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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 26: relocated to a new place

So, two boats made their way to the apartment buildings that Vicky stayed till now.

When they arrived back Vicky hopped into the apartment building and the people from the political side asked Vicky to call Roy.

Vicky don’t mind calling as it would be easy for him to play with them when they are outside.

Vicky already saw them starving and Nisha looked haggard.

Vicky wanted them to starve to die.

For that the first thing he has to do is to create some opportunities to make people believe that Roy is hiding food with him.

He can do that same with Nisha but Vicky wants to kill Nisha with his own hands.

It is not because she used him or because she stole his things.

But she has done many atrocities that could not be spoken out.

So Vicky doesn’t want her to live and do the same in the future.

There is one more thing that Vicky observed that is Nisha seems to be fine even after so many days without food.

She looked haggard but she is not weak and she did not look like she did not eat anything for a long time.

The more Vicky thought about it the more he found it was odd.

There are only two ways for this current situation.

First is that Nisha had a space which is much smaller or with other restrictions.

Second is that Nisha has a system or something like that that has system space.

Vicky was more inclined to the second option as there is change in her beauty and some of her actions of identifying his ark space even before he knows about that.

All these point to one point that she has a system.

But the space in the system should be small or a grid type.

There should be quests or other related stuff………

Vicky speculated all of this.

So he definitely would not let her live.

If she grows up one day and resented him then it will be his end.

Vicky doesn’t want that to happen.


Vicky called Nisha and Roy and told them about being called from below.

After that Vicky went back to his room to clean up the things and went to the special little bedroom.

He took out a mini ladder and unclipped the clips on the top and at the bottom of the fake wall.

These clips are hidden by the painting on the walls.

Then he went into the room and unclipped the clips attached to the corners in the small room.

After that he took the entire mini room into the space.

Well his space was already filled and he has to place it tightly at spot where the water tanks are place.

Originally it is hard to make the entire apartment that can maintain constant temperature.

So Vicky searched around the net.

Finally he found this mini room that can maintain constant temperature.

It has sound proofing to the highest degree.

It can be used outdoor and it can be used inside a building.

It can be used anywhere.

If the doors and windows are closed, then it can be considered as a completely sealed room.

There are small holes for ventilation.

It is a one person mini room and 2 people can squeeze in easily.

Vicky knows that he will be staying in many places and he cannot make arrangements every time.

So he has fixed on buying this.

Previously Vicky was feeling bad because he has paid money to make this room truly invisible with special painting and all that.

But now if he put this in his new apartment then it would cause many stirs if it was found out by others.

Also he doesn’t know if he can live alone or live with other people.

In the past life Vicky moved to the other apartments following Nisha and Roy.

But he was sent to stay with the low level workers and he has to live in a room with 5 other people.

The climate is so hot and he literally lived in hell.

But this time Vicky doesn’t want that to happen instead he wanted to live happily.

He came down carrying two mountaineering bags.

Well this was for show and the things in the bags are clothes and a little food with some utensils.

Vicky saw that Nisha and Roy were already standing on the rubber boat.

Vicky slowly got on the rubber boat and they moved on to the new apartment.

The people in the apartment are envious.

They wanted to come and protest against people for not taking them and protecting them.

Unfortunately they don’t dare because the thugs that came had guns with them.

Previously someone dared and they were pointed with a gun.

The people that came from the political party said that they are going to give them some salvaging work.

The payment is food.

The interested people can be ready tomorrow morning to go for work.

After he said that the two boats drifted away.

After coming to the new apartment Vicky was given a choice.

There are empty rooms at the top floor where he can stay alone.

But the temperature is very high.

If he wants to say below then he has to share the room with others.

Here the temperature is low.

Vicky directly chose to stay in a flat at the top floor saying that he liked it hot.

Also Vicky was given some food, water and a rubber boat for travelling.

Other than that Vicky also received a gun with few bullets from the men of Oba.

There is also a dagger.

Boss Oba arranged these things for Vicky.

Vicky would serve as the planner for boss Oba from now.

There is another man that would act as the right hand man for boss Oba.

He is strong.

He is called Mobo.

Vicky already met with this right hand man of boss Oba and got……….

Chapter 27: salvaging and quick thinking

He is called Mobo.

Vicky already met with this right hand man of boss Oba and got acquainted with him.

Mobo quickly explained the things to Vicky about the location of the goods that needs to be salvaged for boss Oba.

Also he told the information of other’s goods that needs salvaging to get a small share of their materials.

After Vicky listened to the information Vicky started to plan the people that required and what rations that needed to be given to them for the work.

Mobo and Vicky each other for a long time working for boss Oba.

But the number of time they met is very low.

Vicky works with boss Oba on his trips while Mobo would deal with the things on his own.

In a way Mobo was more trusted than Vicky.

When Vicky is done planning Vicky asked Mobo about the people available and other people that can be taken.

After the calculation Vicky told Mobo to bring in few more people to salvage the external things while their trusted people would transport the things inside.


They quickly moved on as Mobo arranged the people to bring in some labor that would work for rations.

Well the thing that was given is just a handful of rice that is soaked in water.

The things they want to salvage are the guns.

Mobo took Vicky to the location where the guns are submerged.

Fortunately these guns and ammunition are not of the old days.

Even if they are wet these guns and ammunition can still be used.

Vicky looked at the building.

It was a 3 story building and the weapons are stored in the basement of this house.

The building is submerged till the first floor as this place is on a higher ground.

So people have to dive in to the dirty water to reach the basement and then bring the boxes up.

Vicky knows that the people cannot be trusted when it is related to weapons and ammunition.

There is a chance that they would use these things to fight back.

Unfortunately the wet guns and ammunition cannot be used directly.

The morning sun is scorching.

So the entire thing will start at the evening around 6 PM when the sky was still white with the sun rays.

The sun light is available till around 8 PM in the evening and from 3 AM in the morning.

In the evening around at 7 PM the men are here and there are lights in the building for them to look.

Before letting people dive Vicky specifically asked what everyone worked for before the current disaster.

This is to make sure that there are no retired officers or others that can handle the guns.

Well they might lie, but Vicky can see the small hints of their hand and other places that the professionals in various fields had to verify the truth.

Only after verifying did Vicky let them dive in to bring back the weapons.

In the previous life Vicky is one of the diving people and he saw that there is a criminal mixed in the diving people.

When he came up he killed a few people of the big gangs and left with two guns and 50 rounds of ammunition.

Vicky hid around the corner to escape from that situation before.

So Vicky has to be careful as he is currently an organizing member of those big gangs.

He doesn’t want to play with his life.

Mobo thought that Vicky was wasting time to put more importance to his work.

The guns and ammunition were salvaged and the boxes were placed on the rubber boats.

Mobo sent his trusted people to take the things back and store them at a designated room of the apartments they are staying.

They did not take them to boss Oba’s place as the boxes are soaked in sewage water for so long that they smell very bad.

The process is successfully and the rations were distributed while Vicky went back to check the current situation of guns and ammunition.

Well they are soaked in water for more than a month.

Fortunately after they are dried a little they can be used normally.

For the drying process they don’t have to worry as the sun would directly dry them out in one day.

On the next day they plan to go to a different place to salvage ammunition.

At that time Mobo got news that shocked him and he understood that he really misunderstood Vicky yesterday.

It was about the incident that Vicky faced before.

A criminal got the gun and shot the people before escaping with some guns and ammunition.

He understood that he really underestimated the current situation.

So he let Vicky check more thoroughly so that there is no such dangerous incident in his group.

The process of getting the weapons is quick and the people with experience on the first day completed the work very quickly.

Since they completed the work here quickly Vicky called them over to salvage the goods at a supermarket.

If they were to search the thing individually they will have a hard time.

If they were able to search in a group then they don’t have to fear of losing their lives and food to others.

Vicky even announced to them that they can keep some of the food they salvaged as long as they salvaged at least 10 kilograms worth of food or other equivalent things.

Mobo quickly understood what Vicky is doing and immediately cooperated with Vicky.

He knows that value of the food as money no longer had its previous value, food is everything.

Vicky quickly thinking can give them more food reserves.

The good food they had can be stored while the bad food that these people salvaged can be used as wages later.

Also all they are doing right now is looking while the other people work for them.

Well they are giving protection which is an effort less…….

Chapter 28: their next destination

Also all they are doing right now is looking while the other people work for them.

Well they are giving protection which is an effort less thing.

Originally this supermarket should be salvaged by Roy and Nisha’s people.

But Vicky took the chance to get the things here.

They will salvage this place in a few days.

Any way they are also staying in the same apartment and Vicky can deal with them when he wanted to deal with them.

Since Roy cannot contact with his family he will not be able to get any benefits from the political leader group or those local tyrants.

They seem to have some satellite phone to contact the people from the higher circle to get information and conformation.

Every time they would get some confirmations about the situation and make new plans.

If everything goes as in the previous life after 2 months the salvaging of guns, gold, silver, gemstones, fuel….etc will be completed.

At that time they will wait for another 2 months to make the final preparations to move into the inner areas or higher altitude cities.

The 2 months of wait is for them to collect enough rubber boats and vehicles to travel going out of the flood infested area.

Other than that they also need day stops to escape from the scorching sun.

Food and water are to be prepared as well.

The journey will not be a short one.

If it was before then it is not a problem.

But right now the situation on the road is completely unknown.

So they can only send in the scouts and make arrangements before their journey.

The power to accumulate from city to city till it reaches the main cities in the higher altitude areas where there is no flood.

But the shortage of water is there.

So the dams were completely locked and the water is being preserved in the big dams.

There is no water shortage near the cities that has the big dams.

Even though sun is playing a strong trick it cannot evaporate the water stored by the big dams.

This is the destination of the concentration of the people from various powers.

When the disaster is subdued they would go back to reconstruct with the wealth that they had on hand.

Vicky will follow these people to that main location to find the perfect chance to steal all of their treasures and ammunition.

His space is already full but the sections that are kept for stealing are still there.

The value of gold, silver and especially the gemstones is very high.

Vicky cannot miss the opportunity.

Their current destination should be Chandrabhaga Dam, Spillway and Reservoir.

During this time Vicky stayed in his apartment at the top floor peacefully while having good food and cool air.

Vicky also decided to kill Nisha and Roy before they leave this place to go to the predetermined destination.

Roy has a strong background at least before the earth docked with the apocalypse land.

During the ice age Vicky has see the power of Roy’s family.

Then when the mutation happened things turned upside down causing their power to completely collapse.

The awakened people took over the power and their family fell off the power and has to depend on Nisha for many things.

It is already the end of February and Vicky speed up the progress of salvaging things with his planning.

The benefits he gave attracted more people but they are only allowed after screening by Vicky.

Because of the quickly work Roy and Nisha did not get to show off as the leader on their side asked boss Oba to help in the salvaging process.

Vicky became famous for the quick work like he is some sort of control unit or a catalyst.

At the end of February most of the salvaging work is done and Vicky.

Vicky told Mobo to keep an eye on Roy and Nisha because he felt that they might betray.

Well Nisha did not give allegiance to anyone and she would jump on to the ship that is most favorable to her.

She would not shy away from using her body to seduce other people to get what she wanted.

Since Vicky stole their thunder and took most of the credit then they should plan to get betray this group and get into another group to gain more.

In this group since they are not working Vicky suggested that they would not be given high treatment like the bosses had.

Normal treatment is enough for them and they still don’t know if the family of Roy would value him or not.

This is true.

The family of Roy did not come into prominence till the ice age started.

Also at that time Roy is not the main focus of power but it was the cousin of Roy that is good with business and holds more resources in the family had the power.

Roy and Nisha plotted against his cousin to steal all the materials he possessed in the past life using the space that Nisha got.

With those resources Roy and Nisha became the main pillar of the family.

No one would care about the dead person where their life is at the stake.

So the cousin of Roy and his loyal supporters are all gone just like that.

Till then Roy and Nisha did not have any power other than the family name of Roy.

So Vicky’s suggestion was quickly passed through boss Oba, the local leaders and others to preserve more food and water for their future journey.

Roy and Nisha are not the only ones there are many other people that are freeloading with the family names.

Any way they will still get food and water but the quantity is halved this would result in saving a huge amount of food and water.

The time passed by as Vicky exercised, stole some guns and ammunition whenever he got the chance…………

Chapter 29: captured Nisha and Roy

Any way they will still get food and water but the quantity is halved this would result in saving a huge amount of food and water.

The time passed by as Vicky exercised, stole some guns and ammunition whenever he got the chance.

During one of the time Vicky’s men that he arranged to keep an eye on Roy and Nisha reported him that there are strange movements.

Roy and Nisha are meeting with the people from other mafia parties and political parties in secret.

Vicky silently followed them on one night when they are free.

After finding that Roy and Nisha met with the other groups Vicky only smiled and then his attack started.

Vicky silently followed them on one night when they are on the move.

When Roy and Nisha are returning, Vicky took out some food that has strong meat smell and lit a small fire at an abandoned place on the way.

This smell attracted the attention of Roy and Nisha.

Roy possesses a gun that he got from the political group in the name of his family.

So he wanted to use this gun to deter the people cooking the meat and get their food with his gun.

When they came over it was half constructed building with slabs and stairs but there are no walls.

There is fire on the third floor above the water surface.

The surrounding area is a construction site and there is no one living here.

Nisha had a bad feeling about this but the smell of food did not let her think normally.

So she followed Roy and came to the third floor.

There is an image of a man sitting near the fire covered with ragged clothes with his back towards the stairs.

Roy pointed the gun at the figure and said his warning but there is no movement as if that person has died sitting.

They moved forward step by step when they suddenly felt a gust of wind from behind.

Vicky that was hiding on the fourth floor came down behind them and knocked out Roy and Nisha.

The figure sitting near the fire is a mannequin that Vicky found during his searches.

He thought that it can be used for distracting others so he collected it.

Vicky immediately took the food and put off the fire.

He took both Nisha and Roy to the top floor and first he dislocated the joints of Nisha and Roy.

Closed their mouths with plasters and packed them up in bags.

He took their rubber boat and other things and then returned back to the apartment buildings.

He put his boat away and then took the two bags on his back during the dead of the night.

He did not make any sound when moving and no one lives at the top floor.

Fortunately his physical fitness is much higher than it was before if not he would not be able to carry them both till the 20thfloor easily.

Well his physical fitness is still a little low so he sweated a lot.

Because of the lack of food both of them weighed around 130 kilograms.

Even though it was night no one noticed Vicky moving the things because of his vigilance to the movements and no lights.

After coming to the 20th floor Vicky took them straight to his apartment and then he tied them up with chains.

Vicky hit on their vocal cards making them unable to speak.

He also dislocated their hands and leg joints.

Then he woke them up.

When they looked around they were shocked to find Vicky sitting on a chair in front them and they cannot move are speak.

While they tried their best to move and make sound they realized that their hands and feet are tied other than their dislocated joints.

Their movements increased the pain at the dislocated area making them want to scream without any sounds.

After he let them calm down, Vicky knocked Nisha again.

Then he looked at Roy and spoke.

“If you did not tell all of your secrets I will leave you like this on the terrace of the building in the morning.

Well you cannot speak so I will give you a paper and pen to write.”

To the people like Roy that catch on to things slowly needs extra force to make them understand.

So Vicky’s first threat did not get into his head.

He wrote that Vicky should let him and Nisha go and even give food to him.

If not Vicky would not have good ending.

Vicky doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry for the stupidity of Roy.

After making sure that Nisha is really knocked out Vicky dragged Roy out of the room and took him to the top of the building.

Vicky dragged Roy to the pillar and tied him to it.

Then Vicky said.

“Now write down all about your family details, the secret stashes that your family is holding and other things.

I will leave after 20 minutes and will not return here till tomorrow night.

You can choose to stay quite now but I cannot guarantee that you will survive till tomorrow night.”

Roy was really frightened and immediately started writing with the arm that was now relocated by Vicky.

Even though his arm is in pain he did not stop writing because of the fear of life.

After he is done writing Vicky took the paper and looked through the contents in a dim light.

The information shocked Vicky.

The family behind Roy is deeper than he thought.

But it is not a problem as Vicky got some important secrets from this stupid Roy.

Vicky made sure that everything written here is true after threatening Roy again.

Vicky once again dislocated the arm of Roy and then dragged him downstairs.

He went to the farthest room from the stairs and picked the lock of the door.

He dropped Roy inside that room and said.

“Now you have shelter from the sun’s heat….”

Chapter 30: Vicky’s revenge on Nisha and Roy

“Now you have shelter from the sun’s heat.

I will see you tomorrow if you are still alive.

There is still Nisha to play with, so bye for now.”

Vicky said that and left after locking the room.

Roy was having a fit in the rage where he cannot do anything including yelling.

Vicky returned back to his apartment and woke Nisha up.

He asked the same question that he asked Roy.

Nisha used her hand to pull down her blouse to reveal her tits instead of writing something on the paper.

Vicky became impatient and dragged her to the top and tied her to the pillar.

After that he asked her to write down her secrets.

Vicky clearly saw that there is no sign of becoming weak in Nisha instead she looked strong.

Her tits and neck line can show that she was well fed and had enough water to drink.

Vicky is more vigilant and prepared a tranquilizer gun on hand just in case.

If she really had a system then she might be stronger than she looks.

Vicky cannot take any risks with her.

So he was ready the moment she did something out of ordinary.

Well if she really improve her physique then she would have really cause some problem to Vicky.

Unfortunately she improved her charm instead to attract more men towards her than to improve her physique and other stats.

Well the result is the current situation.

She refused to divulge about the information related to the system.

Vicky just left her here and went down.

It was in the middle of the night and the temperature is still quite high.

Vicky cleaned his apartment room from the strong smell from Roy and Nisha.

Then he checked around the room for the bugs and insects.

This is important.

If the insects and mosquitoes entered into the room it would cause him many problems.

After cleaning the house and spraying the insecticides and mosquito repellents Vicky came back to the roof top.

Vicky flashed a light on the face of Nisha and then spoke.

“If you don’t write about your secret then I will leave you here.

Any way I don’t mind you dying.

But I have a speculation that you have a system like those in the novels…”

The first few words made her already anxious but when Vicky talked about the system she immediately became vigilant.

The sudden change in her eyes was caught by Vicky’s sharp senses that are honed by living through the life and death in the apocalypse.

“So there is really a system.

That is good.

Letting you stay will only be a problem for me in the future.

So I will kill you and send you on your way.

Anyway, since I loved you before I will give you one chance.

As long as you write all about your secret and why you want to bronze pendent so much I will send you back to Roy that was in the room below.

If not I will leave you here and you will be fucked by the sun tomorrow morning.

It is your choice…”

Nisha is not stupid as Roy.

As long as she divulge about her information about the system, then Vicky would definitely kill her.

So she simply denied that she has a system.

Vicky left her there and returned back to the apartment.

Then he started to do his daily exercises.

People have already become nocturnal.

So Vicky would be awake during the night and sleep during the day.

No one would disturb his sleep during the day.

He did not go up till the sky is turning bright.

Vicky has already eaten his food and went to look for Nisha.

Looking at the bright sky she was already anxious.

She wanted to scream for help but nothing happened she wanted to move but she cannot move.

She had a gun in the system space and she wanted to use it but she cannot use it.

Well last time when Vicky asked about the system she wanted to pull the gun out to kill Vicky.

But when Vicky said that he would let her go if she writes the truth has made her stopped hinting anything.

Even if she shoots it is not sure if the bullet really hits Vicky because of the pain.

Also her hand is in so much pain that even if she hits Vicky there is no guarantee that she can escape from here with one barely usable hand.

The system did not have a way to save her.

She thought that Vicky would not come back but finally Vicky came back.

She sighed and though that she would use something to trick Vicky and then slowly kill Vicky later.

Unfortunately Vicky did not ask her to write her secret and directly dragged her down.

She thought that Vicky is soft hearted and would let her go.

But Vicky did not do any of that and took her directly to the room where Roy was currently locked in.

The he placed her and Roy in a 69 position where her face is on the crotch of Roy while the face of Roy is buried in her crotch.

Then he tightly tied them both like that.

They did not take a bath in the past few days.

They already smell like shit but putting the place at that place would take the stench to the next level.

Vicky is going to let them stay like this for a day and talk to them in the evening.

If they did then they die.

Vicky would get his revenge.

But if they survived then they would definitely give all their secrets.

It is especially so for Nisha that usually likes the cleanliness very much.

Vicky left them be and went to take a bath with cold water first.

Then he ate some food that is cold sitting in the cool room with air conditioning and slowly dosed off…….


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