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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 211: balalaika was jealous

But she forgot one thing that is she still has to go to another place and return back to the lagoon company.

All this time she will be in the hands of Mohini without any place to run away.

She only escaped momentarily.

Mohini did not ask her with full heart so the question of trust did not appear in front of Revy.

She wants to take her time to slowly catch Revy and pull her along with her heart.

When they went into meet balalaika she is actually editing an adult video.

Revy quickly explained the details while balalaika answered with a dead fish face.

Mohini came from behind to hug balalaika startling her a little but she calmed down as the one that hugged is another woman.

Revy did not notice this before but balalaika did not have a single scratch on her face and looked hot if she showed a sweet expression.

Revy looked at Mohini few times as she know that balalaika because beautiful without scars is because of Mohini’s mysterious scar remover.

On the other had Mohini greeted balalaika attracting her attention with a hug from behind.

Her eyes even lit up a little.

“Hey balalaika,

Why are you doing the editing instead of giving this job to others?”

“Hey Mohini,

I did entrust this job to others but they all started to masturbate looking at the video instead of editing it.

So I have to do the work now.

Also thank you for the gift Mohini.

The dress you bough before is very nice.”

Rock doesn’t know about that but Revy knows that balalaika also received a gift just like her and it is a dress.

But she doesn’t know what kind of dress that Mohini gave her.

“Big Sis, what kind of dress that Mohini gave you?”

Revy asked with her naive self.

Balalaika looked at Revy with a sweet smile and said.

“Revy are you jealous.

I heard that she gave you a dress too right.

Why are you still jealous?”

Revy’s face turned red and she started to get irritated like a brat again.

Balalaika shook her head and then said.

“It is a party dress black shining one piece dress with low neckline.

There is also matching silver earrings and high heels along with that.

You know she is very through when picking up the dress as it matches perfectly with my hair and skin….”

Balalaika spoke more and more teasing Revy while Mohini watched the show and Rock don’t know what to say.

“By the way Revy what dress did you get from Mohini?”

Balalaika asked with some curiosity.

She already found out about that but she still want to ask Revy so that she can tease her more.

Revy spoke proudly this time saying that she received female version of cow boy dress with short jeans and knee length leather boots……

Looking at Revy’s proud appearance balalaika has a moment of jealousy flashed in her eyes but it was hidden away.

But Mohini found that and thought for a moment.

After some small chit chat the group left with balalaika editing the adult video…

This time Revy did not get in the car first but waited for Mohini to enter and silently sat on her lap.

She did not struggle much either.

But still Mohini did not let her go and hugged her tightly fondling her tits slowly like some stress releasing balls.

Rock on the side became numb to this and directly drove the car to the next destination on the list which is rip-off church.

Here Mohini is going to meet an acquaintance that should have arrived few days ago.

That is none other than Veena.

After their close relationship in the high school of the dead fantasy world they did not meet.

Well they chatted with each other in the magic cipher but that is all there is to it.

There is no skin contact.

Veena really misses Mohini and the deep skin touches.


Revy got off the car and became her usual self again.

It almost looked like she is suffering from split personality problem.

The story moved on just like that in the plot.

The area and location of the church is scenic and Mohini really liked the model and appearance of the church and the sea side location.

Veena was there when Eda is making those people arrange the cleaning supplies.

But Veena could not recognize Mohini because of the face mask that she is wearing.

No player can recognize her face.

Revy went to hit the doors of the church attracting the attention of Eda as she came to greet.

Eda took the group to the back of the church where the living quarters is and there Mohini met Yolanda.

She never knew that she looks so old even after watching it in the anime.

Veena came to deliver tea and left right after as she knows how to do the duty.

She still took a look at the extra person present in the protagonist group.

Right at that time Mohini introduced himself causing her to take a look again.

But she was unable to recognize Mohini’s face because of the mask.

So she thought that Mohini is not the Mohini that she knew.

Mohini cannot attract her attention right now as she did not pull Eda into her group yet.

So she cannot expose the contact with Veena and alert the CIA.

Mohini will not let rock show off his findings as that would be the great opportunity to attract the attentions of Eda and even Yolanda.

Revy directly jumped out with her annoying brat personality that she thinks as a cool appearance but not.

The situation became tense as Revy and Eda confronted with guns while rock was thinking of the solution Mohini took the lead to steal the lines of rock.

Mohini never used the words sister and called Miss Yolanda instead.

This would give a different……….

Chapter 212: chief Watsup frightened

Mohini never used the words sister and called Miss Yolanda instead.

This would give a different opinion towards her and helps in changing the mood of the opposite person.

Well she did not follow the conventional likes of rock and changed them to her own language.

“Miss Yolanda,

We are all thieves and criminals in our own way and we have to follow certain rules of the thieves and criminals.

If the rules are broken then the punishments would be on their way.

You know recently the big factions of Roanapur are searching for some missing goods.

They searched everywhere but left one place.

If someone were to leak the information about the location of these missing goods are stored in some recently cleaned supplies that are stored in a dusty store room what would happen.

Miss Eda, why are you carrying those things to a barn if they are just cleaned?

When the profits are involved and when people becomes desperate they would search every where even if that was a nongovernmental religious group as long as they got the hint.

For example just like your rip off church……..”

Yolanda cut off the words of Mohini as she spoke.

“Don’t climb into conclusions Miss,

You seem to know everything eh?”

But Mohini continued with her words.

“It is all a theory miss Yolanda.

We lagoon would work with the clients that are searching for these missing goods.

But that doesn’t mean that we will inform them all the things.

We all works based on benefits right….”

Mohini has successfully stole the thunder from rock and got on the good books of Yolanda as a capable Woman.

Well rock on the side did not get to make a performance but still he was silent and surprised that Mohini found all these things just like he did.

Revy got a word from Yolanda as she called her old bat.

At that time Mohini said.

“Revy you know Miss Yolanda was a great beauty back in her days.

If she was young I would have definitely pursue her.

She is a beauty that both men and woman would die for.”

“Miss Yolanda I want to ask you something.

If I turn you young again will you join me leaving all of this?”

Yolanda looked at Mohini from top to bottom a few times and laughed it off.

“Miss Yolanda I am serious in this matter.

Well I know you would not believe me so before making a choice you can have a look at miss balalaika and her scars that no longer exist.

If you like my offer, just call me.

I will leave my information to this blue eyed Blondie over here.”

“Miss Eda, note down my number or you can get that from your subordinate Veena.

I did not think that the intelligence of people from Uncle Sam would be so low.

Today I won the deal because of your mistake you know.

Thank you for your support.

Hey Veena.

I will contact you later…”

Mohini said as they moved.

Veena was shocked because Mohini that came here is the same person that she had fun before.

She immediately guessed the change in the appearance of Mohini and understood that she should keep this matter secret.


The group got the things and left the place.

Eda and Veena was shocked to see Revy sitting on the lap of Mohini and they gazes has made Revy blush which was girlish.

Rock drove the care and they came back to the city.

Just like in the plot they came here to eat some seaweed noodles.

Since they are free now, Revy diverted her attention towards rock just like in the plot.

Well the anger she has on Mohini for what he did till now was also diverted towards rock.

They started to have a quarrel.

During the entire time Mohini was sitting right there and looked at the drama without making any move.

Even with all the effort she made, there is some slight change of words but the end result is the same where they compromise.

But love did not bloom between them.

The cops arrived and surrounded them.

When the things became silent there is only a sound of Mohini eating the noodles.

Since the silence arrived it was Mohini’s turn to speak.

She stood up and gave a straight slap with both of her hands on the cheeks of rock and Revy right on the spot.

With the hit they spun around on the spot and fell on the ground.

Then Mohini looked at the chief Watsup with the icy cold eyes that actually dropped the temperature by a degree.

“Chief Watsup, I apologize for the quarrel between these brats so you can leave right now.

I have some words to put in their minds.

As for the paperwork you can manage it right.

You are a busy man so get going.”

For a moment the temperament of Mohini is like that of an old king or a demon to the surrounding people.

As for the chief his forehead was covered with cold sweat listening to Mohini’s tone.

He felt that if he did not accept what Mohini said he would die right on the spot.

That is the same for the other cops that are pointing their guns.

One of them has even fainted on the spot because of the pressure.

Chief Watsup smiled twice to ease the atmosphere a little and said.

“Sorry to trouble you Miss I will leave.

My subordinates don’t know the situation and called me like that.

I will personally deal with the paper work Miss.

Sorry to disturb you….”

He quickly left the place and on the way he instructed his subordinates to find out the details about Mohini.

He really felt that he just escaped a horrible death.

Only after drinking a good load of alcohol a pack of cigarette did he cool off.

He never felt so close to death……..

Chapter 213: reprimanded rock and Revy

Only after drinking a good load of alcohol a pack of cigarette did he cool off.

He never felt so close to death.

After some time one of his subordinates arrive back to him and reported about Mohini.

When reading the report his expressions changed from anger to horror.

First he found that Mohini joined Lagoon Company making him feel angry because he just feared some low level pirate or worker.

Then he read about the information about removing balalaika's scars.

It was not the end.

He then looked at the information about his travels and this reached towards hidden information.

Well being cops they can find some hidden information.

This led to them finding the underworld name that Mohini became famous recently.

The innocent bitch name was discovered.

Right after that the information as Mohini being innocent bitch has appeared in the information.

His face turned pale and he was trembling all over.

He now understood why he suddenly felt like he escaped death before.

If he did took one step forward before then he would most probably died right now.

Even if he died no one would take care of that because of the fear that Mohini would come after them.

He felt so fortunate that the instincts that he developed over the years finally came to use saving his life.

He immediately called his subordinate to pass on his orders.

His orders are to not to mess with lagoon company from now on.

Anyone that would disturb the devil would have to pay a painful price.


Back at the restaurant,

Mohini came to the two people that have fallen on the floor with his hand prints on his cheeks.

They are not unconscious but they felt the chill just now and they did not dare to do anything stupid.

First of all Mohini came to Revy and pulled her up and then came to rock and pulled him up.

She told them to sit as she looked at them with her peaceful face.


I know that you are enduring all of this for some time and reached the breaking point but most of what you said is nonsense you know.


If you have something to ask then ask it directly instead of going around in a roundabout way.

Instead of solving the problem quickly why the hell did the both of you started to fight like school kids.

Do you know Revy with your temperament you have almost killed rock.

You rock how much did you know about the past of others to say that you have suffered grievances.

Did you forget that you are a criminal just like us right now?

What is wrong with her to gain a little more cash to drink her sorrows away?

At least she is stealing from the dead that were long forgotten by the world instead of sucking the blood of the people like the company that you worked before.

She accepted that she is a criminal and did what a thug would do, acting true to her nature.

Then what about you,

Even after being abandoned by all the people just to save their face.

You should at least change a little.

You are a grown up man that is having a hard time digesting the fact that you are abandoned.

How many times do you think that she was betrayed to mold her character to this point?

She is not asking for respect from you.

What she wanted is recognition from you and wants to know your stance.

Which side are you going to pick.

That is the reason she is acting irritated with you.

Revy why don’t you ask the question straight and get done with that instead of all this nonsense and misunderstandings.

What is the point of all this shit?

If you have directly asked the question wouldn’t it solve most of the things?

Why are you acting like a tsundere girl with rock who did not even understand what you want to know even with all of his education?


Mohini reprimanded both rock and Revy till they were speechless.

Finally she asked rock which side she is going to pick.

This was originally the dialogue of Revy that should lead them to their love scene.

Rock thought hard and finally said the same answer the he told Revy in the plot.

Revy on the side got her answer and relieved.

She was peaceful with how things turned out to be.

Their misunderstanding was cleared and they both became normal.

Mohini observed their favorability index and some other things using her insight skill to give them some advices.

Revy put on a cigarette in her mouth and rock did that too.

They want to smoke to clear them mind of what just happened.

But they realized that they did not have a lighter or a match stick.

Then suddenly they felt that the cigarettes were lit with a soft gun sound that came from the side.

It was Mohini that shot two bullets that rubbed against their cigarette tips to directly light their cigarettes.

They widened their eyes with a trace of admiration and fear in their eyes.

Mohini put away the gun and took the car keys.

She is going to drive now, rock sat beside her while Revy was on the back seat.

Revy said that she was too sleepy and have to sleep after going back to home.


That day ended just like that….

Mohini knows that the next plot of Hansel and Gretel would start soon.

The situations are tricky in this place and Mohini has to play the correct cards to solve the problem is the best possible way.

With the thoughts in Mohini mind she went to sleep.

Well there is still time and there will be a series of events.

Also there are players that want to use the opportunity to kill Hansel and Gretel to gain benefits.

First killing the plot…………..

Chapter 214: Hansel and Gretel part-1

Also there are players that want to use the opportunity to kill Hansel and Gretel to gain benefits.

First killing the plot line characters would give rewards.

Then they can use these kills to claim a position in top forces.

Even joining hotel Moscow is not hard in this matter.

From the simulation Mohini already knows from where these people would come and act.

Mohini got a call from Abraham that the old man has paid the money and even the paintings were handed over.

With that the amount of money that Mohini has had reached new heights.

All of this was invested in some fields that she found would give her good returns in shares through simulation……..

Soon the series of killings started.

Balalaika called for the cancel of meetings and rock received it.

But she asked if Mohini can help in this matter.

Dutch was happy to let balalaika owe a favor so he told Mohini to go over to see what is going on.

Also he doesn’t want to lose Mohini so he was a little reluctant to send Mohini.

But he was sure that Mohini can come back alive even of the other party has terminator coming to kill.

Mohini went to the meeting of the four bosses and stood behind balalaika.

Verrocchio wanted to call balalaika, fry face but seeing her appearance he was shocked.

Well he did not back down as he spoke sharply with his poisonous tongue.

Mohini was patient for some time but she lost interest in this nonsense.

She cannot waste any more time so as to not to give those stupid players more time to make the things complicated.

So she spoke.

“Balalaika, you called me for help right.

If you don’t mind I would solve this matter quickly instead of all this meeting.

But at the end I want to save someone and you should not interfere…

If you are okay with the deal I will get into work.”

Mohini said without giving face to other bosses present in the situation.

Before balalaika replied Verrocchio spoke.

“Who are you, bitch, speaking so highly?

Do you think that we mafia bosses are just jokers jumping around for fun?

Do you really believe that you are balalaika’s subordinate, so you can say whatever you want to do……

Are you that bitches new adult video star or something.

Balalaika, if you need this bitch to be disciplined then send her to us we have real man and can take care of her till she becomes obedient.

Well you are also welcome to our den.

Since the scars are gone and you look lovely I will ride you till you call me daddy…”

Balalaika wanted to refute but Mohini got in first.

Her eyes emitted his pure unrestrained killing intent towards Verrocchio and said with a smile.

But the tone was so cold that it was literally freezing.

“You are so quick to jump in.

Don’t you want to live enough till I report your things?

If you want to jump in directly then I will say your things directly.

Have you heard about Hansel and Gretel…?”

As soon as these words were spoken the expression on the face of Verrocchio changed for a moment.

This was noticed by other bosses.

They all understand what is happening and Mohini is the key for solving all of this.

But right at that moment Verrocchio acted as if he lost control and shot at Mohini.


It was sudden and the bullet was already in the air when the other bosses reacted.



But right then there is a soft sound and then another sound right in the middle of Mohini and Verrocchio.

All of this has happened in less than a second and only few people have heard the sounds from the gun.

Mohini was standing there without even a scratch.

“Fuck, why are you still alive?”

Then they saw that two bullets mashed up right between them.

“She has actually countered the bullet with another bullet right in the mid air.”

“Fuck what kind of logic is that.”

The people were so shocked to speak while Mohini moved forward.

Her steps are not fast but the people were so shocked that their bodies did not move even if they wanted to.

They are in a strange frightened and shocked state that froze their body from moving.

Mohini took the gun from the hands of Verrocchio and said.

“Since you made the shot I am going to terminate you and your group now.

If you can bring Hansel and Gretel then it means that you have contacts with the people that would do things with children.

So you have to pay some of the interest.

In the next moment Mohini was like a shadow that moved in between the people of Verrocchio.

In the next moment they all are on the ground with their arms and legs dislocated.

All of this happened in 15 seconds.

Because of the lax in their movements before the other bosses react everything has ended before they can start.

Mohini left the other subordinates and came to Verrocchio and started her special method to make him feel enough pain without passing out.

Finally he spilled the truth to all the questions Mohini asked.

This includes all of his assets, the place from where Hansel and Gretel were brought here, the people he killed and everything and even the moles on his wife’s body.

The other bosses did not move even after they know what is happening.

They all gulped their saliva looking at Mohini as he looked more like a demon than a normal thug.

They all looked at balalaika.

Then they remembered that there is a magician that suddenly came and removed all the scars on the face of balalaika.

Then one by one some incidents appeared in their mind and they came to the conclusion.

That is the “Innocent bitch” that recently entered the underworld and……..

Chapter 215: Hansel and Gretel part-2

Then one by one some incidents appeared in their mind and they came to the conclusion.

That is the “Innocent bitch” that recently entered the underworld and annexed some powerful mafia that did not listen to her good words.

They thought that Mohini was some hot bitch with innocent face that recently joined balalaika’s group.

But they never thought that balalaika would call the innocent bitch for help.

Is their meeting really necessary?

Of course they did not speak out about this matter.

Since the truth was spilled they have this common enemy but they are waiting for Mohini to make her move.

Even though they still had their pride they don’t want to bring the calamity with the little people they had in this neutral zone where they did not have any advantage.

With the thing here was done Mohini told balalaika.

“As for the person I want to save will appear with me, you can go on and play with the information.

Also after you bring this guy’s assets, don’t forget my share….

Now I have things to do you can do whatever you want.

Bye then…”

After telling these words Mohini moved out of this place twisting her ass and waist, walking like a sexy cat.

Along with her dress she looked like a hot bitch and some people are intoxicated.

But remembering the previous incident they had a chill run down their spine and calmed down.

She went straight to the yellow flag that was renovated.

She is going to meet up with Revy and Eda that came to have fun and want to capture Hansel and Gretel.

The big groups have already announced bounties so the rush is going on in Roanapur.

Mohini’s target is to play along without doing anything and finally capture Gretel.

Well capture is a bad word.

What she wants is to move the heart of Gretel to fall for her.

For her Mohini specifically brought two things before entering this world.

First is the pill that will make her forget her past and all these sad things.

Second is a special charm.

It is called “Aging charm”

It is a consumable charm that can improve the age of a person by 10 years.

It will not just increase her age of the body.

It will be connected to the system calculating the current circumstances of that person.

Then it will project the next 10 years of the person where that person is alive and living with the person that used the charm.


There are restrictions for this charm.

First the target of the charm should accept it and there are many more.

Also the cost of this charm is 100 thousand chaos points.

It is a rare charm that is not freely available in the real world because of the time element infused in the charm.


In the bar Eda and Revy met and are talking on how to capture the killer.

Eda became normal again the words that Mohini said before has aroused her curiosity and she even questioned Veena about that.

She was able to dig up the information on Mohini, this made her terrified but there is all there is to it.

She was unable to find the link that connects her to CIA or Uncle Sam from Mohini’s words.

This made the image of Mohini in her mind mysterious.

So she was very much interested in Mohini.

This time when she met Revy she did not ask about doing it with rock instead she asked why she is sitting on Mohini’s lap in the car that day.

Revy cannot answer as her feelings towards Mohini are a little different.

She felt comfortable being hugged by Mohini.

The words of Mohini were always in line with her thoughts and even supporting her.

It is like she understood her deeply like a close person.

But she was unable to move close to her because of the ice wall that she constructed around her heart because of her past incidents.

Also Mohini is a woman and she doesn’t know if she is into girls love or something like that.

During the time Mohini appeared she discovered many things related to her.

Like her masochistic nature and even tendencies to have exhibitionism….

Mohini arrived right at that moment and wanted to take part in their conversation.

Mohini started to tease Eda right in front of Revy.

She has even groped Eda’s tits which are quite big and handful.

Revy was angry and drunk so she took Mohini’s arms and placed them on her tits to grope them too.

They both competed about whose tits are better for groping between them.

The on lookers were jealous of Mohini’s luck.

Both Revy and Eda also tried to grope Mohini’s tits while she groped them

There is even a drunken person that wanted to take advantage of the situation to touch Eda from behind her.

But in the next moment he received a strong kick from Mohini straight on his dick.

Mohini was sure that this person can never call himself a man after this.

As the dick went inside all the way and became a mess.

All the men present subconsciously touched their crotches from the imagination of pain.

Other people that wanted to take advantage of the situation stopped in their tracks looking at the situation.

Mohini don’t mind other people touching her woman or even her tits.

But these people here are filthy and stupid.

She doesn’t want them to touch her woman with their filthy hands.

The drunken man’s friends carried him to hospital and wanted to retaliate but not now as he doesn’t want to end up like his friend.

Soon after that they went on the set trap like all other thugs.

Mohini was standing between the two beauties looking at the scene.


Everything moved along with the plot with Mohini becoming a little more familiar with Revy and Eda.

After groping her she………..

Chapter 216: Gretel was successfully conquered

Everything moved along with the plot with Mohini becoming a little more familiar with Revy and Eda.

After groping her she felt happy instead of irritation.

This was one of the skills from the seduction art of Mohini.

So she was moved instead of getting angry.


Eda got a deal to the lagoon company soon about taking Gretel out of this place.

Naturally for money Dutch and the group accepted the task of shipping.

This is the opportunity that Mohini is waiting for.

She has to play the things here delicately.

Mohini directly kicked rock out of the room and stayed with Gretel as she sang for her.

Then she sat on her lap saying the same words that she said to rock but in lady version.

There are three important things that can lead to this situation.

First Mohini has the charm that far surpassed rock,

Second Mohini has the title hero that has recently improved after she came to this world and cleared two strong mafia factions from doing their things.

This can compete with the aura of the protagonist of this low level fantasy world where the average stat value is only 40 stat points.

Third is the seduction pack of Mohini that would fully use her capabilities and skills to attract anyone and everyone.

For every person that meets Mohini, her actions, speech and mannerisms will give them an intimate feeling.

So they would be attracted to her automatically.

Gretel is no different and was attracted to Mohini rather than rock.

Gretel started to speak about her past led by the words of Mohini.

Unlike rock, Mohini took the conversation towards different side but still pulled her close to her and hugged her tightly.

Then she comforted her.

In the original plot rock was pushed by the Gretel saying that she loved doing what she did.

But this time she did not push Mohini because of the comfortable hug skill that Mohini has.

It was integrated into the seduction art and her art has developed close to reaching the edge of tier 1.

So there is no person below tier 1 that can resist her actions to be intimate.

The more confused a person is the more they would fall for Mohini’s actions.

After some time Mohini turned Gretel around and made her sit on her lap.

She did not want her gratitude like rock received.

Since she knows what has become of her, Mohini will fix that.

The problem with her personality should be fixed too.

Mohini asked her some things slowly leading towards her plan just like she planned from her memories.

So she asked her if she wanted to follow her to get out of all of this mess…..

She was moved by Mohini’s words and nodded her head.

Mohini took out the charm that she prepared for her right in front of her face.

She would not remove her memories just yet.

She activated the charm and the target is Gretel.

As the charm activated giving out two forms of energies and went into Gretel.

One started to increase her body’s growth and the second is the memories of her projected future with Mohini.

It is 10 years worth of memory and she needs time to digest.

As she grew bigger she looked more and more beautiful like a little angle.

Her wig fell down back and her hair grew naturally.

Her dress did not fit her grown body.

Mohini took out some clothes for her that she prepared for Gretel in advance.

She looked extremely beautiful with silver white hair and big watery eyes.

It took her few minutes to digest the information of memories that are filled with her life with Mohini for the next 10 years.

In the memories,

Mohini was very loving and caring towards her.

Over time she slowly let go of her sadistic side, fear and all of other things that happened in her past.

She was very loyal to Mohini and blessed by Gretel’s love for her.

Mohini literally saw her favorability increase like a rocket as the numbers jump from 20 points all the way to 100 in a matter of seconds.

It did not stop there as it increased further reaching all the way to 200 favorability points.

She was currently hugging Mohini tightly with her arms around her neck and kissed her deeply.

She is 23 years old and in absolute love with Mohini.

She doesn’t care if Mohini is a woman and she was completely attached to Mohini.

She would not leave her no matter what happens.

She would not even flinch to jump into boiling lava if it means to save Mohini.

Her memories are not illusions but absolute truth.

They were projected after taking the qualities and actions that Mohini would take towards her over the next 10 years.

This was the biggest problem of this charm.

If a person were to use this charm with fake feelings then this charm would project the future with fake feelings.

The final results will be different if those feelings are all fake leading to opposite results.

Mohini quickly gave her a new dress to put on that looked exactly like the one she is wearing just now.

A gothic gown that suits her was given to her.

She happily put on the dress and clanged on to Mohini.

She even started to call Mohini as husband.

She only got the projected memories, so Mohini has to fill in some of the details about her along with the question of trust.

Well the question of trust is a breeze because her trust in Mohini is absolute.

In just a few minutes she gave her the vague idea of all the things in the real world.

Next is to speak to balalaika to stop the assassination attempt on her.

When Mohini came out of the room with Gretel in her arms, all the people in the room dropped their jaws.

She is an absolute………….

Chapter 217: Revy and balalaika were conquered

When Mohini came out of the room with Gretel in her arms, all the people in the room dropped their jaws.

She is an absolute beauty without any makeup.

They recovered after some time and thought that Mohini did some magical thing again.

“Dutch I want to talk to balalaika…you don’t mind right.”

Dutch immediately told Benny to call balalaika.

“Mister captain what is it that you are calling now.”

The tone of balalaika was a little cold as she was pissed off by the words of Dutch before.

But the one that spoke is Mohini.

“Balalaika, previously I said that I want to save a person right.

I don’t want you to hunt Gretel.

As for other people I don’t mind.

I hope you don’t disappoint me with this as she is also a victim rather than an enemy….”

Hearing the words of Mohini, balalaika thought for a few moments and she has already killed one of the twins along with that gang is being hunted down.

So she doesn’t have to target Gretel.

But then she remembered the mental problem of these twins and asked Mohini.

“Mohini you know that these people has some problem with their minds right.

Are you sure about this….”

Mohini spoke.

“Balalaika, after coming back I will visit you with her personally.

Then you can understand what has changed.

You know about my capabilities right….”

As Mohini spoke balalaika was convinced.

She called Boris and told him to call off the hunt for Gretel.

For Mohini she doesn’t mind losing some money and she is willing to give him face.

With that the whole matter has ended.

Dutch got his money so it is not a problem.

They started their return journey back to Roanapur.

On the way Mohini spoke to Gretel introducing some things and her plans.

She also told her about the women and men that she wanted to get into her harem.

She has even introduced Revy saying that she will be her sister soon and she should take care of her.

On the other hand Revy was a bit dumbfounded because of the words of Mohini.

“When did I ever say that….”

Revy thought in her mind but did not speak out fearing that Mohini would spank her again.

She doesn’t want to be embarrassed in front of that Gretel.

Revy was annoyed and wanted to leave the deck back to the ship but Mohini got her hands and pulled Revy into her embrace.

With her words before and after some incidents at the bar yesterday her favorability has reached over 70 points.

She is in love with Mohini it was strange but she is still in love with Mohini.

Mohini took the opportunity to ask her the question of trust.

Immediately she said

“Who would trust a bitch like you…?”

But a blue window with a question of trust appeared in front of her.

She was shocked.

Mohini replied.

“Of course, it would be another bitch like you.”

Mohini warned her and at the same time told her that Gretel has already chose to trust her and selected yes option.

Revy acted tsundere but she did not want to lose the opportunity to be with Mohini.

So she chose yes.

Mohini did not explain much as he pulled both the women into her arms enjoying the gentle breeze of the ocean peacefully.

The three guys in the ship are jealous of the situation where three girls are cuddling like that.

But they cannot voice it out their thoughts.

When they reached Roanapur, the group went back to the lagoon company first then Mohini borrowed the car to go to balalaika with both Revy and Gretel.

No one stopped Mohini and they did not recognize Gretel as she looks older than the Gretel they know.

They were attracted by her beauty but they were deterred by the power Mohini showed back at the meeting of mafia bosses.

When she entered the office of balalaika there are only two people here balalaika and Boris.

Mohini directly went to sit while balalaika looked at Gretel beside Mohini with astounded eyes.

How did she grow that big?

Is she Gretel or some other woman?

Is she the big sister of Gretel?

Did she plead for the safety of Gretel?


Like this, there are many questions in the minds of balalaika and Boris.

Mohini did not go in a roundabout way and came straight to the point.

Previously in the meeting she was very impressed by Mohini and her heart was touched by Mohini.

She remembered the words of Mohini when she told her that she came specifically for her.

So her favorability also increased to 70 points too.

For this very reason she is willing to give when Mohini asked her to stop hunting Gretel.

“Balalaika do you trust me.”

As soon as these words were said balalaika has a light screen in front of her.

Then Mohini looked towards Boris and asked the same question.

He did not move as he did not receive any of this kind of notification.

It is mostly because he is like an extension to balalaika.

As long as she accepts he would accept unconditionally.

So, all of this will depend on balalaika’s decision.

Balalaika was looking at the question on the light screen.

Mohini told her the warning before she could make her choice.

After listening to Mohini’s warning she thought of the magical things Mohini did and the details she asked about the secret society.

She thought that Mohini has some big secret that she is willing to share with her but this is the restriction that she has to pass before Mohini can open up to her.

So she decisively chose to trust Mohini.

As soon as she trusted Boris got the question of trust.

But this was towards balalaika.

He was confused and asked about the question to balalaika right on the spot.

Mohini explained some vague things to him like………..

Chapter 218: balalaika accepts Mohini’s love

He was confused and asked about the question to balalaika right on the spot.

Mohini explained some vague things to him like as long as he accepted it he would be able to follow balalaika if not he will not be able to follow her.

He decisive selected yes option just like a good subordinate.

With that Mohini started to explain the details about the real world and how she can take them with her to the real world……….

The more Mohini explained the more shocked they become.

Finally Mohini told balalaika to call in all of her subordinates to come and go through the question of loyalty.

Only those who pass the test can go with her.

They can either trust balalaika or trust Mohini.

If they did not trust them, then they cannot be taken.

Mohini also told her about the cost involving in taking the people outside.

Finally she revealed about the identity of Gretel shocking them both.

For calling and organizing Boris was sent to assemble the people.

While she went out Mohini asked balalaika if she likes her or not.

With women like balalaika trust and love are two different things.

She thought for some time and answered truthful that she loved her.

Also she doesn’t mind being in girls love and she has already spent her life without much love any way.

The strong comfortable feeling that she has when she is contact with Mohini made her fall in love with Mohini.

Mohini gave her a deep lip kiss making Revy jealous.

She did not get a lips kiss from Mohini.

Gretel on the side is not jealous at all.

She was deeply in love with Mohini and all she needs is her love.

As long as she is inside Mohini’s heart that was enough to satisfy her.

Revy also got her lip kiss but Mohini complained about the alcohol smell making her annoyed.

But she received some good spanks on her ass to put her back on track.

While Mohini is kissing Gretel, balalaika asked Mohini if she could get her hug which was comfortable.

Mohini don’t mind and went pulled her into her arms.

She even kissed her when Boris arrived and knocked on the door.

She wanted to get up but Mohini held her tightly and called Boris inside.

As soon as he came in he was shocked seeing balalaika sitting on the lap of Mohini without showing her empress like temperament.

Instead she is like a woman in her spring.

Mohini is not idle as she massaged the tits of balalaika making balalaika moan from the pleasure.

Her face turned red from all the embarrassment being scene by Boris.

He wanted to leave quickly after saying sorry.

Balalaika has actually blushed which was something unprecedented that never happened.

Mohini stopped Boris from leaving and asked if the people were assembled or not.

Boris looked at Mohini deeply and then at balalaika.

He sighed and explained.

Some of them went to complete some tasks outside so it will take some time to assemble.

It will be evening before they assemble.

So they have that much time to deal with the things.

After reporting Boris left the room to give privacy for balalaika and Mohini.

Well Mohini did not one play with them but explained them about the real world.

Most of the details about the real world have shocked them very much.

Mohini played with them for some time and it was already evening.

Well most of the time she is feeling up their body, groping their tits and ass.

Three women with different temperaments were with her so the time moved very fast.

In the evening the people were assembled over 300 men who are all trained in military with good amount of experience.

Mohini came forward and directly asked.

“Do you all trust balalaika and are willing to follow her anywhere she goes.

Also offer your lives to save her life.”

As soon as the question was asked, many people had blue screen appeared in front of their faces.

Mohini immediately said.

The people with the blue screen come forward while the others that did not see the blue screen move back.

If blue screen did not appear they will not be able to see the blue screen.

But the people that have already gone through the question of trust can see the blue screen appearing in front of them.

Over 100 people came forward.

Mohini told Boris to take these people to a different room to wait.

Boris looked towards balalaika and only left after she nodded her head.

For these people they are linked to balalaika but not Mohini.

Well she doesn’t care about that.

After those people left Mohini gave out a warning to test these people.

But none of them wavered.

If they were asked the same question in their dreams then they will directly accept it.

That is how loyal they are to balalaika.

After they all selected the yes option Mohini gave them a run down on all the things that he wanted to tell them.

Well only brief explanation was given and the remaining thing was left to balalaika to explain.

As for the remaining people, balalaika wanted to give them another chance.

So the people that got the run down were told to stand on the side and the previous people were brought in.

Mohini asked the same question as before and another 10 people lit the screen.

These people seem to have poor hearing or some other problems.

So they were unable to hear the words of Mohini before.

Mohini asked the question again but there are no more blue screens.

This means that these people are here to work for balalaika for various reasons but not truly loyal.

After it was done they got some small explanation and were sent back.

The ones that were selected got some good explanation and Mohini explained some important things to them slowly…………..

Chapter 219: warning

After it was done they got some small explanation and were sent back.

The ones that were selected got some good explanation and Mohini explained some important things to them slowly.

At the same time the system gave her information that the family of those subordinates can be taken without the question of trust for them.

They will directly become the citizens on the ark island.

They will be loyal to Mohini and balalaika.

It is like a king is marrying a princess of another country and gets some people sent back along with the princess as escort to serve her.

Mohini told balalaika some important things and then explained the things to Boris for good explanation and pass on the message to all these people.

With the things settled here Mohini left with Revy and Gretel.

Mohini is not going back to Lagoon Company instead she is going to Romania.

There is a point that she wanted to make there.

It will also show her power as the innocent bitch.


The journey is long but there is no one to stop her.

Mohini has already asked Gretel about the people and locations where those bastards that treat children like toys are.

In the morning next day Mohini went on a rampage.

Those people did not die but there is no point in living.

All of their bodies were mutilated to the point that only life is there which is hanging by a hair.

Mohini did that and wrote a statement on the walls with their blood.

“Those of you bastards that want to touch the following bottom lines of this bitch are hereby warned.


Mohini stated his bottom lines like not touching woman or children…..


In the end she said.

Anyone that dares to touch my bottom line with receives my wrath just like these bastards that received just now.


Innocent bitch


Soon after that the media of the entire world has arrived here to cover the incident that was left by Mohini.

Whenever any of the media tried to twist the facts Mohini would hack their channel to give a video of the punishment that tried to twist her words.

Well these videos also contain all the dark histories of those reporters or anyone that made the news.

This warning was so big that literally frightened the underworld and some so called righteous governments that tried to speak righteous but does the dirty works in the shadows.

While the world is boiling Mohini was back to Roanapur.

Her dummy company has a big cash flow letting its total funds reach over 100 billion dollars after this small rampage.

Rock, Dutch and Benny knows that this was done by Mohini but they don’t care as Mohini was still friendly towards them.

Eda and Veena received orders for CIA to keep her eyes on Mohini.

The respect towards Mohini from balalaika’s men has increased.

It showed that the respect from the army of balalaika has reached 70 points favorability.


Mohini then left to another place.

She went to India;

Recently she found the secret society locations in India and some surrounding countries.

Even though it looks centralize in the papers, India is not centralized in power.

So the information pieces were scattered throughout the country at some important places.

Africa is also like that she got only some pieces from Cairo.

She has to go to south of Africa to get other pieces.

Not only information piece she was also able to get a gang bang with the native black dicks over there.

Well one thing is for sure that is Mohini is busy.

But she bought gifts for her woman whenever she returns.

She would bring them, dresses or other things for them that would suit their tastes.

She did not take Gretel or Revy along with her when she travels.

Gretel was actually left with balalaika to help her with some things.


This time when she returned is for the start of the new event.

That is the job from mister Chang of the triads.

This time Mohini is targeting the next woman on the list that can rival Revy with her annoyance.

She just returned and Dutch asked Mohini to wake Revy up as mister Chang would come at any time.

Rock was not given this opportunity to see the sleeping Revy with her tank top and panties which are in complete mess.

Rock is actually calculating some accounts.

Mohini came to Revy’s room and went to lie down beside her.

The sudden hug made Revy wake up quickly.

Her hands went to the gun to shoot the person that hugged her suddenly.

But the comfortable feeling she felt just now stopped her and said.

“Mohini, what are you doing?”

Mohini did not just hug her from behind as his hands are inside her tank top playing with her tits.

“Well I am greeting my woman.

Also I am helping her tits grow bigger and fuller just like mine.”

Revy was left speechless by the shamelessness of Mohini.

She did not have the words to talk back to her so she can only endure.

If she did struggle then she will be spanked by Mohini till she asks her to fondle her tits voluntarily.

So she was silent.

“Since it is like that any way, why not just enjoy getting groped.

Also being groped by Mohini is not less than getting massaged which was a great feeling.”

Those are the feelings of Revy as Mohini played with her a little more and ended playing with her with pinching her nipples.

“It is no fun Revy you are not struggling any more.

If you have struggled a little I would have spanked you…

Sadly you did not struggle instead you seems to be enjoying that.”

Revy was speechless again.

“Shut up Mohini,

Because of you spanking my ass grew bigger and those old dresses are not fitting me anymore you know...”

Chapter 220: almost naked but no one notices

“Shut up Mohini,

Because of you spanking my ass grew bigger and those old dresses are not fitting me anymore you know...”

Revy told her grievance to Mohini while still lying down in the hug of Mohini.

Mohini smiled happily and said.

“That is a good thing,

Then I should spank them more so that they can become bigger and more bouncy.

Don’t worry about the dress.

I will just have to find and marry a dress designer into my harem and everything will be fixed.

Don’t you think it is a good idea Revy?

Also I prefer if you can walk out naked along with me and do a little exhibitionism show.

Don’t you thing that our boss and the boys are a little down.

We can spice up the things with our bodies rubbing against each other.”

Revy was speechless again.

She can only scold her scoundrel and went to wash up.

Mohini left this place and went to the office.

In the office Chang is already there and Mohini simply greeted him.

“Hello mister Chang how are you doing.

I heard that you had some fireworks at your office this morning….”

Mohini said as she went to sit by the side of Dutch right on the lap of rock.

Chang greeted Mohini back.

Then Mister Chang started to explain about the job that he is going to give.

Revy should be the one sitting at the window.

But Mohini came to her just in time when she was about to look out if the window.

There is a gun in Mohini’s hands.

As she shot straight at the head of the RPG that those people were about to shoot.



“Mister Chang did you call those people to have fireworks in the lagoon company.

It seems like those morons have stepped into the building.

Dutch it is your call.

Are we in?”

Mohini asked as she made her way to the door.

“Dutch, you got such a capable employee.

I really envy you.

You know that.”

Mister Chang said as he stood up to move along with Mohini.

Revy was also there moving along with the fight.

When some thug wants to throw a grenade Mohini directly shot it in that thug’s hand.

“Nice shot there Mohini”

Chang said as they moved towards the emergence exit.

With the big boom Mohini and the group got on the car quickly and moved out of this place to the port.

“Rock I really envy you

You know.

Even in all that mess you did not even have a single scratch.

How lucky you should be to come of that mess completely fine.

Even your dress is fine without any dirt.


Only when Mohini mentioned it did the group noticed that rock is really completely fine.

But they are in the rush and did not have the time to think about this.

As usually no matter how carefully Revy sits she ends up on the lap of Mohini and she was already numb to that.

They reached the port area and got on the boat to move to their destination.

On the way things are smooth while Mohini was outside on the boat looking at the surrounding area enjoying the sea breeze.

Revy was inside when some stupid people came to play but they did not attack but only do some surveillance.

Mohini directly took of her dress only leaving nipple sticker and some ultra thin panties at the bottom.

This distracted the people that came to do the surveillance and Mohini can easily find eye licking her body.

Those people are literally drooling with their eyes at Mohini’s body.

But they are still sane.

Mohini did not like the way they are waiting at the edge to do a kamikaze attack on them.

They are here to stall for time but not to attack them or do anything.

Mohini sighed as she can still shoot them but cannot shake them off.

So she wants to steal the idea of rock this time, but not completely

Just like before she added the words to rocks idea and completed the plan.

With the big attack they were able to successful distract the group that is following them and made their way to their destination.

But there is still a chasing party so they have to split up.

Rock, Revy and Mohini as one group, Dutch and Benny as another group went to distract the people following them.

They got off on the port near a ghost town.

Soon they met with the plot character that came to cheat them.

Immediately after that the gun fight started.

Mohini did not stop the kidnapping of rock along with the suitcase.

Those people left quickly leaving Mohini and Revy.

Even though Mohini is almost naked they still left in frenzy as if they are not men at all.

Mohini doubted if her charm has reduced or those people have some problems with their dicks.

Right at that moment Shenhua came to add in strength to deal with those terrorists.

Well even if she did not come it is not a problem with Mohini there.

But she is in the target list of Mohini to pick her back to real world.

Both Mohini and Revy got on the getaway vehicle that Shenhua bought with her and escaped from the encirclement.

As usually Revy and Shenhua started to fight.

Mohini did not interfere with the girls quarrel.

There is a comedy show for Mohini to watch the fight between the Revy, Shenhua and the driver.

This gave her some good time and has a hearty laugh.

They finally started to move towards the terrorist camp.

Even when they reached the enemy camp they still talk shit with each other making Mohini laugh.

From start to finish she did not speak and Shenhua did not pull her attention towards Mohini.

She did not even question why Mohini dressed up like a stripper.

Revy started to………


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