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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 81: Seishigan, Jinseigan and Shinegan

It is like they are fighting at least 5 people on the same level as them with much better battle experience.

Also Rito used some strange weapons that they did not see before.

Their spirits are continuously being disrupted by the special shinigami technique that Rito developed.

Finally Rito awakened the Jinseigan or Jinsei no me which means life eye in one eye which is green golden lotus.

Then the other eyes has awakened the Shinegan or Shi no me which means death eye in one eye which is red golden lotus.

This is no different than his Sharingan that has an extra golden hue.

It is still missing one part that is the power of the 10 tails that can complete the life and death eyes called Seishigan or Seishi no me.

Well Rito has a plan to get the 10 tails chakra later.

For now he is planning to take care of these two brothers that caused so many problems to the ninja world.

His life and death eyes are strengthened to the point where they can even work on spirits.

Rito directly pulled the two brothers into the endless hell illusion that works on spirits.

In the illusion they were surrounded by big burly men and their powers did not work on killing those burly men.

For 10 years both brothers were ravaged by those burly men to the point that the minds of their spirits are broken.

Rito then used the abilities of the new eyes to extract the power that they are still hiding when they are in their weakest state.

The symbols of sun and the moon were extracted from them and they appeared on his palm.

Now Rito did not require simulation points to extract the bloodlines.

He can use the eyes of life and death to do that.

He is going to get the bloodlines from the people of the earth.

Rito let the moon to stay here for another 10 years till the stupid plan of Madara and black Zetsu succeed and revive Kaguya.

Rito can do that but he doesn’t want to disrupt the plot right now.

Convincing so many people is a hard thing.

If there is a big war that can unite all the people Rito can have easy time to take the result in one fell swoop.

Rito plan to devour the 10 tails directly.

Just its fruit can give that much power, then how much power that this 10 tails should have.

With his current eyes it is possible to devour the 10 tails without becoming the jinchūriki.

Well that is the plan for the later.

After taking the power from these brothers Rito has his Otsutsuki bloodline completed and awakened.

He got the full command on yin and yang natures of chakra.

The only difference is that there seems to be differences even in Otsutsuki clan that Kaguya belongs to.

Most probably it is related to the blood concentration or purity or something of that sort.

May be there are even more powerful Otsutsuki clan people there or there is even a higher clan.

Rito doesn’t know as the plot he saw did not mention anything.

He has already decided that he would stay here for a little while longer before taking his people to the spirit world and then jump into another world that is connected to the spirit world.

He really did not care if something happens to the ninja world.

As long as his people are safe others are not his responsibility.

People are greedy and Rito is also like that.

He is also a selfish person that would choose his people if there is a choice between his people and saving the world.

What do you expect from him?

He is a cold blood assassin that did not have much sense of belonging to the society.

Instead he only believes and protects his people that he loves.


With the arrangements on the moon done Rito looked at the castle here.

It looks great and can fit all of his women at the same time.

But Rito has to wait for a while before taking it with him.

He first went back to earth and the crab was tamed by him.

Rito made it so that no other person can tame.

After arranging things here he went back to the leisurely life of playing with his women.

Now all the 5 Kages are actually women and all 5 of them belongs to him.

This time he wants to make contact with the Akatsuki organization.

Target is Konan.

He did not have many plans.

The black Zetsu introduced Rito to the Akatsuki organization and Rito covered his face with a mask.

He used his special eyes to hypnotize Nagato to arrange Rito to pair up with Konan.

Rito would not do anything other than helping her and getting close to her.

He will not make a move on her until Nagato dies and she attacks Obito with hundreds and thousands of detonating papers.

At that time he would save her from Obito and replace her with a dummy.

After that if she wanted Rito can revive Nagato and Yahiko.

The body of Yahiko is well preserved so it is possible.

He will slowly pull her into his love.

In the final battle Kabuto would not cause excessive problems and the things would move smoothly.

Rito’s target is Kaguya and 10 tails in the later days.

He left a wood clone here for acting in his place.

Today Rito is going to play with Mito and Tsunade.

They have already compromised after talking with each other.

They have become Rito’s women long ago.

Also with their help the yin seal technique was popularized among his women so that they would look young even after years of time.

All of this was arranged as Rito played exercises with them in special poses.

Naturally after improving his power his capabilities reached new heights.

So, two women were unable to support the exercises…….

Chapter 82: simulated again after so long

Naturally after improving his power his capabilities reached new heights.

So, two women were unable to support the exercises with Rito.

So he has to call for more and the number increased to 5 women at the same time.

They are Kurenai, Anko, Yugao, Tsunade and Mito.

Their moans resounded in the log cabin that Rito prepared deep in the forest.


After few hours Rito has a satisfied expression while the women had smiles on their faces.

They all had fallen asleep comfortable on the big bed hugging each other.

Rito let them sleep as he enjoyed the peaceful time.


The 9 tailed beasts did not have a real body but the 10 tails has a real body.

Rito is thinking of a way to devour this body of the 10 tails.

The current year is year 80.

It has been 2 years since Tsunade became the Hokage.

The countries are connected by the railways network under the cooperative work with Rito and the Hokages of the land.

Rito already spoke to daimyo’s of each land and showed them the way to profits.

So they directly accepted Rito’s words to construct the railways and big roads.

These things are protected by Rito’s trained people.

These things are protected even if there is a war because these things are life line many countries.

At most they can block the way but they cannot damage these transport lines.

If they did anything like that then that place will be abandoned by the other countries completely.

Since all the Kages belongs to Rito no one rejected this.

With that there is an economic bhooom and the countries became wealthy.

Every country has Rito’s stores registered under the name fate industries.

They sell the products from a needle to a kunai.

Everything is available here and the place is protected by the people trained by Rito’s clones.

Rito is the wealthiest man in the entire ninja world.

During this time Gaara became a Chunin.

Rito moved with the Akatsuki and extracted the 1 tail from Gaara.

Because of the presence of Rito Gaara cooperated and he did not die in the process because things are handled by Rito.

There is no search and Asuma was already in the custody like his father.

Third Hokage and Danzo are still alive but they are better dead than alive.

That is their current situation.

Even if they die Rito would revive them for punishment.

In a year things would become complicated.

The number of skirmishes between the ninja villages has reduced a lot as Rito manages things.

On the other hand he would put on some small things for Akatsuki organization to keep up the finances.

Rito tried few ways to show good will to Konan.

Also he tried to sound more like Yahiko with his stupid ideals.

Obito is already an actor but after seeing Rito’s acting he cannot compare to Rito.

As for Rito’s background it was arranged by the black Zetsu as someone from the abandoned children from hidden leaf village after the actions of Danzo.

The name of Rito in the Akatsuki is Yukio.

The reason why Yukio was brought in to the group is because he is a fighter that has the abilities of healing and attacking at the same time.

In a way he is similar to Tsunade.

There is no healer in Akatsuki.

So this point was used for Rito’s entry.

Everyone can get hurt while doing missions.

So the people would rely on Rito for quick healing and moving to complete the next task.


With all the money accumulated Rito simulated with some specified goals.

First is to get used to his new powers,

Second is to see if he can extract the 10 tails from Kaguya and get her to become normal,

Third is to see if he can devour the 10 tails,

Fourth is to see if he can fight off the Otsutsuki hiding on earth,

Fifth is to find a way to search for the other world entrances in the spirits world,

Sixth is to see if he can enter those other worlds through the spirit world.

Seventh is to see if he can take his women along into those other world.

Eight is to see if he can come back to the ninja world


Like this there are a few things that Rito wanted to check.

With these thoughts he started the simulation spending a large sum of money.

Because of the rapid improvement the amount Rito spent is half of his stored wealth over the years.

Well it is a bleeding payment that made Rito grits his teeth to simulate this time.

With that the simulation started.

“Year 80,

Host speed up the process of capturing the jinchūriki and extract the tailed beasts.

Obito found that Lin was alive and capture her because of his obsession.

Kakashi was killed in the process and the Sharingan that belongs to Obito was taken back.

Obito hypnotized Rin to know the real information.

Rin’s resistance broke the mind of Obito and he tried to summon the 10 tails to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Host was caught off guard and everything became a mess.

With strong power host was able to put the plot back in place.

Unfortunately host lost some of his women and unable to revive because of the complete obliteration of the corpses.”

“Year 81,

Host was able to pull Kaguya out of the 10 tails.

The devouring process of 10 tails is hard and it was disrupted by the group of people from the Otsutsuki hid on earth for revenge.

The plot is disrupted and the 10 tails overloaded to self destructing process.

Before the uncontrollable explosion host was able to reverse summon into the spirit world with Izumi, Kaguya and Tsunade.

But host was extremely injured.”

“Year 82,

Host is recovering from injuries……..”

“Year 83,

Host is recovering from injuries……..”

“Year 84,

Host is recovered from the injuries.

Host chatted with immortal……”

Chapter 83: avatar the last air bender world found

“Year 84,

Host is recovered from the injuries.

Host chatted with immortal Katsuya about the spirit world.

Leaving Kaguya, Tsunade and Izumi to learn sage techniques from Katsuya, host went to search around the spirit world.

First destination is the frog immortal mountain.

After meeting with the old frogs host found that the ninja world was actually destroyed along with the planet.”

“Year 85,

Host went around the spirit world searching around and met with the serpent cave meeting with the great snake.

They are cunning and want to devour the host.

Host was not fully recovered from the previous injury.

With new injuries host was able to escape from the serpent cave.

Host was saved by the monkeys from the monkey mountain contracted to Sarutobi clan before.

Host did not prosecute the entire Sarutobi clan and only attacked the people that really harmed others.

The people from the monkey mountain are not stupid and can understand the situations clearly.

So they did not hold grudge against host.

Host is recovering from injuries……...”

“Year 86,

Host is recovering from injuries…….”

“Year 87

Host barely recovered from the injuries but was still poisoned.

Host returned back to immortal Katsuya to speak with Tsunade, Kaguya to help him remove the poison.

Host understood requires long time for poison removal and recovery.



“Year 94,

The poison in the host was completely removed,

Host is recovering…..”


“Year 97,

Host has finally recovered but did not want to leave yet.

Host has decided to fully recover to his former state before wandering around again……”


“Year 100,

Because of the perfect sage body and the strong natural energy around host has recovered to his peak state again.

Host started to experiment sage techniques to their next levels……..”


“Year 120,

Host was able to perfectly learn the sage techniques and upgrade to the immortal sage level.

After the experimenting, host found that the sage techniques can lead to even higher levels.

Host went to take revenge on the serpent cave.

The battle ended in a draw after fighting with the immortal white snake sage.

Host left the serpent cave after causing massive destruction.

Host learnt of a new problem that fighting in the spirit world can cause sudden imbalance and space fissures.

The current spirit world that host is in is at the border of the spirit world.

This place is not stable.

Host went to find people at the monkey mountain and to thank them.

Host got new information about an entrance to another world.


“Year 121,

Host was able to locate the entrance to another world.

Host felt that the location and setting here has seen somewhere.

After investigating more host found a rotten old tree,

Host was able to meet the spirit of darkness Vaatu that was imprisoned in this rotten old tree.

Host was able to recognize this tree as the tree of time.

Host was able to recognize the world behind the entrance is actually the world of Avatar the last air bender.

Host became interested and the dark spirit Vaatu stared to use its powers on the host to tempt host into darkness.

Host was not influences because of the strong will and left the area to damp bone forest to meet with Katsuya and his women to inform about the good news.

Host has decided to enter the world of Avatar the last air bender.

Instead of breaking the barrier host wants to create a hole in the barrier.


“Year 122,

The barrier is very hard to break.

Host researching the barrier,”


“Year 127,

Host finally able to decode the barrier,

The barrier is formed by the natural energy of earth, fire, water and air converted into 4 layers of interchanging locking formation.


“Year 128,

Host with the help of his women was able to make a small opening in the barrier.

Host was able to enter into another world….

Host found the current situation is when the war was about to end with Sozin's Comet disappearing in the sky.

Host decided to develop in this world for the time being.

Host found that some of the things in the ninja world are not working in this world.

The cause is the change of energy of this world.

Host started to research about conversion and adaptation of techniques to the current world.

Good news is that the system updated after entering the new world.

The currency here can be used to simulate.”

“Year 129,

Host has successfully converted some of the hand signs and chakra amounts to convert the technique of the ninja world to adapt to this world.

Host went to roam around the world to settle down and used the earth techniques to find the gold mines.


“Year 130,

Host tried to return to the spirit world but the entrance was sealed again and it is hard to break from this side.

Host started to research on the information on the barrier and decided to meet with avatar on information.

Avatar was shocked by your explanation and Raava senses crisis that host to be eliminated for the peace of the world.

For the peace of the world Raava only needs one avatar and another is a variable with same powers.

So it decided to eliminate the host and avatar started to fight back.

Host fought with avatar but the power of avatar is equals to hundreds of sage level fighters using natural energy in one person.

Fortunately, host has the yin seal of ninth drop to work as energy backup.

Host was able to use the ninja techniques to escape from the avatar and went into seclusion to heal the injuries.

Mass search for the host started throughout the world.

Host was recovering with the help of Tsunade, Kaguya and Izumi.


“Year 131,

Host recovered from injuries and started to improve his power with practice…….”

“Simulation ends 50 years of time completed”

“System is calculating the results….”

Chapter 84: quick into action and preventing disasters

“Simulation ends 50 years of time completed”

“System is calculating the results….”


Successfully lived till the end of the simulation for 50 years gives player 50 thousand simulation points.

Successfully learnt the sage technique to the next level gives 100 thousand simulation points.

Successfully discovered the new world gives 500 thousand simulation points.

Successfully saved Kaguya and separated her from the 10 tails gives player 200 thousand simulation points……


Cumulative total gain of simulation points: 1.45 million simulation points.



Please choose from the following options

Memories of 50 years in the simulation excluding the information from other options (45000 simulation points)

Starting stage of immortal sage technique information (1.5 million simulation points)

Memories of the spirit world travels and discovered locations (155,000 simulation points)

Memories of the avatar world (295,000 simulation points)


The options are listed in many and Rito directly chose the memories of 50 years, locations, situations and problems that were caused in these 50 years.

This include his battle when trying to devour the 10 tails,

His travels in the spirit world,

His fight with the serpent cave………

The total information from these memories costed over 1.3 million simulation points.

Rito was really distressed.

The memories flowed into his mind causing him sever head ache.

But with his current power he was able to bear with the memories.

When he got them his eyes showed different expressions but it calmed down quickly.

He has seen this kind of thing many times and his emotions are not hard to fluctuate.

With the memories he made new plans.

Instead of collecting the tailed beasts Rito wanted to quickly improve the technology of the world.

The technology that should exist at the time of Boruto should appear within 5 years.

This way Rito would have enough money to simulate again in the future.

The most important thing that he was distressed about is that he was unable to fight against the sage level monsters in the spirit world.

Also he was only wandering at the periphery of that world.

This means if he moved closure to the center of the spirit world then there will be even higher level monsters and even other worlds there.

The thoughts have made him feel more and more amazed.

He wants to walk all the way to the top and stand at the top again.

Even though he was able to improve to immortal sage technique it was not strong enough and it seems like a fake immortal technique.

He has to find a solid one like the avatar uses in the avatar world.

It seems to be formed from the basic 4 elements to branch up like a tree.

But the level should be at real immortal with spirit but not the body.

The reason why avatar can reincarnate so many times is because of reaching the immortal spirit of the sage techniques.

But it seems to be restricted and cannot leave this world to reincarnate in another world.

But this gave him the power to control the elements to a higher degree in this world and he can concentrate the power of his last lives in this current life.

Rito analyzed the things calmly and he understood many problems.

Unfortunately he cannot simulate many times with the money he has on hand.

First thing is first he let the people move the project of constructing railways and road ways quickly connecting all the countries and places.

For the project the iron and other materials were all supplied by him.

Of course he would take the money from the countries.

With the help of ninja engineers that he developed over the past few years it was a quick process.

Rito immediately went back to the hidden leaf village and changed the appearance of Lin.

Rito spoke about Obito causing some big problems if he saw Lin.

Kakashi also accepted this and understood all the atrocities that Obito did in the name of love.

Kabuto on the other hand informed Rito that Orochimaru went the land where Uzumaki people previously stayed.

He was searching for some shinigami mask or something like that.

Rito has already salvaged those things and is currently in his storage scroll.

Rito not only collected money but also gold.

Rito left a clone to specifically refine the gold sand and collect it in large quantities.

This will be useful when he went into the world of avatar.

Lin was hidden or to be precise her appearance is changed and the appearance of Kushina and Mikoto is also changed.

Rito assured that Sasuke would come back after some time.

She did not hate Itachi but Rito doesn’t want her to know that Itachi will be killed by Sasuke for the time being.


Rito quickly arranged things and hid what needed to be hidden for Obito for the time being.

The problem is not Obito but the hidden Otsutsuki people that attacked at the wrong time.

Rito doesn’t want things like that to happen.

After the things were arranged Rito when into the spirit world and researched some of the sage arts.

Then he went to meet with the people on the frog mountain.

After his introduction and explaining his premonition they understood the situation and accepted to help Rito.

Rito also called Jiraiya to speak about the things and form the summoning array here with the improved version of flying thunder god technique.

Then Rito moved to the mountain of the monkeys and contacted them.

He was friendly and explained some of the situation and quickly found the tree of time at the edge of the portal to avatar world.

If Rito were to devour the 10 tails completely and mastered the immortal sage technique then he might be able to open the barrier on the portal.

Rito went back to arrange the summoning formation to save his women if there is a trouble.

The ninja world is just too little for the ambitions of Rito…………..

Chapter 85: many incidents, meeting of 5 Kages

Rito went back to arrange the summoning formation to save his women if there is a trouble.

The ninja world is just too little for the ambitions of Rito.

Rito took time to analyze the movements of many people and took appropriate steps to block them.

First he took the black Zetsu to extract the 2 tails.

The 2 tails is the current Raikage after being pointed out by Rito.

Rito used adequate force to extract 2 tails and left a part of 2 tails inside Yugito Nii.

Losing the 2 tails caused some stir in the hidden cloud village.

But it was all controlled by Ai and killer B.

They know what happened and some of the problems that were previously mentioned by Rito.

Because of this they listened to Rito.

They are always like this.

In the ninja world or any other world the strong are respected.

If the world is strong enough then this sentence changed to the strong are feared and hunted.

Akatsuki did not notice any problems of the response and other things from the hidden cloud village.

Yugito Nii returned back safely later and Rito said that she is his puppet making them calm down.

Rito is a healer but can’t he have other talents.

This is the talent that Rito spoke to them

Rito brought some of the golems from the moon and controlled them using this strange technique made from Tenseigan.

He showed this as his attack power other than healing to get into Akatsuki.

As for the 3 tails Rito did not care and other members of the Akatsuki would take care of them.

Things calmed down and the accidents did not happen.

Rito calculated the time and let his clone do the reconnaissance work for him.

If anything happens the clone can produce and undone the shadow clone to notify Rito.

Rito went to the spirit world and started to improve his immortal sage techniques.

He has the memories of third hand experience of practicing the immortal sage techniques.

This can reduce the time of reconstructing the technique by a half with his intelligence.

He continued to invest all the time into practice.

His clones are doing all the work of putting things in place.

A year passed by and things are fine without any problem.

Rito was able to get close to Konan but he was unable to melt her cold heart.


Rito’s clones also helped his women form contracts with various people on the spirit world and let them practice sage arts.

The yin seal was also popularized for the girls to learn quickly.

Rito took time and on a day when he was free he came to the ninja world,

Then took the 5 Kage to his log cabin and explained the situation to them after some intense exercise with all of them together.

His head is on the soft tits of Terumi and Tsunade while the other three women are stuck to his arms and Yugito Nii is on the top of him like a cat.

Rito told them the current situation and explained the counter measures that he came up with.

Also he told them that he is going to take them to another world soon through the spirit world.

So everything was planned out perfectly.

The teams of ninja were trained very well and everything is going in the development path.

Rito called in Jiraiya and stopped him from dying unnecessarily.

When the Akatsuki captured the three, four, five and six tails Rito was persuading the seven tails girl Fu.

He was able to coax her before the other tailed beasts are caught.

He helped her survive after the tailed beast in her was extracted.

Because he saved her life she started follow Rito for freedom.

Only 8 and 9 tails are left to be collected.

During this time Rito’s clones is closely monitoring the movements of Itachi and Sasuke.

Orochimaru is still researching about the Uzumaki clan’s shinigami mask to get his hands back properly.

Sasuke took the right time to kill Orochimaru.

At least he tried.

Kabuto found the serpent cave secret and practiced the sage arts and on one of his expeditions Rito called him over to meet with Nono.

Kabuto would not believe unless he sees it with his own eyes.

Nono’s spirit is following Rito for a while and now the time is right so he resurrected her right in front of Kabuto.

His eyes widened and seeing Nono he started to cry.

Nono was also Rito’s women and she likes children.

Rito let them have their time to chat while he organizes other things.


After fighting with Orochimaru, Sasuke left and went to find Itachi.

They fought with each other and Itachi died.

Sasuke wanted to get his revenge on Danzo so he came over to the hidden leaf village.

When Sasuke checked he was shocked to find out that Danzo was already taken care off along with third Hokage.

He was shocked and Rito met him at that time.

Rito defeated Sasuke that has eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and after completely beating back into submission, Rito took him to see Mikoto.

Sasuke was shocked to see Mikoto.

Rito left them to deal with their own problems while Naruto returned with Jiraiya.


The meeting of 5 Kage is also happening just like that in the main story but the Kages are different.

Since they all are Rito’s women they did not quarrel and talked like they came to a party.

They did not care about age differences and they all have yin seal mark on their foreheads.

Even their subordinates are Rito’s women, so their meeting is more like a social gathering between sisters and they chatted happily with each other.

If there are male subordinates then they are sent out to wait.

Rito arrived on time to tell his plans to them and what each village has to do.

Then they got the meeting set for daimyo………….

Chapter 86: fourth ninja war started

Then they got the meeting set for daimyo.

It was at that time that killer B was about to be captured by Akatsuki.

Rito gave the idea to 8 tails and killer B on how to escape.

Ai was also there to support his brother.

Rito secretly took killer B to extract the chakra of the 8 tails leaving a little out.

Rito is far stronger than Nagato when it comes to using Rinnegan.

Only Naruto left and he is currently training in the spirit world to practice sage techniques.

Rito did not send Sasuke into the spirit world because Sasuke has connected to the serpent cave and sending him there is nothing more than killing him right now.

With his Sharingan he can subdue most of the normal snakes, even the great white sage snake can be subdued if it was in the ninja world to some extent.

But in the spirit world and in the serpent cave which is the home base for the great white sage snake the powers of Sasuke’s Sharingan are useless.

So Rito did not send Sasuke into the spirit world.

Instead he is teaching Sasuke himself or Mikoto teach Sasuke.

Sasuke was unable to digest the fact that Mikoto has become Rito’s women and he challenged Rito many times.

But he never succeeded in doing anything to Rito.

Rito also went easy on him for the sake of Mikoto.

Soon it was time when Nagato attack the hidden leaf village to lure out Naruto.

Rito did not let Nagato attack the hidden leaf village instead he called out Naruto and Sasuke to fight Nagato.

Naruto used his mouth more than his techniques to subdue Nagato.

Nagato did not use the reincarnation technique to save anyone as the village is fine not destroyed.

Rito with his women stood at a higher place to watch the fight between them.

Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Ino…….were all with Rito looking at the fight.

Hinata did not rush in to help Naruto.

Sakura and Ino also did not rush in to fight anything for Sasuke.

Tenten did not get there and happily stayed with Rito.

After the fight is over Nagato left with Konan but they were attacked by Obito.

Rito was waiting on the side in secret to watch what would happen.

Nagato was already exhausted after fighting with Naruto and Sasuke.

So he was unable to fend off the attacks of Obito and finally killed by his hands.

Konan was angry and attacked Obito with the explosive paper charms.

But Obito was fine and he was about to attack Konan,

Right at that time Rito appeared and saved Konan and left that place quickly like the wind.

Obito did not bother with Rito and immediately went to take the eyes of Nagato.

Kabuto on the other hand formed an alliance with Obito under the arrangements of Rito.

The side of Akatsuki and the side of the 5 ninja villages started the information war against each other.

Rito already took a strand of hair for Kabuto just in case if something unexpected happened.

The plot moved in the same way as the original plot.

Naruto was made to earn to control the power of 9 tails with the help of killer B.

Kabuto only fought a seemingly fake battle while secretly let the people slip away.

Also the white Zetsu army was not created properly because of his interference.

Instead with the help of Yamato that was already instructed by Rito and he has taken control of the white Zetsu.

Rito is doing these preparations to fight with Madara and then with 10 tails just in case if the Otsutsuki people come out at that time.

Rito would not use real ninja to fight and die.

These white Zetsu would transform into real people and fight in their stead.

This is his plan and it was already spread among the 5 Kages and their important subordinates.

While this is underway Rito looked around the situation to make sure that there are no sudden sneak attacks.

Rito also confessed to her and asked if she likes him.

In the past year Rito already made many close contacts with her and after being close to her she accepted Rito’s love.

Rito revealed his original identity to Konan and said to her that he can revive Yahiko and Nagato if she is okay with that.

She was even more happy and hugged Rito.

Rito told her that he would do that after the battle is over.

She understands the situation and very well and did not fuss over it.

After that Rito took her back to leaf village and let her familiarize with his women.

At the same time she helped with the communications.

On the side of the alliance there are 80 thousand ninja.

On the side of Obito there are impure world reincarnations of many ninja and 100 thousand white Zetsu.

Well it is true if it is the original plot.

But now it is different.

The white Zetsu were under the control of Rito and only acted as if they are fighting ninja with the help of Kabuto.

On the other hand the reincarnations fought with the white Zetsu that transformed after copying the other ninja.

They were also mixed in the group to avoid suspicion from others.

The most problematic is the Akatsuki members that are still alive.

They started to fight back while Rito moved the chips carefully.

The number of causalities is very less.

In the mean time the reincarnated individuals are sealed quickly after a small fight.

Kabuto did not cause much damage but there appeared some big damage where white Zetsu disguised as ninja died.

Black Zetsu and Rito are also talking things in secret and black Zetsu was very happy with the way Rito moved things so quickly.

Everything is smooth and it is a controlled war which was completely controlled by Rito.

Naruto came out of hiding after he made friends with the 9 tails……..

Chapter 87: Madara appeared

Everything is smooth and it is a controlled war which was completely controlled by Rito.

Naruto came out of hiding after he made friends with the 9 tails and then the real battle started after he awakened the Otsutsuki bloodline with the help of Rito.

This is the same with Sasuke that stepped into the sage level.

They did not have the blood line of the Otsutsuki clan completely.

The activated part is less than 10 percent but that was enough for them to fight.

Rito doesn’t want to let them fight with Kaguya.

All of this battle is only for display to let Madara take the initiative to become the vessel to revive Kaguya.

Even though he is mad he still has intelligence.

Rito doesn’t want him to see through the things.

With that he made many plans to arrange the things in a way that would help him achieve his end goal.

In the original plot only 25 percent of the bloodline was activated in Naruto and Sasuke when the sage of 6 paths activated their bloodline.

The chakra of the 10 tails is not complete as most of it was spread around to other ninja.

The 9 tailed beasts left a part of their chakra out using their original plane of tailed beasts.

All of this was given to Naruto.

Sasuke also got a huge amount of chakra after turning his eyes to Rinne-Sharingan in one eye.

But with only 10 percent awakened they just barely stepped into the sage level.

They can fight against Kaguya but they cannot defeat her or seal her.

Also they did not receive the seals of sun and moon.

The sage of six paths and his brother were captured by Rito and they are looking lifeless after Rito gave them some punishment for their foolishness.

The battle went on similar to the plot but the amount of ninja or the white Zetsu dies are pitifully low compared to the original plot.

Also the ninja that died are actually the deserters or the one that pushed others to die.

White Zetsu’s death is not a problem to count.

Many of the impure world reincarnation are sealed quickly by the same people in the main plot.

But the fight was over quickly as Kabuto reduced their fighting style and power.

The location of communications center was made to be moving and the important messages were transmitted by Konan.

Madara appeared on the second day which was summoned by Kabuto.

All of this is following Obito’s plan.

But every change is informed to Rito through special means.

The dead jinchūriki was brought back to life through impure world reincarnation.

But the number is a little less.

Also Rito’s clones are there monitoring the fight of Madara.

The face of Obito was revealed but the people are not surprised and even cursed at him nonstop in various ways.

The curses are too much even for Obito.

He was joined with Madara that finished up with the 5 Kages and their subordinates.

But unfortunately he did not kill them and Rito save them in time.

His clones that summoned Katsuya split her up to stick on many people at the same time to help them heal.

Rito on the other hand let a clone continuously absorb the natural chakra and convert into healing chakra and send it through Katsuya to save the 5 Kages and their subordinates in time.

In the mean time Itachi went to get Kabuto.

Rito intervened and let Kabuto release the impure world reincarnation and join up.

As for Itachi Rito trapped him first and deal with him later.

His soul is still lingering around Rito but cannot act or fight back.

At that time Orochimaru appeared and his hands are back to normal.

One of Rito’s clones made a deal with Orochimaru to get his hands back for helping him in the battle.

He can revive other Hokages.

Rito has been waiting to meet them and give them a piece of his mind.

Well giving them is a waster at least he would make them unable to be in piece.

Around that time Naruto was caught by Madara and the 9 tails is almost absorbed by the 10 tails statue.

With that it is fully revived.

Obito knows that location of the allied ninja forces headquarters.

He and Madara coordinated to shoot a big energy blast at the location to destroy the allied ninja forces headquarters.

But unfortunately they were unable to because of Rito that appeared at the allied ninja forces headquarters suddenly and absorbed the energy blast using the power of his eyes.

The people separated the connection of Madara and Obito had with the 10 tails with the advice from Shikaku.

Rito did not intervene in this matter.

Around that time the previous Kages.

That is first, second and fourth appeared.

The clone of the third Hokage also appeared with the hands of Orochimaru but it was dispersed immediately.

Rito came to them at that time.

He wanted to speak to them but he did not say anything and let them fight the 10 tails.

The plot moved on with the fight and the 10 tails is about to transform into the final form.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura fought it hard.

Sakura is not the only one as the other women of Rito also fought at that time.

Madara was astounded that there are so many women that learn yin seal and their fighting style is very similar like they all learnt from a single person.

Well it is true all of them learnt from Rito.

Originally the fighting style of Tsunade is destructive but there are too many openings and Rito taught his women his own style of fighting in generalized version first.

Then he customized the generalized fighting style to each of them based on their potential and capabilities.

Even though their fighting style looked similar but it was complicated and customized to each of them………..

Chapter 88: questioning the Hokages

Then he customized the generalized fighting style to each of them based on their potential and capabilities.

Even though their fighting style looked similar but it was complicated and customized to each of them.

Madara also recognized Mito in the group which shocked him.

She should have died but how is she here again.

He did not know.

Also Mito looks young.

Not young from the yin seal but really young in both body and mind.

This made him even more confused.

But there is no time to think.

At that time the first, second and fourth Hokages appeared to fight with the tailed beasts.

Hashirama and his brother also noticed Mito and Minato noticed Kushina.

At that time the allied ninja head quarters has changed locations with the help of Rito’s clones.

After they took care of the tailed beasts Kushina confronted Minato while Mito confronted Hashirama and his brother.

At that time Rito is nearby but did not interfere with the things.

Naruto is there with Kushina and Sasuke was there next to Mito along with his mother Mikoto.

Itachi was captured and is also near Mikoto looking things with complicated eyes.

Izumi stood beside Mikoto to know why these people caused so much destruction.

Tsunade also went to stand beside Mito to question her grand fathers.

Orochimaru was more interested in corpses.

Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen were still in prison back at the leaf village.

There are people guarding this place 24/7.

Mito questioned Hashirama if he really liked her or he liked Madara more.

Then she looked as Tobirama and questioned him if he plotted against her clans secret techniques.

Also she questioned if he really read his people properly and even killed his disciple from the Uchiha clan.

At that time Mikoto on the side questioned them why Tobirama hated Uchiha clan so much that he poisoned the minds of his students and the people of the village.

Tsunade told them Tobirama about how his students killed their entire clan just to research on their bloodline.

Izumi questioned them why did make so many stupid decisions to result in killing her clan and mother.

At that time Kushina on the side questioned Minato if third Hokage is the one that ordered him to save her and marry her.

Naruto was on the side and Sasuke was also on the side listening.

With the barrage of questions they don’t know how to answer.

This is because all of this is actually true.

Well they did live their woman and the loved their village.

But they did all of this thinking that it would be good to the village with their personal feeling into the plans.

The result is the current war and destruction.

Well they asked who told them all of this.

At that time Rito appeared beside the women and the women stood by Rito’s side.

Rito smiled at the three Hokages and said.

You will not be entering the pure land instead you will be receiving punishment for your stupidity.

You caused so many problems for people that they cannot be pardoned.

Rito made a hand seal to use the wood style to lock the three people.

They wanted to exert force but the sealing symbols on the wooden hands stopped them from moving.

At the same time Rito used his eyes to pull out their souls and they float around just like Itachi.

They cannot do anything.

All of them have special seals on their souls that would not let them use their spirit energy.

Rito cannot believe in the people that are well versed in seals.

All four here has the knowledge on seals and they are dangerous.

During this time Rito’s clones transformed into the people that are out talking to fill in the gaps.

During this time Obito and Kakashi are having a fight.

Right when the people are back to fighting, Obito was came out to reality heavily wounded.

Madara took the chance to make Obito use the ability of Rinnegan to restore him to life.

Well Obito resisted Madara and became the 10 tails jinchūriki.

Rito did not make a move specifically only helped his women when needed.

The three Hokages were already removed so they are not there to fight back.

Right at that time Obito wanted to turn into 10 tails great tree form.

It was at that time Rito should act.

So he directly made his women and other ninja back and used his sage techniques to create a strong force to make the 9 tailed beasts inside the 10 tails were stripped off.

With the sage techniques the separation is possible and the natural chakra is abundant.

Obito has finally fallen into weakened state.

Rito gave signal to black Zetsu to try and make him revive Madara.

Well black Zetsu already wanted to do that and Rito’s signal confirmed him that Rito really wanted to revive Kaguya.

Originally black Zetsu did not believe Rito and he has some underhanded techniques ready to use against Rito when the time comes.

Since Rito is also on his side to revive Kaguya then he did not have to use them.

Also the chance of success to back stab Rito are very less and he really don’t want to take the risk.

With that he convinced Obito to revive Madara.

When Madara is revived he did not have his eyes.

Even though he is dead his eyes lived all this time because of the awakening of the Rinnegan.

So he has to retrieve his eyes back before he could see the things around.

Rito allowed the white Zetsu to help deliver the Rinnegan that Obito has to Madara.

The process was fast without the obstruction of other people.

Then he summons the 10 tails statue and started to absorb the remaining tailed beasts.

The other half of 9 tails that Minato has was previously taken from him and was placed with Naruto.

Now it was absorbed from Naruto……..

Chapter 89: Kaguya was separated from 10 tails

The other half of 9 tails that Minato has was previously taken from him and was placed with Naruto.

Now it was absorbed from Naruto.

When the limit is reach that can threaten the life of Naruto, Rito appeared to save him.

Naruto just lost consciousness but he is still alive.

Rito also pulled Sasuke out of the fight as he was injured.

Rito’s women started to heal Sasuke which Rito fights back.

Well Madara has become the 10 tails jinchūriki and he also got the Rinnegan.

Infinite Tsukuyomi was not cast because Rito controlled the trajectory of the moon to move quickly leaving the night sky.

Madara was shocked by the scene and was in dazed state.

Right at that time black Zetsu uses it plan to control the body of Obito to control the body of Madara and turn him into Kaguya.

With the help of Rito Kaguya was successfully revived and became the 10 tails jinchūriki.

But she is still no in her original body.

She needed to be revived again after the 10 tails regains its power.

At that time the body of Madara and Obito will be gone and in their place her own body would be revived.

Rito gave the black Zetsu the signal to let her completely revive into her original body.

Black Zetsu immediately did as Rito told and suggested to Kaguya.

She looked around to see that everyone that should be fighting has already vacated the area and there is no ninja on sight except for Rito.

Yes, Rito sent everyone away from here to form a parameter around to see if the Otsutsuki people hiding would attack them.

Ninja obeyed the commands of their Kage and moved back.

Well there are a few bold ones and reckless ones in the group that did not listen.

Kaguya in order to revive completely turned into the 10 tails and then turned into the god tree.

The roots and branches of the god tree spread all over the place at an alarming rate.

The few ninja that did not listen to their commander were trapped here and their chakra is drained completely.

After a little longer, the roots and branches have reached all the way to the ninja that escaped before.

They were also trapped but Rito has put his hand in place to protect them.

His clones used sage techniques to pour the natural chakra into the roots of the god tree.

Just like that the spread of the roots stopped by his wood clones.

Kaguya noticed this but she did not care as her concentration was completely on the revival than fighting.

The black Zetsu said that Rito is on their side so she did not feel any fear.

Rito at that moment started to produce more wood clones to cover the surrounding area.

At the same time he replenished his used chakra quickly.

An hour passed before the big tree has a new chakra fruit.

It was formed by the collective efforts of his closes constantly sending the natural chakra to the god tree.

The chakra fruit burst open and what revealed is the actual body of Kaguya.

At the same time the body of Obito and Madara that was revived were disintegrated and absorbed into the god tree.

Kaguya that was revived did not have her original personality.

She was not controlled by the 10 tails.

Rito immediately canceled all of his clones and told the black Zetsu to back off.

As soon as the black Zetsu backed off, Rito opened his new eyes Shinegen and Jinseigan.

At the same time the natural chakra was full in his body.

He used its power to suppress the 10 tails and did not let Kaguya make any move.

The symbols of sun and moon on his hands were helpful in suppressing Kaguya.

During that time his eyes of life and death were able to cast a technique to separate Kaguya from the 10 tails.

It helped her release her original personality that was captured by the 10 tails.

The separation took a long time and the roots and branches of 10 tails fought with Rito with all they got.

10 tails is truly strong in both body and spirit.

Rito can barely hold it back from doing any sneak attacks.

Even with all the concentration no wonder he was sneak attacked the hiding Otsutsuki people before.

This time it would not happen.

Rito specifically left 4 clones to stand on 4 sides of the place to form a pyramidal barrier with natural chakra.

Finally Kaguya was completely separated from the 10 tails and a small part of its chakra was still left inside her.

Rito understood why they left Kaguya as sacrifice for the 10 tails.

It seems that no all Otsutsuki people can control the beings like 10 tails.

Some of them would lose control of their minds and become the puppets of the 10 tails.

Kaguya lost her consciousness after the 10 tails was extracted from her body and from her spirit.

Rito let black Zetsu take care of Kaguya while he went to take on the 10 tails.

It is really an interesting orgasm.

Rito’s eyes are special and they have the ability to devour.

But the prerequisite is that he should be able to withstand the power of the devoured target and completely eliminate all resistance.

As long as Rito absorbed the 10 tails body and eliminated the spirit he will be able to control the power of 10 tails completely.

10 tails is like a parasite to some extent.

It will stay low as long as the host is strong.

Once the host showed weakness just like Kaguya showed weakness fearing her clansmen coming to attack it will take control of the host.

But there is one thing that other people did not thought off.

10 tails has a physical body unlike other 9 tailed beasts.

This means it has a brain in its body and thinking capability………..

Chapter 90: devouring 10 tails

10 tails has a physical body unlike other 9 tailed beasts.

This means it has a brain in its body and thinking capability.

The study of people related to brain is relatively low in the ninja world and he doesn’t know about Otsutsuki people.

As long as Rito damaged its brain and devoured it with the help of life and death eyes.

His body and spirit will step into the next level.

After separating 10 tails from Kaguya, similar to Kaguya the 10 tails is also in a dazed state.

Its spirit was damaged to a certain extent.

Rito used the truth seeker ball mixed with natural chakra to attack the brain of the 10 tails directly.

His target is to damage the important parts of the brain about identity and some other features.

For any creature even if it is 10 tails damage to the brain is a serious thing.

As long as it was damaged recovery is impossible.

Even if it is recovered the memories will be gone.

With the memories, personality and identity will be gone too.

The only way to damage the 10 tails is by using sage techniques formed with natural energy.

This worked perfectly and the 10 tails that was in dazed state was unable to resist Rito’s attack.

The final result is that it brain got damaged.

Rito immediately started to use the devouring ability to devour the 10 tails without giving it any chance to recover.

He is not becoming jinchūriki instead he is directly breaking it into components to strengthen his body and spirit.

This process will take a long time to complete.

Rito has already experienced this process once and when he was about 10 percent done he was attacked by the Otsutsuki people that are hiding.

This time he made sure that there is no one around and controlled the entire flow of things.

Currently there are more than 150 thousand ninja and white Zetsu protecting this place.

Also there are his 4 clones that formed a strong barrier blocking the outsiders.

Now he has time to devour smoothly.

Also this time Rito has invented a special seal to take in the entire 10 tails into his body which is similar to that of the formation of a jinchūriki.

When the 10 tails was taken in, it will start devouring process at the weakest link that is its destroyed brain.

Rito is not going to leave it out to cause a big destruction like before.

He used the sealing chains of Uzumaki clan to pull in the 10 tails completely into his body and sealed it.

The process of devouring is started immediately as Rito sat on the spot in crossed legs to help with the process.

Rito did not trust the black Zetsu.

As soon as he took into the 10 tails the barrier formed by his clones shrank as his clones came to Rito.

They sat on 4 directions to him and created a new barrier that is qualitatively stronger than the barrier before.

Kaguya did not wake up yet.

She requires a longer time to wake up even with the help of Otsutsuki bloodline.

Her spirit got severely damaged and recovery takes time.

Rito also distributed smaller versions of Katsuya to all of his confidents and women.

If something really happens, Katsuya can use her chakra to reverse summon all these people into the wet bone forest of the spirit world.

This is the escape plan Rito prepared.

Right now he was concentrating on devouring the 10 tails.

At that time somewhere little far from here is the Isshiki Otsutsuki from the Otsutsuki clan hiding in secret sensed the 10 tails.

Isshiki Otsutsuki also sensed that the 10 tails is being destroyed.

Isshiki Otsutsuki has the main connection to the 10 tails being its original owner.

Kaguya tried to kill him and only got the temporary control over the 10 tails.

That is the reason why it was so unstable and even tried to control Kaguya.

Unfortunately she was completely sealed along with the 10 tails making Isshiki Otsutsuki have serious problems.

He has to wait for a long time to attack.

But the current situation is actually different.

Rito is actually destroying the 10 tails directly.

As long as 10 tails is destroyed he will lose his only asset that has any chance of restoring him back to normal.

At the same time 10 tails is required for him to leave this planet if he wanted to.

10 tails is like a family weapon that is granted to him in the main branch.

Without it he will be severely condemned and might even be removed from the main family.

Fearing this he immediately appeared to attack Rito.

Rito sensed the presence of someone coming here at a faster pace.

He immediately told black Zetsu to retreat with Kaguya and even sent a message to Katsuya’s clones to immediately evacuate everyone from the vicinity.

Immediately all the ninja started to hide and withdraw from the area.

There is only Rito and his clones present in the vast land.

When the devouring process reached 10 percent Isshiki Otsutsuki appeared in front of Rito and he looked at Rito with serious face.

For some reasons the villains in this world are more talkative.

He started to babble his nonsense and threaten Rito.

Originally he came here to kill the person that is trying to devour the 10 tails.

Now he changed his mind and wants to take over Rito’s body.

Rito seems quite strong in both mind and spirit.

So Isshiki Otsutsuki wants to take over Rito’s body and get his revenge on Kaguya.

He would use the 10 tails to make another chakra fruit and completely destroy this ninja world.

That is his intended plan right now.

During the entire process Rito did not make any move other than devouring 10 tails.

Rito’s body was strengthened to a certain extent and his chakra has improved beyond sage of……..


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