories of repairing the broken connections.

The cost for getting those memories consumed large part of his saved up money.

But still it was done.

Vicky completed the process and then dipped the crown in the basilisk venom that he stored separately.

Horcrux of Voldemort was destroyed.

But at the same time the crown was damaged.

Helena Ravenclaw was there looking at the situation.

Vicky wanted to repair the crown but the process is a long one.

It will take him at least 3 months to complete the repairing process.

So Vicky started to get busy with the work.

He has Christmas holidays during that time the process can be quickened if possible.

It was already December and harry has the dream about Arthur Weasley getting attacked by peter Pettigrew.

Well Nagini is captured by Vicky.

Even after all his study and experiments he was unable to break the curse.

For extra knowledge he has to depend on the information and wisdom from the crown of Rowena Ravenclaw.

In these modern times people mostly forgot the making and usage of artifacts.

Also the number of magical materials available for using forging artifacts is pitifully low.

Because of this the ark of forging artifacts reduced to making space expansion suitcases and other small things.

Even the wands they are currently using are low level artifacts that can amplify the magic.

While he was busy things are moving quickly.

Arthur Weasley was attacked and Vicky went to visit him after sneaking out of Hogwarts.

Any way it will be winter break in two days.

So no one cared when he left.

He gave some special medicine for Arthur Weasley.

Well he is Vicky’s future father in law so Vicky has to show his sincerity.

Also Vicky met Neville there that is visiting his parents.

Vicky reassured Neville that he will definitely cure his parents as he got some clues of a potion that can return people back from insanity and strengthen their spirits.

Neville was very moved and regarded Vicky as a true friend.

Vicky also feels that Neville is much better friend than harry or Ron.

On the other hand harry got some special training from Snape about occlumency and legilimency.

During the Christmas Vicky celebrated it with Weasley family.

Ron did not like Vicky but every other person likes Vicky.

With the medicine Vicky brought Arthur was mostly cured quickly and can even walk.

If it is cured normally then he should be still in wheel chair right now.

This made the Weasley family deeply grateful to Vicky, well except for Ron.

Right around the Christmas party Harry and Sirius black arrived.

Vicky greeted Sirius and then talked about the black family library asking about books on potions or charms that can recover people from the insanity.

Sirius asked Vicky why he is looking for books like that.

Vicky gave a simple answer that is he promised to save Neville’s parents and he needs more materials to complete his theory.

Everyone stopped for a moment and Sirius told Vicky to come and visit his home any time.

Also Vicky can take any book he wanted from the black library.

Sirius has noticed that Vicky did not greet and say anything to harry.

So Sirius asked harry about what happened later when they returned and found the situation.

Actually Sirius felt funny about……….

Chapter 70: the contribution that Vicky made

Sirius has noticed that Vicky did not greet and say anything to harry.

So Sirius asked harry about what happened later when they returned and found the situation.

Vicky has already left at that time as he has other things to do.

Hermione and Ginny and others are still there having their Christmas dinner.

Vicky originally wanted to stay but dobby suddenly appeared saying that something serious happened.

Actually Sirius felt funny about the situation because Harry and Ron are just being mean to Vicky with their childish behavior.

They actually hated Vicky because Vicky did not help the order against Voldemort

Sirius also did not like the answer Vicky gave them.

But Dumbledore later explained that the thing Vicky did is already helping them.

Hundreds and thousands of magical creatures were stopped by Vicky to join the dark lord and even turned to the good side with the help of Vicky.

This in itself is the greatest contribution that Vicky gave them single handedly.

At the same time he said that Dumbledore also feels sad for not taking proper action earlier to preserve his name but the situation has reached the point of out of control.

He then explained to them about the situation properly to make them understand how much Vicky really contributed.

“Actually to maintain all of that Vicky has used his entire wealth and connections.

As for the group that he created in the school is speculated to be a strong force to defend the students of Hogwarts if there is a sudden problem.

Even for maintaining the group Vicky is said to have threaten the minister of magic with his popularity.

Actually Vicky is doing more to save the magic world and getting it ready to face Voldemort than the order of phoenix had been doing.

Many members of the order of phoenix are old and are still in fear of the last war and they are contemplating if they should join the war or not.

So currently Vicky is bearing all the burden of the facing the Voldemort by himself in place of all the other members of the order.

He was even threatened by many people during this time and his life is hanging as bait to those dark wizards and death eaters.

He is already contributing so much and asking for more from him is no different than cutting the three that is giving us the shade and protection right now.

Do you understand the current situation of Vicky?

Ron, do you know why your father was healed so quickly?

It was the medicine that Vicky deciphered from the ancient scripts.

He is even trying to help Neville’s parents to come out of insanity.

Now tell me what Vicky did wrong to be hated by you.”

Hermione and Ginny has red yes because even they don’t know that Vicky is doing so many things other than spending time with them.

Well Vicky did not tell them much about his works.

They only know bits and pieces about what he is doing.

Also Vicky really did not do all of that and suffered like these people thought.

Instead Vicky is really profitable in his current venture and actually enjoying many benefits.

The reason dobby called Vicky is about the incident related to the jailbreak of Azkaban.

It has not happened but he noticed that the dementors are acting strangely.

Those dementors are siding with Voldemort because Voldemort found the secret of the world seal on the island of Azkaban.

Also the secret gave him control and support of those dementors.

Unfortunately he doesn’t know that Vicky has already learnt about that and got the secret of the seal at Azkaban Island.

Vicky did not do anything because the disturbance created by Voldemort for the next few years would interfere with his work.

Also he has to become stronger than he is now to break the seal at the Azkaban.

Any way he has control over the dementors.

So he is going to use this chance to capture Bellatrix first.

Losing Bellatrix would at least reduce the support of Voldemort by 20 percent.

Vicky would not kill her but let her truly feel the pain.

That is he would make her watch the Oscar selected love movies and documentaries as punishment.

There are also some serials and TV shows that the housewives watch with family drama and other nonsense.

Her duty is to watch them continuously.

The greatest punishment to a person like Bellatrix is actually peace.

She will not be able to bear the peace and will have mental break down.

After it was all cleared Vicky would slowly cure her and pull her into the correct path.

If all else did not work he don’t mind throwing a forgetful charm and change her personality.

Any way she is intelligent, decisive and has leadership qualities.

Vicky needed these things for his future plans so he wanted to pull her into his side instead of killing her.

So he went to plan for that.


On the other hand Harry and Ron are really feeling bad right now.

They could not even look into the eyes of Hermione and Ginny because they don’t know how to face them for all the things they have said.

Well while they are contemplating Vicky went to do his preparations to capture Bellatrix.

He got a big black cloak and started to fly without the help of external aid.

This is how those dementors fly.

Actually it is simply but complex process.

One has to control the force of gravity with their body to fly like this without the need of external aid.

Vicky has practiced it before and now he can do that.

Dementors would not be able to distinguish between him and them with a special method that Voldemort discovered through his study of the seal at Azkaban.

His research notes is with Vicky that was already thoroughly studied.

So it is not a problem to use………..


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