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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 261: meeting Minami and Karen low

Koko waited for a long time and Minami did not appear.

Koko immediately thought that she was ditch by Minami and this was confirmed when her secretary came to inform that Minami went to chase butterflies.


Koko moved in to take a look with Vicky and Jonathan.

There they met with curry from CCAT.

There is also Mildo and Lu.

While they are talking curry left suddenly as another man is approaching Koko.

It is Chan Guoming from the Tashinhai trading company.

Right after the meeting the group has decide to go find Minami in the mountains.

Koko don’t need their protection.

The entire place is covered with ice cape so the group put on white dresses and white tapes to the guns.

Karen low is also here with her men under the orders of chan Guoming trying to find Minami.

Vicky and Jonah immediately discovered the hostile forces in the area and Lutz got some words from Jonah.

Vicky on the other hand was silent.

This time it was Jonathan’s call to show off.

Vicky is not going to interfere.

As soon as Jonathan asked about the name of the doctor Vicky immediately went into position for firing.

Vicky was ready to snipe the idiots that put their heads out at sudden shooting of Jonah.

There really are idiots that poke their heads and shot back.

With that their ambush plans have gone down the drain.

As soon as their head pops out or their hands appear Vicky’s gun would shoot and hit the target.

The process is extremely smooth.

Well everyone has their own things to do instead of noticing Vicky.

Velmet got her soft spot hit and she dropped her gun.

Vicky knows that he has to be extra careful as there are players on the other team.

Even though their tried to stop the plot line characters from shooting they were unable to do because of their low commanding power.

Velmet started running leaving her gun and took out her knife.

Vicky immediately became alert and started to shoot off anyone that pops out or put the gun to fire.

It is a very quick response and accurate shooting with an assault rifle.

Velmet started to go wild like a wolf under the bright moon.

Koko has Ugo to protect her so it is not a problem.

Vicky knows that he is going to meet Schokolade working with scarecrow soon.

So he was happy.

Beauties of this world have varying personalities but they are hot.

Few days after meeting with Koko Vicky asked for a laptop and net connection.

Even till now Koko did not know what Vicky did with the laptop.

Well she thought that Vicky was a growing person and likes to have some refreshing time or play some games or something else.

But she never would have expected that Vicky would create fake accounts and open many international bank accounts with them.

Then Vicky used the hacking software to get lots of funds into his account.

Nothing is done in the process of stealing.

Everyone paid the money on their own free will.

Because most of the transactions in this world are online, Vicky was able to get more money than he got in any other world.

This world is advanced compared to many of the previous fantasy worlds.


The fight between Velmet and Karen went on.

Well in the middle Lutz got his ass shot, it is just a scrape but still it was funny.

Vicky changed angles and positioned people on the opposite side.

Soon the shell shock appeared on the opposing party and this gave Vicky a chance to completely clear them within minutes.

Vicky silently spoke in the communicator about his thoughts that were backed by Jonah and Lehm.

They stopped firing and the other party popped their heads out to take a look.

When their number reached the expected enemy number Vicky started to pick them off with Lehm using a sniper.

At the same time Vicky sneaked past the area to pick off the players and get their loot drop boxes.

Right around that time the fight between Velmet and Karen was also over.

Velmet started to get worked up when Lehm stopped her.

It almost looked like a father speaking to a daughter.

Well Vicky did not care about that.

They moved on to get Minami.

Vicky took the place of Jonah to scare Minami when she was catch the butterflies.

“Vicky called the other people and said that he found Minami.

Then he started to chat with her about butterflies.

Vicky stockpiled about this information before and no he spoke.

With his knowledge he was immediately able to connect with Minami.


On the next morning Koko went to Minami’s house but she was ditched again making her depressed.

The acts she put on when she was depressed are so funny that looking at them first hand is more comical.

Vicky on the side amused with Lehm laughing together.

Koko got letter from Minami.

She looked at the letter and calmed down.

They went to airport to go to England the incident happened when they are changing planes on the way.

As usual Jonah was stopped at the metal detector because of the bullet that was stuck in his ass.

Vicky spoke, Koko spoke and even Lutz spoke for Jonah to clear the problem at the check.

Someone made Koko apologize and Velmet started to play hard on him.

The funny show went on and the group found that Jonathan has fear of needles.

Actually this fear of needles is caused by the stories that Vicky told him to scar him when they are still children.

This memory suddenly surfaced in Vicky’s mind and he couldn’t help but laugh thinking about it.

Being an orphan and living in harsh society Vicky never had this kind of past with a brother.

Even though all these memories were created by the system Vicky really cherished these memories……….

Chapter 262: Amalia Torohovsky

Being an orphan and living in harsh society Vicky never had this kind of past with a brother.

Even though all these memories were created by the system Vicky really cherished these memories.


England, east Sussex country,

Lutz and Jonah had their mock mountain combat practice.

Well Jonah is motivated by food and he doesn’t know that Vicky already hoarded millions of dollars.

The laptop he borrowed has already returned as he got a new one with higher performance to use.

Vicky also got some things for Jonah with the money.

No one asked where the money came from as they can understand things easily.

At least it is not stolen money.

They all saw that Vicky writing some novel and put books on for sale.

Then he used the hacking software to make sure that every book in the site that was bought out would buy out his book along.

This will give him a constant flow of money.

The amount is less so it would not get into the notice of either customer or the seller.

So the money piled up quickly.

Everyday hundreds of books would be sold or payments happen.

The accumulated money is in hundreds of dollars every day.


Well it is no surprise for Vicky that Jonah capture Lutz and most of his ass was painted with paint bullets.

The final winner is Jonah and got some good amount of food tickets.

His face was so happy.

They came to country B to deal about the Arial weapons.

Well that is what Koko came here to sell.

The competition is actually actress turned into an arms dealer Amalia Torohovsky.

Vicky did not have much interest in her.

At the end if Koko wanted to bring her in then Vicky would take her if not leave her here.

That is all there is to it.

Vicky, Koko and Jonah went to a park to meet with Schokolade to make Koko’s plan work.

Jonah was sitting on a bench near the lake with ducks to feed them with bread pieces while eating an ice cream cone.

On the other hand Koko and Vicky are moving around as she tells Vicky about her current rival by clinging on to his back.

Vicky doesn’t mind as he listened while licking the ice cream cone on his hand.

Schokolade is really hot and she looked like a bimbo.

Vicky has already decided to bring her back.

Vicky sat on the side while Koko and Schokolade started to speak about business.

Vicky did not saw anything but only looked at them admiring their beauty.

Each of them had their own good points.

Vicky did not see any bad points though.

In his imagination taking these two beauties at the same time would be great also taking Velmet and Karen at the same time would be greater.

They have similar personalities and beauties that can pull the heart string of Vicky.

Every woman is unique in everything they had and Vicky wanted to have all of these unique women.

Well he did not show his lust in his eyes except for admiration.

For now they are out of his reach.

He cannot disrupt the plot.

At the end of the conversation Koko got close to Schokolade like she was about to kiss her.

Vicky looked at it with desire but he controlled himself.

When Koko gave a diamond to Schokolade and said that they can get along quite well has made Vicky nod his head.

They can really get along well.

Well which women would not like a diamond?

So she accepted the deal with Koko.

In the next few days Koko started to visit many potential buyers and army officers.

But she was one step too late.

Well Koko has her own game plan in this matter.

Finally she is standing at the lake at the park facing the setting sun and Jonah is taking care of ducks on the side.

Vicky is with Lutz and Ugo looking at the situation.


Next the counter attack of Koko started that looked like she has given up.

Well Vicky did not have anything to do here so he was silently observing the situation and does his own work.

Vicky not only put on with the books but also other things in the online market.

Every product in the market has its praise raised by 0.1 percent.

The site owner thought it was arranged by the sell and the sell thought that it was the extra price for transfer of things arrange by the site owner.

The amount is very small for them to think about.

But all these 0.1 percents of money would be transferred to Vicky through the software of the marketing company and the amount would be sent to Vicky’s international account.

It is a smooth process…

While Vicky is playing the plot moved on.

He or Jonah has a role in this plot for the time being so he is having his fun.

With the deal with the euro group done they moved to a ship again towards Africa.

The images of Koko and Velmet in swimsuits are so great that Vicky is having a feast with his eyes in real time.

On the other hand Jonah is having his own fun.

After Malka died he closed off his heart the things like love and his thinking is that if a child.

Well that when it comes to women.

In this matter he would not act or attract like any other men of his age.

But what can Vicky say.

Things have to be improved like this over time.

May be one day Jonah will finally be normal.

Vicky did not bother with this matter as he has other things to do like enjoying the view.

“Sooner or later these beauties belong to me.”

Vicky thought.

“Why my inner voice does sounded more like that of a villain.

Well these women are villain in this world right an evil protagonist…….”

Chapter 263: air delivery under the strong turbulence

“Why my inner voice does sounded more like that of a villain.

Well these women are villain in this world right an evil protagonist.

So it is not wrong to have thoughts like this…”

Vicky thought comforting his heart.

R was bold enough to make a move on Velmet and he was literally shot out like a cannon.

Vicky caught Jonah that was drifting off and pulled him back to the land.

Then Vicky had time to swim with Koko while Jonah was entertained by others.

Back in the ship Jonah is getting science lessons while Vicky is playing around.

After dinner in the night Koko talked about the next job about an air delivery.

Well she and airplanes did not cut out.

At the end of the series she even made all the airplanes in the world crash.

Well Vicky doesn’t care about that and knows what the mission would be.

The job is to transport doctors to a country that restricted their entry.

Vicky’s knows that the things in this world are messier than the things back on earth.

Jonah met with the female doctor on the plane and they got along well.

Vicky is not there right now and he was in the cockpit looking at the word below the plane.

It was an exciting experience.

When they got out Vicky called Jonah to take a look too.

Jonah took Vicky to meet Doctor Maggie that he just met and to relay Koko’s instructions to the doctors.

They were quickly arranged and the plane landed.

As they fill in the order the other military arrived here.

Things quickly moved in the wrong direction.

Vicky’s hands are always on the gun and he doesn’t want any causalities.

Also he sensed that there are players hiding in the dense tree areas around here.

One of them is a sniper.

Vicky already took a sniper rifle and was ready to shoot the moment the shit hit the fan.

Vicky told Jonah to stay on a spot to protect Koko closely and then moved to the other side of the plane slowly holding the normal rifle.

But suddenly the thing in his hand change.

The moron of the head doctor came out to make things complicated.

As soon as the first gun fire appeared the normal rifle on Vicky’s hand changed to a sniper rifle and he immediately shot the players that are hiding in the woods.

The sniper has a silencer and the amount of sound he made is not much.

Also his actions are very fast.

With the help of Tian Meng dream worm’s spirit vision and curving the bullets Vicky killed those players quickly.

The fight on the other side also started.

Vicky did not stay there instead he ran to the other side of the plan and helped others take care of those soldiers.

Fortunately there is no harm done.

Vicky was always vigilant looking for enemies on all directions.

If Vicky was not here then Koko’s group should have a hard time.

At least half of the people would have been killed by the players.

Vicky was there when the leader of the other military started to take action and shot his hand in place of Mao.

Koko let their leader take the leader of the doctors and stopped Jonah from firing.

Vicky did not want to disrupt the plot so it was fine.

On the other hand Vicky went to collect the drop boxes from some of the plotline characters and the players that are dead in the woods.

After collecting them Vicky came back quickly.

It was only a run of few hundred meters.

Even though those players have long distance sniper rifles they seem to have not trained well.

They are just a kilometer away.

With Vicky’s full speed he was able to cover that distance in less than a minute.

He got the things and returned.

Since the fight back there is already over it is not a problem for Vicky to take a look.

Koko already noticed that there are others in ambush that Vicky disrupted before.

So she did not ask about that.

Well Koko praised Jonah that he did not understand so Vicky has to help him understand some things.

He knows what will happen next so he was peaceful.

There are no other players in the area as they were sure that they cannot survive the hail of steal darts from the sky.

So only this small sniper team was stupid enough to come here to die.

Well when they are speaking Vicky gave the metal dart idea that Mao should give and they improved it with the artillery cannons on the side.

Soon the plane is in the air and Mao was ready with his big gun to fire at the people below.

There is a hard turbulence and Vicky’s pervert luck activated right at that moment.

He was on Velmet and the lady doctor was on his back.

He was sandwiched between them.

Well the people below have another opinion as they were all pinned by metal darts sending them all the way down to hell.

Koko on the other hand called scarecrow to leak in the information on the leader of the aggressive military group.

Well he is a wanted criminal that escaped using connections over the years.

They started to make a deal about dividing of the 5 million dollars reward.

Well scarecrow did not accept it but Schokolade accepted it directly closing the deal.

It is not a complete deal as there is no written agreement so they have to wait till the end to finish the deal.

Vicky did not have any action to play in this matter.

So he was sitting under the starry night enjoying the view while listening to the conversation of the people.

Quickly the team of Lehm and others completed the task and the leader of the aggressive military was caught.

The leader of the doctors was……...

Chapter 264: Velmet’s revenge

Quickly the team of Lehm and others completed the task and the leader of the aggressive military was caught.

The leader of the doctors was rescued safely.

“Vicky, how does the dragon roar sound?”

Koko asked Vicky while they are in the cockpit of the airplane.

Koko started to shout like the sounds that Vicky made in place of Jonah and Jonah looked at her weirdly.


Next will be the mafia delivery event.

If possible Vicky doesn’t want to go by airplane as it was the place where the death can be possible without a chance to retaliate.

So this is dangerous.

Well this time Velmet is going to go on a vendetta to clear off her vengeance.

Vicky wants to follow her when the time is right.

Getting her is very important and she is very good when it comes to fighting.

Vicky noticed that Velmet is leaving that night and he told Jonah to guard Koko carefully and he wrote a letter to Koko about the situation and gave it to Jonah to deliver to Koko.

After telling Jonah, Vicky left silently and followed Velmet silently.

He did not startle her like Jonah did in the main plot.

Koko asked where Vicky is and found that he left with Velmet has hit her hard.

When Koko is having a fit of anger Jonah went to her and gave her the letter that Vicky gave to him last night.

“Is it a leave letter from your brother, Jonah?”

Jonah nodded his head.

Well Vicky really did write the words leave letter on the top of it.

After reading the letter she understood what is happening.

It even mentioned that a small team of assassins that would come after her after she deals with mafia that would want to give their goods in place of money.

Everything was clearly written on the letter shocking Koko.

At the end of the letter there are it even said

“I love you Koko”

Her anger calmed down and looked at the contents clearly.

This letter looks more like a prediction than a leave letter.

After reading the letter she gave it to Lehm to see through the contents and he directly burnt the letter.


Back in Africa Vicky followed Velmet silently without alarming her.

He made a little reconnaissance and knows what route that Velmet would take.

On the other hand Koko is dealing with mafia and they were all killed because they really did give some nasty shit in place of money.

Well it was Koko that told Vicky to keep an eye on Velmet from the time they returned back from Africa.

So she is not surprised when Vicky and Velmet left.

On the other hand she was a little on the edge that Velmet really left without saying anything.

Because of the task Koko gave to Vicky, he was able to meet with Schokolade and even got close to her a little.

Koko has strong bond with Velmet as if Velmet is her own sister.

That is the reason she told Vicky to keep a close eyes on her.

The abilities that Vicky showed are beyond his age and she was sure that Vicky can help Velmet when she needed the most.

Since they are done they returned back to the hotel.

They did not forget to check the man that is looking at them with binoculars.

This is as Vicky said and Lehm became completely alert.

While they are going back he told the contents of Vicky’s letter to the people shocking them.

Vicky doesn’t want them to kill these assassins if possible and let them open a restaurant as they wished for.

Vicky has already transferred an amount to Koko’s account before leaving.

This money is for them to give these assassins to open a restaurant.

Well it is like Vicky is helping the people from the same origin.

It is like helping the assassins that want to retire from the little world.

It might sound funny but Vicky really wanted to do that.

How knows how dangerous the life of the assassins would be like and why some of them turned into assassins.

Since they don’t want to be an assassin any more Vicky would help his community.


Well they already know that there is going to be assassins that night and they are already prepared.

When they really got attacked they were immediately captured using the tranquilizers.

Unfortunately Lutz still got his ass poked.

It was like his ass is cursed or something.

Jonah is taking care of Koko so there is no problem for her safety.


Vicky on the other hand is doing something different.

He followed Velmet for the whole day trying to find some information.

Vicky also got the information on where the refinery is.

Since he knows the location he hid away completely hiding his breath following Velmet.

In the morning that day Velmet directly went towards the direction of the refinery.

Vicky directly came to the refinery and is hiding at a top area to snipe the people and support Velmet.

Karen low was dismissed so her position of lieutenant was taken over by lee.

He took out a sniper and wants to kill Velmet.

He did not notice Vicky that was hiding nearby.

So as he was trying to shoot Vicky already got him and shouted.

“Velmet you can dance all you want, don’t worry about the cover.”

Velmet was shocked to see that Vicky is right there and is following her.

She thought that the entire crew along with Koko appeared here.

But she doesn’t know that it was just Vicky.

After killing lee Vicky took the sniper rifle from him and started to pick of the people around the plant.

Karen low, felt that her general’s life is in danger so she came immediately to see the situation.

But she is one step too late and the general Chan Guoming of the Tashinhai trading………..

Chapter 265: Velmet is back, Karen joined Minami

Karen low, felt that her general’s life is in danger so she came immediately to see the situation.

But she is one step too late and the general Chan Guoming of the Tashinhai trading company is already dead.

Velmet and Vicky are on the return journey when Velmet asked Vicky.

“You are following me all the time right?”

Vicky nodded his head.

“I am such a fool.

I was unable to even find the presence of a kid all the time.”

Velmet sighed.

Vicky smiled and knows that this is the right time to ask the question of trust from her.

Her trust towards Vicky has reached 60 points and it is dark green.

“You are blinded by your revenge, Velmet.

Since you have killed that man the knot in your heart should be undone now.

You will be at peace from now on.

Also I like it if you grow your hair longer like Koko……..”

Vicky wanted to ask the question of trust but his simulation results said that as long as Koko did not accepted none of the people in her guards can be taken.

So he refrained from asking anything.

Right around at that time Karen appeared and shot at Velmet.

Velmet covered Vicky and received the bullet.

Vicky did not let her bear too many bullets and directly shot back immediately at Karen.

Well none of them are fatally injured so everything is fine.

Vicky immediately gave them first aid and contacted Koko.

Right after that they there is an army helicopter and the wounded were shifted to hospital.


Velmet woke up and Karen already left.

Before she left Vicky met her and said.

“I do no hate you for your actions for shooting at Velmet,

But she has the same thoughts as you when she met your general.

You can leave now but I will see you again soon.

Not for fighting but to work together…

By the way I would like if you grow your hair longer.

You would look beautiful.”

Karen did not understand what Vicky meant but she left silently and mixed into the darkness.

After Velmet woke up Koko spoke to Velmet about her thoughts.

At the end she said the same thing as Vicky said about her hair.

“You know Koko, Vicky said the same thing about growing my hair.”

Velmet said to Koko.

“Oh my, Vicky said that to you.

It seems like Vicky has developed a crush on you Velmet….”

Koko said to Velmet.

“I think he has a crush on you too Koko.

I can see that when he took you as an example when told me to grow my hair like yours.”

Velmet said to Koko.

Koko was silent for a moment then changed the topic.

After that she left with a straw hat.

Koko came to meet with Vicky that was chatting with Jonah.

Jonah told Vicky about the assassins that were not killed instead they were given money to start a restaurant after they told Koko about their employer.

Vicky was happy to hear that.

On the other hand Koko clanged on to the back of Vicky and she started to speak like she usually speaks.

“You did a good job and you should be rewarded.”

Koko said to Vicky as Jonah walked along looking at the sea.

Vicky smiled and said.

“Then I want a kiss from you as a reward, Koko.”

Vicky said with his smiling face making Koko stop for a moment and even Jonah stopped to look at Vicky.

Well Vicky got his kiss from Koko but it was on the cheek only.

Vicky sighed and said.

“You tricked me Koko.

It is such a great environment.

A kiss on the cheek isn’t going to cut it out here.

Any way lets go to a restaurant, I am hungry…”

Vicky pulled Jonah with his hand and Koko is already clinging to his back with her hands around his neck.

He ran to the nearby restaurant and they had a good meal.


On the next day Minami got Karen and hired her as a body guard.

She fit right in and the time moved on for a few more days and this time Vicky has to speak to Koko.

Her trust in him finally reached the basic 40 points after so long and the thing turned green.

Don’t judge that Koko is so close to Vicky she still had her guard up even with all of Vicky’s skills working on her.

That is how tough she is to crack.

Today is the day they launch the rocket related to HCLI.

Vicky has seen rocket launching in his life back on earth.

Well only once.

It is a fascinating thing to watch.

Vicky has to find the right time to make his move on Koko.

Also there is going to be the new mind called bookman from the CIA.

Well his name is George black and has a really good brain but his intelligence is not as good as Koko when it comes to planning and executing.

While the rocket is being launched Vicky came to Karen and said.

“Hello, miss Karen, nice to meet you again.

Now we seem to be working on the same side.

How do you feel?

Are you injury healed?


Vicky asked with a friendly smile.

But Karen is in no position to smile because everything Vicky predicted to her happened.

Now she is really working on the same side as him.

Also she seems to be settling down from the past.

She even felt that she is not herself.

Something inside her changed and she became interested in Vicky.

Vicky handed her a box of creamed medicine and said.

“Use this medicine that would remove your scars.

You look beautiful and it is best to not to leave scars right…”

Minami took the box of creamed medicine and said.

“Oh is this the creamed medicine that Koko spoke about before.

It removed the……….”


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