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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 246: Buzz from Goldsman family

Mohini sighed and moved around the place to find the location of the museum.

There is no problem for her entry and this place is still far from development.

Well it was year 1926 and there are wars going on around the place so it was hard for people to improve quickly for at least another 20 years.

After 1945, there will be strong and fast development in this world.

Mohini will not stay here for that long.

She has already prepared all the things that she wanted for this world.

There are restrictions in this world.

Modern technology after year 1950 is unusable here.

So Mohini did not have many things that can be used.

It is especially problematic for the transportation purposes.

Mohini arrived to the museum on a horse drawn carriage.

She looked around to see if there are any other players that were lucky enough to come near this place where the heroine should be.

Well there is someone that got off another horse drawn carriage.

He looked strong and based on Mohini’s senses he should have the stats range around 90 points.

Mohini immediately became interested.

This man has a strong body with well built muscles.

He has blond hair and handsome face.

Mohini has seen this person before.

Not directly in person but in photographed image.

This should be the son of top noble family from the holy country.

His name is buzz from Goldsman family.

He should be on the same level as Jara from the king of arms faction.

He is the third son of the head of the family and has good aptitude.

He is also in line to become the future head of the family.

Mohini doesn’t have to guess what this person is here for.

He came here to get the heroine.

Mohini is already wearing the special mask that covers her features from the players.

So she doesn’t have to worry being discovered.

Unless Mohini kills him causing some curse mark to target her, Mohini was safe in all other cases.

So Mohini did not let buzz go into the museum instead she was intercepted before he enter the museum.

With her 180+ stats points which is double the amount of stat points buzz has, can he resist Mohini’s attack.

It would be strange if he can react to the attack of Mohini.

Buzz felt like there is a sudden breeze passed by him.

In the next second he lost his consciousness.

Mohini took him away from here and started with her standard procedure of capturing an opponent.

Mohini took him to a hotel nearby and rented a room.

She dislocated the joints of buzz then hit on the vocal cards to completely block him from shouting.

After doing all of this Mohini let buzz smell some strong sleeping medicine and put him to sleep.

This was used just in case if some things were out of control.

After arranging things Mohini came to the museum again.

Here there are no more obstructions for her.

Well there are player in the city but they would only try their best to survive and complete some tasks helping the protagonist or antagonist group.

Since the plot has not started yet they would not act rashly and involve too much.

They will join in when the plot starts as the paid gang that follows the protagonist group.

Most of them choose the protagonist group as it is a sure win thing.

As for the side of the antagonist Imhotep there are still people on that side too.

Well no matter how many there is it was all just trash in front of the power that Mohini currently has.

Mohini directly went into the library area where the heroine Evelyn should be right now based on the information.

When she arrived at the library here Evelyn is putting the books back to where they belong to.

But something unexpected happened.

Well Mohini already knows that she would have an accident here to knock out all the book racks while falling from the ladder.

When Mohini came inside and looked at her she is trying to balance the ladder from falling on either side on the racks.

Mohini moved over to hold the ladder immediately to make it study and right standing right under Evelyn.

Since the ladder is study Mohini spoke.

“Miss, slowly get down while I am holding the ladder.”

On the other hand Evelyn blushed seeing that she is wearing a long skirt and Mohini is right under her.

She blushes even if the other party is a woman like her.

If she looked up then it is possible to see the things under her skirt.

The women were very reserved in the early 1900.

Only under the strong influence of some lecherous invaders, some women changed over time coming.

Well she is a reserved woman so she simply asked.

“Thank you Miss, can you please not look up right now…”

She said in an embarrassing tone soft tone.

Mohini did not think of this before but when she specifically asked she really looked up.

“What is it, miss…?”

These sudden actions caused her to be so embarrassed that she let go of one hand to cover her skirt.

Unexpectedly she lost control of her other hand and directly fell.

Well Mohini cannot let her fall down just like that so she caught her leaving the ladder to fell.

She was caught in the princess carry position.

Mohini was able to feel something.

Even though Evelyn’s appearance looked normal but her body is actually very hot.

It was all covered by those baggy clothes.

Her body is on the same level as Shizuka.

May be her tits are a little smaller but they are big and waist is very small.

Skin was smooth and shining.

If Mohini were to put her in an Arabian dancer dress with a veil and made her perform that belly dance she should be stunning……..

Chapter 247: heroine Evelyn is a klutz

Skin was smooth and shining.

If Mohini were to put her in an Arabian dancer dress with a veil and made her perform that belly dance she should be stunning.

How did she miss such small things?

Well she has to observe her more to find out all of her good points and decide if she should take her away from here or not.

It is not like she doesn’t want to take her.

She has to know her more before making decision.

She only takes someone out of two conditions.

First it is that she fell in love with that woman.

First option is for women and men.

Second if that person is useful to her.

Second option is for all that is human or beast.


Mohini was thinking and the Evelyn is blushing.

Realizing that she was struggling to go out of her hand Mohini let her go.

At that time the curator appeared because of the loud noise.

Evelyn wanted to explain but she tripped on her own leg and fell forward.

She was again caught by Mohini and she helped her stand.

She blushed again and said

“Thank you, Miss.”

Her voice is very low just now that it is like a mosquito buzzing.

The curator doesn’t know what to say as she sighed and left.

She did not even question about Mohini as she thought that Mohini came here with Evelyn.

Well a part of it has to be given to her charm value which is inhumane for this fantasy world.

Based on the setting this fantasy world has a minimum requirement of 70 points of stats in vitality to participate along with the protagonist group.

Even for normal survival they should at least have 50 stat points in vitality stats.

So this fantasy world is a murderous trap.

The people that chose to enter today have encountered a big pit and they have to be careful to survive.

So most of them would think of a way to survive rather than trying their luck in the plot and get themselves killed.

On the other hand Mohini has different thoughts.

“Fuck, she is a klutz…

She has a hot body, wearing round glasses with old getup and she is a klutz….


I should consider more to take her with me.

I did not study her character well and the girls are also busy with their things to give me a run down.

I should find myself a good secretary to deal with all these things.

Well I have already marked that fantasy world The Fruit of Grisaia.

In that fantasy world there is a chick called Kazuki that would fit the bill perfectly.

Also this world requires her to use the protagonist card.

Without that card it is absolutely impossible to bring the heroines in that world to the real world.

There are a few fantasy worlds where no player can take the heroines unless she is the protagonist.

There are a few fantasy worlds where no player can take the heroines unless he is the protagonist.

For example, ‘To love RU’ is one such fantasy world.

Unless you are the protagonist Yuki Rito it is absolutely impossible to get the heroines to fall for you as a player.

It is not the matter of charm but it is because the bond of destiny is so strong that player cannot separate them.

So the only way to get heroine in that kind of fantasy world is by becoming the protagonist.

Also acting out of the protagonist usual character will cause the story plot to collapse.

So there should not be too much deviation between the player that wants to take over the protagonist and the original character of the protagonist.


Evelyn wanted to say something but there is a sound from the back room that attracted the attention of her and Mohini.

Well Mohini wanted to converse with her for a little while longer but the plot is here and the settings change quickly.

She followed her in the name of giving her courage and support.

Well she appreciates it very much as she is scared of these eerie things.

Mohini knows that this is just a prank of Jonathan.

Mentioning Jonathan, Mohini was very surprised by this person.

It is like he was blessed with great luck and the hands of the thieves at the same time.

Because of this Mohini really wanted to take him back with her make him help Mohini in exploring the ruins islands.

Well it is best to take the siblings back with her.

When imagining a threesome between the siblings and her, has made her pussy tingly.

Mohini took the torch to help light the way instead of Evelyn as in the plot.

She was scared but she still moved along to explore because of her curiosity.

They moved closer to the area where Jonathan set up the prank.

Mohini deliberately stopped right behind her so that she can catch her when she was frightened.


Suddenly the corpse stood up when the Evelyn moved close to the big box.

The prank was over and the brother and sister got along.

Well Evelyn fell back on Mohini and she caught her again.

She was so embarrassed to speak properly.

Well after so many time Mohini’s skills has effect on her and she felt comfortable hugging Mohini.

With that the fall of the heroine started.

On the other hand the unreliable looking Jonathan acted like a good brother and helped Evelyn.

Even though he looks unreliable at many times, he is really a reliable person when it involves his sister.


Who is this beauty?

Are you looking for marriage matches for me?”

Mohini’s charm acted giving Jonathan a good impression towards Mohini.

Evelyn was so embarrassed to ask Mohini about herself.

She doesn’t know who Mohini is and she did not get any chance to ask Mohini about that.

Also Mohini saved her three times in a row……..

Chapter 248: key and the map

She doesn’t know who Mohini is and she did not get any chance to ask Mohini about that.

Also Mohini saved her three times in a row making her even more embarrassed.

Well she finally got the introduction she needed.


Thank you for saving me.

Can you tell me who you are…?”

Evelyn asked with her soft voice with blushing face.

Jonathan on the side has a smile understanding what happened with his klutz and skittish sister.

Mohini also smiled and introduced about her.

“You are welcome miss,

My name is Mohini,

I am here for some archeological findings of the ancient Egypt.

I want to check some things in the library of this museum….

On the way I happened to find Miss Evelyn’s predicament and helped her.”

Mohini did not mention anything about her origin.

Evelyn and Jonathan did not ask too much about it.

There are many people that came here from many places.

Some cannot reveal their origins because of special reasons.

After which the siblings thanked Mohini again and asked if they can help Mohini in anything important.

Mohini said that she wants to find a way to go Hamunaptra- the city of the dead…

The expression of the siblings changed a little.

At the same time Jonathan took out the key and Mohini’s eyes lit up.

This key is required in order to use the book of dead or the book of the living.

Other than that this is the key that seal the lost ark from the information pieces she has.

Mohini was searching to see if she can get the last information piece related to the lost ark in this fantasy world.

If she could obtain it then Mohini was sure to hit a jackpot and get the lost ark and integrate it into her own ark.

While the two people are fiddling with the key box Mohini suddenly spoke...

“Fucking hell,

I know what this is…

Mister Jonathan, do you know this is the key to the great books of dead and living….”

As soon as Mohini said this the eyes of both Jonathan and Evelyn widened.

Right at that moment Evelyn accidentally pressed at the right place making the box to open revealing the map of ancient Egypt.

Evelyn took out the parchment instead of paper that appeared in the movie.

Well the thing in the movie is a lie and this is the reality.

It is an animal skin map and Mohini took a good look at the map along with Evelyn.

Mohini has a strong memory and while she was studying Mohini took out a sketching chart and other things right on the spot out of thin air.

Jonathan was shocked for a moment because of the magical trick.

Mohini directly asked Evelyn if she could borrow the map so that she can make a copy of the map.

Evelyn was also astounded by the magical thing and wanted to ask Mohini what is happening.

But the things Mohini wanted come first.

So she handed her the map to look.

Under their astounded gazes Mohini made an exact replica of the map within 20 minutes and it was perfectly identical except for the colorless drawing of the sketch and paper.

At the same time under their watchful eyes Mohini stored the sketched map into the storage space immediately.

Evelyn was still in the shocked state while the eyes of Jonathan lit up.

Being a thief he liked the ability that Mohini showed him very much.

So he immediately asked.

“Miss, how did you do that…?”

Mohini looked at Jonathan and said.

“Well it is magic.

In the future if you trust me completely then I will share this secret with you siblings.

But for now it is a secret.


Well don’t you want to show this map to your curator?

This map should point towards the Hamunaptra right.

There are many places marked on this map so let’s move.

Fortunately my destination is also Hamunaptra too.

We can go there together and I can be your guard in return you can take me there.

How is the deal?

I heard that this is the place where all the Egyptian kings hid their treasures.

There will be a mountain of gold there.

Jonathan don’t you want to get some good gold for your family future hehe…”

Mohini asked in the astounded eyes of Evelyn and Jonathan.

But as soon as Jonathan heard the words gold and treasure his eyes shone like torches.

Evelyn knows that Mohini has hit right on the soft spot of Jonathan.

She can only sigh and go along to protect her brother.

But even she was interested in that gold and treasures along with the ancient archeological discoveries just like her parents did.

So they directly accepted to the deal of Mohini.

They immediately went to the curator to show the map and the key box.

But before going into the room of the curator, Mohini asked Evelyn and Jonathan to not to disclose that she has a sketched copy of the map.

They don’t know why Mohini asked this, but they don’t mind this and accepted Mohini’s request.

The plot continued and the map in the hands of the curator burnt.

Well to be more precise he burnt it being one of the pharaoh's guards.

Losing the direction of the journey both Evelyn and Jonathan were distressed for a moment but they remembered that Mohini still has the sketched map.

They even thought that Mohini can see through the future and specifically made this sketched copy of the knowing that the original map would be damaged.

But there is no proof or words and actions.

Mohini has already stated that if they truly trusted her then he will tell them her secrets.

So they have to show Mohini their trust to know the strange magic that Mohini has.

After they left the room of the curator, Jonathan was questioned by Mohini about the………

Chapter 249: rival called candy

So they have to show Mohini their trust to know the strange magic that Mohini has.

After they left the room of the curator, Jonathan was questioned by Mohini about the origins of the box and how he got it.

Then Jonathan reveals that he stole this box from an American adventurer Rick O'Connell, who discovered the city while in the French Foreign Legion.

Evelyn rolled her eyes at Jonathan for his habit of stealing from other people.

But Mohini appreciates it very much.

So she praised Jonathan instead of despising him and then asked him to take them to rick.

Even though they had the map it is best to follow the guide just in case to not to spoil the plot.

Evelyn has become close to Mohini because of her curiosity in her mysteriousness.

So Mohini did not fear that she would jump ships towards rick when they met him in the prison.

Just like love at first sight.

Mohini’s charm is already off the charts and it is not possible for any woman or men in the tier 1 fantasy worlds to not to notice Mohini.

She has 186 points in her charm and along with the 10 percent increase in charm from the blessing of the god.

Other than that her lucky pervert title will all act in Mohini’s favor.

Also with the title of hero, Mohini is already on par with the protagonist or even higher the protagonist of the tier 1 fantasy worlds.


But something unexpected happened just when the group of three came to the prison to meet with rick.

There is another woman here with her tight fit dress that is currently kissing rick across the bars.

Even Mohini was taken aback looking at the scene.

Which lady actually came to snatch the protagonist?

It looked more like she did not reject being kissed by rick.

The lady looked hot and Mohini was sure that she is a player.

She has wavy brown long hair that falls like water fall on her.

Her body has perfect ‘S’ curves and the facial features are excellent.

It is hard to identify her nationality as she looked like a mixed breed between European and Arabian family.

But Mohini felt like she has met someone similar to her in mentality.

Mohini doesn’t know her true nature or character but her senses are telling her to be carefully with this woman.

It is like she met a rival that is very similar to her in nature and actions.

Mohini immediately became cautious and even warned Evelyn and Jonathan to be careful.

While moving closure to them Mohini finally recognized who this woman is.

Her name is Candy and she is from the free country.

Also she is a female tyrant.

Not much information is known about her but one thing is certain that she seems to like to collect the protagonist and antagonists from the fantasy world to form a male harem.

That is right she is forming a harem filled the protagonists and antagonists of the fantasy world.

Think about the power and luck of the protagonist and the antagonist.

How powerful her harem of men should be.

Mohini cannot even imagine about that.

She felt like she is looking at someone with her own set of mind.

Fortunately she is still in the tier 1 and did not develop fully.

Well working with her could be beneficial to her too.

If she wants to get the female protagonist or female villain, she can work with her to share the plot and divide the work.

But the thing is Mohini wants all.

She likes heroes, heroines, villains and some side characters.

After thinking of some things Mohini made a plan in her mind.

She did not use her simulation skill after coming to this world.

So there are too many surprises.

She sighed and decided to run a simulation after the meeting is over and get a glimpse of the future changes before making big moves.

Right at that time candy was done kissing and she looked at Rick playfully as he asked her to get him out of this place.

She nodded her head as the jailer came to her saying the same words that he would say to the heroine in the plot.

Jonathan pointed towards rick saying that he got the puzzle box from rick.

But the expression on Mohini’s face is a little different than being astounded.

Candy looked back at that moment and when she looked at Mohini she has the eyes of intoxication and wanting to possess Mohini.

This is the first time she felt something like that towards a woman.

She ignored the jailer and came to Mohini and her group.

Looking at her expression Evelyn standing by the side of Mohini subconsciously clenched her teeth and caught Mohini’s arm’s tightly claiming ownership over her.

Mohini smile happily inside with the actions of Evelyn.

This means that she has successfully pulled Evelyn over to her group.

But she cannot show anything right now in front of candy.

She did investigate this peculiar character but she was unable to find the background and support of candy.

It is not possible to stand firm in the free country without any support from other places.

This means that this candy has deep background and power that Mohini doesn’t know about.

Because of this she silently waited for her to speak first.

Candy also did not speak and looked at Mohini straight in the eye with her intoxicated smile and sultry appearance.

Because of the urging from the jailer that he would hang rick right now the tug of war between Mohini and candy stopped.

Candy spoke first.

“We should talk later about our thing and rescue Rick first right.

We cannot go on with the plot without the protagonist right….”

Saying these words she followed the jailer to the back area of the prison.

Mohini followed along and told to Evelyn……….

Chapter 250: A deal with candy

Saying these words she followed the jailer to the back area of the prison.

Mohini followed along and told to Evelyn.

“She is from the same place, that I came from.

Well we did not know each other before but I investigated her.

I cannot tell you about these details for your own good.

So follow me silently for now….”

Evelyn and Jonathan looked at each other and followed silently.

The woman candy gave out a creepy feeling to them.

For some reason they thought that Mohini can protect them.

Mohini did not say anything and let candy do her business with the jailer.

The entire thing is same as that of in the plot except that candy is sitting in the position of Evelyn in the plot.

Even the bargain is the same as that of in the plot.

Only thing was that the jailer would not have deceptive thoughts.

After she is done with the entire thing and Rick was released, she came to Mohini to speak.

“Are these two trusted people?”

She asked pointing at Evelyn and Jonathan.

Mohini looked at them and said.

“Not right now, we still need time to make them trust me.

We can speak in a different place so that the rules were not violated.”

After saying that candy and Mohini wanted to go out and talk.

So Mohini came to Jonathan that is eying candy’s figure and Evelyn that is pouting at Mohini.

“As I said before,

I can tell my secrets as long as you trust me.

I cannot tell you without the test of trust.

If I speak the secrets without the trust then there are some sever punishments.

So please don’t think about that.

After I negotiate with her I will tell you some important things.

Till then wait back at the hotel room that I arranged for you…”

Mohini said these words to the two siblings and followed candy.

The hotel room that Mohini arranged is the room that was the very next room where she hid the unconscious buzz.

Mohini still has to take care of buzz that is sleeping in the hotel room.

Well he will not wake up any time soon.

The strong sleeping medicine would put him in the sleeping state till it is late at night.

Unless Mohini wakes him up with an antidote, he will not wake up suddenly.

Mohini followed candy to a restaurant where they sat at one corner to speak about their plan.

It was her that took the initiative to speak.

“You seem to have got the heroine.

What are your plans?

Which side did you chose….?”

She started to shoot of the questions while Mohini waited her blabbering to complete and said.

“Miss candy, I have my own agenda and chose the third option.

As for the heroine, I am interested in her and am going to take her with me.

If you want you can try to get the protagonist but I will still try may hand.

As for the antagonist we will talk about that later.

Whoever gets him will be based on our effort right.

Since we each have our own thoughts why not cooperate till we complete this fantasy world.

Also please don’t make any moves on me.

I don’t want to be a part of your harem….

As for the treasures and other things we can share them based on our contributions.

Right if you are okay with that we can move on to Hamunaptra tomorrow.

I forgot to tell you but I saved the map from damaging so even if you did not accept I can still go to Hamunaptra and start the main plot.

Please make your choice wisely….”

Mohini said with a calm face and gentle smile.

It is like a calm lake with gentle ripples that came because of the gentle wind.

But Mohini gave out a feeling that there is monster under the lake that was waiting for her to step into the lake to capture her.

It is like a mermaid that is singing an enticing song to attract the men and suddenly turn into a monster to pull them into the deep waters.

Well Candy is not discouraged instead she really wanted to see what monster is hiding in the lake behind the façade that Mohini is showing.

Right now it is impossible to look.

Since they are mutually benefitting they have decided to cooperate after speaking of some things.

Any way Mohini might not be able to get the villain and the hero at the same time.

One of them would be lost in the plot.

So she can only choose one person.

Mohini decided to go with Imhotep instead of Rick.

With the cooperation finalized Mohini directly left the place back to the hotel.

She has some explaining to do.

She did not go to the room where Evelyn and Jonathan are waiting.

Instead she went to take care of buzz.

With Mohini’s authority of military and civilian rank she tried to check the details of buzz.

But she did not get any results.

Most probably they are on the same level or something.

Well Mohini was not discouraged instead she checked the joints of buzz that are still in dislocated state.

Mohini not only dislocated the main joints but also the sub joints.

So buzz has a hard time moving even his finger.

Currently the only working part of buzz is his dick.

With that Mohini relaxed a little and woke up buzz with a special medicine.

Being in a different environment buzz knows that he was captured by the enemy.

(Who the fuck are you?)

(Do you know who I am?)

(Do you know my background?)


After he shot out three sentences he realized something is wrong.

Only at that moment did he realize that his vocal cards are not working.

It is not just that.

No joint in his body is in its right position.

It is not an injury that……...


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