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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 241: mythical grade 6 armed bear

At the central part of the resource island has a cave and this is where the mythical grade chaos monster 6 armed bear.

It is around 2 times that of a normal person with buffed body.

It would not come out unless it is hungry or for other things.

Vicky has already sent a clone to keep an eye on that bear.

So Vicky doesn’t have to fear its sudden appearance and messing up his things.

Well he is not idle as he went to check the chaos monsters on the resource island.

He was finding targets for practice for his subordinates.

Well they can choose to fight or not.

Saeko was the first to want to fight as she was idle for a long time.

There are other girls that wanted to fight as well.

Vicky encouraged them all to fight as he was planning to clear the mythical grade bear first before letting them hunt.

For that Vicky took Imhotep that has advantage in powers and few others that can fight properly.

Most of them are for watching while Vicky fights.

Vicky wanted them to understand his tactics in dealing with those chaos monsters.

It is hard to deal with the mythical grade bear with his bare hands.

Also it has 6 arms so hand to hand fight is also very hard.

Fortunately Vicky was able to use his insight skill to find which stats of this bear are over 200.

Its strength and stamina have reached 200 stat points.

Vicky has to be more vigilant.

He immediately added his free stat points to his stats improving most of them reaching 190+ stat points in all the stats.

Then he took out the sword artifact that he got from buzz before.

It was good enough to boost his strength by 10 stat points and the sharpness of the blade is also very high.

This is the best weapon to deal with monsters with extra arms.

Imhotep on the side has summoned the Anubis warriors and there are only 5 of them right now.

Imhotep should increase his strength in the real world before he can summon more Anubis warriors and use high level spells.

Vicky also handed over the spear of Osiris to Imhotep just in case if something happened Imhotep can intervene with that spear.

Vicky moved forward towards the cave entrance and threw a rock inside to attract the attention of the bear.

The bear is actually sleeping and it did not notice Vicky before.

Unless it is hungry it would not bother to use its extra ordinary smelling power.

Bears are supposed to smell things from 3 kilometers away.

The bear chaos monster is even more exaggerated.

But it was lazy by nature and it only attacks when it is hungry or someone enters its territory.

Vicky has sprayed a special scent on him and his people so that their body odor is negated for some time.

So only he was recognized as intruder when he entered its detection range.


It was ready to attack Vicky as it pounced out of the cave with a big roar.

Vicky steadied his body and stood on the spot waiting for the bear to attack.

He already had a plan of attack in his mind.

The bear appeared and it moved very fast towards Vicky.

It is not running with its hands and legs instead it stood upright with its legs straight and tried to claw Vicky with its right three arms.

Vicky did not defend against the attack instead he took a step to the side and dodged the claw attack.

Vicky has agility advantage over the bear.

As soon as the claws of the bear missed Vicky the sword in his hand directly struck at the right position where its shoulder joint connects three arms.

Because of the three arms connection there are too many joints and these joints has too many openings in them.

Vicky directly took advantage of the gaps and used the sword to straight away cut through those openings directly severing the three arms that attacked Vicky.

But the attack did not stop there.

Because of losing three arms and the trip rock that Vicky placed around him the bear lost its balance.

So as soon as Vicky severed its arms Vicky moved behind it with his next step.

The directly pierced his sword around the back of the neck area where the joint between the brain and the spinal cord is weak.

The piercing power of the sword showed its capability directly coming out of the front of the bear.

Vicky did not leave the sword there and directly pulled it out of the bear’s neck.

Then he did not see what is behind him and ran away in a predetermined path.

The bear would not die directly even with this wound.

The sword was smeared with muscle relaxant potion, beading effect powder and other special non poisonous materials.

So the body if the bear would be rapidly switching off with every step it takes and the angrier it becomes.

Vicky was escaping to lure it around in rage to make the special medicines to work quickly.

After 10 minutes of running around where Vicky is still the dominant one.

His agility is higher than that of the bear.

It is the effect of his boots that has agility improvement buff and his agility stat points are already higher than that of the bear.

Finally the bear fallen on the ground slowly dying.

Its body has reached the limit of what it can take.

Vicky did not approach it right now.

The bear might not be as intelligent as the turtle but it is still a mythical grade chaos monster and it can play some tactics too.

So Vicky waited on the side till the bear lost its life sigh.

Only then Vicky moved closure to it and directly cut off its head.

This would clear all doubts or hidden chances……..

Chapter 242: enter Sherlock Holmes fantasy world

Only then Vicky moved closure to it and directly cut off its head.

This would clear all doubts or hidden chances.

After the bear is dead the following people including Imhotep appeared with happy expression.

Vicky extracted the genetic essence of the bear and removed some special parts that he can use them in refining pills and potions.

Then he sent the body back to the ark island for his people to take care of it.

With that done Vicky moved to bring out his woman for letting them practice.

There are other monsters on his resource island.

Because of the high sense stats Vicky can sense them.

First Vicky took Saeko and others to fight against a wolf.

Vicky would stay on the side as protection just in case.

They don’t have to fear getting wounded and getting scars on their body.

Vicky has medicine for that.

Vicky doesn’t want them to feel inferior to his other woman that can fight or do other things.

So he would train them first then and let them choose their path.

With that they practiced fighting against those chaos monsters for 2 days.

Since there is no mythical grade chaos monster there is no threat for the fight.

Also Vicky did not leave the ark ship outside so if any patrol came towards this place they will not be able to find anything.


Few days were spent on this resource island for training his people.

Then they moved on the next resource island that houses a serpent that is over 100 feet long and the width is over 3 feet.

It can easily swallow a person as a whole.

Killing it is a big challenge and the poison from is very deadly.

Vicky has to lure and hit target.

The sensing, strength, and agility capabilities of this serpent are very high while its intelligence is low.

Vicky took the advantage of planning and killed the snake using long distance sneak attack.

With the mythical grade serpent dead Vicky took its spleen, liver and other useful parts to use them for refining things.

He stored them and consumed its genetic essence.

With this Vicky’s genetic essence reserves has reached 30 percent.

For his subordinates it did not require look at the grade of the genetic essence for improvement.

They would improve with normal genetic essence.

There is no issue of genetic essence.

Well Titia still requires high grade genetic essence as she is a normal human.

But because of the change of the race her requirements are different from what Vicky needed.

Just like that Vicky and his group moved around from one Resource Island to another filling up the genetic essence.

The extracts that Vicky had excess were taken by Titia for her improvement.

Remaining was distributed to all of his subordinates to fill up their genetic essence bars.

As for the food reserves they had plenty after the contributions from other players that crossed paths with Vicky in the fantasy worlds before.

It has been around a month since Vicky last entered the fantasy world.

After 2 more days Vicky is going to enter the fantasy world.

That is because this particular day is the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.

Vicky was fortunate enough to encounter the Sherlock Holmes fantasy world.

This saved him a world choosing card.

Well this is old Sherlock Holmes world and Vicky is going to use the card later to choose the Sherlock series fantasy world.

Well it has been long since he left the main land so he has to go back to show his face at the very least.

So he led the people back to the main land to the safe island.

It was in the dead of the night when Vicky led the ship to the port.

Then he sneaked back to the main land using the disguise.

With the arrangements done Vicky went to his house to rest for the day.

Right now the epic, legendary and mythical grade has reached 50 percent.

The genetic essences of the lower grades are already full.

Vicky formally appeared in front of the people doing with his improved cooking skills.

After 2 days Vicky entered the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.

His think team has already given him some good ideas on what to do and other things.

With their support Vicky formulated a plan to pull Sherlock Holmes into his team.

The difficulty of the world is set to 200 percent called doomsday level.

Only this way can Vicky pull Sherlock Holmes and other back into the real world as his subordinates.

Vicky was already prepared to lose over billion chaos points to bring back Sherlock Holmes.

The billion chaos points were not to bring Sherlock Holmes out of to the real world.

Instead they are going to be used for penalties for the deductions of Sherlock Holmes about Vicky’s identity.

Vicky did not spend much on extras or used any cards that he has.

Everything was normal and the social status of Vicky is based on his military and civilian ranks.

With the selections done Vicky finally appeared in the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.


Player has to choose which side he wants to act in Sherlock Holmes part-1.

Choice 1: on the side of James Moriarty that is on the side of Lord Henry Blackwood

Choice 2: on the side of Sherlock Holmes


This time there is no free to act side which indicates that this world is not so simple for a person to act freely.

Vicky chose the second choice here as he doesn’t want to be on the side of James Moriarty.

He is like a cunning snake with the same level of intelligence of Sherlock Holmes and the cunningness is on a very high level.

He can think in a special thinking process that is not yet discovered in this world.

Well it was Vicky’s own creation called the conditional thinking that did not exist at all……..

Chapter 243: observe and follow

He can think in a special thinking process that is not yet discovered in this world.

Well it was Vicky’s own creation called the conditional thinking that did not exist at all.

This means that James Moriarty acts and uses the boundaries, rules, regulations and other restrictions as the conditions for winning and losing to change the situations.

There are always a certain set of conditions for winning or losing or any situation.

As long as those conditions are achieved then you can control the outcome at the tip of your fingers.

That is the game between the Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty.

They are fighting on who would get their hands on most conditions and control them.


Vicky has his thoughts lined up and entered the fantasy world of Sherlock Holmes.


Fantasy world: Sherlock Holmes

Current location: London


Vicky was currently in a hotel room and the payment for staying will be over in an hour.

Vicky has already made his choice to side with Sherlock Holmes.

But not to confront him right away.

Instead he went to take a look at the house of Sherlock Holmes 211 B BAKER STREET N.W.

Vicky stood at a blind spot to take a look first and then he returned back to the hotel to extend the stay.

Vicky heard the gun fire sounds when he was observing Sherlock Holmes’s house.

Right now Sherlock Holmes is in a situation where his mind wants to run away if he did not get a case.

In the evening 8:30 the Royale, Doctor Watson is going to take Holmes to meet the woman he is seeing.

Vicky came here to have a dinner and observe the situation about Holmes and the new family of Doctor Watson.

Well Sherlock Holmes is in a high speed analysis mode while Doctor Watson and his to be have not arrived yet.

Sherlock Holmes looked at Vicky that was sitting to his right side table facing Sherlock.

Vicky was currently enjoying the food with an expression ecstasy.

Looking at the face of Sherlock, Vicky smiled and showed him a glass of wine as a form of greeting from where he is sitting.

Sherlock wanted to deduce the identity of Vicky but his thought process was disrupted by the sudden appearance of Doctor Watson and his to be woman.

Doctor Watson introduced Miss Mary Morstan his to be woman to Sherlock.

Vicky has extraordinary senses so he was able to hear what Sherlock Holmes and others are talking there.

Well then the meeting is as disastrous as it can be with Sherlock Holmes splashed with the wine.


Vicky did not make a move nor did anything else.

He only followed Sherlock to the underground boxing ring.

Vicky has to say Sherlock Holmes has the technique and deduction skill that synchronizes perfectly with each other.

Vicky saw a woman wearing red dress which is Irene Adler.

Vicky made a bet on Sherlock Holmes before to earn some change to let him live at the hotel room peacefully.

Vicky did not follow Irene and did not have any interest in her.

The reason is very simple.

She is Sherlock’s woman and Vicky is not interested in other people’s woman.

Vicky wants to save her from the killing plan of Moriarty.

As soon as Sherlock left this place, Vicky moved close to the one that take the bets and collected his money.

Well it is a good amount of money that can let Vicky stay in the hotel room for a long time.

Vicky noticed that there are other players here that have mixed in with the locals.

They did not dare to make a move.

This is because if they miss then their entire fortune would be taken as penalty for Sherlock’s deduction of the identity of the player.

Vicky is taking his time to choose a right moment to appear in front of Sherlock Holmes.

Well Vicky has already simulated and chose the right moment but he has to be patient till that time.

It is time for the final wish of lord black wood and it was to speak with Sherlock Holmes for one last time.

Vicky is not idle during this time.

Other than observing Sherlock Holmes Vicky has been keeping an eye on Watson and Miss Mary.

He went around the city of London to get used to the topography of this place for the future plans.

Well he already has the map and information of the entire plot area of the movie.

But having a firsthand experience is much better than having the information memory.

There is a crowd protesting the death sentence of lord black wood.

Vicky was also there but as a spectator rather than the one protesting.

Vicky did not hide from Sherlock Holmes this time.

But all these times Sherlock did not have time to think about Vicky just like now.

When Vicky is free Vicky went to the treasury of England and stole everything there.

These include the crown of the queen of England.

Well it might have become a big event if they found out that Vicky stole these things.

But Vicky simply replaced them with fakes so that the plot is not affected.

Vicky doesn’t want to be chased by Sherlock Holmes right now.

The doomsday level difficulty will let Sherlock Holmes use his full power without holding back.

Irene Adler came to chat with Sherlock Holmes.

This time Vicky followed her when she is leaving.

Sherlock appeared right when Irene Adler got on a carriage.

Vicky was nearby looking at the scene when Sherlock Holmes was acting scared looking at the gun in the hand of the mysterious man.

Vicky did not follow Irene Adler now and followed Sherlock Holmes back to his home.

Vicky is going to make his appearance in front of Sherlock Holmes.

Vicky took a deep breath and entered the house and called for the house lady so that she can notify………….

Chapter 244: Meeting Sherlock Holmes

Vicky is going to make his appearance in front of Sherlock Holmes.

Vicky took a deep breath and entered the house and called for the house lady so that she can notify Sherlock Holmes.

When Vicky is following Irene, Sherlock is also following her.

He noticed Vicky already so he was already expecting a visit from Vicky.

As soon as Mrs. Hudson informed Sherlock Holmes and Watson they immediately called in Vicky.

Well even now Vicky took this opportunity so that the situation is still in a hurry.

Soon a cop would arrive and they need to go to the graveyard to see that lord black wood has come back from the grave.

This way Vicky can cut some looses in penalties as Sherlock will be distracted because of the sudden situation.

As soon as the plan is set Vicky appeared in the room he appeared in a black and white British nobleman dress with a hat and a walking stick with a silver handle.

“Good morning gentle men”

Vicky said as soon as he appeared in the room in front of Sherlock Holmes and Watson.

As soon as Vicky appeared in front of them Sherlock started to deduce Vicky from the minor details while Doctor Watson took the chance to greet Vicky.

Mrs. Hudson went to bring some refreshments for them.

“Mister Sherlock Holmes, I don’t want you to deduce my origins.

It would defeat my purpose of visiting you and it will cause some major losses to me.

So stop deducing me.

Any way you seems to have some doubts that you want to ask me.

If I can answer them I will answer them.

If I cannot then I cannot.

Hope you understand my situation.

It is not that I don’t want to tell you instead I can’t tell you about some things unless you have fulfilled some restrictions……..”

Vicky said this and stayed silent.

Right when Vicky entered the room Vicky has this notification saying that

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

By the time Vicky stopped Sherlock Holmes from deducing Vicky, Vicky has already lost over 100 thousand chaos points as penalty.

Sherlock looked at Vicky and asked the first question which is as usual the name.

“My name is Vikram and you can call me Vicky…”

Vicky said and Sherlock was dazed again.

Immediately Vicky had a notification

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1000 chaos points”

Vicky sighed and called Sherlock Holmes again.

“Mister Holmes, I told you to not to deduce me right.

Stop your deduction and ask me about your questions quickly…”

The favorability from Sherlock Holmes is only 2 points and from Watson is 5 points.

Vicky was really distressed and trusted his simulation results to get Sherlock Holmes.

“Why are you following us and Irene…?”

Sherlock Holmes asked without any expression on his face.

“Well it is to help you Mister Holmes.

I do want to elaborate but I cannot because of some restrictions.

I want your trust before revealing any of that information to you Mister Holmes…….”

Sherlock Holmes did not ask but deduced.

“He still asking for trust,

This means that he has a way to see or perceive how much we trust him…”

Vicky got another penalty notification from the system.

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 thousand chaos points”

Vicky widened his eyes and spoke immediately.

“Mister Holmes stops your deduction.

It will cause me a good amount of loss you know.

First trust me and I will tell you everything.

I can only tell to the one that trusts me…”

Before Vicky finished speaking to Sherlock Holmes he got another notification.

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -100 thousand chaos points”

But this is not a bad thing because the trust of Sherlock Holmes has increased to 25 points rapidly but stopped there.

On the other hand Doctor Watson has his trust dropped by 1 more point.

He cannot deduce like Holmes did and did not show any trust in Vicky.

Since Vicky is asking for trust he became doubtful instead.

But right then the cop arrived to inform them about lord black wood.

Vicky sighed and asked if he could follow along.

Their meeting was interrupted any way.

Well the funny way of talking between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are made Vicky laugh.

Also Vicky added the words that Sherlock Holmes should speak to Doctor Watson increasing the trust of Sherlock Holmes and reducing the trust of Doctor Watson again.

Doctor Watson looked at Vicky with little resentment and Sherlock Holmes looked at Vicky with appreciation.

Soon they moved to graveyard to see the situation of the grave of lord black wood.

While explaining the situation inspector Lestrade looked at Vicky with an observing expression.

Vicky has this strange charm that can give normal characters a sense of familiarity.

Well it did not seem to work on resistive characters like Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

Vicky did not show much changed on the way but only said that there are certain things that they don’t know of in science.

Also having no pulse doesn’t mean that a person is dead.

Instead of following the western sciences there are few practices in Asia that can stop the pulse of a person for some time and then start it again…

Vicky only hinted some things and he got another notification.

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -100 thousand chaos points”

“Fuck you, Sherlock Holmes.

I asked you politely not to deduce this nonsense and trust me first.

Why not do that and deduce me instead.

Do you know how much did I just lost because of your deduction….”

Chapter 245: lost another 9 million chaos points

“Fuck you, Sherlock Holmes.

I asked you politely not to deduce this nonsense and trust me first.

Why not do that and deduce me instead.

Do you know how much did I just lost because of your deduction….”

Vicky directly scolded Sherlock Holmes…

Doctor Watson on the side is actually amused because of this.

Sherlock Holmes did not reduce his favorability towards Vicky instead it increased to 35 points.

On the other hand Doctor Watson’s favorability increased to 10 points.

There are 2 reasons for this.

First, Vicky mentioned a clue that he suddenly remembered.

He heard of these things when he worked as a military doctor.

So the chance of resurrection might not be true instead it should be some sort of trick that made lord black look like dead without pulse.

Second, Vicky scolded Sherlock for his deduction about Vicky’s words.


They checked the corpse to know the time of death.

The pen of Lestrade was used to check the teeth of the dead body.

Vicky only stood there watching the scene without saying anything this time.

If he were to speak and subconsciously released a small clue then Vicky would lose more than what he already lost.

So he was silent throughout the entire process.


After that they went to a busy street where Doctor Watson spoke about his war time incident.

There is an Indian man who predicted his own death including time, place and even the number of bullets.

Doctor Watson thought that it is supernatural but Vicky did not accept this because the predictions are based on Indian astrology.

Vicky them spoke,

“Mister Watson I cannot accept your statement.

The predictions are based on Indian astrology and it is not a supernatural thing.

Indian astrology is pure science with designated constants, rules and regulations.

Well in a way it is the largest calculative method that is constructed on time.

What are the constant things in human life that cannot be changed?

Time of birth and the time of death

What at the constants that we use to calculate the time on earth.

It is the sun, the moon and the star locations.

Well the one thing those scientists mastered in India is this time calculation which is very accurate to the point of a hundredth of a second.

Well none of the Europeans or Americans or others knows about the concept of daylight savings till 1895 by George Hudson.

But the correction is already included in Indian time calculations………

Then they took the constants in a human life like nature, marriage, children, job……..

These things are divided into 12 categories with 9 nature changes as constant.

Then the time of birth is divided into 27 stars which are further divided into 4 parts each.

Then they made a survey of people and recorded all the important incidents.

These incidents were separated based on preset constants to find the combinations.

Finally a big system of future predictions is formed that can predict many thing with high accuracy.

Unfortunately only 170+ poems of combinations and original calculations are all that left after many years of war.

Most of it was destroyed by people that done even know how to read or write…sigh…”

Vicky talked and talked for 5 minutes forgetting that he is in front of Sherlock Holmes.

Vicky really liked to study this strange calculation of time.

His heart of a researcher has awakened when he is speaking about one of his favorite research topics.

So he accidentally said more than he should say.

The resultant is…

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -1 million chaos points”



Sherlock Holmes, please stop deducing.

If you want I will tell you everything including other information as long as you trust me enough.

You don’t have to deduce all of this….

Please stop the deduction and come back to the topic………”

Vicky was really distressed.

If it is a battle he can do many things.

But in a situation like this he cannot do anything.

He certainly cannot knock Sherlock Holmes down just because he is deducing something.

His brain is the most valuable thing for Vicky.

Well not for collection but for usage.

So Vicky has to deal with the things as sensitively as possible.

Only when Vicky lost around 9 million chaos points did Sherlock Holmes stopped his deduction.

Even though it seems like an insignificant number Vicky was still distressed because every penny counts in this world.

Right now he is only at tier 1 or ring 1.

The higher he climbs the higher would be the costs of doing and maintaining things.

So Vicky can only move slowly and take one step at a time.

Well he trusts Kazuki and his girls in this matter of earning more chaos points for him in a short span of time.

For that Vicky has already given around 12 billion chaos points for them to use freely.

Well soon the quarrel ended and Vicky looked a little down this amused both Sherlock and especially doctor Watson.

Finally they arrived with the two letters M.H.

“Maddison and Haig”

Vicky spoke subconsciously and pointed towards a store.

With that the plot continued as usual.

Vicky gave a little more money to doctor Watson saying that this is his wedding gift for him and Mary.

Well Watson wanted to leave after buying the ring for Mary but he soon felt like he doesn’t want to leave Sherlock Holmes with Vicky.

So he moved and followed behind Vicky and Sherlock that is trying to open the lock with lock picking tools.

Well they almost succeeded when Doctor Watson kicked the door open.

They found some things quickly and the three arsonists appeared right around that moment.

Well they are three men on………….

Chapter 246: black wood was terrorized by Vicky

They found some things quickly and the three arsonists appeared right around that moment.

Well they are three men on both sides and the fight is inevitable.

Vicky reduced the burden on Doctor Watson by sharing one of the small guys.

Well he can fight with the big guy, but he doesn’t want to steal the thunder of Sherlock and give him more time to analyze the things.

It is definitely not to take revenge on Sherlock Holmes for deducing and making Vicky loose over 10 million chaos points…

“Cough…cough….definitely not…”

Quickly the fight moved on.

Vicky took care of his opponent quickly and found the ring that doctor Watson accidentally dropped.

Also the electric weapon was taken by Sherlock Holmes and its charging mechanism was collected by Vicky.

The fight moved on to a chase as Sherlock landed on his face under the witness of Vicky.

In a way Vicky’s irritated mind cooled down after looking at the situation.

Vicky did not follow Sherlock Holmes instead he came to Doctor Watson that is searching for the ring.

He gave the ring to Doctor Watson which increased his favorability directly to 30 points immediately.

Well this ring is important to him and finding it has cooled off his mind.

Right when the big guy and Sherlock are fighting and trying to launch the half build ship, Vicky and Doctor Watson appeared in this place.

Doctor Watson took out a gun to control the situation.

Unfortunately the situation is already out of control.

With their collective efforts they have successfully launched and sunk the unfinished ship.

Instead of Doctor Watson it was Vicky that pulled Vicky down from the big chain pulling the pulley along with the sinking ship.

Well Vicky did not stay there instead moved quickly from here to hide and escaped from this dock area.

Vicky knows that Sherlock and Doctor Watson will be captured by the cops for what they did.

So Vicky slipped away.

While leaving Vicky took the ring from Doctor Watson so that those cops or thugs would not confiscate it and steal it.

But after saving Sherlock Holmes the trust he had on Vicky has increased to 45 points.

This is same for Doctor Watson.

In their next visit Vicky can ask them the question of trust.

On the next day they are in jail and Vicky was standing outside waiting for them to be bailed out.

First it was Mary that came to take Doctor Watson out.

When Doctor Watson came out Vicky appeared in front of him and handed him his ring that he bought as a proposal ring for Mary.

Their mood eased up a little while the favorability of Doctor Watson has reached 60 points in green.

Vicky did not delay the question of trust and asked directly.

Immediately Doctor Watson has the blue screen in front of him with the question of trust.

He thought that he is he was hallucinating.

Vicky gave him the warning and convinced Doctor Watson with his words.

Without Sherlock Holmes by the side the intelligence of Doctor Watson is just above average.

Watson still acted with his intelligence and said.

“If Sherlock accepts it then I will accept it by default.”

He knows that in this kind of thing making Sherlock Holmes accept the matter is far harder than convincing.

Mary on the side looked confused but looking at the ring that Vicky bought has eased her mood.

Vicky just nodded for the words of Doctor Watson and let them leave.

At that time Lestrade appeared and moved into the prison.

Vicky knows that Sherlock Holmes would come out soon.

There are some fake organizations and magicians here that Vicky hates.

The mother of lord black wood should be a good woman but was pulled into the game of beliefs of the temple of the four orders.

In the name of rituals she was impregnated by Sir Thomas Rotheram.

Later because of their moronic practices she died giving birth to lord black wood.

This nonsense continued along with the growth of lord black wood and none of them tried to stop the atrocities of lord black wood.

Vicky doesn’t like these people.

Well most of these people’s practices are either chemical experiments or biological experiments.

But it will not smoke without a fire.

So he has already made a decision to clear out this group and collect their treasures.

Even though they are a group of fools, Vicky was sure that they at least have one thing that has true value or origin related to magic.

That is the target of Vicky.

Well whatever Vicky wanted to do have to be completed on that very day.

Tomorrow he has other things to do

Timing is very important in this kind of matters.

Throughout the entire time today Vicky has the duty of careful observation and making quick decisions from the shadows.

Well on the next day in the grand hotel Sherlock appeared naked and was caught by cops again.

In the morning next day Sherlock was taken to check the situation on dead body of Sir Thomas Rotheram.

That evening Vicky was hiding in the secret meeting spot of the order.

Vicky’s target is to kill all these people here first and then move on with his plan.

Vicky doesn’t have to worry any more about disruption the plan.

Vicky has already gained the amount of trust that he needed from Sherlock.

That night after one of them was set on fire,

They went to drink the antidote Vicky appeared right at that time.

Using the soft movements Vicky directly hit them into incapacitated state.

Then Vicky slowly interrogated them through the night to find if he missed anything.

The black wood that created terror is currently being terrorized by Vicky.

Vicky only stopped when the mentality of all these people were broken down to the point of no return.

Vicky got all the information from them that he wanted from them………

Chapter 247: changed plot

Vicky only stopped when the mentality of all these people were broken down to the point of no return.

Vicky got all the information from them that he wanted from them.

Then in the morning next day Vicky returned back to the house of Sherlock Holmes before he returned from the grand hotel.

Doctor Watson was already here to pack his things and move on to his house.

Vicky and Doctor Watson were talking about some things about the situation of Sherlock Holmes in the past two days.

Soon after some time Sherlock Holmes arrived back here.

Vicky did not say anything for a little while looking at Sherlock Holmes.

Then he directly asked Sherlock Holmes if he trust him or not.

Doctor Watson was also looking at Sherlock Holmes in order to know what the final result of this matter is.

Sherlock Holmes thought for a moment and Vicky received few notifications immediately

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 million chaos points”

“Penalty for revealing about the real world to plot line characters -10 million chaos points”

Vicky has a head ache again and this time lost his sanity a little.

So he went to slap Sherlock Holmes.

“Sherlock Holmes, I said that stop deducing me and trust me.

After you trust me you can deduce all you want.

Trust me first….”

Finally Sherlock Holmes has the blue screen in front of him that shocked even him.

Reading the question on the blue screen Sherlock thought about Vicky again.

Vicky quickly gave out the warning.

During this time Vicky lost another 10 million leading to the total loss of 50 million chaos points in total.

Finally Sherlock Holmes clicked yes and stopped the losses of Vicky.

As soon as Sherlock accepted the question of trust Doctor Watson accepted by default.

Vicky slumped back on the seat and sighed.

Then he spoke to Sherlock Holmes about what happened and why he came here.

After saying that Vicky lost over 50 million chaos points concerted into the current world currency it was around 500 million pounds,

Both Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson took a deep breath.

After knows that Vicky put his life on the line just to get them has made them realized the gravity of the situation.

Well if the chaos points touched zero then the penalty will be deducted on Vicky’s stats, life and other things.

Indirectly if this continued on like that then Vicky would lose his life.

Finally Vicky explained to them about the real world.

The Vicky said about the real culprit behind lord black wood.

Finally after that the cops brought the corpse of the person that fought with Watson.

Since things are cleared Vicky got the chance to look at the deduction skills of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

Doctor no longer needed to go away from here as they will leave with him to the real world after they took care of Moriarty.

The reason why Vicky wanted to go along is because Irene is actually being tied here by the previous plans of black wood.

Even though he is not in a situation right now, but Moriarty has already made the arrangements.

So Vicky has to take Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to save Irene.

They did not need to use much force as Vicky used his gun to shoot down chains holding Irene.

Irene hugged Sherlock Holmes for saving her even though it was done by Vicky.

Then Doctor Watson wanted to take a look at lord black wood that ran away.

Well it is the body double of lord black wood that was arranged by Moriarty.

Vicky knows that there are bombs here and it was a trap set up for Doctor Watson.

So Vicky ran behind Doctor Watson quickly and pulled him before he trip the wire.

Then Vicky immediately called Holmes to leave as these bombs can be set off without being tripped as they are timed.

So Vicky with his monstrous strength pulled the three people towards the water to hide.

All of this only took less than a minute.

As soon as they hid in the water the bombs set off completely messing up the area.

After the bombs was done destroying the place.

Vicky took the people out of this place and put some make up on these people as if they have just been blasted by the bombs.

Sherlock Holmes immediately understood why Vicky is doing this and later Lestrade appeared saving the people.

Vicky used his trickery to fake the incident just like that in the main plot.

Later Vicky asked the question of trust to Irene.

After being used a bait and almost died she changed her thoughts on working for Moriarty.

Vicky knows the next plot and as usual she is going to leave here by train.

But she will be caught by Moriarty.

But Vicky cannot be sure if he is the one that came in person or used another person to do his dirty work.

So before identifying him Vicky would not act.

Irene acted as if she was fearful and follows along with the plan.

But there is a big head ache for Moriarty because Vicky has cleared all the people related to black wood.

They were already admitted to the hospital and were diagnosed that they cannot be recovered for the life time by the chief doctor.

With that there is no more plot left in this story.

Well his target is not black wood or other but the wireless signaling machine that is new to the current era.

Originally he is only in the cooperative relationship with them with black wood’s group and supports them from the shadows.

Blackwood did not give out the information about the completion of the cyanide gas machine.

So Moriarty double crossed them taking the new route to steal……..

Chapter 248: Vicky’s change of plans for Moriarty

Blackwood did not give out the information about the completion of the cyanide gas machine.

So Moriarty double crossed them taking the new route to steal the device.

Unfortunately for them Vicky appeared here and created even a bigger mess.

Till now Moriarty did not find the cause of sudden mess that appeared.

He is investigating.

But that did not stop him from planning to get the signaling charge from that machine.

His target of killing the people in the parliament would definitely disrupted by Sherlock Holmes.

So he directly moved towards plan-B.

Also he did not suspect Irene Adler as she was also caught up in the explosion and is now in the state of fear after meeting him at the railway station.

Vicky is the anomaly that is acting as the dark curtain for the group of Sherlock Holmes.

The big machine was already moved the sewers under the parliament since the black wood and his group are in no condition to continue.

Since it is like that he has decided to get the charge in secret when Sherlock Holmes was distracted in ruffians that were hired by black wood before.

Those ruffians don’t know that black wood is in half dead in the hospital.

So they are following the previous orders of black wood before his current unfortunate situation caused by Vicky.

They don’t know that Moriarty is one the men behind the scenes.

Also he cannot appear in front of these people or order them.

So he has decided to follow the original plan of Blackwood using a body double and some of his trustees.

This way Moriarty can get his hands on the wireless signaling device and if his plan succeeded the people in the parliament would become his dogs.

This is double benefit for him.

With that the plot once again returned back to the order.

Vicky was only observing the things without putting his fingers in it.

The best time to catch Moriarty is when he tries to kill Irene.

But before that Vicky has to take the help of Sherlock Holmes to pull Irene into his group.

Well not as a lover.

She already had Sherlock in her heart.

Also Mary is needed to be convinced to come to reality along with them.

It did not take long after Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson understood the situation.

So they first found Mary to speak about the question of trust.

This time her trust is on Watson but not on Vicky.

It is just like balalaika and her men or two lovers like Imhotep and Anck-su-namun.

With Watson here things were much easier and she was shocked to see Vicky taking things out of thin air.

Even Sherlock Holmes was shocked and he started to analyze thing but fortunately he has already trusted Vicky.

If not Vicky would have lost billions of chaos points quickly.


Vicky did not warn Irene or anything as having her in the dark is important.

She did not say anything about Vicky either as she can understand that Vicky is saving her love Sherlock Holmes.

So she faked it.

On the train she met with Moriarty but maybe it was not him but his butler.

Whatever the case it might be things progressed in the same way as that of in the plot.

This time when Sherlock Holmes chased after Irene that took the case with poisonous gas, Watson is fighting those ruffians, Vicky is hiding.

Vicky has already taken care of a few ruffians and let Watson call the cops.

The biggest difference is that inspector Lestrade did not get a chance to punch Sherlock Holmes in his stomach.

Vicky observed that the one that came to steal the signaling device is not Moriarty instead it is his butler.

Vicky was disappointed and left there without doing much.

Even if Vicky went to deal with Moriarty’s butler he would not get anything.

Moriarty is intelligent person.

It is fortunate that other players did not approach any of the plot line characters.

If they did then Vicky’s secret would have been exposed.

Well the player would die of penalty before he can reveal much anyway.

Not every player is as rich as Vicky.


With that the first part came to an end with the body double of Blackwood dying here by accident and the real black wood was already killed by Moriarty.

Vicky did not care about that.

The important thing here is to first pull Irene into his group and let her act till Moriarty appears.

The system did not ask Vicky or other players as the story progressed to the second plot directly.

The time is also shortened.

Doctor Watson and Mary wanted to marry before leaving this place in the presence of all the people they know.

Vicky knows that the system is pulling the plot to come together this way and he don’t mind that.

Then the bombing incident happened as the second plot begins and Vicky silently followed.

Moriarty started to play attention to Vicky after some investigation related to black wood incident and Sherlock Holmes.

It is said that after Doctor Watson left Sherlock Holmes got a new person to share the room with.

This is Vicky.

Vicky also appeared two or three times in some investigations done by Sherlock Holmes.

This made him vary of Vicky just in case.

Fortunately there are no surveillance devices or other bugs in this world technology.

Vicky met with Irene along with Sherlock Holmes to speak with her and made her choose the question of trust towards Sherlock Holmes.

He has already given her antidote for cyanide poisoning before she went to meet with Moriarty.

Vicky disguised as a waiter and sneaked into the place too.

When everyone left Vicky and Sherlock were there waiting in secret for Moriarty to reveal himself without many guards around.

Killing Moriarty would end this fantasy world and Vicky can leave with the people he acquired after……...

Chapter 249: out of the fantasy world with Sherlock Holmes

When everyone left Vicky and Sherlock were there waiting in secret for Moriarty to reveal himself without many guards around.

Killing Moriarty would end this fantasy world and Vicky can leave with the people he acquired after the question of trust.

So Vicky wants to move quickly.

Even though he cannot fight them in wits he still has the strength and other stats to back him up.

When absolute strength is applied no amount of strategies can stop it.

For the safety of Irene even thought she took the antidote first Vicky did not let her consume the poisoned tea.

Right at that time there is another helper of Moriarty left in the dining room.

Sherlock Holmes went to get him.

Irene also stood up without drinking tea and moved out of her place walking towards the side of the room in order to let them fight.

Vicky appeared in front of Moriarty and their fight started.

Vicky has to say Moriarty can really fight like a pro with his extra ordinary predicting capabilities.

But he is facing Vicky that would not use the methods in the ordinary way.

When they are fighting Vicky threw a punch and Moriarty tilted his head to escape the punch from Vicky.

But at that moment a sword appeared on Vicky’s hand and directly beheaded Moriarty right at the point of neck that was exposed from his tilted head.

Even though it looked ordinary and nothing special Vicky has planned this for a long time and discussed it with Sherlock Holmes.

The head of James Moriarty fell on the ground and the system gave message to Vicky and all the players that the fantasy world would end in another 10 minutes.

Vicky did not bother with Sherlock’s brother Mycroft.

Even if Vicky wanted and Sherlock tried to convince him, Mycroft would not leave this world as he is used to it.


Soon after that things went in a normal way.

They appeared in the bridged space.

System calculated the things quickly.

All the healings are done and Doctor Watson’s war wounds were gone…

Vicky chooses the free stat points and free skill points this time and he got a good amount of them.

There are not many rewards because this world is special and his free stat points and free skill points are the highest.

Even though he got Sherlock Holmes Vicky did not receive any special reward.

Only some discount for bringing the big think tank people out of this world.

The reason is very simple Sherlock Holmes himself is the biggest cheat that a player can get.

Because of that everything tilted to the other direction and rewards are gone.

Even with the discount bringing all of these people costed over a billion chaos points for Vicky.

With the things here solved Vicky arranged things for the new people in the ark island.


Benny’s girlfriend Jane looked at Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson with stars in her eyes.

She is a fan of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson and she want a special autograph from their inside her holes with their big dicks.

Vicky doesn’t care about them instead he disguised and went to get some supplies for the people in his ark island.

He is going to go out to hunt again.

He has decided to move on to the next ring by the end of this month.

He has already collected enough.

The mythical grade and high grade monsters gave out spirit beads.

The subordinates that Vicky brought from the fantasy world did not need to fill up their genetic essence of various grades.

Each of them has varying capacities for genetic essence.

As long as it is filled then they are got to go and evolve to tier 2.

Similarly based on the grade their system assessed them they can integrate with the spirit of various grades in the spirit beads.

For example Sherlock Holmes can take on the spirit of a legendary grade spirit and integrate it with himself.


Vicky has many spirit beads after hunting and he has distributed them to everyone based on their assessed results.

Vicky has added the free stat points that he got to his stats filling them up close to 200 stat points in each of the stats.

His next target is on a ruins island and the target is a mythical grade horned serpent.

Vicky found that this ruins island has special formula related to forging that he is looking for.

Well the information about the things present is given to him through simulation, while the location if the ruins island was given by Veena.

During this time Vicky did not meet with the green haired queen and the busty babe secretary of the queen.

But they are paying attention to Vicky and found that his growth is abnormal.

So they used their power to suppress this information from leaking out.

They really are looking forward for Vicky to grow stronger.

They don’t want to become the toys in the hands of some young master or their fathers.

Vicky was much better than them in their eyes.

They have been observing Vicky for some time and did not find a single abnormality which is an abnormality in itself.

That is right any normal person that comes into this kind of world would show abnormal changes of becoming extreme or at least some hardships and hard fucks.

But Vicky did not show any of that and instead he looked far more peaceful than some veteran players.

Rumors have it that Vicky is an excellent hunter cook and even has his hands in alchemy or pill refining.

But nothing was revealed about his strength or other strong points.

Not even about his deeds in the fantasy world.

Vicky never spoke or discussed about the fantasy world he entered or what he did in the fantasy world.

Vicky never revealed that he has an ark or anything.

Vicky never revealed any……….

Chapter 250: panicked countries

Vicky never spoke or discussed about the fantasy world he entered or what he did in the fantasy world.

Vicky never revealed that he has an ark or anything.

Vicky never revealed any person or subordinate that he brought out of the fantasy world.

The only link is that Vicky signed to get a servant that is as ugly as hell on the beginner’s island and even that person did not appear till now.

So everything about Vicky is a complete mystery as if it was all shrouded in a strange fog.

Well that is what happening with them while Vicky did not pay attention to them.

On the other hand candy is trying to find Vicky all over the world.

But she did not even get to see a trace of him.

The reason for this is the hiding capabilities of Vicky.

That is right he put on a special mask to hide his appearance before.

From the Sherlock Holmes world Vicky received another good thing that is improvement in hero title level after he killed Moriarty.

Killing Moriarty has indirectly stopped and delayed the world war that should happen in that country.

Because Vicky did not participate in anything that helped in the growth of the civilization or he did not participate along with any military or fighting party that has conquering ambition, Vicky did not receive much of military merit points or civilian merit points.

But stopping or delaying or reducing the intensity of the world war has given him chance to save many people.

This has given him enough points to improve his hero title more.


Vicky really wanted to enter the Sherlock series to get the modern Sherlock and Enola.

But the estimated budget form his simulations is over 10 billion chaos points as penalty.

Not only Sherlock but there is also his siblings that would eat away Vicky’s chaos points.

So Vicky has to reconsider on what to do or.

Earn more before spending more.

These are his current thoughts.

Because of this Vicky has decided to stop the idea of entering the fantasy world of Sherlock for the time being.

In the mean time he would simulate more and see if he can reduce the amount of chaos points required.


In the mean time Vicky is going to go through the next fantasy world for the month.

Based on his planning his next fantasy world is Jormungand.

It should be around at the end of the month.

Before entering that fantasy world Vicky wanted to complete the collection of genetic essence.

Then he would complete the fantasy world to gain extra free stat points and skill points.

With them in place he can complete his 200 stat point goal successfully without including the stats raised through the genetic essence.

His current charm is very high for that world any way.

Today Vicky called in Katherine, Evelyn and Rose out of the ark to have a good night and relieve his stress.

All three of them are busty with at least D cups and they are very sensitive to his massage and touch.

Vicky played with them for half of the night and finally slept.

Katherine is sleeping on his left wrapped around his left arm Evelyn is sleeping on his right wrapped around his right arm.

Finally Rose is sleeping on the top of him holding his bead between her tits.

Vicky is sleeping in heaven even though it is a little suffocating in there.

On the next day Vicky arranged things for the next voyage and set sail on that very day to the ruins island.

The people of the big countries are already in panic because of the disappearance of many resource islands in the past month.

Vicky has looted them all.

Even with the modern technology they cannot do much in the water of ring one that would not accept much of modern technology on the boats.

Even if they bring in the higher tier boat their technology would become useless here.

They can only be used before crossing the safe islands.

The ship was fast and it will take a day to arrive at the location of the ruins island.

There are things here that Vicky wanted to collect.

Today Vicky changed and brought in Saeko, Yukio, and Rika to have fun in the night.

The scene of these three girls playing rock paper scissor to get to sleep on the top of him has made him happy.

He hugged them all tightly after playing with them and slept peacefully.

Soon the ruins island came into picture but there are other ships nearby.

This ship is standing at a long distance and is actually guarding this ruins island.

Vicky knows that the island that hosts mythical grade chaos monsters hold strong benefits that can make a country crazy.

So they seem to be guarding them from other people stealing.

Previously people would not steal the islands that host strong chaos monster and when they got close to a safe island of a country they would fight and get benefits.

But now someone is actually stealing the benefits and no one has notified a big loss of their countries power.

This made them anxious as they assumed that a strong power has emerged or someone has found a loop hole to kill the strong chaos beasts or someone has created a strong weapon that can kill high grade chaos monsters.

This made all the countries strictly cover the islands that host high grade chaos monsters.

Vicky immediately took his ship away and swam to the island.

The other ship might not have noticed Vicky because Vicky is spying on them with the help of Tian Meng dream worm.

He can swim this small distance easily without much problem.

Also ring one did not house strong under water creatures like kraken or Megalodon.

So he quickly swam over to the ruins island from the blind spot of the scouting…….


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