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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 41: invitations from boss Oba and Radha

These big containers are going to be used to collect more water.

Vicky collected the useful things and then let the system extract the materials from the surrounding machinery.

The forging room repaired some tools and other thing.

He went around the industrial area and everything is repaired and stagnant time is added with the previous collected materials.

He was exhausted and returned back to his flat.

There are two notes waiting for him.

One is from Mobo saying that boss Oba wants to meet them at 9 PM in the night and the second one is from Radha that she wanted to meet him.

It was already 9 PM so Vicky went to meet with boss Oba first.

Well he wanted to rest but there is no chance right now.

While going around Vicky moved the water in some tanks to the water storage in the bedroom.

The empty tanks will be filled if he finds good water in the future.

The water needed to be approved by the system as good water before storage.

When he came to the building where boss Oba is staying there is Mobo under the building waiting for Vicky.

“Where have you been?”

Mobo asked Vicky and Vicky simply said that he was looking for the materials in the night market a little farther away.

After that they moved up the building to find boss Oba.

Well there is strict checking below for weapons and they also need to be invited to meet the person they want to meet.

With all of that done they went to meet with boss Oba.

Boss Oba said that they are going to move again and the political leader wants to meet with Vicky as they liked his planning capabilities before.

They want to meet him tomorrow at 9 PM in the night.

Vicky was happy for the opportunity as he can steal all of their things as long as he was given authority to plan and move things.

After speaking for a little while Vicky and Mobo came out and went their own ways.

They will come to meet boss Oba tomorrow evening.

Vicky did not return back to their apartment building instead he went to meet with Radha.

He knows where she lives.

She is not living at the top floor like he does instead it was a little lower.

She is managing things with the help of air cooling conditioners in the closed room.

She did not let Vicky inside instead they went to the top floor to sit on their chairs to speak.

She prepared some cold drinks for Vicky and her.

Vicky took them and drank after checking to see that everything is fine.

Well it is an unopened can so there is no problem.

While drinking Radha spoke that she asked Vicky about how the repair of his space is going on.

Vicky smiled and said it was almost complete.

He is missing few materials and everything is over.

Well she thought for a while and said that she want to go to the production and industrial area to let the system extract materials for repairing.

She asked if Vicky wanted to go along with her.

Vicky smiled and said the bad news to her.

“Sorry to say this but I have already cleaned out the entire industrial area this evening.

Actually I went to the gold reserve to get the materials so on the way I went to collect more materials from the industrial area.

If you want I can suggest other places where you can get some good materials and accompany you if you want my help.”

Well she clearly stated that Vicky should not interfere in her things so he is sticking to his word.

But then again he should help her as a fellow key holder so he decided to suggest some things.

Vicky can see her expression.

She should have used the weak girl image to get the things she needed during this time and attacked her enemies from the dark just like he did.

So she tried to use the same with Vicky that did not work and she lost a can of drink.

Vicky always checks balance in his trade so for the can of drink Vicky told her about the people wanting to move soon.

She did not gain the upper hand in her group and she is just an ordinary survivor.

Also she is a woman so the people did not take her seriously in the current situation.

Well that would change after the mutation started but before that everything is like this.

Most probably she died in a beast tied before as the beasts are attracted to the smell of the blood.

Women have this disadvantage where they have this problem every month.

Even though this is the thing that is important for birth and propagation of civilization and continuation of people, no one cares about this right now.

Well women have to care because they cannot just take it away from their bodies.

So they need to have protection or be strong enough to survive themselves.

Vicky can only pity this issue and cannot interfere with this matter.

He cannot save anyone even if he wanted to.

As for taking Radha to be his woman is not out of the question.

She is beautiful appearance under her disguise, good ‘S’ shaped body and long black hair that she covers up with a wig and a hood.

She wears baggy clothes to cover her beauty and act like a man.

But Vicky is not only interested in the body but also her heart.

If she really asked him for help then he would have really helped her.

Vicky is like that in his past life as well.

He once saw her true appearance and mesmerized by her.

But he did not dare to get close to her after his experience with Nisha.

Vicky knows that she is a good person in heart.

Chapter 42: all I want is trust from you

But he did not dare to get close to her after his experience with Nisha.

Vicky knows that she is a good person in heart.

So before leaving he told her.

“If you need anything all you have to do is just ask.”

Previously when she asked him was to help was acting to take advantage of him.

If she truly asked him for help then Vicky don’t mind helping.

But she has to be sincere.

It is not that Vicky is acting high and mighty.

All he wanted from her is some basic trust.

Well that is the hardest thing to get during the apocalypse.

After Vicky left Radha fell into thought on the final words of Vicky before he left.

Vicky went back to his room and washed up.

Then he ate something to fill up his belly and slept happily for the night.

He can sleep at any time based on his necessity.

Tomorrow he is going to steal the weapons, ammunition, food, fuel and water during the peak heat hours.

But he woke up when it was early in the morning by a knock on the door.

Vicky went to check and found that it was Radha.

Vicky was really surprised and invited her into the house.

Then he arranged some cold drink for her just like she did and even brought out a cold air conditioner for her.

Well he did not take her into the small room.

She looked around and found that the house did not have anything that Vicky needs to pack.

She finally came to the point.

“I want your help in collecting materials for repairing my expanded ark space and some other materials to fill up the expansion.

Since we formed a team I don’t want to act separately wasting time and energy.

For helping me collecting the materials I will tell you the location where the jewels and other gemstones that the bigwigs from my place are keeping.


Vicky immediately laughed causing her to frown.

She thought that Vicky is looking down on her.

Vicky can see through her thoughts and said directly.

“I am not looking down on you.

If I want the information and jewels, I would have asked for it already.

All I want from you is trust.

You see there are only 7 of us with space.

I don’t know who the other people are but I know you and can guess your life incidents based on the missing people and the past memories.

I know that it is hard to trust other people.

But I want you to trust me.

It is hard I know but only with trust can we cooperate well enough to steal some things.

I know that you want to live on your own independently but that cannot be achieved just with space alone.

You should awaken a good talent after the mutation and improve it perfectly to gain more power.

Only then can a woman stand on the top and remain independent.

For the sake of trust I will share some information with you.

First of all I steal the things in the day time.

To be precise it was around at the noon when the temperature is close to 70 degrees…”

Radha widened her eyes looking skeptical at Vicky.

So Vicky continued.

“I have this constant temperature clothing I stole from a science expo.

I added some stab and scratch proof cloth along with few other materials to make a dress for myself from a tailor that I know.

With that I can go around in extreme temperature below 70 degrees.

You should have heard rumors saying that there is a greedy ghost that is stealing things from the rich during the noon.

They also called it the noon time greedy ghost.

That was actually me.

So now you understand.

As long as you trusted me and asked for my help I am willing to help because I trust you and second I respect you for surviving in this kind of situation for so long.

Also you did not give up after your rebirth.

That is what I admire about you.”

Vicky said and observed for a moment and continued.

“I have the constant temperature clothing.

I cannot take all the materials there for myself.

So you can have some of them.

But do you know how to tailor the cloth into a dress.

If not it would be hard.

Also for safety I want you to stay along with me.

I can assure you that I will not touch you or do anything.

Think of me as a partner and a roommate.

If you know how to make the clothes I can give you the cloth now.

Now tell me your answer.

Do you trust me enough to really form a team with me?”

The future would become where people have to form groups of trusted people to leave their backs to fight with beasts.

So it is very necessary to have trusted people in your group.

Vicky prefers if the key holders become trusted people to him.

This way they don’t have to worry about losing their secret to outsiders.

Radha listened to Vicky’s words and contemplated for a long time.

More than half an hour to be exact and finally nodded her head.

Any way she was single in her past life.

She lived through hell to keep her dignity and disfigured her face with her own hands.

Even then she was not left to live peacefully by many thugs.

She did not have anyone to rely on and the blood smell every month would attract beasts towards her position causing her to live the life in constant alert.

In the past life when she was escaping she accidentally stepped into the lair of a huge snake and died inside its belly.

The snake was originally sleeping and the beasts that chased after her were deterred because of the aura of the huge snake……….

Chapter 43: Vicky really trusts Radha

In the past life when she was escaping she accidentally stepped into the lair of a huge snake and died inside its belly.

The snake was originally sleeping and the beasts that chased after her were deterred because of the aura of the huge snake.

But her periods jumped in at the wrong moment causing the snake to wake up from the bloody smell.

So she was eaten by the snake and died.

She has thought of many times that how good it would be to have someone to rely on during the troubled times.

Every time she felt close to someone she was betrayed.

As for her family they died very early when they are going for a trip during winter vacation.

So she was all alone.

Her relatives are all white eyed wolves and during the past year they tried every possible way to take her fortune.

In the past life she really lost all of her fortune to her relatives and has to live doing part time jobs.

When apocalypse arrived she depended on a bitch called Githa that try to use her as meat shield.

But she was fortunate enough to survive.

In this life she did not give any chance to her relatives to take charge of her wealth and instead sold it all.

Then she bought number of supplies for her to live well.

Accidentally she found out about this pendent in her past life and now it became her place to store all the things.

But she did not know how to improve the space and stabilize it.

After a year of trial and error she was barely able to repair the warehouses with stagnant time.

She used her wealth to buy the things to repair her warehouse with stagnant time.

This process reduced her wealth.

She stored the stagnant time warehouse with food and water.

Few sets of clothes and necessities were also stored inside based on her planning.

She got some cold weapon and also got a hot weapon through dark channels.

She also exercised to have fit body for the future world of apocalypse.

She did not get a chance to kill her relatives but she was able to kill the people that tried to harm her during the apocalypse.

She found that her family did not die in accident but it was planned by her relatives.

This is like a typical rich lady story where the relatives kill family of the heroine in accident and then they tried to get their wealth of the heroine through underhanded ways.

But the setting changed to apocalypse rebirth with a space.

So things changed.

She wanted her revenge but she is not in a position to get any revenge.

Her relatives are also in the group that came along with her.

That is the reason why she is in disguise most of the time.

She doesn’t want them to recognize her and cause more problems.


After Vicky spoke to her she started to think for a long time and looked at Vicky.

In her previous life she saw Vicky and knows some of his story.

Vicky loved Nisha and Nisha is a typical bitch that loves money and men.

She used Vicky like a servant.

Vicky was threatened to be abandoned and lived at the end of a gun point.

But Vicky survived for a long time.

Also she noticed that Vicky got a big position and Nisha is missing in the group.

She was sure that Vicky killed Nisha and how he did it is none of her business.

She don’t know if she could trust Vicky or not but she was really moved when Vicky gave her the constant temperature cloth.

A cloth like this is not there in the market so she never knew.

She knows how to tailor and make a dress with the cloth.

She wanted to try cooperating with Vicky first and decide later of what stance that she should take towards him.

With that she took the cloth and then took out a tailoring machine from inside her space.

She brought it over just in case if she needed that in the future.

Vicky did not say anything and gave her few types of fabric with each of its own specialty.

Then he told her to add them in a specific order to make a dress.

While she is doing that Vicky went to prepare a room for her to stay.

Well they still have to go to her room to get her things.

Then put on some fans around her to cool the temperature of the place.

It was still early but the temperature is very high.

She was really good at tailoring and she made a dress for her with the same model as Vicky had but in women’s version.

Vicky did not give her too much cloth only worth for 1 person.

They are in cooperation right now and she would store materials for Vicky to use later in return for this dress.

Even with his current expanded space Vicky will not be able to store many things.

So he has to take the support of Radha to store excessive things.

But first she has to repair her warehouse and then add stagnant time later.

Vicky prepared something to eat for them.

This is in the name of forming a group.

After she is done tailoring the dress she put the dress on.

The dress is very close to her body and fits perfectly.

She put on her normal disguise over it.

She felt that her body is not that hot any more.

It was cool like the temperature outside is not 50 degrees instead it was only 30.

This made her shocked.

The thought in her mind is.

“Vicky really trusted her enough to give something so priceless to her.”

So she also wants to become sincere in the cooperation.

Vicky brought her some mutton Biryani and Gulab Jamun for lunch……...

Chapter 44: helping Radha

So she also wants to become sincere in the cooperation.

Vicky brought her some mutton Biryani and Gulab Jamun for lunch and desert and there are some cold drinks too.

She was really shocked by the food Vicky given her.

Vicky proudly told her that this was all cooked by him and asked if she liked his cooking.

Vicky’s cooking is comparable to that of a 5 star hotel chef because of all the practice he put into cooking.

Right now Radha really wanted to become the wife of Vicky to just eat the food cooked by him.

In the last days there are not many people that can cook delicious food like Vicky.

After eating the lunch as breakfast they moved out of this house and went to the area with shopping malls.

They put on a disguise at deserted blind corner.

Then he systematically allowed Radha to let her system extract the materials.

Vicky also extracted the materials they required to improve repair his ark space.

When they left a building the situation of that building is almost broken and damaged state.

Like this they went through various building areas.

At the same time Vicky told Radha to improve her warehouse first and add stagnant time to that.

The entire morning till around the time of noon they are doing this.

During that time Vicky took her to big jewelry stores and other important stores that are originally closed,

But after the system extracted the materials and his lock picking they were able to enter inside and extract more materials.

With this process by the time it was noon the warehouse of Radha was fully repaired and Vicky got some extra refined materials inside his warehouse.

All that was left is to add extra stagnant time to her warehouse space.

But this has to wait for now.

Vicky took her to the reservoir and filled his containers with fresh water from the reservoir.

There is not one here guarding at this time.

The temperature right now is around 62 degrees and it was close to 12 at noon.

The temperature would increase from here and might reach 65 or more during the next three hours after that there would be decline.

This is the best time for stealing things.

Today Vicky has specific goals.

After collecting the water into the new containers and freed containers he and Radha moved.

Radha also has a container to fill so she quickly followed Vicky to fill up her container in her warehouse.

Vicky did not ask or say anything about that.

After that they moved to the location where the food is stored in big warehouses.

There will be security here.

Vicky gave her a mask to put on and the changed their outer dress.

Right now all the roads are empty so they can move quickly on an electric bike that does not make any sound.

When they arrived near the warehouse there are no guards because of the temperature.

There are no security cameras.

The food is mostly stored inside the warehouse and there is a small security room with air conditioning inside the warehouse.

They have decided that the best place to guard things is from the inside.

They are military people and everything is counted.

The private food of those rich people was also stored just like this in secret.

The military is also guarding the food, water and medicine of those rich people here.

Most of the food here should belong to the citizens but it was hoarded by those rich and uses the military with the power they had as political leaders.

Military people cannot show disobedience when the orders are given from the authority.

The military people wanted to help the citizens but they cannot.

This has persisted till the end of extreme summer and after that the world plunged into turmoil.

There are no longer political leaders that controlled the military.

This is what many people thought but even then the things are still the same.

When the bases are set up there are still rich people with private military and weapons in their hands.

Because of that the scattered military personal could not do anything but to work under.

The first base was set up all the way in the north near Agra city where the water from Yamuna River was harvested.

It is not a single base but a cluster base.

That is close from that base there are other bases connecting to the Life Rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra.

Well the connecting countries of these rivers like Pakistan, Bangladesh, china, Tibet, Nepal…also set up bases nearby.

This caused the water skirmishes from time to time.

Unfortunately for them the might of entire country was concentrated in the north completely abandoning the south.

Because of this the other countries that were stretched with scattered bases could not win.

Bangladesh being the country from the same origin came into cooperative relationship.

This is the same with Nepal and Tibet.

Pakistan did not accept the cooperation instead wanted to go to war.

Well if half of the military, weapons and resources of India is still in the south then they might have reached the stalemate.

But the entire army is concentrated in the north and is directly situated in the bases nearby.

So they lost the battle and have to come into cooperative terms.

As for china they made the bases based on provinces.

On the southern side there is only one base and it is also in competitive battle with the military of the neighboring base of their country.

Even though they are united they have more respect towards their general than towards their country head.

Other than that the bases in cooperative relationship helped for getting little extra water resource making things difficult for them.

Finally they lost.

Even if they are lost India or other countries in cooperation with did not move up instead only salvaged few important things and left.

Chapter 45: stealing left and right

Finally they lost.

Even if they are lost India or other countries in cooperation with did not move up instead only salvaged few important things and left.

The problem with India and china in this situation is very simply.

The offer between the two countries is the main difference for their defeat.

The Chinese people asked the weaker country’s bases to change their name and become their vassal base

On the other hand all Indian asked is resource cooperation and trade of resources.

Just because of these simple terms they lost the battle.

Originally the Chinese people are not like that but the years of brainwashing about their superiority has created the current situation.

On the other hands the naive country people in India under the forced rule of British and east India company learnt the dark business way and the wisdom of neutrality.

This was mixed with the knowledge of management taught by Chanakya a polymath in ancient India.

Well this is the first half of the reason and the second half is that the other bases of china are very far from the Himalayas.

Also there are internal differences caused after the apocalypse.

Finally the military took the authority to rule.

Well it is good for their citizens but the result is that their military is severely strained and stretched.

As for the reason why southern part of India is abandoned is because of the floods from the oceans and seas.

The water in the central region is depleted by the power of the hot sun.

At the same time the remaining water is polluted by the flooded water.

Most of the place is already submerged and the people from Srilanka has already joined forces with India and moved up.

The citizens are abandoned but just the families of the rich and powerful people all over the country along with the officials are already amounted 10 percent of the population.

The military and their families added up to another 20 percent of the population.

Finally few lucky and persistent people made up to another 20 percent of the population.

So all in all 50 percent of the population was saved while keeping big amount of food, medicine, weapons and army.

It might look selfish but the survived people have gone through the trails of life and death so they are far more tenacious than any other.

The strong survives is the old saying.

The persistent and tenacious survives is the new saying in the apocalypse.

Even the rich people have to go through life and death.

There are people that want to kill the rich and get their wealth.

They are the first one to bear the burnt in the apocalypse situation.

On the other hand the normal survivors only face other survivors or they form a team to move on.

As for the other countries the situation is similar but there are a few changes.

But some countries are either too greedy or either too liberal causing sever imbalance.

The final result is that during the ice age and the start of mutation many died quickly.

Because of the stretched reserves they died because of internal conflict.

Or they hoarded too much causing the big blow to the ordinary people.

Either way when the ice age started the effects started to show.

Fortunately or unfortunately the death of half of the citizens has let the remaining half survive well and move forward constantly.

Even the food shortage and water shortage only killed another 10 percent of the people leaving over 40 percent survive.

While the other countries had it less or same number due to various reasons.

While thinking Vicky and Radha entered the warehouse with food and water

There are many warehouses like that.

One can easily locate the security room that has its air conditioning on to let the guards live.

There are two guards inside and both of them are asleep.

Well most people became nocturnal.

This is a privately owned warehouse not the military one.

Vicky chose this specifically as he knows that this was from a corrupted big leader that has many good food products, water, medicine and weapons inside.

Everything was packed in air tight packets also the entire warehouse has this special air conditioning to keep it cold here.

The wealthy people would have a personal electrician team for repairing all of this as soon as there is a problem.

Vicky and Radha sneaked inside and went straight to the security room after picking the lock to the security room.

Then Vicky sprayed the sleeping gas and the people fell into deep sleep.

After that Vicky and Radha looked at the materials inside.

They are all deeply packed in boxes.

Vicky told Radha to hoard all the materials like ammunition, weapons, gold, gemstones and valuables that does not require stagnant time.

On the other hand Vicky would hoard the food, water and medicine that need stagnant time.

With the shared work they completely stole all the things.

They found that the things are packed in different packages like all of these things did not belong to single person or power instead they belongs to few powers collectively.

Well Vicky did not care about that.

He did not steal the food or other products that are defective.

Only the good products with long lasting self life are stolen.

Vicky already told Radha what to steal.

Even though she lived in harsh life in the apocalypse she did not seem to be good at stealing things or maybe there are other reasons.

With one place done they moved to the next warehouse and then the next.

Around 4 in the afternoon they came out of the guarded area with their spaces filled with things.

Vicky was fully satisfied with the gains.

On the way they first went to the apartment of Radha and took her things and then they moved around to extract more materials from the old buildings.

Vicky wanted to make the space of Radha……...


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