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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 231: Mohini’s lap is invincible queen’s throne

While she is thinking, several cars arrived outside the church.

One belongs to Jane that she used to escape while then other is the mafia that is chasing her.

The mafia men started to shoot directly at the church.

Rico who was doing the laundry at the back arrived after Yolanda left.

Naturally he will do the odd jobs and did not mess things up much.

So he arrived here just now by chance when the gun fire started.

Both Revy and Eda has already started to shoot while Mohini sits on the side to see the action scene.

Yolanda is comfortably sitting on her lap looking at the show.

Mohini has a gun in her hand from time to time and the messed up led bullets would fall in front of them whenever a stray bullet shot at them.

Yolanda is actually drinking wine peaceful sitting on the lap of Mohini.

Knowing the story of Mohini and her capabilities she was more and more charmed.

Also the current situation is like sitting on a comfortable throne that is protected by an invisible shield.

Even if the sky falls right now she can come out of it without even a single scratch as long as she is sitting on Mohini’s lap.

These are her thoughts.

For an ordinary woman having a person to protect them will move their hearts.

But for the women in the underworld they can protect themselves and knows the dark side of the world.

Knowing that they know what it means to find true love and true support is.

They know what it means to be truly protected by a person they can love.

Mohini here gave her this kind of feeling.

She got bored and took out her gun which looks like small cannon to shoot a single shot.

Immediately the car was blasted off the ground.

After they left Yolanda with her graceful body went to Jane and asked her to come inside and tell her story.

The only difference in the scene is that Yolanda is young and there are two extra people Mohini and Veena.

While Jane is talking nonsense Revy came to Mohini and whispered in his ear.

“Mohini, don’t tell me this chatter box is also going to be you woman too.”

Mohini looked at her and said.

“No, she is going to be Benny’s woman,

But she seems to love sex very much and maybe she will be fascinated by me one day to have some fun…”

Mohini smiled telling Revy about that and Revy looked back at Jane up and down few time before sighing.

Well anything can happen in the underworld.

It is not her place to change things.

With that done Yolanda continued to listen to the nonsense and went along with the plot.

Of course Eda who don’t know what is going to happen directly accepted the things then the story started to go along the plot.

Also Mohini used the central system of the CIA to specifically ordered Eda to make Mohini fall in love with her and get her secrets.

This order is given knowing that Mohini loves both women and men.

So she has to start that soon.

Eda gave the directions to Jane leading her to the wolves den.

Yolanda that was comfortably sitting on the lap of Mohini said good work to Eda.

There is another person to catch in this event now.

Shenhua will also participate in this matter and Mohini is going to get her this time.

The process is easy and Mohini was sure that she can get Shenhua.

As for Eda, things will happen too.

The mysterious pervert’s luck is acting on Mohini and can any women escape from her easily.

Of course there is also the aura of the hero that Mohini got and improved has almost made her reach the top.

Now all she has to do is sit and let the pie fall into her hands from all directions.


Mohini said bye to Yolanda after giving her instructions and gave a kiss to both her and Veena in secret.

After that she left with Revy and Eda to yellow flag bar.

Shenhua is already in the bar and Mohini sneaked up on her from behind.

This made her to panic and threw a knife at Mohini which was caught by her easily with a flip of her hand.

The comfortable hug immediately remained of Mohini and she called her name.

“Mohini what are you doing…

Let me go right now…”

Mohini did not let her go and instead pulled her closure and asked.

“Have you made your decision yet…?

If not them I will bully you more so that you can make the decision quickly.”

She doesn’t know how to reply as she was struggling in Mohini’s arms a stupid cow uncle came with a cow boy get up.

He started to move along the plot.

Since she cannot escape from Mohini’s grasp she can only stay there to listen about the bounty job offered by the uncle cow boy.

Immediately Shenhua’s eyes lit up for the job.

At that time Sawyer spoke with her voice support device.

Mohini looked at her up and down and did not have much thoughts of taking her.

But she can be of use to her in dissecting monster corpses in the future.

Well since it is like that sawyer is on the waiting list.

Also she can be of good match to rock if possible.

There are two more idiots that came to show off.

One of them was able to attract the attention of Shenhua in the original plot.

But Mohini doesn’t want that to happen.

She directly wants to pull Shenhua to her side.

Instead of letting her go with those people she pulled Shenhua to a corner and whispered her plan.

Then Shenhua pulled sawyer along with her and came to the back door.

This is where Revy and Eda are waiting and……..

Chapter 232: Sawyer fell for Mohini instead of rock

Then Shenhua pulled sawyer along with her and came to the back door.

This is where Revy and Eda are waiting and planning the next move.

After some explanation Mohini was able to integrate Shenhua and sawyer in the plan.

Rock is also there in the front driving while sawyer was told to sit beside rock in co pilot seat.

On the back Revy, Eda, Shenhua and Mohini are squeezed tightly.

Well Revy directly say on her lap without saying a word as she was sure to fall into her lap again.

Looking at her like this both Eda and Shenhua were having their own thoughts.

Each of them encountered Mohini before and they both want to become close to Mohini.

While they are waiting Mohini asked them some series of questions leading them step by step looking at their favorability.

When their favorability rose to 40 points he asked Eda, sawyer and Shenhua the question of trust.

Immediately they had this blue screen in front of them.

Sawyer was new but she knows the reputation of Mohini.

Also Shenhua trusts Mohini and brought her along with her here so she decided to trust Mohini too.

With that the deal is sealed.

As for rock, Mohini did not intentionally ask the question but rock also had a blue screen with a question of trust.

Mohini sighed and gave out the warning to all the people in the car.

The people here all saw her capabilities so they would at least trust Mohini.

The previous conversation is all for pulling Eda and the new member sawyer.

She waited till their favorability reached 40 points and asked the question of trust.

After her warning they thought for a few moments but finally chose to go with Mohini for various reasons each had their own.

The result is good and Mohini smiled.

She did not say anything now as the target has arrived so the situation returned back to the plot.

Eda started the haggling with Jane till the price is negotiated to a good amount.

The girls in the car started to giggle with excitement.

Immediately after that the door of the car was opened and Eda and Shenhua pulled Jane into the car.

Well there is a shoot out from the group behind that just arrived into her back alley.

After going to the docks they went to the office room of the lagoon company.

Since it takes time for the boat to arrive Mohini is going to talk to these people.

But there is still Jane that is not in the group but she is not in a situation to listen to the talk of Mohini.

She is in a different room trying to log back into her account.

Her mind should be in a mess right now.

Based on her words in the plot there is at least 1 hour of time before they group of thugs arrive.

This time was enough so Mohini started to speak to the group in low voice.

Any way if Jane were to caught wind of what she was saying the system will warn her.

Penalty will be 1000 chaos points.

She doesn’t mind paying a little with her wealth right now.

When she started explaining the things they other people were shocked.

Some did not see the special handlings of Mohini.

So Mohini did not some things to prove her point and made them believe.

After explaining to them till the point where Yolanda stopped Mohini stopped too.

She specifically warned them that they cannot reveal this to anyone without her consent.

If they did, then first this information would not pass to the other party but also erase the very existence of the betrayer.

This gave them a shiver.

It is especially so for Eda that is thinking of passing this information to CIA.

Well no one wants to die fruitlessly.

Also if what Mohini said is true then she can really escape from this shit hole.

Mohini is a strong woman even though she is a little perverted.

So it is not bad to be with her and go on an exciting adventure.

So she calmed down.

There is more to tell but Mohini did not have time right now.

The power went off.

This means that the gangsters have come to get Jane.

So the remaining story is for later date when they get in the ship and are sailing on the open sea.

Mohini doesn’t know how long this fantasy world lasts.

So she has to get all the things quickly before it is too late.

She doesn’t like having regrets.

So she will do everything clearly and perfectly to the best she possible could.

Since sawyer and Shenhua was with her the power on the other side reduced considerably.

Also rock was unlucky again.

Even thought Mohini wanted to set up sawyer to rock,

Sawyer became connected to Mohini this time after her story about the real world and adventures.

Who would have thought that sawyer is like a girl that met her prince charming listening to the story about the real world.

She seems to have the wish of adventuring and doing magic in her childhood but fell into a place like Roanapur right now.

After losing her voice she thought of the story of little mermaid and wanted to find her prince charming to restore her voice.

She even owed herself that the one that restores her voice would be her husband.

She did not have any specifics on preference that it should be a man.

For this very reason she can be so cruel to dismantle anyone without any fear or disgust.

As an adventurer she has to face the cruel world…..

Finally because of Mohini’s power and words she fell for her.

Mohini sighed and thought of finding another girl for rock.

Also she cannot just say no to the girl that wants to be with her.

So she has decided to accept it…………

Chapter 233: Eda was successfully captured

Also she cannot just say no to the girl that wants to be with her.

So she has decided to accept it.

Shenhua said that she is a Taoist.

After Mohini said that there are really things like technique and cultivation…..

She was moved and decided to be with Mohini.

Since Mohini was so strong and can become a leading cultivator or the emperor then she was sure to become a good cultivator wife.

Her eyes were sparkling as her beliefs were true and her weapons might be stronger than guns.

She might even get an artifact like flying sword if everything goes properly.

So she fell for Mohini after learning the truth.

On the other hand it is Eda that fell in a dilemma.

Originally she did not have any love towards Mohini and she was trying to find Mohini secrets for her country.

But now she fell into a trap where she cannot tell the truth to her people or she cannot do anything to Mohini and betray her.

No matter what she chooses she will die without a corpse.

Well it is a like to say that she did not like Mohini as she was beauty, strong, humorous, and witty and many more.

But she is still a woman and Eda prefers men with thick cock very much instead of having girls love.

But she never expected that Mohini would show them a magic trick of dick growing and the dick is so thick that Eda became wet instantly.

Can she find another woman with all these qualities that every girl looks for?

This kind of people would appear only in movies and fairytales.

Also Mohini was so strong that even their people don’t know what to do to Mohini to stop her.

Thinking about their home country she became angry for their orders to sacrifice her for those pot bellied capitalists.

Things are complicated in her mind.

After knowing the truth their favorability improved but it stopped at a certain limits because of the bonds that they are holding them back towards this world.

For example Mohini has to solve the people that caused the deep scars on the heart of Revy to let her completely free like Mohini.

To become a perfect bitch.

Her favorability only reached 80 points and stopped there.

Similarly everyone has their own things that are holding them back.

Rock on the other hand thought of the things with much calmer personality in the current situation.

He has already died once in his heart and now he is a new person.

Mohini asked him if he would like to work for her in the future in the real world.

Rock still needed to think about that.

He has already decided to not to stand on any side or dark or light but to stand on the twilight.

Well Mohini is also in the same place but even the twilight or the gray zone is not as simple as the people say.

This place is also divided.

There is no such thing as perfect harmony.

Even the nature would sometimes be peacefully and sometimes becomes a disaster based on its mood.

It is not as simple as choosing sides.

Well Mohini let rock slowly thing of his choice.

In the bridged space as long as that person doesn’t want to follow Mohini, he or she can be simply sent back to the fantasy world.

With the insurance Mohini was very peaceful.


The fight started Mohini started to shoot too but she did not specifically target anyone.

She shot the people they tried to enter into the building.

Especially the man that is shooting fire was killed first with the gas tank behind him blowing up.

Mohini shot bullets like throwing peanuts at those people.

They died in the rain of bullets.

Because Shenhua and sawyer were on Mohini’s side the problem was solved quickly.

But Mohini was unable to solve the problem of fire that is spreading after the blast of the cylinder of the fire throwing man.

The entire building burnt down by the time Dutch arrived with his boat.

Unfortunately during the fight sawyer lost her voice transmitter and she became gloomy.

Mohini consoled her and told her that she would try to give her voice when they got out to the real world later.

She was very happy listening to Mohini that she can get her voice back.

She was bold enough to move forward and kiss Mohini on her lips directly.

After that kiss she cheered up and no longer gloomy.

She started to follow behind Mohini like a ghost from that moment on.


Still some of them got on the ship and started to make the big show with their guns.

While this is happening Jane and Benny got along forming a small love couple.

Benny with his smooth talk was able to get Jane while Mohini and other girls take care of the ruffians that entered the ship.

There are shouts form inside the ship as Jane started to scold rock for not bringing her laptop from the previous fight.

While they are having a quarrel with Benny about the computer, Mohini has cleared most of the guys and the rest were given to Revy to play on the deck.

Because of the rapid movements from Dutch the ship was going around like a spinning top on the water.

It is great that the computers of Benny did not fall off with all the movements.

When Eda was about to kill the cow uncle, Mohini was also there hiding on the side to listen to what is happening there.

Mohini waited till Eda ended the life of the cow uncle and then she came to her front.

She was suddenly shocked with the appearance of Mohini and wanted to shoot immediately.

But Mohini caught her hands holding the gun and took it.

Then she took off her glasses.

She did not make any hard……..

Chapter 234: complicated feelings of Eda

But Mohini caught her hands holding the gun and took it.

Then she took off her glasses.

She did not make any hard movements as she already know that Mohini was very strong and struggling is useless.

She said with a cold voice.

“Since you know where I am from just end my life.

I don’t want to be with you………..”

Her thoughts are complicated at that moment.

Mohini directly pulled Eda into her embrace and started to kiss her lips.

She struggled for a moment but still gave in.

After 10 minutes Mohini and Eda parted.

Her eyes were a little misty, breathing ragged, and her face has a tint of red blush.

“You are my Bitch now,

My bitches will not have nationality, caste or creed.

They only have one thing that is me their husband.

It is the same to you too.

If I want to kill you then you would not live for this long.

Also the country you are backing may be true or illusion will soon fall into my hands.

When the time comes they will send you to me willingly.

I can even make them consider you as their next president and I will be the husband of the president.

Don’t underestimate me or my means.

Remove all those useless thoughts in your mind and your notions.

Look at the results I made….”

Mohini opened her status screen and showed the filling number beside the hero title.

There is a few hundred million in number there.

“These are the number of people I saved from this world except for the first 1501.

This is the good I caused to this world.

If you want your country to receive my good deeds and really work for your job ethics, then become my woman and do well to your country.

Even if you did not be with me I will still do that same and remove the scourges that are sucking the blood of the people over there.

Not only that country but the entire world will be reformed before I leave this world.

You can choose where to stand then.

If you really don’t want to go with me I will leave you here.

It is not free to take people out of this world……….”

Mohini said and left her there and went to meet Revy.

With that thing solved Mohini has the time to do things for a month.

After going back to the shore Mohini arrange the women to help balalaika to coordinate to earn more money and transfer them to her dummy company.

All this money will be used to bring the girls and army that Mohini built up here out to her ark island into the real world.

Mohini also asked Benny and Dutch the question of trust.

This includes Jane that is showing stars looking at Benny.

They simply accepted and all the people here got a run down about the real world and other things.

Their expression on the face of the new people has changed to shock.

The expression on Eda’s face is complicated as she doesn’t know how to choose.

Also she knows that Mohini’s next target is going to be her country.

But she also knows how much good Mohini did and it is not necessarily bad for Mohini to go to her country to play.

Well she has trusted Mohini and finding her thoughts and plans was a hard thing.

But still she was anxious.

Unfortunately for her Mohini is not going to her country right now.

She is going to take South America first.

Soon there is going to be the event about Roberta making her loose her mind.

There is still a month before these events.

Mohini goes there early and pesters the people for a month to get Roberta back with her.

The life saving grace of Diego can give her enough support to take Roberta with her.

As for the destruction of the entire event is not that of a problem.

Any way other players would not be able to do anything.

Most of the veterans tried to enter Roanapur were caught by balalaika’s people and they were taken care of by Mohini.

They all lost their arks and other things without a chance to do anything to Mohini.

As for the hidden people Mohini asked her people to look for the information on them.

As soon as they were found Mohini would visit them.

Based on what kind of person they are the treatment Mohini gives them differs.

She has already got over 100 tier-1 Arks from them along with that there is also a good amount of chaos points.

Based on her estimate Mohini would go out of this world with full harvest along with many exotic beauties with her.

After arranging for her girls Mohini moved to the other side of the world.

Her first target is not to get in touch with the Lovelace family instead clear out the secret societies in South America.

As long as she cleared them she can concentrate completely on Roberta.

Roberta is like a trained assassin.

Gaining her loyalty is very important for Mohini.

She was sure that this type of blackened heroine has more potential than other strong women.

Also she is a beauty that Mohini doesn’t want to lose and regret.

The secret society of South America is a little different.

The artifacts and information pieces were guarded by beast magic that is hard to break……..

The small insects and poisonous bugs can attack from any side without giving prior warning.

Fortunately the sense stats of Mohini were over 120.

She was able to avoid many traps.

The traps here are on the same level of South Africa.

There are also people that guard this place with summoned beast souls into their bodies.

That is they fight like ferocious beasts.

It took her an entire week to break the game and get all the secret societies in this place………

Chapter 235: Mohini saves Diego

That is they fight like ferocious beasts.

It took her an entire week to break the game and get all the secret societies in this place.

With that done Mohini moved to Lovelace mansion as a guest.

Since Mohini is a business partner and also thick skinned Mohini was able to settle down in Lovelace mansion.

Roberta can only grit her teeth and serve Mohini along with Garcia.

Garcia can see that Mohini came here to get Roberta.

Even Diego also knows this and he also know the strength and past of Roberta.

He did not usually support girls love but he cannot hit the face of a smiling man.

Also she is a beautiful woman and he can vaguely feel that she is the one that solved their mafia problems.

So he did not think that Mohini is a simple character.

Even though he did not have much of information network, he was sure that,

Mohini is a strong woman that can, directly decimate the entire mafia that threatened him and his family.

Also Mohini is a big woman with lot of wealth.

Since she wants to pursue Roberta and convince her in a non violence way Diego wants to give Mohini a chance to pursue Roberta.

Mohini stayed here in the name of checking the plantation and other business opportunities.

She asked Diego to let Roberta introduce these things to Mohini.

Well Diego accepted it and told Roberta to entertain Mohini for a few days.

Since they are both woman nothing will happen even if they are together.

Roberta is strong and protect herself.

Garcia always wanted to be third wheel.

Mohini simply played tricks on him and made some small bets to give him and Roberta some free time.

There is a day when Mohini cooked in place of Roberta causing her to be astounded by the cooking skills of Mohini.

Even Diego praised Mohini for being a high class cook other than being a business woman.

Mohini used her time to instill the thoughts of Roberta am like a big sister in to the mind of Garcia.

Then she used the moral that humanity uses as its fangs to make Garcia support Mohini pursue Roberta.

Well it is a little twisted to get support for girls love.

Garcia was really confused and he really supported Mohini to get Roberta.

Roberta is strong but she is still like a small doll in the hands of Mohini.

So she can only swallow her grievances and be bullied by Mohini.

Days passed by and Mohini stole a kiss for Roberta after winning a small bet with her.

She can only accept it.

A new world is opened for her after that kiss.

Mohini is caring but also strong in bullying.

The contrast is too great and in the middle she would receive kisses on her lips to slowly turn her into Mohini’s side.

But her sense of belonging is with Lovelace family.

Mohini has to do something that would make the Lovelace family in debt to her.

In this way she can pull Roberta for being grateful….

This thing can be achieved by saving Diego from the future accident.

It was around the end of the month and Mohini has pestered Roberta enough to gain over 40 points of favorability.

But she cannot ask her the question of trust.

She has observed a new thing.

The favorability has colors too.

If it is shining red then it is not possible to succeed.

If the favorability points are in green then the question of trust will succeed.

Right now the favorability is not in the green but not that dark of red either.

It was around at the middle.

After the incident of saving Diego, Mohini was sure that she will be able to turn that into green light.

At that time she will ask her the question of trust.

If it works then that is it she will move up to conquer the North America.

That is her plan.


Soon the time has come when Diego went to the inauguration meeting of some party leader…

Mohini told him that she wanted to go along with him.

He accepted it, as Mohini was staying here to get business contacts.

So he took her along with Roberta.


Right after reaching to that place Mohini suddenly stopped Diego from going to the stage.

Instead she said that there might be some problem here.

After telling Roberta she looked around and found some suspicious people.

She immediately understood what is happening.

Only a thief can recognize another thief, a murderer can recognize another murderer.

Similarly, when seeing the atmosphere that is made for terrorist attack Roberta can recognize it.

When Diego was becoming impatient the blast happened.


Roberta has heart palpitation when thinking of the chance if Diego were to leave before he should be on the stage right now.

Just thinking about that made her stunned and frightened.

Diego on the other hand was so much frightened that he might have a heart attack if Mohini did not knock him out at the right time.

Roberta know why Mohini knocked out Diego and very grateful to Mohini.

Mohini smiled happily as her first card was played perfectly.

Now Mohini took Roberta and Diego back to the Lovelace family mansion to escape from the serious of panic and stampede by the surrounding people.

When Diego woke up he was already lying down in the mansion.

Garcia was not here while Roberta is taking care of him.

Mohini was standing on the side reading something.

When Diego woke up Mohini asked him if he is alright.

Then after enquired by Diego, Mohini narrated the incident that happened.

Immediately Diego asked if Roberta was here or did something stupid.

He knows that Roberta is an impulsive person and directly bites those people as soon as she felt the consequences of loosing Diego.

Mohini assured him that Roberta is fine and is taking care of Garcia…..

Chapter 236: finally got Roberta

Mohini assured him that Roberta is fine and is taking care of Garcia.

Diego knows that Mohini liked Roberta and she came here only for her.

After thinking of something he even thought that most of things Mohini did are for Roberta.

This includes the business that she connected with Diego Lovelace.

He can only smile bitterly and decided that from now on he will whole heartedly support Mohini to pursue Roberta.

Well girls love is not strange but girl perusing another girl like a man pursuing a girl is quite different and a little hard to adapt for him.

But he has decided to support Mohini from now on.

Well any way Roberta is his friend’s daughter and he has the duty to take care of her life and marriage.

Mohini is strong, wealthy and sensible.

Other than that she really liked Roberta to pursue her all the time.

So he has made the decision.

He will marry Roberta to Mohini.

Well she has to accept it first.

At least from his side there is no objection.

With that some of the things settled.

After talking with Diego Mohini came out of his room.

It was already evening and Roberta was waiting outside the room.

When Mohini came out she directly hugged her to tell how grateful she is for saving the life of Diego.

She always thought Diego as her own father after the death of her father.

Mohini smiled and said.

“What is the point of being grateful?

I want you to be my little wife.

I want to ask you one thing tell me honestly.

Do you trust me?”

Mohini asked the question of trust as the favorability is around at 60 points and has already turned dark green.

As soon as Mohini asked the question a light screen appeared in front of Roberta directly making her shocked a little.

She looked at the light screen and then looked at Mohini few time wanting to know what it is.

Mohini directly pulled her into another room and made Roberta sit on her lap.

She hugged her tightly and started to play with her hands while speaking about the warning.

She felt very comfortable and sweet.

Her previous ambiguous love towards Garcia was completely broken by Mohini.

After understanding some things she chose to trust Mohini.

So she selected yes option.

Immediately after that Mohini tightened her hug and started to tell her about various things related to the real world.

Mohini’s hands are not honest as they moved to her big tits and played with them.

Even though they are big they are very firm and the pointed nipples can pit a hole in the wall.

That is how hard those nipples are.

Mohini really liked them an played with them as she spoke.

The more she learnt about that the more shocked she became.

She never thought that such a thing existed.

She never thought that her world might not be real.

But she thought that Mohini is not normal from the very beginning.

She appeared out of nowhere and stormed the world in just few months.

Her network and understanding capabilities of the underworld are much stronger than that of Diego.

So she has been keeping an eye on Mohini’s actions over the past few months.

Now she understands where Mohini came from.

Also she found that there are other people like Mohini and such a grand world outside.

What can she say when things turned out to be like that.


But even knowing all of that she still have some connections with Lovelace family.

But Mohini clearly state that how the world outside is like.

So she told her to find some to replace her here to take care of the family when she leaves with her.

This way they would be fine even if they left here.

If Roberta can find someone to be the wife of Garcia in the future then it would be even better.

Also Mohini said that there will be some mafia people that would take care of the things in the underworld so she doesn’t have to fear anything.

Any way she will still have to marry in the future and go with her husband.

Even if Diego thought of this he would do the same.

So finally things have turned up like this.

But before making the final decision Roberta asked Mohini to help her eliminate the gang that has almost killed Diego.

Mohini simply nodded her head with a smile.

She has already planned this.

Now she is going to get the people that would put their nose in the affairs of other people just because they think that they are the top of the world.

After that Roberta found Fabiola Iglesias to become the maid for Garcia.

Roberta trained her for a few days.

Well it is not technically training as Roberta was very poor in household works.

With that Mohini and Roberta left Lovelace family.

Well the entire picture appeared as Diego sending the newlywed daughter with her husband.

Roberta changed her maid clothes to that of modern dress with long hair flying around like a boundless river.

Well there is no marriage or anything but still Mohini gave her a ring and a kiss before taking Roberta with her.

Her expression was cold most of the time.

But under the continuous efforts it changed.

Mohini did not take her directly to North America.

Instead she put on some disguise on her which changed her appearance completely into ordinary woman.

Then Mohini also changed her appearance that was hard for her to discover who Mohini is.

Mohini also prepared passports and other things before booking tickets with the changed appearance to North America.

Roberta was really shocked by the abilities of Mohini.

When they reached North America Mohini did not do much as she started to prepare for her big game from the simulated memories.

Here the information pieces are related to……...

Chapter 237: trip to North America

When they reached North America Mohini did not do much as she started to prepare for her big game from the simulated memories.

Here the information pieces are related to dark magic and also related to some alien races.

But these two things are just pocket change when compared to the third and important thing that Mohini came here for.

That is the information of gate to the underworld prison.

That is right.

Originally this place should be very prosperous but was abandoned by many people and leave this place to other continents because of two things.

First is the yellow stone area which is one of the gates to the prison that houses the most dangerous criminals of the higher races of deities and demons……..

Also the underwater prison is also there right next to this country which is the Bermuda triangle.

After the Great War that almost shattered the world, these two prisons were formed.

As for the details Mohini has to find all the information pieces to get these answers.

That is one of the important things that Mohini wanted to do.

But before that there are two other targets.

First is mafia of this country which is filled with the corporate people.

Second is the players of this continent that did not appear at other places before but there are still traces of them.

So Mohini wanted to take care of them.

They will definitely plan to get the information pieces from other countries.

They did participate in Roanapur’s events but they did it so secret with the power of their country.

Also their tasks are different than that of the tasks that Mohini got from being with the protagonist group.


That night was a rest day and on the next day Mohini explained the details of how they are going to deal with the things in this country to Roberta.

Mohini will not leave at that instead she wanted to take all the gold bars that this place hold as national reserves.

So she planed everything from the simulation memories.

The entire thing will be a walk in the park.

She first took Roberta to collect the information pieces and artifact pieces.

That is their mission for the night.

The process is smooth and they completed is too quickly.

Since it was already done Mohini led her to the area where the veteran players were staying.

She will take them down tonight.

Mohini has already told Roberta about the entire incident that would happen next.

It is like a prediction of the future.

Roberta did not believe at first but still did as Mohini told her and moved cautiously with Mohini.

The veteran players here are much stronger and cunning than the players that they faced at different places.

These people are from the holy country.

Mohini has two purposes for confronting these people.

First is to loot them.

Second is to get some information about the country from them.

Well one of these players is a little high ranking person from the holy country and he is currently enjoying the night with a model that he seduced here.

Unfortunately for him, he picked up the wrong time to be naked.

Without any weapons he cannot do anything.

Even if he wanted to he cannot retaliate against Mohini that comes here like a shadow.

This man is the perfect target for Mohini to spread her name as the innocent bitch throughout the real world.

Back in the real world this man has bullied many women with his lecherous attitude and he is a perfect scumbag.

So Mohini’s punishment for him is to lose his man hood for good.


Outside the room there are other players of the lower rank that is guarding the big man inside.

Mohini and Roberta appeared here and sneakily took care of both the player putting them into deep sleep.

Then they moved to the next target.

Mohini took her specially made gun and used the air soft needles to put the guards into sleep.

Roberta would help her gather these men and tie them.

Then they would move these men to a store room or other room where no one would discover them.

After that Mohini came to the door to knock on the door.

“Knock” “Knock”

The big man was about to get into action but was disturbed by the sudden knock on the door.

As for the model she was relieved because the big man left without doing anything to her.

She was captured here and when she escaped or tried to call the people behind her, none of them responded.

She was directly abandoned.

Right at that moment a painful grunt appeared from the big man that went to the door.

Mohini directly hit the pressure points for his blood pumping.

The experience is painful but also made him dizzy.

So he immediately collapsed at the door.

Right after that Mohini pushed the door and entered inside.

Just like carrying the big man like a chicken.

Mohini doesn’t have to worry about this man’s screams.

As the room is sound proof.

Mohini glanced at the model that was stunned on the bed and told her to leave.

The model knows that the big man has got his time for all of his sins.

Fortunately she was saved before losing anything.

She was grateful to Mohini and she left after dressing up.

Roberta took care of her while Mohini went to play with the big man.

For the first time she witnessed Mohini being so vicious.

She broke the barriers of the big man one by one getting everything that Mohini wanted.

The big man begged Mohini to let him go but Mohini asked the big man to reveal all of his atrocities that he did all the time.

Listening to the narration of his ugly deeds of the big man Roberta wanted to kill him with her own hands.

But it was stopped by Mohini…………..

Chapter 238: Revy was packed to New York

Listening to the narration of his ugly deeds of the big man Roberta wanted to kill him with her own hands.

But it was stopped by Mohini.

Looking at Mohini stopping Roberta the big man thought that he was saved.

But he would have never thought that death is actually a luxury after falling into the hands of Mohini.

Living is like hell after Mohini is done with it.

Finally Mohini got all the information she wanted from the big man and the entire thing is recorded.

Mohini will deal with these things later.

One of the important things is that there is a fake account that is being kept as secret funds of their family was known by Mohini now.

This includes passwords and other things too.

All Mohini needs to do is to feed this information into her hacking AI then it will directly clean out the fake account and transfer everything to her account directly.

Other than that it will also leave some back doors in the security of the fake account.

Mohini is going to train Benny and Jane to become big hackers in the future to take care of all of his fake accounts and transactions.

She will make them learn magic software after taking them out of here.

But it still needs some time.

For some reason she observed that the time of events in the fantasy world of black lagoon are moving faster than they should be.

Also for some reason the system has announced the final quest for the fantasy world,

It is to choose to help or stopping Roberta from hunting down the grey fox unit.

Even after Diego was saved the system still announced this quest and instigated Roberta.

Roberta that came with Mohini has the thought of killing the grey fox unit.

Mohini actually took the quest to oppose Roberta and stop her from killing.

She doesn’t want her to kill those head less soldiers instead she wants to help her kill the master mind behind all this madness.

Other players were already in fear of Mohini.

Well they don’t know her name and only know that the innocent bitch is with Roberta.

So they don’t know what to choose.

With this trip to North America this fantasy world would come to its end directly.

This way she has completely broke the fantasy world with her own hands.

Also she is the biggest winner.

Before, when she saved Diego the system said that it would calculate all of Mohini’s actions throughout the fantasy world setting and give the final result.

This is after he joined the protagonist group and messed up with this fantasy world.

It is almost like a conquest and if Mohini wins then the rewards are great based on her impact on this world.

The plot was directly broken by Mohini no matter how many times the fantasy world wanted to set it back on the track it was still broken.

Because of this the fantasy world has changed some settings and made this world into a conquest.

If Mohini was able to meet all the qualifications he would get big rewards in the end.

All the other players also received the corresponding quests for the conquest of the world.

If they can break the momentum of Mohini that is changing the world then that player will be able to get a share in the pie.

If not, Mohini will become the final winner of the world and take everything for herself.

So in simple words it is the battle between Mohini and all the players.

Well if they chose to stop Roberta then the results will be out on their contribution to their choice.


For the day they stopped the work.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.

Roberta like a good wife took care of Mohini.

Her long beautiful hair was let loose and she put on a beautiful black transparent nigh gown showing off her curves.

They started to kiss passionately and hugged tightly.

Mohini did not take the next step of taking her innocence by growing her dick.

It is just that she want to fulfill her desire for revenge before doing anything to her.

That is how she should gain their loyalty.

But she hurried and took her innocence then it would look like she is here for her body rather than her heart.

Before sleeping Mohini called to Roanapur and said to bring Revy to New York.

Mohini wants to give her a surprise tomorrow.

Originally Revy doesn’t want to come here,

So Mohini has to call Eda and other woman to pack Revy and send her here after putting her to sleep.

She has some grievances here and she has already found out about them.

All the suspects will become her targets of play.

She will arrive here by tomorrow evening.

So first thing in the morning Mohini and Roberta moved towards the mafia located in this country.

Well most of them are rich capitalists.

It is not that hard for Mohini to deal with them.

In order to not to let them retaliate after she left she gave them a lesson that they cannot forget.

Most of their family members were also captured by the people under them that were bewitched by Mohini using money.

This is what she did in the morning.

While Roberta is guarding Mohini made those people transfer billions of dollars back to her dummy company.

The countries cannot call in military because Mohini directly published their dirty deeds on the net and media.

Because of her hacking skill and the hack command came from their central computer at pentagon.

They cannot stop anything.

As their dirty deeds were shown to the public they lost the support of the army and public.

The country stepped into emergency state.

The situation is very similar to that of when Mohini visited Russia.

In the evening Revy arrived and Mohini went to the cargo area of the……...

Chapter 239: 551 subordinates taken to the real world

The situation is very similar to that of when Mohini visited Russia.

In the evening Revy arrived and Mohini went to the cargo area of the flight to receive the package.

Because of her power no one stopped her when she did many things.

At the same time Mohini also captured some corrupted cops of the city and made look like street beggars chained like dogs to a street light outside her place.

This was the gift that Mohini prepared for Revy.

Also there is a gift for Roberta too.

It was related to the man that ordered the assassination at the party meeting where Diego went.

Whatever the reason is, he did not consider the consequences and tried to put his nose in the wrong place.

Finding him was very easy with the power of central computer in the pentagon.

As expected of the country that would put their nose at ever corner of the world, all the filth was packed in their hard drives.

Mohini used it like it is her own back yard and put the filth for everyone to see.

Mohini even announced the dark things of many people of all the countries through media.

They cannot stop the uplink because of the death warning of the name innocent bitch.

Some of the media people have already faced the wrath of the innocent bitch before.

So they dare not stop.

The public outrage was created and a complete cleanup has started right on that very day.

Those upright rich people have lost their façade and their true color was put out in the open.

The stupid peace lovers would say some cheesy nonsense that the bad deeds should not be known to the public.

But Mohini never thinks like this.

She always believes that hiding these things would only make the world worse more and more.

Most probably those peace lovers have fear of ghosts or they took bribes in secret to cover the ass of those filthy mutts.

Mohini directly put their shit out and the world will fall into the chaotic state again.

There will be turmoil for some time but after that the world will evolve into a better or worse place based on the choices of the public.

Other than those filthy cops the person that order the grey fox unit to bomb the party was caught by Mohini.

Roberta started to play with the man slowly making him touch the lowest levels of hell.

Mohini was very cruel and helped her worsen the situation of that man.

Revy woke up and started to show her fiery temper.

Mohini pulled her out to show the dogs that caused many grievances for her.

Right in front of her the filthy cops were tied to the street lamp like pet dogs.

Mohini played with them in front of her making them beg her for mercy.

Mohini is not a bad guy.

She did not do anything to their families but they were not spared from the pain.

The pain is so much that they want to die rather than be in pain.


Revy’s expression has changed many times as the cold wall around her heart was shaking.

Finally Mohini made those people’s lives worse than death and irreversible.

With that she dropped them on the road like waste.

Revy don’t want to kill them and let them suffer.

She ran back to Mohini and hugged her.

There are tears in her eyes as she finally found a place to live and a person to love.

Her favorability directly jumped to 100 points.

At the same time Roberta was also done with what she wanted to do.

Based on the quest information as long as Roberta’s heart was quenched the fantasy world ends.

Before the other players even start their play the fantasy world will end.

With that everything is over.

The system sent out a message immediately that the world will end in a few minutes.

Soon after that Mohini is in the bridged space with the starry sky.

This time behind her is not one or two people but few hundred people.

They were all from the fantasy world that came out with Mohini.


Healing required……..

Sawyer (198,000 chaos points)

Roberta (1400 chaos points)


Gross chaos points required (1.3 million chaos points)

Does host wants to pay.





Mohini nodded her head and the chaos points were deducted immediately.

Well her profits from the fantasy world are over a billion chaos points.


Subordinate: 551

Condition: normal

Player, do you want to take 551 subordinates out of this fantasy world to the real world?”

Mohini looked at the people around and asked if they are sure to follow Mohini out of this place.

Everyone wants to follow Mohini so there is no rejection.

Mohini directly nodded her head accepting to take them all with her.


Player, please pay 1.3 billion chaos points to bring 551 subordinates out back to the real world.





Mohini nodded her head again and the chaos points deducted.


Assets and money earned by the host 216 billion dollars,

Does host want to convert them into 2.16 billion chaos points and receive them?





Mohini nodded her head and immediately the chaos points added to her status panel.

This replenished the chaos points that she just spent now.


Calculating the completion rate of the fantasy world….


Fantasy world was too much influenced….

Quest completion rate 100 percent….

Impression made by the player on the people in the fantasy world…58 percent…

Number of subordinates that trusted the player to bring them out….551 people…

Special quest fantasy world conquest activated…..

Conquest completion rate 80 percent…..

World wealth accumulation 12 percent….”


Achievement unlocked – fantasy world conquest

Conditions of achievement….

Conquering 80 percent of the fantasy world,

10 percent of the wealth of the fantasy world,

More than 50 percent impression of the people of the fantasy world……….”

Chapter 240: choosing options


Achievement unlocked – fantasy world conquest

Conditions of achievement….

Conquering 80 percent of the fantasy world,

10 percent of the wealth of the fantasy world,

More than 50 percent impression of the people of the fantasy world,

Obtained 500 subordinates that have more than 60 points of favorability towards the player….”

Achievement rewards will be added to the fantasy world rewards for the host to choose.

This time the deeds of Mohini were displayed to the players but the secret scenes and intimate scenes were censored for the people to look.

There are too many people and system can recognize the situation and act accordingly.

“Calculation complete….”


Please choose 5 of the following rewards.

Option 1: 115000 civilian merit points.

Option 2: 28000 military merit points.

Option 3: 50 free stat points.

Option 4: 25 free skill points.

Option 5: 1.75 million chaos points

Option 6: Protagonist card (3 uses) (Achievement rewards)

Option 7: extend stay in this world by 30 days

Option 8: complete central computer system of pentagon…

Option 9: 100 trained soldiers card (Tier 1) (3 times usage) (Conquest reward)


All these rewards are given to Mohini after taking the consideration of difficulty that she choose before entering the fantasy world of black lagoon.

In the options she doesn’t care about the extension of time period for staying here.

It is useless to choose it as an option here.

Then the chaos points which is around 2 million.

Compared to the wealth that he has right now this 2 million chaos points are just pocket change.

So she doesn’t care about that.

In the 9 options given there are a few options that she has to check them carefully before choosing.

Mohini looked at the three options that she did not under from the list.

The people behind her were silent and gave her time to think of the things carefully before she selects.

The system gave out the information on these three things for Mohini to choose.

First if all it is the protagonist card.

Artifact: protagonist card

Uses: 3 times

Description: player can replace the protagonist character of the fantasy world using this card.


Player has to meet the qualities and qualifications of the protagonist that player wants to replace.

Player should have at least 1 title like hero or protagonist or prime or knight in shining armor….

The title should be on the same tier as that of the fantasy world.

Hint: if the conditions are not fulfilled then the used chance will go to waste directly without any results.

Please be careful….


Mohini knows that even with all the chaos points it is not possible to replace the protagonist character in a fantasy world.

Only with this type of card can one replace the protagonist of the fantasy world.

Her system can let her replace the side characters but it would not let her replace the protagonist, villain or the heroine.

Also there are special conditions for replacing the protagonist.

If the conditions are not compactable then the card will be wasted directly.

It is not like this card is not available in the system store.

But the cost of the card is sky high.

1 time use protagonist card in the store costs around 10 billion chaos points.

No one in their right mind would use so much and there is no protagonist setting in any fantasy world that can give returns on this level of investment.

So these things are never sold unless there is war conducted in the fantasy world between various races.

Yes, there are wars like that.

In tier 6 and tier 7 or ring 6 and ring 7 the fantasy worlds will have a intermixing of many races.

Like the lords of the rings fantasy world or some Isekai model fantasy world or cultivation world fantasy world….

These places can give the rewards for the quest in millions and even billions of chaos points and rare materials in those fantasy worlds.

In order to gain a full harvest and have the support of the realm some use the protagonist card to gain the support of the plotline and protagonist luck.

Unfortunately, the replaced protagonist will only have 10 percent supports from the fantasy world.

The remaining things depend on the capabilities of the player that replaced the protagonist in the fantasy world.


Other option that Mohini did not understand is the complete central computer system of the pentagon.

Yes it is a great and powerful computer.

But this is useless in the current world setting.

But the system said that the computer will be changed into runic computer when it comes out of the fantasy world.

Mohini knows that she currently lacks some strong computer to support her hacking thing.

Her phone and self build magic cipher and magic computer are not sufficient to face professional hackers of this world.

She was really tempted but the more she thought about that the more she don’t want to.

She can just get the things she wanted later thought the market outside.

She was sure that with her skills he can make something even stronger than that computer.

It will take some time but not long.

So this option is rejected.

Then the third option that she did not understand.

It is the 100 trained soldiers card that can be used 3 times.

Artifact: 100 trained soldiers card

Uses: 3 times

Description: player can summon 100 trained soldiers of tier 1 at any fantasy world using that card.

The stats of the solders will be 40 stat points in stat points in all stats.

Conditions: soldiers are all humans and requires human environment to summon them.

They will only last for 72 hours and after that they would vanish on their own.

If the surrounding conditions cannot support human life then the chance of usage would be deducted without any effects.

Killed soldiers cannot be revived.

Soldiers will not have any weapons with them.


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